华社自助理事会 CDAC Volunteers’ Day
献词 义工联系与发展计划赞助人
马炎庆先生 亲爱的义工们 2021年 -- 全新的一年。希望它能为大家带来 新的希望,生活一切顺遂。 刚过去的2020年,大家不断学习如何适应新 常态,充满挑战。但是我相信只要我们齐心协 力,社群互助,一定能携手渡过难关。华助 会的许多义工在这期间也尽心尽力为受惠者服 务,他们的奉献精神实在令人鼓舞。我借此机 会感谢每位义工为社群付出的时间和精力。 2019冠状病毒对我们的生活及许多方面影响甚 大。它提醒我们珍惜眼前的人与事,并督促我 们提高个人应对改变的能力。因为疫情,华助 会的许多活动无法如常进行。然而我们求变创 新,将活动项目搬到线上,继续进行。我为我 们的义工在抗疫期间,依旧热心支持华助会的 各个项目,包括督导学生的课业、为小朋友阅 读故事、关怀受惠家庭等等,感到非常自豪。 华助会除了竭力辅助较弱势的社群,也致力于 提倡社群的互助精神。我谨代表华助会感谢大 家一路以来的支持和信任,协助我们坚守岗
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位,推行我们的任务和愿景。也期待你们继续 和我们并肩同行,为有需要的家庭提供援助和 服务。 “聚沙成塔 ”只要结合众人的力量,就能积小 致巨。 每位义工都是英雄,时时为有需要的人带来希 望,在他们最艰难的人生时段,陪伴及扶持他 们,为他们指引方向。不论你在哪个义务项目 服务,是我们的长期服务义工或是新进义工, 你的每一个善举都举足轻重。义工们的无私奉 献精神值得嘉奖。 在此我也鼓励大家继续散 播爱心,激励身边的亲人朋友一起从事义务工 作,共同创造一个温馨的社会,充分体现华助 会的标语 :“一人一点心,社会更温馨”! 在这新的一年,让我们继续扶持周遭的人,一 起和新加坡迈向更美好的将来。与此同时,在 你为华助会受惠者劳心劳力的当儿,也要好好 照顾自己。祝愿大家阖家安康,幸福美满!
Mr Baey Yam Keng Sponsor, Volunteers Engagement & Development Programme
Dear Volunteers We hope you and your family had a great start to 2021! 2020 was a challenging year as we adapt to a new normal. We can get through these difficult times through strong community support and I am heartened to know that many of you have come forward to provide an additional pair of helping hands. I would like to thank every one of you for your time and dedication in providing your services to the community. COVID-19 changed our lives in many ways. It also taught us many valuable lessons such as cherishing the present and the people around us as well as being more adaptable to changes. Other than scaling down big events, last year also saw us moving volunteering opportunities online. I am proud of how our volunteers have been very supportive during this trying period, continuing to help students with their studies, reading stories to children, befriending families, and many more. As we provide a helping hand to the less privileged in the community, we continue to set sights on being a committed and trusted organisation with an empowered and caring community. We thank you for the support and trust all these years for us to uphold this vision and look forward to you continuing this
journey with us for many years to come. The many lives that you have touched will not be forgotten and together, we can bring our programmes and services to many others. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. – Aesop” All of you are our everyday heroes, bringing light and hope to those in need, guiding them through the difficult times and walking with them every step of the way. Whether you have been volunteering with us regularly or have just started your journey with us, every little support makes a big difference. Your selfless spirit of giving is commendable, and we would like to encourage you to further spread the love and joy of giving. As our tagline goes, “A Little From All, Together It’s More”, so gather your friends and family to join us as we work towards creating a more giving and inclusive society. In this new year, let us continue to support and uplift the lives of those around us, move forward and progress as one Singapore. As much as you have been taking care of our beneficiaries, we do hope you have been taking good care of yourselves as well. Here is wishing you and all at home good health and happiness!
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关于奖项 ABOUT THE AWARDS 长期服务奖 Long Service Awards (LSA) 华助会特此颁发义工长期服务奖 (5-, 10-, 15- 20- 年等),以感谢义工们的重要贡献及多 年不懈的服务。每位长期服务获奖者将获颁一份证书。服务10年及以上的义工也会获得 一个奖座。 In appreciation of the significant contributions and tireless years of service, volunteers are presented the Long Service Award (5-, 10-, 15- 20-year etc.). Each LSA recipient will receive a certificate. In addition, trophies will be awarded to recipients of the 10-Year LSA and beyond.
义工表扬奖 (个人和团队) Commendation Awards (Individual & Team) 华助会特此颁发义工表扬奖给那些为受惠者付出额外努力的义工们,以表彰他们的奉献精 神。义工表扬奖得主将会获颁一份证书和一个奖座。义工团队奖得主将会获得一个团体奖 座。每位成员也会获颁一份证书。 To recognise volunteers for their commitment and dedication, and going the extra mile for the CDAC beneficiaries, volunteers are presented the Commendation Award. Individual Commendation recipients will each receive a certificate and a trophy. For Team Commendation recipients, a trophy will be awarded to the team and each member will also receive a certificate.
奖座的涵义 Meaning of the Trophy 奖座的心手相连设计,象征义工与华助会以伙伴关系一起为受惠者伸出援手。义工们化心意与热忱为行动。核 心部分是爱心 —— 激励着义工们不断前进。 奖项也以不同颜色标示类别。这些颜色汇集而成一道彩虹 —— 象征着希望。 Connected to one another at the heart and the hands, the design of the trophy illustrates the partnership of volunteers and CDAC in lending a hand to the beneficiaries. Volunteers translate their heart and passion to action. At the centre of it all, love motivates them to keep on going. Each award category is also represented by different colours. These colours come together to form a rainbow - a symbol of hope. 奖座的颜色 Colour of Trophy
奖座颜色的意义 Meaning of Trophy Colour
奖项类别 Category of Award
红色 Red
热情与活力 Passion and Energy
十年长期服务 10-Year LSA
橙色 Orange
独立与探索精神 Independence and Sense of Adventure
十五年长期服务 15-Year LSA
黄色 Yellow
热忱与积极进取 Enthusiasm and Positivity
二十年长期服务 20-Year LSA
绿色 Green
善心与可靠 Kindness and Dependability
二十五年长期服务 25-Year LSA
蓝色 Blue
忠诚与负责 Loyalty and Responsibility
三十年长期服务 30-Year LSA
紫色 Violet
仁慈与智慧 Compassion and Wisdom
三十五年长期服务 35-Year LSA
蓝色与紫色 Blue & Violet
负责与仁慈 Responsibility and Compassion
义工表扬奖 Commendation Award
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吴泽民 Goh Chek Meng 华助会@ 裕廊 CDAC@ Jurong 功课督导小组 Supervised Homework Group 家庭义务辅导 Family Befriending 十一年六个月 11 years 6 months 泽民在2009年开始了他在华助会的义工之旅。从特别 活动的义工开始,到成为家庭义务辅导员,再到2012 年加入功课督导小组计划,泽民这些年来,触动了许 多人的心。 和蔼可亲的泽民深受学生及义工的爱戴。他善于帮助 有不同学习能力的学生,通过使用不同的教学方法, 且慈严并施,激励学生。除了着重于课业,泽民也强 调学生的全面发展,向学生灌输正确的价值观。 身为一名在籍教师,泽民也提供专业的知识和看法, 协助华助会@ 裕廊的功课督导小组,制定明去确的方 向。他也乐于和义工同伴分享他的专业知识及资源。 泽民的贡献不仅仅在每周的功课督导。他也积极参与 华助会的其他活动项目,并且负起额外的责任,协助 编排课程,是其他义工可以仰赖的人。同时,他也协 助培训新进义工,为教学方案注入新元素。 虽然身兼多职,泽民还是保持其热忱和乐于助人的精 神。他对孩子们的无私奉献更是值得赞美。
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer 无论是担任家庭义务辅导员或者是功课督 导小组的一员,华助会对我的支持和肯 定,让我感受到我是这个大家庭的一份 子。 每周的活动犹如朋友和家人之间的聚 会。与义工同伴的深厚感情及和学生的互 动,是支撑我的动力! From Family Befriender to SHG, I have always felt supported and appreciated as a part of CDAC. Our Saturday SHG sessions feel like a weekly gathering of friends and family. It is this bond between fellow volunteers, old and new, and our students that keeps us going!
Chek Meng began his volunteering journey with CDAC back in 2009 as an ad-hoc volunteer. He later moved on to become a family befriender and has been actively volunteering in CDAC Supervised Homework Group (SHG) programme since 2012. Throughout his volunteering stint, he has touched the lives of many with his selfless determination. With his fun and affable personality, he is wellliked and respected by students and volunteers. Chek Meng is also highly adaptable and capable in handling challenging students. He is able to take on different approaches in mentoring his students, being firm and assertive when needed and yet encouraging them along the way. Other than academics, he also emphasises on holistic development of the child, imparting values such as mutual respect. As an MOE educator, Chek Meng also provided his inputs and perspective, which helped set a clearer direction and approach of Jurong SHG. Driven by passion, Chek Meng took time outside of the SHG sessions to learn more and was always ready to share his knowledge and resources with fellow volunteers. Chek Meng’s contribution does not stop at the weekly SHG sessions. Other than supporting the large scale events, he also took up additional responsibilities such as curriculum planning and becoming one of the essential contact point for volunteers. Furthermore, he conducted training sessions for new SHG volunteers, injecting fun elements and useful resources in his lesson plans. Despite having to juggle his many responsibilities, Chek Meng remains a passionate and dedicated volunteer. His selflessness and commitment to the children is commendable.
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胡欣怡 Hu Xinyi Jasmine 华助会@ 裕廊 CDAC@ Jurong 管理委员会 Management Committee 功课督导小组 Supervised Homework Group 七年三个月 7 years 3 months 欣怡自2014年就成为功课督导小组的义工。这些年
A regular Supervised Homework Group (SHG)
volunteer since 2014, Jasmine has shown unwavering
support towards the programme. She is a dedicated volunteer, supporting students both academically
性格开朗及富同理心的欣怡是学生愿意亲近的对象。 通过她的激励和鼓舞,学生们的自信心与日俱增。
and in character development. Jasmine’s sociable personality, along with her
empathetic nature enables her to foster a trusting
successes helped to build her students’ confidence
as well.
学生和义工可以信赖的导师。 2020年,欣怡也受委任为华助会@ 裕廊管理委员会的 委员之一。她将代表义工发声,继续为社区社群服 务。
her and
constant of
On top of her busy work schedule and personal commitments, Jasmine found ways to contribute to the SHG programme as much as she is able to. When she was required to travel abroad for work purposes, she continued to support the programme through helping her peers. She would advise and discuss with them on the suitable study plans and
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer
materials based on her wealth of experience.
施比受更有福 - 我付出时间与精力的同 时,不仅收获友谊和快乐,也让我有全 新的视角。从事义务工作,不是在帮助他 人,实际上是让我获得帮助。
volunteers assimilate into the group, instilling a
It’s more blessed to give than to receive – I give my time and energy; in return, I get friendships, joy from helping others and fresh perspectives. I thought I would be helping others, but in reality, volunteering has been helping me instead.
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Furthermore, she would help new students and sense of belonging and comfort in them. Jasmine is a reliable mentor to both her students and peers in the programme. Recognising her time and effort in volunteering, Jasmine was also appointed to serve on the CDAC@ Jurong Management Committee in 2020, where she represents the voices of volunteers, taking a step further in contributing to the community.
李庆丰 Lee Kheng Hong Linus 特别活动 五年三个月
Special Projects 5 years 3 months
李庆丰 -- 一个富有歌唱才华的义工。他永远准备好 在华助会的活动中粉墨登场。从关怀乐龄计划到幸福 乐龄计划主办的中秋晚会,庆丰的表演除了为活动增 添色彩,也让在场的乐龄人士一起同乐欢唱。 除了唱歌,庆丰也擅长跳舞。2014年的华助会筹款晚 宴,他是快闪舞蹈表演项目的表演者之一。当时,除 了积极参与活动前期的准备,庆丰也会提供反馈和意 见,让表演更完美。 华助会在2017年邀请庆丰在四所华助会中心与乐龄人 士分享他的个人经历, 畅谈他的职业、生活及励志故 事。 他毫不考虑就答应邀请。 庆丰也参与乐龄加油站计划。为了确保计划顺利进 行,他会在繁忙的日程中抽出时间,预先准备材料。 去年在阻断措施期间,活动转在线上进行。庆丰也自 制了一个短片,在华助会面簿播放。 平易近人的庆丰,随时都愿意将欢乐带给周围的人。 让我们期待他的每场演出。
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer 感谢华助会颁发这个奖项给我。小时候家境 不好,在华助会当义工,让我有机会帮助和 我来自相同背景的人士。希望我能尽点绵 力,为有需要的人带来一点欢乐和希望。 Thank you CDAC for this award. Coming from a humble background myself, volunteering with CDAC allows me to help many others from similar background. Hence, I was thrilled when given the opportunity to be a volunteer with CDAC, bringing a little comfort, joy and hope to someone out there who needs it.
A talented singer, Linus has always been ready to put on a performance for CDAC events such as the CDAC-SFCCA Project C.A.R.E. and Seniors MidAutumn Festival. His performance brings life to the events as he gets seniors to sing along with him. Other than singing, Linus has a flair for dancing too where he participated in a flash mob dance performance during the 2014 CDAC Fundraising Event. He was involved in the pre-event preparations and provided valuable feedback to the team. Back in 2017, Linus was approached to share about his personal experiences – including but not limited to his occupation, lifestyle and other inspiring stories. Without hesitation, Linus took up the role and shared his experiences with seniors at four CDAC centres. Linus is a committed and dedicated volunteer, taking time off to prepare the materials required for the Senior Learning Kiosk programme despite his busy work schedule. He always ensures that he is well prepared for the sessions. When programmes started moving online during the Circuit Breaker period in 2020, Linus was also able to film and produce video content that could be shared on CDAC Facebook for the online Senior Learning Kiosk programme – e-Kiosk 234. An adaptable and approachable volunteer, Linus can be counted on to carry out his roles well. He also goes the extra mile to continue bringing joy to seniors and those around him. CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 7
李汶𦵴 Lee Wen Jie Alan
华助会@ 淡滨尼 CDAC@ Tampines 功课督导小组 Supervised Homework Group 五年十个月 5 years 10 months 汶𦵴是一个积极、富有耐心,全心全意付出的义工。 通过功课督导小组,他触动了许多莘莘学子的心。汶 𦵴了解每一个学生都各有不同的学习方式,因此他会 调整教学方法及教学材料,让他督导的学生能发挥各 自的潜能。他也会为有需要的学生提供额外的督导。 面对较具挑战性的学生时,汶𦵴也能应付自如。他会 耐心教导、循循善诱,是学生眼中充满爱心的导师。 汶𦵴也以身作则,为学生树立榜样。 除了不吝于和其他义工分享教学资源,汶𦵴也给新进 义工提供贴士和建议。在筹备活动时,他的丰富经验 和独特见解就能派上用场,为学生营造更具全面性的 学习环境,让他们能从中成长。 除了功课督导小组,汶𦵴也参与其他华助会的项目。 在“摇滚YEAP乐”的项目中,汶𦵴就扮演引导者的 角色,关注参与项目的青年之学习进展,为他们加油 打气。他也积极寻找加强项目的方法,确保项目能达 到目的,让这批青年从项目中获益。
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer 每个学生的推动力不尽相同,使用熟练的 技巧能更好的和学生沟通并为他们提供支 援。与志同道合的义工一起共事,让我更 有力量前进。齐心的团队,加上愿意尝试 新事物,我们将能为学生们带来更多正面 影响。 As every student’s experience and what keeps them going can be different, using skilful means is a good way to engage and to support them. Since we live in an ever-changing world, volunteering with likeminded people keeps me going; together as a team, with a willingness to try new ideas, we are able to achieve more in making a difference for our students. 8 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
A proactive, committed, and patient individual, Alan has touched the lives of many students, especially in the Supervised Homework Group (SHG) programme. Alan understands each individual and adapt his teaching style and learning materials to best suit the different students under his care, maximizing their potential. He goes above and beyond his role, adding extra lessons for his students on top of the weekly mentoring sessions. He can be trusted to handle challenging students with his composed disposition, patience, and unending support towards them. An approachable and caring mentor, he fostered strong bonds with his students. Alan also leads by example and serve as a role model to many students. Other than sharing his teaching resources readily, he often shares advice and tips with newer volunteers when they face difficulties. His experience and insights also come in handy when planning for SHG activities and events, creating a more holistic environment for students to grow and bond in. Apart from being a mentor in the SHG programme, Alan also volunteers in ad-hoc events and played a major role in supporting the youths in the musYEAP programme, providing them constant support and encouragement. Passionate in making a difference in the lives of the young ones, Alan also actively looks for ways to improve programmes.
梁慧群 Leong Huiqun Regina 家庭义务辅导 Family Befriending 十三年七个月 13 years 7 months 慧群对义务工作的热忱值得嘉许。过去的13年,她的 身影出现在许多的华助会活动项目中。她总是尽心尽 力的默默付出。 不仅积极参与特别活动,慧群也加入成为一名家庭义 务辅导员。她能很快和受惠者建立友好关系,获得他 们的信任,为他们提供支援,协助他们解决难题。慧 群也富正面影响力。她会和其他义工分享她的义务经 验,鼓励他们,也为他们提供建议和反馈。 慧群拥有很强的组织能力及富有创意,是一位值得信 赖的义工。在2015年,慧群也获委任加入义工联系委 员会,负责为义工策划适活动联系感情。她也协助华 助会筹办其他活动,运筹帷幄,并在活动中担任领袖 的职务。慧群参与协办的活动包括联系义工的培训和 节庆活动,义工日等等。 随时随地都愿意付出时间,提供主意及支援华助会的 活动。慧群随和的性格也让她获得义工朋友和受惠者 的喜爱。她对周围的人真诚的关心和关怀,让人倍感 温馨。
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer 谢谢华助会为我提供机会,让我能为社会 做出贡献。在华助会当义工,参与各个项 目,不仅开心,也让我从中受惠及成长。 在此,向所有为有需要的受惠者鞠躬尽瘁 的义工们致敬! Thank you CDAC for giving me the opportunity to contribute to the society. Volunteering with CDAC has always been enjoyable and fruitful. Through CDAC programmes and events, I have benefitted and grown as a person. Kudos to all volunteers for your selfless dedication to make a difference for all beneficiaries!
Regina’s dedication and commitment to her volunteering work with CDAC is commendable. Over the past 13 years, she has continuously supported our events and programmes, and always carried out her duties with a strong sense of responsibility. Along with active participation in special projects, Regina took on different roles as a family befriender, adapting to changes to the programme. She is quick in building rapport with clients, providing regular support to the families as they work out their issues. Regina is also a positive influence on fellow befrienders, sharing her experiences, providing constructive feedback and encouragement. Regina is a capable and dependable volunteer with great organisational skills and creative ideas. Appointed as a member of the V2 Connect in 2015, she has shown great commitment towards volunteerism and have gone on to hold leadership roles in volunteering events. She is an all-rounder and can be trusted to work independently. She has also shown her strengths in being a team player in organising and executing various activities and events for volunteers. These includes planning suitable bonding and training sessions for volunteers, being part of the organising committee for the Volunteers’ Day event and many more. She is always ready to contribute her time, ideas, and effort in supporting CDAC events, no matter how big or small. Her warm personality enables her to build good rapport within the V2 Connect team and she is well-liked by other volunteers and beneficiaries. With Regina, one can always feel her genuine care and concern for the people around her. CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 9
陈信文 Tan Xin Wen 华助会@ 宏茂桥 CDAC@ Ang Mo Kio 功课督导小组 Supervised Homework Group 十一年五个月 11 years 5 months 坚信每名孩子都具有潜能并且与功课督导小组计划的 宗旨理念相同,信文这些年来,对功课督导小组做出 重大的贡献。 自2009年就活跃于功课督导小组的信文,获委任为华 助会@ 榜鹅的功课督导小组的义工协调员。在他的领 导下,华助会@ 榜鹅的功课督导小组在2014年获得义 工团队奖。2018年,当华助会决定在华助会@宏茂桥 设立功课督导小组时,有鉴于信文的领导能力,特邀 请他协助设立工作。此外,他也时常在其他其他活动 中担任重要角色,例如小组领袖及常年六月假期活动 营的营长。 信文是一位模范领袖及优秀义工。他具有宏观的思 维,知道继任计划的重要性,便积极的寻找及栽培合 适的义工,接任义工协调员的任务。在卸下义工协调 员的身份后,信文继续为新的协调员提供指导。他也 主动撰写义工协调员手册,供其他中心的义工协调员 参考。 善于识别学生的优点并加以利用,信文总是能让学生 们发挥他们的学习潜能,协助他们更全面的发展。其 中包括教导学生了解和欣赏同伴的能力、如何在面对 挫折时从容应对、及加强社交能力。 在他督导的学生及义工同伴眼中,信文是一个值得信 赖和可以依靠的朋友。他宛如啦啦队队长,时时为大 家加油打气,鼓励大家勇于做出新尝试。信文身上充 分彰显出无私奉献的义工精神。
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer 参与功课督导小组计划的这12年是一个富 有成果的旅程。我从中尝试及体验了许多 新事物。最让我难忘和感动的就是看到学 生成为义工,义工变成朋友。 The past 12 years in CDAC SHG programme have been fruitful and enjoyable, with many new experiences. It is heartening and memorable to see students becoming volunteers and volunteers becoming close friends. 10 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
Firmly believing in the potential of every child and a strong advocate for the mentoring aspect of the Supervised Homework Group (SHG) programme, Xin Wen has made significant contributions to the programme throughout his volunteering journey. An active volunteer in the SHG programme since 2009, Xin Wen was appointed as the Volunteer Coordinator (VC) of Punggol SHG and under his leadership, they received the Volunteer Group Award in 2014. In view of his outstanding performance, he was invited to support the set-up of the SHG programme at CDAC@ Ang Mo Kio in 2018. He also took up important roles in supporting major events, such as being the Group IC and Camp Commandant in various years during the annual June Camp. Xin Wen is an exemplary leader, role model and outstanding volunteer in many aspects. He is one who sees the big picture. Being aware of the need for succession planning, he constantly looked out for and groomed potential volunteers for the role. Even after stepping down from the VC role, he continues to provide guidance and mentorship to the new VCs. He also mooted the need for an SHG VC handbook which was eventually published in 2020. Identifying and playing to the strengths of his students, Xin Wen is able to help them develop their potential academically and grow them holistically. This includes teaching them to recognise the different abilities of their peers, be more composed when faced with setbacks and improving their social skills. A trusted and reliable volunteer, he is a cheerleader to both his mentees and fellow volunteers, encouraging them to embrace new experiences. Xin Wen truly exemplifies the mentoring and selfless spirit.
杨競凱 Yeong Jingkai Bren 华助会@ 榜鹅 CDAC@ Punggol 功课督导小组 Supervised Homework Group 三年七个月 3 years 7 months 競凱不仅富有创意,他也会为了要更好的帮助学生 们,竭尽所能的付出。 为了督导有特殊学习需求的学生,競凱自行花时间及 精力去学习和掌握相关资讯,了解这些学生的需求和 属性。他也为这些学生自制具包容性及互动性的游 戏,让他们加强社交技能,全面成长。随和的个性和 亲切的性格,让他能很快的和学生建立融洽的关系, 获得学生的信任。 创意无限的競凱也经常为学生设计和推出有趣的游 戏。在筹备活动时,注重细节的他,一定会确保各方 面都安排妥当,让活动顺利举行。 拥有宏观的思维,競凱经常会与其他义工分享建议和 想法,致力提升计划的素质。例如他提出将作业以栏 目区分,让义工在协助某个栏目较弱的学生时,更具 针对性。他也和其他义工共同制定课程表,甚至为有 需要的学生自编作业。
义工感言 Quote from Volunteer 在华助会当义工,不仅让我有机会为社群 做出贡献,也让我拥有许多有意义和丰富 的体验,塑造了今天的我。我想对我遇过 的义工、学生及职员表达我的谢意。能在 华助会当义工是我的荣幸。 Volunteering with CDAC has created many meaningful and enriching experiences which not only allowed me to contribute to the community, but also shaped me into who I am today. I would like to thank the volunteers, students, and staff whom I have met during this journey. It has been my privilege and honour to serve as a volunteer with CDAC.
An innovative individual, Bren has always gone the extra mile for our student beneficiaries, connecting and engaging them in creative ways during the weekly Supervised Homework Group sessions. Handling
behavioural issues is not easy but Bren took time and effort to learn and understand the needs of the students better. He created various inclusive and interactive games allowing students to hone their social skills and grow holistically. Having an amiable personality, he is able to build rapport and gain the trust of his students quickly. Bren’s creativity knows no bounds as he continuously plans and implement fun and unique games for the students. Being detail-oriented, he plans activities meticulously, ensuring that they run smoothly. Be it small or large scale events, Bren can be counted on to support the programme. Seeing the bigger picture, Bren readily shares his inputs and ideas with other volunteers, making improvements
of compiling worksheets by sections allowed volunteers to take on a more targeted approach in helping students work on their weak areas. Together with other volunteers, he also customised lesson plans and worksheets from scratch for his students.
CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 11
义工团队奖得主 VOLUNTEER (TEAM) AWARDEE: GRANNY QUILT (CDAC@ REDHILL) 胡翠霞 Aw Chwee Hay Florence 曾嫦杏 Chan Siang Heng 张秀莲 Cheong Siew Nai 张洁芳 Chong Kiat Fong 朱喜春 Chu Hsu Chun 蔡静贤 Chua Cheng Yin, Sheila
王柔湘 Heng Jiew Siang Cecilia 王玛莉 Heng Mary 江尚华 Kang Siong Hua 李丽明 Lee Lee Ming 李珍珠 Lee Tiang Chu 罗荔娥 Low Lai Ngoh Jasmine
发挥甘榜精神,展现活跃乐龄,推动积极老龄化– “阿嫲的祝福” 小组可谓是最佳代言人。义工们也不时 参与培训及互相分享缝纫技巧,改善制作百纳被的过 程。 “阿嫲的祝福” 计划于2017年开始。乐龄义工每周两次 在华助会@红山,缝制百纳被。她们修剪布碎,再将 布碎熨烫并缝制成百纳被。 每条百纳被由100片布碎组成,代表阿嫲给宝宝的 100个祝福。 义工会在不同的活动中,将缝制好的百 纳被分发给家中有小宝宝的家庭,与他们分享这悠久 的传统习俗。 2019年,我们的乐龄义工也参与了跨代活动,与华 助会的学生受惠者交流互动。她们耐心的教导一批功 课督导小组的学生缝纫技巧。当有些学生无法掌握技 巧,想要放弃时,义工们都细心指导,给予鼓励,就 如同对待自己的孙子孙女一样。 这批富有责任感的义工也和华助会的职员紧密交流, 时常提供反馈和意见,旨在让计划更完善。她们也自 动自发的主办不同的手工活动,互相传授彼此自身擅 长的技能,体现活到老,学到老的精神。年龄仅仅是 个数字,我们可以向她们学习,抱着积极的态度,活 出属于自己的精彩。 12 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
梁亚娇 Neow Ah Tiaw 王明花 Ong Beng Wah Cynthia 陈美珍 Tan Bee Tin 郑清珠 Tan Cheng Choo 万秀霞 Wan Seow Har 姚美珠 Yeo Mee Chew
A perfect example of senior volunteerism and showcasing the kampong spirit, our Granny Quilt volunteers have been a role model for active ageing. Over the years, the volunteers underwent various compulsory training and they often come together to share more efficient ways of sewing, making improvements to the process. Since the programme started in 2017, our senior volunteers have been keeping the tradition and culture alive by sewing patchwork quilts at CDAC@ Redhill, twice a week. They cut, ironed, and sewed 100 small patches of specially selected cloth together to make a quilt. Each quilt has 100 patches, representing a grandmother’s 100 wishes for a baby. The quilts are then given out at various distribution events which the seniors actively volunteered in, sharing this tradition with parents of young children and their families. Our seniors also showed no hesitation in volunteering for our inter-generational activities with CDAC beneficiaries in 2019. They patiently guided a group of Supervised Homework Group (SHG) students on how to sew. When the students were struggling with the activity and were on the verge of giving up, our volunteers lovingly encouraged and supported them, just as they would for their own grandchildren. These volunteers have constantly stepped up and worked closely with our staff, providing constructive feedback and ideas on training and gatherings. They also initiated various handicraft sessions, teaching each other a new skill, displaying the spirit of lifelong learning. Our seniors have shown us that age is just a number and that there is so much we can do to age actively and meaningfully.
义工团队奖得主 VOLUNTEER (TEAM) AWARDEE: KIDSREAD (CDAC@ PUNGGOL) 蔡惠萍 Chua Hwee Pheng Jennifer 吴美玲 Goh Mei Lin, Valerie 吳鋭意 Goh Rachael 梁慧玲 Leong Wai Leng
林秀琳 Lim Siew Lin 梁灵新 Neo Ling Sim 黄诗琪 Ng Sui Qi Merlin
华助会@榜鹅的儿童启蒙阅读计划的义工团队是一支 凝聚力很强的团队。他们尽心尽力,付出额外的时间 和精神,确保为小朋友安排的活动项目具有意义,能 让孩子们从中获益。儿童启蒙阅读计划是一项和国家 图书馆管理局合作的项目。虽然图书馆管理局提供资 源和教材,义工们还是会针对受惠孩童的需求,自备 额外教材,让他们获益更多。 除了例常的导读,团体也自发的策划及安排不同的活 动及郊游。筹备这些额外活动及郊游需要花更多的时 间和精神。其中包括现场勘察、调整教学材料、准备 道具及后勤安排。 虽然面对挑战和困难,义工们毫不退缩。就如疫情期 间,华助会的许多活动项目无法如常进行,他们很快 地让导读活动以新面貌和方式在线上呈现。当中虽有 波折,但大家齐心合力,活动还是顺利的推出。 义工致力于改善和提升孩子们生活的决心值得嘉奖和 鼓励。他们无时无刻都将重心放在孩子们身上,时常 探讨如何加强计划,更好的帮助这些学生。团队中的 几位义工为了让毕业自儿童启蒙阅读计划的学生能延 续对阅读的热爱,发起了新计划。万事起头难,义工 不屈不挠的付出,终有回报。新计划顺利于2019年7 月推出了!
陈人豪 Tan Jen Hao Eugene 陈姿融 Tan Zi Rong 张安宁 Teo Ann
A closely knitted team, our kidsREAD volunteers at CDAC@ Punggol often put in extra hours of time and dedication to ensure that activities planned are meaningful, engaging and beneficial for the children. Although there are resources provided by National Library Board (NLB) for this collaboration, the team will go the extra mile to source and prepare additional teaching materials, customising them to meet the needs of their students, engaging them in innovative ways. Besides the regular reading sessions, the team takes initiatives to lead, brainstorm and plan for various activities and outings. A lot of time and effort has been put in on top of the weekly commitment to the programme. They would conduct site recce, modify materials, and prepare the various props and logistics required. This group of volunteers are also unfazed by challenges. They were quick in finding ways to adapt and move the kidsREAD sessions online when our programmes could not continue physically due to COVID-19. Although it was a new format, the great teamwork allowed them to run the online sessions smoothly. Their passion and dedication in making a difference in the lives of the children is commendable. With the children being at the heart of what they do, the team often discuss the ways they can better help the students. A few members of the team also came together to initiate a new programme, Joy Read Club (JRC), to sustain the students’ love for reading after graduating from the kidsREAD programme. Having to start the programme from scratch, the team coordinated tirelessly, brainstormed, and planned each lesson wholeheartedly. The programme commenced successfully in July 2019. CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 13
洪琳 Ang Lynn Mavis
林珮如 Lim Pei Joo
陈淑贤 Tan Shu Xian
陈琪丝 Chan Qi Si Kate
林瑞仪 Lim Swee Yee
张静仪 Teo Chin Yee Viviany
陈荣彦 Chan Yong Yan
林婷玉 Lim Teng Yu, Eunice
张诗琳 Teo See Lin Vivian
陈约菘 Chen Yue Xiong Simon
林钊初 Lim Zhao Chu Rebecca
张诗慧 Teo Shi Hui Vanessa
郑文慧 Cheng Wen Hui
梁雋琳 Neo Juan Lin Cheryl
余松兴 Yee Song Heng Raymond
張珮𤦹 Cheong Pei Zhen Pearlyn
黄丽婷 Ng Li Ting
杨詠胜 Yeo Yong Sheng Terence
张轩荣 Cheong Xuan Yong
黄巧欣 Ng Qiao Xin Jamie
朱艳伶 Zhu Yanling
周佳锐 Chew Jia Rui Gary
Nur Syamira Binte Selamat
詹佳维 Chiam Jia Wei Melwin
王湘怡 Ong Xiang Yi
翁欣颐 Eng Sing Yee Clara
白凯婷 Peck Kai Ting
吴梓暄 Goh Zi Xuan
傅妙慧 Poh Miao Hui Jacqueline
何靖琳 Ho Jinglin Ellycia
沈柔辰 Sim Rou Chen
李汶𦵴 Lee Wen Jie Alan
孙洁敏 Sng Jie Min Jasmine
梁俊恒 Leong Jun Hun Darryl
陈佳萱 Tan Jiaxuan Oriana
14 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
义工团队奖得主 VOLUNTEER (TEAM) AWARDEE: SUPERVISED HOMEWORK GROUP (CDAC@ TAMPINES) 在华助会@ 淡滨尼功课督导小的学生时常都能 接触新事物,尝试新体验。因为这里的功课督 导小组义工团队合作无间,善于利用个别义工 的长处和能力,让计划更精彩有趣。 富创意的义工团队会找赞助商,赞助不同的活 动,例如主办训练营所需的足球靴和足球和 “新传媒体验” 学习之旅等等。通过这些活动, 学生能学到课堂外的知识和获得不同的体验。 这支团队,除了团结也互相尊重。在策划活动 的过程,会聆听每个团员的意见和建议,让大 家都有参与感。他们也是一支创意无限的队 伍,分组不同的小分队,负责不同的项目,包 括体育、文艺、及创意学习。 除了帮助学生在课业上提升表现和取得进步, 义工也着重学生的性格发展。他们会为应届的 学生制定适合他们的活动。学生在义工的指导 下,除了学习如何做决策,也有机会策划活 动。从中,他们也学到尊重和体谅。义工们推 出每周汇报表记录学生的成就及品行,让学生 家长能更深入的参与学生的学习过程。 团队也非常支持华助会的其他活动并积极参 与,借此从中学习,为课督导小组计划增值。 义工们以学生为出发点,全心全意培育学生的 决心,是推动他们精益求精的动力!
Students in the Supervised Homework Group (SHG) programme at CDAC@ Tampines can be assured that they are constantly being engaged and exposed to a wide range of experiences. The volunteer team worked closely with each other, tapping on their individual strengths and abilities, contributing to the success of the SHG programme. Volunteers secured sponsorships from various organisations, ranging from soccer boots and balls for a bootcamp, movie screening and going on “The Mediacorp Experience” learning journey. These helped to expand the students’ knowledge and learning beyond the classroom. An inclusive group with strong teamwork, the team ensures that all volunteers are involved in the planning process of an event and all voices and opinions are taken into consideration. The creativity of this team is limitless with different sub-committees focusing on different areas such as sports, arts, and creative learning. Other than academics, the team values character development and customises suitable activities based on each cohort. They also empower students in making decisions, coached them on planning for events and nurtured them to care for and respect the people around them. To document their students’ accomplishments and conduct, Tampines SHG also pioneered a weekly progress report initiative where parents or guardians are able to be involved in their child’s learning process as well. The team has also been very supportive in various CDAC events and can be counted on to participate actively in any opportunities that would value-add to the SHG experience. Their heart to serve and nurture students to be their best selves is admirable as it constantly drives them to perform beyond expectations.
CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 15
长期服务奖得主 五年长期服务奖 审计与风险委员会 蔡斌 华助会@ 宏茂桥 管理委员会 丁雁 林福荣 林睿雯 黄帏彬 张玉云 姚锡麟 儿童启蒙阅读计划 李思颖 陪你看报纸 林道涵 林婉晶 功课督导小组 郑惠玲 姚子慧 华助会@ 勿洛 陪你知天下 區淑仪
Project YOUth Can Shine 黄添顺 华助会@ 武吉班让 儿童启蒙阅读计划 何思莹 陪你知天下 郭銀娟 华助会@ 裕廊 管理委员会 洪佳惠 吴彬维 谭丽雯 功课督导小组 许光纬 梁文宗 陈展鸿 黄文辉 华助会@ 榜鹅 Joy Read Club 苏贞颖 陈诗佳 功课督导小组 张志洋 符婕仪 陈燕玲 郑伟文
华助会@ 红山 管理委员会 张慧玲 苏韦铭 儿童启蒙阅读计划 蒋仪睿 王明秋 杨琪 陪你知天下 陈惠玉 功课督导小组 曹徐俊 余慧敏 吴芳妮 江慧娟 梁惠婷 华助会@ 淡滨尼 儿童启蒙阅读计划 康丽玲 林均姿 王彩玉 功课督导小组 林珮如 李汶𦵴 白凯婷 杨詠胜 华助会@ 丹戎加东 儿童启蒙阅读计划 林育琳 功课督导小组 蔡可欣 汤俊杰 华助会@ 兀兰 管理委员会 Rahidah Mohd Noor 社区华文阅读计划 李文玉 儿童启蒙阅读计划 胡宝琳 功课督导小组 曾建铨 蔡佩珊 刘鸿达 罗文迅 黄迪丽
16 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
华助会@ 油池 儿童启蒙阅读计划 洪曼玲 Vibrance @ Yishun 功课督导小组 李顺来 罗章文 梁毓芸 岑映儀 陈勇绰 家庭义务辅导 刘永昌 特别活动 洪秀华 梅潔尭 蔡卓洲 曾志远 张筙蓉 程方虹 谢作悫 詹雯茜 张毓玲 周桂榮 钟始祥 周选燕 锺碧虹 董文娟 冯润森 符玮莹 吴岱嵋 吴明芳 吴丽玲 王春泉 王秀珍 黄锡敏 鞠杰 许月华 郭秉璁 关雪莹 黎俊豪 黎俊杰 蓝秀俪 刘佳玉 李丽莲 李庆丰 李国森 李恕娴 李秀蘭
梁佩英 李雪晶 劉蘭芳 林益萍 林芳仪 林汉玉 林建国 林金丽 林罗杰 林大妹 林毅荟 林晓萍 林水花 羅涞岩 吕志永 刘雪蓉 刘叠芳 刘映如 黄建隆 黄耀麟 王秀丽 潘雅韻 符婉君 邵音恬 苏進华 孙琳 陳雅媚 陈妙云 陳元山 陈敏敏 陈茂芳 陈沛颖 陈淑琴 陈慧莹 陈贤敬 郑健凯 郑铭升 郑锡河 赵艳凌 谭鍵詠 唐丽贞 田园 卓士詠 杜世玲 卓庆鹏 曾志明 温伟耀 黄焕好 楊莉莉 张宏 张琳涵
长期服务奖得主 十年长期服务奖 投资委员会 林丽穎 华助会@ 宏茂桥 陪你看报纸 何人雄 功课督导小组 陈信文 华助会@ 武吉班让 管理委员会 莊友发 吴友谊 儿童启蒙阅读计划 蓝韦廉 陈雅凤 陈瑞芳 黄宜昇 华助会@ 裕廊 功课督导小组 吴泽民 华助会@ 榜鹅 管理委员会 慕有恩 邱继祥 罗振田 冯克盛 王国勇 社区华文阅读计划 王佩玲 儿童启蒙阅读计划 张安宁
华助会@ 红山
华助会@ 兀兰
管理委员会 孙清华 阿嬷的祝福 王柔湘 华助会@ 盛港 儿童启蒙阅读计划 顾裕湘 甄爱莲 华助会@ 淡滨尼 管理委员会 Siti Rafeah Bte Rahmat 社区华文阅读计划 林国庆 儿童启蒙阅读计划 庄淑鉁 功课督导小组 陈荣彦 华助会@ 丹戎加东 功课督导小组 曾靖琳 赖子轩 陈龙杰 华助会@ 大巴窑 Project YOUth Can Shine 邱诗敏
管理委员会 鍾彩燕
功课督导小组 陈满兴 郑美芳 华助会@ 油池 管理委员会 关志良 刘炳杰 苏建平 Vibrance @ Yishun 功课督导小组 王綏朋 家庭义务辅导 林美玲 黄婉清 特别活动 蒋淑芬 蒋淑敏 颜恺崙 邱星桦 赖佩仪 羅珮琪 陈妙玲 陈光发 陈新代 陈友成 张明顺 张雪玲 黄慧玲
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长期服务奖得主 十五年长期服务奖
华助会@ 榜鹅
华助会@ 榜鹅
功课督导小组 王琳霭 华助会@ 红山 管理委员会 谭秀玲 儿童启蒙阅读计划 莊素芳 朱婉毓 何君锐 功课督导小组 陈保如 华助会@ 盛港 管理委员会 李惠玲 华助会@ 兀兰 儿童启蒙阅读计划 刘秀宝 家庭义务辅导 张翰思 许美笑 黄春锝 余讳玲 特别活动 陈逸龙 傅立伟 Suzana Binte Ismail 陈世轩 张燕萍
王励谦 华助会@ 勿洛 管理委员会 吴志明 陪你知天下 许仙珠 华助会@ 武吉班让 陪你知天下 袁志光 华助会@ 裕廊 管理委员会 杨美霞 华助会@ 盛港 儿童启蒙阅读计划 叶树柏 华助会@ 丹戎加东 管理委员会 陈祝临 Vibrance @ Yishun 管理委员会 陈泓伟 家庭义务辅导 陈逸凤 特别活动 蒋秀莲 蔡金鑚 罗美娟 郑泽燕
18 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
管理委员会 杨明锨 华助会@ 红山 管理委员会 张伟伦 连顺兴 龍田泉
LONG SERVICE AWARDEES 5-YEAR LONG SERVICE AWARD Audit & Risk Committee Chua Pin CDAC@ Ang Mo Kio Management Committee Ding Yan Sandy Lim Hock Eng Lin Ruiwen Ng Wie Pin Teo Gek Hoon Grace Yeo Siak Ling kidsREAD Li Siying Joanna News Sharing Programme Lim Toh Han Lim Wan Chung Fei Supervised Homework Group Cheng Hui Ling Yow Zi Hui Jocelyn CDAC@ Bedok News Sharing Programme Ow Sook Yee Ow Wai Mun Project YOUth Can Shine Wong Tian Soon Roger CDAC@ Bukit Panjang kidsREAD Ho Siying News Sharing Programme Kok Ngan Kin CDAC@ Jurong Management Committee Ang Kah Hui Goh Ping Wei Glen Tham Lai Mun Supervised Homework Group Koh Guang Wei Neo Wen Zong Tan Zhan Hong Wong Mun Fei Eddy CDAC@ Punggol Joy Read Club Soh Chin Ying Tan Shi Jia
Supervised Homework Group Chang Zhi Yang Foo Jie Yi Tan Yee Leng Tay Wei Boon Benjamin
kidsREAD Woo Poh Lin Pauline Supervised Homework Group Chang Jian Quan Choy Pei Shan Karen Lew Hong Da Low Wen Xun Jonathan Ng Valerie
CDAC@ Redhill Management Committee Chong Wee Ling Soh Wai Meng Shawn
CDAC@ Yew Tee kidsREAD Ang Mun Leng Janet
kidsREAD Cheong Yee Rui Ong Beng Chiew Karen Yeo Kiee
Vibrance @ Yishun Supervised Homework Group Lee Shun Lai Loh Zhang Wen Neo Yee Win Sam Ying Yi Sophia Tan Yong Chuo Gary
News Sharing Programme Tan Wee Jee Supervised Homework Group Cao Xujun Er Huimin Richelle Goh Fang Ni Kang Hui Juan Hannah Leong Hwee Ting Jazell Wu Shu Ling Geraldine
Family Befriending Lau Weng Cheong Winston
CDAC@ Tampines kidsREAD Khng Li Ling Audrey Lim Jun Zi Ong Chye Geok Michelle Supervised Homework Group Lim Pei Joo Lee Wen Jie Alan Peck Kai Ting Yeo Yong Sheng Terence CDAC@ Tanjong Katong kidsREAD Lim Yoke Lim Supervised Homework Group Chua Ko Heem Tng Jun Kiat Benedict CDAC@ Woodlands Management Committee Rahidah Mohd Noor Community Chinese Reading Project Lee Boon Yoke Ruth
Special Projects Ang Siew Hua Venetia Boey Kit Yew Chan Lok Chew Chang Chee Yuen Jonathan Chang Lai Yoong Cheng Fang Hong Iris Chia Zuo Que Jarren Chiam Wen Qian Glenda Chong Yoke Lin Jennifer Choo Quee Yuen Jessie Choong Cher Siong Chow Thuan Yen Chung Phek Hoong Josephine Dong Wen Juan Fong Yan Sum Foo Wee Ying Goh Dai Mei Goh Gracia (Wu Mingfang) Goh Li Leng Heng Choon Chuan Heng Siew Tiang Sharon Huang Hsi Min Ju Jie Koh Guat Hua Sophia Kuek Bing Cong Kwan Xue Ying Lai Jun Hao Daniel Lai Jun Jie Jeffrey
Lam Panny Lau Jia Yu Lee Lilian Lee Kheng Hong Linus Lee Kwek Sem Lee Shu Xian Joyce Lee Siew Lan Leong Pui Ying Li Xue Jing Liew Lian Huang Lim Eik Pin Lim Fang Yi Lim Han Gek Yvonne Lim Kian Kok Lim Roger Lim Tua Moey Lim Yee Hui Dimple Lin Xiaoping Jocelyn Ling Chue Hwa Loh Lye Yan Ryan Looi Chee Wing Low Teck Yong Low Tit Fong Doris Lui Ying Ru Iris Ng Kian Leong Morris Ng Yeow Ling Ong Siew Lay Phoon Ngah Wan Jen Pu Wan Chin Stella Shao Inn Tian Soh Cheng Hwa Sun Lin Tan Ah Muay Rose Tan Beow Hoon Katherine Tan Guan San Tan Min Min Anna Tan Ngoh Huang Tan Pei Ying Tan Soo Keng Tan Wuei Ying Tan Xian Jing Tay Kian Kai Reuben Tay Ming Sheng Tay Siah Hoe Teo Yanling Tham Jian Yong Thong Lai Ching Priscilla Tian Yuan Toh Say Yong Toh Shi Ling Tok Qing Peng Vincent Tseng Jih Ming Jimmy Wan Wai Yew Melvin Wong Woon Hoe Lynda Yeo Lily Zhang Hong Christine Zhang Linhan
CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 19
LONG SERVICE AWARDEES 10-YEAR LONG SERVICE AWARD Investment Committee Lim Li Ying CDAC@ Ang Mo Kio News Sharing Programme Ho Jin Yong Supervised Homework Group Tan Xin Wen CDAC@ Bukit Panjang Management Committee Chng Yew Huat Bobby Goh Yew Yi Kelvin kidsREAD Lam Wee Liam Clement Tan Ah Hong Veronica Tan Swee Huang Wee Gee Shing CDAC@ Jurong Supervised Homework Group Goh Chek Meng CDAC@ Punggol Management Committee Euan Murugasu Khoo Kei Siong Loh Chen Tian Caleb Pang Hick Seng Wang Kok Wing Community Chinese Reading Project Ong Pei Leng kidsREAD Teo Ann CDAC@ Redhill Management Committee Sun Qing Hua Granny Quilt Heng Jiew Siang Cecilia
CDAC@ Tampines Management Committee Siti Rafeah Bte Rahmat Chinese Community Reading Project Lim Kok Kheng kidsREAD Chong Sui Chen Supervised Homework Group Chan Yong Yan CDAC@ Tanjong Katong Supervised Homework Group Chan Cheng Lin Lai Zi Xuan Tan Leng Kiat Kenny CDAC@ Toa Payoh Project YOUth Can Shine Koh Shi Min Annabel CDAC@ Woodlands Management Committee Chong Choy Ying Phyllis Supervised Homework Group Chan Moon Heng Tee Mei Fung Yvonne CDAC@ Yew Tee Management Committee Kwan Jih Leong Low Peng Kit Soh Kien Peng Vibrance @ Yishun Supervised Homework Group Wong Sui Peng Family Befriending Ling Mei Ling (Jess) Wong Vang Ching
CDAC@ Sengkang kidsREAD Koh Yu Xiang Yan Oi Leng
20 | CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021
Special Projects Cheong Sook Fun Cheong Sook Mun Gan Kai Lun Jessica Khoo Sin Hua Felicia Lai Phooi Yee Loh Puay Khee Peggy Tan Beow Leng Jacqueline Tan Kwang Huat Tan Sin Thye Tan You Cheng Teo Beng Soon Teo Xue Ling Wee Hui Ling
CDAC@ Punggol Supervised Homework Group Ong Lin Ai Kathy
Investment Committee Ong Lay Khiam
CDAC@ Punggol Management Committee Yeo Meng Heng Dennis
CDAC@ Redhill Management Committee Tam Siew Ling kidsREAD Chng Soh Hoon Grace Angelica Choo Wanyu Karyn Ho Koon Juay James Supervised Homework Group Tan Poh Jee CDAC@ Sengkang Management Committee Lee Hui Leng CDAC@ Woodlands kidsREAD Law Siew Poh Janet Family Befriending Chong Han Sy Hoi Mei Siew Michelle Wee Choon Teck Yee Wei Ling Jeanne Special Projects Chan Yee Loong Suzana Binte Ismail Poo Lip Wee Glenn Tan Shee Hian Teo Yan Peng
CDAC@ Bedok Management Committee Ng Chee Meng Jimmy News Sharing Programme Koh Sian Chow Yuen Chee Kong
CDAC@ Redhill Management Committee Cheong Wai Loon Gideon Lin Soon Hin Long Khin Suan
CDAC@ Jurong Management Committee Yeo Bee Har Elaine CDAC@ Sengkang kidsREAD Yap Shee Pak CDAC@ Tanjong Katong Management Committee Tan Chork Lin Vibrance @ Yishun Management Committee Tan Hong Wee Family Befriending Tan Geok Hong Special Projects Chew Siew Lian Chua Kim Suan Loh Mui Kiang Teng Chai Yann
CDAC Volunteers’ Day 2021 | 华社自助理事会义工日2021 | 21
鸣谢 我们衷心并感谢和深切感激以下人士和委员:
主宾 文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部第二部长,唐振辉先生
义工日筹备委员会 主席:关志良先生 及 侯以俐小姐 委员:張珮𤦹小姐,陈东华先生,叶仁芳小姐,顾裕湘小姐,郭秉璁先生,梁慧群小姐,陈思宁小姐
义工奖遴选委员会 主席: 林梅英女士 及 吴官霖先生 委员: 吴复成先生,吴广益先生,黄金輝先生
平面设计师 陈心怡小姐 以及所有给予帮助的热心人士。
Acknowledgements Our deepest appreciation and gratitude to the following:
Guest of Honour Mr Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law
Volunteers’ Day Organising Committee Chairpersons: Mr Kwan Jih Leong and Ms How Yee Lee Members: Ms Cheong Pei Zhen Pearlyn, Mr Chin Tong Wah, Ms Jap Ren Fang, Ms Koh Yu Xiang, Mr Kuek Bing Cong, Ms Leong Huiqun Regina, Ms Tan Natasha Nicole
Volunteer Awards Selection Committee Chairpersons: Ms Lam Moy Yin and Mr Goh Kwang Ming Michael Members: Mr Goh Hock Seng Gerald, Mr Goh Kong Aik, Mr Ng Kim Hwee
Graphic Designer Ms Jocelyn Tan Xin Yee And all who have, in one way or another, contributed to the success of the event.