CCIFC Domiciliation 2015 Canton Branch

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中 国 法 国 工 商 会



French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China

Canton Branch

Private network of French companies in China


A pr i v i l eg e d lo cat i o n

R at es

A s s i s t French companies at each step/

stage of their project in China


Companies domiciled in our Business Centers in 2014

Companies members of the Board of sponsors

1,546 Members in 2014


T h e Ch a m b er

The chamber is a member of the following network:

H o l d the greatest French Business Club in China, a genuine exchange and networking platform F o s t e r the business development of each sector

Working groups and events organized in China in 2014

58 French companies supported/ accompanied in China in 2014

B u s i n es s C e n t er


French Chamber of Commerce in the world


A new market in e x pa n s i o n




a 3

A new marke t in e xpansion

Canton Foshan

Dongguan Zhuhai Macao

Shenzhen Hong Kong

Canton Guangdong

Canton, capital of the Guangdong:

The Guangdong province: •

GDP equivalent to the 14

Most wealthy province in China (12

• •

Population of 105.94 millions inhabitant Hub of several cities with huge economic growth (Canton, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai).



world power (South Korea)

% of the country’s GDP, ¼ of total external trade)

• • • •

11 % of GDP growth per year, 3.3 points more than the national average 16 % of consumption growth per year 19,000$ average wage per year by inhabitant against 7,000$ for the national average 15th international airport, 7th deep water port, high speed train, metro/subway 5

Business Center

W e o ff er / provid e t h e b est s ervice f o r e v ery n eed

A n in n ovativ e a lt er n ativ e wit h a pro f es sio n a l ou t loo k at low cost

You intend to expand your activities in China?

Excusive services

You are willing to explore the opportunities of an ever growing market? You are looking for an organization to help you with your administrative procedures? The French Chamber can offer you a material, administrative, commercial and legal assistance throughout our Business Centers.* * some services are outsourced to our service providers

• • • • •

Banking services and cafeteria Inside the building Booking services for hotels, train, plane ticket Access to the meeting room1 Daily maintenance of your office Reception of your customers by a Chinese and French speaking staff • Reception of your voice mails, mails and packages • Portage wage for VIE, French and Chinese employees2 1

Access upon reservation


Visa, working permit and residence permit

You can benefit from a prestigious address and CCIFC administrative support along with a limited access to CCIFC meeting rooms and private offices.

In clu d ed s ervices

Private and fully equipped offices

Benefit from the advantage of the CCIFC’s Business Club

Office and mailing address (CCIFC address)

• 12 to 15m² offices • Furniture • Internet connexion (wifi fiber optics) Phone fax Scanner, Copy machine Printer

• Free CCIFC membership for the duration of the contract • Privileged access to our matchmaking/relationship/networking services, expert conference , working group • Subscription offered to the CCIFC’s publications (directory, Connexion magazine, business climate study) • The CCIFC team at your disposal to help/orientate and inform you

Call management reporting : CCIFC receptionists handle your calls, messages and fax Your mails, fax and messages to be transferred to the address of your choice

Our Business Center is the ideal solution for entrepreneurs and companies wishing to expand their activities to the Chinese market while limiting risks and costs.



Business Center

A turnkey solution for se t ting up businesses

Th e y hav e ch os en ou r bu sin es s cen t er:

Tong CHEN, key account manager, Les Grands Chais de France (2012 à 2013, CCIFC Canton) “It has been a great pleasure to be in the CCIFC’s business center. Benefitting from the CCIFC services, granting efficient working tools to the domiciled companies, I was able to stay a 100 % focus on my objectives and customers. Thanks to the Chamber’s help, I also adapted myself a lot more easily to my new professional and private life in Canton, while having access to a wide network of contacts. I particularly appreciated the convivial atmosphere of the Chamber and the support of the whole team, always willing to listen to our company, and available to help us find solution on the issues encountered. For all those reasons I vividly recommend the domiciliation within the CCIFC’s business center.”

L e g a l a dv i c e , s ha r e d experience via the members’ net work

Ma r k e t s t u d i e s , seeking pa r t n e r s , prospection mission, sourcing

R e c r u i t m e n t/ hiring and t r a i n i n g o f yo u r s taff

A s s i s ta n c e i n set ting up the legal structure o f yo u r b u s i n e s s

D o m i c i l i at i o n w i t h i n the business center 8


A privileged location

A privileged location

T h e L E ATO P PL A Z A: a pro f es sio n al lo catio n im provin g t h e im ag e o f you r co m pa n y 40min from the airport

5 min from the railway station

Easy access for taxi services night & day

1min by walk from the metro station

ATM and banks inside the building

Ideally located/ situated at the heart of Canton business district

Cafeteria on the lower ground floor

Supermarket and mall

More than 30 restaurants 10


Co n tact u s

Rat es



Ava i l a b l e o ff i c e s

Meeting room equipped with a video projector, copy machine, printer, scanner, fax, telephone line, internet line (wifi & fiber optics) Access upon reservation

Th e y t ru st ed u s



E-mail : Tel : (020) 2916 5536 Fax : (020) 2916 5535 Office : Room 802, Leatop Plaza, 32 Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Canton 510623, P.R.C.


Rat es


Domiciliation 12m2 offices: 5,500 RMB per month including VAT* 15 m2 offices: 6,500 RMB per month including VAT*



Vanessa LI

Shared offices for one person: 3000 RMB per month including VAT* *excluding phone calls

Postal address From 1,000 RMB per month including VAT, 3 months contract minimum





中 国 法 国 工 商 会

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