CCIFC Training Offer 2014 Canton

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2014 T r a i n i n g off e r

中国法国工商会 2014年培训

W W W. CC I F C . O R G

J O B . CC I F C . O R G

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China

South China

HR SERVICES Recruitment and Training We know you, we know them French Chamber HR services: A qualified HR team, whenever you need it

▶ F ind the best talents ▶ Train your staff

Your Chamber H R team in South China: C ANTON Charlène WU wu .charlene@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (20) 2916 552 5



SHENZHEN Huaxia CH EN a xia@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (755) 8632 9726

Dear members and friends of the French Chamber of Commerce in South China, The HR department of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCIFC) is pleased to provide you with our South China Training Program for 2014. Since 2004, we have proposed public and in-house training courses to our members and non members. Nowadays, CCIFC organizes around 40 professional training courses, independently or in collaboration with other organizations. The topics of our courses are quite various, including Cross-Culture, Softwares Skills, Selling Skills, Finance, E-commerce, Management, langue course and also personal development. With efforts of our training team and our high-qualified trainers, we succeed in keeping the topics and the content of the trainings always updated to the rapidly and continuously changing demands of the workplace. CCIFC offers special rates for more than 2 persons from the same company attending the same training session. We hope to count you and your staff as participant of CCIFC trainings this year!



Charlène WU

Huaxia CHEN

Head of Recruitment & Training Services

Head of Recruitment & Training Services

+86 (20) 2916 5525

+86 (755) 8632 9726


The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry In China Training Calendar 2014 -- South China Training




Product Photography 如何为产品拍摄图片


Canton: March 13th Shenzhen: March 6th


Basic Management Skills 基础管理技巧


Canton: March 18th - 19th


Effective Time Management 有效时间管理


Canton: March 28th


E-commerce 如何实现在线销售


Canton: April 9th Shenzhen: September 17th




Canton: April 17th Shenzhen: April 18th


Train The Trainer – Learning Retention & Transfer English Toolkit 培训师培训 - 学习记忆保持与学习迁移工具箱

Canton: May 23rd


Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making 创造性解决问题和成功策略


Canton: June 20th


Project Management Essentials 项目管理精要


Canton: September 12th


Databases & Reporting in Excel 2010


Canton: September Shenzhen: April


Difficult Customers & Complaint Resolution 处理投诉与问题顾客


Canton: October 30th


Control the selling process & Win the Sale: Proactive selling 步步为营,赢在销售


Canton: TBC Shenzhen: TBC


Basic Accounting and preparation of PRC financial statements 基础会计和财务报表


Canton: TBC


CrossCulture session 1 in French: How to work with Chinese? / Comment travailler avec les Chinois? CrossCulture session 2 in Chinese: How to work with the Europeans? / 如何与欧洲人 工作


Canton: TBC



Canton: TBC



The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry In China Training Calendar 2014 -- South China Training




Chinese Course / Cours de Chinois


Canton: March to June


Cantonese Course / Cours de Cantonais


Canton: March to June


French Language Course / 法语课


Canton: March to July


English Language Course


Shenzhen: February to June




Product Photography 如何为产品拍摄图片 Selling your products using online platforms offers the opportunity to provide, on top of a detailed description, one or several pictures of the product. But it makes a big difference, from a prospective buyer point of view, if you can show him some professional photos instead of poor quality ones. It will leverage your position by bringing trust and a professional image. Come and learn the tips and tricks of product photography with Vincent Leterrier, professional photographer based in Canton. After an introduction on the photography basics, you will learn how to make your own studio, how to setup your lightings, adjust the settings of you camera, and, at the end of the day, you will have the opportunity to make a quick photo shoot of your product!

What will you learn? • What are ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed parameters, and what are the best settings for the purpose of product photography? • What is a good product photo in terms of composition? • What do you need to buy to make your own studio and how to use the equipment? • What is the best setup for your lightings? • How to shoot properly As we will setup a small studio on the stage, please feel free to bring your camera and your product. This practice session will be based on discussion and active participation.

Who should attend? The training is mainly provided to who wants to improve his skills in product photography.


Member: RMB 1300 / person Non member: RMB 1600 / person Tax: 6.72% Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.





Canton: March 13th Shenzhen: March 6th

Basic Management Skills* 基础管理技巧 This training equips you with proven supervisory techniques that you can put into action immediately. With the help of these skills, you will be able to forge your role as a manager, motivate your subordinates and build up a high-performance team. You will meet new challenges with increased confidence, respect and power. You will be more efficient in management and freed up to perform creative and strategic thinking for your group, your division or even your company. 此培训中的管理技巧通俗易懂,使您能轻松运用于日常管理工作。您将从繁琐的事务堆中解脱出来, 真正进入管理者的角色,正确把握对待员工的态度,更好地管理您的员工,更加自信地面对即将到来 的无穷挑战和机遇,去做更有创造性的工作,更多地思考您组织的未来和愿景。

What will you learn? • 管理者的角色和责任 • 优秀管理者应具备的素质 • 了解自己的管理风格 • 高效沟通技巧 • 培训、辅导与激励下属的技巧 • 建立高绩效团队的技巧 • 高效授权的技巧

• The manager’s role and responsibility • Qualities and capabilities of a good Manager • Understand your management style • Effective communication skills • Training, coaching and motivational skills • Skills for building a high performance team • Skills for effective empowerment

Who should attend? Supervisors and managers with little management experience; experienced managers with little or no formal leadership training; aspiring and soon-to-be-promoted managers. 缺乏管理经验的主管、经理,需要接受系统管理培训的经理们,即将晋升的经理们。


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 / person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.




*In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce


Canton: March 18th - 19th

Effective Time Management* 有效时间管理 This workshop aims to help you work smarter, beat work overload, achieve more! It will show you toolkits to set time-saving priorities, keys to effectively control interruptions as well as time-wasters, and share insider secrets of planning and scheduling with you. You will be able to free up hours for more important responsibilities, and accomplish more by holding fewer. 本课程旨在帮助您更聪明地工作,减轻工作负担,实现更多目标!课程将与您分享优先安排工作及 节省时间的窍门,有效控制干扰工作和浪费时间的因素的方法, 以及做计划的工具与技巧。通过本课 程,您可以腾出时间来处理更重要的任务,事半功倍。

What will you learn? • 时间管理原理 • 为您真正的需要优先安排工作时间 • 如何和打断您工作的人打交道 • 解决上司、同级、下属的工作优先权

• Time management principles • How to make time for your real priorities • How to deal with people who interrupt your day • Resolving priority differences among subordinates, peers and superiors • Organizing meetings productively • Managing incoming and outgoing information effectively • The insider secrets of planning and scheduling • Controlling fixed tasks and floating tasks

• 组织高产的会议 • 有效控制流入和流出的信息 • 做计划的工具与技巧 • 管理固定和浮动的工作任务

Who should attend? Professionals who want to improve work efficiency by enhancing time management skills. 想通过提升时间管理技巧改善工作效率的专业人士。


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 / person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.




*In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce


Canton: March 28th

E-Commerce: How to sell your products online? 电子商务:如何实现在线销售 This high-quality ONE-day e-business management course delivers expert insights and powerful hands-on workshops. You will also experience a real-world approach to learn and apply it to your projects.

What will you learn? Market Insight -Digital landscape -China Market Size Market Review - 3rd largest retail apparel market in the world and growing - Which market are we talking about? - Universal facts - Trends e-commerce growth - Top categories & growth rate - Online buying trends - The china long tail - Demography facts - Who are the online shopper? - Search Engines in China - Weibo - SNS Demographic - Importance of BBS How to start e-commerce in China? - Platforms overview - Platforms Maketshares - Tmall / Taobao - A necessary focus - Building your own platform : China specific - Payment - Integration with your business - SEO - SEM - Media planning & Retargeting - Email Marketing - Social Marketing - E-commerce Operations - Third-party logistics / fulfillment / delivery A Practical example : My SuperCompany would like to sell shoes on line - Step by Step - A brief study of the competition - A simple digital strategy - Cost and Planning forecast - KPIs to be set up


Who should attend? This training course is suitable for anyone involved in managing, planning or improving an online presence. Whether you are a Business Owner, Department Director, an E-marketing, Web or E-commerce Manager, you will get from this course a solid foundation for planning and managing your online space effectively.


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 / person Tax: 6.72% Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.





Canton: April 9th Shenzhen: September 17th

Photoshop Photoshop seems like a powerful tool that could be very useful in your business, but you have no idea on how to use it? Come learn the basics of Photoshop CS5 with Alexandre Arazola, a French / Spanish global designer. We will start with an introduction of Photoshop CS5 (interface, windows...). Understand how it works, then discover its principal useful tools and how to use them.

What will you learn? - How to create a new document for printing, projection on screen, or internet use (RVB, CMYK, resolutions, formats...), then how to save it depending on its use. - How to retouch / resize an image: select one element on a picture to use it on another, apply colors, filters, effects... - How to retouch an image: color / brightness / contrast balance. Then delete an element (logo for example) which is on a photo. - How to make a professional presentation of a product. Start with a new empty document; add text, photos, logos... - How to create a flyer for an event. Start with a new empty document, add a background, text, photos, and logos, apply effects etc... -As practicing is the key, we will do several exercises! More than learning Photoshop understand it and get tons of useful advices. It will be an alive and interactive training! We will work on the latest Photoshop CS5. All principal functions are similar in all Photoshop, from the first CS, CS2 / CS3 / CS4 and the ones to come in the future. At the end of the training, you will be able to make your very own professional presentation, and both cool & professional flyer. If there is something special you want to learn on Photoshop, do not hesitate to tell us by answering this email, and depending on all the answers that we will get, Alexandre Arazola will be happy to adapt the training.

Who should attend? The training is mainly provided to who want to learn key Photoshop concepts and techniques. More experienced users who already have some experience with Photoshop can use this course to learn some of Photoshop CS5's more advanced features and newest tools.


Member: RMB 1200 / person Non member: RMB 1500 / person Tax: 6.72% Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.





Canton: April 17th Shenzhen: April 18th

Train The Trainer – Learning Retention & Transfer Toolkit* 培训师培训 — 学习记忆保持与学习迁移工具箱 Delivering training is one of the most important and rewarding roles one can choose in a professional career, but becoming a successful trainer is a learning experience of its own accord. This workshop is for trainers who want to add training techniques to expand their toolbox. Over this one-day workshop trainers will look at the strategy to create learning that lasts. It will focus on practical tools and activities that will help learners make the most of their training experience and help trainers show greater return on training at the end of their learning sessions. 培训授课是职业生涯中最重要而富有意义的工作之一,然而成为一位成功的培训师是一个不断学习和 累积的过程。本次公开课为培训师而设,帮助培训师提高培训技巧、丰富培训工具箱、掌握强化效果 的策略。培训师可通过课程传授的实用工具和活动,帮助学员获得深刻的培训体验,提高培训效果。

What will you learn? • 学习周期和学习记忆保持模式 • 延长学习记忆保持、提升学习内容的方法与 技巧 • 近期/中期/远期学习转移 • 学习记忆保持及转移策略:学习伙伴

• The learning cycle and pattern of retention • Methods to extend retention and improve learning content • Near, Medium, and far Transfer • Learning partners as a retention and transfer strategy • Accessing creative faculties to transform learning to an individualized applications • Going beyond action plans to map out learning application

• 利用创造性技能,实现个性化应用 • 超越传统“行动计划”设计,用新的办法规划 学习应用

Who should attend? Internal and professional trainers who want to build the training resources and toolboxes. 希望能够扩大培训资源、丰富培训工具箱的内部或专业培训师。


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 / person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.




*In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce


Canton: May 23rd

Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making* 创造性解决问题和成功决策 Faced with complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations realize that constant innovation is critical to stay ahead of the competition. As a leader, how effective do you manage these business difficulties? Can you break thought patterns and think differently? This workshop will teach you how to utilize tools to spark creativity, and enable you to develop comprehensive approaches to solve problems with fresh ideas and make high-quality decisions. 面对复杂、开放、多变的挑战,企业意识到不断创新是在竞争中保持领先地位的关键。作为领导者, 你能有效地应对这些商业难题与挑战吗?你能打破思维定势,从不一样的角度思考问题吗?本课程将 教你如何运用工具擦亮创意的火花,开拓解决问题的广泛的思路,用崭新的意念做出高质量的决策。

What will you learn? • Identifying blockades to creative thinking • Creative tools • Problem Solving Model – KT Model • Collecting, analyzing and presenting data • Dissecting the problem root causes • Solution assessment for decision making • Risk assessment and management • Establishing contingency plan • Implementing the solutions • Evaluating the solution effectiveness after implementation

• 认识创造性思维的障碍 • 创意工具 • 问题解决模式 – KT模型 • 搜集、分析和展示数据 • 剖析问题根源 • 决策的解决方案评估 • 风险评估与管理 • 建立应急计划 • 方案实施 • 评估方案实施效果

Who should attend? Mid- to senior level managers. 中高层管理人员。


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 / person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.




*In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce


Canton: June 20th

ADVERTISE WITH US Communicate to the people who mean business in China We tailor your message to your target group • Communicate via stylish

publications • Target hard-to-reach leading

decision-makers • Associate your company to the


French Chamber’s influence

Your Ch am be r te am: BEIJ I N G & NO RTH CH I N A Frédé riq ue B E LLOY belloy.f rederique@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (1 0) 6 4 61 0260



SH A N G H A I & SOUTH CH I N A M organ LE FEVRE lefev re . morg an@ccifc .org Tel: +86 ( 21) 6132 71 0 0

Project Management Essentials* 项目管理精要 Managing projects well requires a great deal of skills and finesse, which makes it so interesting and demanding. Our open workshop Project Management will help you meet the challenges of cost pressure, limited time and high quality. It shows you how to plan and start a new project effectively, key facets to implement and manage an entire project successfully. Simulations and group activities enable you to better master the new project management techniques and templates to make information flow, monitoring and reporting more efficient. 项目管理工作有趣而富于挑战性,对技能技巧要求很高。本课程将带您迎难而上,直面成本压力、时 间限制和品质要求的考验,教您学会如何有效计划和启动新项目,领会成功开展和管理整个项目的要 点。通过情景模拟和小组活动,您能更好地掌握项目管理新技巧及工具,提高信息流程、项目监管和 项目报告的效率。

What will you learn? • 定义项目启动和项目目标 • 建立有效的项目架构 • 工作分解结构的应用 • 划分项目阶段,制作时间表 • 预测风险并解决问题 • 分析项目预算与控制成本 • 与团队的有效沟通,并向管理层报告

• Define project start and project target • Set up an efficient project organization • Apply work breakdown structure (WBS) • Develop phasing and project schedule plan • Anticipate risks and resolve problems • Analyze project budget and control cost • Communicate with the team and report to the management

Who should attend? Project managers, project engineers and other stakeholders. 项目经理、项目工程师与相关人士。


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 / person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.




*In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce


Canton: September 12th

Databases & Reporting in Excel 2010 Module 1: A “ready to use” framework Module 2: Formulas, reporting and graphs In this training, we will introduce Excel 2007 for finance. In addition to the introduction of classical functions in Excel 2007, the trainer will insist on the logic: for constructing files, for using formulas, for checking data. The training will be divided in two independent modules and will be based on a practical approach and exercises. A detailed training support will be given for each module in order to easily find out all the steps introduced during the training.

What will you learn? • Use Excel as a powerful software and not as a simple board. • Define a logical framework for using Excel. • Develop logical and readable Excel workbooks and documents. • Use formulas for improving automation – from the simple sum to personalized macro functions. The training will be based on a practical approach and exercises. It will be completed by a detailed support. The two modules are independent but related and we advice you to attend the two modules. Non-advanced users can assist to module 1 or module 1 + module 2. For any people working in the finance department, the module 2 is warmly recommended. Advanced users can assist to module 1 + module 2 or only module 2. Advanced users can get some interesting tips and organization methods during the module 1. However, during the module 2, we do not come back to any functions introduced in the module 1.

Who should attend? • Finance Staffs In finance department, anyone has to use Excel more or less intensively. Such a training will improve the efficiency of each finance department employee and so the global efficiency of the finance department. • Excel Users Using Excel in a proper way allows both to avoid mistakes and to save time. The Excel logic introduced here – both for creating official documents and for using tables – can be useful for anyone using Excel and especially for sales and purchases departments. Even if the example is based on finance issues, they can be adapted to other issues. Required level: intermediate in Excel, no level required in finance. However, the example will be more eloquent for people with finance background.




module 1: from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm module 2 : from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm Member: RMB 900 / pers / module. 20% discount for 2 modules: RMB 1440 Non-member: RMB 1200 / pers / module. 20% discount for 2 modules: RMB 1920 Tax: 6.72% Package available on request Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch. English



Canton: September Shenzhen: April

Difficult Customers & Complaint Resolution* 处理投诉及问题顾客 This training program helps you build up positive attitude and confidence towards complaints and difficult customers. You will better understand the causes of complaints and learn how to avoid unnecessary frustrations. Through practices and interactive communication, you will be equipped with skills to handle angry customers, and turn crisis into a service opportunity. 本课程将帮助您建立积极的态度来面对投诉和问题顾客。您将深入了解导致顾客投诉的起因,学会如 何避免不必要的顾客不满。通过实践活动和互动交流,你将掌握和愤怒的顾客打交道的技巧,把危机 转化为服务的机会。

What will you learn? • 有效处理投诉和问题顾客的好处

• he benefits of handling complaints and frustrated customers effectively. • Avoid unnecessary complaints • Common causes for customer frustration. • Build up a positive attitude in resolving complaints and difficult customers • Steps and skills for handling complaints and difficult customers • Quality customer service techniques • Explore and meet customers’ expectations • Control your fluctuating mood

• 避免不必要的投诉 • 顾客不满的常见起因 • 建立处理投诉和问题顾客的积极态度 • 处理投诉和问题顾客的步骤和技巧 • 优质客户服务技巧 • 摸索并满足顾客的期望 • 自身情绪管理

Who should attend? Those who daily work with customers. 任何在工作中需要与顾客打交道的职业人士。


Member: RMB 1800 / person Non member: RMB 2000 RMB / person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.




*In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce


Canton: October 30th

Control the selling process & Win the Sale: Proactive selling 步步为营,赢在销售 This high-quality ONE-day Proactive selling course delivers expert insights and powerful hands-on workshops to get back into track about what is selling whatever the company products and services are. You will also experience a real-world approach to learn and apply it to your Sales projects and day to day sales organization. 不管公司及其产品类型是什么,销售都是公司发展的核心。在这场销售培训中,Vincent Giuge 将从他 近二十年的销售经验出发,帮助您在实际生活中积极有序地销售,将销售策略运用到公司的销售项 目以及每日工作中。培训内容涉及销售的三大步骤,五大技巧,如何掌控和分析公司产品市场,如 何发现并满足客户需求等知识与技巧。同时,Giuge先生将分享管理公司销售业务,定位分割市场和 激励销售团队等方面的经验。任何从事销售相关工作有关系的人员,无论是企业拥有者,营销部门 经理,商务发展经理,抑或是销售人员,都可通过这场培训形成对销售更清晰明确的认识,重新定 位销售计划,从而积极有效地进行销售。

What will you learn? In business Sales is all -The sales function within a modern efficient company structure. •The main reason for company failure - Poor Sales •Selling is Communication + knowledge •The 5 sales primordial skills. Proactive Selling - The seller is always a step ahead - follow the process. - Know about your sales battlefield. - First Initiate the sales – easy, pleasant but fundamental - Meet the Customer and educate / inform using the two-way learning - Qualify – Validate – Justify, 3 steps to heaven - The Art of Closing deals. Sales Management – sharing experience - Market segment identification and quantification principles - Sales team target distribution / allocation and deployment - Sales control on execution - Sales team motivation - The logic of numbers

Who should attend? This training course is suitable for anyone involved in Sales Management & development, day to day sales. Whether you are a Business Owner, Sales or Marketing Department Director / manager, a Business development Manager or a Sales executive, you will get from this course a solid foundation or a refocus for planning controlling and executing sales effectively.


Member: RMB 1500 / person Non member: RMB 1700 / person Tax: 6.72% Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.





Canton: TBC Shenzhen: TBC

Basic Accounting and preparation of PRC financial statements 基础会计和财务报表 During this one-day training, the speaker will present the basic accounting principles and the requirements for a good preparation of the financial statements under the Chinese Accounting Standards. The speaker will present a brief PRC Tax introduction as well. The training session will be delivered in Mandarin and will be useful for accountants, but also for non-accounting professionals who wish to complete their professional background. 在这一天的会计培训中,Joan WU 将介绍会计基础知识及会计核算的方法,会计资料的采集及之间 的关系。从编制凭证到记账、结账以及在中国会计准则下财务报表的编制方法,财务报表之间的联 系,特别是资产负债表和利润表的关系。培训中会简单介绍中国税务环境和主要税种的征收。此次 培训使用中文讲解,有助于会计人员及希望在会计方面发展的非会计专业人士对会计有进一步的了 解。

What will you learn? 1. General introduction of accounting 会计概述 2. The accounting fondamental principles 会计核算的基本前提 3. Posting accounting transactions and edition of financial reports 会计记账与报表编制 • Chart of accounts 会计科目 • Debit-credit bookkeeping 借贷记账法 • Accounting process 会计核算流程 • Posting accounting transactions 会计记账 • Accounting equation and elements 会计要素及会计等式 • Balance sheet and Profit and Loss statement 资产负债表及利润表 4.PRC Tax introduction中国税收简介 • Value-added Tax 增值税 • Business Tax 营业税 • Corporate Income Tax 企业所得税 • Individual Income Tax 个人所得税

Who should attend? Accountant and non-accounting professionals.


Member: RMB 1600 / person Non member: RMB 1800 / person Tax: 6.72% Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.





Canton: TBC

Crossculture - session 1 in French: How to work with Chinese? / Comment travailler avec les chinois? Au-delà des frontières de son propre pays, dans le monde de l’entreprise en Chine, est-il possible pour un manager français de perdre un contrat, ou de voir partir sans l’avoir anticipé un collaborateur clé, suite à erreur de management interculturel? La réponse est oui.

Objectif Cette formation est destinée aux entrepreneurs, managers et cadres français qui souhaitent décoder les pièges de l’interculturel, comprendre les schémas de comportement de leurs collègues chinois, gérer les changements auxquels ils sont confrontés et améliorer leur pratique quotidienne du management et des affaires en Chine.

Contenu pédagogique La formation apportera des informations, des décryptages d’expérience vécues et des mises en situation sur les thèmes du management interculturel et de la gestion du changement: 1. Les principes de base de l’interculturalité - Les évidences invisibles - Les irritations sourdes lors des rencontres interculturelles - Les causes de malentendu 2. Rappels sur la face des chinois et les us et coutumes - L’importance du jugement des autres dans la culture chinoise - La culture de la face et la culture de culpabilité occidentale - La gestion de la face et les relations entre les collègues - La signification du « oui » chinois 3. Management interculturel en Chine - Relation clients/fournisseurs : négociation, contractualisation, cadeaux - Ressources humaines : Recrutement, motivation et fidélisation - Manager son équipe : Déléguer, fixer des objectifs, évaluer, gestion de conflits - Management de projet : Planifier, anticiper les risques interculturelles et gestion de projets



Membre: RMB 1600 / personne Non membre: RMB 1800 / personne Taxe: 6.72% Les supports de la formation et les déjeuners sont compris. Français



Canton: TBC

Crossculture - session 2 in Chinese: How to work with Europeans? / 如何与欧洲人工作? This training in mandarin language is dedicated to Chinese managers or staffs, working with foreigners, to help them understanding western logic and different behaviors, to learn how to observe and interpret their point of view, in order to get a better mutual comprehension and efficient cross cultural communication. Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies will share his expertise on the cross-cultural field. 该培训将由广东外语外贸大学教授主讲,培训面向在外资企业工作或工作中需要与欧洲人打交道的中 国管理层人员以及员工。帮助受训对象了解外国人怪异行为的内在逻辑,学习从对方的角度观察与思 考问题,促进相互了解,化解矛盾与冲突,提高工作效率,增强幸福感。

培训内容 在与外国人的交往中,最容易出问题的地方往往不是语言或习俗的差异,而是指导我们行为的文化观 念。 我们在不知不觉中学习的文化,就像我们学习讲母语一样,不知道过程是怎样的。我们从小到大在头 脑中形成了很多我们认为“理所当然”的东西,而且在日常生活中也就“理所当然”地去做了,从而 习惯变成了自然。 问题是,在一个文化中被视为“理所当然”的东西,在另一个文化中可能会是很不 合理的事情。于是,互相指责对方“怪异”的情况也就在所难免了。 培训以人们最熟悉而又很难说得清楚的深层文化观念为主线,通过跨文化交际和企业管理中众多的真 实例子,描述中国人与欧洲人交往中的种种矛盾与冲突,并努力从文化的深层去挖掘根源。 我们欢迎大家在培训过程当中对各种“跨文化交际“的具体例子进行开放性讨论!

Contents: 1) The basic knowledge of cross-cultural 2) The issue of “face” in Chinese culture and its influence on cross cultural communication 3) Case analysis of real cross cultural issues in companies 具体内容 : 1)跨文化的基本内容 — 跨文化交际中无声的迟疑 — 双方产生误会的原因 2)中国人的“面子”问题和行为习惯在“跨文化交际”中的影响 —面子的管理与同事之间的关系 —西方人怎样理解中国人的“YES” —如何向他们表达不同的意见 3)跨文化问题在企业中的实例分析 —西方人的“怪异行为”分析及其根源 —西方人如何看待我们的“理所当然”



会员: 1600 人民币/人 非会员: 1800 人民币/人 费用包括工本费及餐费 中文



广州: 待定

Chinese Course / Cours de Chinois Mandarin 2 niveaux disponibles Votre Profil Vous ne parlez pas ou peu chinois? Vous êtes gêné par les problèmes de communication dans votre vie quotidienne? Vous souhaitez être plus autonome et pouvoir vous exprimer plus librement? Nos cours de mandarin sont pour vous ! Quel que soit votre niveau, la CCIFC Canton vous propose des cours de chinois de communication orale, d’apprentissage du pinyin en petits groupes. L’apprentissage des caractères chinois se feront sur de mande des membres du groupe. Ces cours interactifs évolueront en fonction de vos attentes et de vos besoins.

Professeur Une formatrice Chinoise FRANCOPHONE compétente et expérimentée vous accompagnera pas à pas lors de votre découverte ou de votre perfectionnement de la langue chinoise.

Niveaux disponibles En semaine uniquement, 2h le soir. Groupes à constituer en fonction des niveaux. Démarrage des cours la semaine du 8 Mars 2014. Pas de cours pendant les congés officiels chinois. Dernier cours fin juin 2014. Cours Débutant «Chinois communication vie courante» Niveau requis : strict débutant Objectifs : communication orale, vocabulaire de la vie courante, pinyin, apprentissage de +/- 100 caractères (caractères chinois se feront sur demande). Session de 14 cours de 2h (28 heures au total) Horaire : Mardi, 19h00 > 21h00 Lieu : CCIFC Canton Tarif Membre CCIFC et conjoint Membre CCIFC : RMB 1540 + 6.72% Taxe / pers. Non Membre : RMB 1960 + 6.72% Taxe / pers Cours Intermédiaire «Chinois communication vie courante» Niveau requis : +/- 50 heures de Chinois / Cantonais suivies récemment Objectifs : communication orale vocabulaire de la vie courante, pinyin, apprentissage de +/- 100 caractères (caractères chinois se feront sur demande). Session de 14 cours de 2h (28 heures au total) Horaire : Jeudi, 19h00 > 21h00 Lieu : CCIFC Canton Tarif Membre CCIFC et conjoint Membre CCIFC : RMB 1540 + 6.72% Taxe / pers. Non Membre : RMB 1960 + 6.72% Taxe / pers. Possibilité de cours individuel sur mesure à Canton seulement, devis sur demande


Cantonese Course / Cours de Cantonais Votre Profil Vous travaillez ou vivez dans la province du Guangdong (Canton), vous souhaitez apprendre ou maîtriser le cantonais pour mieux communiquer avez les locaux dans votre vie quotidienne ? Vous voulez être plus autonome et pouvoir vous exprimer plus librement ? Vous souhaitez étudier en petit groupe pour renforcer votre motivation ? Que vous parliez déjà chinois mandarin ou pas, nos cours de langue cantonaise sont pour vous ! Quel que soit votre niveau, la CCIFC Canton vous propose des cours de cantonais de communication orale, d'apprentissage de l’alphabet phonétique (en utilisant en même temps la graphie phonétique internationale et la graphie simplifié pour le cantonais) en petit groupe, et la culture chinoise et cantonaise. L'apprentissage des caractères chinois (soit simplifié, soit traditionels) se fera sur demande des membres du groupe. Ces cours interactifs évolueront en fonction de vos attentes et de vos besoins.

Professeur Un formateur Chinois FRANCOPHONE compétent (Master en langues et litératures chinoise) vous accompagnera pas à pas lors de votre découverte ou de votre perfectionnement de la langue cantonaise.

Niveau disponible En semaine uniquement, 2h le soir. Groupes à constituer en fonction des niveaux. Démarrage des cours la semaine du 8 Mars 2014. Pas de cours pendant les congés officiels chinois. Dernier cours fin juin 2014. Cours Débutant «Cantonais communication vie courante» Niveau requis : strict débutant Objectifs : communication orale vocabulaire de la vie courante, l'alphabet phonétique, apprentissage de +/100 caractères simplifiés ou traditionels (caractères chinois se feront sur demande). Session de 14 cours de 2h (28 heures au total) Horaire : week-end Lieu : CCIFC Canton Tarif Membre CCIFC et conjoint Membre CCIFC : RMB 1540 + 6.72% Taxe / pers. Non Membre : RMB 1960 + 6.72% Taxe / pers.

Possibilité de cours individuel sur mesure à Canton seulement, devis sur demande


French Language Course / 法语课 Do you work in a french company? Do you often worry about the communications with your french colleagues? Are you looking for some courses to improve your French? Come along to our courses especially for office staffs. You will have the opportunity to take part in the small group and acquire new language skills. The CCIFC is delighted to present the courses where you can practice daily conversations and learn to write business letters. Our teacher will also teach you how to get along with your French colleagues. These interactive courses will be enhanced according to your expectations and your needs.

Professeur Ms. Chen Xiao has got her PhD in French linguistics from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and now is teaching French at Grangzhou University. She has been teaching Mandarin Chinese and French at CCIFC since September 2007, giving the following courses: Mandarin elementary, Mandarin intermediate. Our teacher will accompany you to improve your French step by step.

Schedule Our classes start during the week from March 10th, 2014. No classes during Chinese public holidays. The last class will be in July 2014. Beginner class «French daily communication» Level required : strict beginner. Objectives : oral communication, vocabulary of daily communication and business letters. Traning of 14 courses, 2h each course (28 hours in total) Possibility of individual courses tailored in Canton, quotation upon request.


Member: RMB 1400 / person Non member: RMB 1820 / person Tax: 6.72%





Canton: March to July

English Language Course / 英语课 Our English courses are designed for students of various levels – from beginners to advanced level. This 45 hours English Language program focuses on the four basic skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. While focusing on the four skills, students practice pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and conversation skills.

Course Objectives - Improve listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through reading and comprehending different topics; - Improve fluency in speaking, listen and respond in English clearly in different contexts; - Enhance learners’ sensitivity to language.

Who should attend? People who have basic, intermediate or advanced English level, and want to improve their English language skills.

Schedule All English courses are provided at CCIFC office. Start-date: From February to June 2014. From 8:30 am to 11:30 am Number of hours:

45 hours


3h per week


2 – 6 participants

*Possibility for individual English course. Please contact us for more information.


Member: RMB 4100 / person Non member: RMB 5400 / person Tax: 6.72%





Shenzhen: February to June

Contact CCIFC South China Canton Branch Ms. Charlène WU Head of Recruitment & Training Services Email: Tel: +86 20 2916 5525 Fax: +86 20 2916 5535 Address: Room 802, 8/F, Leatop Plaza, 32 Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510623, P.R.C. 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路32号利通广场802单元, 邮政编码: 510623

Shenzhen Office Ms. Huaxia CHEN Head of Recruitment & Training Services Email: Tel: +86 755 8632 9726 Fax: +86 755 8632 9736 Address: Room 318, 3/F, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, Hi-tech Industry Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.C 深圳市南山区科技园留学生创业大厦3楼318室, 邮政编码:518057

For further information on trainings, events and working groups, please check on our website: For more information on recruitments services, please check on website: www.job. 28

Trainer Introduction Alexandre Arazola Mr. Alexandre Arazola is a French / Spanish designer working in Guangzhou since 2008. Workings for both french and Chinese companies, he is specialized in furniture, industrial and graphic design, but also design consultancy and communication by design. His designs have been exhibited several times with great success in well-known designs shows in France and China.

Alan Lee • Worked in a prestigious multinational manufacturer as head of engineering department for 15 years. • Has been engaged in business, quality, engineering and customer services improvement for more than 30 years. • Was the Chairman of the Hong Kong Leadership Training Association for the years 1994 to 1997 and has been very active in the development of leadership training for the businesses in Hong Kong. • Holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Cheng Kung University of Taiwan and a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick, UK.

Bei Nie Ms. Bei Nie is director assistant of Falinwa limited. She has earned a Master degree in Accounting and Finance from Leeds University Business School and is currently an outsourced finance director assistant of a few SMEs in Shenzhen with responsibility of closely monitoring financial operations and effectively implementing financial decisions made in line with business strategies.

Cyril Drouin BysoftChina CEO & Founder – E-Commerce Senior Consultant. Graduated from a French engineer school with a master's degree on IT & Electronic. Cyril has been in China since 1998. He founded BysoftChina in 2003 in Guangzhou and then moved the operation to Shanghai in 2009. With over 15 years of dedicated experience from consulting to e-commerce and internet solutions in China and Europe, Cyril has worked with around 100 clients, including brands, retailers, manufactures, SMEs and start-ups. The scope of Cyril's work covers the whole life cycle of the e-commerce project, ranging from consulting, to the technical implementation, and further to the e-commerce performance follow-up. Based on technical background, Cyril has built an expertise at project management, Chinese localisation and leading e-commerce technologies / marketplace such as Magento, Drupal, Tmall and 360buy.

May He has 15 years of working experience conducting professional training and human resources development. Ms He has been in charge of designing training courses, implementing training plans, guiding and supervising departmental training activities. She has delivered many management skills’ training courses to mid- and senior-level managers in hospitality, retailing, logistics and the manufacturing industries. Her customers are Atlas Copco, BITZER, BOSCH, BRAUN, Danone, FISCHER, HOERBIGER, HBM, KRAIBURG, LEICA, Maersk Logistics, Nestle China, Novatis, NOKIA, NORD, Volvo, SKF, SIEMENS, Swissotel, Unilever, Sofitel, KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH, Continental Automotive Systems, Hainan Airlines, LENZE, MANN FILTER , Optibelt Power Transmission and SACHTLEBEN.


Joan WU Ms. Joan Wu, has a total of 15 years of experience in Accounting. She has been with Mazars for more than seven years and is a manager in the Mazars Guangzhou Outsourcing Department. Before joining Mazars, she worked at Arthur Andersen for more than seven years. The clients she serves are mainly foreigninvested manufacturing, services and trading companies, as well as representative offices. She has studied in France and has a Masters in Administrative and Economy Management, and she obtained the Chinese "qualified accountant" certificate. Joan WU至今财务领域已工作十五年。她在玛泽财务咨询公司 (Mazars)工作了七年多,担任咨询部经 理负责财税咨询及财务外包工作,之前在安达信会计师事务所 (Arthur Andersen) 从事会计工作超过 七年,对中国会计制度和税务制度有较深了解。客户主要包括工业、贸易、咨询外商投资企业及外 国企业驻华代表处。Joan WU曾在法国学习企业行政经济管理取得硕士学位,拥有会计师资格证书。

John DORRIS • Has been a trainer and a consultant in Asia since 2001. • Has been working with Senior Management Teams to provide assessment, coaching, and development workshops in China since 2003. • Specializes in management assessment, leadership development through Action Logic, organizational development, and creating Learning and Coaching Cultures. • Is a pioneer of Action Logic and Spiral Development in China. • Is a certified NLP Practitioner, Leadership Development Framework Assessor and Coach, and is certified in Facilitation and Reviewing by Roger Greenaway. • Native English speaker, speaks fluent Mandarin.

Vincent Leterrier Mr. Vincent Leterrier is a French photographer working in Canton since 2011. He is specialized in product photography and has worked in different countries for French manufacturers on products as diverse as candles, decoration and furnitures, food, etc...His work is not limited to product photography; he is exploring different topics and has gained experience in portrait, street, corporate, travel and underwater photography.

Vincent Giuge Mr. Vincent Giuge is graduated from the University Institute of Technology of Nice in sales technical field, but he would consider himself as a pure self-made man. In the past 20 years he has developed a series of companies in a variety of market segments. He has worked for Comin Asia as General Manager of a small subsidiary in Vietnam. Within four years, he made the business grow from 150K US$ to 1.8 million US$. When in Savills, as Property Management Director for the South Vietnam, he developed the business from 7 properties to 28 units within 3 years. Looking for new challenge, he seized an opportunity by rebuilding an Ice Cream Manufacturing company which was on the verge of bankruptcy. As Managing Director, he redeveloped the sales strategy and propelled the business with a sales growth of nearly 70%, making his product dominate the professional market in Guangdong. Vincent strongly affirms that whatever the business is in cause, sales is the key to dominate the market and that sales operations and orientations are the core of the company.


JOIN china’s n°1 french Network Our growing network gets your business moving! Over the past 20 years, the French Chamber has provided key support to French companies in the Chinese market


Your Chamber team: BEIJ ING ccifc-beijing@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (1 0) 6 4 61 0260 SH A N G H A I ccifc-shanghai@ccifc .org Tel: +86 ( 21) 6132 71 0 0



C ANTON ccifc- c anton@ccifc .org Tel: +86 ( 20) 29 16 551 0 SH ENZH EN ccifc-shenzhen@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (755) 8632 9720

CH ENDGU ccifc- chengdu@ccifc .org Tel: +86 ( 28) 8511 41 09

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