CCIFC Training Offer South China 2015

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Training offer


J O B .C C I FC .O R G

中国法国工商会 2015年培训 The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China

South China Branch


招 聘 与

培 训

Recruitment and Training We know you, we know them French Chamber HR services: A qualified HR team, whenever you need it

▶ F ind ▶

the best talents

Train your staff

Our clients:

Air France, Airbus, Areva, Auchan , CNP A ssurances S. A ., EDF, GDF SUEZ, Maz ars, Leroy Merlin, PSA , Saint- G obain, Serac, Ser vier, Schneider Elec tric, Société Générale, Veolia, Thales, Total, TLScontac t... CANTON



Charlène WU

Yifei LUO

Tel: +86 (20) 2916 5525

Tel: +86 (755) 8632 9726


Dear members and friends of the French Chamber of Commerce in South China, The HR department of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCIFC) is pleased to provide you with our South China Training Program for 2015. Since 2004, we have proposed public and in-house training courses to our members and non members. Nowadays, CCIFC organizes around 40 professional training courses, independently or in collaboration with other organizations. The topics of our courses are quite various, including Cross-Culture, Selling Skills, Finance, E-commerce, Management, Language course and also Personal Development. With efforts from our training team and our high-qualified trainers, we succeed in keeping the topics and the content of the trainings always updated to the rapidly and continuously evolving workplace demands. CCIFC offers special rates for more than 2 persons from the same company attending the same training session. We hope to count you and your staff as participants of CCIFC trainings this year!



Charlène WU

Yifei LUO

HR & Training Manager

HR & Training Manager


CCIFC’s HR services With over 10 years’ experience, CCIFC’s HR department is well positioned to help you recruit and train your employees. 1) Recruitment service Building on the strength of over 10 years of expertise, the HR department acts as a placement agency and is specialized in recruiting French and/or English speakers as well as multicultural and multilingual professionals. The recruitment process is divided into 4 steps: 1. We post your job description on our website dedicated to job offers: 2. We prescreen candidates from our CV pool of over 8000 candidates 3. We lead phone interviews with the pre-selected candidates 4. We provide you a list of potential candidates 2) Training offer The HR department works with high-level consultants and with the best French Business Schools to offer relevant and varied training programs including communication skills, etiquette, management, leadership skills, negotiation skills… This catalogue showcases our public training courses offer. Besides the public courses, the HR department can also propose tailor-made and in-house training courses according to our clients’ needs and expectations. CCIFC Training Offer can be held in CCIFC meeting room dedicated to this kind of event.

For any question related to HR services, please contact: Canton: Charlène WU: | +86(20) 2916 5525 Shenzhen: Yifei LUO: | +86(755) 8632 9726


JOIN china’s n°1 french Network Our growing network gets your business moving! Over the past 20 years, the French Chamber has provided key support to French companies in the Chinese market

▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶


Your Chamb er team:


BEIJING ccifc- b eijing@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (10) 6 4 61 0260

c anTon ccifc- Tel: +86 (20) 2916 5510

SHANGHAI ccifc-shanghai@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (21) 6132 710 0

SHENZHEN ccifc-shenzhen@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (755) 8632 9720


CHENDGU ccifc- chengdu@ccifc .org Tel: +86 (28) 8511 4109

CCIFC 2015 Training offer – Read me first

This catalogue aims at compiling all CCIFC’s public courses that will take place over 2015 in CCIFC’s meeting room. The catalogue is divided into 3 parts: 1) Calendar of all public courses The next 2 pages are dedicated to the calendar of all public courses to be held in 2015. This provides our clients with an overview of CCIFC’s Training Program divided into different categories. 2) Training offer presentation The 2015 Training Program is divided into 7 categories: • Professional skills • Personal competence development • Human resources solutions • Leadership development • Financial management • Language skills development 3) Trainer’s network presentation Over the past 10 years, we have been working with high level of consultants to provide our clients with the most suitable trainings to address their needs and expectations. All the trainers have been selected through the following process: • CCIFC HR department meets the Training provider company to build the relationship and make sure that the Training provider is serious and shares the same vision as CCIFC’s clients • CCIFC HR department meets the proposed Trainer to share the approach and the objectives of the training • CCIFC HR department attends a training ensured by the Training provider to assess the training performance and the topic relevancy • After each course, the trainees fill in an evaluation report assessing the Trainer, the training content and the materials used for the course. Further to these evaluation reports, CCIFC can decide not to renew the contract with its Trainers.


All these categories gather different trainings to support our client’s teams in their development. While going through the catalogue, you will discover all the courses’ descriptions. Those descriptions respect the following rules and order: - The description is composed of the following parts : 1. The title of the course 2. Key information at the top of the page, including: • Objective: to understand what are the key take-away of the course • Who should attend: to quickly identify who can benefit from such course • Language: in English or in Chinese, or both • Duration: from half a day up to 2 days • Facilitator: name of the trainer 3. A more detailed description of the course including: • The course objectives • The course outline 4. A table with the dates of the courses and the prices for members and non-members (VAT excluded)


CCIFC Training Offer 2015 COURSE






Jag Salh





Cyril Drouin








SZ: 3



Alain LEE



SZ: 10



Alan Lee





Alan Lee





Vincent GIUGE


















PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Effective Time Management - a key factor for productivity E-Commerce: how to sell your products online? Powerful Marketing Practices to Leverage Your Wine Sales in China Positive Influencing Communication Skills


Project Management Essentials Difficult Customers & Complaint Resolution Control the Selling Process & Win the Sale: Proactive Selling

SZ: 12 GZ: 13 SZ: 17 GZ: 18

GZ: 29

SZ: 17-18

GZ: 30






Jiayu LIN



Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making



Alan LEE



Six Thinking Hats®



Sally LIN & Snow Zhou



*All prices exclude VAT (6.72%) GZ : Guangzhou SZ: Shenzhen

GZ: 28 SZ: 29

SZ: 12

GZ: 9 SZ: 23







Duration (Days)














HUMAN RESOURCES SOLUTIONS Effective Employer Branding a.nd Communication



Lily Ting & Catherine Florent



Employment Law Training



Haijuan CHEN





Lynn HE





Lynn HE










Lily Ting & Jacqueline Muller





Joan WU



Operating Instructions for HR Legal Documents Special Staff Labor Relations Management and Risk Control Creating and Executing A Total Compensation Management System

SZ: 18 GZ: 19 GZ: 5 SZ: 12 GZ: 23 SZ: 24 GZ: 3 SZ: 4

GZ: 11



LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Aligning Leadership and Business Success

GZ: 9 SZ: 10

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Basic Accounting and Preparation of PRC Financial Statements

SZ: 15 GZ: 22

LANGUAGE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Mandarin for Elementary Learners



Nathalie XU

14 units


GZ: 17 Mar - 29 Jun

GZ: 20 Sep - 28 Nov

Cantonese for Elementary Learners



Nathalie XU

14 units


GZ: 10 Mar - 18 Jun

GZ: 8 Sep - 24 Nov

French Courses




45 units


SZ: 10 Mar - 18 Jun

SZ: 8 Sep - 24 Nov

* All prices exclude VAT (6.72%) GZ : Guangzhou SZ: Shenzhen



Effective Time Management - a key factor for productivity 高效时间管理 - 生产力的关键因素 Objective


Knowing the value of time and using it wisely to achieve the goals that really matter. 了解时间的价值并明智的使用它来实现工作目标。

Who should attend?


Any employee, manager or team leader who wants to increase their personal effectiveness. 所有希望提高个人工作效率的员工,经理和团队领导人。

Language EN

Duration 1 Day


Jag Salh

COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. More thinking about goals in life/work 2. Learning practical time management tools 3. Get better ability of self-management 4. Improve the work efficiency

1. 在生活和工作中培养目标意识 2. 学习实用的时间管理工具 3. 提高自我管理能力 4. 提高工作效率

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Set goals and define priorities 2. Plan their time effectively to achieve their goal 3. Swap ineffective habits for productive one 4. Discover practical ways to save time

1. 设立目标并且确定优先顺序 2. 以目标为导向合理安排时间 3. 改掉无效率生活工作习惯 4. 探索节约时间的切实可行的方法

Date 日期

13 March, 2015 Canton 2015-03-13 广州

12 March, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-03-12 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 1,500 RMB/person 会员:1,500 元/人

Non member: 1,800 RMB/person 非会员:1,800元/人 10



E-Commerce: How to sell your products online ? 电子商务:如何在网上推销自己的产品? Objective


To understand how to set-up and manage your E-commerce business in China. 如何以网络为媒体平台,以新的方式、方法和经营理念来实施和制定网络营销商务业务。

Who should attend?

P Any brands or merchants with an E-commerce or digital project on the Chinese market. 该培训课程针对任何在中国市场上进行电子商务或数字营销的品牌 或商家。

Language EN

Duration 1 Day




COURSE OBJECTIVES Understanding of the Chinese E-commerce market, local players, Chinese internet users’ behaviors, Chinese digital strategy. How to manage your E-commerce operations in China? 了解电子商务的中国特色,浅析中国网络营销的特点,制定符合中国市场的数字化战略 如何有效管理您在中国的电子商务业务?

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Market insight 2. Digital landscape 3. Marketplaces 4. Digital marketing in China 5. E-commerce platforms in China 6. E-commerce operations 7. E-commerce strategy & case studies 8. Budget 9. A practical example: “My pants company would like to sell online in China” Step by step: - A brief competitor analysis - A first E-commerce strategy - Costing and budget planning - KPIs - Business plan

1. 市场洞察力 2. 数字市场 3. 交易市场 4. 数字营销在中国 5. 中国电子商务平台 6. 电子商务运营 7. 电子商务战略及实例分析 8. 预算 9. 例如: “一家裤子公司如何在中国开展电商业务” 步骤: - 竞争对手实力简析 - 初期电子商务战略 - 成本计算和预算规划 - 关键绩效指标 - 商业计划书

Date 日期

18 June, 2015 Canton 2015-06-18 广州

17 June, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-06-17 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 1,800 RMB/person 会员:1,800 元/人

Non member: 2,000 RMB/person 非会员:2,000 元/人 11


Powerful Marketing Practices to Leverage Your Wine Sales in China - 法国红酒在中国市场的渠道建设与管理策略 Objective

P This training course will focus on the wine industry in China, and will give you the guidelines of investment of wine in China. 本次红酒课程将主要集中在中国的葡萄酒行业进行红酒投资的指导。

Language EN

Who should attend?


Wine sales, wine importers, marketing sales. 红酒经销商,红酒进口商,市场销售人员。

Duration 1 Day




COURSE OBJECTIVES This training course will focus on the wine industry in China, and will give you the guidelines of investment of wine in China. How to market wine and deal with the main issues that wine importer are facing every day. The professional speaker will provide valuable advices to the further guide and foster your red wine investment in Chinese market. 本次红酒课程将主要集中在中国的葡萄酒行业进行红酒投资的指导。当下,如何销售红酒并处理好各种销售中 的问题是每个红酒经销商随时都会遇到的难题。本次专业的讲师将会提供极具价值的宝贵经验,为您将来在中 国市场的红酒投资给予引导和培育。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Wine basis and tasting 2. Wine legal document to import 3. Wine infringements and counterfeiting issues 4. China wine history 5. China wine market specificities 6. Current tools to market your wine in China 7. Digital wine marketing 8. Price marketing 9. Sales strategies 10. Product marketing

1. 葡萄酒基础知识及品鉴 2. 葡萄酒进口法律文件指导 3. 葡萄酒假冒伪劣问题 4. 中国酒史 5. 中国葡萄酒市场详细说明 6. 在中国市场葡萄酒的销售手段 7. 葡萄酒营销数字化 8. 价格营销 9. 销售策略 10. 产品营销

Date 日期

29 October, 2015 Canton 2015-10-29 广州

3 July, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-07-03 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 1,800 RMB/person 会员:1,800 元/人

Non member: 2,000 RMB/person 非会员:2,000 元/人 12



Knowing the different interpersonal styles between you and others to improve your own communication skills. 识别自己和他人的社交风格,快速提高自我人际沟通能力。

Who should attend?


Anyone who wants to improve communication and enhance negotiation skills for an excellent career path. 有志提高人际沟通能力,谈判技巧的人群。

Language CH

Duration 1 Day



Alan Lee

COURSE OBJECTIVES Participants will learn to improve the relationship with people in different situations and how to influence them positively. 学习改善人际关系并对他人产生正面影响力,进而在不同处境下采用对应的致胜之道。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Positive attitude and relationship-building strategy 2. Assess individual profile and influence people with different styles 3. Characteristics of positive communication and how to communicate assertively 4. Practice assertive influence styles and approaches 5. How to actively listen, ask question and give quality feedback in order to build understanding and acceptance 6. Causes of conflicts and strategies and process for resolving conflicts

Date 日期

10 July, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-07-10 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 1,800 RMB/person 会员:1,800 元/人

1. 正面态度和人际关系的建立策略 2. 评估个人简况并学会用不同风格影响他人 3. 正面沟通的特点及如何自信交流 4. 实践主观影响力的风格和方法 5. 如何在理解与接受中构建积极聆听、主动发问和 给予高质量反馈 6. 各类冲突的成因及化解冲突的策略和流程

Non member: 2,000 RMB/person 非会员:2,000 元/人 13


Positive Influencing Communication Skills 正面影响力沟通技巧


Project Management Essentials 项目管理精要 Objective To acquire all the necessary skills to make your project a success. 带领您掌握项目取得成功的必要技能。


Who should attend?


Project managers, project engineers and other stakeholders. 项目经理、项目工程师与相关人士。

Language CH

Duration 2 Days



Alan Lee

COURSE OBJECTIVES Our open workshop Project Management will help you meet the challenges of cost pressure, limited time and high quality. It shows you how to plan and start a new project effectively, key facets to implement and manage an entire project successfully. Simulations and group activities enable you to better master the new project management techniques and templates to make information flow, monitoring and reporting more efficient. 本次“项目管理”公开课将会帮助您解决成本压力、有限时间和高品质的挑战。帮助您学会如何有效制定并开 启一个全新的项目,从各个方面去成功实施和管理一个完整的项目。模拟测试和小组实践活动能帮助你更好掌 握新的项目管理技术和模板从而使得数据流、监控和报告更加高效。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Define project start and project targets Set up an efficient project organization Role of project manager How to develop the statement of work Project planning stages Apply Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Develop phasing and project schedule plan Anticipate risks and resolve problems Analyze project budget and control cost Project human resource planning and management

Date 日期

17-18 September, 2015 Canton 2015-09-17,18 广州

Price 价格

Member: 3,600 RMB/person 会员:3,600 元/人

1. 定义项目启动和项目目标 2. 建立有效的项目架构 3. 项目的角色 4. 如何建立项目描述 5. 项目管理的各个阶段 6. 工作分解结构的应用 7. 划分项目阶段,制作项目进度时间表 8. 预测风险并解决问题 9. 分析项目预算与控制成本 10. 项目人力资源计划及管理

Non member: 4,000 RMB/person 非会员:4,000 元/人 14


Difficult Customers & Complaint Resolution 处理投诉及问题顾客 Objective


To gain the skills of correctly dealing with customers’ complaints. 通过本门课程的学习,您将掌握正确处理客户投诉的技巧。

Who should attend?


People whose daily work needs to deal with customers. 任何在工作中需要与顾客打交道的职业人士。

Language CH

Duration 1 Day



Alan LEE

COURSE OBJECTIVES This training program helps you build up positive attitude and confidence towards complaints and difficult customers. You will better understand the causes of complaints and learn how to avoid unnecessary frustrations. Through practices and interactive communication, you will be equipped with skills to handle angry customers, and turn crisis into a service opportunity. 本课程将帮助您建立积极的态度来面对投诉和问题顾客。您将深入了解导致顾客投诉的起因,学会如何避免不 必要的顾客不满。通过实践活动和互动交流,你将掌握和愤怒的顾客打交道的技巧,把危机转化为服务的机 会。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. The benefits of handling complaints and frustrated customers effectively. 2. Avoid unnecessary complaints 3. Common causes for customer frustration 4. Build up a positive attitude in resolving complaints and difficult customers 5. Steps and skills for handling complaints and difficult customers 6. Quality customer service techniques 7. Explore and meet customers’ expectations 8. Control your fluctuating mood

Date 日期 Price 价格

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

有效处理投诉和问题顾客的好处 避免不必要的投诉 顾客不满的常见起因 建立处理投诉和问题顾客的积极态度 处理投诉和问题顾客的步骤和技巧 优质客户服务技巧 摸索并满足顾客的期望 自身情绪管理

30 October, 2015 Canton 2015-10-30 广州 Member: 1,800 RMB/person 会员:1,800 元/人

Non member: 2,000 RMB/person 非会员:2,000 元/人 15


Control the Selling Process & Win the Sale: Proactive Selling 如何突破销售成交障碍实战技能培训 Objective


To learn how to control the selling process and win the sale. 学会如何掌控销售进程从而取得成功。

Who should attend?


Anyone involved in sales management & development, day to day sales.

Language EN


Duration 1 Day



Vincent GIUGE

COURSE OBJECTIVES From this course, you will get a solid foundation or a refocus for planning controlling and executing sales effectively. 通过该课程的学习,您将会得到一个坚实的基础或者一个对规划控制以及有效执行销售的重新调整。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. In business, sale is everything - The sales function within a modern efficient company structure: • The main reason for company failure - Poor Sales • Selling is Communication + Knowledge • The 5 sales primordial skills.

1. 在商务生意中,销售就是一切: - 一个现代高效的公司结构中的销售功能 - 公司生意失败的主要原因:贫乏的销售 - 销售就是交流和知识的结合 - 5项原始的销售技能 2. 前瞻性销售: - 卖方始终要领先一步—跟着步骤走 - 了解您的销售战役 - 首先从根本上,愉快且简单的启动销售 - 满足客户的需求,并教育、告知使用双向学习方法 - 3个步骤走向成功:资质→ 验证 → 论证 - 完结交易的艺术

2. Proactive Selling: -- The seller is always a step ahead - follow the process. -- Know about your sales battlefield. -- First Initiate the sales - easy, pleasant but fundamental -- Meet the customer and educate/inform whom using the two way learning -- Qualify +Validate + Justify, 3 steps to heaven -- The Art of Closing Deals.

3. 销售管理 - 共享经验: - 市场划分的识别和量化原则 - 销售团队的目标分配/配置和部署 - 执行销售控制 - 销售团队激励 - 数据的逻辑

3. Sales Management – sharing experience: -- Market segment identification and quantification principles -- Sales team target distribution/allocation and deployment -- Sales control on execution -- Sales team motivation -- The logic of numbers

Date 日期 Price 价格

Contact us for more information 待定

Contact us for more information 待定 16


Mind Mapping Introduction 思维导图 Objective make your ideas clearer and more powerful in speeches, meetings and negotiations. P To 学习如何为你的演讲、会议和谈判组织想法。

Who should attend?


Managers and employees who are willing to conduct or contribute to more productive meetings and discussions.

Language CH

Duration Half Day




Jiayu LIN

COURSE OBJECTIVES Learn how to hand-draw mind map and use mind mapping in business area and daily life. 学习如何制定思维导图并运用到工作生活中。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Wake up your brain: To recall the picture memory of the right brain, then to stimulate the endless creative ideas; 2. Excellent Mind: To develop image thinking of the right brain, then to reinforce logical thinking of the left brain; 3. Mind Mapping: To rise up learning ability that helps present the ideas directly, set out the target clearly and concisely; 4. Efficient Meeting: To upgrade pattern observation, to advance decision making, to strengthen presentation skills; 5. Time Management: To make the project run on schedule with the clear objective setting; 6. Efficient Reading: To find out the connections within the massive

1. 唤醒大脑:认识神奇的大脑,唤醒脑力潜能,激 发全脑发展,提升专注能力、阅读速度、策划组 织能力的健脑操。 2. 卓越思维:掌握系统的思维创新方法,包括绽放 思维、联想思考、收敛思维和逆向思维,应用思 维的技巧,提高企业战略创新能力。 3. 思维导图:唤起右脑图像记忆功能,进行有效的 网络链接,触类旁通,强化左脑逻辑思维。 4. 高效会议:从会议规划、会议进行、会议记录到 成果沉淀,提升速度和效率。 5. 时间管理:帮助进行目标设定、时间管理、资源 分配、企业规划;提升工作和学习效能。 6. 导图阅读:使用思维导图阅读提升理解能力,快 速掌握海量信息,透彻理解信息并找到核心规 律。

information, to grasp the points quickly.

Date 日期

28 May, 2015 Canton 2015-05-28 广州

29 May, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-05-29 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 950 RMB/person 会员:950元/人

Non member: 1,300 RMB/person 非会员:1,300元/人 17


Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making 创造性解决问题和成功决策 Objective


To learn the techniques to arrive at the best decisions for any business decisions. 通过本门课程,掌握面对问题时作出最佳决策的技巧。

Who should attend?


Any manager regardless of functions who needs to make strategical decisions. 制定决策的中高层管理人员。

Language CH

Duration 1 Day



Alan LEE

COURSE OBJECTIVES Faced with complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations realize that constant innovation is critical to stay ahead of the competition. As a leader, how effective do you manage these business difficulties? Can you break thought patterns and think differently? This workshop will teach you how to use tools to spark creativity, and enable you to develop comprehensive approaches to solve problems with fresh ideas and make high-quality decisions. 面对复杂、开放、多变的挑战,企业意识到不断创新是在竞争中保持领先地位的关键。作为领导者,你能有效 地应对这些商业难题与挑战吗?你能打破思维定势,从不一样的角度思考问题吗?本课程将教你如何运用工具 擦亮创意的火花,开拓解决问题的广泛的思路,用崭新的意念做出高质量的决策。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Identifying blockades to creative thinking 2. Creative tools 3. Problem solving model – KT Model 4. Collecting, analyzing and presenting data 5. Dissecting the problem root causes 6. Solution assessment for decision making 7. Risk assessment and management 8. Establishing contingency plan 9. Implementing the solutions 10. Evaluating the solution effectiveness after implementation

Date 日期

12 June, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-06-12 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 1,800 RMB/person 会员:1,800 元/人

1. 认识创造性思维的障碍 2. 创意工具 3. 问题解决模式 – KT模型 4. 搜集、分析和展示数据 5. 剖析问题根源 6. 决策的解决方案评估 7. 风险评估与管理 8. 建立应急计划 9. 方案实施 10. 评估方案实施效果

Non member: 2,000 RMB/person 非会员:2,000 元/人 18


Six Thinking Hats® ® 六顶思考帽 Objective


To deeply improve the way, quality and speed of thinking. 深入改善思考的方式、质量和速度。

Who should attend?

P Managers and employees who are willing to conduct or contribute

to more productive meetings and discussions. 需要学习组织思考的实用方法,提高思考能力的管理者和员工。 中高层&关键岗位。 (可作为会议中的蓝帽人选,来掌控会议进度)

Language CH

Duration Half day



Sally LIN & Snow ZHOU

COURSE OBJECTIVES After your team learns the skills behind the Six Thinking Hats system, they will be able to hold critical meetings without emotions or egos making bad decisions, avoid the easy but mediocre decisions by knowing how to dig deeper. 学会六顶思考帽,可以使讨论更民主,提高会议效率效果;使思考更清晰、全面、客观从而做出最佳决策;避 免冲突的工具;帮助团队多角度去看问题,避免片面,在多数人发现问题的地方找到机会。

COURSE OUTLINE Part 1: What is special about the Six Thinking Hats method? -- Benefits of parallel thinking vs. adversarial thinking -- Quality of thinking can be improved. Thinking is the basis of our actions, alas actions might also become different as a result of an improved way of thinking. Part 2: The Six Hats, one by one: -- White Hat: calls for information known or needed -- Red Hat: signifies feelings, hunches and intuition -- Black Hat: is judgment – the devil’s advocate or why something may not work -- Yellow Hat: has symbolizes brightness and optimism -- Green Hat: focuses on creativity, the possibilities, alternatives and new ideas -- Blue Hat: is used to manage the thinking process Part 3: Six Hats applied – Using the hats in different situations: -- Individual thinking -- Communication settings -- Team use Part 4: Action plan after training

第一部分:思维的重要性,什么是平行思维? --思考是一门技术是可以通过学习和训练提高的。 第二部分:六顶思考帽子的讲解 -- 每顶帽子讲解:白帽,红帽,黑帽,黄帽,绿帽,蓝 帽 第三部分:六顶思考帽在沟通和个人思考方面的应用 -- 个人应用:在个人思考方面的应用,例如:如何准备 一次重要的汇报展示 -- 沟通应用:在沟通方面的应用,例如:在工作中与同 事领导的沟通,在家庭中如何处理婆媳关系 -- 团队应用:会议及团队讨论及项目 第四部分:关于如何在课后更好的应用六顶思考帽的建议

Date 日期

9 October, 2015 Canton 2015-10-09 广州

23 October, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-10-23 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 950 RMB/person 会员:950元/人

Non member: 1,300 RMB/person 非会员:1,300元/人 19


Effective Employer Branding and Communication 高效雇主品牌与沟通 Objective


To develop a comprehensive employer branding approach to attract relevant talent. 建立雇主品牌,增强团队凝聚力。

Who should attend?


Team leaders, managers and human resource practitioners who have difficulty in recruiting and getting committed staff. 需要招聘或者留住人才的团队经理,人力资源经理。

Language EN

Duration 1 Day



Lily Ting & Catherine Florent

COURSE OBJECTIVES Learn how to develop a comprehensive employer branding approach to attract relevant talent. 建立全面雇主品牌,吸引多面人才加入。

COURSE OUTLINE Employer Branding 1. How to create an employer branding framework? 2. How to identify the positive aspects of your organisation? 3. How to communicate within the organisation? 4. How to attract desired candidates? 5. How to become an employer of choice?

雇主品牌 1. 如何建立雇主品牌框架? 2. 如何界定企业的优势? 3. 如何进行企业内部沟通? 4. 如何吸引优秀员工? 5. 如何成为受人欢迎的雇主?

Collaborative communication 1. Find your own communication style 2. Develop your listening skills 3. How to give feedback 4. Trust: the key to lasting engagement 5. Taking responsibility

合作交流 1. 了解您的沟通风格 2. 培养您聆听的习惯 3. 如何给出回应 4. 信任:提高员工忠诚度的关键 5. 勇于承担责任

Date 日期

18 March, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-03-18 深圳

19 March, 2015 Canton 2015-03-19 广州

Price 价格

Member: 1,500 RMB/person 会员:1,500元/人

Non member: 1,800 RMB/person 非会员:1,800元/人 20



To help human resource managers to master the essential knowledge of Chinese employment law. 帮助从事人力资源管理的人士掌握日常工作中必不可少的中国劳动法律知识。


Team leaders, HR managers human resources practitioners HR managers, officers, and department managers/directors, All people who are willingand to get make thinkingstaff. and work more who haveManagers. difficulty to recruit committed General 人力资源经理、人力资源专员、部门经理/主管、总经理。 effecient

Who should attend?

Language CH

Duration 1 Day



Haijuan CHEN

COURSE OBJECTIVES Learn how to master the essential knowledge of Chinese employment law. Explain related issues which FIE always encounter by employment law. Compare Chinese, French and German employment laws to provide the legal support for people needs. 学习中国劳动法基础知识。 讲解外商投资企业经常遇到的劳动法相关问题。 通过将中国劳动法和法国劳动法、德国劳动法进行比较的方式,为欧洲企业人力资源管理者进行跨文化人力资 源管理提供法律支持。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Labor Relations 2. Enterprise’s Regulations and Rules 3. Working Hours and Leave Management 4. Compensation and Benefits Policy 5. Employment of Foreign Workers 6. Labor Dispute

Date 日期

15 June, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-06-15 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 1,500 RMB/person 会员:1,500元/人

1. 劳动关系 2. 企业规章制度 3. 工作时间与休息休假 4. 薪酬福利政策 5. 外国员工就业 6. 劳动争议

12 June, 2015 Canton 2015-06-12 广州 Non member: 1,800 RMB/person 非会员:1,800元/人 21


Employment Law Training (Research on Chinese, French and German Areas) - 中外劳动法解析比较(中法德方向)


Operating Instructions for HR Legal Documents 人力资源法律文书操作指导



To help enterprises to improve systemically the ability and level of making HR legal documents. 帮助企业系统性的提高制定人力资源法律文件的能力和水平。

Who should attend?


Language CH

HR manager and legal department officer. 人力资源经理,法律文件制定人。

Duration Half day



Fanxin zeng

COURSE OBJECTIVES The main focus of this course is on helping enterprise to improve system prevention and enhance the ability and level of facing human resources legal risks. 本课程的主要目的是帮助企业系统完善人力资源管理相关法律文书制定。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Staff management 2. Functions and cautions of paperwork management 3. Categories of general paperwork and forms 4. Agreements management: - Ten cautions of labour contract signing - Making skills for several common paperworks 5. Regulation management: - Three effects of regulations - Three conditions of regulations validation - The main content of rules and regulations - Specific applications of rules and regulations

Date 日期 Price 价格

1. 员工管理 2. 文职工作的职能 3. 文职工作的分类与相应表格 4. 合同管理: -签署合约的十个陷阱 -几类常见文书的制作技巧 5. 规章管理: -规章制度的三大效用 -规章生效的三大条件 -规章制度的主要内容 -规章制度的具体应用

23 April, 2015 Canton 2015-04-23 广州

24 April, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-04-24 深圳

Member: 950 RMB/person 会员:950元/人

Non member: 1,300 RMB/person 非会员:1,300元/人 22



To provide legal resolutions about special staff management or analysis of the most ignored regulations. 解读最生僻的法律条文,为特殊员工的管理提供专业意见。

Who should attend?


Language CH

HR manager and legal department officer. 人力资源经理,人力资源法律文件制定者。

Duration Half day



Fanxin ZENG

COURSE OBJECTIVES This open workshop will help to arrange the understanding about labour regulations and judicial policies, analysis classical labour dispute cases of special staff under categorizes. 本课程将会带您解读劳动法律法规,分类分析不同情况下劳动纠纷的处理方法。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Definition of special staff and the necessity of management 2. The special identity staff 3. The special physical staff 4. The special position staff 5. The special behaviours staff 6. The special seniority staff 7. The special status staff 8. The special employment form staff

1. 特殊员工界定与管理的必要性 2. 身份特殊类员工 3. 身体特殊类员工 4. 职务特殊类员工 5. 表现特殊类员工 6. 工龄特殊类员工 7. 地位特殊类员工 8. 用工形式特殊类员工

Date 日期

3 September, 2015 Canton 2015-09-03 广州

4 September, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-09-04 深圳

Price 价格

Member: 950 RMB/person 会员:950元/人

Non member: 1,300 RMB/person 非会员:1,300元/人 23


Special Staff Labor Relations Management and Risk Control 特殊员工的劳动关系管理


Creating and Executing A Total Compensation Management System - 建立和执行全面薪酬管理体系



To create a total compensation strategy and execute a total compensation management system. 创建一个全面的薪酬策略并实施全套薪酬管理体系。

Who should attend?


Language CH

HR professionals and line managers. 人力资源专业人员和直线经理。

Duration 1 Day




COURSE OBJECTIVES To create a total compensation strategy and execute a total compensation management system and to promote your company’s competitive advantage. This will be beneficial for your company to attract and keep talents. 本课程将建立全面薪酬策略和执行全面薪酬管理体系将有助于提升公司的竞争优势,也有利于公司吸引和保 留人才。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Key concepts and principles of compensation 2. Creating a total reward strategy 3. How to select a motivational wage module 4. Designing compensation systems that supports talent management strategies 5. Key points of different types of employee’s wages design 6. How to avoid Labor Law risks by an effective wage structure design 7. How to do the wage adjustment 8. How to design bonus scheme 9. How to analysis, budget and control labor cost

Date 日期

11 September, 2015 Canton 2015-09-11 广州

Price 价格

Member: 1,800 RMB/person 会员:1,800元/人

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

薪酬管理的基础理念 建立全面薪酬策略 如何选择有激励性的薪酬模式 建立支持人才管理战略的薪酬体系 各类人员(中高层管理者、专业技术人员、销售 人员、生产一线人员、行政支持人员)的薪酬结 构设计要点 如何通过工资设计规避劳动法风险 如何调薪 如何进行奖金设计 如何做人工成本分析并进行薪酬预算控制

Non member: 2,000 RMB/person 非会员:2,000元/人 24



To help create a work environment, where each individual knows his/her job and responsibilities, where the group effort is targeted towards the same goal. 本课程能帮助构建一个最优工作环境,使员工有清晰的工作和责任意识,团队集体朝同一个目标共同努力。 Language EN

Who should attend?


Entrepreneurs, team leaders and managers. (企业家)创业者、团队领导和经理。

Duration 1 Day



Lily Ting & Jacqueline Muller

COURSE OBJECTIVES The course will help to create a work environment, where each individual knows his/her job and responsibilities, where the group effort is targeted towards the same goal, is the key to business success. 本课程目的是帮助企业领导者改善任务分配,目标设立等管理技能,以达到上下齐心的管理效果。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Corporate and personal mission statement: -- Defining corporate mission, vision and value to maintain a focus for success -- Defining personal mission statement -- Aligning personal statement to corporate mission

1. 独立任务与合作任务: -- 明确合作与分工,整合力量,迈向成功 -- 明确个人任务 -- 把个人任务整合到合作任务中

2. Activating corporate dynamic: -- Affirming personal leadership style -- Implementing actions aligned to defined mission -- Observe and interact with your team and all the stakeholders

Date 日期 Price 价格

2. 激发合作动力: -- 建立个人领导风格 -- 在团队任务下完成个人任务 -- 观察并与团队及利益相关者互动

9 April, 2015 Canton 2015-04-09 广州

10 April, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-04-10 深圳

Member: 1,500 RMB/person 会员:1,500元/人

Non member: 1,800 RMB/person 非会员:1,800元/人 25


Aligning Leadership and Business Success 整合领导与商业成功


Basic Accounting and Preparation of PRC Financial Statements 基础会计和财务报表



To acquire basics in accounting and financial statement in PRC. 本课程将会帮助您掌握相关中国会计准则,财务相关表格制作。

Who should attend?


Accountants, non-accounting professionals wish towith complete English language learners who currentlywho struggle day-totheir professional backgrounds. day English competence

Language CH

会计从业人员或希望对会计行业深入了解的人士。 All people who are beginners in English language

Duration 1 day



Joan WU

COURSE OBJECTIVES During this one-day training, the speaker will present the basic accounting principles and the requirements for a good preparation of the financial statements under the Chinese Accounting Standards. The speaker will present a brief PRC Tax introduction as well. 本培训将介绍会计基础知识及会计核算的方法,会计资料的采集及之间的关系。从编制凭证到记账、结账以及 在中国会计准则下财务报表的编制方法,财务报表之间的联系,特别是资产负债表和利润表的关系。培训中会 简单介绍中国税务环境和主要税种的征收。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. General introduction of accounting 2. The accounting fondamental principles 3. Posting accounting transactions and edition of financial reports: --Chart of accounts --Debit-credit bookkeeping --Accounting process --Posting accounting transactions --Accounting equation and elements --Balance sheet and Profit and Loss statement 4. PRC Tax introduction: --Value-added Tax --Business Tax --Corporate Income Tax --Individual Income Tax

Date 日期 Price 价格

1. 会计概述 2. 会计核算的基本前提 3. 会计记账与报表编制: --会计科目 --借贷记账法 --会计核算流程 --会计记账 --会计要素及会计等式 --资产负债表及利润表 4. 中国税收简介: --增值税 --营业税 --企业所得税 --个人所得税

22 October, 2015 Canton 2015-10-22 广州

15 October, 2015 Shenzhen 2015-10-15 深圳

Member: 1,600 RMB/person 会员:1,600元/人

Non member: 1,800 RMB/person 非会员:1,800元/人 26


Mandarin for Elementary Learners 普通话基础课程 Objective


To acquire basics in Chinese language (Mandarin) and be able to have a daily life conversation. 本课程将会帮助您掌握汉语普通话基础知识和日常交流内容。

Who should attend?

P All people who are required to use Chinese as a working language or willing to improve those skills in daily communication.

Language FR / CH

本课程适合想要将中文作为工作语言使用或者想要提高日常交流 技巧的学员。

Duration 28 units



Nathalie XU

COURSE OBJECTIVES To build functional Chinese (Mandarin) competence in daily activity and conversation. 本课程目的帮助打造用普通话进行日常交流的专业性技能。

COURSE OUTLINE Section 1 (14 units) 1. Pinyin 2. +/- 100 characters 3. Daily communication vocabulary 4. Oral communication

第一阶段(14课时) 1. 拼音 2. +/- 100汉字 3. 日常交流词汇 4. 口语交流

Section 2 (14 units) 1. Businese E-mails 2. Negotiation in Chinese

第二阶段(14课时) 1. 商务信函 2. 中文谈判

Date 日期

22 March - 29 June Canton Section 1 2015-03-22 至 2015-06-29 广州 初级

Price 价格

Member: 2,380 RMB/person/section 会员:2,380 元/人/期

20 September - 28 November Canton Section 2 2015-09-20 至 2015-11-28 广州中级 Non member: 2,800 RMB/person/section 非会员:2,800 元/人/期 27


Cantonese for Elementary Learners 粤语基础课程



To acquire basics in Chinese language (Cantonese) and be able to have a daily life conversation. 本课程将会帮助您掌握粤语基础知识和日常交流内容。

Who should attend?


All people who are willing to improve skills in daily communication in Cantonese.

Language FR / CH


Duration 14 units



Nathalie XU

COURSE OBJECTIVES To build functional Chinese (Cantonese) competence in daily activity and conversation. 本课程目的帮助打造用粤语进行日常交流的专业性技能。

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Alphabet 2. Daily communication vocabulary 3. Oral communication 4. Businese E-mail 5. Businese Communication

Date 日期

30 March - 30 June Canton 2015-03-30 至 2015-06-30 广州

Price 价格

Member: 1,540 RMB/person 会员:1,540元/人

1. 发音系统 2. 日常交流词汇 3. 口语交流 4. 商务信函 5. 商务交流

28 September - 29 November Canton 2015-09-28 至 2015-11-29 广州 Non member: 1,960 RMB/person 非会员:1,960元/人 28


French Courses 法语课程

Objective Objective


To acquire basics in French language and be able to have a daily life conversation. 本课程将会帮助您掌握法语基础知识和日常交流内容。


All people who are willing to who improve skills instruggle daily communication English language learners currently with day-toin French. day English competence

Who should attend?

Language CH

本课程适合想要改善法语日常沟通技巧的学员。 All people who are beginners in English language

Duration 28 units


Facilitator To be confirmed

COURSE OBJECTIVES To build functional French competence in daily activity and conversation. 本课程目的帮助打造用法语进行日常交流的专业性技能。

COURSE OUTLINE Section 1 (14 units) 1. Alphabet 2. Present simple tense 3. Present continuous tense 4. Present perfect tense 5. 300-500 key vocabulary words 6. Daily communication vocabulary 7. Oral communication

第一阶段(14课时) 1. 字母表 2. 基本时态 3. 现在进行时 4. 现在完成时 5. 300-500 关键词汇 6. 日常交流词汇 7. 口语交流

Section 2 (14 units) 1. Past simple tense 2. Adverbs of frequency 3. Wh-questions with do 4. Prepositions of place 5. Comparative and superlative adjectives 6. Modal verbs would, will, could and should 7. Shopping and eating 8. Traveling 9. Discussing the weather

第二阶段(14课时) 1. 过去时态 2. 频率副词 3. 疑问句 4. 地点介词 5. 形容词的比较级和最高级 6. 情态动词 7. 购物和美食 8. 旅游 9. 讨论天气

Date 10 March - 18 June Shenzhen Section 1 日期 2015-03-10 至 2015-06-18 深圳 初级 Price 价格

8 September - 24 November Shenzhen Section 2 2015-09-08 至 2015-11-24 深圳 中级

Member: 4,100 RMB/person/section 会员:4,100元/人/期

Non member: 5,400 RMB/person/section 非会员:5,400 元/人/期 29

Trainers Introduction Alan Lee Mr. Alan Lee worked in a prestigious multinational manufacturer as head of engineering department for 15 years. He has been engaged in business, quality, engineering and customer services improvement for more than 30 years. He was the Chairman of the Hong Kong Leadership Training Association for the years 1994 to 1997 and has been very active in the development of leadership training for the businesses in Hong Kong. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Cheng Kung University of Taiwan and a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick, UK.

Catherine Florent Ms. Catherine Florent is a trainer and coach with 23 years background in Brand Marketing and Communications management in Consulting and MNC including Louis Vuitton where she was in charge of implementing the worldwide advertising strategy in 21 countries. She then moved to Hong Kong and set up her coaching practice. As Executive Vice-President of Hong Kong International Coaching Community she participated to the expansion of the community. She invited numerous training professionals to share their knowledge in 2008 and 2009. She now lives in Singapore and Thailand and works on various people development projects in Asia.

Cyril Drouin BysoftChina CEO & Founder – E-Commerce Senior Consultant. Graduated from a French engineer school with a master’s degree on IT & Electronic. Cyril has been in China since 1998. He founded BysoftChina in 2003 in Guangzhou and then moved the operation to Shanghai in 2009. With over 15 years of dedicated experience from consulting to e-commerce and internet solutions in China and Europe, Cyril has worked with around 100 clients, including brands, retailers, manufactures, SMEs and start-ups. The scope of Cyril’s work covers the whole life cycle of the e-commerce project, ranging from consulting, to the technical implementation, and further to the e-commerce performance follow-up. Based on technical background, Cyril has built an expertise at project management, Chinese localisation and leading e-commerce technologies / marketplace such as Magento, Drupal, Tmall and 360buy.

Fanxin ZENG Mr. Fanxin ZENG is the co-operator of Da Cheng Law Offices, lawyer, vice director of Shenzhen branch company, working for 11 years, holding the official qualifications of human resources management and advanced enterprise (legal) risk control. His leading team is “specializing the study of Labor Law, focusing on civil and commercial case”, perseveres in philosophy of “interactive service” based on the customer’s perspectives and suggestions for adjustment service, following the development path of “team working and self-motivation”. They rely on the top resources provided from Da Cheng Law Offices and its leading law service management system, sustain providing accurate, timely, professional and comprehensive law solutions for high-end customers.

CCIFC Training catalogue Trainers Introduction 30

Trainers Introduction Gilles FRANÇOIS Mr. Gilles FRANÇOIS, CEO at La part des anges Co., Ltd., is a wine importer and wholesale activity based in Guangzhou, has 10 years’ experience with China, and also is the expert in Wines & Spirits and Real Estate. He is also a wine judge in Hong Kong and wine blogger whose blog is named “petit rouge de Canton”.

Haijuan CHEN Ms. Haijuan CHEN, Doctorate in law, is the senior legal advisor of Guangzhou office, DS Avocats. Haijuan CHEN has developed an expertise in labor law, including individual and collective negotiations with a wealth of practical experience in labor law: providing daily labor law consulting for dozens of foreign enterprises; drafting, reviewing and modifying a large number of rules and regulations, employee handbooks and labor contracts; participating in numerous labor disputes, negotiations (including collective bargaining), dealt with many cases of dismissal successfully; having plentiful experience in employment law arrangement for foreign workers in China; also training Chinese labor law short-term courses to FIE human resources directors and general managers.

Jacqueline Muller Ms. Jacqueline Muller is a Swiss national who grew up in Thailand, and was educated in Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and USA. Jacqueline is fluent in all languages of those countries. She had a successful career working with His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan, involved with projects in Africa and Pakistan. She then held executive positions in several multinationals, and lastly as a managing partner in a company in Hong Kong, opening the China market and developing suppliers all over Asia. She worked extensively in Asia, Europe and America. In 2004, she embarked on a new journey, sharing her knowledge and cross cultural experience, coaching executives to comfortably take higher responsibilities and challenges. She now travels around the world, delivering key note speeches and working with decision makers and future leaders.

Jag Salh

Mr. Jag Salh has four years’ experience as a learning and development professional in Shanghai. He designed training materials for both trainers and trainees, delivered training to employees of various levels in organizations, including senior management. He worked with a number of Fortune 500 clients and experienced at both group and one-on-one training. Over the past four years, Jag has been responsible for the design and delivery of a variety of training courses and/or other interventions for employees across China. This involves creating pro-active and responsive solutions to business needs and seizing opportunities for continuous improvement in individual, team, business unit and organizational performance. Specific duties include the preparations and facilitation of training courses both live and online. Jag has also designed instructional materials for trainers and participants. He has delivered one-on-one and group training sessions, and utilizes a variety of learning concepts and principles.

CCIFC Training catalogue Trainers Introduction 31

Trainers Introduction Jiayu LIN Dr. Jiayu LIN, graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University, is the founder of Top Intelligence Education Organization and Quick-Show-Learning-System. She is a global influential educator. She used to be the student of Dr. Janet - the author of “The Learning Revolution”. Dr. LIN is the USA International Learning revolution Centre First Class Certified Trainer. She is now a doctor of Beijing Normal University.

Joan Wu Ms. Joan Wu, has a total of 15 years of experience in Accounting. She has been with Mazars for more than seven years and is a manager in the Mazars Guangzhou Outsourcing Department. Before joining Mazars, she worked at Arthur Andersen for more than seven years. The clients she serves are mainly foreign invested manufacturing, services and trading companies, as well as representative offices. She has studied in France and has a Masters in Administrative and Economy Management, and she obtained the Chinese “qualified accountant” certificate.

Lily Ting Ms. Lily Ting is Trainer and Human Resources Facilitator. She speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin and French. Born and educated in France, Lily settled in Hong Kong in 1991. She started her human resources career in recruitment. She then worked for several consulting practices before setting up her own company. She works with international and local organisations in Greater China, in various projects such as cultural training, leadership, team audit, talent assessment and coaching.

Sally Lin Ms. Sally Lin is a certified trainer of Six Thinking Hats and Parallel Thinking courses. She is the general officer of Shenzhen areas of Deboro China and Innovation Business consultant of Taiwan National Chengchi University. For the past decades, Ms. Lin has owned a series field-specific experience of innovation, management, and marketing. She has worked as director of marketing, project director, product director, vice-president and other management positions in Taiwan, American, China areas, responsible for team building, product development, operation model, marketing management, planning and implementation of the innovation system. Miss Lin’s training is full of interactive, entertaining, and humorous. She stresses on participations, yet emphasizes the combination of instruction and actual implementation to help participants to deal with working problems with creative thinking ability.

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Trainers Introduction Snow Zhou Mr. Xuefei ZHOU, a certified trainer of Six Thinking Hats, CORT and POP, has ten years training experience in Debono. Since 2004, he has accompanied nearly 1,000 trainees from enterprises, institutes and schools. With his particular communication tool, Mr. Zhou enchants magically the course to a vivid pratical terrain and finally transfers his ability to the trainees.

Vincent Giuge Mr. Vincent Giuge is graduated from the University Institute of Technology of Nice in sales technical field, but he would consider himself as a pure self-made man. In the past 20 years he has developed a series of companies in a variety of market segments. He has worked for Comin Asia as General Manager of a small subsidiary in Vietnam. Within four years, he made the business grow from 150K US$ to 1.8 million US$. When in Savills, as Property Management Director for the South Vietnam, he developed the business from 7 properties to 28 units within 3 years. Looking for new challenges, he seized an opportunity by rebuilding an Ice Cream Manufacturing company which was on the verge of bankruptcy. As Managing Director, he redeveloped the sales strategy and propelled the business with a sales growth of nearly 70%, making his product dominate the professional market in Guangdong. Vincent strongly affirms that whatever the business is in cause, sales is the key to dominate the market and that sales operations and orientations are the core of the company.

Lily Zheng Ms. Lily Zheng has been engaged in human resource management for more than 10 years. She has profound theoretical background and work experience as senior HR manager in multi-national companies. Her training is vivid and embedded with practical case studies. She is proficient in strategic human resource planning, recruitment process optimization, interview techniques, career planning and training management system construction, benefits and compensation system design and implementation, performance management and employee relations management.

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Chief Editors: Alexandre BEAUDOUX, Michaël BOUCHUT Editors: Lise HUANG, Stéphanie REN


Conception: Charlène WU, Jade KIM, Stéphanie REN, Yifei LUO

French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China|South China 中国法国工商会|华南


Canton Office: Ms. Charlène WU HR & Training Manager Email: Tel: +86 (20) 2916 5525 Fax: +86 (20) 2916 5535 Address: Room 802, 8/F, Leatop Plaza, 32 Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510623, P.R.C. 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路32号 利通广场802单元,邮政编码:510623

Shenzhen Office: Ms. Yifei LUO HR & Training Manager Email: Tel: +86 (755) 8632 9726 Fax: +86 (755) 8632 9736 Address: Room 318, 3/F, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, Hi-tech Industry Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.C. 深圳市南山区科技园留学生创业大厦3楼318室, 邮政编码:518057

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