Programme Highlights 2016/2017

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Student and Parent Education We help students level up and maximise their potential through education programmes and assistance schemes. We also help parents to better support the holistic development of their children.

Tuition and Enrichment Programmes More than 600 tuition classes and 2,400 enrichment programme modules are conducted in schools and CDAC Centres in a year.


places in education and development programmes offered in 2016


students find the programmes help them understand what they learnt in school better


students received bursaries and subsidies in 2016

Youth Empowerment & Aspiration Programme (YEAP) YEAP, which was launched in April 2017, will reach out to 2,000 post-secondary youths a year through their schools and institutes. Besides providing an YEAP grant to support the youths' educational expenses, YEAP Inspire programmes will also be conducted to motivate the youths to pursue their dreams.

School-based Customised Programme We work hand in hand with schools to design and conduct customised programmes to suit the specific needs of their students. The programme started in 2013 with four schools and 54 students and has now expanded to 11 schools and 500 students.

CDAC-NUS Science IN³ Programme A partnership with the NUS Faculty of Science that started in 2009, this programme helps needy students develop their interest in scientific research. It also teaches them perseverance. For the first time, students under this programme made it to the finals of the Singapore Science and Engineering Fair in 2016.


Big Heart Student Care CDAC, in partnership with other Self-Help Groups, set up the Self Help Groups Student Care Limited in November 2015 and launched its logo “Big Heart Student Care” in June 2016. Big Heart Student Care now operates 15 student care centres in primary schools.

Parent Programme Since January 2017, CDAC has conducted parenting talks to help parents understand the latest educational trends and pathways as well as offer them tips on supporting their children's learning. Three hundred parents attended the seminar “Journey with Your Child to Higher Education” held on 1 April 2017.

学生与家长教育 我们通过各项教育和援助计划,帮助学生取得进步,并发挥最大潜能。我们也帮助家长掌握教养 孩子的知识,扶持孩子的全面发展。

补习计划与益智课程 我们每年在学校和华 助会中心开办超过 600 班补习和 2400 个单元的益智课程。

2016 年,教育和培育计划提供

4 万 8000 个学额

93% 8000 校内特别辅助计划 我们与合作的学校根据个别需求,量身定制适合的学 习辅助课程。这项计划在 2013 年启动,我们把计划 从四所学校扩展至 11 所学校,学生人数也从 54 名增 加至目前的 500 名。

华助会—国大数理三启 计划 我 们 自 2009 年 与 国 大理学院合作,激发低 收入家庭的学生对科学 研究的兴趣,以及培养 他 们 不 放 弃 的 精 神。 2016 年,华助会首次 成功进入新加坡科技与 工程展决选。李伟杰和 罗婉馨在国大职员的指 导下,交出了亮眼的研 究成果。

学生认为华助会计 划帮助他们更了解 课堂上学到的知识

名学生在 2016 年的 助学金与津贴等援助 项目中受恵

YEAP 青年启发计划 这 项 计 划 在 2017 年 4 月 推 出, 目 标 是 在 一 年 内 为 2000 名上完中学后想继续升学的学生提供援助。除了 教育费补 助, 这 项 计划也旨 在激励他 们发挥潜 能, 勇 于 追求梦想。

童心校内学生托管中心 华 助 会 与 其 他 自 助 团 体 于 2015 年 11 月携手成立合资公司,并于 2016 年 6 月启动“童心校内学生 托 管 中 心” 标 志。 至 今, 已 在 15 所小学开设了校内托管中心。

家长教育 为了帮助家长更好地培养孩子的全面身心发展,我们从 2017 年 1 月开始举办讲座,让家长掌握最新的教育 方针、升学管道资讯以及支持孩子学习的贴士。2017 年 4 月 1 日,300 名家长出席了“升学路上,与孩子 同行”讲座。


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Family and Worker Support We assist low-income families to: • be self-reliant and self-sufficient through employment • cope with living, educational and skills training needs • strengthen family bonds and be resilient


low-income families supported by financial and other types of assistance including parenting programmes in 2016


Granted worth of family and school-ready packs to 6,300 families in 2016



Parent Development Programme sessions and reached out to 1,600 parents in 2016

Integration of Family and Worker Programme We integrated the Family and Worker Programme in January 2017 to provide holistic support for families in a more effective way, especially for those whose employment difficulties are compounded by family challenges. Case officers support workers by providing guidance in their job search and upgrading of skills.

Family Resource Programme Talks and workshops focusing on financial management, healthy living and life skills are conducted to help families better manage their challenges. Family bonding activities are also organised to foster family cohesiveness. “CDAC Family Bonding Day 2017”, held on 23 April 2017 at Jurong Bird Park, is the biggest one organised so far and 3,300 beneficiaries from 850 families turned up for the event.

‘Ready for School!’ The ‘Ready for School!’ (RFS) Project supports the more needy families and their children by disbursing vouchers for educational materials, transport and other necessities every December. Through RFS, families also get to enjoy fun-filled activities which bring family members closer. In 2016, the RFS benefited 6,300 families, a 24-fold increase from the 250 families supported in 2004.


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家庭与工友支援 我们协助低收入家庭: ・ 通过工作达到自力更生 ・ 应付生活、教育和技能培训的需要 ・ 加强家庭凝聚力及适应力 2016 年,

1 万 1000

个低收入家庭获得经济和其他方面的援 助,包括亲子活动 2016 年,为 6300 个家庭提供总值为

185 万

的家庭与上学礼包 2016 年,1600 名家长从


项“家长学 习计划”的 活动中受恵

整合家庭与工友援助项目 2017 年 1 月,我们整合家庭与工友援助项 目,为低收入家庭,特别是那些面对找工作 和家庭生活压力的工友,提供更全面的援助。 我们提供咨询服务协助工友们了解他们的培 训需要与就业市场和机会。 家庭资源计划 这项计划旨在通过各种讲座与学习坊,包括财务预算和 管理、健康生活及生活技能,帮助各个家庭应对他们的 挑战。此外,我们也主办亲子活动,促进家庭凝聚力。 2017 年 4 月 23 日, 来 自 850 个 家 庭的 3300 名受惠者参 与“幸福一家”华助会 家庭日,一起到裕廊飞 禽公园共享天伦之乐。 这是历来规模最大的一 次家庭日。

‘准备上学咯!’活动 ‘准备上学咯!’活动旨在帮助家 中有孩子上学的受恵家庭为新学 年 做 好 准 备。 活 动 每 年 于 12 月 举 行,除了派发礼券,让受恵家庭购 买教育用品、应付交通和必需品的 开销以外,我们也准备各项活动, 以增强家庭凝聚力。从 2004 年至 2016 年,受恵家庭的数量从 250 个,增加 24 倍,达到 6300 个。


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Fulfilling Ageing CDAC introduced the Fulfilling Ageing Programme in 2017 to address the needs of a rapidly ageing population. Through senior learning, activities and volunteerism, we aim to make ageing exciting and fulfilling, and also hope to nurture a society that respects and cares for senior citizens.

4,500 140

seniors reached by the Information Sharing Session since 2014

seniors participate in the News Sharing Programme every week

News Sharing Programme Conducted by volunteers in Mandarin, this weekly programme keeps seniors updated on current affairs through news websites, social media and newspapers. The programme, which was launched in 2015, has now expanded to six CDAC Centres. Senior Learning Kiosk This new project was launched in March 2017 to widen senior citizens' exposure to the world and broaden their horizons through informative sharing sessions. The sessions could take the form of career presentations by people from various industries, such as the one where a criminal lawyer talked about his pro bono services. They could also be talks about health or financial planning or even topics like the origins of Chinese characters.

Information Sharing Session Since 2014, we have conducted 15 Information Sharing Sessions in the community. During these sessions, invited speakers share information on the latest national schemes and topics relevant to senior citizens, such as the Pioneer Generation Package, the Lasting Power of Attorney, MediShield Life and CPF Life. Project C.A.R.E In April 2017, 500 senior citizens from five Voluntary Welfare Organisations went on a tour of 11 clan associations, accompanied by 600 volunteer befrienders. During their outing, they enjoyed various cultural activities, such as watching a Cantonese opera and listening to a Chinese orchestra. This was followed by a lunch at Orchid Country Club with President Tony Tan and Mrs Mary Tan as the Guests-of-Honour. This annual project is a CDAC's collaboration with the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations.


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幸福乐龄 随着我国人口迅速老化,华助会在 2017 年推出幸福乐龄项目。我们旨在通过乐龄学习、康乐活 动与乐龄义工服务,帮助年长者度过积极、有意义的晚年,以及培养社会尊重和关怀年长者的意识。

陪你知天下 这项活动每周举 行, 义 工 们 利 用 新 闻 网 站、 社 交 媒 体 和 报 章, 以 华语为年长者导 读 时 事 新 闻, 帮 助他们掌握社会 的 最 新 动 态。 活 动 在 2015 年 开 始 推 行, 迄 今 扩 展至六间华助会 中心。

从 2014 年至今,有






乐龄加油站 这项计划在 2017 年 3 月开始推出,旨在帮助年长者 增长知识、开扩视野。活动内容丰富,包括:各行各业 的职业介绍、保健知识、养老的理财规划,以及汉字背 后的典故。至今,我们邀请了一名刑事律师分享他的公 益服务,以及举办了一系列的保健讲座。

讲解会 自 2014 年起,我们在社区内举行了 15 场讲解会, 跟年长者分享与他们息息相关的最新国家政策及课题, 例如建国一代配套、持久授权书、终身健保和公积金 终身入息计划等。

关怀乐龄计划 今年 4 月,600 名义工陪伴 500 位来自五个慈善福利 团体的年长者,参观了 11 家会馆。他们参与各项文化 活动,包括欣赏粤剧、华乐等,还在胡姬乡村俱乐部 享用午餐。陈庆炎总统伉俪也莅临现场,担任活动主 宾, 与 大 家 同 欢 共 乐。 这项年度计 划是由华助 会和新加坡 宗乡会馆联 合总会携手 推出。


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华助会25岁了! 以下25件事,你知道几个?

CDAC is 25 years old! Here are 25 facts about CDAC. How many do you know?



1992 年 5 月 22 日是华助会正式诞生的大日子。 CDAC was set up on 22 May 1992.

华助会在 1993 年 11 月成立学生服务中心,首两个设在榜 鹅与红山。 The first two Student Service Centres set up in November 1993 were in Punggol and Redhill.



第一个办事处坐落在禧街的中华总商会大楼。 Its first office was at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Building in Hill Street.

华助会在 1994 年搬迁到丹戎加东现址。 CDAC moved into its current headquarters in Tanjong Katong in 1994.



陈振泉先生是华助会第一个职员。 Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong was CDAC's first staff member.


1995 年,华助会举行电影义映筹款,当时放映的是康城 电影节参赛电影《杏花三月天》。 In 1995, a charity film premiere was held to raise funds. It screened "The Story of Xinghua".


华助会标志是由时任《联合早报》美术 组主任李智松所设计。 CDAC's logo was designed by Mr Lee Tee Song, the then art editor of Lianhe Zaobao.


华助会收过最特别的捐赠品,是香港 艺人关德兴的亲笔字画《寿》。 The most interesting item CDAC has received from a donor is a piece of calligraphy of the word “ 寿 ” (which means longevity) by Hong Kong actor Kwan Tak-hing.


华助会的长青计划——补习班计划,在草创初期得到 14 个宗乡会馆和人民协会借出 40 个会所及联络所,充作补 习班课室。 When CDAC started its Tuition Programme, it gained strong support from 14 clan associations and the People's Association, which offered 40 locations as classrooms for the classes.

1995 年 5 月,陆星灯娱乐制作公司主办演唱会为华助会 筹款,参与演出的巨星是王菲、林忆莲、郭富城、林子祥和 叶倩文。 To raise funds for CDAC, Lushington Entertainments held a concert in May 1995 starring Hong Kong singers Faye Wong, Sandy Lam, Aaron Kwok, George Lam and Sally Yeh.


配合四周年庆,华助会首次通过发行纪念 电话卡和地铁卡来筹款,而纪念卡上是著 名艺术家刘抗、朱庆光和陈瑞献的作品。 To celebrate its fourth anniversary, CDAC launched commemorative phone cards and MRT Farecards featuring paintings by local artists Liu Kang, Choo Keng Kwang and Tan Swie Hian.


华助会在 1997 年 6 月设立网站,正式上线。 The CDAC website was launched in June 1997.



2005 年华助会改装巴士,开进组屋邻里、学校和公司, 将华助会的各项计划及 职业配对服务带到工友 家门前。 In 2005, CDAC launched a CDAC mobile bus which travels to HDB estates, schools and workplaces to bring CDAC programmes and job-matching services directly to workers.

华助会在 1993 年 2 月举 行首 个义工招募活动,而迄今我们拥 有 3000 多名义工。 The first volunteer recruitment drive was held in February 1993 and to date, CDAC has more than 3,000 registered volunteers.


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成立于 2008 年的华助会 @ 武吉班让,是第一个总部以 外、设在社区的综合中心。 CDAC@ Bukit Panjang, which was set up in 2008, was CDAC's first full service centre in the community.


2011 年,一个义工共建共享的博客 “义工 @ 华助会”开始启动。 Volunteers@CDAC, the first blog by volunteers for volunteers, was set up in 2011.



华助会推出的会歌《一人一点心,社会更温馨》,是由华助 会董事会成员林少芬及其创意团队所创作。 CDAC board member Lim Sau Hoong and her creative team at 10AM Communications composed the CDAC song “A Little From All, Together It's More”.


华助会在 2013 年创造“最多人在同一地点设计饼干”的 新加坡纪录。 CDAC entered the Singapore Book of Records in 2013 for the most number of people decorating cookies in one location.


2014 年,华助会在明智小学开办第一所校内学生托管 中心。 CDAC set up its first school-based student care centre in Bendemeer Primary School in 2014.

华助会从 1993 年至 2016 年颁发了超过 10 万份技能培 训奖。 More than 100,000 Skills Training Awards were offered to workers from 1993 to 2016.


每年约有 4000 名学生获颁华助会—宗乡总会助学金。 On average, 4,000 students are offered the CDAC-SFCCA Bursary every year.


过去 25 年来,华助会共主办了 300 场技能培训及职业 展和即席招聘活动,将培训与工作机会带到各组屋区,为 工友提供方便的求职和培训管道。 For the past 25 years, CDAC has organised 300 Skills Training and Job Fairs and recruitment exercises in housing estates, bringing training and job opportunities closer to workers.


为欢庆 SG50,华助会发起“一人一点心,社会更温馨”爱 心结编织活动,编织了 5 万零 500 个爱心结送给受恵 家庭。 As part of SG50 celebrations, CDAC initiated a “Heart Knots” event in which 50,500 Heart Knots were made as gifts for its beneficiaries.


华助会年龄最小和最大的义工,分别是 9 岁和 81 岁。 The youngest volunteer is 9 years old and the oldest is 81 years old.


华助会中心拥有 2 万 3736 名学生会员。 There are 23,736 student members in CDAC Centres.

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Community Outreach Serving as the arms of outreach, CDAC Centres located conveniently in the heartlands extend CDAC’s programmes and services to the community. The centres also work with partners in the community to provide relevant programmes that meet the needs of residents.

Opening of the 13th CDAC Centre CDAC set up its first two centres in the community in 1993 and its 13th Centre was opened in Bedok in February 2016, adding to the 12 existing centres to reach out to students, workers and families who need the support.

The 13 CDAC Centres ran


activities/projects for more than 55,000 participants


The centres organised networking sessions and participated in 43 outreach activities


CDAC received support from partners across all programmes in 2016

Collaborations with Partners We partner schools, grassroots organisations, Voluntary Welfare Organisations and private and government agencies to run programmes and activities for CDAC beneficiaries. These programmes range from those focusing on academic learning and life skills to ones on arts and crafts, sports and family bonding. One such collaborative programme, which was initiated by Hwa Chong Institution, had student volunteers from the school distributing food and necessities to 400 families at six CDAC Centres on 21 March 2017. For the fifth year running, HCI teachers and students' parents also helped with fund-raising and packing and delivering the food packs.

Networking Sessions and Outreach Activities CDAC holds regular networking sessions with local communities and partners to better understand the needs of the community and to run more partnership projects that will benefit more people. We also organise CDAC Centre open house events and participate in outreach activities organised by schools, grassroots organisations and community partners to create awareness of CDAC’s community programmes.


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社区网络 华助会中心把华助会的各项计划和服务带到社区,为居民提供便利。它们也与社区伙伴携手合作, 根据居民的不同需要推出适合的项目。

第 13 所 华 助 会 中心开幕 我 们 在 1993 年 成立首两所华助 会 中 心。2016 年 2 月, 我 们 在 勿 洛 设 立 第 13 所 中 心。 这 些 华 助会中心旨在为 社区内有需要的 学 生、 工 友 和 家 庭提供各种援助。

13 所华助会中心推出


项活动/计划,吸引超过 5 万 5000 人参加


举办 场交流会和 参加 43 项社区活动


2016 年,各项计划获得 伙伴的支持

交流会与社区活动 我们定期与各个伙伴举行 交流会,以便更好地了解社 区的需要,并落实更多合作 计 划, 让 更 多 社 区 群 体 受 惠。我们也举行华助会中心 开放日,以及参与各项由学 校、基层组织和社区伙伴主 办的活动,以提高社区群众 对华助会计划的认识。

与伙伴携手合作 我们与学校、基层组织、慈善福利 团体、私人企业及政府机构携手, 一同为受惠者推出各种援助项目和 活动,包括学术、生活技能、手工艺、 体育和亲子活动等。2017 年 3 月 21 日, 华 侨 中 学 的 学 生 义 工 在 六 所华助会中心,分发粮食和必需品 给 400 个 家 庭。 这 项 计 划 已 迈 入 第五年,华中的教师、学生及家长 从筹款、包装食物和载送食品礼包, 都亲力亲为,全心投入。


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Volunteers Engagement and Development Volunteers play an important role in supporting and delivering our programmes and services. We welcome all, including staff from corporate organisations and our beneficiaries, to join our pool of volunteers to reach out to families and individuals in need.

Enhanced Volunteer Training Framework CDAC enhanced its volunteer training framework in 2017, which provides structure to develop active CDAC volunteers in areas such as proficiency, personal development and leadership. The training is designed to boost the passion and competencies of our volunteers at the different stages of volunteer work.


volunteers actively involved across all CDAC programmes


of volunteers are 30 years old and below

11th Volunteers’ Day CDAC’s 11th Volunteers’ Day held on 4 September 2016 commemorated the volunteers’ spirit of giving. We presented 224 awards to outstanding volunteers, long-serving volunteers and corporate volunteers in appreciation and recognition of their selfless dedication and commitment.

Volunteers Seminar 180 volunteers turned up for the volunteers seminar titled "Metamorphosis”, held on 11 March 2017 at the SportsSG Auditiorium. It provided a platform for volunteers to share ideas and learn from one another and, through the sharing of inspiring stories, it also aimed to motivate more to come forward to serve the community.


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义工联系与发展 义工在协助华助会推展各个项目和提供服务方面,扮演着重要的角色。我们欢迎各界人士,包括 受惠者和企业,加入华助会的义工行列,向有需要的人及家庭伸出援手。

新的义工培训框架 2017 年,华助会推出新的义工培 训框架,为所有华助会活跃义工提 供更有系统的培训。基础培训、技 能培训、个人发展和领袖培训四个 项目,旨在发掘义工在不同服务阶 段的热忱和潜能。

1200 30 岁及以下 的义工占

名活跃义工参与华助 会各个项目


第 11 届义工日 为了表扬义工的奉献精神,华助会 在 2016 年 9 月 4 日举行第 11 届 义工日。我们颁发了 224 份义工表 扬奖、长期服务奖和企业义工奖。

义工座谈会 2017 年 3 月 11 日,180 名义工在 SportsSG 礼堂参加题为“蜕变”座谈会。 它为义工们提供了一个互相交流和学习的平台。此外,我们也希望通过各种励 志故事,鼓励更多人加入义工行列,为社会作出贡献。


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一人一句话 Heartwarming Words 每年年底的‘准备上学咯!’减轻了经济负担。我也参加理财 工作坊,学到减少家庭开支的方法,也养成良好的储蓄习惯。 The ‘Ready for School!’ programme, held at the end of every year, helps to ease the pressure on our family expenditure. And from the Financial Management and Budget Workshop, I picked up tips on how to cut down on household expenses and also how to get into a good savings habit. 张秀秀,45 岁 Mdm Teo Siew Siew, 45

我每年都获得华助会的助学金。我用 助学金购买书本和文具。 I receive the CDAC bursary every year and I use it to buy books and stationery. 卓信利,中一学生 Jonero Toh, Secondary 1 student

我从小三到中二都参加 优 苗 培 育 计 划,现 在 我 会趁学校假期回来当义 工,帮忙协调学习之旅和 活动。 I attended Project Excellence from Primary 3 to Secondary 2. I now volunteer during school holidays to help with learning journeys and activities for my juniors. 卓琳,中三学生 Jolin Toh, Secondary 3 student

儿童启蒙阅读计划很有 趣!我喜欢 那些义工哥 哥和姐姐!他们给我们 读故事,还教我们玩填 字游戏、纸牌游戏和做 简单的手工艺。 kidsREAD is very fun! I like the volunteers. They read stories to us, show us how to play word search games and card games and also teach us simple crafts. 卓峻永,小二学生 Jodino Toh, Primary 2 student

华助会中心的学习课程, 让学习变 得更愉 快!好 玩的游戏,让我学数学 更容易。我开始喜欢数 学! The classes at the CDAC Centre are very enjoyable. We play interesting games which help us understand mathematics better, and I have started to love mathematics! 卓霜,小三学生 Jomin Toh, Primary 3 student

我 们 夫 妻 俩 也参 加“ 陪 你 知天下”,义工老师跟我们 分享社会新闻,讨论民生课 题。这些活动太棒了,让我 们跟上时代的脚步,又可以 交到新朋友。 My husband and I joined the News Sharing Programme, during which, the volunteers share and discuss the news with us. The activities are great; they keep us updated on current affairs and we also get to make new friends. 王淑清,62 岁 Mdm Ong Bee Teen, 62

我们上过电脑课, 学会上网、 发电邮, 才知道网络世界这么宽阔,打开了 我们的视野! We signed up for the IT courses and learnt how to use the Internet and send e-mails. It was an eyeopening experience for us! 林尤文,64 岁 Mr Lim Jiu Boon, 64


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我遇见的人, 包括员工、义工及孩子, 给了我很多鼓励、 指导和学习机会。做义工,丰富了我的人生! The people I met – the staff, other volunteers and children – have given me lots of encouragement, guidance and opportunities to learn. Volunteering has brightened up my life! 蔡秀真,24 岁 2007 年加入义工行列,参与功课督导小组 及 V2 Connect 委员会 Chua Xiu Zhen, 24 Volunteer since 2007, has been involved in the Supervised Homework Group Programme and the V2 Connect Committee

我很高兴能够付出一点绵力, 回馈社会。 I am glad to be able to contribute to society in a small way.

我很高兴能够帮助其他年长者,尤其 是行动不便的,让我心存感恩、知足 惜福。我希望自己可以做得更多。 I am happy that as a senior, I am able to help other seniors, especially those who are handicapped. I find myself fortunate and hope I can do more. 黄建隆,77 岁 2014 年开始参与关怀乐龄计划和家庭日 Morris Ng, 77 Volunteer since 2014, has helped out with Project C.A.R.E and the Family Bonding programme

陈惠玉,54 岁 2015 年开始参与华助会 @ 宏茂桥的“陪你知天下”活动 Tan Wee Jee, 54 Volunteer with the News Sharing Programme at CDAC@ Ang Mo Kio since 2015

看到受恵家庭和孩子们参加我们的活 动, 度过愉快充实的时光, 让我感到欣慰。 It is gratifying when I see the families and children have a good and enriching time when attending our programmes. 陈东华,48 岁 加入义工行列 15 年,参与特别项目 Chin Tong Wah, 48 Volunteer who has been working on ad hoc and special projects for 15 years

我们希望与华助会联合开办的课程能 够持续下去,共同肩负起弘扬优秀中 华传统文化的使命。 We hope we can continue our partnership with CDAC to promote traditional Chinese culture.

我们的团队替孩子理发后,看到他们脸 上露出笑容的满足感,真是难以言喻! We can’t describe the satisfaction we feel when we see the happy smiles of the children getting their hair cut by our team!

方月馨,43 岁 新加坡中华传统文化促进会 Fung Guat Shing, 43 Zhong Hua Cultural Society (Singapore)

黄欣玉,41 岁 Kimage 美发学院 Veronica Ng, 41 Kimage Hairdressing School

我们相信分享快乐,快乐会加倍。我 们也很高兴豆先生能用简单的方式让 大家体会生命中的点点喜悦! At Mr Bean, we believe we receive more when we give, and we share the best of what we have. This is our way of spreading life’s simple pleasures to all around us. 许添顺,51 岁 豆先生首席营运官 Thomas Koh, 51 Chief Operating Officer of Mr Bean

我们的青年执行委员会义工很 高兴能在与华助会联办的活动 中,为家庭和孩子带来欢乐。 看到他们愉快地玩游戏,是我 们最大的喜悦! Our YEC volunteers enjoy bringing joy to families and children during the carnivals and activities jointly organised with CDAC. It is our great pleasure to see their faces light up as they play the games! 刘杰嵩,31 岁 大巴窑中民众俱乐部青年 执行委员会副主席 Lew Jie Song, 31 Vice-Chairman of Toa Payoh Central CC YEC


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华社自助理事会是个非盈利自助团体,于 1992 年由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会和新加坡中华总商会联合发起。我们 为较弱势族群提供各项计划和援助,通过自助与互助,协助他们发挥潜能,力争上游。 Jointly set up by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) in 1992, the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) is a non-profit self-help group for the Chinese community. We offer programmes and assistance schemes to help the less privileged in the community to maximise their potential and strive for social mobility through self-help and mutual support.


Connect with Us

询问热线 /Enquiry hotlines 一般询问 General 学生 Student 家庭 / 工友 Family/Worker Senior 年长者 义工 Volunteer

6841 4889 6603 5555 6603 5599 6603 5599 6841 4889 CDACsg CDAC_sg CDACMedia

华助会中心 CDAC Centres @ Ang Mo Kio Blk 201 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 #01-1648 S560201 T: 6456 4541

@ Redhill Blk 83 Redhill Lane #01-85 S150083 T: 6475 6567

@ Woodlands Blk 680 Woodlands Ave 6 #01-764 S730680 T: 6891 0992

@ Bedok Blk 138 Bedok North St 2 #01-185 S460138 T: 6241 7994

@ Sengkang Blk 321B Anchorvale Drive #01-196 S542321 T: 6312 5329

@ Yew Tee Blk 627 Choa Chu Kang St 62 #01-160 S730680 T: 6765 3302

@ Bukit Panjang Blk 270 Bangkit Road #01-22 S670270 T: 6465 4411

@ Tampines Blk 158 Tampines St 12 #01-77 S521158 T: 6783 4649

@ Yishun Blk 145 Yishun St 11 #01-41 S760145 T: 6752 7760

@ Jurong Blk 421 Jurong West St 42 #01-1045 S640421 T: 6569 3573

@ Tanjong Katong 65 Tanjong Katong Road S436957 T: 6603 5577

@ Punggol Blk 512 Hougang Ave 10 #01-67 S530512 T: 6387 5455

@ Toa Payoh 381 Lor 1 Toa Payoh L2 Building S319758 T: 6258 8339

开放时间 Opening hours 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 1pm-10pm 星期六至日 Sat-Sun 10am-5pm

华助会会歌 CDAC Song 《一人一点心》

A Little From All

词 / 曲:林少芬

Music by Lim Sau Hoong Lyrics by Edwin Chan & Lim Sau Hoong

伸出你的援手 有困难大家相助 伸出你的援手 齐心齐力全心全意

一步一步向前走 有风雨你我同路 一步一步向前走 社会变得更美丽

Reach out a helping hand When troubles fall we stand tall Reach out a helping hand With all our heart and soul

Let’s all do what we can When storms come we heed the call Let’s all do what we can We make this family whole

(副歌) 一人一小步 一人一点心

社会大进步 社会更温馨 更温馨

Together we have more Together we all can

伸出你的援手 有困难大家相助 伸出你的援手 齐心齐力全心全意

一步一步向前走 有风雨你我同路 一步一步向前走 社会变得更美丽

(Chorus) Bit by bit from all Hand in hand we stand We all can

扫描 QR 码学唱华助会会歌 Scan the QR code to learn the CDAC song

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