Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project Final Report 賽馬會當代舞「賞‧識」教育計劃期末報告

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Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project 賽馬會當代舞「賞‧識」教育計劃

Final Report 期末報告 July 2021

目錄 Table of Contents




計劃目的 Objectives

p 04-05


計劃內容 Overview

p 06-07


計劃特色 Key Features

p 08-11


計劃成果 Project Output

p 13-33


獎項 Awards

p 35


參加者的話 Participant Interviews

p 36-43


計劃反思 Reflections

p 44-48


媒體報導 Media Press

p 49-50


補充資料 Supplementary Materials

p 51-55


宣傳資料 Publicity

p 56-57

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

p 03

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project 賽馬會當代舞「賞‧識」教育計劃

城市當代舞蹈團蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,於2018年9月起,開展為期三年的「賽 馬會當代舞『賞 ‧識』教育計劃」,透過訪校互動演出、舞台導賞及當代舞工作坊,讓中 小學生獲得全面的舞蹈表演體驗,引發興趣繼而發展藝術的基本鑑賞能力。 This three-year “Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project,” funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, was launched in September 2018. This project gave Hong Kong primary and secondary school students their first encounter with contemporary dance. Through an innovative programme of school tour performances, guided appreciation and experiential workshops, the project laid the groundwork for developing interest and appreciation for the arts.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃目的 Objective

一般人認為當代舞艱深難懂。為了突破這種想法,於 2018 年 9 月開展為期三年的「賽馬 會當代舞『賞‧識』教育計劃」。此項目主要目的是向全港中小學生介紹當代舞,讓從未 接觸過當代舞的學生有更深入的了解。透過嶄新設計的學校互動巡演、舞台導賞及體驗工 ‧ 作坊,培養學生對藝術的興趣,並從小就為欣賞藝術奠定基礎。學校巡演以輕鬆幽默的手 法,結合多種表演元素,有趣地傳達舞蹈場面和知識。舞台導賞加深學生觀眾對專業舞蹈 創作和制作的了解和認識。學生工作坊為有志參與舞蹈創作的學生,提供專業的培練;老 師工作坊則提供各種舞蹈教育的手法及技巧,老師應用於校內的教學。 透過以上三部份的內容,學生能夠循序漸地感受和體驗舞蹈,相比一貫正正經經的解說, 「賽馬會當代舞『賞 識』教育計劃」既深入而廣泛地把一般人認為抽象難明的當代舞推廣 到小一到中六的層面,達至教育局推動藝術教育的宗旨,幫助學生: 發展創造力、批判思考能力和溝通能力,培養美感觸覺和文化意識; 發展藝術技能、建構知識和培養正面的價值觀和積極的態度; 從參與藝術活動中享受過程、感受愉悅和滿足;以及 培養對藝術的終身興趣 從小接觸表演藝術和學習從中表達所思所想,是現今教育理念中,除學業成績以外更需要 追求的一環。

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃目的 Objective Most people think contemporary dance is hard to understand, but we

disagree. The three-year in length Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project was launched in September 2018 to show that contemporary dance is actually accessible. The primary purpose of this project is to introduce contemporary dance to primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong. Students who have never been exposed to contemporary dance will have a chance to access this art form. The brandnew interactive school tour, guided appreciation of professional performances and workshops lays the foundation for cultivating interest in

and appreciation of art from at an early age. With a light-hearted and humorous approach, the School Tour combines various stage elements to convey dance and knowledge in a fun way. The Guided Appreciation deepens the understanding of dance creation and production in a professional context. Students Workshops provide training for those interested in participating in dance creation. Meanwhile, Teachers Workshops introduce methods and skills of dance in education that can apply in school teaching. Through the above three components, the "Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project” successfully promoted the art form to students from Primary 1 to Form 6. Fully meeting the purpose of the Education Bureau in promoting art education and helps students to

develop creativity, critical thinking and communication skills, and cultivate aesthetic sense and cultural awareness; develop artistic skills, construct knowledge and cultivate positive values ​ and attitudes; obtain pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction from participating in artistic activities; and cultivate a lifelong interest in art. Being exposed to performing arts from an early age and learning to express what one thinks is a part of today's educational philosophy. It needs to be pursued alongside academic excellence.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃內容 Overview


School Tour

學校巡演透過舞蹈演出和講解,讓學生對當代舞的概念及演變有初步的認識;互動環節引 起學生觀賞舞蹈演出的興趣,激發思考和創意,分享他們對演出的個人見解。同學們更有 機會與教育藝術家們一同即興創作,認識舞蹈元素「身體、空間、力效」,在激發思考與 創意過程中,拉近舞蹈與同學們的距離。 Through dance performances and explanations in the show, the school tour programme introduced contemporary dance's concept and evolution. Student audience gained dance knowledge. Moreover, the interactive session evoked their interest in attending a dance show, provoked critical thinking and creativity, and encouraged sharing of their personal views on the performance.Teaching artists invited students to improvise with them to explore “body, space, effort” . In the process of active inspiration and creation, we narrowed the artistic distance between dance and the students. At the same time, this programme also provided students with the opportunity to “read” dance, as a way to cultivate audiences of contemporary dance and performing arts.

舞台導賞 Guided Appreciation on Professional Contemporary Dance Productions

舞台導賞讓學生進一步了解舞蹈的創作和製作過程,同學親身到本港著名表演場地如西九 文化區、葵青劇院等,欣賞舞蹈演出,及特備導賞節目。了解制作中燈光、音樂、舞台效 果及其他多媒體元素,認識多樣化的當代舞蹈演出,及劇場運作,提高學生對舞蹈藝術的 鑑賞能力。 Visiting noteworthy Hong Kong performing arts venues, such as the West Kowloon Cultural District and Kwai Tsing Theatre, we introduced students to professional stage performances brought together by lighting, music, stage effects and various multimedia elements. Further the students' understanding of dance creation and production. In addition, exposure to diverse dance performances, empowered students' ability to appreciate dance. Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃內容 Overview

當代舞教師工作坊 Advanced Workshop and Demonstration for Arts Teachers

教師工作坊除了教授有關當代舞蹈的知識,還包括舞蹈動作元素如時間、空間、力效等, 以及如何有系統地編排動作組合;教師透過整合創作中的經驗,討論應用於日常教學的可 能性。

In addition to the knowledge of contemporary dance, the teacher's workshop introduced dance elements of time, space, energy and force, and how to apply these elements into choreographed movement combinations. Teachers integrated their teaching experience and discussed the possibility of applying the method to classroom teaching.

當代舞學生工作坊 Experiential Workshop on Contemporary Dance

參加者無需舞蹈經驗。學生工作坊內容包括舞蹈技巧訓練、拉班動作分析、主題創作,打 破學生認為只有柔韌度高才能參與跳舞的既定印象,透過舞蹈認識和表達自己。 The contemporary dance workshops provided a platform for students to further participate. The content of the student workshop included dance skills training, Laban movement analysis, and choreography. It challenged the stereotype that dance could only be practiced by someone with a particular body condition. Instead, students recognized that they could express themselves through contemporary dance.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃特色 Key Features


School Tour

教育團隊精心編排三段原創舞蹈,使用廣東話、普通話和英文進行。整個流程為求 帶出當代舞的三大重點: 1. 開發及豐富想像力 2. 建立和彰顯個人獨特性 3. 以當代舞作為日常表達的媒界 有別於一般的當代舞演出,學校巡演《舞 ‧ 出個框框》的演出中包括有: 1. 舞蹈段落 2. 個人創作 3.「拉班動作分析」影片簡介 4. 現場參與 5. 分享討論 表演者以個人身份切入,利用音樂配上動作帶動觀眾情感,在不同舞蹈片段之間穿插生動 的對白,由淺入深地解釋當代舞從古典芭蕾舞到現代舞到當代舞的演變。個人創作段落加 入個人感受,及日常動作元素,讓同學們認識人體、運動和創作語境的關係,拉近台上呈 現和台下觀看的距離,帶出表演藝術可以融入日常生活,成為其中一種表達工具。而演出 中的互動及演出後的討論,帶領同學提出自己的見解和想法,可以從不同的角度觀賞當代 舞,鼓勵同學欣賞其他不同的表演,從而達到開拓當代舞觀眾群。 在繁重的學習壓力之下,巡演節目有別於校內的學習環境,演出中賦予不同能力的同學表 達自我的平台、抒發情緒的機會、發揮創意的空間,為香港的中小學生帶來一個全新藝術 體驗。 CCDC

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃特色 Key Features


School Tour The CCDC education team professionally choreographed three original dances , performing in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. The show aims to bring about the three main themes in contemporary dance: 1. Develop and enrich imagination 2. Establish and demonstrate individuality 3. Use contemporary dance as a medium for daily expression Different from a regular performance, the performances of Dance Out of the Box include: 1. Dance segments 2. Teaching Artists’ own creation 3. Videos introducing the "Laban Movement Analysis" 4. Live participation 5. Sharing The performers offered individual perspectives, grip the audience’s emotion by weaving music with movement, interspersed the show with vivid dialogue between dance segments, explaining the evolution of contemporary dance from classical ballet to modern dance to contemporary dance. Creative solo works were peppered with personal feelings and elements of daily action to narrow the distance between performers and members of the audience, showing that performing arts can be integrated into daily life. The interaction during the performance and the discussion afterwards let the students express their own opinions and ideas. They were encouraged to experience contemporary dance from different angles and appreciate other different forms of performances. This also helped us expand the audience base for contemporary dance. The tour provided a platform for students with different abilities to express themselves, an opportunity to express their emotions, and a space for creativity and a new artistic experience for primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃特色 Key Features 舞台導賞 Guided Appreciation on Professional Contemporary Dance Productions

邀請同學和老師進入劇院,觀看城市當代舞蹈團的專業製作,深化賞析舞蹈表演的經驗。 演前提供導賞手冊,輔助老師向同學作簡單講解,了解作品背景,為進入劇場觀賞節目作 熱身準備。然後,舞團專業導師根據每個演出的特色,特別設計演前導賞,或演後對談環 節,與同學進行深入交流。舞台及服裝設計、音樂及聲音、媒體運用、表演者的技巧,編 舞創作概念等,讓同學以不同的層面賞析舞蹈作品,體驗舞台表演藝術的美學和威力。

A special appreciation talk is designed for each live show to help participants construct a starting point of appreciation. A teacher’s pack will be provided for teachers to give a brief explanation to the students to understand the background of the work. It helped audience members to understand the show’s background, set and costume, sound and music, multi-media, techniques of the performers. It also provides a chance to commune with choreographers. Specially designed pre-performance guided tour or postshow dialogue session to conduct an in-depth exchange. Students could appreciate contemporary dance from different angles and experience the aestheticism and power of stage performances.

當代舞教師工作坊 Advanced Workshop and Demonstration for Arts Teachers

由資深導師帶領,開拓教師對當代舞的概念和專業知識。內容包括開發身體,身體的能動 性,當代舞發展及大師作品,舞蹈課程教學案例。分析教材套的練習和教學手法,老師從 中得到啟發,轉化舞蹈元素應用於日常教學,從學科、多元智能活動、課外興趣小組等各 方面,延展舞蹈教育的可能性。 The teachers’ workshops were led by veteran instructors. The content of the workshop includes exploration of body, movement potentials of body parts, the development of contemporary dance and masterpieces, and the good cases sharing of dance curriculum. This aims at expanding working teachers’ concepts and professional knowledge of contemporary dance. From there, they may be inspired to employ different and unusual elements in their teaching. The workshop helps extend the possibilities of dance education in disciplines as diverse as core subjects, multi-intelligence activities, extracurricular activities etc. Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃特色 Key Features

當代舞學生工作坊 Experiential Workshop on Contemporary Dance

學生工作坊的課程內容包括劇場遊戲、技巧訓練、拉班動作分析元素及主題創作。在課程 初期透過遊戲營造輕鬆的環境氛圍先令他們融入和接受新事物,從中訓練反應,專注力及 感官的靈敏度。課堂亦會因應學生們的能力調整地板動作,手腳協調,跳躍及轉圈的技巧 訓練,令學生更了解身體的可能性。從身體不同的部分做動作,再加入力效去改變質感, 為之後的創作打好基礎,讓他們有概念去將動作轉化成自己的舞蹈作品。最後的創作部分 以不同種類的音樂帶給予創作的靈感,透過即興練習,學生根據不同音樂去作出相對應的 動作質感,從而理解到音樂與舞蹈對創作呈現的幫助。利用課堂汲收知識,將生活元素帶 入創作,加上文字的輔助與空間的關係發展出屬於他們的故事。 The experiential workshop included theatre games, dance techniques training, introduction to *LMA and choreography. In the beginning of the

course, theatre games relaxed students, aided in learning new skills and stimulated them to create. This course also trained their reflexes, attention and sensory sensitivity. The instructors adjusted levels of difficulties on floorwork, coordination, jumps and turns to suit the needs of the students. The introduction to *LMA helped students understand their bodies’ possibilities, encouraging them to move different parts of their bodies, add efforts to change the textures of their movements, and generally build a solid foundation to the choreography exercise ahead. Students would incorporate music into their choreography. By understanding the relationship between music and dance, students’ creation contained more depth.Techniques learnt in class, elements of daily life, words and space all enhanced the stories they tell through dance.

*LMA: Laban Movement Analysis

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃成果 Project Output

自2018-19學年開始至今,參與計劃的中小學逾180間,參與的學生及老師接近4萬人。其 教育推廣模式深受業界認同及師生的熱愛和支持,為教育局所提出的藝術教育理念奠下根 基,開展新一代對當代舞蹈藝術的表達和對藝術的審美追求。 在每一次相關活動結束時,我們都會邀請參加學生和老師以問卷調查方式接受訪問。目的 是了解此計劃的成效及其他意見,亦從中得出一些結論和建議。 計劃完結時: (一) 《舞 ‧出個框框》及《舞 ‧出個框框2.0》學校巡演 a. 92% 的參與者表示對當代舞表演感興趣 b. 94% 的參與者同意他們欣賞當代舞的能力有所提高 c. 95% 的參與者對學習體驗感到滿意 (二) 舞台導賞 a. 88% 出席率 b. 81% 的參與者認同他們進一步加強了欣賞當代舞的能力 (三)當代舞教師工作坊 a. 100% 的參與教師更有信心向學生教授當代舞 b. 100% 的參與教師加深了對當代舞的理解,以便進一步教學 c. 100% 的參與教師認為教材內容豐富且實用,可用於未來的教學,並對學習體驗 感到滿意 (四)當代舞學生工作坊 a. 97% 出席率 b. 92% 的參與學生通過當代舞變得更加自信並更善於表達自己 c. 100% 的參與學生學習了基本的當代舞技能,並對學習體驗感到滿意

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


計劃成果 Project Output The Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project started in the 2018-19 school year. More than 180 primary and secondary schools have participated in the project, with nearly 40,000 students and teachers in attendance. Its education effectiveness is recognized by the industry, loved by participating teachers and students. Not only did it lay the foundation for the art education concept proposed by the Education Bureau, it also developed a new generation of contemporary dance art expression and aesthetic pursuit. Participants filled out a survey after each activity. This assisted us in understanding the effectiveness of this project, obtaining useful suggestions in the process. By the end of the Project: (1.) “Dance Out of the Box” a. 92% of the participants express interest towards contemporary dance performances b. 94% of participants agree that they have improved in their ability to appreciate contemporary dance c. 95% of participants are satisfied with the learning experience (2.) Guided Appreciation a. 88% of attendance rate b. 81% of participants agree that they have further strengthened their ability to appreciate contemporary dance (3.) Workshops advanced for art teachers and experiential a. 100% participating teachers are more confident in teaching contemporary dance literacy to their students b. 100% participating teachers have deepened their understand of contemporary dance for further teaching c. 100% participating teachers found the teaching kits informative and practical for future teaching, and are satisfied with the learning experience (4.) Workshops advanced for students and experiential a. 97% attendance b. 92% participating students become more confident and able to express themselves through contemporary dance c. 100% participating students learned elementary contemporary dance skills and are satisfied with the learning experience

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



「舞‧出個框框」學校巡演 “Dance out of the Box” Contemporary Dance School Tour


曾到63間學校演出72場次;當中包括39間小 學,24間中學

間學校 Schools

72 School tour performances have been performed in 63 schools, including 39 Primary schools and 24 Secondary schools


位學生 Students

19,806位學生觀賞「舞。出個框框」學校巡演 節目 A total of 19,806 students participated in live school tour performances


名老師 Teachers

200名教師觀賞「舞。出個框框」學校巡演節目 A total of 200 teachers participated in live school tour performances

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Guided Appreciation 舞台導賞配合導賞手冊和觀演須知,包括背景資料、演出內容、劇場禮儀,讓老師可以先 與學生講述作品,從而令學生思考及發問更多,加強觀賞體驗。2018-19年進行了兩 次,共6場舞台導賞。分別觀賞了兩場於柴灣青年廣場演出的《棱·角》以及四場於葵青劇 院演出的《春之祭》。 Before each guided appreciation event, teachers received an appreciation guide. In it, they could find the show’s background, content, and notes on theater etiquette. We encouraged teachers to share these notes with students, to prepare them for the performance, and enhance their viewing experience. During the 2018-19 school years, two guided appreciation shows, totaling 6 performances, were available for teachers and students to choose from: "Prism/Angles" in November 2018, performed in Chai Wan’s Youth Square and "The Rite of Spring" in April/May 2019, performed in Kwai Tsing Theatre.


名老師出席參與 Teachers participated

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


位學生出席參與 Students participated



Advanced Workshop for Arts Teachers 教師工作坊提供舞蹈教學教材套,包括當代藝術介紹、現代舞及當代舞發展 史、舞蹈課程教案及課程資料,幫助老師更加了解如何應用舞蹈於課外活動或 常規課程的教學。 Participants at the teachers’ workshop were given a set of teaching kits, which included information on contemporary arts, history of modern dance and contemporary dance, teaching plans and information on arts education curriculums. This helped teachers deepen their awareness of how dance can be incorporated into extracurricular activity or classroom teaching.

17 34

教師工作坊共3場,出席教師有17名 3 teachers workshops attended by 17 teachers

教師工作坊期間,發放共34套中英文版本舞蹈教材套 34 bilingual teaching kits had been distributed

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Experiential Workshop 在學生工作坊中,由教育藝術家帶領,為參與者帶來有趣好玩的當代舞課堂,教 授舞蹈技巧和創作手法,開發身體之外,也培養探索精神和體驗創作的奇妙。 Led by Teaching Artists, students participated in fun and informative experiential workshops. In addition to contemporary dance techniques, developing body language and cultivating a spirit or exploration is equally emphasized.


24場學生工作坊,共59名學生參與,當中包括28名小學生及31名中學 生參與 24 Students’ Workshops attended by 28 primary students and 31 secondary students

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



「舞 ‧出個框框2.0」學校巡演-到校實地演出 “Dance out of the Box 2.0” Contemporary Dance School Tour Live shows

6間中學 Secondary Schools


間學校 Schools 11間小學 Primary Schools


5,273 名學生 Students



在2019/20學年第一學期,在17間學校(包括6間中學、11間小學)進行了19場表演。 其中共5,273名學生及39位教師參與觀賞。其後,新冠病毒的突然爆發雖然帶來很多演出 上的不便,但我們也藉此機會製作了「賽馬會當代舞蹈『賞‧識』教育計劃」網上學習資 源,支援各種網上教學的需要。 In the first term of the 2019/20 school year, 19 performances were staged in 17 schools (including 6 Secondary Schools and 11 Primary Schools). A total of 5,273 students and 39 teachers participated in the viewing. Although the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 brought about a lot of inconveniences, we took this opportunity to create an online learning resource for the Project, support online classroom teaching.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



“Dance out of the Box 2.0” Video & Online Learning 為配合疫情下學生在家學習的需要,本計劃適時推出網上學習資源,以現場巡 演節目的故事內容為基礎,發展適合網上學習的串流影片《舞‧出個框框》, 配合輔助資料——工作紙、解讀當代舞錦囊、教師演示文稿。除了觀看影片, 老師可以利用輔助資料,與同學進行觀看後的討論,或延伸活動,激發學生創 意及深入思考。這系列節目帶給同學們另一種課外學習體驗,從藝術中學習生 活的態度,從生活中尋找藝術的蹤跡。 Online learning resources were launched promptly to meet the needs of studying at home during the pandemic. Based on the story of the tour programme, a streaming video, "Dancing Out of the Box" developed to cater for online learning. The videos come with supporting materials - worksheets, tips on appreciating contemporary dance, PPT. In addition to watching videos, teachers can use supplementary materials to conduct discussions or follow-up activities to activate students' creativity and in-depth thinking. To strengthen students’ physical and mental well-being in adversity, and help them live every day to the fullest.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


我們製作的「賽馬會當代舞蹈『賞‧識』教育計劃」網上學習資源得以在82間學校播放, 總觀看人數多達3,583人次,當中包括3,449位學生及134名老師。 Our "Dance Out of the Box — Online Learning Resource" was streamed at 82 schools, reaching 3,583 viewers, including 3,449 students and 134 teachers.



名老師 Teachers

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

間學校 Schools


位學生 Students



Guided Appreciation

2019-20年,共6名老師和54名學生於嶄新表演 場地-西九文化區的自由空間觀賞現場表演節目 《Re-Mark》。下半年度因疫情關係,表演場地關 閉。我們錄製了兩場表演《 》、《實習魔法師 的生命練習題》,並加插了教育藝術家的導賞及 創作團隊的訪問。學生仍然可以在疫情期間遙距 感受現場演出的氣氛。

In 2019-20, students and teachers were invited to the exciting new performance venue — Freespace in the West Kowloon Cultural District. 6 teachers and 54 students participated in the live show of "Re-Mark". Due to venue closures, two performances “ ”, "The Copybook of Life Challenges for Apprentice Magician" were recorded online with added commentaries by Teaching Artists, as well as interviews with the creative teams, for students to appreciate performing arts at home.


54名學生觀賞現場表演 54 Students participated the live show


6位教師觀賞現場表演 6 Teachers participated the live show

2,417 150

2,417名學生觀賞網上演出 150 位老師觀賞網上演出 2,417 Students participated 150 Teachers participated the online show the online show

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Advanced Workshop for Arts Teachers


2019-20年度共96位教師參與教師工作坊,當中7位參與實體的工 作坊,89位參與網上工作坊。所製作的網上學習資源教學短片的老 師教材套發放了103套。 A total of 96 teachers participated in teacher workshops in 2019-20, of which 7 participated in physical workshops and 89 participated in online workshops included in the Dance Out of the Box — Online Learning Resource. 103 sets of teacher teaching kits of the online learning resource teaching videos were also distributed.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Experiential Workshop

同樣為配合防疫工作,學生工作坊中只有一期課程可以面授。我們的教育藝術家錄製了四 條10分鐘的教學短片,供學生在家學習。 Also, in order to cooperate with the epidemic prevention work, there is only one course in the student workshop that can be taught face-to-face. Our teaching artists recorded four 10-minute instructional videos for students to study at home.


名學生參與網上工作坊 59 students participated in the online workshop


名學生參與實體工作坊 14 students participated in live workshops

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



「舞 ‧出個框框2.0」學校巡演 “Dance out of the Box 2.0” Contemporary Dance School Tour

到校實地演出 Live shows

疫情反覆影響了教與學進行的模式,2020-2021年度計劃推展「混合模式」結合線上及線 下,在各種環境及條件下以最大效率接觸觀眾。 The pandemic has repeatedly affected the mode of teaching and learning. Hence, in 2020-2021, the implementation of a "hybrid model" that combines online and offline to reach audiences with maximum effectiveness in various environments and conditions.


間學校 Schools

7 6

間中學 Secondary Schools

2,196 7

間小學 Primary Schools

13間學校,當中包括6間小學7間中 學參與到校實地演出 A total of 13 schools participated "Dance out of the box 2.0" school tour , including 6 Primary schools and 7 Secondary schools


名學生 Students

位教師 Teachers

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

A total of 2,196 students participated "Dance out of the box 2.0" school tour 7位教師參與到校實地演出 A total of 7 teachers participated "Dance out of the box 2.0" school tour


「舞 ‧出個框框2.0」學校巡演 “Dance out of the Box 2.0” Contemporary Dance School Tour


Online Streaming

2020-2021學年我們得以重返校園作實地演出,亦同時善用網上資源作直播互動演出, 為觀眾帶來新的觀賞體驗。 For the 2020-2021 school year, we were able to return for live performances. At the same time, we made good use of online resources to live stream performances, bringing a new viewing experience to the audience.

14 2,382 38

間學校 Schools

名學生 Students

來自14間學校,包括6間小學及8間中學觀賞網 上實時互動演出 A total of 14 schools participated "Dance out of the box 2.0" online school tour, including 6 Primary schools and 8 Secondary schools. 2,382名學生觀賞網上實時互動演出 A total of 2,382 students participated "Dance out of the box 2.0" online school tour.


位教師 Teachers

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

A total of 38 teachers participated "Dance out of the box 2.0" online school tour



Guided Appreciation 2020-21我們發放了三場表演的錄製片段,包括《O》、《實習魔法師的生命練習題》、 《舞當 (荃灣)開檔》。其中《舞當 (荃灣)開檔 》的錄影版於2021年暑假推出。 除此亦準備了節目導賞小冊子及幕後制作特輯,幫助沒有劇場經驗的觀眾感受舞台上的舞 蹈演出。 In 2020-21, we distributed three stage video of "O", "The Copybook of Life Challenge for Apprentice Magician" and "Dance at Dawn". The video version of "Dance at Dawn" launched in the summer of 2021. We also prepared programme guide booklet and Behind-the-scenes video to help audiences without theatre experience to engage with the stage.

舞蹈節目《舞當 (荃灣)開檔》的網上觀 看總人數為2,297,當中包括69位老師和 2,228名學生 The total number of online viewers of the dance show "Dance at Dawn" was 2,297, including 69 teachers and 2,228 students 舞蹈節目《O》的網上觀看總人數為2,834,當中包括37 位老師和2,803名學生 The total number of online viewers of the dance show "O" was 2,834, including 37 teachers and 2,803 students

舞蹈節目《實習魔法師的生命練習題》的網上觀看總人數 為2,149,當中包括155位老師和1,994名學生 The total number of online viewers of the dance show "The Copy of Life Challenge for Apprentice Magician" was 2,149, including 155 teachers and 1,994 students

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Guided Appreciation 「劇場是一個綜合藝術的場域,在這裏,我們 運用想像力,透過集體創造力,一起參與和經 歷當代舞蹈的另一種親和力。」 "Theatre is a comprehensive artistic field. Here, we use our imagination and collective creativity to participate and experience another affinity for contemporary dance together." 2021年第一季劇場重開後,計劃共舉行了一場實體舞台導賞,觀賞由城市當代舞蹈團製 作,於香港藝術中心壽臣劇院上演的現場節目《42。36。42》選段,有26名學生,2位 教師參與。 The epidemic slowed down and theatres reopened in early 2021 eventually. A stage guided tour to watch an excerpt from "42. 36. 42" performed live at Shousan Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre, with 26 students and 2 teachers participating.

26 2

26名學生觀賞現場演出 26 Students participated the live show 2位老師觀賞現場演出 2 Teachers participated the live show

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Advanced Workshop for Arts Teacher 2020-2021年疫情反覆,我們靈活處理工作坊的安排,部分課程以線上形式進行。待場 地重開,我們把握機會推行實體教師工作坊,分別在2020年11月、2021年1月,3月及7 月舉辦了共4場教師工作坊,有39位教師出席參與。 From 2020 to 2021, the epidemic situation remains volatile, and we have handled the arrangement of workshops flexibly, some courses will be conducted online. After the theater reopened, we seized the opportunity to implement physical teacher workshops. A total of 4 teacher workshops were held in November 2020, January, March and July 2021. There were 39 teachers attended and participated.

39 位教師 Teachers


場教師工作坊 Workshops

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Experiential Workshop 2020-21的學生工作坊以彈性處理線上線下的上課安排。全年共舉辦了4場學生工作坊, 全年合共24節課堂,其中6節前期課程仍受疫情影響而以網上形式進行,其餘課程皆以實 體形式於排演室進行。全期工作坊有59名學生參與,包括28名小學生及31名中學生。 We provided online/offline flexibility in arranging classes for the 2020-21 student workshops. 4 workshops, 24 sessions in total were held throughout the year. Amongst them, 6 sessions were held online due to the pandemic, but the rest of the classes were conducted in physical forms in studios. 59 students participated in the workshop, including 28 primary and 31 secondary school students


場工作坊 Workshops


Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

節課堂 Sessions


名學生 Students




第十四屆香港藝術發展獎-藝術教育獎 Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s 14th Hong Kong Arts Development Award

Certificate of Merit (Non-School Division) for Arts Education

香港舞蹈年獎2020-傑出舞蹈教育/社區舞蹈 Hong Kong Dance Alliance’s 22nd Hong Kong Dance Awards

Outstanding Dance Education or Community Dance Award

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Participant Interviews

Kat Troy

Sha Tin Junior School


Such a wonderful experience for the children. They absolutely loved it and it was such a great showcase of contemporary dance. The performers were entertaining and knowledgeable and it was lovely to have something in Cantonese/English. A lot of the children chose to write the reflections in Chinese. If we are able to get the show again next year, that would be fab!

區老師 保良局莊啟程小學 精心的舞蹈編排,同學們看得 投入,也看得開心! 謝謝您們給予同學們一次難忘 的經歷。


詹主任 軒尼斯道官立小學 節目精彩,能把當代舞的概念深入 淺出,學生較易明白,所以看得很 投入,反應很好。

陳老師 順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學 城市當代舞蹈團的演出相當精彩,大開眼界!能透過當代舞讓 人認識到甚麼是當代舞,更能提升大家對當代舞的興趣。當代 舞的即興性與抒發性,叫人親切、興奮、寫意!欣賞節目的細 心安排,很專業,別出心裁、很互動,讓師生也能投入、享受 在其中。盼能有機會欣賞你們的演出!參與你們的活動!


Sarah Neill

Sha Tin Junior School

老 師 的 話 Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

It was such a wonderful performance; one of my favourite shows at SJS. The way they managed to get all 300 children to participate was amazing and all the reflections I read on the yellow sheets were hugely positive. Even children not traditionally fond of dance came out with such a different mindset. The way they used different was really good and we are going to use that as example for the kids with regards to performance at exhibition. Thanks so much for organizing it. It really was fantastic.



Words from Students 過去3年學校巡演節目中,藝術創作團隊不因場地所限,靈活運用不同大小、戶外 或室內的場地,務求為師生帶來最優質的演出。除精彩節目外,在觀賞後現場會派 發學生觀賞手冊及感想頁,學生以文字及圖畫作回應,我們藉此加深了解學生對當 代舞的想法。 In the past 3 years, we did not let the physical venues limit our performance and creativity. We flexibly utilised indoors and outdoors venues of different sizes, in order to provide teachers and students with the best performances. We received immediate feedback from students by way of comment pages. Students wrote or drew what they thought of the show, and how the show made them feel. This way, we gained insights into students’ reflections on what they saw.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


類別 Category 感想 Feeling

引句 Quotes 跳舞真是一種很奇妙的東西,可以抒發自己的心情, 又可以用舞蹈說話。今天看完你們的表演,讓我得到 一個啟發-要勇敢追夢。謝謝您們,期望日後再有機 會欣賞您們精彩的表演。 (天水圍官立小學學生)

我覺得當代舞可以表達出唔同 感情同故事,我最深 刻 一幕係 張檯上面爭奪,雖然我唔太理解到每一 個舞蹈帶出 意思,但係睇住佢 跳,可以感覺到舞 蹈帶出 感情,而且我覺得好好睇。估唔到跳舞可 以帶出個人感情。加油!


喺 嘅


第一次睇當代舞表演,覺得好正。平時係YouTube睇 表演冇現場睇咁有深刻感受。而且,當代舞真係好 吸引,無論係舞姿定係想表達 意思。


我 感想就係好似導演(梁曉端)所講 咁樣:欣賞 藝術,不必跟隨標準答案,重要的是過程經歷了甚 麼。每個人都是獨特的,所以每個人都可以定義和創 造屬於自己的藝術,而我覺得呢一句話都好有意思! (風采中學學生)

看完演出後,有種現實和夢想之間 掙扎的拉鋸,但 是鼓勵到我實現夢想,不要因困難而放棄,勇敢追夢 堅持不懈。當代舞不是為了表面的形式去跳,而是為 了表達內心而跳。那種自由和當下,做自己想做的, 打破自己的框框。 (學生)

本身覺得當代舞好似離自己好遠,但其實原來無想像中 遙遠,甚至有少少覺得可以嘗試體驗一下。氣氛幾輕 鬆,雖然表演時間唔太長,但內容都好豐富。見到舞者 都好投入,即使流晒大汗都感受到佢 享受當下,亦感 染到我 。多謝舞者、舞團的用心演出。加油! Background都好正。 (學生)

我覺得他們好厲害,他們能合拍地做出流利和幾乎一 模一樣,這樣我感覺到他們花了多少時間來練習,這 種堅持不懈的精神值得我學習。


Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


類別 Category

引句 Quotes 我很敬佩你們的表演,其過程雖長但你們依舊熱情不 減,無論是表演或互動,都完全地恰到好處,更何況 你們剛完成高年級的表演。舞蹈動作也十分優美,再 加上完美的團體配合,簡直是如虎添翼。希望你們可 繼續將當代舞和歡樂帶給更多人。


洞察 Insight

好有趣阿!!舞蹈真係無框框架:) 我之前一直都以為 冇呢件事。原來所有 都係自由發揮架,我會提自 己,做所有 都唔好框住自己。


這個舞蹈從快樂到悲傷,描寫了舞蹈員的一生,我察 覺到現在應該不考慮未來,不回顧以前,我要活在當 下!Dream will come true if you try!


現代舞要定義很難,每個人都有自己的定義。在我的 定義中,我覺得無論動還是不動,都是一種舞蹈。就 好像在坐的時候,每個人都有自己的「舞姿」,獨一 無二。 (救恩書院學生)

個性的表達就是尊重多元和不同意見,創新的追求就 是接納新鮮事物,並嘗試適應新生活,對人類時代的 關注就是雖然面對立場相異的群體,仍會溝通和包 容。 (中學學生)

觀賞完這個當代舞表演後我感到自己的文化內涵得到進 一步的提升和進步。在這表演裏,我能在音樂、舞姿、 道具等方面感受到城市當代舞蹈團每一位幕前幕後的工 作人員,他們對表演的要求和執著。 (學生)

知識 Knowledge

看完今天的表演,我對當代舞的認識多了很多。例如 當代舞要有空間,力效等,我們也可以利用肢體語言 表達情緒。而且Kammy姐姐跳得很好看。


Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


類別 Category

引句 Quotes I used to think contemporary dance is a dance that have to follow the steps and the same as other dance but now I think that you can create your own steps and you don't need music to dance you can just use your imagination in your mind. I really really like you guys dance like all of them.


我覺得看完你們的表演後很開心,因為我學到了:水 平:高、中和低,還有節奏和方向!後,左後,右前 等等。也認識了不同的當代舞大師。我覺得跳當代舞 可舒緩壓力,還可以表達自己感受或心情。最後,當 代舞可加入不同元素:拉丁舞,芭蕾舞,Hip-Pop等。 這個表演是非常值得演出。 (學生) 我覺得主題十分生動輕鬆。內容好看,因為旋律優美, 能利用舞蹈來突出當時情感或人物性格。 當代舞強調 的想像力,內容來自我們的現實生活,能夠跟旋律配 合,還能夠跟觀眾互動,十分值得讚賞。表演內有一些 關於當代舞的精彩短片,能讓我了解當代舞大師和很多 關於當代舞資訊。 (香港培正中學學生) My perspective in dance has changed entirely, I realized that every single body part has movements. Regularly I couldn't pay attention but your performance has put my eyes on it for almost an hour! I really appreciate what you have done to our school, you made us realize different things, we were moved by your performance and not only you helped us gain new knowledge but you satisfied our curiosity. We will use this knowledge for many different places or subjects/topics. With your crew and your performance is valuable and luckily I took this opportunity to express. Even though if some students or teachers might not understand Cantonese/Mandarin but your body language, actions or pictures! (學生)

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


類別 Category 賞識 Interpretation

引句 Quotes 覺得很不一樣。每種顏色都是每個人自己的想法,我 們要撕開,創造出一個新的自己,要突破。不只是跳 一個舞種,被「它們」困著,跳舞本就是用來發洩, 發達自己的想法,用另外一種方法來表達自己。 (學生)

我覺得將手/腳/頭伸出繃帶的情境十分吸引我,讓我 聯想到人在生活中不懼束縛,突破難關的樣子。


道具和舞者配合得很好,e.g.把白色道具從女舞者的頭 穿下至腳,而舞者從白色道具中跳出,有打破框框、 跳出常規、跨過難關破繭之感受。


第一幕很開心,白色的服裝很飄逸,像蝴蝶一樣飛 舞、輕快。第二幕服裝有條紋,代表著被種種困難、 挫折所束縛。


服裝上的黑色好像代表了內心的掙扎,撕下這個動作可 能是代表功課、考試卷、撕開讀書的壓力、可能是和媽 媽吵架的時候、撕開一種世俗對自己的偏見、撕走現實 的一切煩惱,而電流的動作聯想起源源不斷的功課。 (中學生)

「我們四人在學生生涯中曾互相說出自己特別的夢 想,互相鼓勵著對方。」「在我們出來社會後,卻感 到迷茫,每天不停地重複著上班、下班、回家這些動 作。」「我明白到這世界不看你善不善良,也不看你 特別,只看地位,我開始向上爬,一路推到不少 人。」「但當我回頭看,已經在最高點了,再向下 看,那地上有不少人在呢,其中還有那時候的三 人......」「我發現我的眼裡少了那時候的天真,變得冷 了,我撕碎那限制我的那張紙,放飛在籠裏的鳥。」 「去尋找自己的夢想吧,少年!」 以上是我看完自行想的。 (學生)

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



Reflections 計劃實施三年日子裏,面對不少外在因素的影響,在執行上遇到各種挑戰及阻礙。對當代舞 創新、突破、求變的精神的堅持,讓計劃在局限中,仍然能夠達到核心成效 ——引發想像 和思考,打開對當代舞好奇之心,讓舞蹈藝術成為學習及生活成長的一部份。 建立「賞.識」當代舞的信心 欣賞當代舞在學界中的推廣,往往遇到一個難題,學生經常「都唔知跳緊乜」,因而卻步不 願意觀看抽象的舞蹈演出。針對這一點,本計劃認為最重要的不只是提供觀看指引或解說, 而是賦予觀眾自主詮釋的權利,建構自己的賞識脈絡,評價作品。 針對這個目標,學校巡演節目以「用舞蹈說明舞蹈」,透過幽默輕鬆貼地的對白,邀請觀眾 發表及討論舞蹈片段,在平等開放的氣氛中交流,各人的聲音都能被聽見,都可以表達自己 的見解,成功提升學生對於評價舞蹈作品的信心。增加他們對觀看舞蹈演出的興趣及慾望。

During the three-year execution of the Project, the impact from a number of external factors incurred many challenges and hurdles. Albeit the limitations, perseverance in the spirit of contemporary dance to seek innovation, breakthrough and change has enabled the Project to achieve its core objective, namely, to instigate imagination and thoughts, to arouse the curiosity of contemporary dance so that the art of dance integrates with learning and growth. Building the confidence in contemporary dance appreciation A recurring problem of the promotion of contemporary dance in schools is that students are pretty “clueless about the meaning of the movements,” discouraging them from attending abstract dance performances. To tackle this, the Project opines that the essential lies not in providing appreciation guidelines or explanations but in empowering the audiences their rights of interpretation and their autonomy of developing their own context of appreciation and evaluation. To this end, the idea of “explaining dance with dance” has been applied in school tours. With humorous and approachable scripts, audiences were invited to talk about and discuss specific parts of the performance. The exchange was conducted in an open and equal atmosphere. Everybody’s voice was heard, everyone allowed to speak his mind. This has successfully improved the students’ confidence in evaluating dance, increased their interest and desire in watching dance performance.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


知識理論認知和實踐 有了校內巡演節目的經驗,學生觀眾參加劇場的導賞活動時,投入度及賞析能力有明顯的提 升。不論對作品的喜惡,他們能更直接表達感受。部份學生更多了注意台上的視覺構圖、身 體動感、音樂氣氛、空間運用等元素,並能夠從這些角度論述自己的意見。 巡演節目中提及的舞蹈大師名稱,以及拉班動作分析(Laban movement analysis)基本要 素(動作質地、力度、方向等),除了在表演中加插的影片及派發的補充資料出現,讓觀眾潛移 默化植入印象。然後在教師和學生工作坊,導師再次利用這兩個知識點,深化參加者對知識 理論的認識,並應用實踐 — 透過舞蹈大師的作品風格及美學,介紹當代舞發展背景,現代 舞和當代舞的界定,當代舞的多元性;以及身體力行,利用拉班動作分析解構動作,進行即 興創作,探索身體部位的能動性。 Learning and practice of knowledge and theories Backed up by the experience earned from the performance at schools, the students showed obvious enhancement in their dedication and analytical ability when they attended the guided appreciation sessions in the theatres. They directly expressed their feelings regardless of whether they enjoyed the piece or not. Some students were more attentive to the visual images, corporeal movement, sonic atmosphere, and spatial design, while they supported their opinions with these theatrical elements. The dance masters mentioned in school tours and the fundamental attributes (movement texture, force, direction, etc.) of Laban Movement Analysis were listed out in the videos played during the performance, and the supplementary information sheets distributed. Given time, awareness was built naturally. In the subsequent teachers’ and students’ workshops, the instructors reiterating this information to deepen the participants’ understanding, which they applied and practiced. With reference to the styles and aesthetics of dance masters, they described the history of contemporary dance, the difference between modern and contemporary dance, and the diversity of the latter. They also put it into practice: improvisational dance creation and exploration of movement potential of body parts after learning how to deconstruct movements using Laban Movement Analysis.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


積極參與及改變 在工作坊中參加者必需親自體驗舞蹈,透過強調了解自己的身體狀能,加強覺察身體部位的 運動,打破各人對當代舞蹈難進入的戒心,增強每個人對身體的敏感度;同時自由及開放的 動作,令人人都做到了用身體表達和創作。老師也反映從前覺得難推動的現代舞或當代舞活 動,在參加計劃後,策劃該類活動的意願加強。在老師工作坊之後,也有學校主動聯絡我 們,為校內的學習日設計舞蹈相關的活動。 Active participation and change Workshop participants were required to experience dance. The emphases on understanding of one’s own body condition and awareness of how different body parts move alleviated the wariness of approaching contemporary dance. Once the sensitivity of one’s body has been enhanced, free and non-stylized movements enabled everyone to express and create with the body. Some teachers told us that while they used to find it difficult to promote modern and contemporary dance events, they were more inclined to do so after participating in the Project. After the teachers’ workshops had finished, we were invited by some schools to design dance-related events for the school learning days.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


舞蹈藝術的種子萌芽並持續生長 學生工作坊中一個成功的例子:一位學生參加者出席第一節課,被問到為什麼報名,是不是很 熱愛跳舞?他回答說,因為節目巡演當天,他缺席沒有上學,翌日回學聽到同學們熱情討 論,他非常好奇,所以好想參加工作坊。而這位男同學,在完結了6節課堂後,主動詢問導 師,在哪裏可以繼續上跳舞課堂。 而有好幾位同學,也參加了CCDC的 學金課程,成為了本計劃受惠學生的另一個階梯,提 供有志追求深化技術的同學的一個選擇。 同樣的例子,發生在老師工作坊。行內的一位舞蹈老師告訴我們,她的中學老師某天突然來 電,說道,她參加了CCDC的教師培訓,覺得舞蹈除了表演訓練,還可以應用在教學上,很 有趣;知道該名同業都是舞蹈教育的導師,可否回到母校,幫忙推動發展這樣的活動。 更令人鼓舞的還有一個小故事,某天兩位教育藝術家走在灣仔街頭,偶然幫助了一位跌倒的 小朋友,他身邊的哥哥馬上認出了兩位表演者「我睇過你們跳舞」,而這名學生來自屯門 區。 或許這些是微不足道的小故事,但藝術的種子就在我們不知不覺中萌芽,有一天,男孩可能 成為了舞蹈課程常客,或者哥哥帶著弟弟走進劇場一起看一場舞蹈表演,又或者校本課程中 推行了舞蹈教育的單元。

Germination and growth of the seed of dance Here is a successful case study coming out of the students’ workshop: On the 1st day of workshop, a student was asked of his reason for enrolment. Was it out of his passion for dance? He said that he had been absent from school on the day of performance. When he returned on the following day, he heard the heated discussion of his classmates and was very curious about it. That was why he had wanted a lot to join the workshop. By the end of the 6th session, this young man went up to the instructor and inquired where he could go for more dance classes. Some students took a further step up from the Project and joined the scholarship courses offered by CCDC, an option for those who were dedicated to enhancing their techniques. A similar example came out of the teachers’ workshops. A dance teacher told us one day that she received an unexpected call from her secondary school teacher. The latter told her that she had joined CCDC’s teachers’ workshops and learnt that dance could be applied to teaching alongside performing, which she found intriguing. She asked this dance teacher if she would like to like to assist in developing similar activities at her alma mater. Another encouraging episode goes like this: one day, two of the education artists offered helped to a young kid, who had tripped over, in Wanchai. The kid’s elder brother recognised them and said, “I have seen you dance before.” This kid lived in Tuen Mun. Trivial as these episodes may seem, the seed of art germinates without us noticing it. There may be one day when the boy regularly joins dance classes, or the brothers watch a performance together in the theatre, or when dance modules are included in the school-based curriculum.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


在困境中反思 由於停課及表演場地關閉的原因,三年的計劃走到第二個年初就被打亂,我們作出即時回 應,感謝賽馬會慈善信託基金的全力支持,讓藝術團體靈活的作出調整。錄製影片、教材 套、實時網上互動演出,學生及老師透過網上學習資源,並未間斷地繼續接觸及欣賞舞蹈。 網絡平台開拓了多元手法及跨媒介形式,呼應了當代舞的探索精神;貼近現況的題材及內 容,讓舞蹈與生活扣連得更緊密。同時,靈活的網上資源,支援老師教學的各種需要。 雖然,表演藝術的現場感,人與人接觸的溫度不能被網上活動完全取替,但在停課時期應運 而生的媒介,對舞蹈的觀賞體驗,創作者的美學探索,都推進了一個新時代。而這種模式, 會直接影響推動舞蹈藝術和拓展觀眾的思考方法。CCDC在大環境的變遷中,將繼續以具前瞻 性思維視野,製作具成效及回應當下的外展教育節目及活動。 Reflections amidst the plight We were only in the 2nd year of the three-year Project when plans were interrupted due to closures of schools and performing venues. We reacted promptly, supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, which enabled us to adjust with flexibility. Students and teachers continued to approach and appreciate dance through online learning resources including videos, teaching kits and real-time interactive performance. The Internet allowed us to experiment with diversified and multi-media forms, which was in line with the exploration spirit of contemporary dance; themes and content that were close to real-life situations connect dance with life. Online resources were also easily adaptable to the various teaching and administrative needs of teachers. Being in-situ of the performing arts and the warmth of human contact cannot be, arguably, entirely replaced by online activities. However, the media borne out of class suspension has led dance appreciation and dance-makers’ aesthetic exploration into a new era. This very model will directly impact the contemplation of promoting the art of dance and audience development. Amidst the changing environment, CCDC will, with forward-looking mindset and vision, continue to produce effective out-reach education programmes and events that respond to the times.

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project


媒體報導 Media Coverage 文章專題



【藝術教育】舞蹈團貼地跳入 學校 帶領中小學生認識當代舞



點睇當代舞?「賞。識」連結 劇場與學校



入學校 不僅教學生 還有教老師




港。心情 藝力薈萃專輯—『舞 動創未來』 Dance Revolution

讓你跳出框框:CCDC「賽馬會 當代舞『賞。識』教育計劃」 「唔只睇片」網絡跳舞 開Live 虛擬狂想 個性、自由、多元當代舞教育 教很多 疫下舞不停 — 城市當代舞蹈團 「賽馬會當代舞『賞。識』教 育計劃」 當代舞賞析 舞出教育計劃 現代舞互動巡演提升學生興 趣,舞台導賞學習欣賞舞蹈! Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project

東周刊 英文虎報

The Standard
















《同途有心人》 商業電台 *電台專訪



取自《香港仔》-香港大公文匯報 Retrieved from Lion Rock Daily

取自香港文匯報 Retrieved from wenweipo 取自順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學校園傳真

Retrieved from STFALKKC School News

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取自明報新聞網 Retrieved from mingpao 50

補充資料 Supplementary Materials 2018-19 年度場刊 2018-19 House programme

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2019-20 年度場刊 2019-20 House programme

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導賞小冊子 Appreciation guide

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網上學習資源 Online Learning Resources

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看舞小錦囊 Tips for appreciating contemporary dance

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網頁橫額 Web banner

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宣傳資料 Publicity 傳單 Leaflet

Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project



About CCDC 城市當代舞蹈團 (CCDC) 「當代香港藝術靈魂。」《南華早報》 城市當代舞蹈團是香港首個全職專業現代舞團,以體現香港當代文化為宗旨,編創風格鮮明的作品,刻劃當 代舞蹈發展軌跡。舞團於1979年創立,由香港資深舞蹈家伍宇烈擔任藝術總監,擁有超過二百齣本土編舞家 的完整舞碼,又經常與藝術家跨界合作,致力在亞洲開拓舞蹈新想像。舞團代表香港進行頻繁的國際文化交 流活動,先後進行二百七十多場海外巡演,備受國際藝壇重視,更被譽為「當代香港藝術靈魂」。

CCDC 舞蹈中心 城市當代舞蹈團強調教育節目的延續性,CCDC舞蹈中心於2004年成立,延續舞團教育及外展部的舞蹈教 育、外展計劃、社區表演及藝術推廣等工作,銳意發展成為香港舞蹈界重要地標,藉著中心各項活動及設施 拉近觀眾與藝術家的距離,創造一個活躍的討論、分享及資訊交流的環境。CCDC舞蹈中心每年為超過一萬 二千名學員提供各類型的舞蹈訓練,舉辦的各類型舞蹈工作坊亦多達八千個。每年並舉辦多場免費社區表 演,致力將舞蹈藝術普及,觀眾超過一萬五千人。

City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) “The artistic soul of contemporary Hong Kong.” South China Morning Post City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC), the flagship of modern dance in Hong Kong, undertakes to blaze the path of contemporary dance scene with extraordinary performances representing contemporary Hong Kong culture. Founded in 1979 and directed by Yuri Ng, CCDC has presented more than 200 original works by leading choreographers, and pioneered in Asia to reimagine the possibilities of modern dance through innovative collaborations. Representing Hong Kong over 270 overseas performances at the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals, CCDC is regarded as ‘the artistic soul of contemporary Hong Kong’.

CCDC Dance Centre

City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) is committed to the long-term development of modern dance and dance education. The Company established CCDC Dance Centre in 2004. The Centre continues to realize CCDC’s missions on dance education. As the dance landmark in Hong Kong, our rehearsal studios create a supportive and ideal environment for dance development. By organising alternative activities and experimental dance performances, the Centre provides an excellent meeting place for dance lovers and artists. Each year CCDC Dance Centre provides dance courses to over 12,000 students, and organises 8,000 creative workshops. It also reaches out to the youth and public by bringing free performances to schools, housing estates, parks and shopping arcades.

主編:梁曉端 編寫:梁曉端、盧雁祈、方錚鳴 設計:方錚鳴 攝影:DejaVu Creative 翻譯:盧雁祈、李海燕 Editor: Melissa Leung Edited and Written by: Melissa Leung, Annette Lo, Fong Zheng Ming Designed by: Fong Zheng Ming Photo by: DejaVu Creative Translated by: Annette Lo, Joanna Lee

賽馬會當代舞「賞。識」教育計劃網址: Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Literacy and Learning Project Website: 電話 傳真 電郵 網址

Tel: (852) 2326 8597/2329 7803 Fax: (852) 2351 4199 Email: Website:

主辦機構 Organised by:

捐助機構 funded by:

城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 城市當代舞蹈團編製,二零二一年。版權屬城市當代舞蹈團所有。本報告任何部分之文字及圖片,如未獲書面允許,不得以任何方式轉載或翻印。 Produced by the City Contemporary Dance Company, 2021. All rights reserved. No portion of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms, without prior permission in writing from the City Contemporary Dance Company.

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