Dan Feiten, know firsthand how technology has provided lifechanging benefits for children with Type 1 diabetes. More than 25 years ago, their three sons were each diagnosed with this condition before they were two years of age. The challenges were enormous. There were no insulin pumps, no CGM’s and no glucometers that had memory to record blood sugars. Every blood sugar result and thousands of insulin shots were recorded in three color-coded binders. “We referred to the Pink Panther Book a lot and we relied on the excellent staff at the Barbara Davis Center to help us know what to do when our boys were ill, or their blood sugars were out of control” said Julie Feiten. “A simple stomach virus running through our family could be a nightmare for us.” The Feitens have graciously given back to our foundation by creating the Feiten Family Endowment for Diabetes Education & Digital Resources. It is their intention to bring experts together to help create digital online resources and applications to educate families and other caregivers and help them manage the nuances of Type 1 diabetes. While the work of the endowment is still in its infancy, some of the practical solutions might be: • Create an online knowledge base of videos and clinical content that new families can refer to after their initial diagnosis. Track outcomes and revise accordingly. • Digitize current paper resources so that diabetes management is accessible to all. • Create Self-Assessment Tools that help patients and families manage their diabetes. • Publish knowledge snippets from the Barbara Davis Center to make content more accessible nationally and to highlight experts at the Center. Dr. Dan has been recognized for his expertise in digital health over the past 20 years. A pediatrician at Greenwood Pediatrics in south metro Denver, he collaborated with Dr. Bart Schmitt at Children’s Hospital Colorado to put a pediatric symptom checker on the websites of thousands of pediatricians around the country. He brought together a team of industry experts to create mobile and desktop applications to help pediatricians and parents communicate with each other. Today, thousands of pediatricians and millions of parents have benefitted from those digital online resources and mobile applications. After 35 years, Dr. Dan is leaving his pediatric practice and has accepted a position to be the Medical Director of Office Practicum, the largest pediatric EHR provider in the country. With that transition, he will have the time and additional resources to create digital solutions that benefit all families who have children with Type 1 diabetes.