CCIFC Training Offer 2014 Beijing

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2014 Training offer


J O B .C C I FC .O R G

中国法国工商会 2014年培训 The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China

Beijing branch


招 聘 与

培 训

Recruitment and Training We know you, we know them French Chamber HR services: A qualified HR team, whenever you need it

▶ F ind ▶

the best talents

Train your staff

Our client s: Air France, Airbus, Areva , Auchan , CNP Assurances S. A ., EDF, GDF SUEZ , Mazars, Leroy Merlin, PSA , Saint-Gobain, Serac , Servier, Schneider Electric , Société Générale, Veolia, Thales, Total, TLScontact ... H UANG H ailing Tel: +86 (10) 6461 0260 - 40



LIANG Cong +86 (10) 6461 0260 -50

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, We are pleased to provide you with our Training Program for 2014. Please discover our most successful training packages as well as our new training sessions for the first time, most courses taught in English or in Chinese. Since 2004, we have proposed public and in-house training courses to our members and non members. Today, CCIFC organizes around 50 professional training courses, independently or in collaboration with other organizations. The topics of our courses are quite varied, e.g. Management, Human Resources, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Quality or Personal development. With efforts of our training team and our highly qualified trainers, we have succeeded in keeping both topics and contents of our packages in line with the ever-changing demands of the workplace. Furthermore, each public session can also be proposed as in-house training, custommade according to the specific needs of the company and its staffs. We wish to take this opportunity to inform you about our Global Manager Program. This high-quality program, with professors and experts coming from ESCP Europe, ranked 2nd worldwide in 2012 by Financial Times for its Master in Management, will provide participants with a solid and sound knowledge of general management skills and business practices. It would be available in 2014 as in-house training for big organizations. We would finally like to thank our long-time training cooperators: Bencham, Spanish Chamber, Swisscham, German Chamber, Italy Chamber, Danish Chamber and European Chamber, as well as all the Companies having chosen CCIFC Training: Areva. Air liquide, Airbus, Alcan, Alstom, Altran, Andros, Arc International, Arkema, Auchan, Bernard Controls, Bureau Veritas, Carrefour, EDF, EFTEC, Ensival Moret, Gemalto, Hermes, Lafarge, L'Oréal, LVMH, Novasep, PCM, PSA, Saint-Gobain, Safran, Schneider Electric, Servier ,Veolia, Total, Thales, Ubifrance… Ms. Hailing HUANG Human Resources Support Manager CCIFC Beijing I French Chamber I 中国法国工商会

CCIFC Beijing Open Courses 2014 中国法国工商会2014年北京培训公开课 COURSE 课程

Language Page 语言 页码

Trainer 讲师

Day 天

Tariff 价格 会员价/非会员价

Jan 1月

Feb 2月

Mar 3月

Apr 4月

May 5月

Jun 6月

Jul 7月

Aug 8月

Sep 9月

Oct 10月

Nov 11月

Dec 12月

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS 职业技能培训 Empowering your Executive Assistant 高级助理培训



Alistair McArthur



Effective Business Writing 高效商务写作技巧



Alistair McArthur



Intensive Business Writing 强化商务写作



Elliott Zaagman



Excellence in Customer Service 优质客户服务



Minjie He



Receptionist Training 专业的前台培训



Minjie He





Cyril Drouin



E-Commerce: How to sell your products online? 电子商务: 如何实现在线销售






7 29-30





PERSONAL COMPETENCE TRAINING 个人能力训练 Building Better Presentations



Elliott Zaagman



Effective Communication and Presentation 高效沟通与演讲技巧



Minjie He



Effective Conflict Management



Andy Wong



Communication and Negotiating Skills 沟通、影响力和谈判技巧



Alan Lee



Successful Implementation of Key Performance Indicators



Jean-Yves Le Corre




Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) - Relationship Awareness Assessment



Alistair McArthur




Presentations: Exceeding Expectations



Alistair McArthur



Empowering Secretarial Staff 秘书培训



Alistair McArthur





Alistair McArthur



Professional Etiquette 职业礼仪关键



Alistair McArthur



Séminaire "Bienvenue à Pékin" 《欢迎来北京》融入研讨会





500/person p 900/couple












11-12 18

CULTURAL INTERGRATION 文化交融 Cross Cultural Communications 跨文化交流





CCIFC Beijing Open Courses 2014 中国法国工商会2014年北京培训公开课 COURSE 课程

Language Page 语言 页码

Trainer 讲师

Day 天

Tariff 价格 会员价/非会员价

Jan 1月

Feb 2月

Mar 3月

Apr 4月

May 5月

Jun 6月

Jul 7月

Aug 8月

Sep 9月

Oct 10月

Nov 11月

HUMAN RESOURCE 人力资源培训 Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interview 成功招聘:行为面试技巧



Andy Wong



Human Resource as a Strategic Business Partner






HR role in organizational performance









12 14


COMPUTER SKILLS 计算机技能培训 Excel - Database Management Excel - 数据库管理



Alistair McArthur



PowerPoint Essentials PowerPoint 精髓



Alistair McArthur



PowerPoint for Presenters 针对演讲者的PPT技巧



Alistair McArthur



Effective Meetings (4 hours) 高效率会议



Alistair McArthur


900/1,100 900/1 100

Project Management 项目管理



Samuel Meng





Leadership Skills for Line Managers 提高管理者的领导技能



Samuel Meng





Vision, Plan, Delegate and Results oriented Manager



Steven Zhang




Developing and Coaching your Team



Samuel Meng



Problem solving and decision making



Samuel Meng



Leading to Engage Teams



Alistair McArthur








28 20




Building your organisation's Service Culture



Alistair McArthur

Higher Business Administration with Precise Business English 高端企业管理 – 精准英语版




25 units




Elliott Zaagman

90 units





60 units



21 26 16 26

April 10 - June 19 (Thu 18:15 - 20:45)

LANGUAGE TRAINING 语言培训 Advanced English in Business 商务英语提高班 Advanced Chinese in Business 商务中文提高班

CH: Chinese中文授课, EN: English 英文授课, FR: French 法语 Brand New Courses in 2014 Popular Courses

updated 2014/2/12

Mar 3 - Jun 23

Jun 16 - Sep 27 Oct 13 - Jan 27, 2015 (Mon. 18:15 - 20:45, Sat. 14:00 - 16:45)

Mar 8 - Jun 7 Saturdays (9:00 – 12:15, 4 units)

Dec 12月

Empowering Your Executive Assistant 高级助理培训 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Managers, directors, executives and their teams are hard pressed to find Executive Assistants to manage their busy agendas, in most cases the assistants who have been chosen are young, have limited work experience and forced to learn on the job. In this two day workshop, give your Executive Assistant the opportunity to be exposed to time management, problem solving, business writing and communication skills to empower them to work independently. More importantly, to become the first line of defense against the innumerable distractions in your supervisor's everyday work life. Participants will engage in practical activities and be given tools and templates applicable to their daily jobs.


Steven Covey’s Methods of Prioritization Decision and Action Planning Asking Questions and Funneling Problem Identification and Generating Options PDAC Method of Writing Emails and Proof Reading Develop templates for 4 common communiqués Active Listening: LISTENER Delivering News

COURSE OUTLINE Day 1 Morning - Clear Communication -- What is communication -- Barriers to communication -- Asking the right questions -- Key communication skills -- Funnelling and getting the right answers

Day 2 Morning - Business Writing -- Time Saver/KISS -- Abbreviations -- Being positive -- Using Statements + Benefit/Consequence -- Effective Emailing

Afternoon - Dealing with Problems Effectively -- Providing Bad News -- Sandwich Technique -- Agreeing and Disagreeing -- Understand the ways to influence -- Planning your message to deliver constructive solutions

Afternoon - Time Management and Priorities -- What is Time Management? -- What is a Priority? -- Strategies for Priorities -- What's your priority? -- Distractions in the work place -- An effective meeting

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Personal and Executive Assistants with experience assisting Managers and Executives. Office Managers, Secretaries, Administrative Assistants and Receptionists who provide administrative support to personnel and teams. Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 3,900 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person

Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Effective Business Writing 高效商业写作技巧 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? How much time do you spend writing emails or reports? IPS can show you how to cut that time in half through knowing how to structure every email you write so you know what to say before your fingers hit the keyboard. This 2 day course will enable participants to leave with templates structured for different scenarios. Take your work back as well as your templates and share them with your team.


Identify your writing challenges Make your writing clear, concise, and correct Improve sentence construction and paragraph development Identify ways to make your writing simpler and easier to read Develop effective business letters for tough situations Use proper e-mail etiquette Develop an appropriate writing style and format for letters, business cases, and reports Use standard ways of documenting materials

COURSE OUTLINE Day 2 Preparing a message -- Planning -- Email tips -- Importance of drafting Template Building -- Good and Bad News -- Request Action and Apologising -- Complaints and Warnings Business Reports and Summaries -- Structure -- Drawing Conclusions -- Summaries -- Making Recommendations

Day 1 Getting Started - Setting the Rules -- Structure -- Feedback vs Reply -- Adding colour to the language Making Your Message Clear -- Making an impact -- Requesting information -- Sentence construction Structuring Written Communication -- The way to write -- Enquiry versus Reply -- Getting the message opened -- Understanding Effective Communication Set Action Objectives -- Action versus Passive -- Identify objectives -- Writing Action Objectives -- Targeting Readers' Tone

Final assignment and Close

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Professionals from all departments who use email to correspond complex concepts and draft reports regularly for supervisors and stakeholders. Price 价格

Member 会员: 3,900 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person

Language 语言

English 英语

Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Intensive Business Writing 强化商务写作 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Business writing skills for emails and reports can be easy to learn, but difficult to master. Concern over details such as tone, nuance, and etiquette can cause you to waste hours each day. Use your time more efficiently by utilizing efficient techniques so you can make your writing clear, correct, and polite! This full-day course will provide participants with templates and techniques applicable for many scenarios which professionals regularly face, empowering them to feel competent and confident in their writing skills. 商务英语写作并不难,难的是成为个中高手。难的是时常会纠结于细节的把握,如:到底应采用何 种语气?如何措辞?遵循何种礼貌原则?决定这些细节会耗费大量时间。掌握写作诀窍会大大提升 你的效率,同时令你的杰作看起来更有条理、表达更精确、更加礼貌。在为期一天的workshop中, 你将掌握不同的写作技巧和模板来应对职场人士经常面对的各种场景,你将会对自己的英文写作建 立更多的自信。

COURSE OUTLINE -- Needs analysis: Why do we need business writing skills? What makes effective business writing? 需要分析:为什么我们需要商务写作技能?什么能让商务写作变得更加有效? -- Writing in a way that is clear, direct, and to-the-point. 写作是一种清晰地、直接的、切中要点的一种方式。 -- Audience analysis for reader-centered writing 以读者为中心的写作分析 -- Formats, templates tips for different types of business documents 用于商务文件不同类型的公式、模板和小窍门 -- Delivering a persuasive business case 有说服力的商务函件 -- Barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them 有效沟通的障碍及克服方法

WHO SHOULD ATTEND All professionals who write in English to communicate with supervisors, colleagues and clients. 需要与上级、同事及客户书面交流的职场人士。

Price 价格

Member 会员: 2,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,200 RMB/person

Language 语言

English 英语

Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Facilitator 讲师


Elliott Zaagman

Excellence in Customer Service 优质客户服务 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 The customer is the person who pay’s everyone’s salary and who decides whether a business is going to succeed or fail. Literally everything we do, every concept perceived, every technology developed and associate employed, is directed with this one objective clearly in mind - pleasing the customer. This training offers many practical concepts and ideas of how to improve the service you offer customers. 面对竞争日益激烈的商业市场,每一家公司都在寻找独特的竞争契机,因为只有这样才能迎接日新 月异的变化与挑战,而优质的客户服务已成为其中一项重要的方法。本培训将围绕着实用的客户服 务理念和技巧,帮助客户服务人员掌握应对客户的核心技巧,协助企业在激烈的竞争环境中脱颖而 出,提升客户服务效益,改善经营业绩。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 1) The Concept of Good Customer Service 2) ----

1) 培养优质客户服务的理念 2) 提升客户满意度 -- 提供优质客户服务要养成的好习惯 -- 客户对服务的期望 -- 提升客户满意度的秘诀

Improving Customers’ Satisfaction Develop the good customer service habits The customers’ expectations to the service Tips of improving customers’ satisfaction

3) Internal Customer Service

3) 树立良好的内部客户服务理念 4) 高效沟通的技巧与礼仪 -- 理解式聆听、提问、反馈技巧 -- 与不同类型客户高效沟通的技巧 -- 与客户面对面沟通的礼仪

4) Communication Skills and Etiquette -- Skills of listening, questioning, giving feedback -- Communicating with different customers -- Etiquette of face to face communication 5) Telephone Skills and Etiquette -- The importance of tone of voice over the phone -- Does and don’ts over the phone -- Answering, making, transforming, leaving message and ending phone calls 6) ----

Handling Customers’ Complaints Analyze the reasons of complaints Tips for handling customer complaints Emotion and stress management

5) ----

电话沟通技巧与礼仪 电话沟通中语调的重要性 电话沟通应遵循的原则 接听、拨打、转接、留言、结束电话的礼仪

6) ----

处理客户投诉的技巧 难缠客户的心理和投诉原因分析 处理客户投诉应遵循的原则、方法、步骤 有效管理情绪与压力的方法

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 The people who need to work with customers in their daily work. 任何在工作中需要与顾客打交道的职业人士

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person

Language 语言

Chinese 中文

Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Facilitator 讲师


Minjie He

Receptionist Training 专业的前台培训 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 The role of the receptionist is of paramount importance for creating the right image for an organisation. "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression" has never been so perfectly true than with regard to the role of the modern receptionist. Today, receptionists are being asked to take on new roles and responsibilities in order to add value to an organisation. This course examines the role of the receptionist and gives practical tips and advice so that you can fulfill your job in a professional way and perform at your best. 前台接待在组织中的角色是极为重要的,因为她时刻树立着并代表着公司的整体形象,“没有第二 次机会留 下第一印象”。因此,组织对于前台接待这一角色的要求也越来越高,他们有责任为公 司构建正面形象,本课程将从服务的角度,为前台接待员提供非常实用的技巧,提升她们的整体素 质。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 -- How to make the first impression in the right way 创建良好的第一印象 - Meeting and greeting visitors 接待来访者 - Effective communication: verbal and non-verbal communication, sending and receiving  messages 高效沟通; 语言与非语言,传送与接收信息 - Questioning techniques to understand a caller's/visitor's requirements 运用提问问题的技巧,获取顾客需求 - Telephone etiquette: best practice in taking and transferring a call 电话礼仪: 接转电话、留言电话 - Dealing with difficult situations and people 处理有问题的人和事 - Handling complaints: tips for controlling yourself 处理投诉: 控制自己的情绪 - Managing a computer, e-mail and documents 管理电脑、文档、邮件


Newly appointed Receptionists, or experienced Receptionists who want to benefit from continuing development and improvement of their existing skills. 那些新担任前台接待工作的,或者具有前台接待工作经验的,想进一步提升与发展自己职业技能的 人。

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Minjie He

E-Commerce: How to sell your products online? 电子商务:如何实现在线销售 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 This high-quality ONE-day e-business management course delivers expert insights and powerful hands-on workshops. You will also experience a real-world approach to learn and apply it to your projects.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 Market Insight -- Digital landscape -- China Market Size Market Review -- 3rd largest retail apparel market in the world and growing -- Which market are we talking about? -- Universal facts -- Trends e-commerce growth -- Top categories & growth rate -- Online buying trends -- The china long tail -- Demography facts -- Who are the online shopper? -- Search Engines in China -- Weibo - SNS Demographic -- Importance of BBS

How to start e-commerce in China? -- Platforms overview -- Platforms Maketshares -- Tmall/Taobao -- A necessary focus -- Building your own platform : China specific -- Payment -- Integration with your business -- SEO -- SEM -- Media planning & Retargeting -- Email Marketing -- Social Marketing -- E-commerce Operations -- Third-party logistics / fulfillment / delivery A Practical example : My SuperCompany would like to sell shoes on line -- Step by Step -- A brief study of the competition -- A simple digital strategy -- Cost and Planning forecast -- KPIs to be set up

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 This training course is suitable for anyone involved in managing, planning or improving an online presence. Whether you are a Business Owner, Department Director, an E-marketing, Web or E-commerce Manager, you will get from this course a solid foundation for planning and managing your online space effectively.

Price 价格

Member 会员: 1,800 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,000 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English 英语 French 法语

Facilitator 讲师


Cyril Drouin

Building Better Presentations 如何更好地演讲 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Does public speaking make you anxious? Does the idea of presenting in front of a large group of people make you shake in your boots? Develop your confidence and skills to deliver presentations that electrify your audience! In this full-day training workshop, we’ll coach you on solid structure, killer hooks and openers, and reliable body language and practice techniques to help you learn to present beautifully. 在公众面前演讲令你焦虑吗?一想到将在一大群人面前讲话就恐惧?现在就开始树立你的自信心、 锤炼你的演讲技能吧。你的演讲将倾倒观众无数!在一整天的培训中, 我们将帮助你搭建坚实的架 构,组织精彩的开场白,使用恰当的肢体语言, 并最终呈现精彩的演讲!

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 -- What makes a good presentation? 成功演讲的要素 -- Planning your presentation 准备过程 -- Delivering your “elevator speech” “电梯演讲” 训练 -- Opening and closing your presentation 开场与结尾 -- Structure and transitional language 架构与过渡语 -- Delivering rhetoric which moves your audience 如何更加富有感染力 -- Body language to project confidence and power while instilling trust 如何使用肢体语言赢得信任和表现自信 -- Designing impactful PPTs 设计富有冲击力的PPT

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 Professionals from all departments who represent their companies, products, projects, and ideas in front of audiences large and small. 需要介绍公司背景、产品、项目和任何创意、理念的职场人士

Price 价格

Member 会员: 2,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,200 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Elliott Zaagman

Effective Communication and Presentation Skills 高效沟通与演讲技巧 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 You communicate with your boss, your subordinates, your clients, your competitors, etc. First, you will learn the methods to talk smart and always bring across your point. With the efficient communication skills you will learn, you will be a more effective team player, a better listener, and an efficient problem solver. Having presentation skills and being confident in public speaking will increase your career opportunities, as delivering professional presentations to clients and business partners is becoming an essential part of today's business world. The training will take you stepby-step through the process of developing an effective presentation from choice of a topic and organization of materials,you will become a successful speaker and get support from others. 您无时无刻都处在沟通之中:与上司,与下属,与客户,与竞争对手,提升人际关系影响力必须具 备良好的沟通能力。通过本课程的学习,您将能提高您的表达能力与聆听技巧,与他人良好沟通; 您将掌握在团队中良好、有效沟通的诀窍,使您的团队工作更有效率。不论我们在通知、影响、说 服,还是促使别人行动时都需要演讲。通过表达来传递信息,是一种有力的影响和说服他人的手 段。本培训将告诉您如何在公众场合泰然自若地进行有说服力的表达、演讲和沟通,帮助您成为优 秀的演讲者,将信息有效传送给他人,同时赢得他人的合作及认同。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 --- - ---------

Fundamentals of good communication Express oneself ideas and feelings clearly Persuding and influencing people by active listening and questioning skills Dealing with people with different working and communication styles Developing interpersonal competence A successful speaker Formulate objectives and create outline Prepare materials and visual aids Good starting and perfect ending Keeping audiences’ attention Tips of using body language and tone of voice Handling questions from audiences

--- - ---------

有效沟通的基础 清晰表达自己的想法与感受 通过聆听与提问技巧说服影响他人 与不同沟通与工作风格的人有效沟通 增强人际关系能力 精彩演讲的秘诀 撰写目标与确定大纲 准备资料与视觉工具 有效的开场白与完美的结尾 保持观众注意力的秘诀 运用肢体语言、语音语调的技巧 处理观众的提问与反馈

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 The employees, supervisors, managers, teamleaders, project managers and and salesman who need to influence others or explain new policies, procedures, products, projects by communication and powerful business presentations. 需要通过沟通与演讲影响他人达到工作目标的以及汇报工作、发布新产品员工、主管、经理、团队 负责人、项目负责人以及销售人员相关职业人士。 Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Minjie He

Effective Conflict Management 有效的冲突管理 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Understand the different types and sources of conflicts; -- Learn the 6 Steps of Conflict Resolution; -- Learn the 4 Conflict Styles, and gain a clear picture of your own conflict style tendencies; -- Learn the 9 major conflict management strategies, and how to choose the strategy according to the situation; -- Learn conflict management tools and techniques. The content is based on thoroughly researched models and tools of Organizational Behavior; and it is enriched with case studies, exercises, discussions and personal experience. 理解不同的冲突类型和冲突的来源; -- 学习6步冲突解决法; -- 学习4种冲突类型,了解你的冲突倾向。 -- 学习常见的冲突管理策略,并且根据情况选择策略; -- 学习冲突管理的方法和技巧。 课程建立在经典的研究模型和组织行为学理论上,通过案例学习、练习、讨论和个人经验来丰富课 程内容

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 Day 1 Conflict simulation Analyzing your conflict Conflict patterns and strategies Play it out – role plays Walking the 6 Steps of Conflict Management Process Day 2 Practice, practice, practice! Skill building role plays Working out solutions for conflicts Preventing unnecessary conflicts Wrapping up your take-away

冲突促进 冲突的分析 冲突的模式与战略 角色扮演 练习6步冲突解决法 自我反思及练习,练习 练习角色扮演 技巧练习 避免冲突方法 结束-学习总结及后续学习建议

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 Anybody who has been facing conflict at work; -- Both Chinese and foreigners -- Managers of all levels, high-potential, key people.

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Andy Wong

Communication and Negotiating Skills 沟通、影响力和谈判技巧 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Communication and negotiation skills are vital and the key success factors to all kind of business nowadays. The programme trainer will lead the participants understand their own and others interpersonal style and by applying the most updated tools. Participants will learn to improve the relation with co-workers, customers, friends and family members so as to achieving success in all kind of negotiation situations. Trainer will make use of actual business cases sharing, role play, to let participants be involved and experience the latest communication skills and negotiation process from a different angle. 在现今商业社会无论从事那一种行业,沟通能力和谈判技巧可说是成功必须具备的基本要素。本课 程引导学员认识自身及别人的人际风格,让学员學習如何改善与工作伙伴、客户、家人和朋友之间 关系进而在谈判桌上达至致胜之道。课程导师会透过真实案例的分享、角色扮演,引导学员参与讨 论,启发学员从多角度去认识最新的人际沟通技巧及谈判流程。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 - - - - - - - - - -

Positive attitude and relationship-building strategy 建立正面态度及人际关系的策略 Assess individual profile and communicate with people with different styles 评估个人的人际风格及与不同风格的人沟通 Characteristics of positive communication and how to communicate assertively 正面沟通的特点及何谓决断的沟通 How to listen, ask question and give quality feedback in order to 如何通过聆听、发问及回蚀技巧 Build understanding and acceptance 去建立谅解和接纳 Causes of conflicts and strategies and process for resolving conflicts 冲突的成因、化解冲突的策略和流程 What is negotiation and understand the negotiation process 认识什麽是谈判和谈判流程 Effective preparation for negotiation 有效地计划及准备你的谈判 Making and getting meaningful concessions 在谈判过程中让步的决策 Breaking negotiation deadlocks 如何解除谈判的各种障碍

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 Suitable for those who want to improve their communication skills and enhance negotiation skills in order to achieve performance excellent in career path. 适合从事各种行业有志改善人际沟通技巧,并希望通过提升谈判能力从而改进工作表现的人士。 Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Alan Lee

Successful implementation of Key Performance Indicators COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Learn about how to train employees to successfully implement Key Performance Indicators. Since performance management and the culture of organizations highly interact with each other people's behaviors often determine the success of performance management systems. With an expert who is experienced in successfully implementing KPIs in a local Chinese Business Unit, we will share our experience and discuss solutions and best practices to successfully implement KPIs in the context of China: What does implementing KPIs in China mean to foreign and local managers? What do the Chinese culture and the expectations from Chinese employees tell us about what we should do to implement KPIs in the right way? Changing employees’ mindset on KPIs. Applying international standards and frameworks in the context of China. Coaching employees to design KPIs 'interactively'.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 ------

Short introduction about the speaker’s experience on KPIs projects in China Approach and methodology for KPI projects in China: real case experiences in China Getting the right mindset: some practical advice Conclusion: best practices Q & A and discussion with the participants

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 -- Sales supervisors and managers -- Key account sales -- Professionals who are about to be sales position

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Jean-Yves Le Corre

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) - Relationship Awareness Theory ™ COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 People work together more effectively when they better understand their own and others’ strengths. SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is a self-awareness tool that bridges the gap between motivation and behaviour by providing two integrated personality assessments that measure when things are going well and when in conflict.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 Relationship awareness theory™ Relationship Awareness theory underpins SDI. It is a motivational typology that has proven to be very accurate in determining the motivations behind behaviour. The theory itself is founded on four simple, yet profound, premises: 1. Behaviour is driven by motivation to achieve or maintain self-worth 2. Motivation changes in conflict 3. Strengths, when overdone or misapplied, can be perceived as weaknesses and 4. Personal filters influence perceptions of self and of others. How the Strength Deployment inventory® works When completing the SDI® the learner responds to 20 statements that look at the following two dimensions: 1. When things are going well (in life, not just at work) 2. When things are not going well (in life, not just at work) The first dimension of SDI helps people understand their motivations and relating styles. SDI is non-judgemental - Each person’s set of scores will position them in two areas on a unique coloured triangle which is then explained in terms of their Motivational Value System™ and their Conflict Sequence™. What makes SDI so easy to complete, remember and apply is that it uses colour and their blends to represent the following 7 Motivational Value Systems. This provides a common language that helps facilitate conversations about interpersonal issues. Trainees will complete the SDI assessment and debrief their results during the training. Relationship Awareness Theory and the psychometric inventories and other resources which are based on it, was developed by psychologist, clinical therapist, educator, and author Elias H. Porter, Ph.D. who was also a student and colleague of Dr Carl Rodgers, a leading psychologist and author. Alistair McArthur is a certified SDI Facilitator.

Price 价格

Member 会员: 2,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Presentations: Exceeding Expectations 卓越演讲技巧 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 -------

Identify traits of influential presenters and conduct an evaluation of your presentation style Frame and improve your delivery style to accentuate your presentation strengths Assess the audience and adapt presentation styles accordingly Create presentation environments suitable for your audience Create meaningful content that guides the audience to take action Effectively deal with questions and objections

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 Day 1 -- The Influential Presenter -- Individual Reports (self-assessed, known strengths & areas for development) -- Presentation #1: "A Window into My World" -- Charisma,Passion & Confidence: Accentuate your presentation to keep decision makers engaged -- Presentation #2: The 60 Sec Spontaneous Response -- Handling Post-Presentation Questions & Objections -- Introduction to Speech Preparation and Templates -- Presentation #3: The Informative Presentation Day 2 -- Presentation #4: Speaking With Passion -- Preparing for Evaluation & Feedback -- Visual Aids: Reassessment of Effective Usage -- Adapting Presentation Style to learning preferences -- The Psychology of Influence: Using the AIDA structure -- Influencing techniques -- Creating 'Value' Dialog -- Presentation # 5: A Value Proposition (Your needs, Our Solution, Value to you) -- Reaffirmation of Individual presentation strengths: Delivery Templatese

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 This workshop is designed for professionals who: -- Have never been given systematic feedback about their presentation skills -- Want to better understand their audience -- Are preparing to change positions and need to adapt their presentation skills accordingly This course is also encouraged for staff who have some experience and are going to be expected to make presentations to management and executive stakeholders.

Price 价格

Language 语言

Member 会员: 3,900 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person Fee includes course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Empowering Secretarial Staff 秘书培训 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? An interactive class of self-analysis for secretarial staff. The course begins with trainees reviewing their own communication style and providing peer feedback. Trainees will be exposed to effective communication styles and how to prepare messages before delivering it, while also considering the receiver’s position.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Asking Questions and Funnelling Problem Identification and Generating Options PDAC Method of Writing Emails and Proof Reading Develop templates for 4 common communiqués Active Listening: LISTENER



Clear Communication -- What is communication -- Barriers to communication -- Asking the right questions -- Key communication skills -- Funnelling and getting the right answers

Dealing with Problems Effectively and Writing - Understand the ways to influence - Planning your message to deliver constructive solutions - Being positive - Using Statement + Benefit/Consequence - Effective Emailing

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Secretaries and support staff who are responsible for communicating the right message to internal and external customers.

Price 价格

Language 语言

Member 会员: 2,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,800 RMB/person

Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Cross Cultural Communications 跨文化交流 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 The face of business has significantly changed in recent years. It has become quicker, easier to travel, new modes of communication are being rapidly developed and refined. As a result of these changes, it is usual to find businesses with culturally diverse backgrounds. Training teams in an organisation to appreciate and embrace these differences can help differentiate a business and provide a competitive advantage. We will explore the challenges faced in today's culturally blended teams and define the benefits that come from our current world, the issues that might surface and methods of handling conflict.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 ----------

Explain the business advantages of having a multicultural workforce Identify and explain the four basic behavioral styles and the benefits and challenges of each Describe four cultural dimensions and their impact on communication Explain how perception plays a role in communication Learn how to manage expectations to those with a different outlook Discuss a model of communication; feedback and listening Explain the importance of body language in the listening process Demonstrate techniques for better listening when communicating with challenging speakers Develop an action plan for better communication

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 Anyone involved in managing cross-cultural teams, all cross-cultural teammates

Price 价格

Member 会员: 2,400RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,800 RMB/person Fee includes course material and lunch.

Facilitator 讲师

Language 语言 English 英语 Chinese 中文


Alistair McArthur

Professional Etiquette 职业礼仪关键 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 --------

Making a 30 second impression Understand the value or professional etiquette in the workplace and environment. Professional communication styles and building rapport Learn acceptable email etiquette Make communication clearer Managers required to give presentations with impact. Training managers required to prepare materials for workshops



-- Workshop Goals -- Developing a professional Image -- Professionalism in the Workplace -- First Contact: Making an Impression -- Professional Language & Body Language -- The A,B,C of a professional image -- Telephone Manner -- How to be a good Conversationalist -- Networking -- Meeting Etiquette

Communication: Business Writing -- Make your writing clear, concise, and correct -- Improve sentence construction and paragraph development - Identify ways to make your writing simpler  and easier to read -- Develop effective business letters for tough situations -- Use proper e-mail etiquette

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 -- Support Staff and Administrators -- Marketing and Communication Departments

Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 2,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,800 RMB/person

Fee includes course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

La Chambre de commerce et d'industrie française en Chine vous souhaite la

« Bienvenue à Pékin ! » Jeudi 16 octobre, 2014 de 14h00 à 18h30 Destiné à tous les nouveaux arrivants en Chine - seul ou en famille, en poste ou sans emploi


Accueil des participants


Ouverture du séminaire par la directrice d'Antenne, CCIFC Pékin




Services consulaires, Lycée Français, Centre Culturel français etc. par le conseiller pour les affaires consulaires, Ambassade de France




Cadre général politique et économique Échanges économique France Chine CCIFC / Entreprises françaises en Chine


Contexte juridique chinois et fiscalité des entreprises


Ressources Humaines et loi du travail






Entreprendre en Chine


Clotûre du séminaire et cocktail


500 RMB/personne | 900 RMB/couple (Veuillez vous inscrire avant le 14 Octobre.) Tarif:

* cocktail compris * 10 places gratuites réservées aux demandeurs d'emploi. Si c'est votres cas, merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature lors de votre inscription.


C512, Lufthansa Center No. 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang Disctrict Beijing


Français 法语


Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interview Techniques 《成功招聘:行为面试技巧》 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Published research studies and practical application have proven the effectiveness of behavioral interviewing techniques. However, very few organizations do it on an expert level. This program is based on Dr. Janz’s widely distributed book on Behavior Description Interviewing and provides a set of behavioral interviewing skills as well as various kinds of skill practices. Participants shall: -- Learn to analyze the costs incurred when a wrong hiring decision is made -- Develop a fair and consistent interviewing process for selecting employees -- Prepare better job advertisements and use a variety of markets -- Develop a job analysis and position profile -- Use behavioral, achievement oriented, holistic, and situational interview questions -- Understand the basic employment and human rights laws that can affect the hiring process 所有已发表的研究成果和实践均已证明行为面试的效用。但很少企业能将行为面试真正发挥到实 处。这门课程根据Tom Janz博士《Behavior Description Interviewing》一书而设计,提供了一系 列行为面试的技能培训及各种形式的练习。课程结束时,学员将: -- 学会分析错误的聘用决定对公司造成的损失; -- 制定公平一致的面试流程甄选人才; -- 制作更好的招聘广告和市场宣传; -- 学会撰写职位说明书和岗位概况; -- 采用行为导向,成果导向,全面以及情境式面试提问技巧; -- 掌握影响招聘过程的聘用和人权方面的基本法规。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 ---- - -----


6 stages and 3 levels of factors in hiring process Behavior vs. Traditional Interviews Analyzing the cost of hiring an employee Performing a job analysis and writing a position profile Various ways to determine what technical and performance skills the candidate will need 10 tests for advertising guidelines Non-verbal signals during an interview Other Interview Techniques Effectively interview difficult applicants

招聘的6个阶段和3大要素 传统面试 vs 行为面试 分析招聘成本分析 进行工作分析和撰写职位概况 确定招聘岗位的技能和绩效要求 招聘广告制作十大指南 面试中的非言语交流 其他面试技巧 难以应付的候选人

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 All HR functions and HR oriented people 人力资源部门所有员工,以及有志于从事人力资源工作的员工。

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,400 RMB/person Fee includes course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English 英语 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Andy Wong

Human Resource as Strategic Business Partner 人力资源成为战略性业务伙伴 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Being the Business Partner is a dream of each Human Resources professional. It is not just about the changed approach of Human Resources, defining new HR Role in the organization, but is also about new HR Business Partner’s responsibilities in the organization as the business partners have a different kind of the relationship and they are on the next level of the cooperation. How to support the HR professionals to improve their competences that they can provide real value to business growth is a challenge the companies face. After this training, the participants will be able to -- Understand the key value and role of HR Business Partner -- Learn how to re-structure the business needs into human resources needs -- Proactively make future demand analysis -- Increase the ability to apply the learning into practice through case studies 成为真正的战略性业务伙伴是每位从事人力资源工作者的梦想。这不仅仅意味着工作方式的改变 和在组织中角色的新的定义,也意味着作为新的人力资源伙伴所拥有的新的职责,因为作为业务 伙伴需要有不同的合作关系和不同层次的合作要求。如何能够帮助人力资源人员快速有效地的提 升自己的能力,为业务提升和发展提供价值是许多企业面临的挑战。通过学习,您将会: -- 明确作为业务伙伴的价值和角色 -- 掌握重构业务需求制定人力资源需求的方法 -- 并对未来的需求有前瞻性的预测分析 -- 通过案例实践,提升实际应用的能力


Value and Role of HR Business Partner Re-Structure Business Needs into HR Needs Future Demand Analysis Case Study and practices


人力资源业务伙伴的价值和角色 业务需求的重构 前瞻性的需求分析 案例分析和练习

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 -- 人力资源总监 -- 学习与发展负责人 -- 培训中心或学院负责人

-- Head of Human Resource Department -- Head of Learning and Development Department -- Head of Training Center or Management Institute

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person

Fee includes course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师



HR role in organizational performance

COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Organizational performance is a key competitive advantage for companies and a strong contributor to business performance. HR has an essential role to play in it. In a challenging and quickly changing environment, it is crucial that HR managers learn about new levers, that are complementary to the one they usually use, that are based on individual approaches of performance. This training aims at helping HR to understand and master the components of organizational performance in order to develop collective competencies, commitment, and willingness to be proactive actors in the permanent transformations of their company. A highly interactive program, using examples and case studies.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 Organizational performance: what are we talking about? -- Understanding what is an organization: the micro and macro level, the factors that influence -- its evolution, the way it works -- The different dimensions of performance: individual performance vs Collective performance -- The components of organizational performance -- The conditions for efficient collaborative and transversal work relations Workforce climate as 1st key pillar of organizational performance -- Conditions of engagement of workforce -- Identifying the weak signals -- Identifying the right drivers and levers of an effective social regulation -- The role of managers Change management as a 2nd key pillar of organizational performance -- Diverse approaches to change management: what operational input to take action -- Change management and organizational performance -- Role and tools of the HR manager to accompany change projects -- The cooperation between HR and operational managers

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 HR directors, HR managers

Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 3,600 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,000 RMB/person

Fee includes course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Entreprise & Personnel

Excel: Database Management Excel-数据库管理 If you manage databases using Excel, you will want to attend this course. IPS will walk you through the steps of working with multiple workbooks and merging them into one easily managed database. If you accumulate databases on a regular basis from your sales team, research or events, you will most likely want to update your master database with information while removing all duplicate information. The full day course will provide you with the knowledge to start using Excel to manage your information more effectively, while saving you hours of frustration.

COURSE OBJECTIVES -- Enhance Excel understanding and familiarise with common Excel tasks -- Speed up tasks through knowing where to go for tips -- Manage multiple workbooks and share information

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Excel Efficiency and Shortcuts – speed up your operation -- Finding and replacing data 4. The Data Menu -- Auto-fill -- Using filters for large lists -- Freezing Panes -- Sorting Lists -- Relative and Absolute Addressing -- Group Data -- Checking errors with formulas and functions -- Subtotals -- Auto-sum -- Sort - special -- The Naming Concept 5. Advanced Features -- Naming cells and naming ranges -- Advanced filters -- Using names and ‘named’ ranged in calculations -- Setting up criteria ranges for 2. Formulas and Functions filtering -- Creating - Lookup functions -- Editing - V and H -- Copying relative and absolute references -- Sharing a workbook -- COUNT 6. Tables and Charts -- MAX/MIN/AVERAGE -- Simple Tables and Charts -- The IF Function -- Pivot Tables and Charts -- Errors -- Analysing Data 3. Working with Text 7. Introduction to Macros -- Text to Columns -- Recording a macro for every day -- Text manipulation and functions (MID, Left, Right, Len, use -- Trim, Concatenate, Upper, Lower, Proper, etc) -- Using a macro -- Concatenation -- Addins for Excel


Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounting - team members who regularly use Excel to manage databases. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS Excel already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS Excel for an additional fee of 300 RMB. Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 1,500 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 1,800 RMB/person Fee includes course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

PowerPoint Essentials PowerPoint 精髓 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Are you trying to make an impact in your presentations or training? Do you want to create a PowerPoint for you and notes for your attendees? This course will introduce you to concepts to use PPT to your advantage to prepare not only great presentations but something people can meaningfully walk away with.


Enhance current PPT capability Use technology to your advantage Learn to prepare great hand outs and use PowerPoint as a professional presenter Planning your presentation

COURSE OUTLINE Creating And Working With Tables -- Inserting And Drawing Tables -- Inserting And Deleting Columns And Rows -- Working With Cells Constructing Table Layout -- Changing Your Border -- Shading And Fills -- Adding And Formatting Wordart Working With Charts And Graphs -- Creating Charts And Graphs -- Adding Titles And Data -- Legends And Labels -- Organisational Charts -- Resizing Customizing Your Diagrams -- Adding/Editing Shapes -- Altering Diagrams -- Changing Diagram Schemes -- Incorporating Text

Inserting Pictures And Images -- Text, Captions, And Picture Order -- Picture Layout, Frame Shape, And Design Templates -- Applying Colour Effects Implementing Animation -- Entrance And Exit Effects -- Emphasis Effect -- Animation Schemes -- Add And Draw Motion Paths -- Speeds And Timing Options Reviewing A Presentation -- Sending A Presentation For Review -- Adding Comments And Making Changes -- Combining Reviewed Presentations Delivery Options -- Packaging A Presentation To A CD -- Opening Packaged Presentations -- Delivering A Presentation On A Computer


-- Managers required to give presentations with impact. -- Training managers required to prepare materials for workshops. -- Staff who are required to use PowerPoint to communicate ideas, trends and business updates. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS PowerPoint already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS PowerPoint for an additional fee of 300 RMB. Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 1,500 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 1,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

PowerPoint for Presenters 针对演讲者的PPT技巧 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Are you trying to make an impact in your presentations or training? Do you want to create a PowerPoint for you and notes for your attendees? This course will introduce you to concepts to use PPT to your advantage to prepare not only great presentations but something people can meaningfully walk away with.

COURSE OUTLINE Module 1: PowerPoint Essentials -- Slide Masters and Templates -- Tables, Charts and Inserting Objects -- Drawing Skills -- Speaker Notes and Handouts Activity: Edit a Previous Presentation Module 2: Planning your Presentation -- Presentation Types and Styles -- Mind Mapping -- Pre-Presentation Worksheet -- Delivery Notes Template Activity: Mapping a Presentation

Module 3: Preparing Your Message • Identifying Writing Challenges • Writing Techniques • Positive Language • 4 steps of communication Activity: Say what you will say, say it, say what you said Module 4: Improving Your Message -- Being Clear, Concise and Correct -- Turning Paragraphs into Bullet Points -- Structuring information clearly -- Thinking KISS Activity: Redraft Previous Presentation Content


Enhance current PPT capability Use technology to your advantage Learn to prepare great hand outs and use PowerPoint as professional presenter. Planning your presentation Prepare your message Improve your message for your audience

WHO SHOULD ATTEND -- Managers required to give presentations with impact. -- Training managers required to prepare materials for workshops Price 价格

Language 语言

Member 会员: 1,500 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 1,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Effective Meetings 高效率会议 WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? An effective meeting begins with preparation and having the end in mind. How often are we dragged into meetings which have no agenda, or worse yet, have no significance to our job and responsibilities. Effective meetings introduces a framework for ensuring the focus of meetings are clear, the list of attendees are relevant, actions to be taken are decided in advance and communication strategies to keep the meeting on topic.


Organising and preparing for an effective meeting Tailoring your message for the style of the meeting Realise how Team Work in meetings can lead to efficiency Develop skills in listening, asking questions and giving feedback Deal with conflict Action oriented meetings and objectives


What makes an effective meeting and outcome Meeting agendas and how to prepare Meeting styles -informative, directive, brainstorming Lead meetings so that they are productive and directed


Senior Managers and Team Leaders who require regular meetings with their colleagues and teams to ensure an efficient flow of information to ensure effective decision making. Administrative personnel and Executive Assistants would also benefit in understanding how to set an agenda, decide the appropriate attendees and ensure meetings stay on topic through communication strategies.

Price 价格

Member 会员: 900 RMB/person | Non member 非会员:1,100 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material.

Language 语言 English 英语 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Project Management 项目管理 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 The expectations on management regarding the realisation of special assignments on schedule and cost efficiency have risen enormously. This course is aimed at improving particpants understanding of the process of defining a project, its scope and life cycle. Task scheduling and identification of resource requirements are covered along with risk management and methods for project control. Softer elements of project management are also considered, such as stakeholder management and teamwork. In this workshop you deepen your knowledge of project management and develop ideas and appropriate mechanisms for your own work. 人们越来越期望按时完成特殊任务以及管理成本效率。本课程旨在提高参与者确定项目过程、制定 其范围以及生命周期的理解能力。课程将覆盖任务调度和资源需求识别,同时还会有风险管理以及 项目管理方法培训。此外,我们也会加入项目管理中的软性元素,例如利益相关者管理和团队合 作。 此次培训将有助于您加深对项目管理的了解,获得更多想法,为您的工作找到合适的机制。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 Experience different issues and decisions that are involved in running a project, such as: -- Understand principles of project management -- Project planning and goal setting -- Provide a framework and common language to everyone for project management -- How to set up and coordinate efficient project teams -- Leadership and projects -- Know how to deal with different stakeholders -- Judge impact on time, cost and quality -- Know how to apply project controlling mechanisms -- Reach a common agreement on the roles and responsibilities in the project team -- Solve typical, always recurring problems in project work

体验在项目管理中存在的不同问题和决定, 例如: -- 理解项目管理的原则 -- 项目规划和目标设定 -- 为参与项目管理的每个人提供一个框架 -- 及一种通用语言 -- 如何建立和协调高效的项目组 -------

领导力和项目 学会如何与不同的利益相关者相处 判断时间、成本和质量的影响 学会如何运用项目控制机制 在项目团队中就角色和职责达成一致 解决项目工作中典型的、多次发生的问题

- ---

没有财务背景但需要或想要了解更多原 理的人 即将晋升为管理人员的专业人才 团队领导


Suitable for participants who do want to know more about efficient project management tools Professionals who are about to be promoted to a management position -- Team leaders Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Samuel Meng

Leadership Skills for Line Managers 提高管理者的领导技能 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 This intensive two-day workshop is a highly interactive workshop designed for local supervisors who want to grow their management skills fast - and get on the fast track to achieving leadership success. Comprehensive leadership training will cover the proven management techniques and powerful strategies you need to become a stronger, more confidant and respected leader. You'll learn how to establish credibility and authority fast, how to motivate employees, how to handle attitude problems and rule-breakers, how to give constructive feedback and how to conduct effective performance appraisals. Why risk your career by stumbling along, learning management skills by trial and error when you can get up to speed fast on essential management techniques and strategies? The management skills and knowledge you need to succeed are only a 2-day workshop away! 此次2天的强化培训具有高度的互动性,是专门为那些想要快速提高管理技能的当地主管所设计的, 能够帮助他们快速地在领导管理层面取得成功。全面的领导力培训将会覆盖到成熟的管理技能以及 强有力的策略,使培训者成为更加强大、自信并受下属尊敬的领导者。 从此次培训中,你将学习到如何快速建立下属对你的信任以及领导权威,如何激励员工,如何处理 员工态度问题,如何对待不爱遵守规则的员工,如何给予建设性的反馈以及如何建立有效的绩效评 估体系。 当你能够通过培训来迅速提高必要的管理技能和策略时,又为何要以你的职业生涯为代价,在不断 地试验中摸索着学习这些技能呢?你只需要参加2天的培训就能获得这些能够使你成功的管理技能

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 -- Leadership Fundamentals and Issues All New Managers Face
 -- Developing Your Personal Leadership Strengths
 -- Building a Highly Motivated, High-Performance Team -- The Mechanics of the Manager's Job -- Communication Techniques Every Manager Should Know -- How to Turn Around Difficult Employees -- Managing Your Time, Priorities and Projects
 -- The Leader's Role in Making Change Happen

- 所有新主管面临领导力基础和领 导力问题 -- 所有新主管面临领导力基础和领 导力问题建立高激励以及高绩效 的团队 -- 管理者的工作流程 -- 每个管理者须知的沟通技巧 -- 如何对待问题员工 -- 如何管理你的时间,处理事务的 优先次序和项目 -- 变革中领导者的角色

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 -- New supervisors and managers -- Team leaders -- Those new to management within the past two years who have had no formal management training -- Professionals who are about to be promoted to a management position Price 价格

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新进主管和领导 团队领导 对那些过去两年没有参加过 正式管理培训的员工 潜在领导

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person

Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Samuel Meng

Vision, Plan, Delegate and Results-Oriented Leaders 从愿景到结果的领导力 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Just because your team is up and running doesn’t mean that you can put it on auto-pilot. Your foresight and management sensitivity will be crucial to preventing the team from running ground. This half day comprehensive workshop will examine problems that frequently through a team off course and offers concrete advice from getting things back on track, which will focus on four topics such as Vision, plan, delegate and results oriented. 团队成形和运行并不意味着你可以把它放在自动驾驶仪。你的远见和管理敏感度将是团队启航的 关键。 这半天的课程全面检测团队里常出的问题,并且着重在4个方面提供有效建议给学员们,集中讨论 四个主题,如愿景,计划,实施和结果导向。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 --------

Evaluating your team execution capability
 Crafting a Vision That Enlists Support
 Performance at Commitment Goals Planning skill Delegate for promoting Team Interdependence Performance review PDCA cycle


评估团队执行能力 制作一个赢得别人支持的愿景 承诺目标的绩效 制作计划技巧 促进团队互相依赖的委托 绩效评价 PDCA循环


-- 管理者和经理 -- 团队领导 -- 即将被提升到管理层的专业人才

Supervisors and Managers Team leaders Professionals who are about to be promoted to a management position

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Steven Zhang

Developing and Coaching Your Team 发展团队,成为教练式领导 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 -- - ---

Understand his role as a coach in combination with other roles the manager plays Use coaching model to clarify targets, indentify options and define action plans with full participation of the employees Understand the employee’s intention and ideas with active listening and help them find solution or answers, make their choices and commit on actions with open questions. Apply coaching tools which can be practically used in daily life Give positive and constructive feedbacks to employees.


了解管理人员作为教练的角色,以及和其他角色的区别和互补性 学会应用教练模型,在员工的完全参与下界定目标,找出解决问题的方法,制定行动计划。 学习使用教练工具,并可以应用到日常工作中 应用教练方法给出积极和建设性的反馈

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 -- 定义 -- 什么是团队 -- 团队VS 工作群体 -- 团队的核心理念 -- 教练式领导的角色,和其他角色的区别和 互补性 -- 教练的核心能力和工具 -- 教练模型 -- 教练在提高绩效,激励员工,落实行动和 责任,改善沟通有效性方面的应用

-- Definitions -- What are working group? -- Teams versus working groups -- Core team concepts -- Managers as a coach, the differences and complimentary role in comparison with other roles -- Key coaching skills and tools -- Coaching Module -- Application in performance management, motivation, accountability and communication between teams.


-- 新进总监和经理 -- 团队领导 -- 即将被提升到管理职位的专业人士

New supervisors and managers Team leaders Professionals who are about to be promoted to a management position

Price 价格

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Samuel Meng

Problem Solving and Decision Making 解决问题决策 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Facing the complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations should realize that constant, ongoing innovation is critical to stay ahead of the competition. As a business leader, how effective you are managing these business difficulties? Can you break thought patterns and think differently? This workshop will feature you how to utilize tools to spark creativity, and enable you to develop comprehensive approach to solve problems with fresh ideas and make high quality decisions. 面对复杂、开放、多变的挑战,企业意识到不断创新是在竞争中保持领先地位的关键。作为领导 者,你能有效地应对这些商业难题与挑战吗?你能打破思维定势,从不一样的角度思考问题吗?本 课程将教你如何运用工具擦亮创意的火花,开拓解决问题的广泛的思路,用崭新的意念做出高质量 的决策。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 - 认识创造性思维的障碍及拓展你的创意

-- Identifying blockings to creative thinking and expanding our creativity -- Application of Creative tools -- Problem Solving and decision making based on KT Model -- The process of problem solving -- Situational appraisal and problem root causes analysis -- Decision analysis – select the most cost effective solution -- Risk assessment and management -- Establishing contingency plan -- Evaluating the solution effectiveness after implementation

- 如何应用创意工具提升创造力 - 引用KT模型去解决问题和作出决策 - 解决问题的程序 - 处境评估及剖析问题根源 - 决策评估 - 选择最附合成本的方案 - 风险评估与管理 - 建立应急计划 - 评估方案实施效果

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 Suitable for participants that are managers, with no or some leadership experience, who want to improve their leadership skills and enhance related skills in order to manage their team and cooperate with other teams.

Price 价格

适合没有或者只有一些经验的,希望能够改 进自己领导力技巧并加强相关的管理团队技 巧及其他团队合作技巧的管理者参加

Member 会员: 4,400 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 4,800 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师


Samuel Meng

Leading to Engage Teams

WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? Leading to Engage Teams first comes with understanding our own motivators at work and in our personal lives. Together, you will explore the complex dynamics of individuals and understand to further knowledge on identifying motivators within teams.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Introduces tools and activities for team leaders to understand their role better and relate better with behaviors of others. ------

Illustrate 4 Team Relationship Dynamics through the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) Illustrate positive attributes of a Team Leader Demonstrate effective forms of communication Demonstrate the application of SMART goals Build better relationships with others

Trainees will undertake an online self-assessment before attending the course. The results will be shared individually with each person. SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is a self-awareness tool that bridges the gap between motivation and behavior by providing two integrated personality assessments that measure when things are going well and when in conflict.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND -- Team leaders aspiring to improve communication within the team -- Team leaders under pressure to increase team productivity. -- Executives and Senior Managers wanting to learn how to assemble more effective teams

Price 价格

Member 会员: 2,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,400 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Building your organisation's Service Culture

WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? This program is designed to provide a fun & challenging approach to developing and demonstrating commitment to the interpersonal skills and awareness that create the foundation for superior communications with customers in the field. The program approach is to build awareness of different value systems and personality styles, provide proven techniques for accommodating them and to motivate participants to “live the knowledge” in order to generate a more satisfying experience for both the customer and field staff.


Produce strategically responsive (non-reactive) staff Develop the ability to provide individually tailored interactions Promote a sense of comfort, safety and respect in customers who have a complaint Generate consistency in positive outcomes Sponsor loyalty Creation of a service team that performs with a sense of comfort, control & confidence


Exploring customer relationship dynamics The importance of affirming your customer’s self-esteem & building relationship Creating a feel-good experience Using an interaction model leading to success Identifying customer needs & expectations Exploring consultative questioning strategies Handling objections/complaints Resolving customer emotion/conflict

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Customer Relationship (Account Management) and Customer Service Managers and their teams

Price 价格

Member 会员: 2,000 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,400 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material and lunch.

Language 语言 English

Facilitator 讲师


Alistair McArthur

Higher Business Administration with Precise Business English 高端企业管理 – 精准英语版 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 People with higher aspirations and a spirit of innovation, require with the skills and capabilities to make a lifelong difference. If proper English is prerequisite for working in an English-speaking environment, then Precise Business English insures a more promising career. Our progressive and systematic precise English business administration course is specifically tailored for experienced managers and other professionals who are seeking leadership positions. We aim to provide cross-cultural management skills founded from CIM’s over 20 years of operational management experience for hundreds of enterprises. Start with mastering the significance of business English proficiency, participant learn to build their business acumen and enhance their leadership skills empowering them to have an increased impact on their organizations immediately and into the future.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 -- Usage of precise and professional business language in English -- Analyzation and simulation in business activities -- Understanding, editing and negotiating multiple and complex business contract independently -- Communicating, public speech and presentation skills Human Resource & Organizational Management -- Entrepreneurial Management -- Operations, Information Management & Decision Processes -- Global Analysis/Multinational Management -- Strategic Management -- Legal Studies & Business Ethics -- Social Psychology, Psychology of Sales

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 -- Intermediate and senior management staff -- Staff with more desires for career gaining -- Personnel working in Global enterprise

Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 4,500 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 5,500 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material.

English 英语

Facilitator 讲师


CIM Senior Consultants

Advanced English in Business 商务英语提高班 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 It covers Business English communication in a company with an emphasis on cultural expectations and the western way of performing tasks and thinking about business. The class covers practical and effective methods for dealing with English communication in a professional manner. Each class includes conversation and/or writing, vocabulary and cultural tips. 此课程全方面涵盖商务英语交流内容,侧重于跨文化背景下的商务英语交流。课程包括商务英语对 话,写作,跨国公司里跨文化交流的内容,具有很强的实用性。

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 - - - - - - - - - --

Corporate overviews and terminology 大纲和术语 Effective and professional looking emails 有效和专业的邮件写作 Marketing and sales 市场和销售英语 Effective telephone calls 有效的电话交流 Talking to the boss 与上司交流 Decision making 做决定 Managing staff in a multinational company 跨国公司里管理员工 Giving financial information 财务信息 Report writing 报告写作 Cultural differences that affect communication 影响交流的文化差异 -- Communicating in meetings/getting your point across 会议交流/突出重点

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 People who are at an intermediate (or above) English level and want to improve their English communication skills in Business. 具有中级及以上的英语水平,希望提高商务英语交流水平人士。 Price 价格

Language 语言

Member 会员: 5,300 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 5,800 RMB/person

Fee includes lecture, course material.

English 英文

Facilitator 讲师


Elliott Zaagman

Advanced Chinese in Business 商务中文提高班 COURSE OBJECTIVES 课程目标 Level 10: After finishing the level 10 course, students will recognize 2266 Chinese words, 258 grammar points, and 427 key points of communication. They will be able to explain plans and goals, handle customers’ complaints, explain the characteristics of various professions and make brief evaluations, have a job interview, make education and career selections, handle farewell, welcome and reunion, talk about volunteering activities, express the willingness to help, explain what happened in chronological order. Level 11: After finishing the level 11 course, students will recognize 2488 Chinese words, 281 grammar points, and 466 key points of communication. They will be able to talk about sales performances, explain issues from different perspectives, comfort and persuade others, talk about family values, have commercial discussions, talk about the marriage customs of different countries, correct mistakes, tender one’s resignation, conduct market research, etc.

COURSE OUTLINE 培训大纲 ---------------------

Talk about plans and goals Handle customers’complaints Express approval/ disapproval and give sufficient reasons Job interview Education and career selection Farewell Welcome and reunion Offer assistance Talk about volunteering activities Describe an experience Invitation Talk about sales performance Have a different opinion Talk about how to face difficulties Talk about family values Commercial discussion Talk about marriage customs Mistakes and options for mitigation Tender one’s resignation Market research

WHO SHOULD ATTEND 培训对象 This course is suitable for students who can recognize at least 2,000 Chinese words and 250 grammar points, or alternatively have attended a minimum of 300 hours of Chinese language classes, and who already have a good grasp of everyday Chinese. This course is designed to improve students’ oral Chinese and their ability to express themselves in longer phrases. They ought to be able to freely express themselves. Price 价格 Language 语言

Member 会员: 2,500 RMB/person | Non member 非会员: 2,900 RMB/person Fee includes lecture, course material.

English 英语 Chinese 中文

Facilitator 讲师 TBC


GLOBAL MANAGER PROGRAM 2014 国际经理人特训 2014 Among your team, you have certainly identified High Potential Managers and you wonder: How to retain and keep them motivated? How to recognize and reward them in your organization? How to improve their management skills and performance?


O bjectives

The Global Manager Program will provide participants with a solid and sound knowledge of the foundations of general management skills and business practices while preparing them to deal with the complexity of the current global environment.

国际经理人特训将为学员传授稳固而完美的综合管 理技能与商业实践基础知识。同时培训其应对当今 错综复杂的全球化环境。

内容 课程持续2个月,共10天,分为5个模块(2天/模 块): - 团队激励机制 - 战略管理 - 财务计算与分析 - 营销管理 - 领导能力与指导

C ontents

The program is composed of 5 modules (2 days each): - Motivate your team - Strategy Management - Financial Accounting and analysis - Marketing Management - Leadership and coaching

讲师 教师与专家由巴黎工商会精心选择,所有教员均来 自欧洲商学院(2012年,其硕士管理专业在“金融时 报”中排名全球第二位) 整个培训结束后,学员将获得由巴黎工商会颁发的 培训证书。

Facilitators Teachers and experts come from ESCP Europe (ranked 2nd worldwide by Financial Times for its Master in Management in 2012) and have been selected by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At the end of the program, participants will receive an official certificate from the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

培训对象 这一培训项目专门为具有高潜力的、其下一步职业生 涯将涉及到更广泛的管理职责或将在其所在公司执 行管理和监督任务(跨职能项目、业务单位、部门、 分支机构等)的管理人量身打造,例如: -人力资源经理 -销售经理 -团队经理 -项目经理 -产品经理

Target Participants

It would be available in 2014 as in-house training for big organizations.

This program has been specifically designed for functional management who have been identified as having high potential and whose next career step implies broader managerial responsibilities or a supervising position within their current organization (crossfunctional project, business unit, department, branch, etc.), such as: HR managers, marketing managers, team managers, project managers, product managers…

CO N TAC T Hailing HUANG Tel: + 86 (10) 6461 0260-40 E-mail : Liliane LIANG Tel: + 86 (10) 6461 0260-50 E-mail :


Trainer Introduction 讲师介绍 Alistair McArthur

As Managing Director and Lead Training Consultant and Coach in Intelligent People Solutions Beijing, Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He is a Certified Facilitator of the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) focusing on improving relationships through increased understanding and effective communication personally and professionally. Alistair has an extensive background in personnel skills and organizational training and development. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders. His ability to take development programs beyond the fundamentals has led to great success in his courses. When this is added to his drive and energy in class, students often see quick results. Alistair is a clear analytical thinker and creative trainer, who has proven interpersonal skills in operating successfully in a variety of roles and in developing the skills of others. His consistent high standard of training has led to excellent feedback and demand from clients. Alistair’s energetic and enthusiastic style of training has entertained and taught trainees which has made him very popular with his trainees and has led trainings in companies such as Audi, Dulwich College Beijing and Airbus.

Elliott Zaagman Elliott has a high level of expertise in business coaching and executive training. His commitment to course development and facilitation is excellent and this makes him well-suited for one-onone, group classes, or large seminars. His business background, academic qualifications and experience both in China and abroad have equipped him to fully meet the needs of Chinese business students.


黄永康 Mr. Andy Wong

Andy Wong is a third generation Singaporean who has accumulated more than 15 years of international exposure on the senior management level. He was extensively involved in multiindustrial segments such as Chemical, Banking, Insurance, FMCG, Automobile, Hospitality and the Real Estate industry. With a strong passion for training, his classes are highly interactive, fun and informative, full of the latest information and techniques and he makes sure that every participant walks away with practical skills they can apply on the job. He is bilingual in English and Chinese, and connects well with all levels of an organization. His expertise lies in Recruitment, Business Development, Train the Trainer and Team (Leadership) Building.

何敏杰 Ms. May He

Minjie He is a professional trainer and certified psychological consultant with more than 17 years HR management and consulting experience. Minjie He has worked in diferent industries in a few multinational corporations and she has been in charge of designing training courses, implementing training plans, guiding and supervising departmental training activities Minjie He’s training expertise include effective management skills and effective teamwork, communication and presentation skills, self motivation and personal change, time and stress management, customer services, etc. During the past few years, she has taught in many leading multinational corporations such as DMG, FISCHER, HOERBIGER,Volvo, SKF, Continental Automotive Systems, RITTAL, VOITH, ZF, LINDE, Louis Vuitton, Delphi, Veeco.

李兆麟 Mr. Alan Lee Mr. Lee has worked with a prestigious and highly successful multinational manufacturer for over 15 years. The Principal Consultant of Apex Management Solutions Ltd. has been engaged in business, quality, engineering and customer services improvement for more than 10 years. Additionally, he was the Chairman of the Hong Kong Leadership Training Association for the years 1994 to 1997 and has been very active in the development of leadership training for the businesses in Hong Kong.


Training Organization Introduction 培训机构介绍

Entreprise & Personnel (E&P) E&P is a non-profit organization headquartered in Paris, dedicated to HRM and the management of people and organizations It was created in 1969 by a few companies, based on a shared conviction that “people lie at the heart of economic performance”. Today, the E&P network encompasses over 110 international companies. Through its active HR intelligence, its networking, its studies, its consulting and training activities, E&P contributes to developing HRM and management practices helping member companies to anticipate and innovate. In China, E&P offers its services in partnership with the CCIFC.

Cooperating Intelligent Management CO., LTD. (CIM) CIM is a global team of forward-thinking, collaborative partners that delivers immediate, meaningful results and a long-term transformational advantage to our clients. We have been trusted advisors on CEO-agenda issues to the world’s leading organizations across many major industries and sectors. With nearly twenty years' experience of assisting the world's leading corporate and public sector organizations to work successfully across borders and cultures as background, CIM provides global business operating skills in English for local enterprises with management oriented study and business case analyzing. Every one of our teachers, with at least 7 to 8 years of senior management experience, will provide precise business English and advance career developing skill.

MTI Management Consulting (BEIJING) CO., LTD The consulting company MTI (MTI MANAGEMENT CONSULTING (BEIJING) CO., LTD) is specialized in Training and organizational development. In doing this we are especially focused on helping our customers successfully implement their strategies and to measurably contribute to our customer’s targets. Our focus is on leadership and sales excellence as well as team development.

APA Consulting Management Ltd. APA aims to help the organization to improve the leadership competencies at both individual and organizational level. Their leadership solutions are customized based on the demand and development stage of the organization. APA team is highly regarded as the top professionals in leadership expertise and development.



J O B .C C I FC .O R G

In cooperation with

Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Française en Chine |Beijing 中国法国工商会|北京 Office C712, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Road 亮马桥路50号,北京燕莎中心写字楼C712室 Chaoyang District, Beijing 100125, P.R.C 中国北京市朝阳区,邮政编码: 100125 phone / 电话 +86-10-6461 0260 | Fax / 传真 +86-10-6461 2990 Contact / 联系人 Huang Hailing | Liliane Liang | web / 网址: HR Site / 招聘网站:

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