Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 2016

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舞蹈 x 影像無極限

Explore the Unlimited Possibilities of Dance on Screen!


Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 2016


百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 登臺 Muse Bar, Hotel Stage

節目手冊 Programme Guide www.jumpingframes.com Jumping Frames 跳格國際舞蹈影像節

場地伙伴 Venue Partner

指定酒店 Official Hotel

媒體伙伴 Media Partners

支持機構 Supporting Organisation

協辦機構 In Association with

城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)

城市當代舞蹈團是香港首個全職專業現代舞團,於1979 年由曹誠淵創立,以體現香港當代文化及推動當代舞蹈發 展為宗旨。三十七年來,舞團保留了超過二百齣本土編舞 家的完整舞碼,也經常與其他媒介藝術家合作,展現多元 化的香港文化特色。每年演出逾六十多場,參與人數超過 五萬人次。

自1980年以來,舞團開展頻密的國際文化交流活動,先後 代表香港在美洲、歐洲、澳洲及亞洲共三十多個主要城市 進行了二百三十九場海外演出,備受國際藝壇重視。此外, 舞團亦致力推廣舞蹈影像,由2004年起舉辦跳格國際舞 蹈影像節,在亞洲促進舞蹈與影像兩種獨立媒體之間的 溝通和對話,開發舞蹈影像的藝術視野。


For 36 years under the leadership of Founder and Artistic Director Willy Tsao, City Contemporary Dance Company has inspired and excited audiences – not only in Hong Kong but also around the world – performing superb contemporary dance pieces. Founded in 1979, CCDC has presented more than 200 original works to critical acclaim, including productions by Tsao and other leading choreographers. CCDC has also presented innovative collaborations with outstanding artists from other media and with artists from around the world. CCDC is renowned for reflecting the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s vibrant, multifaceted contemporary culture, presenting dance works to an audience of more than 50,000 people annually. It has represented Hong Kong, receiving 239 overseas invitations to perform on some of the world’s foremost dance stages and at festivals in over 30 major cities. CCDC is also dedicated to promoting dance video by organising Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival since 2004. The Festival has showcased outstanding dance videos from around the globe and brought Hong Kong artists and projects to various international dance and video festivals.

Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 跳格於2004年由城市當代舞蹈團主辦,現已成為亞洲規 模最大、水平最高的舞蹈影像盛會,並積極在中國及亞洲 地區建立一個交流平台,透過委約製作、比賽、工作坊、影 展及座談,促進導演及舞蹈家之間的合作。跳格以香港為 基地,並將委約創作巡迴至世界各地,逐漸成為極具規模 的地區性舞蹈影像展。2014年跳格分別獲頒發香港藝術 發展獎「藝術推廣獎」及香港舞蹈聯盟舞蹈年獎,以表揚 其對推廣舞蹈的貢獻。

節目策劃 Curator

黃國威 Raymond WONG

節目及宣傳統籌 Programme and Marketing Co-ordinator

黃沛傑 Danny WONG

陳靜文 Christine CHAN 曾逸林 Yilin ZENG

電話 Tel

宣傳設計 Publicity Designer

徐羨曾 TSUI Sin-tsang @Shammer Creative Studio

宣傳片製作 Trailer Director

英文編輯 English Editor

實習生 Intern

張菁 Gigi CHANG

城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company

字幕翻譯 Subtitle Translation

文字及編輯 Copywriter and Editor

陳依婷 Jaye CHAN

Presented by City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) in 2004, Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival is the only festival of its kind in Asia, featuring commissioned works, competition, and a selection of acclaimed international productions. It has served to promote dance video in China and in Asia, as well as to provide a platform for artists and audience alike to share the perspectives and explore the unlimited possibilities of the art form through talks and workshops. The Festival brings the excitement of dance video worldwide through screenings, and enhances cultural exchange through the invitation of renowned dance video artists to the Festival, made possible by the support of various national and international partners. The contribution of Jumping Frames was recognised by the receipt of the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards Arts Promotion Awards and Hong Kong Dance Alliance Dance Awards in 2014.

朱小豐 CHU Siu-fung

李妍蓓 Violet LI 彭嘉蔚 Kelly PANG 黃愷翹 Hosanna WONG

傳真 Fax

2329 7803 2351 4199

地址 Address 香港九龍新蒲崗大有街26至28號11樓

電郵 Email

網址 Website

11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong info@ccdc.com.hk www.ccdc.com.hk

跳格網頁 Jumping Frames Website:




Message from the Curator

我很高興為各位介紹今屆「跳格」的節目。這個為期兩週的影像節 早期以推動香港本地的舞蹈影像發展為主,隨著舞蹈影像日漸被重 視,近年焦點已擴展至亞洲,期望以香港為基地,匯聚亞洲的創作 人探索屬於自己地域的美學風格,並藉此鼓勵各地藝術家及文化的 交流對話,故此委約製作及競賽是每年「跳格」的主要部分。

I am excited to present to you this year’s Jumping Frames. Our two-week festival started as an initiative to encourage the development of dance video in Hong Kong. With increasing attention on the genre in recent years, we expand our focus beyond Hong Kong to Asia, bringing together creatives in Asia to establish an aesthetic reflecting regional perspectives and encouraging dialogue between artists and cultures through commissioning and competition.

去年七月,十九位亞洲藝術家來港出席由CCDC與西九文化區合 辦的「新作論壇 — 光影舞蹈」,進行舞蹈影像的深度探索,其後 「跳格」隨即委約當中幾位於今年發表全新創作,包括廣州二高的 《這是一個雞場》及台北彭筱茵的《膠著人生》。此外,我們的老拍 檔黎宇文聯合CCDC舞者龐智筠與意大利奧柏斯芭蕾舞團舞者的 《城市祭 II — 當下》,相信是今屆最令人注目的新作。

In July 2015, 19 Asian artists participated in a two-week workshop on screendance co-presented by CCDC and West Kowloon Cultural District for an indepth exploration of the genre. Jumping Frames is pleased to invite some of them to develop their ideas further into complete works, and these include Er Gao’s This is a Chicken Coop (Guangzhou) and Hsiao-yin Peng’s Recycle Project (Taipei). We are also very excited by the impressive new work The Rite of City II – Present, a collaboration between director Maurice Lai, CCDC dancer Noel Pong and dancers 「跳格」競賽首次開辦學生組,反應非常熱烈,水平較過往更突出。 from Opus Ballet Italy. 入圍的放映節目從超過二百個參賽作品中挑選,而觀眾並可參與 We received an enthusiastic response for our Competition, receiving more than 「觀眾之選」,投選喜愛的作品以示支持。 200 works entries, including the newly established Student Section. We encourage you to to vote for your favourite work from our finalist showcase programmes to 今年節目中紀錄片佔相當比例,我特別以兩齣刻劃香港舞蹈家的紀 select your “Audience Choice”. 錄片作為開幕電影,包括黎宇文的《男生.故事》及德國導演邁克爾. 莫里斯森走訪CCDC創辦人及藝術總監曹誠淵的《曹誠淵:中國現 Documentary is prominent in this year’s programming, with two new documentaries opening this year’s Festival: Maurice Lai’s Boy Story and Michael Maurissens’ 代舞視野》,向香港舞人致敬。此外,我亦特別挑選過往較少觸及的 Willy Tsao - A Vision for Modern Dance in China to pay tribute to the continual 舞蹈演出轉播,將難得一現的大型精彩舞碼以影像重現,包括黎海 efforts of Hong Kong’s dance impresario. Dance performance relays, which plays 寧為CCDC編創的《孤寂》、亞歷山大.埃克曼為挪威國家芭蕾舞 a major role in the dissemination of dance in our digital age, are also highlighted 團編創的《天鵝湖》,以及莎夏.瓦茲「編舞式的歌劇」代表作《狄 in this year’s line-up. If you missed these three spectacular productions, here is 多與埃涅阿斯》,除了讓向隅者不再錯失機會外,亦是數碼年代普及 your second chance to catch Helen Lai’s Soledad for CCDC, Alexander Ekman’s A Swan Lake for the Norwegian National Ballet and Sasha Waltz’s choreographic 舞蹈的最佳途徑。 opera Dido & Aeneas. 在此特別鳴謝歌德學院提供莎夏.瓦茲的影片及各合作伙伴的支持。 I would like to express my gratitude to Goethe Institute for providing Sasha Waltz's 期望在影院與你見面﹗ films to the festival, as well as all partners for the generous support. Looking forward to seeing you at the screenings! 黃國威 Raymond Wong 2

開幕電影:香港舞故全紀錄 Opening Film: Documenting Hong Kong Dance Stories

兩齣紀錄片拍下現代舞的真人真事真性情,向香港舞蹈致敬。 A tribute to Hong Kong contemporary dance through two documentaries featuring the stories and lives of dance legends.

4/8 (四 Thu) I 7:40 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque * 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion

男生‧故事 Boy Story


World Premiere

香港 HK | 2016 | 35' | 粵語/華語/英語/日語 Cantonese/Mandarin/English/Japanese | 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 黎宇文 Maurice LAI

「人生有幾多個十年?」 當廿年都來了,一個個舞蹈小鮮肉小王子變成了皇叔爸爸老闆老師。與其懷絢過去,不如行動更實際…… 伍宇烈Yuri 1996年所編的《男生》可算是香港舞蹈界的傳奇。香港三大舞團:CCDC、香港芭蕾舞團及香港舞蹈團,以及台灣雲門二團都 曾經製作或有舞者參與演出。它遠征日本及法國,拿了巴尼奧萊國際編舞競賽大獎。首演十八年後Yuri的一次召喚,各元老歸隊歸位。本來 指導別人的工作卻喚醒了男生的熱血,意猶未盡欲罷不能,十九週年親身上陣來一次紀念演出……獎項與巡演不能代表此舞作的成就,它 其實是一班馬來西亞華僑舞者的奮鬥史,是香港舞蹈的半邊歷史。 香港曾經是這班大男孩實現夢想的地方,《男生》是他們的交叉點。香港還有夢嗎? Twenty years flew by in a blink. One by one teenagers become uncles, fathers, bosses, teachers. But it’s more practical to do something than to reminisce. Choreographed by Yuri Ng in 1996, Boy Story is a legendary work from Hong Kong. The city’s three major companies – CCDC, Hong Kong Ballet and Hong Kong Dance Company – as well as Taiwan’s Cloud Gate 2 have either staged the piece or their dancers have performed in it. It toured to Japan and France and won the Prix d’Auteur at the 6th Rencontres Choreographiques Internationale de Seine-St-Denis, Bagnolet. Ng brought together all the original dancers eighteen years after the premiere and couldn’t resist treading the boards once more. Boy Story is more than the accolades it received and the places it visited. It is the story of struggles of Malaysian Chinese dancers. It is the other half of Hong Kong’s dance history. Hong Kong was where the boys’ dreams came true. Boy Story was their paths intersected. Can Hong Kong still hold dreams? 由跳格國際舞蹈影像節資助製作 The film is made possible by the financial support from Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival




Willy Tsao, a Vision for Modern Dance in China

World Premiere

德國 DE | 2016 | 34' | 英語 English | 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 邁克爾‧莫里斯森 Michael MAURISSENS

曹誠淵在中國舞蹈界聲名顯赫,既是編舞、舞蹈週及中國三大舞團的藝術領導,為中國的現代舞發展不斷付出,而德國導演邁克爾.莫里 斯森在過去的三個月跟著他四處奔走,在北京、廣州到香港的千里路途上與這位「舞蹈教父」訪談,了解他對發展舞蹈及培育藝術家發展 方面的真知灼見。 German director Michael Maurissens spent three months in the company of Willy Tsao, choreographer and festival and company director, capturing his incessant efforts in the development of contemporary dance in China. The film documents his artistic activities in Beijing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong and his work with his dance companies, showing how this one man created multiple platforms to promote dance and artist’s development. 由跳格國際舞蹈影像節資助製作 The film is made possible by the financial support from Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival



Hong Kong Premiere

5/8 (五 Fri) I 9:30 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 7/8 (日 Sun) I 5:30 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque * 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion

©Heymann Brothers Films

Mr. Gaga


以色列 IL | 2015 | 100' | 英語/希伯來語 English/Hebrew | 中文及部分英文字幕 Chinese & partially English subtitles 導演 Director: 湯瑪‧希文 Tomer HEYMANN 編舞 Choreographer: 奧漢‧納哈林 Ohad NAHARIN

「Gaga」令你聯想到的會是美國流行女歌手「女神卡卡」?還是享譽國際的以色列大師級編舞納哈林所創的動作訓練技巧?追訪以色列 第二大城市特拉維夫的巴西瓦舞團及納哈林達八年,由舞團日常運作、排練、演出到從未曝光的珍藏片段,導演湯瑪.希文為觀眾揭開舞 團的層層面紗,解構當代舞蹈界男神卡卡的秘密。 Ohad Naharin, artistic director of the Batsheva Dance Company, is regarded as one of the most important choreographers in the world. Meeting him at a critical turning point in his personal life, this spirited and insightful documentary introduces you to a man with great artistic integrity and an extraordinary vision. Filmed over a period of eight years, director Tomer Heymann mixes intimate rehearsal footage with an extensive unseen archive and breathtaking dance sequences. This story of an artistic genius who redefines the language of contemporary dance is guaranteed to leave you skipping.



Our Last Tango


Hong Kong Premiere

4/8 (四 Thu) I 9:40 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 8/8 (一 Mon) I 9:40 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

阿根廷/德國 AR/DE | 2015 | 85' | 西班牙語 Spanish | 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 爵門.卡爾 German KRAL 編舞 Choreographers: 瑪利亞尼維斯.雷戈 / 胡卡洛斯.蓋斯 Maria Nieves REGO / Juan Carlos COPES

• 2015年多倫多國際影展中大受好評的探戈電影 Toronto International Film Festival 2015 Official Selection • 阿根廷知名作曲家以及吉他手路易斯.博達譜寫配樂 Soundtrack by famous Argentine composer and guitarist Luis Borda • 邀請擁有30年歷史的出色探戈管弦樂團Sexteto Mayor伴奏,德國籍的優秀吉他手傑洛.褒曼前來助陣 Music by the 30-year-old tango orchestra Sexteto Mayor, featuring German guitarist Gerald Baumann 如果男女之間天生就是一場戰爭,就讓探戈成為一分勝負的戰場。 阿根廷探戈舞蹈史上最為人所津津樂道的一對璧人:Maria及Juan,識於微時,共歷人生、共舞接近五十年,譜出段段愛恨狂想。由二人訴 說與對方的點滴,以節奏明快的探戈在布宜諾斯艾利斯上演最愛、最痛、最難忘的每個片段。男女角力,到底鹿死誰手? The love of Argentina’s famous tango dancers María Nieves Rego and Juan Carlos Copes. They met as teenagers and they danced together for nearly half a century until a painful separation tore them apart. In Our Last Tango, young tango dancers and choreographers from Buenos Aires transform the most beautiful, moving and dramatic moments of Juan and Maria’s lives into incredible tango-choreographies. These beautifully-shot sequences together with soul-searching interviews and documentary footage make this an unforgettable journey into the heart of the tango. 6


A Swan Lake

亞洲首映 Asia Premiere

6/8 (六 Sat) I 9:50 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 13/8 (六 Sat) I 7:35 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

挪威 NO | 2014 | 98' | 英語 English | 中文字幕 Chinese subtitles 導演 Director: 傑夫‧都鐸 Jeff TUDOR 編舞 Choreographer: 亞歷山大‧埃克曼 Alexander EKMAN

2016 IMZ舞蹈影像節最佳現場演出轉播及鏡頭重製獎 Winner of IMZ Dance Screen 2016 Award for Best Live Performance Relay and Camera Re-work 編舞新人王亞歷山大.埃克曼擁有七分才子氣,2014年獲挪威國家芭蕾舞團委約製作他的首個長篇作品《天鵝湖》,將戲劇、舞蹈劇場及 歌劇元素共冶一爐,告訴你這個芭蕾經典在1877年首演時如何被評為一文不值,然後舞者在灌注五千噸水與一千隻膠鴨的「天鵝湖」上, 上演一幕令人難忘的黑白對決,成為當地藝壇焦點。 Choreographer Alexander Ekman was commissioned by the Norwegian National Ballet to create a witty, inventive take on the most famous ballet of all. It is a blend of stage play, dance theatre and opera, telling the story of the very first – and disastrous – production of Swan Lake in 1877. With 5,000 tons of water, 1,000 rubber ducks, the swans are given a twenty-first century makeover in neoprene costumes. 7


* 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion

©Ablaze Image 光在影像

The Walkers

6/8 (六 Sat) I 7:00 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 13/8 (六 Sat) I 9:40 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

台灣 TW | 2015 | 148' | 國語 Mandarin 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 陳芯宜 Singing CHEN 編舞 Choreographer: 林麗珍 LIN Lee-chen

第22屆台灣國際女性影展 - 特獎 The 22nd Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan — Special Prize 第51屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片入圍 The 51st Golden Horse Awards — Best Documentary Nominee 第9屆台灣國際紀錄片影展 - 觀眾票選獎 The 9th Taiwan International Documentary Festival — Audience Choice Award 導演陳芯宜自2004年起紀錄無垢舞蹈劇場及其藝術總監林麗珍長達十年,透過這位被譽為「台灣舞蹈界編舞奇才」的當代重要編舞家的 日常,提煉出關於舞蹈那最初的原點。無論是生活中的動與靜、常民廟宇間的觀察、舞台下竭盡力氣的排練、舞台上如儀式般的演出,體現 的不僅只是舞蹈的美學本身,更是對天地生命更深沈的哲思。透過在自然荒野中的舞蹈影像,《行者》像是一章章詩篇,以同樣十年磨一劍 的詩意影像,展現林麗珍與無垢沈緩美學的細膩對話,是為台灣舞蹈發展脈絡與本土藝術家生命映照之間,所展現的高度與深度,獻上致 敬。一幕幕強烈對照著台灣現下對於土地與人之間,情感的快速流失,也共同思考人類存在的目的與生命的意義。 Filmed for over 10 years, this epic documentary presents the story of renowned Taiwanese choreographer, hailed as "a genius choreographer in Taiwan's dance scene" and named among the eight most significant choreographers in the world by ARTE in Europe, Lin Lee-chen and her Legend Lin Dance Theatre. Extracting the essential details of Lin’s daily life, the film explores the origins of her dance, contemplates the poetic and ritualistic movem ents she creates, and delineates her lifetime pursuit of aesthetic concerns. Following Miroirs de Vie and Hymne aux Fleurs qui Passent, long-awaited Song of Pensive Beholding was the result of nine-year germination completing Lin's threepart tribute to Heaven, Earth, and Man. Lin's original vocabulary of movement and its unique meditative quality brings the audience closer to earth's inner spirit. This documentary is not merely about the aesthetics of dance; it is more about the philosophical contemplation on life. 8


Choreographer in Focus

莎夏‧瓦茲 Sasha Waltz

支持機構 Supporting Organisation

今屆跳格特別推介歐洲最具代表性的編舞莎夏.瓦茲(莎莎.華爾斯) 的兩部影片。她的舞作在形式上的創新、題材的深度及令人讚嘆的美學 風格,令她為近年當舞先駒。莎夏.瓦茲將於今年十月來港演出大型舞劇 《松風》,在大師來臨前觀眾不妨率先領略到她的風采。 Jumping Frames presents two films about Sasha Waltz, Europe’s pioneering contemporary dance choreographer. Her choreography is known for the innovation of form, the in-depth exploration of content and a breathtaking aesthetic. This is a unique chance to get a glimpse of her choreography before her Matsukaze on stage in Hong Kong this October.

本系列為新視野藝術節節目莎莎‧華爾斯與客人《松風》之特備節目 This series is a supporting programme of Matsukaze by Sasha Waltz and Guests in the New Vision Arts Festival

莎夏‧瓦茲的自畫像 Sasha Waltz – A Portrait


Hong Kong Premiere

7/8 (日 Sun) I 2:00 p.m. 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

德國 DE | 2014 | 60' | 德語/法語/英語 German/French/English | 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 碧姬‧克萊默 Brigitte KRAMER 編舞 Choreographer: 莎夏‧瓦茲 Sasha WALTZ

碧姬.克萊默近十年來一直拍攝莎夏.瓦茲享譽國際的主要作品,包括她在德國柏林著名的邵賓納劇院演出的《肉體三步曲》,並聚焦於她 結合當代歌劇及編舞的最新創作手法,讓觀眾深入了解這位被譽為繼翩娜.包殊後,最具代表性的德國女性編舞家的藝術見解及其致力融 入電影、戲劇、舞蹈、繪畫及音樂於創作的熱情。 The film portrait by Brigitte Kramer draws a line from 2005 until today – the most important years of Sasha Waltz’s international career. Kramer filmed Waltz’s major choreography such as Körper-trilogy at Berlin’s renowned Theatre Schaubuehne, and focuses on her most recent approach to creativity including opera and new choreography. This documentary let us peer into her artistic work and passion, creating a dialogue between film, theatre, dance, painting and music.



Dido & Aeneas


13/8 (六 Sat) I 5:40 p.m. 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

Hong Kong Premiere

德國 DE | 2005 | 98' | 英語 English | 中文字幕 Chinese subtitles 導演 Director: 彼德‧紹恩霍夫 Peter SCHÖNHOFER 編舞 Choreographer: 莎夏‧瓦茲 Sasha WALTZ

2005年,莎夏.瓦茲於德國柏林首演以亨利.普賽爾於1689年創作的歌劇《狄多與埃涅阿斯》,首幕在舞台上呈現的水底舞給觀眾帶來極 大的震撼,令她在國際舞壇上聲名大噪,更自此開啟了她以「編舞式的歌劇」作為後來藝術探索的方向。該歌劇取材於維吉爾的史詩《埃 涅阿斯紀》,演繹了北非女王狄多和特洛伊英雄埃涅阿斯的愛情悲劇。此歌劇對西方歌劇史意義深遠,被世人傳頌。 A stunning underwater ballet scene opens this experimental production of Henry Purcell’s 1689 opera. Based on a story from Virgil’s Aeneid, the opera tells the tale of star-crossed lovers Dido the queen of Carthage, and Aeneas the Trojan refugee. Aeneas is shipwrecked on Dido’s shore and the two fall in love. But Aeneas must leave to find Rome, leaving the heartbroken Dido. In Dido & Aeneas, Sasha Waltz opens up new horizons in music theatre, creating a fusion of dance, singing and music – the choreographic opera. 10




World Premiere

8/8 (一 Mon) I 7:50 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

香港 HK | 2015 | 108' | 粵語/英語 Cantonese/English 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 黎宇文 Maurice LAI 編舞 Choreographer: 黎海寧 Helen LAI

奪得2016年香港舞蹈聯盟舞蹈年獎三大獎項:傑出編舞、製作及群舞演出 Winner of 2016 Hong Kong Dance Awards: Outstanding Choreography, Production and Ensemble Performance 大型長篇舞蹈劇場《孤寂》由城市當代舞蹈團(CCDC)主辦及製作,去年於12月假葵青劇院演藝廳上演,由香港舞壇大師黎海寧編舞及 導演,彼得小話 (Peter Suart) 作曲及設計佈景,並飾演劇中一角。用舞蹈演繹人間愛慾和權力鬥爭的因果,以獨特的場景和音樂風格營造 個人與群體之間揮之不去的寂寞和空虛。 門票全數售罄,一票難求!飲恨錯失了的觀眾,機會來了! 黎海寧為CCDC創團成員,於1985至1989年為CCDC的藝術總監,1991至2011年期間擔任CCDC駐團編舞。其作品充滿音樂性和戲劇 性,往往震撼人心,獲得國際稱譽。她以諾貝爾文學獎得主馬奎斯名著《百年孤寂》為靈感,將「時間」成為探索的重要課題,並呈現書裡 比較重要及深刻的場面,彷彿與同樣有百年歷史的香港遙遠呼應。舞者時而飾演書中角色,並進出不同的段落,與由彼得小話飾演、串連 整部鉅著的角色吉卜賽智者麥魁迪 (Melquíades),訴說靈魂深處的孤寂。 Full length dance theatre Soledad is presented by City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) in December 2015 at Auditorium, Kwai Ching Theatre. The production is directed and choreographed by veteran我dancemaker Helen Lai with Peter Suart as composer and set designer. He also performs a theatrical role. All performances were sold out! Do NOT miss the chance again this time! Helen Lai was a founding member of CCDC, and was the Artistic Director of the company from 1985 to 1989 and Resident Choreographer from 1991 to 2011. Lai's works are cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary. Her works are received internationally, striking audiences with her unique choreographic style. Soledad, solitude in Spanish, is a dance theatre inspired by the Nobel literature prize winner Gabriel García Márquez's novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. It is the first collaboration between local choreographer Helen Lai and the Hong Kong and UK artist Peter Suart. In Soledad, Lai explores the theme of time through representation of momentous scenes in the novel, echoing the transient historical timeframes of Hong Kong. The production is narrated by Peter Suart in the role of the Gypsy Melquíades, in collaboration with CCDC dancers, diving into the world with perpetual solitudes. 11


12/8 (五 Fri) I 8:00 p.m.* 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

Parallel worlds: Science and Art

科學和藝術就像兩個風馬牛不相及的平行世界,但科學家與藝術家時刻都在實驗,把想像變為現實,影響世界。跳格邀請香港大學理學院 講師、電台及網台科普節目主持陳志宏博士,在他的導引下將視野帶到全球最大的實驗室,並透過舞蹈影片《絕對》揭開尋找「上帝粒子」 之旅。 Science and art seems to be two unrelated parallel worlds, but both scientists and artists endeavor to influence the world through experimentation, putting imagination into reality. Jumping Frames invites Dr. Chan Chi-wang, Lecturer, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong; radio and web programme host, guide you to the world's largest laboratory, and start the journey in search of the God Particle through dance film Symmetry. * 導引講座以粵語進行,不設現場傳譯。 Introductory lecture to be conduct in Cantonese without simultaneous interpretation.




Hong Kong Premiere

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 29' | 英語 English | 中文字幕 Chinese subtitles 導演 Director: 胡賓‧凡利亞 Ruben van LEER 編舞 Choreographer: 盧卡斯‧添慕勒 Lukas TIMULAK

阿姆斯特丹獨立導演胡賓與編舞盧卡斯一心窺探宇宙、物理、舞蹈的美學實驗。取景於瑞士日內瓦歐 洲核子研究中心的大型強子對撞機,融合戲劇、科技與舞蹈的跨界電影,講述現代物理學家在搜索最 小的「上帝粒子」時,始發現愛無盡頭的秘密。 Bringing together opera, dance and science, Symmetry is a cross-disciplinary film capturing a modern and interrelated journey into the unknown. It is filmed inside the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, the largest experimental particle physics facility in the world. With the cathedral-like majesty of the Large Hadron Collider as the theatre, a modern physicist searches for the smallest primordial particle and discovers love without end…


同場加映 Additional Screening

Symmetry Unravelled

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 24' | 英語 English | 中文字幕 Chinese subtitles 導演 Director: 茱麗葉‧史提芬斯 Juliette STEVENS

以幕後角度重新審視《絕對》的電影創作,帶領觀眾遊走全球最大型機器 ─ 大型強子對撞機的內 部,仔細檢視科學與舞蹈的可能性,共同探討人類未知卻又迷戀的微觀世界。 Symmetry Unravelled is a documentary short about the collision of art and science in the world’s largest machine: the particle accelerator at CERN. Accompanying the dance-opera film Symmetry, a common curiosity at the crux of man’s fascination with the unknown is revealed. 12

協辦機構 In Collaboration with

業界節目 Industry Programme

每年跳格都有來自世界各地的舞蹈影像創作人參與,同時本地藝術家亦藉此聚首一 堂。今年特別增設「業界節目」,主辦工作坊、講座及會議,歡迎業界人士參加。報 名請電郵 info@ccdc.com.hk Every year Jumping Frames welcomes screendance creators from all over the world to share their insights and exchange ideas, and offers a meeting place for local artists. This year we pioneer the "Industry Programme" to present workshops, talks and meetings for both dance and film sectors. Please email info@ccdc.com.hk

工作坊 Workshop

4/8 (四 Thu) I 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. I 登臺會議廳 2 Function Room 2, Hotel Stage


Dance Documentary Film Making – The Challenge of Documenting the Collaborative Dance Process

當今的編舞過程比以往任何時候都更複雜,由於當代藝術的創作很多時基於集體研 習和交流,以及涉及不同領域和實踐的參與,或在媒體藝術,科學,建築,理論等方面 的創作探索等,都使得舞蹈紀錄片的製作非常具挑戰性。專注於當代舞蹈創作方法 呈現的舞蹈紀錄片導演邁克爾.莫里斯森,將分享他的相關經驗,見解、建議和做法。 The choreographic process is now more elaborate than ever. Many contemporary creations are based on collective research and exchange, involving different fields and practices as wide ranging as media arts, science, architecture and theory. This often makes dance film documentary very challenging. Documentary dance film director Michael Maurissens offers his experiences, concerns, proposals and practices at this workshop, sharing his interest in capturing the approaches and processes of contemporary dance creation. 費用 Fee:

港幣100元(包括茶點) HK$100 (Including coffee and snacks)

支持機構 Supporting Organisation

專家講座 Expert Talk

講者 Speaker:

邁克爾.莫里斯森 Michael Maurissens 莫里斯森是獨立電影製作人、舞蹈和媒體藝術 家。他成立的舞蹈共同體「邁克爾道格拉斯共同 體」打破德國舞蹈圈由編舞主導舞團的傳統,為 當代藝術創作和交流提供一個創新的空間。 Independent filmmaker, dance and media artist and co-director of the Michael Douglas Kollektiv, a unique dance collective that breaks from the standard form of choreographer-led groups within the German dance scene and offers an innovative space for exchange and contemporary creation.

5/8 (五 Fri) I 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. I 登臺會議廳 2 Function Room 2, Hotel Stage

講者 Speaker:

馬汀娜.德克爾 Martine Dekker 荷蘭辛丹斯舞蹈電影節總監 Director of Cinedans Festival, Netherlands

荷蘭辛丹斯舞蹈電影節是國際主要舞蹈影像節之一,近年其與國營電視台合作的舞蹈影像項目「Point Taken」,對舞蹈影像發展具相當影響 力。跳格邀得辛丹斯的總監馬汀娜.德克爾來港介紹舞蹈影像節的運作模式,並分享她對舞蹈影像的未來看法。 Cinedans Dance on Screen Festival is one of the major screendance festivals in the world. Its collaborative initiative with Dutch National TV Channel "Point Taken" commissions dance videos productions and plays a prominent role in screendance development internationally. Jumping Frames welcomes Cinedans Director Martine Dekker to introduce the festival and its mode of operation of the festival, sharing her insights on the future of screendance.

免費入場 Free admission


工作坊 Workshop

6/8 (六 Sat) I 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. I 登臺會議廳 2 Function Room 2, Hotel Stage


Dance Documentary Film Practice – Planning, Financing and Execution

希文於2003年聯同他的兄弟湯瑪.希文加入以色列獨立電影公司 「希文兄弟」,致力於有關以色列/猶太文化的社會紀錄片製作。期 間導演和監製多齣獲獎紀錄電影和電視系列,包括2016柏林影展 視窗觀眾票選獎的《現在誰要來愛我?》、美國德克薩斯州奧斯汀 SXSW電影節的《男神卡卡》、《跨過乾谷》和《孤寂撒瑪利亞》。

講者 Speaker:

巴拉克.希文 Barak Heymann

Barak Heymann joined his Brother Tomer Heymann in Heymann Brothers Films, an independent Israeli company dedicated to the release of documentaries on the social aspect of the Israeli/Jewish culture in 2003 and has since directed and produced several award-winning documentary films and series, including Who's Gonna Love Me Now? (Panorama Audience Award, Berlinale 2016), Mr. Gaga (SXSW Film Festival, Austin, USA), Bridge over the Wadi and Lone Samaritan.

費用 Fee:

港幣200元(包括午餐及茶點) HK$200 (Including lunch, coffee and snacks) 支持機構 Supporting Organisation

映後座談會 Post-screening Discussion

跳格很榮幸邀得多部作品之主要創作人出席座談會,歡迎觀眾參與。詳情請參閱節目表。 Come meet the creative minds behind the films at Jumping Frames. Stay for our post-screening discussions. Please refer to the programme schedule for details. 主辦機構保留修訂出席嘉賓之權利,如有更改恕不另行通知。 Presenter reserves the rights to change artists without further notice.

現場‧城市祭 The Rite of City Live

7/8 (日 Sun) I 3:20 p.m. I 百老匯電影中心大堂 Foyer, Broadway Cinematheque

在《城市祭 II — 當下》首映前,編舞龐智筠、香港舞者莫嫣與意大利奧柏斯芭蕾舞團舞者 加布里埃萊.費爾尼希將電影延伸至現場,在大提琴家黃嘉輝的現場演奏下讓觀眾感受 作品由戲裡到戲外的氣氛。 Noel Pong, choreographer of The Rite of City II – Present, performs live at the foyer of Broadway Cinematheque with Hong Kong dancer Jennifer Mok and Italian dancer Gabriele Vernich from the Opus Ballet with live cello performance of David Wong. Feel the film before its premiere! 14


Screening Information

節目表 Screening Schedule

百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 九龍油麻地眾坊街三號駿發花園(港鐵油麻地站C出口) Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon (MTR Yau Ma Tei Station – Exit C) 日期 Date




時間 Time


香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道十號(港鐵尖沙咀站E出口) 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station – Exit E)

節目 Programme

日期 Date

時間 Time

節目 Programme

開幕電影 Opening Films



絕對 Symmetry

男生.故事 Boy Story

本地一手播:跳格委約作品選2016 Local Focus: Jumping Frames Screendance Commissions 2016

曹誠淵:中國現代舞視野 Willy Tsao, a Vision for Modern Dance in China


最後探戈 Our Last Tango


舞林短打(一)Dance Shorts I


男神卡卡 Mr. Gaga


荷蘭舞影錄 — 辛丹斯舞蹈影像節精選 Dutch Screendance: Selection of Cinedance Dance on Screen Festival


跳格競賽單元入圍公開組作品選(一) Jumping Frames Competition Finalist Showcase (Open Section 1)


行者 The Walkers


天鵝湖 A Swan Lake


莎夏.瓦茲的自畫像 Sasha Waltz - The Portrait

男生.故事 Boy Story 膠著人生Recycle Project 14/8(日Sun) 7:40p.m.

這是一個雞場 This is a Chicken Coop 城市祭 II - 當下 Rite of City II - Present 跳格競賽結果公佈 Jumping Frames Competition Result Announcement * 設映後座談 With post-screening discussion

登臺 Muse Bar Muse Bar, Hotel Stage 九龍佐敦志和街一號(港鐵佐敦站B2出口) 1 Chi Wo St, Jordan (MTR Jordan Station - Exit B2)

舞林短打(二)Dance Shorts II 3:20p.m.*

同場加演環境舞蹈 Opening with site-specific dance performance


男神卡卡 Mr. Gaga


跳格競賽單元入圍公開組作品選(二) Jumping Frames Competition Finalist Showcase (Open Section 2)


孤寂 Soledad


最後探戈 Our Last Tango


狄多與埃涅阿斯 Dido & Aeneas



13/8(六Sat) 7:35p.m. 9:40p.m.

曹誠淵:中國現代舞視野 Willy Tsao, a Vision for Modern Dance in China

日期 Date

時間 Time

節目 Programme



跳格競賽單元入圍學生組作品選 Jumping Frames Competition Finalist Showcase (Student Section)

* 設映後座談 With post-screening discussion 注意事項 Special Notes: 本宣傳資料出版時,所有節目尚未獲通訊事務管理局電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處評 列等級,如有影片被列為三級者,主辦單位將於放映場地及跳格網站公佈有關級別及 票務安排。主辦單位保留更改節目及放映的影片、時間及地點之權利。

天鵝湖 A Swan Lake 行者 The Walkers

The categories of all the films in the programme have not yet rated by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration of the Communications Authority at the time of this brochure published. If any film classified as Category III, notice of the category and ticketing arrangement will be announced at the screening venues and on the Jumping Frames website. Presenter reserves the right to change the programmes, time and venue.

* 設映後座談 With post-screening discussion



Ticketing Information 票價 Ticket Prices (1)

HK$85 / $65 # (適用於百老匯電影中心放映之節目 For programmes at Broadway Cinematheque) HK$65 / $50 # (適用於香港太空館上映之節目 For programmes at Hong Kong Space Museum) 全日制學生(2)及小童、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、綜合社會保障援助受惠人(3) Full time students(2) and children, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and accompanying minder, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients(3)

# #

八折優惠 20% Discounts (首兩張門票 First two tickets) 百老匯bcinephile會員(百老匯電影中心場次之節目)及「舞蹈靈」持卡人 Broadway bcinephile members (for programmes at Broadway Cinematheque) and holders of CCDC Dance Inspirations Card

門票現於城市售票網(於香港太空館上映之節目)、百老匯電影中心票房、自動售票機、訂票熱線2388 3188及網站 www.cinema.com.hk(於百老匯電影中心上映之節目)公開發售。 Tickets NOW available at URBTIX (for programmes at Hong Kong Space Museum), the ticketing kiosk at Broadway Cinematheque, auto-ticketing machine and ticketing hotline of Broadway Circuit, or at www.cinema.com.hk (for programmes at Broadway Cinematheque).

網上購票 Online Booking www.urbtix.hk

百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque (4) 電話購票 Phone Ticketing 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing www.cinema.com.hk

流動購票應用程式 My URBTIX(Android及iPhone/iPad版)購票 Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) Booking


城市售票網 URBTIX (4) 信用卡電話訂票 Credit Card Telephone Booking 2111 5999

Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone:

星期一至五每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays) 網上購票、信用卡電話購票及流動購票應用程式每張手續費HK$8。 Handling fee for online, credit card telephone booking and ticketing App is $8 per ticket.

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries

2329 7803 / info@ccdc.com.hk

售票條款 Terms & Conditions (1) 所有已出售的門票均不能退款,亦不能更換其他放映之場次。 (2) 凡購買百老匯電影中心場次之學生票,須於票房劃位前及入場前出示有效的全日制學生證。香港太空館場次之學生票持有人,須於入場前出示有效的全日制學生證。 (3) 凡購買百老匯電影中心場次之高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人優惠票,須於票房劃位前及入場前出示有效證明文件。香港太空館場次之高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受 惠人優惠票持有人,須於入場前出示有效證明文件。 (4) 所有門票均受百老匯院線及城市售票網的銷售條款所約束-請參閱www.cinema.com.hk及www.urbtix.hk網頁上之告示 (1) All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. (2) Students must present valid full time student ID card before purchase of tickets and admission to the house at Broadway Cinematheque. For programmes at Hong Kong Space Museum, student ticket holders must present proof before admission. (3) Senior citizens, people with disabilities and CSSA recipients must present proof before purchase of tickets and admission to the house at Broadway Cinematheque. For programmes at Hong Kong Space Museum, the ticket holders must present proof before admission. (4) All tickets are subject to the Purchase Policy of Broadway Circuit and URBTIX - Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at www.cinema.com.hk and www.urbtix.hk


荷蘭舞影錄— 辛丹斯舞蹈影像節精選 Dutch Dance Film Programme by Cinedans Dance on Screen Festival Selection

荷蘭辛丹斯舞蹈電影節是國際主要舞蹈影像節之一,對當地 的舞蹈影像發展具相當影響力。跳格邀得辛丹斯的總監馬汀 娜.德克爾策劃荷蘭導演專題,並映後座談會分享她的心得。 Cinedans Dance on Screen Festival is a leading screendance festivals in the world. It also plays a major role in Holland’s screendance development. Cinedans Director Martine Dekker curates a special programme of Dutch dance films for Jumping Frames and shares her insight on screendance with Hong Kong audience.

6/8 (六 Sat) I 4:00 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

* 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion

協辦機構 In Collaboration with


My Brother's Room

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 4' 導演 Director: 凱迪‧維塔納爾 / 以斯帖‧珍瑪 Heidi VIERTHALER / Esther JANMAAT 編舞 Choreographer: 凱迪‧維塔納爾 Heidi VIERTHALER

在一個特別為酒店中編創的舞蹈作品中,來一場當舞蹈遇上設計的約會。 Dance meets design in this intriguing encounter between Heidi Vierthaler’s dance initiative Hato Project and Hotel Droog in Amsterdam.



荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 5' 導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 米路斯卡‧波克馬 Miloushka BOKMA



An intimate situation gradually transforms into an oppressive, almost ritualised situation.


荷蘭 NL | 2013 | 1' 導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 尼古拉‧赫普 Nicola HEPP

當老翁看著自己的身軀一天天老去…… An elderly man is confronted with his aging body.



Hang On - Carry On

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 1' 導演 Director: 米希爾‧梵浩 Michiel VAANHOLD 編舞 Choreographer: 艾力‧卡爾 ErikKAIEL

尋找知己才是正經事。 Finding your soulmate is all that matters.


荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 17' 導演 Director: 馬里努斯‧戈度夫 / 登尼亞‧約契爾 Marinus GROOTHOF / Dunja JOCIC 編舞 Choreographer: 登尼亞‧約契奇 Dunja JOCIC

男孩第一次面臨死神的呼喚。 A boy is confronted by mortality for the first time.



荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 10' 導演 Director: 哈利‧維貝 Harrie VERBEEK 編舞 Choreographer: 伊蓮娜‧科斯蒂爾 Jelena KOSTIĆ

當一女子尋找能力源頭時才發現原來過了三個年代。 Three eras pass as a woman searches for the source of her power.

萬法歸一 We Are One

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 4' 導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 魯賓‧范霍文 Ruben VERHOEVEN

「在 東 張 西 望 的 表 層自我 之下,潛 藏 著另一 個 更 加 真 實 的自己。」 ~ 艾倫.瓦特 “Underneath the superficial self, which pays attention to this and that, there is another self more really us than I.” (Alan Watts)



Etiquette of Emotion 荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 2' 導演 Director: 瑪莉‧迪莊 Marie de JONG

當你展示美麗照片背後的陰暗面而破壞別人想看的,他們會設法讓你汗顏。 Showing your dark side disrupts the pretty picture people want to see, so they devise ways to shame you.



荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 11' | 英語 English 導演 Director: 索尼婭‧維斯 Sonja WYSS 編舞 Choreographer: 西西莉亞‧莫伊西奧 Cecilia MOISIO

一對分別活在幻想與現實的母女開展一場權力關係, 背後原來隱藏著情意結。 Ella’s lives in the real world but her daughter Nora lives in a fantasy world. A tale of power relations and the underlying emotions of a mother–daughter relationship.


Dancin' the Camera

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 9' 導演 Director: 彼得任‧迪關 Pieter RIMDEKROON 編舞 Choreographer: 瑪莉珠‧聶 Marije NIE

一位踢踏舞者進入黑白攝影機內機械世界的冒險旅程。以20年代製造 風靡一時的35毫米菲林攝影機拍攝,但就用代表著時尚及個性的攝影 機之眼看世界,並與琴師聯手將舞者帶進一段充滿氣氛的雙人舞。 A tap dancer’s adventure in the mechanical world of black and white film. Shot on an original 35mm camera made in the 1920s, the era when tap was all the rage. As well as being the eye into this world, the camera is décor and character – the camera and a pianist attempt to entice the dancer into a duet.



Dance Shorts I

四齣滿載想像,超越年齡、地域及時空界限的短片。 Four shorts that stretch your imagination by transcending the boundary beyond age, location, time and space.

5/8 (五 Fri) I 7:35 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

* 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion



The Golds

亞洲首映 Asia Premiere

Songs of the Underworld

澳洲 AU | 2015 | 34' | 英語 English | 中文字幕 Chinese subtitles 導演 Director: 蘇‧希利 Sue HEALEY

荷蘭 NL | 2016 | 6' 導演/編舞 Director/choreographer: 尼古拉‧赫普 Nicola HEPP

誰說跳舞只是年輕人的專利?這群六十過外的銀髮菁英用行動說 明舞蹈無界限。澳洲舞蹈影像導演蘇.希利走訪這個位於坎培拉曾 獲邀巡演英國及歐洲的當代舞團,如何用舞蹈活出他們的非凡生 命。影片中看到的不是廣場舞式的大龍鳳,而是既充滿睿智、散發 熱情兼富幽默感的當代舞蹈。

老人漫步原野,剎那間看見年青的自己,以及當時美好的一切。 A bittersweet and tangible remembrance. An old man takes a walk in the nature, recollecting his good old days.

The Golds are a group of retired Canberrans, between 60 and 90 years of age. After a diversity of careers, they now live to dance. Their bodies may be ageing but they are abound with energy. And what’s most important in their golden years is dancing together and the desire to keep learning. They insist on contemporary dance training and regularly perform in Canberra’s cultural institutions. They have also taken their work abroad to the UK and Europe. The film smashes the stereotype that dance is only for the young and fit, showcasing the intelligence and insight that age can bring to the artform. The Golds dance up a storm with passion, humour and grace.





World Premiere

The Smiling Tiger

World Premiere



Jumping Frames Commissioned Work 2016

This is a Chicken Coop

新加坡 SG | 2016 | 7' 導演 Directors: 郭亞福 Aaron KHEK Ah Hock / Gavin YAP 編舞 Choreographer: 黃天寶 WONG Thien Pau Ix


Jumping Frames Commissioned Work 2016

中國大陸 CN | 2016 | 21' 導演/編舞 Director/choreographer: 二高 Er Gao

嬰兒出世本無序,自由自在,學習成人卻換來滿身枷鎖。中國怪才 編舞二高的異想世界:在無序和有序的輪迴中,人類反主為客,成 為籠中物,肉體方寸漸生,內心卻失序無力,顯露無知的蠢蠢欲 動。二高夥拍多位國際舞者赤裸上陣,遠赴花都塱頭古村拍攝荒誕 的場景,反諷填鴨式教育和扭曲的社會意識。你能確定所看到的, 是人還是雞?

老街坊、古怪理髮師、鬥心強大的事業女性……不同生命匯聚於當 從遺忘國度的老守衛遇上新建設和諧世界的文明點頭及政治正確 的笑容的十字路口。 歡迎來參加一個形狀變換時空轉移守護者的古代族裔《笑面虎》 的舞宴,在這迴異動盪的時期維繫我們世界的自然定律。

Imagine: human beings return to their original state and conventional rules no longer applies. Imagine: human beings being objectified and the next dominating species have a completely different social system. What would the world be like? Avant-garde independent Chinese dance artist and choreographer Er Gao leads a cast of international dancers, performing in the nude in the ancient village of Guangzhou, to present an absurd scene born out of the irony of force-fed education and twisted social awareness.

The neighbourhood stranger, the eccentric local hairdresser, the hard-nosed career woman… Different walks of life converge at the crossroad. When the old guard from a forgotten world meets the polite nods and politically correct smiles of a newly constructed, sanitised world. Welcome to the grand dance of The Smiling Tiger – an ancient tribe of shapeshifting and time-bending guardians, tasked with maintaining the natural order of our world in these strange and uncertain times.

本片含有裸露場面 The programme contains nudity



Dance Shorts II

四齣短片道出現世的真像 — 新舊交替、矛盾角力、人類的存在及永續發 展等命題。 Four shorts that exposes the truth of our reality – the transition from old to new, power struggle, human existence and sustainable development.

7/8 (日 Sun) I 3 :20 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

* 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion


World Premiere


Opening with Site-specific Dance Performance


Jumping Frames Commissioned Work 2016



香港 HK | 2016 | 15' 導演 Director: 黎宇文 Maurice LAI 編舞 Choreographer: 龐智筠 Noel PONG

德國/土耳其/荷蘭 DE/TU/NL | 2015 | 20' 導演 Director: 依娃‧斯托茲 Eva STOTZ 編舞 Choreographer: 瑪麗‧聶 Marije NIE

Rite of City II - Present

One Million Steps

2015年香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚舞蹈錄像及攝影」得主黎宇文 繼2012年台南《城市祭.回望》後,二部曲《城市祭.當下》今年選 址於意大利佛羅倫斯拍攝。連同CCDC編舞龐智筠及大提琴家黃 嘉輝、舞者莫嫣及意大利奧柏斯芭蕾舞團舞者,在歐陸式建築配 以弦樂下,以舞蹈影像演繹文藝復興重地翡冷翠的美麗與哀愁。

踢躂舞士踏上佈滿催淚煙的街頭,與身旁為著自由和生存空間的 平民而戰。影片平實地紀錄2013年伊斯坦堡的抗爭,世界就是這 麼遠那麼近。 A tap dancer performs. Elsewhere people run from tear gas and the police. She decides to jump and lands in the middle of the 2013 social protests in Istanbul. The dancer witnesses the people’s fight for personal freedom and living space, taking the opportunity to transform her dance into a statement of solidarity.

Winner of the 2015 Hong Kong Dance Awards, director Maurice Lai returns with the second episode of his dance film trilogy. Rite of City II - Present chose its urban locations from an architectural and humanistic perspective and features CCDC choreographer Noel Pong, dancer Jennifer Mok as well as members of Florence’s Opus Ballet, against a musical backdrop performed by cellist David Wong. Rite of City - Reminisce I was warmly received at its premiere in 2012 and was selected to screen at Udine Far East Film Festival, Rome Asiatica Modiale, Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner and Taipei Hong Kong Week screen dance section.




World Premiere

靈魂只是以太的一個碎片 膠著人生

Soul is Just a Fragment of Ether

Recycle Project

香港/芬蘭 HK/FI | 2016 | 11' 導演 Director: 岩井 REMU Remu Iwai 編舞 Choreographer: 岩井 REMU / 麗娜‧溫貝里 / 卡勒‧哈爾門 Remu Iwai / Lina WINBERG / Kalle HALMEN

World Premiere


Jumping Frames Commissioned Work 2016

台灣 TW | 2016 | 12' 導演/編舞 Director/choreographer: 彭筱茵 Hsiao-yin PENG

身處小小地球村,消費選擇看似多不勝數,實則進退維谷。生產線 上每天製造大量塑膠物品,人類享用數分鐘卻要大自然用萬年分 解。表面上的井然其實暗藏失序與崩毀,在「回收」的循環裡,人與 廢棄物之間填滿後掏空,共存再捨棄。台灣導演及編舞彭筱茵以 人文關懷在封閉的空間裡對話、共舞,觀看和反思你我的膠著人 生。

古希臘哲學家畢達哥拉斯把靈魂看作一種物質性的東西,是比空 氣還要微小的粒子,或是太陽光中的塵埃,結集起來的整體,曰以 太。香港導演岩井REMU去年登陸北歐的原野,在由廢棄的工廠改 建成的芬蘭馬拉卡藝術村駐場三週,與當地舞者直觀感覺大陽光 下以太的冷熱,讓靈魂在運動中與自然同在。

We may live in a global village, but we don’t have as many choices we think. Innumerable plastic products are manufactured by men, taking only a few minutes, yet its decomposition in nature takes thousands of years. Disorder and collapse are lurking an orderly appearance. Throughout the recycling process, in between human and waste, there is vacuum, coexistence, abandonment. Taiwanese Director and Choreographer Peng Hsiao-yin contemplates our plastic life in a confined space with dance.

Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believes that the soul is a matter object, smaller than particles in the air or dust in sunlight. The blend of these components is named Ether. Hong Kong director Remu Iwai set foot in Northern Europe last year, taking part in the industrial conversion Finland Malakta Art Factory residency programme for three weeks. He worked with local dancers under bright sunshine to feel the temperature of Ether, freeing the soul to be with nature through movement. 由跳格國際舞蹈影像節資助製作 The film is made possible by the financial support from Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival



Jumping Frames Competition Finalist Showcase (Open Section) 今屆跳格國際舞蹈影像比賽競爭激烈,在二百個作品中經精心挑選的入圍作品,將安排在兩個時段公映,由業界評 審選出「跳格國際舞蹈影像大獎」及「中國舞蹈新人類」獎,並由觀眾現場推選「觀眾之選」獎,結果於8月14日晚 上放映時段公佈。 部分中文片名由大會所擬 ,並非作品之正式片名

Jumping Frames International Dance Video Competition is highly competitive this year. Among 200 works received we carefully selected a highly diverse collection which will be shown in two programmes. A "Jumping Frames International Dance Video Award", "Award for Chinese Dance Filmmakers" and "Audience Choice Award" will be picked from jury and audience respectively. Result will be announced in the screening of 14 August. Some Chinese titles are decided by the festival organiser. They are not official titles.


Programme I

6/8 (六 Sat) I 5:30 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque * 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion



導演 Director: 瑪麗卡‧希爾密斯 Marieke HELMUS

導演 Director: 華法‧哈拿韋 Wafa'a HALAWI


While We Weave

荷蘭 NL | 2016 | 8'

黎巴嫩 LB | 2016 | 8'

編舞 Choreographer: 艾斯‧雲彼芬 Iris van PEPPEN

編舞 Choreographer: 艾蓮‧史卡夫 Corrine SKAFF



導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: APOTROPIA (Antonella Mignone + Cristiano Panepuccia)

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 駱素琴 SohKim LOKE


Solo Female Dance

意大利 IT | 2014 | 4'

馬來西亞 MY | 2016 | 12'




導演 Director: 波維斯‧士活 Boris SEEWALD

導演 Director: 添姆‧贊連 Timo ZHALNIN



德國 DE | 2015 | 3'

俄羅斯 RU | 2016 | 9'

編舞 Choreographers: 西門‧施密特 / 歐菲亞‧哥莉 Simone SCHMIDT / Althea CORLETT

編舞 Choreographer: 艾蓮娜‧顧緬娜 Elena KUZMINA



導演 Director: 雲妮修斯‧卡度素 Vinícius CARDOSO

導演 Directors: 馬可‧朗高 / 亞歷姍迪以歷他‧拔當勞 / 馬蓮娜‧贊天娜 / 花比傲‧卜姬 Marco LONGO / Alessandra Elettra BADOINO / Marina GIARDINA / Fabio POGGI

Crushing Weight


巴西 BR | 2014 | 4'

意大利 RU | 2014 | 1'

編舞 Choreographer: 爾諾皮‧薩緬陶 Irupé SARMIENTO


編舞 Choreographers: 馬可‧朗高 / 亞歷姍迪以歷他‧拔當勞 / 馬蓮娜‧贊天娜 / 花比傲‧卜姬 Alessandra Elettra BADOINO / Marina GIARDINA / Fabio POGGI / Marco LONGO

Son du Serpent 荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 12'


導演 Director: 塔米‧華衛 Tami RAVID

保加利亞 BG | 2016 | 6'

編舞 Choreographer: 法利‧德珍斯 Feri de GEUS

導演 Director: 波莉安娜‧彼黛華 Boriana PANDOVA

編舞 Choreographer: 露雲娜‧金寶萊華 Lorina KAMBUROVA


德國 DE | 2016 | 2'

導演 Director: 波維斯‧士活 Boris SEEWALD

編舞 Choreographer: 西門‧施密特 / 歐菲亞‧哥莉 Simone SCHMIDT / Althea CORLETT



Programme II

7/8 (日 Sun) I 7:30 p.m.* I 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque * 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion

琴歌 — 手舞


中國大陸 CN | 2015 | 5'

編舞 Choreographer: 禤天揚 Tin-yeung HUEN

The Song of Guqin- Hand Dance

香港 HK | 2016 | 7' 導演 Director: 麥曦茵 Heiward MAK

導演 Director: 吳振 Zhen WU

編舞 Choreographers: 李夢雨 / 崔夢璿 / 呼啦來 / 沈沁婕 / 羅震 / 劉閬 MenYu LI / MenXuan CUI / LaiLai HU / Qinjie SHEN / Zhen LUO / Lang LIU

Turn Around


台灣 TW | 2016 | 8' 導演 Director: 丘智華 Chih-hua CHIU


編舞 Choreographer: 鄧倢伃 Jie-yu TENG

台灣 TW | 2016 | 8'

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 周書毅 Shu-Yi CHOU


It Tastes Like You

The Crackdown 瑞典 SD | 2016 | 1'

導演 Director: 馬菲‧珍剛妮 Mervi JUNKKONEN

香港 HK | 2016 | 7'

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 李偉能 Joseph LEE

編舞 Choreographer: 渣娜‧彼得 Zala PEZDIR



Black Box

E Rain Sun

加拿大 CA | 2014 | 9'

中國大陸 CN | 2016 | 7'

導演 Directors: 安瑪烈‧特哥德 / 馬里奧‧祈勳 Anne-Marie TURCOTTE / Mario CALVÉ

導演 Director: 譚遠波 Yuanbo TAN

編舞 Choreographer: 艾斯特‧卡爾頓 Estelle CLARETON

編舞 Choreographers: 譚遠波 / 烏宏志 Yuanbo TAN / Hongzhi WU





Inheritor Recordings

英國 UK | 2015 | 5'

加拿大 CA | 2015 | 6'

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 安東尼‧馬可 Antoine MARC

導演 Director: 拜仁‧莊臣 Brian JOHNSON 編舞 Choreographer: Company 605


Fabienne Haustant


法國 FR | 2016 | 3'

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 華倫坦‧卡耶 Valentine CAILLE

Shadow / Self 澳洲 AU | 2015 | 5'

導演 Director: 萊拉‧史域番奴 Laura SCRIVANO


編舞 Choreographer: 莎曼花‧車士打 Samantha CHESTER

Without a Word 英國 UK | 2016 | 4'


導演 Director: 丘尼斯‧賓納利 Youness BENALI


編舞 Choreographer: 便雅憫‧米蘭 Benjamin MILAN

加拿大 CA | 2015 | 10'

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer: 奈利‧嘉莉亞 Nellie CARRIER



西班牙 ES | 2016 | 15'

導演 Director: 關祖‧希文尼斯 Juanjo GIMÉNEZ


Black Square

編舞 Choreographer: 娜尼‧艾瓜地 Lali AYGUADÉ

俄羅斯 RU | 2015 | 5'


導演 Director: 添姆‧贊連 Timo ZHALNIN

She / Her

編舞 Choreographer: 艾蓮娜‧顧緬娜 Elena KUZMINA

荷蘭 NL | 2015 | 11'

導演 Director: 索尼婭‧維斯 Sonja WYSS

編舞 Choreographer: 西西莉亞‧莫伊西奧 Cecilia MOISIO



Jumping Frames Competition Finalist Showcase (Student Section) 跳格國際舞蹈影像比賽今屆首次開辦學生組,鼓勵全日制學生參與,反應超出預期熱烈,經精心挑選的十個風格 迴異的入圍作品將安排在登臺免費公映,由業界評審選出「跳格國際舞蹈影像大獎」及由觀眾現場推選「觀眾之 選」獎,結果於8月14日晚上放映時段公佈。 部分中文片名由大會所擬 ,並非作品之正式片名

Jumping Frames International Dance Video Competition presents the student section to courage screendance creations from full-time students. The response is very encouraging. We carefully selected a highly diverse collection of 10 works which will be shown at Hotel Stage for free. A "Jumping Frames International Dance Video Award" and "Audience Choice Award" will be picked from jury and audience respectively. Result will be announced in the screening of 14 August. Some Chinese titles are decided by the festival organiser. They are not official titles.

6/8 (六 Sat) I 3:00 p.m.* I 登臺 Muse Bar, Hotel Stage * 設有映後座談會 With Post-screening Discussion



導演 Director: 史佳‧克勞斯福特 Sky CROXFORD

導演 Directors: 管競秋 / 特奧多拉‧托托尤 Jingqiu GUAN / Teodora TOTOIU



英國 UK | 2016 | 4'

美國 US | 2016 | 7'



At All Times

香港 HK | 2016 | 3' 導演 Director: 洪瑤峰 Yaofeng HONG

南韓 KR | 2016 | 7' 導演 Director: 白惠璘 Hyerin BAEK


Classless And Free



導演 Director: 貝基‧法雷爾 Becky FARRALL

導演 Director: 黎燕 Yin LAI

西班牙 ES | 2015 | 5'

導演 Director: 瑪塔‧霍納 Marta ARJONA

香港 HK | 2016 | 7'

導演 Directors: 顏德志 / 郭芷盈 Tak-chi NGAN / Tsz-ying KWOK



英國 UK | 2016 | 2'

香港 HK | 2016 | 7'




Dance Dream

奧地利 AT | 2016 | 10' 德語 German 英文字幕 English subtitle

台灣 TW | 2016 | 14' 導演 Director: 周弘文 Hung-min CHOU

導演 Director: 詹尼斯‧倫茨 Jannis LENZ



導演 Director: 梁藝耀 Yiyao LIANG

導演 Director: 維羅尼卡‧阿科波娃 Veronika AKOPOVA

So Far So Near


中國大陸 CN | 2016 | 6'

法國 FR | 2016 | 9'



Local Focus: Jumping Frames Screendance Commissions 2016 14/8 (日 Sun) I 7:40 p.m. I 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum



香港 HK | 2016 | 35' 粵語/華語/英語/日語 Cantonese/Mandarin/English/Japanese 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 黎宇文 Maurice LAI

香港 HK | 2016 | 15' 導演 Director: 黎宇文 Maurice LAI 編舞 Choreographer: 龐智筠 Noel PONG

Boy Story

Rite of City II - Present

影片簡介請參閱內文第二十三頁 Synopsis please refer to p.23

影片簡介請參閱內文第三頁 Synopsis please refer to p.3 由跳格國際舞蹈影像節資助製作 The film made possible by the financial support of Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival




Willy Tsao, a Vision for Modern Dance in China

Recycle Project

德國 DE | 2016 | 34' | 英語 English | 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles 導演 Director: 邁克爾‧莫里斯森 Michael MAURISSENS

台灣 TW | 2016 | 12' 導演/編舞 Director/choreographer: 彭筱茵 Hsiao-yin PENG

影片簡介請參閱內文第四頁 Synopsis please refer to p.4

影片簡介請參閱內文第二十四頁 Synopsis please refer to p.24

由跳格國際舞蹈影像節資助製作 The film made possible by the financial support of Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival

「跳格國際舞蹈影像比賽2016」結果公佈 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Competition 2016 Result Announcement


This is a Chicken Coop

中國 CN | 2016 | 21' 導演/編舞 Director/choreographer: 二高 Er Gao

影片簡介請參閱內文第二十二頁 Synopsis please refer to p.22 本片含有裸露場面 The programme contains nudity

獎項 Prizes

公開組 Open Section • 國際舞蹈影像大獎 International Dance Video Award • 中國舞蹈影像新人類獎 Award for Chinese Dance Filmmakers 學生組 Full-time Student Section • 國際舞蹈影像大獎 International Dance Video Award 「觀眾之選」大獎 Audience Choice Award 31








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