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Designed by Bertam | illustration by Kongkee

編舞及創作 Choreography and Creation 編舞及創作(青年舞者) Choreography and Creation (Young Performers) 排練指導及創作 Rehearsal Master and Creation 排練指導及創作(青年舞者) Rehearsal Master and Creation (Young Performers) 音樂 Music 劇場構作 Dramaturgy

伍宇烈 Yuri NG 林詠茵 Peggy LAM 龐智筠 Noel PONG 鄺韻儀 Ronly KONG 柴可夫斯基 Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY 梁曉端 Melissa LEUNG 董言 DONG Yan 黃狄文 Dominic WONG 曾浩鋒 Ronald TSANG

特別演出 Featured Performance 特別演出、歌唱指導、現場演奏 Featured Performance, Singing Coach and Live Music Performance 創作演出 Creative Performance CCDC 舞蹈藝術家及 CCDC 舞蹈中心舞蹈培訓獎 學金計劃學員 * 張景喻、柯志輝、鄺彥璋、黎家寳、林蔚翹 *、 林詠茵、林在熙 *、劉燕珺 #、樂知靄、文顯桓 *、 吳卓烽、蕭柏霆 *、譚之卓、鄧正希 *、謝甲賢 #、 黃振邦、丘善行、姚僖霖 *、余寶 * CCDC Dance Artists and CCDC Dance Centre Dance Training Scholarship Scheme Students* CHEUNG King-yu, Felix KE, Eric KWONG, Bobo LAI, Chloe LAM*, Peggy LAM, LAM Zoi-hei*, Kammy LAU#, Shirley LOK, MAN Hin-wun*, Jacko NG, SIU Pak-ting*, Zelia TAN, Justin TANG*, Tseky TSE#, Bruce WONG, Simpson YAU, YIU Hei-lam*, Charlie Bernice YU* 音樂編排 Music Arrangement 賴映彤 Siu Tung 佈景設計 Set Design 邵偉敏 SIU Wai-man 燈光設計 Lighting Design 羅文偉 Lawmanray 服裝設計 Costume Design 何珮姍 Cindy HO Pui-shan 音響設計 Sound Design 楊我華 Anthony YEUNG # 客席藝術家 Guest Artists

填寫網上問卷 Online Survey www.ccdc.com.hk 城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) 電話 Tel

2329 7803

傳真 Fax

2351 4199

電郵 Email info@ccdc.com.hk 新界荃灣柴灣角街 66-82 號金熊工業中心 3 樓 E-F 室 Flat E & F, 3/F., Golden Bear Industrial Centre, 66-82 Chai Wan Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T. www.ccdc.com.hk CCDC 舞蹈中心 CCDC Dance Centre 電話 Tel 2328 9205 傳真 Fax 2326 0220 / 2242 2363 香港九龍黃大仙沙田坳道 110 號地下至三樓

G/F to 3/F, 110 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong

通達伙伴 Accessibility Service Partner

化妝品支持 Makeup Partner

節目長約 90 分鐘,不設中場休息 This programme is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission. 遲到者須待適當時間方可進場。 Latecomers will only be admitted when there is a suitable break. 各位觀眾: 為求令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光裝置。同時請勿在場內飲食或擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝合作。 Dear Patrons, To avoid disturbing the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound or light emitting devices before the performance starts. Eating, drinking, audio or video recording, and unauthorised photography are strictly prohibited in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation.

城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助。 CCDC is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. CCDC 保留更換表演者及 / 或修訂已公布的節目內容之權利。 CCDC reserves the right to substitute artists and/ or vary advertised programmes.

故事大綱 Synopsis 一個人,一個屋企,好多個紙箱。在這個充滿經歷的高牆下,他打開一個個盒子,一些遺忘了的人和事;想要記得或不想記得的,懷念的逃避過的;完成了的遺憾的; 通通都聚落,來一場盛大團聚。一張白紙、一縷輕雪、一陣歌聲,這個人收拾起精心打匠的一份珍重,送到遠方去。 A person. A home. Many cardboard boxes. Life comes in packages. When he opened the boxes one after another, he found all the people and things that were left behind. Those things that were remembered or ignored, missed or escaped, completed or regretted... They all came together, making a grand reunion. A piece of white paper. A wisp of light snow. A burst of singing. The man gathered up the treasures of the craftsman and sent them far away.

出場序 By order of appearance 柯志輝 - 穿著華麗的士兵 Felix KE - Soldier with glamorous clothing

余寶 - 啲 Junior Charlie Bernice YU - D Junior

曾浩鋒 - 彈琴的人 Ronald TSANG - Person who plays the piano

蕭柏霆 - 啲 Junior / 十多歲的黃叔叔 SIU Pak-ting - D Junior / Uncle D in his 10+ years old

黃狄文 - 黃叔叔 Dominic WONG - Uncle D

姚僖霖 - 啲 Junior YIU Hei-lam - D Junior

謝甲賢 - 整公仔的人 Tseky TSE - Person who makes the toy

鄧正希 - 啲 Junior Justin TANG - D Junior

黎家寳 - 讀信的人 Bobo LAI - Person who reads the letter

文顯桓 - 啲 Junior MAN Hin-wun - D Junior

譚之卓 - 穿黑色西裝的女人 Zelia TAN - Woman in a black suit

黃振邦 Bruce WONG - 四十多歲的黃叔叔 Uncle D in his 40s

鄺彥璋 - 穿黑色西裝的男人 Eric KWONG - Man in a black suit

劉燕珺 - 二十多歲的黃叔叔 Kammy LAU - Uncle D in his 20s

林詠茵 - 拿著摺櫈的人 Peggy LAM - Person with a folding stool

丘善行 - 三十多歲的黃叔叔 Simpson YAU - Uncle D in his 30s

樂知靄 - 穿芭蕾舞裙的女孩 Shirley LOK - Girl wearing a tutu

吳卓烽 - 穿破爛的士兵 Jacko NG - Solider with tattered clothing

林在熙 - 啲 Junior LAM Zoi-hei - D Junior

張景喻 - 不斷流動的人 CHEUNG King-yu - Person who keep moving

林蔚翹 - 啲 Junior Chloe LAM - D Junior

第一幕 Act 1 Uncle D 啲紙皮 Boxtopia

第三幕 Act 3 慢慢漫漫啲飛 Kingdom of Slow

《胡桃夾子》組曲 The Nutcracker

雪花圓舞曲 Waltz of the Snowflakes

聖誕樹 The Christmas Tree 進行曲 March 孩子的嘉洛舞曲,賓客進場 Galop and Dance of the Parents 舞蹈場景,杜西米爾的禮物 Dance Scene - The Presents of Drosselmeyer 嘉麗和胡桃夾子 Clara and the Nutcracker 外祖父的舞蹈 Scene - Grandfather Dance

音樂編排 Music Arrangement:賴映彤 Siu Tung

第二幕 Act 2 紙皮王國啲魔法 Kingdom of Sweet & Sorrow

序曲 Overture

(聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院交響樂團版本,指揮:瓦萊里.鮑里索夫,瓦萊里.葛濟夫 Version of Orchestra of the Kirov Opera from St. Petersburg, conducted by Valery BORISOV and Valery GERGIEV)

尾聲 Epilogue 最完美啲缺失 The Perfect Broken Body

《胡桃夾子》組曲 The Nutcracker

(聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院交響樂團版本,指揮:瓦萊里.鮑里索夫,瓦萊里.葛濟夫 Version of Orchestra of the Kirov Opera from St. Petersburg, conducted by Valery BORISOV and Valery GERGIEV; 英國皇家管弦樂團,指揮:安德烈・ 普烈文 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by André PREVIN; 專輯:《胡桃夾子》:睡美人和羅密歐與茱麗葉, 柴可夫斯基 Album: The Nutcracker, Song: The Sleeping Beauty and Romeo and Juliet, composed by TCHAIKOVSKY)

嘉麗和胡桃夾子 Clara and the Nutcracker 聖誕樹 Christmas Tree 雪夜松林 In the Pine Forest 胡桃夾子與老鼠王之戰-胡桃夾子勝出並變成了白馬王子 The Nutcracker Battles the Army of the Mouse King - He Wins and Is Transformed Into Prince Charming 角色舞蹈 咖啡(阿拉伯舞曲)Character Dances - Coffee (Arabian Dance) 幕間舞 Divertissement 幕間舞 咖啡(阿拉伯舞曲) Divertissement. Coffee (Arabian Dance) 嘉麗和王子 Clara and the Prince 角色舞蹈 朱古力(西班牙舞曲) Character Dances - Chocolate (Spanish Dance) 幕間舞 特雷巴克舞曲(俄羅斯舞曲)Divertissement. Trepak (Russian Dance) 角色舞蹈 特雷巴克舞曲(俄羅斯舞曲)Character Dances - Trépak (Russian Dance) 糖果王國的魔法宮殿 The Magic Castle on the Mountain of Sweets 角色舞蹈(小丑之舞) Character Dances - Polchinelle (The Clown) 幕間舞 茶(中國舞曲) Divertissement. Tea (Chinese Dance) 嘉麗和白馬王子 Clara and Prince Charming 雙人舞,尾聲 Pas de deux. Coda 花之圓舞曲 Waltz of the Flowers 音樂編排 Music Arrangement:賴映彤 Siu Tung

"The life cycle of a toy" 由材料到製成,由完美到殘舊。

給爸爸媽媽的信: 多謝你們帶我來看這個演出,有好多,有好多事可以在這裏發生,我好好奇,好想知道更多,劇場這個地方真的好好玩。 原來以前我們看的︽胡桃夾子︾舞劇是一個叫柴可夫斯基的俄羅斯作曲家寫的,他還寫了︽天鵝湖︾。我記得原本的故事中, 士兵胡桃夾子幫助主角嘉麗打敗老鼠王。後來胡桃夾子變成王子,帶著嘉麗到了雪國和由糖梅仙子統治的糖果國遊覽。 這個 ︽甩隙咔︾就好似是前傳,由 Uncle D 親手做的士兵公仔,超越了我的想像,有時候他的不完美才是 想不到今次 CCDC 的屋企,就好像我在公園裏見到的執紙皮伯伯,他有很多紙箱圍著,入面有床有枱有椅子。為什麼他要睡 最美麗的。 Uncle D 在公園或天橋下?我記得爺爺嫲嫲的屋企也有很多圓型摺櫈 。爸爸,我好想知道爺爺以前的故事,你可不可以告訴我? 還有一樣令我驚喜的,舞蹈員的動作很特別,有時就好似日常生活,有時又有高難度動作,會轉、會跳好高、會抬高腿。有時 舞台上大群舞蹈員做出各種隊型組合,有時只有一個人,氣氛非常不同,我的心情也會被影響,有時開心,有時傷心。媽媽, 你什麼時候最開心?什麼時候會流淚? 那些音樂好有趣,哥哥現場彈琴好好聽,估不到︽雪花圓舞曲︾由表演者的聲音唱出,這麼動人。我好想表演其中一首音樂給 你們聽,你們最想聽哪一段音樂?


爸爸媽媽,原來當代舞表演可以那麼有趣,又令我產生更多好奇。你們是不是也有不同的感受?可以和我分享嗎? 我希望每時每刻,都可以像今天與你們一起在劇場共渡的感覺,溫暖又美麗!

Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for taking me to this show! Lots of things happened here and I want know more! I had a really good time at the theatre. Do you remember the dance, The Nutcracker, we watched before? It was composed by a Russian musician called Tchaikovsky, who also wrote Swan Lake. I remember that in the original story, the toy soldier nutcracker helped the main character Clara defeat the Rat King. Later on, the nutcracker turned into a prince. He took Clara on a journey to the Land of Snow and the Land of Sweets ruled by the Sugar Plum Fairy. I never expected that CCDC's Luck-quacka would be like a prequel to this. The nutcracker made by Uncle D was beyond my imagination. Sometimes his imperfections were so beautiful. I once saw an old man scavenging for cardboard in the park before. Uncle D's house was like his. It was surrounded by many boxes, the bed, tables and chairs inside. Why did he sleep in a park or under an overpass? I remember that my grandpa's house also had many round folding stools. Dad, I really want to know the story of my grandpa. Will you tell me? The dancers' movements were very special, which totally surprised me. Some moved like we do in daily life, while others made difficult movements. They could turn, jump up, and raise their legs high. Sometimes there was a large group of dancers dancing together in all different ways, sometimes there was only one person. The atmosphere was so different. It kept affecting my mood. Sometimes I was happy, sometimes sad. Mom, which was your happiest moment? When did you cry? The music was also interesting. The young man played the piano really well. I never expected the singing of Nutcracker Waltz of the Snowflakes to be so moving. I really want to perform one of the pieces for you. Which one do you want to listen to? Mom and Dad, that modern dance performance was so interesting. It's made me really curious. Do you also feel different? Can you tell me? I hope that every moment I spend with you is warm and beautiful, just like the time in the theatre today! With all the love in the world, Your child

編舞及創作的話 Message from the Choreography and Creation 我喜歡舞台及創作都因舞蹈而起。 我最初跟隨王仁曼女士學習古典芭蕾舞,其後前往加拿大及英國跳舞,期間跳了很多年 《胡桃夾子》(Nutcracker)。但每次聽到柴可夫斯基的音樂,我都在想是不是能創作 屬於香港的版本,於是在 1997 年和 2010 年,我分別為 CCDC 和香港芭蕾舞團編排了 不同版本的《糊塗爆竹賀新年》(The Firecracker)。 十幾年過去了,我仍然好奇這個故事,尤其著迷 Uncle Drosselmeyer 這個角色的魔力, 可能是因為我的年齡、體力與他愈來愈近,他可以為小女孩變出公仔、王子、仙女,還 能帶大家進入糖果世界。然而,我更加好奇在魔幻背後,Uncle 過著怎樣的生活?擁有 怎樣的記憶?如果小女孩拒絕了禮物,他是否會傷心難過,而傳統的故事是否將會改寫? 這次《甩隙咔》的故事就是從這樣的想像開始的,是一個香港 Uncle 期待家庭團聚,穿 越夢境回憶的故事。 I fell in love with stage and creation, it all begin with dance. I first studied classical ballet with Jean Wong, and went on to study in Canada and the United Kingdom. During that time, I danced The Nutcracker for many years. However, every time I listened to TCHAIKOVSKY's music, I always wondered if I could create a Hong Kong version. Therefore, in 1997 and 2010, I arranged versions of The Firecracker for CCDC and Hong Kong Ballet, respectively. Over the past 10 years, I was still curious about this story. I was particularly obsessed with the mysterious powers of Uncle DROSSELMEYER. Maybe the reasons are that my age and stamina are getting more like his. He can conjure a toy, a prince, a fairy for a little girl, and he can take everyone to The Land of Sweets. Nonetheless, I am more curious about what kind of life he lives behind his magic powers? What kind of memories does he have? If the little girl refuses his gift, will he be upset? Will this rewrite the traditional story? Luck-quacka began with these thoughts. It is a story of a Hong Kong uncle looking forward to a family reunion, and travelling through his dreams.

CCDC 第四任藝術總監 4th Artistic Director of CCDC 編舞及創作 Choreography and Creation

伍宇烈 Yuri NG

1993 年開始與 CCDC 合作,於《單吊・西・遊記》(1993)任編舞、佈景及服裝設計;《更 衣記》(1995)及《硬銷》(2008)任編舞;《男生》(1996)、《糊塗爆竹賀新年》(1997) 任編舞及服裝設計;《季節性效應》(2008)、《舞!舞?舞……》(2009)、《城市封 神》(2011)任舞台 / 佈景及服裝設計;《香・夭》(2018)任編舞、佈景及服裝設計; 於 2021 年正式擔任藝術總監。

Ng established a strong connection with CCDC started from 1993. He worked with the Company on many performances, including A Game of ____ (1993) as choreographer and set and costume designer; The Second Shirt Skirt Show (1995) and Love On Sale (2008) as choreographer; le beau (1996) and The Firecracker (1997) as choreographer and costume designer. He contributed to Seasonal Syndromes (2008), Very Dance (2009) and The Legend and The Hero (2011) as stage/set and costume designer, and to Requiem HK (2018) as choreographer, set and costume designer. Officially appointed as Artistic Director in 2021.

編舞(青年舞者) Choreography (Young Performers)

排練指導及創作 Rehearsal Master and Creation

林詠茵 Peggy LAM

龐智筠 Noel PONG


龐氏於 1997 年以一級榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院現代舞系,隨即加入城市當代舞蹈團為舞

金計劃班、CCDC 青年舞團「年青的天空」及「舞蹈青年」,亦曾參與多個專業舞團的

者,並積極創作。2019 年擢升為駐團藝術家。龐氏擅長將舞蹈和戲劇元素融為一體,為


觀衆帶來引人入勝的舞蹈作品。2009 年憑《案發現埸》獲《南華早報》選為「全年最佳

年畢業後加入 CCDC 成為全職舞者。聯合編舞作品包括《開張》及《過去、現在、將來》、

舞蹈」,並憑《全院滿座》榮獲 2012 年香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚編舞」,2015 年憑

合家歡當代舞劇場《西遊記》及《小龍三次方》;2014 年於《動靜》發表個人編舞作品

《生日快樂?》榮獲英語藝術活動資訊網站 HKELD 舉辦的 The Hecklers「最佳舞蹈演


出」獎 (Best Dance Show)。龐氏獲《南華早報》譽為最有前途的編舞之一。2019 年 為德國烏爾姆卜劇埸編排的《Faces of Love》。2020 年為一鋪清唱之製作《庵藏不露:

Born in Hong Kong, Peggy Lam was a member of CCDC's Scholarship Class and


a dancer with CCDC's youth dance ensembles Young Sky and WuDaoQingNian (WDQN). She studied contemporary dance at The Hong Kong Academy for

Noel Pong graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with First

Performing Arts, receiving several scholarships and participating in the Academy's

Class Honours in modern dance and joined City Contemporary Dance Company

overseas tours. She joined CCDC in 2007 as a full-time dancer. Her choreographies

in 1997. A local choreographer, celebrated for combining elements of dance and

include Picture Triangle for In-between in 2014; Grand Opening and Past, Present, Future, co-choreographed with WDQN alumni and the Contemporary Dance Theatre for Families; Journey to the West and The Odyssey of Little Dragon, co-choreographed with Willy Tsao and Dominic Wong, respectively.

drama, Pong was promoted to Resident Artist in 2019. Her choreography Crime Scene was selected by South China Morning Post (SCMP) as one of the Best Dances of 2009, while Off Screen won "Outstanding Choreography" at the 2012 Hong Kong Dance Awards. Happy Birthday? was selected as The Hecklers Best Dance Show by HKELD in 2015 with SCMP calling Pong one of "Hong Kong's most promising choreographers". She choreographed Faces of Love for Theater Ulm in

各位戰友 Good Show! Comrades, Good Show!

Germany in 2019, served as assistant director for Om Encounter by Yat Po Singers in 2020, and choreographed and performed Joyeux Noël the same year.

排練指導及創作(青年舞者) Rehearsal Master and Creation (Young Performers)

鄺韻儀 Ronly KONG 資深青少年舞蹈教育及編舞,更是 CCDC 舞蹈中心舞蹈青年編舞 2003-2020。歷年創作近 125 齣舞蹈小品予 6000 多位青少年舞者。於 1998 至 2018 年學校舞蹈節中榮獲「編舞獎」。 先後考獲香港演藝學院現代舞高級文憑、香港賽馬會舞蹈深造獎學金、美國猶他大學藝術 學士學位、PIP 藝術學校表演藝術證書及法國戲劇大師 Philippe Gaulier 大師工作坊證書。 自 1995 年起獲邀擔任學校舞蹈節現代舞組評判。曾為本地及海外團體演出、編舞、教學及 設計課程。歷年來亦活躍於參與導師培訓,包括擔任香港演藝學院學士課程(1996-2003) 及碩士課程(2015)舞蹈教育兼職講師,香港演藝學院舞蹈教育課程學員實習顧問(2019 及 2021),分別獲香港教育局邀請擔任體育教師暑期舞蹈工作坊(2005, 2008-09, 2014 及 2021)、香港學界舞蹈協會教師舞蹈工作坊(2020),康樂及文化事務署主辨學校現代 舞實踐計劃中、小學教師舞蹈工作坊及賽馬會當代舞賞 . 識教育計劃教師工作坊(2019)。 2016 年 11 月更獲韓國藝術文化教育中心邀請擔任「國際藝術教育工作坊」之講者及導師。 近年分別與幾位來自芬蘭 , 瑞典的嬰幼兒節目表演專家及本港藝術家致力研究以 0-2.5 歲為 觀眾對象的舞蹈創作及表演製作。

©Yvonne CHAN

現為城市當代舞蹈團 CCDC 舞蹈中心外展事務經理。 Ronly Kong has been teaching and choreographing with youth for over 29 years. Kong graduated from The Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts in 1989. She received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music Fund Scholarship 1989-1992, and a degree (magna cum laude) in modern dance from the University of Utah in the US in 1992. She has been a dancer, choreographer, and teacher for various productions in and out of Hong Kong and adjudicated for the School Dance Festival Modern Dance section as well as winning two awards in choreography from the same festival. At the invitation of the Korean Arts and Culture Education Service, she was a lecturer and dance instructor for the its International Arts Education Workshop in November 2016. In recent years, she has been working with infant performance specialists from Finland and Sweden and local dance artists to study dance creation and production.

©Yvonne CHAN

Currently, she is CCDC Dance Centre's Outreach Affairs Manager.

身為創作團隊成員,從訓練小舞者,探索元素、整合素材、排練、 夾排練時間表等等, 每次都有新發現,感謝給予我機會與大家一起經歷這次奇妙的創作旅程。 As a member of the creative team, I discover something new every time I train young dancers, explore elements, integrate materials, rehearse and arrange schedules. Thank you for giving me the chance to experience this wonderful creative journey. ©Yorke CHAN

劇場構作 Dramaturgy

劇場構作 Dramaturgy

梁曉端 Melissa LEUNG

董言 DONG Yan

曾於新加坡修讀三年專業表演藝術課程「劇場研究與訓練課程」(TTRP),後名為「跨文 化戲劇學院」〈Intercultural Theatre Institute〉,接受四種古典亞洲表演藝術訓練、以及 斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基和後斯坦尼的演員訓練。


畢業後回到香港,曉端向演出、導演、教育和藝術管理等多方面發展,她曾與本地多個劇 團及舞團合作,並以富張力及細膩的肢體演出獲好評。憑小息跨媒介創作室《卡桑德拉 / 表象終結之世界》獲「IATC〈HK〉 劇評人獎」2018 年度演員獎。 教育方面曉端亦擁有廣泛的經驗,其導演「賽馬會當代舞『賞・識』教育計劃」榮獲香港 藝術發展局「第十四屆香港藝術發展獎」之「藝術教育獎」〈非學校組〉優異表現獎,及 香港舞蹈聯盟「香港舞蹈年獎 2020」之「傑出舞蹈教育 / 社區舞蹈」獎。 近年,曉端向劇場構作的領域發展,結集創作、教育推廣、以及管理層面。現為 CCDC 駐 團劇場構作。 Melissa Leung studied acting in Singapore, graduating from The Theatre Training and Research Programme, now known as Intercultural Theatre Institute (ITI). She trained in four classical Asian theatre forms as well as Stanislavski and post-Stanislavki acting techniques. An all-rounded theatre practitioner, Leung is known for her intense and exquisite physical acting. She has chalked up experiences in various aspects of theatre - acting, directing, education and arts administration. She won Performer of the Year, IATC(HK) Critics Awards 2018 for Kassandra or the World as the End of Representation with Littlebreath Creative Workshop. She directs the Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. This project was awarded Hong Kong Arts Development Council's 14th Hong Kong Arts Development Award Certificate of Merit (Non-School Division) for Arts Education and the Hong Kong Dance Alliance's 22nd Hong Kong Dance Awards Outstanding Dance Education or Community Dance Award. Recently, Leung branched out into dramaturg, creation, education and management, and is currently Resident Dramaturg at CCDC.

特別演出 Featured Performance

黃狄文 Dominic WONG 黃狄文曾任亞洲電視節目主持及演員,及後入讀香港演藝學院現代舞系。1996 年畢業後加 入 CCDC 為舞者,2016 年擢升為副藝術總監。2001 年及 2013 年分別憑《Plaza X 與異變 街道》及《畸人說夢》的演出獲頒香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚男舞蹈員」。黃氏為 00 合創 辦成員之一,亦曾為 00 合、霹靂啪勒身體劇場及東邊現代舞團編舞。2003 年於 CCDC《失 驚無神夢驚魂》中發表《男人炒飯》,其鬼馬抵死之風格大受好評,並獲邀於翌年首屆廣 東現代舞週上演。其他編舞作品包括《歡樂今宵》(2007)、《忽然四季》(2008)、《下 一秒》(2009)、《崩城故事》 (2010)、《別有洞天》(2012)、《思纏想後》(2014)、 《拼途》(2016)及 合家歡當代舞劇場《小王子》(2017)及《小龍三次方》(2019)。《忽》 及《別》首演後分別獲邀於第六屆及第九屆廣東現代舞週中上演。《忽》及《下》分別於 2008 及 2009 年獲南華早報評選為「全年最佳舞蹈」;《拼途》獲香港舞蹈年獎 2017「傑 出中型場地舞蹈製作」獎。 Dominic Wong worked as a TV artist for Asia Television Company from 1990 to 1992 and studied modern dance at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He joined CCDC after he graduated in 1996 and was promoted to Associate Artistic Director in 2016. He has been Acting Artistic Director since November 2019. In 2001 and 2013, he won Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer for Plaza X and The Comedy of K, respectively, at Hong Kong Dance Awards. He is one of the founding members of Zero Zero Ensemble. Wong's choreographic work, Men's Chop Suey in CCDC's All of A Sudden (2003) was invited to rerun at the First Guangdong Modern Dance

特別演出、歌唱指導、現場演奏 Featured Performance, Singing Coach and Live Music Performance

相片提供 Photo provided by 曾浩鋒 Ronald TSANG

曾浩鋒 Ronald TSANG 畢業於香港藝術學院澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術文學士,主修繪畫。 習無伴奏合唱、 視覺 藝術及形體訓練超過 15 年。 2012 至 2017 為一舖清唱無伴奏合唱劇團駐團藝術家。現為自 由身藝術家,任教於香港阿卡貝拉學院。 曾參與本地及外地演出包括: 香港新視野藝術節《石堅》首演(2008)、 上海世博香港文化節目開幕演出《石堅》(2010)、 不加鎖舞踊館舞蹈劇場製作《水舞問》(2011)、 《國際無伴奏音樂盛典》擔任編舞(20102014, 2018)、 澳門藝術節《鄭家花月夜未央》(2012)、 太古地產 Project after 6 原創作 品 《氣由吸呼來》(2015)、 Vocal Asia 國際阿卡貝拉音樂藝術節《香港製造 - 氣由吸呼來》 (2017)、 海洋公園哈囉喂無伴奏劇場《決戰武音功》(2017)、 香港藝術節《我們的主題 曲 2.0》(2018)編舞及演出、 Max Chan Piano Recital《Journey》(2018)編舞及獨舞等。 音樂劇場演出包括香港音樂劇藝術學院(HK3AMI)《小島情尋夢》(2008)、《睡衣遊戲》 (2011)、演戲家族原創音樂劇圍讀《穿 Kenzo 的女人》(2013)、 非常林奕華《梁祝的 繼承者們》(2014-2016)、 香港音樂劇藝術學院(HK3AMI)《喬樂無窮咖啡館》(2019)。 Ronald Tsang graduated with a Fine Arts degree from The Hong Kong Art School, The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He has a wealth of 15 years of experiences in A cappella singing, visual art design as well as physical theatre training. He was Resident Artist for local A cappella group Yat Po Singers from 2012 to 2017. He is now a freelance artist and teaches at Hong Kong A Cappella Academy.

Festival. He has also choreographed for many other dance companies including Zero Zero Ensemble, BiLiBaLa Physical Theatre and E-Side Modern Dance Company. Other choreographic works of his include E.Y.T. (2007); Xtremely Four Seasons (2008); What' s Next? (2009); Punk Side Story (2010); Blind Chance (2012); Second Thoughts (2014); Travelogue (2016) (previous title: Little Pieces); The Little Prince (2017); Day After Day in Seasons) (2018); and, The Odyssey of Little Dragon (2019). Xtremely Four Seasons and Blind Chance were invited to rerun at the Sixth and Ninth Guangdong Modern Dance Festivals, respectively. Xtremely Four Seasons and What's Next? were both hailed

His local and overseas performance experiences include Rock Hard at The Hong Kong New Vision Arts Festival (2008) and Shanghai World Expo 2010, Hose of Dancing Water by Unlock Dancing Plaza (2010), choreographer at The International A cappella Extravaganza (2010-14, 2018-19), Zheng Walls Have Ears at Macao Arts Festival, Exhalelahni for Swire Properties' Project After 6 (2015) and Vocal Asia International A cappella Music Festival Made in Hong Kong (2017), Sonic Kung Fu Attack for Ocean Park Hong Kong Halloween A cappella performance (2017), choreographer and performer for Our Music Collection at Hong Kong Arts Festival (2018), as well as choreographer and solo dancer in Journey for Max Chan Piano Recital (2018).

Kong Dance Awards.

Musical theatre performances include Once on this Island (2008), Pajama Game (2011), The Woman in Kenzo (2013), Art School Musical (2014-16), and Smokey Joe's Cafe (2019).

by South China Morning Post as one of the "Best Dances" in their respective years. Travelogue was awarded Outstanding Medium Venue Production at the 19th Hong

音樂編排 Music Arrangement

賴映彤 Siu Tung

佈景設計 Set Design 相片提供 Photo provided by 賴映彤 Siu Tung

又名小彤, 中文大學音樂碩士,香港著名音樂製作人,音樂總監及監製;寰亞音樂旗下作 曲人。同時亦擔任香港知專設計學院兼職講師。 音樂作品包括:《80 後時代曲》, 《iSing》, 《我們的胡士托》,《一刻戀上》,《音樂 殖民地》,《星海》,《天梯》,《再不再見》,《四大發明》以及《我的片單》,《深夜 告別練習》等。小彤亦會參與不同電視 , 電影及舞台劇配樂。包括於 Netflix 上映的單元劇《把 砒霜留給自己》及 ViuTV 的單元劇 《黑市》。 《天梯》於 2011-2012 年贏得多項大獎,包括《十大中文金曲》,《十大勁歌金曲》, 《金 帆音樂獎最佳旋律》, 《金帆音樂獎最佳歌曲》等。

邵偉敏 SIU Wai-man

相片提供 Photo provided by 邵偉敏 SIU Wai-man

邵偉敏畢業於香港演藝學院,獲一級榮譽藝術學士學位,主修舞台及服裝設計。 三度獲得 香港舞台劇獎最佳舞台設計。 邵氏主要活躍於舞台設計,近期舞台作設計品包括 100 毛、W 創作社《大 MK 日》;風車 草劇團《攣攣成人禮》、《新聞小花的告白 2 白屋之夏》;林日曦細聲講《半厭世》、《悲 但真》;Kearen Pang Production《月球下的人》、《29+1》(Bloom Again)及 Project Roundabout《親親麗南》。

小彤亦於 2012 年底獲選為香港作曲家及作詞家協會《第四屆顧嘉輝新生代音樂》得主。小 彤多年來與 C AllStar 合作無間, 除了參與作曲編曲工作,亦經常於音樂會及演唱會中擔任 音樂總監及鍵琴手。小彤剛於《C AllStar 集合吧演唱會 2021》紅館演唱會擔任音樂總監及 樂隊領班,所以有 C AllStar 第五人之稱。


小彤多年來除了為 C AllStar 製作歌曲外,亦會參與不同類別的廣告,電視,電影及舞台劇 配樂。而由小彤負責音樂設計,由中英劇團製作的《解憂雜貨店》,獲得第 28 屆香港舞台 劇獎最佳原創音樂(戲劇)提名。

SIU Wai-man graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor's in Theatre and Film Design (First class honours). Siu was awarded Best Stage Design at the Hong Kong Drama Awards three times.

小彤致力創作外,近年亦積極參與推廣夢想與音樂企劃。於 2016-2018 年間,小彤獲得 JOOX 邀請,走訪超過 100 間本地大專及中學,以自身經歷分享追尋夢想及音樂創作心得。 LAI Ying-ong (a.k.a Siu Tung) graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Arts in Music. She is currently a part-time music lecturer at Hong Kong Design Institute. Lai is a well-established Hong Kong music producer and music director. She mainly focuses on music composition and arrangement. In 2012, she was awarded the fourth Joseph Koo New Generation Award by CASH. Some of her hit songs include 80 Hou Shi Dai Qu, iSing, Wo Men De Hu Shi Tuo, Love in First Sight, Music Colony, Tian Ti; the 4 Invention, Netflix and Midnight Farewell. Tian Ti was awarded Best Melody and CASH Best Song in the 2011 CASH Golden Sail Music Awards. This song also pocketed numerous awards at other music awards presentation ceremonies in the same year. Lai works closely with the A cappella group, C AllStar, serving as their music director and playing the keyboards at their concerts, which has helped her earn the title, "the fifth member of C AllStar". Lai is actively involved in different media. Apart from composing, arranging and producing pop music, she has also written different scores for TVCs, TV dramas and films. A Perfect day in Arsenide, streaming on Netflix, uses her music. Her score in The Miracles of the Namiya General Store, produced by Chung Ying Theatre Company, was nominated as the Best music score at the 28th Hong Kong Drama Awards. Lai is also an active music educator. From 2016-2018, JOOX invited her to deliver seminars in different secondary schools and colleges in Hong Kong. She shared her story about pursuing her dream to encourage the students to pursue their dreams too.

Her recent works include Falsettoland and The White House, No News is True News 2 by Windmill Grass Theatre; Big MK Day by 100 Mao and W Theatre; What a Terrible World and Sad but True by Lam1Hey Talk Show; Laugh me to the Moon and 29+1 (Bloom Again) by Kearen Pang Production; and, The Beauty Queen of Leenane by Project Roundabout.

燈光設計 Lighting Design

服裝設計 Costume Design

羅文偉 Lawmanray

何珮姍 Cindy, HO Pui-shan

畢業於香港演藝學院,主修燈光設計。羅氏曾為不同劇場演出擔任燈光設計師,合作機 構包括:香港話劇團、前進進戲劇工作坊、風車草劇團、多空間、香港演藝學院等。 2017 年加入城市當代舞蹈團任駐團燈光設計師,作品有《恐・集》、《小王子》、 《香・夭》、《冬之旅春之祭》及《Re-Mark》等。憑《冬之旅》獲香港舞蹈年獎 2020 「傑 出燈光設計」。 2009 年成立 INSPIRE WORKSHOP,創作糅合新媒體及表演之劇場作品,包括《姐姐》、 《觸怒你──劇場裡的不可能》等,並憑編導作品《愛比資本更冷 Deconstructed》獲 提名第八屆香港小劇場獎「最佳導演」。現正於香港演藝學院攻讀碩士學位。


Lawmanray (Raymond Law) graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in Lighting Design. He has worked as a freelance lighting designer for different theatre companies, including Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, On & On Theatre Workshop, Windmill Grass Theatre, Y-Space, The HKAPA and others. He joined CCDC as Resident Lighting Designer in 2017, and has worked on many productions such as Why Not Kill Us All…, The Little Prince, Requiem HK, Winterreise・The Rite of Spring and Re-Mark, among others. He won Outstanding Lighting Design at Hong Kong Dance Awards for Winterreise. In 2009, he launched INSPIRE WORKSHOP, a theatre company focused on creating multimedia stage works to a very high standard. His recent works include The HELP and Offending the Audience – The Impossibility of Theatre. He was

nominated for Best Director at the 8th Hong Kong Theatre Libre 2015-2016 for Love is Colder than Capital Deconstructed. He is currently studying for a master's degree on Theatre Direction at HKAPA.

相片提供 Photo provided by 何珮姍 Cindy Ho Pui-shan

近期服裝設計作品包括 : 城市當代舞蹈團 《Re-mark》、《茫然先生》、《後感性 .實相》、 《煙花.冷》;Project Roundabout 《謊言》;香港話劇團 《玩轉婚前身後事》、《三子》、 《結婚》、《感冒誌》、《安.非她命》、《教授》; 前進進《午睡》;浪人劇場《縫身》。 佈景及服裝設計作品:城市當代舞蹈團《易季》、《恐.集》、林俊浩舞蹈劇場《候話。 四重奏》;澳門小城實驗劇團 《黑湖》;龔志成音樂工作室《掌心的魚》。 憑《結婚》榮獲第 25 屆香港劇協舞台劇獎最佳服裝設計及第三屆華語戲劇盛典最佳舞美。 香港演藝學院舞台設計系駐場藝術家(2020)及客席講師、現為自由身舞台工作者。 http://cincinholic.blogspot.com

Cindy HO graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Theatre Set and Costume Design. Most recently, she was the costume designer for CCDC's Re-mark, Mr Blank, PostPerception/Transcendence and Fragile Beauty; Project Roundabout's The Truth; Hong Kong Repertory Theatre's A Winter Funeral, Three Brothers, Marriage, Common Cold, Attempts On Her Life and The Professor; Onandon Theatre's Waking Dreams In 1984; and Theatre Ronin's Sew & Soul. She has worked on sets and costume design for CCDC's Seasons, Why not kill us all; Dance Theatre by Chun-ho Ivanhoe LAM's Pretext Quartet; Macau Experimental Theatre's Am Schwarzen See; and Kung's Music Workshop's Fish In The Hand. Ho won the 25th Hong Kong Drama Awards for Best Costume Design with Marriage and Best Scenographer at the Third Chinese Theatre Awards. She is Artist In Residence (Design) and Guest Lecturer at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

音響設計 Sound Design

楊我華 Anthony YEUNG

相片提供 Photo provided by 楊我華 Anthony YEUNG

畢業於香港演藝學院。2003 年曾獲第十二屆香港舞台劇獎之「最佳音響設計」。2004 年起在香港演藝學院任教。2008 年 4 月至今在聲音藝術組織「聲音掏腰包」擔任顧問。 2010 年 7 月成為「杜比實驗室」聲音顧問。


最近參與的舞台製作有:城市當代舞蹈團《茫然先生》和《Re-Mark》;香港舞蹈團《山 水》和《弦舞》;鄧樹榮戲劇工作室《兩夫妻》;Count-in Music《致最相似的人》; 中英劇團《初見》和《人生原是一首辛歌》等等。 在 2017 第十九屆香港舞蹈年獎,獲得「傑出聲音設計」。 Anthony Yeung graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). In 2003, he won the award for tBest Sound Design at the 12th Hong Kong Drama Awards. He started teaching at HKAPA in 2004 and has been an advisor for Soundpocket, a sound art organisation since April 2008. In 2010, his company was appointed sound consultant for Dolby Laboratories. He recently participated in theatre productions Mr Blank (re-run) and Re-Mark by CCDC; Shan Shui: An Ode To Nature and Dance of strings by Hong Kong Dance Company; Scenes from a Marriage by Tang Shu Wing Theatre Studio; To Someone Alike by Count-in Music; Pride and Prejudice and All My Life I Shall Remember by Chung Ying Theatre Company.


In 2017, he won the award for Outstanding Sound Design at the 19th Hong Kong Dance Awards.


城市當代舞蹈團藝術團隊 CCDC Artistic Team

舞蹈藝術家 Dance Artists

黎家寳 Bobo LAI

伍宇烈 Yuri NG

黃狄文 Dominic WONG

桑吉加 Sang Jijia

藝術總監 Artistic Director

副藝術總監 Associate Artistic Director

駐團編舞 Resident Choreographer

實習舞蹈員 Dancer Trainees*

柯志輝 Felix KE

鄺彥璋 Eric KWONG

林詠茵 Peggy LAM

樂知靄 Shirley LOK

吳卓烽 Jacko NG

譚之卓 Zelia TAN

張景喻 CHEUNG King-yu

丘善行 Simpson YAU

劉燕珺 Kammy LAU

謝甲賢 Tseky TSE

*「藝術人才培育計劃」由香港藝術發 展局資助 *The Artistic Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council

客席藝術家 Guest Artists

龐智筠 Noel PONG

喬楊 QIAO Yang

駐團藝術家 Resident Artist

駐團藝術家 Resident Artist

黃振邦 Bruce WONG 梁曉端 Melissa LEUNG 排練指導 Rehearsal Master

劇場構作 Company Dramaturg

相片提供 Photo provided by 謝甲賢 Tseky TSE

青年舞者 Young Performers CCDC 舞蹈中心舞蹈培訓獎學金計劃學員 CCDC Dance Centre Dance Training Scholarship Scheme Students CCDC 舞蹈培訓獎學金計劃學員,接受不同的挑戰,不單只能跳,還要能唱、 能演、能全情投入。一台「有大有細」的節目,讓大小舞者走在一起,一起 學習,一起面對困惑、探索、開啟更多個人潛能。這正是計劃推崇的宗旨, 連結當下這個城市,透過認識自己、尋找、並塑造屬於自己的藝術世界。 計劃將於 2021/22 年度迎來全新面貌 - CCDC Junior 專為小學生及中學生 而設,30 年來銳意培育未來舞者,透過每年遴選,挑選有潛質的學員,接 受為期 10 個月的訓練,並參與本團的公開演出。現正接受報名。詳情請瀏 覽 http://www.ccdc.com.hk/dc/talent-development/

Members of CCDC Dance training scholarship schemes must be prepared to accept various challenges, not only in terms of their dancing, but also in terms singing and acting passionately. They allow professional and young dancers to learn from each other, face problems, and explore and unlock potential. This is the mission of the schemes -- to help students connect with the city and establish an artistic world through self-exploration. CCDC Junior is a fresh new programme under CCDC Dance Centre's dance training scholarship scheme. This year, long course guides participants into recognising their potential as well as their strengths. CCDC Dance Centre's experienced instructors will offer broad and indepth training, and the students will participate in CCDC professional productions. Enrolment for 21/22 is open NOW. For more details, please visit: http://www.ccdc.com.hk/dc/talent-development/

©Eileen LEE

(左起 From the left)

第二行 Second row 林蔚翹 Chloe LAM、姚僖霖 YIU Hei-lam、余寶 Charlie Bernice YU、林在熙 LAM Zoi-hei 第一行 First row 蕭柏霆 SIU Pak-ting、鄧正希 Justin TANG、文顯桓 MAN Hin-wun

創作及製作人員表 Creative and Production Team 編舞及創作 Choreography and Creation 編舞及創作(青年舞者) Choreography and Creation (Young Performers) 排練指導及創作 Rehearsal Master and Creation 排練指導及創作(青年舞者)Rehearsal Master and Creation (Young Performers) 音樂 Music 劇場構作 Dramaturgy 特別演出 Featured Performance 特別演出、歌唱指導、現場演奏 Featured Performance, Singing Coach and Live Music Performance 創作演出 Creative Performance

音樂編排 Music Arrangement 佈景設計 Set Design 燈光設計 Lighting Design 服裝設計 Costume Design 音響設計 Sound Design 燈光器材提供 Lighting equipment supply 佈景製作 Set Production 口述影像員 Audio Describer 化妝品支持 Makeup Partner 化妝師 Makeup Artists@ Laura Mercier 髮型師 Hair Stylist 宣傳設計 Promotional Design 插畫 Illustrator 宣傳片製作 Trailer Production 宣傳統籌 Promotion Coordination 青年舞者統籌 Young Performers Coordination CCDC 藝術家人像攝影 CCDC Artistic Portrait Photography 票務 Ticketing 場刊編輯 House Programme Editing 英文編輯 English Editing 場刊設計 House Programme Design 鳴謝 Special Thanks

# 客席藝術家 Guest Artists

伍宇烈 Yuri NG 林詠茵 Peggy LAM 龐智筠 Noel PONG 鄺韻儀 Ronly KONG 柴可夫斯基 Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY 梁曉端 Melissa LEUNG、董言 DONG Yan 黃狄文 Dominic WONG

曾浩鋒 Ronald TSANG CCDC 舞蹈藝術家及 CCDC 舞蹈中心舞蹈培訓獎學金計劃學員 * 張景喻、柯志輝、鄺彥璋、黎家寳、林蔚翹 *、林詠茵、林在熙 *、劉燕珺 #、 樂知靄、文顯桓 *、吳卓烽、蕭柏霆 *、譚之卓、鄧正希 *、謝甲賢 #、黃振邦、 丘善行、姚僖霖 *、余寶 * CCDC Dance Artists and CCDC Dance Centre Dance Training Scholarship Scheme Students* CHEUNG King-yu, Felix KE, Eric KWONG, Bobo LAI, Chloe LAM*, Peggy LAM, LAM Zoi-hei*, Kammy LAU#, Shirley LOK, MAN Hin-wun*, Jacko NG, SIU Pak-ting*, Zelia TAN, Justin TANG*, Tseky TSE#, Bruce WONG, Simpson YAU, YIU Hei-lam*, Charlie Bernice YU* 賴映彤 Siu Tung 邵偉敏 SIU Wai-man 羅文偉 Lawmanray 何珮姍 Cindy HO Pui-shan 楊我華 Anthony YEUNG 盛邦興業有限公司 C'est Bon Projects Coperation Limited 偉信裝飾製作有張公司 Wai Shun Decoration and Production Co., Ltd. 顏素茵 Dorothy NGAN So-yan Laura Mercier Mogu CHIU, Ian LAM, Serina NG, Keisha WONG 麥婉婷 Ivy MAK、鄭兆剛 Daniel CHUNG Bertam Kongkee 新影堂有限公司 The New Office Limited 黃健剛 KK WONG、朱詠怡 Anita CHU 李美瑜 Eileen LEE Vivien LIU@Studio UNIT 鍾詠喻 Jeni CHUNG、陸錦汶 Katie LUK 陳依婷 Jaye CHAN、鍾詠喻 Jeni CHUNG、駱俊朗 David LOK Dinah GARDNER S Design 江詠恩 KONG Wing Yan Zoe HUI@Laura Mercier 小息跨媒介創作室 Littlebreath Creative Workshop 藝術本子 Paint in Sense Art Studio

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 城市當代舞蹈團在過去一年獲下列機構及人士贊助,謹此致謝: CCDC gratefully acknowledges the following corporations and individuals for their donation in the past year:

城市當代舞蹈團鑽石贊助人 Diamond Patrons of CCDC (累積捐款 HK$500,000 或以上 Accumulated donation of HK$500,000 or above)

天虹紡織製衣(集團 ) 有限公司 嗇色園 簡美蓮博士

Rainbow Textile (Holding) Limited Holdings Sik Sik Yuen Dr Hayley KAN Mee-lin

城市當代舞蹈團白金贊助人 Platinum Patrons of CCDC (累積捐款 Accumulated donation of HK$100,000 - HK$499,999)

中原地產 - 中原薈 慈航慈善基金有限公司 白朗唐紀念基金 無名氏 陳志超太平紳士 陳雅文女士 林超英先生 道書華博士 徐行悅醫生 嚴李燕釗女士

Centaline Property – Centaline Club Chi Hong Charitable Foundation Limited Tom Brown Memorial Fund Anonymous Mr Henry CC CHAN, MH, JP Ms Yama CHAN Mr LAM Chiu-ying Dr Ivy TAO Hsu-hwa Dr Michelle TSUI Hang-yuet Mrs YEN LEE Yin-chiu

城市當代舞蹈團金贊助人 Gold Patrons of CCDC (累積捐款 Accumulated donation of HK$50,000 - HK$99,999)

黃廷方慈善基金 凱盛置業有限公司 陳頌瑛教授 關李帶歡女士 曹浣女士

Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Victory Shine Properties Limited Prof Anna CY CHAN Mrs Sophia KWAN Ms Ellen TSAO

城市當代舞蹈團銀贊助人 Silver Patrons of CCDC (累積捐款 Accumulated donation of HK$30,000 - HK$49,999)

大覺福行中心 無名氏 鄭慧華女士 關秀菁女士 梁繼昌先生 林雲峰教授、太平紳士 文潔華教授 王陳兆笳女士

城市當代舞蹈團贊助人 Patrons of CCDC

(累積捐款 Accumulated donation of HK$3,000 - HK$9,999)

BEYOND Bollywood Limited 東邊舞蹈團 身隨意舞 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 Tn Peacock 無名氏 無名氏 無名氏 無名氏 無名氏 無名氏 無名氏 又一山人 壹頤 陳婉明女士 陳巧欣女士 陳麗雅女士 馮尚智女士 方俊權先生 高白仁先生及寇庭芮女士 吳文安先生 江安泰先生 郭詠賢女士 羅志偉先生 李珊珊女士 賴閃芳女士 曾婷欣女士 伍群芳女士 王榮祿先生 曾艷茹女士 曾婷欣女士 鄧穎恩小姐 黃惠珍女士 黃杏雲女士 吳易珊女士 葉文傑先生及李愛文女士 姚志鵬先生

BEYOND Bollywood Limited E-Side Dance Company Kongtact Square St. Mary's Canossian College Tn Peacock Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous anothermountainman Amelie and Angus Ms Candy CHAN Ms CHAN How-yan Ms CHAN Lai-nga Ms FUNG Sheung-chi Mr Force FONG Mr Brett GORDON and Ms Carrie COX Mr GOH Boon Ann Mr KONG On-tai Ms KWOK Wing-yin Mr Peter LO Ms Rachel LEE Ms LAI Sim-fong Ms Renee TSANG Ms Florrie K F NG Mr ONG Yong-lock Ms Ada TSANG Yim-yu Ms Renee TSANG Miss Yvonne TANG Ms WONG Wai-chun Ms Shirley WONG Ms WU Yi-san Mr Ronald YIP and Ms Maggie LEE Mr Christopher YIU Chi-pang

The Centre for Spiritual Progress to Great Awakening Anonymous Ms Vienne CHENG Wai-wah Ms KWAN Sau-ching Mr Kenneth LEUNG Kai-cheong Prof Bernard LIM, JP Prof Eva MAN Kit-wah 學生票計劃贊助人 Student Ticket Scheme Donors Mrs Jessica ONG CHAN Siu-kar Ms Eunice CHEUNG Siu-wan Ms Eunice CHEUNG Siu-wan

下列機構及人士曾捐款港幣 30,000 元或以上支持舞團發展,特此致謝:

(累積捐款 Accumulated donation of HK$10,000 - HK$29,999)

606 Music Research 新鴻基地產代理有限公司 天安美術製作公司 TangoTang, The Hong Kong Tango Club Yip Foundation Limited 無名氏 無名氏 錢秀蓮博士 鍾明恩教授 鍾小梅女士 蔣頌恩女士 馬來西亞朋友 關秀菁女士 黎海寧女士 黃繼兒先生

城市當代舞蹈團之友 Friends of CCDC

606 Music Research Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited T & O Fine Arts Production Co. TangoTang, The Hong Kong Tango Club Yip Foundation Limited Anonymous Anonymous Dr Miranda CHIN Prof Fanny CHUNG Ming-yan Ms Ribble CHUNG Siu-mui Ms Grace CHIANG Friends from Malaysia Ms KWAN Sau-ching Ms Helen LAI Mr Stephen WONG Kai-yi

A sincere gratitude to organisations and individuals who supported the growth of CCDC for HK$30,000 or above in the past:

舞蹈殿堂 Hall of Fame

萬全堂 花旗私人銀行 華美銀行 映藝劇團有限公司 新昌營造集團 畢安迪先生 陳靜儀女士 馮雲黛女士 Mrs Tasha LALVANI 施向虔女士 杜琪峰先生及黃寶玲女士 汪穗中先生夫人 嚴中明女士

Chain's Medicare Centre Citi Private Bank East West Bank Focus Theatre Limited Hsin Chong Construction Group Mr Andrew R. BAINES Ms Liat CHEN Ms Linda FUNG Mrs Tasha LALVANI Ms Lilian SHIH Mr Johnnie TO Kei-fung and Ms Paulina WONG Po-ling Dr Patrick WANG and Mrs Lucy WANG Ms Grace YEN

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 城市當代舞蹈團在過去一年獲下列機構及人士贊助,謹此致謝: CCDC gratefully acknowledges the following corporations and individuals for their donation in the past year:


Funder by Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

CCDC舞蹈中心(大埔)舞蹈室地板合作伙伴 Studio Floor Partner at CCDC Dance Centre (Tai Po)

CCDC 數碼舞蹈季 Digital Dance Season 文化伙伴 Cultural Partner

「自由駐:城市當代舞蹈團2020」合辦機構 Co-presenter of “CCDC In Residence 2020”

票務伙伴 Ticketing Partner


Programme Partner of A Lover's Concerto


Design Partner


Publicity Partners

城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)

「當代香港藝術靈魂 。 」 《南華早報》

城市當代舞蹈團是香港首個全職專業現代舞團,以體現香港當代文化為宗旨,編創風格鮮明的作品,刻劃當代舞蹈發展軌跡。舞團早於 1979 年由曹誠淵創立,現由香港資深舞蹈家伍宇 烈擔任藝術總監,四十二年來已積累超過二百齣本土編舞家的完整舞碼,包括曹誠淵、黎海寧、梅卓燕、潘少輝及伍宇烈等人作品,也經常與其他媒介的藝術家跨界合作。由舞團創辦的 跳格國際舞蹈影像節以及城市當代舞蹈節,致力在亞洲開拓舞蹈新想像,展現香港的多元魅力。

自 1980 年以來,舞團開展頻繁的國際文化交流活動,先後代表香港踏足美洲、歐洲、澳洲及亞洲共三十多個主要城市,包括紐約、洛杉磯、華盛頓、三藩市、蒙特利爾、倫敦、巴黎、里昂、 羅馬、佛羅倫斯、羅韋雷托、奧斯陸、柏林、慕尼黑、斯圖加特、哥本哈根、布拉格、悉尼、布里斯本、達爾文、東京、新潟、首爾、釜山、大邱、新加坡、馬尼拉、吉隆坡、北京、上海、 烏魯木齊、西寧、台北、孟買、德里、卡米爾、特拉維夫、聖彼德堡及莫斯科等地,進行了二百七十三場海外演出,備受國際藝壇重視。 舞團積極投入本地舞蹈教育工作,每年提供四十多場的外展表演和不同類型的舞蹈訓練,涵蓋現代舞、芭蕾舞、爵士舞及中國舞等,受眾超過四萬人。配合「立足香港、匯聚華人菁英、 創造當代中國舞蹈」的藝術路線,舞團由 1998 年起推展「中國舞蹈發展計劃」,支援國內正在萌芽的現代舞團體,並曾參與策劃及合辦內地多個極具影響力的現代舞節,為新晉舞蹈家 開拓創作視野。CCDC 舞蹈中心於 2004 年成立,承接一貫的舞蹈教育、舞蹈外展計劃、社區表演及藝術推廣等工作,繼續孕育香港當代舞蹈的創作力。

"The artistic soul of contemporary Hong Kong" South China Morning Post

City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC), the flagship of modern dance in Hong Kong, undertakes to blaze the path of contemporary dance scene with extraordinary performances representing contemporary Hong Kong culture. Founded by Willy Tsao in 1979 and directed by Yuri Ng, CCDC has presented more than 200 highly-acclaimed original works by leading choreographers, such as Tsao, Helen Lai, Mui Cheuk-yin, Pun Siu-fai and Ng, and innovative collaborations with artists from other media. Curated by CCDC, Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival and City Contemporary Dance Festival pioneer in Asia to reimagine the possibilities of modern dance. CCDC is renowned for translating the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s multifaceted culture. Since 1980, the Company has accepted 273 overseas invitations to represent Hong Kong in performance at the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals in over 30 major cities: including New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Montreal, London, Paris, Lyon, Rome, Florence, Rovereto, Oslo, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Copenhagen, Prague, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Tokyo, Niigata, Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Singapore, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Shanghai, Urumqi, Xining, Taipei, Mumbai, Delhi, Karmiel, Tel Aviv, St. Petersburg and Moscow. With full commitment to education and development, CCDC offers 40 outreach performances each year and various highly popular dance courses to local community, benefiting more than 40,000 audience members. As a catalyst to contemporary dance development in Hong Kong and China, CCDC has supported emerging modern dance troupes through the China Dance Development Programme since 1998, and co-presented influential modern dance festivals in the Mainland to inspire dance artists. The opening of CCDC Dance Centre in 2004 continues to nurture young artists, students and local communities and sustains the artistic pursuit of contemporary dance in Hong Kong.

城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) 舞團架構 | Company Structure




Mr Robert LEWINGTON 陳雅文女士 鄭慧華女士 Mr Michael HAYNES 嚴鍾慧女士 張文瀚先生





道書華博士 徐行悅醫生 王陳兆笳女士

實習舞蹈員 *

Chairman Co-vice Chairmen Treasurers Members Honorary Legal Consultant

Mr Robert LEWINGTON Ms Yama CHAN Ms Vienne CHENG Mr Michael HAYNES Ms Joyce YEN Chung-wai Mr Michael CHEUNG


Willy TSAO

Executive Director Artistic Department

藝術部門 藝術總監 副藝術總監 駐團編舞 劇場構作 駐團藝術家 排練指導 舞蹈藝術家

Dr Hayley KAN Mee-lin

The Board

董事會 主席 聯合副主席 司庫 成員

Chairman Emeritus

伍宇烈 黃狄文 桑吉加 梁曉端 龐智筠 黃振邦 柯志輝 樂知靄 張景喻

喬 楊 鄺彥璋 吳卓烽 丘善行

黎家寳 譚之卓


Artistic Director Associate Artistic Director Resident Choreographer Company Dramaturg Resident Artists Rehearsal Master Dance Artists Dancer Trainees*

*「藝術人才培育計劃」是由香港藝術發展局資助 The Artistic Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council

陳依婷 馮澤恩 盧雁祈 朱詠怡 鍾詠喻 陸錦汶 謝施予 陳嘉賢

Programme and Marketing Department

林朗兒 駱俊朗 ^





Project Manager Marketing Manager Development Manager Assistant Project Managers Project Co-ordinators Community Arts Mediator Transmedia Content Creator Interns

^ 藝術行政人員實習計劃由香港藝術發展局資助 The Arts Administration Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Technical Department

技術部門 技術總監 製作經理 駐團燈光設計 舞台監督 執行舞台監督 技術主管 助理舞台監督 服裝經理 服裝主管

林禮長 梁鴻略 羅文偉 張詠宜 李泳蓮 霍樹榮 周樂芝 李慧娥 梁頁盈

Technical Director Production Manager Resident Lighting Designer Stage Manager Deputy Stage Manager Chief Technician Assistant Stage Manager Wardrobe Manager Wardrobe Mistress


CCDC Dance Centre

CCDC 舞蹈中心 總監 節目經理 (中國舞蹈發展) 經理 (中心事務) 經理 (外展事務) 助理經理 (中心事務) 助理經理 助理經理 社區藝術統籌 高級課程統籌 課程統籌 兼職課程統籌 雜務員 兼職雜務員

黃建宏 廖國穎 杜麗莎 鄺韻儀 朱愛蓮 李美瑜 謝嘉豪 方錚鳴 張紫欣 陳美芬 查海欣 單紫諾 張麗珍 梁瑞蓮

張麗嫦 鍾佩姍 王守清

Yuri NG Dominic WONG Sang Jijia Melissa LEUNG Noel PONG Bruce WONG Felix KE Shirley LOK CHEUNG King-yu

QIAO Yang Eric KWONG Bobo LAI Jacko NG Zelia TAN Simpson YAU

Peggy LAM

Senior Manager (Accounting and Administration) Henry MAN (On Leave) Senior Manager (Accounting and Administration) Ada WONG Accounting and Administration Officer Cherry LAM Accounting and Administration Assistant Joanne YEUNG Administration Assistant Carman TSUI

文耀基(休假) 黃年彬 林玉如 楊敏華 徐淑賢

節目及市場部 節目經理 市場推廣經理 業務發展經理 助理節目經理 節目統籌 社區藝術統籌 跨媒體文創製作 實習生

Cathy LAU

Administrative Department

行政部門 高級經理 (會計及行政) 高級經理 (會計及行政) 會計及行政主任 會計及行政助理 行政助理

Dr Ivy TAO Hsu-hwa Dr Michelle TSUI Hang-yuet Mrs Jessica ONG CHAN Siu-kar

盧可欣 甘玉英


Director Programme Manager (China Dance Development) Manager (Centre Affairs) Manager (Outreach Affairs) Assistant Manager (Centre Affairs) Assistant Manager Assistant Manager Community Arts Mediator Senior Course Coordinator Course Coordinators Part-time Course Coordinators Janitors Part-time Janitor

Jaye CHAN Jacky FUNG Annette LO Anita CHU Jeni CHUNG Katie LUK Noel TSE Yorke CHAN Anther LAM Thomas LEUNG Lawmanray Jess CHEUNG Bee LI FOK Shu-wing Gigi CHAU Linda LEE Grace LEUNG Kevin WONG Sophie LIAO Lisa TO Ronly KONG Irene CHU Eileen LEE Thomas TSE Bessy FONG Kristy CHEUNG Fanki CHAN CHAR Hoi-yan Hannah SIN CHEUNG Lai-chun LEUNG Shui-lin

Ronnie LAM Danny WONG David LOK^ Audrey CHEUNG Cherry LEUNG Suki MA


Angel CHEUNG Stephanie CHUN WONG Sau-ching

Coco LO

Miki HUI

KAM Yuk-ying


Enrolment now


visit www.hkdancemagazine.com


門票現已公開發售 Tickets NOW available HK$ 100

手機應用程式購票 Mobile App Ticketing 合辦 Co-presented by

戲院購票 Cinema Ticketing (高先電影院節目 Screening at Golden Scene Cinema)

高先電影院票房 / 自助售票機 Box Office / Automatic Ticketing Machines at Golden Scene Cinema 城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region CCDC 保留更換表演者及/ 或修訂已公布的節目內容之權利 CCDC reserves the rights to substitute artists and vary advertised programmes




The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District 伍宇烈




Creation and Direction

Tickets and discounts details available at



盧宜均 劉榮豐 Yuri NG

Guest Creation and Performance Lighting Design


Book NOW

CCDC全體舞蹈藝術家 劇場構作

梁曉端 董言

Creation and Performance

Anna LO Rick LAU



合辦 Co-presented by

CCDC Dance Artists


Melissa LEUNG DONG Yan



攝影師 陳啟藍 @ 萬象鏡社 Photo by Pazu CHAN @ Kaleidoscope Productions

Home Sweat Home

This programme contains dialogue in Teochew dialect, Cantonese, Shanghainese, Thai and Australian English.


City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


CCDC reserves the right to substitute artists and vary advertised programmes.

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