跳格國際舞蹈影像節 2020 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 2020

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價錢讓 區 溫 歷 搶 還 間 隨時隨

CCDC 推出全新 上串流平台,合理 世界各地舞 蹈 友不分地 ,不分 限,不分地 ,重 CCDC 年精彩舞台。除了有2019舞季 套作品已 先上架外, 有多套精 跳格作品 , 於您的舞蹈空 , 地「舞」照跳。


In The Wild 城市祭‧回望

Rite of City Reminisce

兩 選擇 專屬

CCDC is now launching a new online streaming platform for our fans all over the world. Regardless of region and time, you may enjoy CCDC selections over the years at affordable price. In addition to the two new dance pieces o f 2 0 1 9 d a n c e s e a s o n, t h e r e a r e m o r e p i c k s o f J u m p i n g Frames to recall your love towards dance and performing arts. Create your own "dance theatre" anytime and anywhere!

CCDC@HK / On Demand


A live channel on arts and culture

「CCDC藝術頻道」是由城市當代舞蹈團舉辦的⽂化藝術直播頻道,每期為觀眾 送上異彩繽紛的節⽬,包括藝術家專訪、最新創作分享、精彩舞碼重溫等精彩內 容,期望將⽣動有趣且寓教於樂的影⽚,傳遞⾹港舞蹈及各類藝術資訊到觀眾⾯ 前。⽴即訂閱,獲取最新資訊! "CCDC Art Channel" is a live channel on arts and culture dedicated to hosting various programmes each episode, including interviews with artists, the latest on new productions and the Company’s classic works. Through offering interesting, entertaining and educational programmes, we wish to create a way for audiences to easily access information on dance and other art forms in Hong Kong. More exciting contents are coming soon. Subscribe NOW!

CCDC Art Channel 城市當代舞蹈團由⾹港特別⾏政區政府資助。 CCDC is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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