2011 Wisconsin Hunting Guide

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transportation recreation

TR8 Wednesday,November2,2011


Attention Hunters!

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Capital Newspapers

What’s New in 2011?

• Most hunters are not allowed to hunt antlerless deer in 8 regular-buck only deer management units. Archery and gun antlerless deer carcass tags are not valid in units 3,7,29B,34,35,39,44,and 45.No bonus antlerless tags will be available in these units.See the 2011 Wisconsin Deer Hunting Regulations at dnr.wi.gov for exceptions for Armed Forces members, youth ages 10-17,and certain disabled hunting permit holders.

appropriate license and corresponding weapon.This tag is issued along with the youth’s gun deer license through any license agent,and may also be filled in any DMU statewide during the archery season with legal archery gear if the person also holds a valid archery license.

page 40 for details

• Deer hunting will be allowed at Nelson Dewey State Park during the November firearm season.

• In the CWD-MZ,the Earn-A-Buck requirements do not apply when using a person’s one Gun Buck Deer Carcass Tag or when using a person’s one Archery Buck Deer Carcass Tag.All other buck deer harvest in the CWD-MZ and tagged with any other tag must follow EAB rules.

• One-time only free antlerless deer carcass tags which were issued to a person upon completing a Hunter Education Class are no longer being issued. •Telescopic sights with magnification can now be used statewide during all gun seasons,including the muzzleloader-only deer season.

• Beginning in 2011,all youth ages 10-17 will automatically be issued a free antlerless deer carcass tag when they purchase a gun deer license.This tag is valid for one antlerless deer in any DMU,including the regular-buck only units which have no antlerless quota,during any open deer season with the

•Whole deer carcasses and certain parts of those carcasses may be transported outside of the CWD-MZ and its adjacent DMUs if the carcass or parts are transported to a licensed taxidermist or licensed meat processor within 72 hours of registration.

•The DNR will mail a 2011 Buck Authorization Sticker to hunters who harvest a CWD-positive buck.If you harvested a CWD-positive buck last year and did not receive a 2010-2011 Buck Authorization Sticker in the mail,please notify the DNR at 1-888-WDNR-INFO.

•Hunting will be allowed during themuzzleloaderonly season at Big Bay State Park. • Rifles will be allowed for hunting deer in Waupaca County during the 9-day firearm season. • Archery deer season will be open concurrently with the 9-day firearm deer season.

• Landowner Permits and CWD hunter permits are available within the CWD Management Zone and will be valid from January 9 through March 31,2012.See

For complete details & regulations for the 2011 fall hunting season, Visit dnr.wi.gov

How do the new CCW law changes affect me as a hunter, trapper, recreational vehicle operator or user of DNR lands? On DNR lands which are not state parks,state fish hatcheries or wildlife refuges, such as normal public hunting grounds,and which are located in Dane,Dodge,Fond Is it true that firearms no longer have to be unloaded or in a case if a vehicle? du lac,Jefferson,Juneau,Kenosha,LaCrosse,Milwaukee,Outagamie,Ozaukee,Racine, All long guns,such as rifles,shotguns and muzzleloaders must still be unloaded Sauk,Sheboygan,Walworth,Washington,Waukesha,Winnebago counties or on state and completely enclosed within a case before they may be placed,possessed or forest lands in the Kettle Moraine or Point Beach state forests or state recreational transported in or on a vehicle (including trailers,wagons,snowmobiles or All-Terrain areas,it generally continues to be illegal to possess or control a loaded or uncased vehicles).Long guns must still be unloaded before they may be placed,possessed firearm unless engaged in lawful hunting or at a designated range or engaged in a or transported in a motor boat with the motor running.However,the new change dog trial or training activity under a permit.However,effective Nov.1,2011,a person made under to concealed carry legislation was the elimination of the requirement with a concealed carry license may possess a loaded uncased handgun on these to unload or case a handgun before it is placed,possessed or transported in or on a properties (concealed or unconcealed) even if not engaged in hunting,dog training vehicle,boat,snowmobile or ATV.This change for handguns does not take effect until or a dog trial.A qualified former law enforcement officer is not similarly exempt Nov.1,2011. unless they also possess a concealed carry license. 2. Shining Deer or Other Wildlife 8. Where do I apply for a Concealed Carry License 1. Transportation of Firearms

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If I have a concealed carry license or I am a qualified former law enforcement officer who is authorized to carry a concealed handgun,can I now possess this handgun while shining deer or other wild animals for viewing purposes? No.The legislation involving carrying concealed weapons,as well as the transportation of handguns,did not make any changes to the shining restrictions. It continues to be illegal to shine for wild animals while in possession of a any bow, crossbow or firearm,even if the firearm is a handgun possessed by a person who has a concealed carry license,or is a firearm possessed by a retired or former law enforcement officer.It also continues to be illegal to shining between the hours of 10pm and the following 7am from September 15th through December 31st,even if a person does not possess any firearm,bow or crossbow.Additional local county restrictions may also apply. 3. Possession of Firearms in State Wildlife Refuge Areas If I have a license to carry a concealed weapon,or I am a qualified former law enforcement officer,can I now carry a loaded and uncased firearm in a wildlife refuge where firearms are normally required to be unloaded and encased ?

Applications for a license to carry a concealed weapon must be obtain from and submit to the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ),and not the DNR.Licenses will not be available until November 1,2011 when the new laws and license take effect.For more information about laws related to carrying a concealed weapon,or about getting and submitting an application for a CCW License,we recommend you check out the DOJ web site at:http://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/cib/ConcealedCarry/ ConcealedCarry.asp 9. How do I obtain a Duplicate Hunter Education Certificate? Should your Wisconsin safety education certificate become lost or destroyed,you may obtain a duplicate by following the steps below: * You can purchase and print a duplicate safety education certificate from home. Go to Wisconsin’s Online Licensing Center.OR * Locate a DNR Service Center or a DNR License Sales Agent nearest you to purchase and receive a duplicate safety education certificate over the counter. * FEE:There is a $2.75 charge for a duplicate safety education certificate.

Beginning on Nov.1,2011,a person with a concealed carry license will be allowed * http://dnr.wi.gov/org/es/enforcement/safety/duplic.htm to possess a handgun which is loaded and uncased (concealed or unconcealed),and What if I took hunter education in another state or country? a qualified former law enforcement officer may possess the type of firearm they The law which establishes that certification under the Wisconsin hunter qualified with and which is indicated on their certification card,loaded and uncased education program is one of the acceptable types of training required to obtain a (concealed or unconcealed) in a wildlife refuge.This exemption however does not Concealed Weapons license also states that a substantially similar program that allow such persons to hunt or discharge their firearm in the refuge. is established by another state,country,or province and that is recognized by the 4. Possession of Firearms in State Parks & State Fish Hatcheries Wisconsin DNR would also qualify.Wisconsin DNR currently recognizes the hunter If I have a license to carry a concealed weapon,or I am a qualified former law education programs established by all other states,countries and provinces.If enforcement officer,can I now carry a loaded and uncased firearm in a Wisconsin you completed a hunter education program in another state,country or province, State Park or State Fish Hatchery where firearms are normally required to be and need to get a duplicate copy of your certification,you must contact that state, unloaded and encased ? country or province. Beginning on Nov.1,2011,a person with a concealed carry license will be allowed to possess a handgun which is loaded and uncased (concealed or unconcealed),and a qualified former law enforcement officer may possess the type of firearm they qualified with and which is indicated on their certification card,loaded and uncased (concealed or unconcealed) in a Wisconsin State Park or State Fish Hatchery.This exemption however does not allow such persons to hunt or discharge their firearm in the Wisconsin State Park or State Fish Hatchery,nor does it allow bringing the firearm inside state owned buildings on these properties which are posted with signs that provide notice that firearms are not allowed in the building.

10. Will the DNR be Changing the Curriculum of the Hunter Education Classes to include Laws on Carrying Concealed Weapons ?

species which may be hunted with handgun and the caliber and barrel length minimums have not change.

In most of the state,it is generally still not legal to possess a loaded or uncased firearm while afield on the Friday before the regular 9-day November gun deer season.However,as a result of the new legislation which takes effect on Nov.1,2011, a person who possesses a CCW license will be able to possess a loaded and uncased handgun on this day anywhere they are normally allowed to possess the handgun.

No.The DNR’s hunter education course will remain the same.The Department of Natural Resources is not required,nor do we have any plans to modify our current hunter education course of instruction to include any new material or training specific to handguns or carrying a concealed weapon.The only correlation that the hunter education program has to the licenses to carry a concealed weapon is that it simply happens to be one of the types of training that the legislature has considered acceptable to qualify for a person to apply for a carry concealed weapon 5. Age for Possession or Hunting with a Handgun (CCW) license,along with needing to be at least age 21,a Wisconsin resident and Did the concealed carry legislation change the age of persons who may go armed not prohibited from possessing a firearm.A person has many other options to obtain firearms training to qualify for a CCW license. with a handgun,hunt with a handgun or the species which may be hunted with a handgun? 11. If I have a CCW license or I am otherwise authorized to carry a concealed handgun, can I possess that handgun loaded and uncased No.A person must still be at least age 21 to purchase a firearm which is a during the 24 hour period before 9-day gun deer season ? handgun,and age 18 to possess or hunt with a firearm which is a handgun.The

Are You Ready?

6. Carrying a Concealed Firearm while Hunting If I am at least 18 years old and can legally hunt with a handgun,can I also carry that handgun concealed under my jacket or in a backpack while I am hunting? Beginning on Nov.1,2011,a person who is at least age 21 and who authorized to carry a concealed handgun,such as a person who holds a license authorizing them to carry a concealed weapon,will also be able to possess a concealed handgun while hunting.In addition,a person who owns,leases,or is the legal occupant of land and who is at least age18,will be allowed possess a concealed handgun while hunting on those lands without the need for a license to carry a concealed weapon.To use the concealed handgun for hunting purposes,the handgun must be a legal size and caliber for the species being hunted.It continues to be illegal to possess concealed long guns.

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7. Possession of Firearms on DNR lands in Certain Counties, State Forests and Recreational Areas. Have the restrictions on possessing a loaded or uncased firearm on DNR owned lands changed in those counties or DNR properties were it is not legal to possess a loaded uncased firearm when not engaged in lawful hunting unless at a designated range or engaged in a permitted dog trial or training? Yes.On DNR lands within state parks,state fish hatcheries or wildlife refuge areas in the below listed counties,individuals with a concealed carry license as well as qualified former law enforcement officers possessing proper ID and firearm certificate can possess loaded and uncased handguns.

Rifles and shotguns possessed by any person,and handguns possessed by a person without a CCW license still need to be unloaded and enclosed in a case while afield on this Friday before the regular 9-day November gun deer season.The normal exceptions for possessing a loaded uncased firearm continue to apply to persons lawfully hunting small game in the CWD zone,hunting waterfowl statewide, sighting in firearms at an established range or on land that the person owns,or hunting on a licensed hunting preserve. 12. Can a“Mentor” carry a handgun under a CCW license in addition to the firearm or bow being used by the person they are mentoring under the Hunting Mentorship Program ?

No.The hunting mentorship program statutes only allows the person being mentored and the mentor to possess one firearm jointly between them.This prevents even a person who is authorized under other laws to carry a concealed handgun,such as a person with a CCW license or an off-duty law enforcement officer, from possessing a 2nd firearm while mentoring or being mentored.Like shining for deer,the activity the person chooses to engage in can restrict them from possessing a concealed or unconcealed handgun.If the person being mentored is age 18 or older and will be hunting with the handgun,the mentor with a CCW license (21 or older) could carry that same handgun concealed during the hunt,as they would only have one firearm jointly.

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