August 2021 Issue

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Jande' Pierce

CONTENTS AUGUST 2021 IVA 04 Nathaniel The Great 06 MYNK Amillyon 08 Eddy Michaels 11 Dave Tolliver & Jason Champion 14 (Men At Large) Coolio 18 Tha Chill 21 Jande' Pierce 28 Shawty Lo Jr 31 Liya Yoh 34 Lee Burgos 36 Adriano “Bubba” Almony 38 Richmond Punch 42 Eugenia Foxworth 44


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34 Founder – Cece Hymes

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W.I.B (Where It Begins) is an Independent agency with the aim to always be innovated in each approach taken to projects and making sure excellence is given in a projects execution when it comes to media marketing, branding, networking and management.   Founded by the well experienced and ever growing force; D.C native - Cece Hymes, the most important and integral aspect of W.I.B is that branding for both Creatives and Businesses is taken to the next level with each and every project undertaken.


We’ve continued to represent a very diverse and well acclaimed roster of emerging talents in the entertainment, and businesses!   With a determined persistence for continued excellence, our Founder – Cece Hymes, with a college Degree in Business Management, has also worked within radio and with many companies such as: RDE Entertainment, H.I.G.H Entertainment and Caribbean Gospel Records Ltd.,

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Iva "I'm an advocate for listening to one's authentic voice and living to one's full potential."

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Give us a bit of a background of who you are and what you do? A. I am an opera singer turned pop singer and songwriter. When I was nine, I began with our local opera company and was hooked. As I trained, however, I started wanting to do projects based on what I had to say as an artist and wasn’t as keen on playing other characters. A lucky break had me singing on Late Night with Conan O’Brien and I started writing my own songs. I moved to Sweden


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to sing opera and collaborated with the incredible songwriters there, which led to signing with Universal Music and singing at the Royal Opera. When I returned to the States, I started my own band, called The New Young, and I currently perform and record with them and on my own. I have played piano since I was a child, but during the pandemic I learned guitar and I love it. I just had my first show at Astor Place with my acoustic. What a feeling to be back out performing. Plus, I started writing an opera. Most of all, I’m an advocate for listening to one’s

authentic voice and living to one’s full potential - that’s what I imagined for IVA when I created her. Q. What first got you into music? A. My family were amateur musicians and music lovers, so I heard a ton of music in my house when I was young. Our across-the-street neighbors also loved classical music and played me their favorites. I fell in love with the Beatles when I was five and saw “A Hard Day’s Night”. I had my own recording projects taping the LPs so I could listen to them on my Walkman when I rode my bike.

Q. How would you describe the music that you typically create? A. People say my voice has an ethereal quality to it, and my music often has the same. I write poetry as well, so my lyrics tend to be thoughtful and go pretty deep. My songs usually are singer- songwriter format and I start in a pop voice and sometimes get into more of an operatic sound. It’s always an experiment. Q. Who would you most like to collaborate with? A. I love the work that James Ford did with Florence and the Machine on the “Dog Days Are Over” song, as well as the work Emile Haynie did with Florence on the “High as Hope” album. Kid Harpoon and Greg Kurstin as well because I love the work, they did with Maggie Rogers. And it would be many lives of dreams come true to write with Paul McCartney. (Duh!) Q. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business? A. Oh boy … that’s a big one. It’s changed the entire way artists approach their time and the ways they can pay their rent. It’s given many artists the chance to be heard instead of having major labels be the gatekeepers, so it’s created a vast landscape of incredible music. I love being able to hear so much music on Spotify, and I also wish they paid artists more for their streams. Q. Tell us about your single and the motivation behind the song. A. I was in a relationship with an intimate partner in which

I became a victim of domestic abuse. It happened slowly and got very frightening. When I finally left, I got up one morning and was drawn to the piano with the words “Immense Tenderness” in my head. I remembered what it was like when I felt his kindness and care. And at the end of the song, you hear me scream because that’s how it felt at the end of the relationship. I used to scream in my house after we broke up just to try to get all the bad feelings out. Trey Pollard put some gorgeous strings and wrote a fabulous vocal arrangement to open the song, and Jaron Olevsky helped me hone the writing and produced the song with my band. I love the way the opening vocals contrast to the easy guitar and wandering genie sound at the beginning of the verse. A bit of Jekyll and Hyde there, which is how I experienced my partner when I was in the throes of the relationship. Oh, thank God I’ve moved on.

Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming tours or events? A. Yes, I have a single coming out in the fall called “Run” about what it’s like to live in the far north when it’s dark 24 hours a day in the winter. I have a friend who runs in the dark there and loves it. I tried to capture some of that image in the song. I have a couple concerts in Brooklyn this summer as well and will tour when the single is released fingers crossed the pandemic will be over. Q. What has been your biggest accomplishment or awards you have received in your career? A. I received a Fulbright when I graduated from conservatory, which funded a year in Sweden learning the music of my ancestors. That was quite an honor. Years later I was awarded the Swedish American of the Year award by the Vasa Order. They’d previously given it to Ann Margret and Buzz Aldrin. It’s an honor I’m still growing into - I’m their youngest so far. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. has links to my music as well as Instagram and YouTube. Oh, and Facebook’s there as well … come visit!!

Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years? A. Traveling to see my friends after this terrible pandemic for one! I’m also working towards a 2024 premiere of my opera “Inside Out” about domestic abuse and finding the inner voice. I hope to be performing my own songs more now that we can do it live, and I’ll be releasing more singles. I’d love to have a new album out as well and break a single on the radio, so my music reaches the entire country. And I’ll be coaching larger scale master classes as well for people who want to find their authentic voice. WIB Magazine


"I would like to say thank you for always believing in me and supporting everything that I do."


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Nathaniel The Great Q. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? A. I would remove the artist/label structure and get rid of labels as a whole. Q. Tell us about your promo tour? A. This tour will be focused on 5 cities. Tallahassee, Tampa, Valdosta, Macon and Augusta. The goal is to be able to spread the name in the brand in new markets that we haven’t touched yet. Q. Who are your top 5 singers? A. Donny Hathaway, Smokey Norful, Musiq Soulchild, Usher and Marvin Gaye

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. I am Nathaniel The Great, artist and songwriter from Brooklyn NY. Q. Who inspired you to make music? A. Most importantly my family. I grew up singing in church, so I was singing before I had a choice lol. Q. Tell us about “Cash Out” and the motivation behind it? A. The motivation behind “Cash Out” is to come from nothing and find a way to achieve your goals. The “Bag” actually symbolized

the dream or goals that you have been looking to accomplish.

Q. What is one message you would give your fans? A. I would like to say thank you for always believing in me and supporting everything that I do.

Q. Who are some artist you would want to collab with? A. First and foremost Musiq Soulchild, then second on the list I would say Jay Z.

Q. Are you working on any events or upcoming projects? A. Yes, I am finishing the album now. Then we will be doing a 20-city tour.

Q. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business? A. The internet has allowed us to reach millions of people all around the world with one click. With social media all it takes is a little bit of creativity to be able to get the attention you need.

Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. You can follow me on IG @ nathanielonline or download the Nathaniel Mobile app. You can find it by searching: Nathaniel” in the App Store for iPhone or android devices.

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MYNK Amillyon 8

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Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. Hey, what’s up it’s your girl Mynk Amillyon, and I’m from St. Louis, Missouri, but I reside in Atlanta, and I’m a recording artist. Q. How did you get into rapping? A. I’m a rapper and I got into it at a younger age, but I didn’t start taking it seriously until my adult years. But yeah, I used to play around with music a lot when I was younger. Q. Well, let’s talk about this new single called ‘Bags’. What’s the motivation behind that song? A. So, I kind of had like a life experience where a guy tried to prevent me from making the income or livelihood and I just kind of channeled that into a record, let it be known that man don’t stop no bag. Q. How has the pandemic affected you as a musician? A. The only way I say it kind of affected me is that the pandemic kind of kicked in, right at the height of my movement, like I was just starting to get a movement going on, you know my following and my fan base started picking up, people started identifying with who I am and we were scheduled to do a promo video and we kind

of couldn’t do anything because the world shut down. So, on the aspect that it did, like, prevent me from pursuing anything musicwise was just the appearances, the meet and greet stuff like that, just so people can get a feel of you in person. But I still continue to make music and keep trying to put music out and stay connected through my social media as much as possible. So, I understand, like, the pandemic slightly helped us more than it hurt us because it made people sit down and have to listen to us, you know? Q. Absolutely. So, I know you say you put our bags, but then you also have another song that you’re promoting, too, so can you tell us a little bit more about your song ‘relate’? A. Okay, so relate was more personal. I kind of try to keep ‘related’ to personal experiences, or things that I’ve been through,

"My biggest accomplishment is just being able to get people's attention."

or things that I’ve stopped. So, relate came about, this producer, was just playing me a bunch of beats, and when that one came out, it just jumped right out at me, like, I just instantly got to thinking of the things to say to it and I just felt like ‘relate’ came about me just in a different type of way and I probably dealt with all the time, you know, just not necessarily into detail. But you know, just hitting around the things that women go through, like sometimes when in our mind, maybe we don’t want to be chosen, we want to choose you. Sometimes I might not answer, I might answer, I might want you around, and I might not want you around. But it was more so me putting it out. It’s not all about the man being in control of who is going to dictate a relationship between the two. Q. So, what exactly is the end goal for you as far as, let’s say the end of the year to the first quarter of next year? A. Initially, I wanted to keep dropping singles until an opportunity presents itself or some type of back end or funding because I am an independent artist, so I only can do so much promotion and reach only a limited audience. So, I want to

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just keep putting out singles until I have the proper backing to put a project out and do the proper promotion. Q. So, do you think it’s harder for female rappers to get into the industry than men? A. Initially, I did it only because I felt like I had a cheat code but the more and more as I go through day to day it is harder for a woman if she doesn’t have the determination and the drive and the grind. Like it’s not just going to be handed to us versus who can make a little music tonight and blow up tomorrow and be out of here you know what I’m saying. So, we do have to be a little bit more focused, strategic, and dedicated to the situation versus a man. It’s easy to hand it to a man and it’s not easy to work with women; it costs more to have a female artist than to have a male artist. We have enough female artist a lot confident female artist, not necessarily some of them are not that good at the end of the day, I’m just saying like, what it takes to have a flourishing female artist; we need wardrobe, we need hair, we need makeup, we need security, we need you know, I’m saying the whole shebang. Q. I also noticed that you used to be a dancer, did dancing push you more into the music industry or getting you prepared for being a rapper? A. No, actually, though a personal situation I was in pushed me further into the music career. But dancing did help me make a lot of connections. So, I was able to make a lot of connections and get to know a lot of people throughout my dance career. But no, actually, I feel like if I was still dancing, I probably wouldn’t take music


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as seriously as I am today. So, I think it was a blessing in disguise, me leaving the club because it drove me to work harder towards my music. Q. So, what has been your biggest accomplishment so far? A. Honestly, my biggest accomplishment is just being able to get people’s attention. There’s a lot of people in this business that never can get 1000 streams, 500 views, you know what I’m saying? So, for me, my biggest accomplishment is getting people’s attention if people gravitate to me, again I am an independent artist with no backing, I’m pulling numbers, you know? Q. So out of all your songs, which one is the favorite to you? And why did you choose that song? A. That’s a difficult question because when I record them it is my favorite at the time, I mean, I get

tired of that because the new one out, you know, I got the new one with me. And I start liking the new one, but I do fall back in love with older music. But right now, at the moment, my favorite is ‘relate’ because it’s the newest that is about to come out, and I just like the vibe and it’s personal. Q. So, being here in Atlanta, what are three things you love so far? A. The weather, their money, and opportunities. Q. So, if you had the opportunity to work with anyone in the industry, right, who would you choose and why? A. Well, right now in the current moment, right now I would want to do a song with DaBaby. Q. Tell the readers where they can follow you. A. You can follow me on all platforms Mynk Amillyon

Eddy Michaels WIB Magazine


song so every song for me has meaning. So, it’ll definitely be hard to choose. But if I was to choose one right now, I’ll say my most recent out right now would be the “Right Time” off my EP. It’s definitely a special song...

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. Hey, what’s up, everyone? My name is Eddie Michaels, it’s a pleasure for me to be here and yeah, Right now, I’m currently in DMV, originally from Atlanta, Georgia. I am a singersongwriter artist. Got a new EP that’s out right now called “Open Invitation” and my single is doing pretty good right now, it’s called “Right Time”. Q. Who motivated you to want to be a singer? A. My father, I’ll definitely say my dad. At a very young age, I grew up in a family full of musicians on my dad’s side. So, it was him. My dad’s younger brother, my dad’s younger sister; they always sing around together all the time. So, I guess I kind of fell into that. And as I got older, I started really noticing that I did have a talent for singing. I just took it from there. Q. Out of all your music which one is your favorite? A. Out of all my music? That is a very hard question. Because I have quite a few good songs that I vibe to and all my music really has a story of its own. So, for every song that I’ve ever recorded, I can definitely remember what I was doing at that time, how I was feeling, and just the vibe I had in the studio session recording that


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Q. Well, tell us about “Open Invitation” and the motivation behind it? A. Okay, so “Open Invitation”, I was really inspired by Bryson Tiller, where he dropped his new album called “Anniversary”. He definitely brought back that trap soul feel to his new album. Just the dynamic and the song selection throughout the whole album was really good. I really vibe with all the songs so that really inspired me to kind of... I mean I always step out of my comfort zone but to really put some really cool out you know, as far as even 2021 coming out. Also, me putting out a new project was definitely something for me to really challenge myself and go okay, I don’t want to just stick to one sound I want to be versatile and go ahead and put out different vibes based off of the title itself because it’s an open invitation. It’s really not one set off a mood to where you have to be in this mood to be feeling some type of way about the song but it’s a different vibe throughout the whole EP, so I was inspired by him and the title came up. I was like, “Okay, I know exactly where I’m going to take this. So that’s how I came up with the four tracks. The first one is kind of romantic, the second one is really kind of clubby a little bit, the third one you dance to and then the fourth one, you know, it’s that hard roll man. Q. What are some of your goals for 2021? A. I got quite a few goals; definitely staying consistent, being more creative, putting out more music, and hopefully making it to you, know, radio stations. I definitely want to get to radio stations and really, like, hear my own music on the radio. I think that would be a very big accomplishment.

Especially just to know that you have the whole continent or whatever sea, that is and everyone who are listening to the radio, listening to your song at the same time really is one accomplishment achieved. So that’s definitely one of my goals this year. Q. Who are your top five singers? A. My top five male singers right now are Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Brian McKnight, Joe and Tyrese. My top five females of all time. Definitely be Kehlani, SZA, Summer Walker, Brandy and Whitney Houston. Q. What has been one of the biggest accomplishments you’ve had so far in life? A. So far, I’m talking about music; I got to open up for Tank back in Atlanta, this was like, two, three years ago. And recently, I also opened up for Anthony Hamilton in Atlanta, as well, so growing up, I grew up listening to Tank. So just to get that opportunity to actually see him in person I was starstruck, to be honest. But seeing him in person, it really showed me that dreams do really come true, if you stay consistent, don’t give up, keep going. It may not be the biggest thing for somebody out but for me, it was like wow, I’m standing next to this guy that I see on TV and you know, I listen to all that stuff. So that was definitely one and then also some other one is I graduated medical school. Q. Well, what do you think is missing in today’s music right now? A. What is missing, R&B is missing. Yeah. Because I really do think that our generation is, it’s has become a more like a playful type thing I’ll say, in a sense, because now it’s like, a lot of songs don’t really mean as much like they used to, you know, like get down on their knees and singing in the rain and stuff like that, you know, cutting up their T-shirt and stuff. Now it’s more so like, oh, give me

some weed, or give me some of these drugs or I’m going to pop that, you know, I mean, so it’s kind of like repetitive in a sense to where R&B is really that balance between hip hop and the rest of the genres? I think that’s definitely missing. It’s coming back but I really feel like it should get more notification than it’s actually getting right now so I definitely think that that’s what’s missing in today’s state. Q. What are your goals for the next five years? A. I see myself in a nice big home, my mama taken care of, traveling the world on tour, in the music business, doing other businesses, probably starting my own business, and helping the less fortunate. That is definitely one of my biggest goals. I talk to my team about it, once we make it, I definitely want to give back, build things for people who can’t get the things that the wealthy can get, you know, and also kind of remind myself where I came from because I feel like a lot of celebrities tend to forget where they come from, and it’s like “Dude, he was right here, can’t believe you make the fame really blur that out of you and made you a new person” so that’s definitely one of my biggest goals: giving back. It’s definitely one of the things I want to do, but also just be living my dreams, you know, enjoying it. I definitely want to just enjoy performing, making music, traveling, collaborating with some of my favorite artists, you know, and you seeing the world for what it is.

like guidance kind of way in a sense. Like, don’t just push me out there, just give me guidance that I will walk through your doors. And as I go through these doors, allow me to grow, so that way you kind of help me get to where I want to be. The third thing really gives back, I guess. I mean, I know a lot of them do. But I know some that don’t. So, because I’m always on social media. So, I know the ones that do and the ones that don’t like “Dang, like, how could you just forget?” Q. Who has been a big influence or empowered your life as a woman? A. My mother. She showed me how to love you know, she’s a very strong woman. I mean, like I said,

even after the tragedy of her losing her best friend, I didn’t like seeing her go through that downhill as well but for her to pick herself back up and really, grind it out. Like she’s a healer and also finds inspiration to her as well. She’s very caring and gives her. She always gives her last, as long as it helps you. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Follow me on Instagram @I’m Eddy Michaels. My new EP, Open Invitation is now streaming on all these music platforms, you can find me on iTunes, Spotify. I’m Eddy Michaels; I’m also on YouTube, SoundCloud, but definitely check out my iTunes and Spotify.

" I definetly want to give back, build things for people who can't get the things the wealthy can get.

Q. What are three things that every artist needs to know? A. What is one 3 things that every artist needs to know, get to really know their fans and also get to know how to help other artists with the same level as far as like artistry, it really allows them to kind of get on their same ladder, and help them for WIB Magazine


Dave Tolliver & Jason Champion (MEN AT LARGE)


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Q. Tell us who you are? A. What up it’s J Champ, one-half of Men at Large what’s going down? What up it’s Dave Tolliver, the other half of Men at Large. Q. What have the group been doing lately? A. (Jason) Oh, man, we have both been just, you know, living, surviving, and doing our own music. Dave and I both have been recording solo projects and staying in and out of the way getting it in, where we can fit in and staying out of the way when we need to. (Dave) Doing podcasts, taking care of the family, doing plays, just making a living man. Taking care of our responsibilities and family. You know, not really on the main radar, but we still there. Q. So, after all these years what made you’ll want to come back together as a group? A. (Jason) We never really stopped being a group. I mean, Dave and Jim and I went on carrying that legacy for a while. But you know, Dave and I are more than just a group. We’ve been brothers for years. Our mothers were best friends for 30 years until the unfortunate passing away of his mom. Now that we’re back together, man, it’s like, we

just had a break is really what it was. But we decided that this is something that we wanted to do for some of our fans, you know, they always reach out to us and say, “Hey, man, we miss you’ll”, you know. So, finally, we said, “let’s do it” and boy, I’m so glad we did. Q. What are you working on right now? A. (Dave) Oh, boy, we got a lot of excellence coming towards you. On Gerald’s birthday last year, we started recording another album and it’s fantastic, I can’t even lie. His brother along with some other music guys, we all got together, we have 10 incredible records that we’re going to release to the world very soon. So be ready for that and just rekindling our love and returning the bond that obviously was never broken. You know, sometimes in life, you just have to go see and then when you see then you come back to where you supposed to be and that’s where we are. Q. So, what do you think is missing right now in today’s music? A. (Dave) Besides us? (Jason) Oh, man, what’s missing? If I had to try to give a snapshot and put an image on what’s missing it’s really simple,

“ The greatest piece of advice that I would give, is to learn how to be teachable."

it’s love. Everybody wants to have fun and have friends with benefits, and you know, no commitments, no accountability. Everybody just wants to be an island unto themselves and get theirs and get off. Dave actually mentioned something to me earlier today and I was like, “wow, I love the way he phrased it”. We are somewhat of like; you know how your grandmother had that old antique silver and she only pulled it out on special occasions? And between settings, they will pull it out and they will polish it because even though it was antiquated and very valuable, you still wanted to keep the shine on, you did not want to just let it sit. And so, Dave and I, we’re that old antiquated silver, but we’ve been polishing it because we don’t want to do things the same way and what we want to do is we want to put love back on the scene.

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(Dave) Just put love back into people’s lives man, you know, it was so much love back in the day. I’m like, what happened? Where did it go? It seems like people are afraid to talk about what the ultimate peace offering, which is love. Everybody from the hardest of the hard to the softness of the soft, has a love weak spot you know what I’m saying? Love, life and... We’re preaching communication in these new records and we got a record called “Say Something” where we’re saying baby just talk to, tell me, say something. We have one song called “I’m in my feelings” it’s like I’m in my feelings, that’s how I feel so strongly about you. Then we have another record called “Love Benefits” you know love shouldn’t hurt you know it shouldn’t hurt you to want to do something for somebody you really love man and that’s what we’re trying to get back we’re trying to bring that back man and make it cool for strong black men to be into their feelings and to be transparent about how they feel period. Q. Who are your top five of all time? A. (Jason) Top five males are Nat King Cole, My father, Donny Hathaway, Reverend James Moore, and Charlie Wilson (Dave) my top five would be Stevie, Joe Thomas, of course, Reverend James Moore we definitely agree there, Donny Hathaway and the fifth one and this is in no particular order and Gerald. (Jason)Top five females are Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Jasmine Sullivan, Aretha and Gladys (Dave) Brandy, Kim Burrell, Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight and Anita Baker. Q. Out of all the music that you’ll made, what has been your favorite one? A. (Jason) For me, it would be this song we did with Keith Sweat and Gerald called “Don’t Cry”. That song to me, Dave and I were able to do something, you know it was just the way that we recorded that record, the tag team, it was like he was getting hit with lefts and


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rights. Typically, Dave would set up the song and I would come in at the end but this song we both did, like an equal amount of singing. And it was like soon as he got done here, I’ll come soon as I get done, he’s coming back. You didn’t have a chance to breathe and the song was really good, right? It was a good song. (Dave) The favorite song that we’ve ever done you’ll never heard it yet and it’s this record called “Love Benefits”. Before that, it was “Let’s talk about it” and then when I recorded “Date Night” with my partner Gemini who passed away those two are my favorites from different eras. You know, like Jordan one era, LeBron the other era. It was let’s talk about it from him and not my era and date night from the Gemini era. But this record right here, man, God is my witness. When people hear this record, just the way the track is orchestrated, the way the arrangement and the wordplay; I’m big on word flavors. I like rap. So, listen, it’s going to be your favorite too. Q. How do you’ll feel the Internet has impacted the music industry? A. (Jason) I can tell you this, it has changed alot. It's like being an independent artist, it was a really big transition for me, when I moved from Cleveland to Georgia. The internet, radio, the digital outlets and things like that have allowed people to become their own outlets, their own brands, their own situation, so to speak, without having to depend on other people and to depend on budgets and depend on radio, you still need those things but it has kept me from having to seriously punch a clock during downtime because you never know who you’re reaching. And as for me, starting off a radio I used to tell all my 90s cast when we were rolling in, 05, 06, 07, I was doing radio shows out there interviewing them on my little thing on my laptop. I was like, Man, this is the wave.

This is what’s happening, this is what’s transitioning. And if you don’t get down to it, if you don’t learn it, or use it to your benefit, you’re going to lose. You see how many of them are still around. But it’s definitely a cheat sheet. It’s a cheat code, like you are playing a video game, and you need that cheat code to help you get more lives. I think it’s fantastic. There are some things that still need to be worked out especially as far as revenue sharing. I think things need to be worked out, like, as far as the pay scales, I think like Nicki Minaj, and some other artists were big with that. But there are some things that need to be worked out. But this gives you the advantage to be whoever you want, do whatever you want, whenever you want and on the flip side, technology I tell everybody is that thriller, and the killer it’s the thriller because it gives you the cheat code for everything but on the flip side is taking passion out of everything you do here, you don't have to get up and go do nothing anymore. You can just sit here and do this every day and maybe look at Logan Paul and then the Paul brothers on YouTube and now they’re making $20 million and stuff. How do you get there from just punching a button? So, it’s a gift and a curse but if you learn how to manipulate it’ll keep on giving. Q. What is one piece of advice that has stuck with you? A. (Jason) I think mine has nothing to do with music when we were out the first time. You know, years ago we used to shop at this place called Big fellas. It was like a hangout spot for us. We got really cool with the man who owned the place, his name is Mr. Beck, he was a young man too. He came from, Korea, his family had money and he opened up a clothing store for big guys. He had clothes for everyone from us to the Cavs to the Indians to the browns. And one time after we kind of stopped doing what we were doing, and I was working in

corporate America. I had to go see him because I needed some new suits and stuff and I didn’t really have a whole lot of money. I had a couple of dollars and he gave me about $1,000 worth of clothes for free. And when I got to the register and he was checking me out, I noticed that there was a leather jacket on the wall and I really wanted it reminded me of Drill, remember that Pelle Pelle jacket Drill had years ago? That Pete you know, remember he gave it to me? Squandered it like everything else on my own, I don’t even know where that jacket is. I saw this jacket, it reminded me of Drill. It was like $1500 he wanted for this jacket and I asked him if can throw that into the pot that he was giving me? With no aggressive emotion with no, you know, he wasn’t angry, he looked at me and he just simply said, a gentleman would never ask. I knew exactly what he was saying. When he said that to me, he was correcting me, but it cut me real deep because I knew I was being greedy, and I was being selfish. That’s probably one of the greatest piece of advice that I’ve ever received in my life. I carry it with me.

(Dave) So, for me, I think the most important for me you know things that I’ve gotten will probably be from my grandmother the late great Francis Tolliver. And man, probably as life deals you the hand that it deals you, expect the worst, but hope for the best. And I used to think that was stupid I didn’t say it to her like that but I’m thinking that’s stupid. But as you go through life, whatever religious belief or spiritual belief you are in, or no matter how grimy and nasty you are, we all go through the same thing. It’s a roller coaster ride of life. And you have to be prepared no matter what and once those things start to happen, you know, you have to try to find your mental stability, and not look at those negative things as being negative all the time, but maybe look at them as a learning experience. But it’s coming. The storm is going to come, and the sun is going to come. You don’t have any choice. You’ll have no choice but to find your way through it but when those dark times come, there’s always a glimmer of light. If you just don’t focus on the darkness so much and look at that and say, Oh, I could get out of here, you’ll be alright. Because that’s been my life it’s looking for that little small glimmer of light to all the bullshit, real talk.

Q. What advice can you give to other artist? A. (Jason) I think the greatest piece of advice that I would give, learn how to be teachable. Learn how to be correctable. Learn how to be flexible, don’t hold so tightly to your own ideas and opinions. Because you can be wrong. And if you maintain that your position is the only position and you’re not open to anybody else’s, that’s a sad existence. Because nobody can ever show you anything, nobody can teach you anything. And you can’t grow like that. (Dave) And then mine would be a hard lesson I’ve learned, when the showtime is your time. When it’s for you, you’re going to get it, it’s going to be yours. But you got to be ready for when you get it and be careful what you pray for. And you know for my artists, I say there’s a lot of times when I sit on panels and stuff as I say we all have to drive on the same highway but we don’t all have to drive the same car let’s make a change in music man. Let’s make life-changing changes in music again and the entertainment period. You know all your business doesn’t have to be told on every record about what you’re doing or what you claim you’re doing. And you know let’s live let us laugh again and let’s get back to just loving and just having a great time. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. (Dave) Make sure you guys follow us on Twitter, Instagram, at The Men at Large on Facebook is just Men at Large. The Men at Large, Twitter and Instagram, Men at Large on Facebook. My personal is Dave Men at Large on Instagram and Twitter and you’ll be able to find everything else like that. (Jason) Mine is, Jason L champion on Instagram.

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Coolio 18

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Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. Yo, what’s up I’m Coolio with the floater neighborhood representing Compton, California. Peace, love, and happiness. Shaka Zulu man. Q. Well, tell everybody what you’ve been up to? What’s been going on with you? A. Oh wow. I’m always working on something. I mean, I’m a workaholic. I’m a renaissance man. You know I’m a jack of all trades. I’m always teaching myself something. I try to learn something new every 12 months to keep the mind fresh and keep the body strong. You know I once read something that said the moment you stop learning you start dying fast. So, I try to learn as much as possible and you know I just felt like it keeps everything fresh. You know my equilibrium; my

mind states my mental stability so to speak. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make another album or If I was going to do any music at all, but I realized that the people needed me. That’s why I’m making records again. It’s not because I need the money, I damn sure don’t need any more fame. I guess I’m a bit addicted to performing live. Have you ever performed on stage at any point in your life? But once you start doing it, it’s addictive, it’s kind of like a drug. Normally I do about 100 to 120 shows a year. And I have done so for the last 20 years, almost 25 years. I went from that to doing six shows last year. Last year was hard. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I was rapping; I found myself reappearing in the shower, in the car, I just started rapping. That’s what I would really be

" I'm always working on something. I mean, I'm a workaholic. I'm a renaissance man."

doing. It was a rough time and I’m sure a lot of other entertainers who are used to working a lot, I’m sure they had the same problem. Q. Let’s talk about “Coolio Conversations”? A. It’s really an interview platform. Actually, I just try to put a different spin on it. I mean, how many more ways can you interview somebody? What can you do to make the interview different? I don’t think there’s really anything to do. But I got something I’m not going to tell you what it is but I got a surprise for everyone. It’s going to be something a little bit different with the podcast. We’re going to go in a little bit different direction with it; we still want to do the interviews and everything. We still want to talk about some current events or whatever. But we’re going do one more thing that nobody else has ever done on a podcast. I think next week. Okay, this is exclusive next week, we might cook. That’s what I’m thinking. The only thing is we don’t have a kitchen set up in the studio like that,

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so we’ll probably have to do it at the house. Definitely, I got to take it somewhere else because I’m getting bored. I get bored of stuff. My attention span is not that bad. I do get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. That’s why I don’t think I could have ever held down a nine to five. Q. What is your definition of Golden Era? A. Golden Era, I’m from that era. Listen, people don’t even realize this shit. You know who my competition was? My competition was Biggie, Tupac, and Wu-Tang. Oh, man I had to compete with some big catch and Eminem. I think that I’ll tell you the biggest difference between the Golden Era or what you call the old school and what’s going on now. We went out of our way and we strived to be different. Yeah, if we did not. I mean, it was like this. If you had a style and you were doing, you know, whatever doing your thing, if somebody infringed on that style, or tried to make a record that sounds like yours or tried to bite your intellectual property, it would get messy, we started talking about man shit, you know people lose their life behind that. We were really serious about our music. You


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know that was our property that you know we looked at it like hell no you better not try to bite my shit. These new cats now go out of their way to sound like each other. Somebody makes a good record that’s hot with a dope style, next thing you know it’s 100 doing the same thing. That’s some weird stuff I just don’t get that. I just don’t think that there should be more creativity. Your own lane, your own style should be more out there. Q. What’s your favorite meal you like to cook? A. I don’t know I like everything. I guess curry. I make that good, you slow cook curry steak, I made my own curry season. I took some curry powder, some sea salt, some pepper, some garlic powder, onion powder, paprika so let’s see what else oh five spices. Thinking of doing Coolio is coming to dinner. Q. Do you have any events or shows coming up? A. I got a show coming up in Dallas. I don’t know exactly what that is though. But I have a show coming up in New York and the show it’s hosted by

Vinnie from naughty by nature. It’s Rob Bass and I and some other artists. I have a new single coming somewhere in the next 20 days. Well the new thing was called tag with too short yeah look out for that it’s a banger and Coolio is doing a story I never heard him do before. Yeah, then after that it’ll be another single coming 60 days later and then another single 60 days after that and then the next one going be 30 days after that and another one 30 days after that is 60 days again and we’re going keep it moving and I’m going give you’ll some of what you want but more of what you need. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Hey, follow me at Coolio on Instagram. At Coolio on Twitter. My Facebook is Coolio Oh, Coolio is my website and my YouTube is Coolio. That’s what my podcast is. And we try to do it on Thursdays. We did it on Friday last week, but between Wednesday and Friday, we will be podcasting once a week it’s called Coolio Conversations. Just look it up. You’ll find it on Google. You know, go on YouTube, type it in.

"I get geeked off of working on music, and then going to other states and actually seeing people enjoy this music to where they know the lyrics or they kind of vibing to it.

Tha Chill WIB Magazine


Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. What’s happening I go by the name Tha Chill. From legendary group Compton’s Most Wanted. You know I’m saying I’m a super-producer on the West Coast as well as the diirty OGz. I run Boomdocz Productions. Q. What made you want to be a producer? A. I’ve always been intrigued with sounds and you know growing up as a youth I was either in the marching band, marching into Compton band or you know, I played at everybody else church in choirs. I ended up being a drummer at the church and it was an outlet for me versus being in streets seeing all this crap and being a part all this crap it was always a stress reliever for me so you know by the time I got my equipment up I just got better and better and just got more interested into it. Q. Who are your top five male and female rappers? A. It wouldn’t be my top; it would be honorable mentions you know I mean; I’ll start with females. I like Yo-Yo, Rage, MC Lyte, Mc Trouble and Shana from Chicago. I think she’s really dope. For the guys, I say Kendrick, Rakim, KRS-One, Kool G Rap, and Busta Rhymes. Q. What do you think is missing in today’s rap music? A. I think originality is missing. You know everything is sounding like a long sentence. Well, it was that for a minute lately. I’ve been running into some real


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good stuff, from vets and new guys. I’m heavy on this Busta Rhymes new project. This song that Rick Ross got also just ran off into Redman new cut feature and five dogs from Tribe Called Quest. Rest in peace. I think that song that Busta Rhymes on is really hot. Also, KRS-One my counterpart in the MCA, he got some good stuff out. You know it’s getting back to the game it’s, getting back to lyrics. Needless to say, I like DaBaby. I like Roddy Ricch and all that type of stuff as well. But, you know, of course, I like Drake, but I’m old school. Q. Tell us about your production company and the motivation behind it? A. Well, you know, I think it’s bigger than rapping and producing these days. I’ve been in the game for a long time coming from CMW and, it was kind of time for me to take a leap of faith and to venture off into other things. Not doing what everybody else is doing but trying to be clever with what I do. So, I formed my company, Boomdocz Productions, and it consists of me, and my music, not just the group music but me by myself, what I have to offer and that’s a lot. You know I mean, it’s music, it’s producing, it’s mixing, and mastering its fashion. It’s video, it’s movies, it’s a whole bunch of stuff. So, it’s just my brand, my platform, my personal platform where I can really let my fans know what I’m doing. I’m saying exactly what I got going on from the group Compton’s Most Wanted so when people are on Boomdocz. com they see that I have a lot of music old and new. They open it up to the world again. So, I’m back on my own shows and stuff as well as I got new hot artists that I’m producing as well as I got merch, I got beanies and hoodies and T-shirts, and you know, all that good stuff as well. I got memorabilia of old and vintage stuff, as well I have stuff that people want. Sometimes people don’t want what you got; you know maybe they got an idea. Just don’t know how to get

it across. I can do that. Q. What makes your podcast stand out? What makes your podcast different? A. What would make it stand out is facts, it’s factual and it’s straight for the culture, we do it for the culture. You know we do it for Hip Hop, whether it be East Coast, West Coast or Down South, or Midwest. We talk a lot of good stuff, for example, DMX passed, God rest his soul but we will get in-depth, you know I mean like talking about how did he get here, and not just fabricated, but this thing, he comes from a real struggle, where he had to live, how you lived he develop PTSD. We get kind of in-depth with different stuff that’s happened to people in our culture, as well as celebrate and give people their flowers while they are here to receive. Q. What’s has been the biggest accomplishment you’ve had in your career so far? A. I would say accomplishments are equivalent to my bucket list of things that I wanted to do. I mean, of course, the success of having gold and platinum records, that’s a real dope accomplishment. I get geeked off of working on music, and then going to other states and actually seeing people enjoy this music to where they know the lyrics or they kind of vibing to it. You know, that’s more exciting to me. I mean, that’s a great accomplishment, but I did so

much, I did a lot. I’ve been in this game for over 30 years and accomplished different things. Q. What are three things that all artists need to know? A. I would say be original. Try to be original. Don’t try to sound like somebody else because it’s a hot song on the radio or a hot song in the club. Try to be better than that song. That’s one, originality. Mix your stuff, you know I mean for the simple fact that nowadays we’re listening to music on cell phones, Bluetooth speakers, in the car, in an arena; you know, you got to mix it if it sounds like crap, ain’t nobody going feel it you know. It also goes inside with mastering. I mean you want to master you don’t want the next song to sound high and then the next song sounds bassy or the next song to sound you know, distorting it’s just all based on talent. Last do something every day that’s going to enhance your brand. I don’t care if it’s a phone call or email, a conversation. You know, you found some sounds for a song you’re doing whatever it is, do something every day that’s going to benefit your brand. Q. What’s the next big thing for you? A. Right now, I’m working on my next project. I just dropped some music it’s on all digital outlets and is doing well. People loving it, they are streaming

the music. I just dropped my first single for my next project called this my family, this is out on all platforms. The video is out doing well on YouTube. As well as I’m gearing up for my album. It’s called “Elephant” You know I mean, for people that know me and offered to my lane and music they know always come with unorthodox features. I pull guys out the woodwork that people ain’t heard for a minute like my last project, I had MC Ren from NWA people hadn’t heard him in a while and it came out dope. I tried to go get other people that people enjoyed and that had successful careers that I grew up to like an MC Ren. So, on this elephant project I got you know, I just spoke Khujo from the Goodie Mob. I got big Mike from the ghetto boys on-air with me and we got a song on there with my boy cocaine. That I can’t wait to give to the people. Of course, I got my counterpoint or MCA and curl up on there I got a few people I don’t want to give it all up but I got a few people on there a few I stepped out on production and did production as well as I got some producers to get out Calf Markham name toast Johnson. My boy is from out of the country firsthand and you know they got down with me and yeah, I think it’s going to be dope. I

put my work in and I sit still with it. I did the boring part; all the paperwork and I just can’t wait to give it to people Q. Anything you want to tell the readers? A. Man, “Elephant” is coming, “This My Family” is out, I’m going to drop “Hub of LA”. Man, I’m still working you know I’m saying log into my website Boomdocz. com or just tap in on me on my Instagram at thachillcmw. You know I’m saying, peep on my podcast it’s called the Six Show. We got a lot of great content on there. We straight for the culture. It’s very interesting, as well as streaming on all outlets with that podcast, Spotify, Apple Music, all of that. Man, support the good music, the merch, zoom in on me if you got some good music slide it in my dm I listen to all that good if it’s good, I’m going to let you know, it’s good; if it’s not good, I’m not even going to respond.

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"I see myself being at peace in 5 years. Touring around the world. Being a female Shaq lol.

Jande' Pierce 28

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Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do? A. Thank you so much for having me, this is greatly appreciated. I am Jande’. I am a human who’s been blessed enough to do what I love and am passionate about for a living. I’m an Artist second, writer third, and a performer first, who’s currently just building her brand. I’ve been fortunate enough to not just write my music but also paint stories for other artists, label and independent. I dance as well and produce music in my own right (lol). Also, on top of that I have also been able to use my degrees and Dibble and Dabble in politics as well. Q. What first got you into music? A. Simple answer? Church, I remember just wanting to be a part of the choir and just learn. I remember annoying my parents to death playing music on a Boombox (cause that’s what we used back then) and my CD player to sing and learn songs. Also, my pops could whistle very well and as annoying as it was to hear that at 6am in the morning that was another thing that kind of introduced me to music. From church it became school productions and things like that!

Q. How would you describe the music that you typically create? A. Real. Everything I’ve ever written, whether it’s for me or someone else, comes from a real place; something I’ve experienced and that’s great and sometimes super painful at the same time. As far as genre wise I don’t want to be boxed into and just be an R&B artist, because I think genres like country music tell some of the best stories. My songs have been inspirational, there’s some hip hop in there as well. And shoot Pop is just whatever’s popular at the time. So yeah Real and Honest is how I would describe my music which makes it relatable to anybody, regardless of age, race etc. Q. Who would you like to collaborate with? A. OMG, I would love to collaborate with Brandy, Jazmine Sullivan, Usher, Samoht, Jay-Z, J. Cole, Celine Dion, Babyface on the

writing tip, Lucky Daye. I would love to write a song for H.E.R and Beyoncé. The list goes on and on but off the top of my head those are just a handful lol. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. I see myself being at peace in 5 years. Touring around the world. Being a female Shaq lol. Having my hand in everything that’s important to me sneakers (athletic wear) being a former student-athlete, having written for so many amazing people. Intersected into so many genres. Building schools, providing education, and programs for our communities. Q. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business? A. Things are more easily accessible which makes things less accessible you know. Artist development and potential isn’t as much of a thing anymore. WIB Magazine


Labels want you to already have a huge following vs helping to build it. People aren’t dependent on studios because you can look up online how to create a home studio that is close if not the same caliber as a major studio in Atlanta or LA and is more affordable. Q. Do you have any upcoming events or projects? A. Yesssssssss I have 2 shows coming up the first week in September. September 1st, I have a show with 3 other amazing Ladies, and it is going to be fire!! It is at Aisle 5 September 1st. Doors open at 7pm and presale tickets are $15 and at the door it is $20 on September 2nd the next day I have another show with the homie who is doing a show for the Atlanta Community Food Bank at Smith’s Olde Bar that starts at 7pm as well and more shows coming up but as of now those are the main 2 up next. As far as music I’m working on it. When I start working on other people’s projects, I get a little sidetracked but be patient with me new music is coming I promise!

Q. Let’s talk about “Face the Facts” and the motivation behind the Album? A. Break up to be honest. This project was the healthiest way to figure out how to cope with the breakup and keep my mind off of being hurt. Sometimes it’s hard to come face to face and acknowledge your reality. You see yourself being with someone forever and things being able to work themselves out and it sucks when you realize that’s not happening and that things can’t be fixed, shouldn’t be fixed or you’re the only person that wants to fix them. And that’s what inspired the title Face the Facts and the Project itself. Also, I want to give a special thanks to everyone that was a part of my first baby. The producers, my friends, make-up videographers, photographers, engineers, family, everyone that came to the release, My De’ Ones everybody!!!!!! Q. What is your favorite song off the album? A. Honestly, No Cap; That’s like asking me to Pick my favorite child lol. I love each song for different reasons.


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I love But You, because it gives me classic vibes. Like people will be having children off of that song and singing it in the shower. Skydiving gives me movie vibes and was such a vulnerable song for me to write; so was Hate You. On God, is the entire East Atlanta coming out and I love it! Told You So, is such a groove. I Got You, s/o to Lamar for featuring on this song, this was my first music video ever and has an old school vibe to it! Waste Management gives me modern day R&B and all the ladies be in their singing that sh** when their N**** Pisses them off lol. Ferris was the first song I recorded for my project!!!! CITB, was so out of the box and different and then Zip K came and snapped on it. So, I’m sure none of this answered your question but this is why I can’t pick. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Follow me on IG: jandelove1 Facebook: Jande’ Pierce YouTube: Jande’ Pierce

Shawty Lo Jr WIB Magazine


it, but I just never thought about doing music until after he passed.

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. I am Shawty Lo Jr. The son of the Legend Shawty Lo and I am a rapper. Q. Tell everybody what you have going on? A. I’m actually working on a new mixtape right now. I am taking my first step to follow in my father’s footsteps. So, this is my first step into me owning the throne and owning the platform that I have been given. Q. Well, let’s talk about your single “Bricks” and what motivated that song? A. Just to let everybody know where I’m from and just where it all started. It started from my home which we used to call the bricks. Also, my dad was a wellknown drug dealer in Atlanta, and you know, Sir Bricks, so bricks, we’re from the bricks that’s how it started. Q. Do you think it’s kind of hard to fill your dad’s shoes? Or how do you feel about stepping into that place now? A. You know what, I’m going to say this, there’s only one Shawty Lo so I can’t be him, you know, so I can only step in and do what I can do to actually help... how can I put it? His legacy that he built can only help me, I can’t hurt his legacy, or I can’t take his place. So, I can only be me, but just use the platform and the friendships and bonds that he built with people to also help. So, do I feel it’s kind of hard? No, it can be done; because he always told me that, I can do 32

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Q. Wow. So, what were you doing before you got into the music? A. I was actually playing sports, I play football. I was good also I was talking to schools like Georgia State, Houston and stuff but my senior year, I got injured and they wanted to see if I could still play so I had to go to a junior college in California. Q. Who are your top five favorite rappers? A. My top five? I have got to say Future, number one, Drake. I’ve got to put pops in there, yeah pops. And I’m not saying that because he’s my dad, he has really made good music and I was one of his fans. DaBaby, And Beyonce. Q. Who are some people you would like to collab with? A. Definitely Future, Lil Baby, Drake, 2 Chainz and Migos. Q. With you having your dad’s legacy, how do you feel dealing with the music industry now, compared to when your dad was around? A. I feel like when dad was here, he built a lot of relationships with people; so, I got people around from back then but when he was here, he knew the game, and everyone just wanted to help. Like, they always tell me I don’t want anything from you, I just want to help you get to where you got to go, just because your dad was such a real, genuine, humble person to everybody he met. So, I’m learning the business side of it, just being in the studio practicing and getting better. I’m learning but there’s a lot of people around who just want to help me just to make sure that nothing goes wrong, or I get clarity though it’s easier now versus when dad did it when I didn’t really know anything about it. I am learning it takes a lot

of energy, a lot of effort, a lot of planning, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of ripping and running here, and then this last month, each day I probably didn’t get any more than three or four hours of sleep. I’m always on the go. I be on the move, I got to do this. So, there’s a lot of people that think just being an artist, just because you can rap, you can sing, that’s not even half. Q. What advice would you give to any artists upcoming? A. Just keep grinding, and make sure that you have a plan and set goals. Just surround yourself with people who want to help you and who want to see you win versus the people who want to ride the wave. Just don’t ever give up. You know, just always keep grinding, keep pushing, make connections with people, like people are willing to help people, but you have to build that relationship with them, that friendship. So, you just got to get out of here. Just don’t think because you drop a song on Instagram, it’s supposed to blow up. No, you got to get out here and get out there. Go to these clubs, talk to these people, you know, build a relationship so people can want to help you. So, it’d be less costly on your pockets to do what you need to do. So, you got to get out here and network and be consistent.

like, my dad was this person but my mom, like, I had an average life staying with my mom, not having it. And sometimes we didn’t have food, we didn’t have this, we didn’t have that, but I go to my dad’s house and we have everything. So, I know how it feels to be on both sides, so I just want to help people.

Q. So, what do you think is missing in today’s music right now? A. What do I think is missing? Just the aspect of people being real, actually being themselves. I really hear a lot of people talking about the same stuff; robbing, drugs, killing and a lot of these people haven’t done it or haven’t seen anybody do it, but they just think it’s cool now. So yeah, that just by being real. Q. What are some of the things you want to accomplish? A. In life, I want to become a successful business owner. I also want to help the homeless and needy, I want to start up a program where I can help get people off the street, help get them counseling or rehab or anything like that, to help people get back on their own feet. I also want to start back up my own dad’s foundation. So, start that back up. I just want to help people. So that’s really what I’m on. I just want to give back because like, even though having a dad like that, I still know how it feels to actually struggle. I’m just not at this time or did this and that. So, it’s

Q. What type of business are you trying to open besides just helping the people? A. I actually like sports, so most likely, probably like a gym or like a sports agency where we can better prepare our youth who want to do sports and basically, people of poverty, like their kids or their parents, they really don’t know how to help their kids, or what to do to help them get to the next level. So that’s what I want to do, have an agency or have counselors to actually put stuff in place. I love sports so it will most definitely be something around sports because when I was going to college, I was asked to go to college for sports, so that’s me learning how to like, work on the body, knowing how to help people, like if they’re injured or anything. So, if football didn’t work for me, I could still be doing something in the field of sports. Q. What is something that would stick with you from your dad? A. My dad came to me in a dream on January 4 of 2021. This year, he came to me in a dream and said, “Hey, the only way you going make it is if you give it 110%” he said “I’ll put the pieces around you to help accelerate the process, but you got to give it 110% you say you’re going make it. You just got to give it 110 like every other artist just because you’re my son it’s not going to be easy you got to work for it. You got to put in order and boom. So as soon as I started doing the music, he put the pieces around me like he said he would. Everything is happening so quickly, and he just told me this. So yeah, so that’s really what’s going to stick with me. It got me kind of teary-eyed because everything happened so quick, boom, boom now people calling

wanting me to come over the court this, this and that. And then it’s like man then it just... the love and support that I’m getting is like it’s crazy. That really just showed me how my dad really impacted not just people in Atlanta but across the states. Q. So out of all the music that you have made so far what song is your favorite? A. My favorite song has to be a song that I haven’t dropped yet called “Heir” like I’m the heir to the throne. Heir is basically saying I’m the heir, I’m growing, I’m next you know, there’s Carlos Walker I’m Carlos Walker’s twin. It’s all right that I take it over and leave like how I’m supposed to. Dad left the name for me so that’s how I feel like everybody told me the heir to the throne. Q. Where Can the readers follow you? A. Follow me on everything at @shawtylo_jr

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"The inspirations around my songs, writings and creativity is centered aroud "Love" it is said "Love conquers all"."

Liya Yoh 34

WIB Magazine

Q. Let’s talk about your single “Broken” and the motivation behind the song? A. I watch my parents fight a lot. I became bitter and had very low self-esteem. I have been left as a kid to cater for my junior ones. A lot of times I feel lonely, empty and unloved! I immediately couldn’t hold myself back when the political crisis burst out in my country and a lot happening in other African countries. I realized “A Home is Broken” and I cried hoping solutions to the problems sets in before it eats deeper into the younger generation. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. I see myself performing in large concerts all over the world. Q. Tell us some of your hobbies? A. I love singing, writing, counselling, dance sports, and having quiet time.

Q. Who are some artist you would love to collaborate with? A. Daphné, Charlotte Dipanda, Koffee, Diamond platinum, Yemi Alade, and Tiwa Savage. Q. How would you describe the music that you typically create? A. “Afro Merengue” A blend of highlife and Afro Pop. Q. Are you working on any new projects or events? A. I am currently working on my EP and other singles and I’m about to launch a Challenge for my just released song “Pay Ma Money”. Q. Where can the readers Follow you? A. Facebook page: Liya @Liyayoh Instagram: liyayoh Twitter: Liyayoh Snapchat: Liya Yoh TikTok: Liyayoh official Management: 237674939091

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do? A. I am called Fung Livirene Lum Yoh an Artist with stage name Liya from the Northwest Region of Cameroon. I am a singer, writer and counselor. Q. What first got you into music? A. I had a tough time growing up! I lost my mum at tender age and this void in my life made me think a lot. Music was/is my number one companion. Finally, I decided to take it as a profession. Q. How did you get the name “Lovegoddess” and what’s the meaning behind the name? A. I was named “Lovegoddess” by my fans and music lovers after the release of my first Love song “Makongwoh” (I love you) then “Liya For You”. Through my words and expressions to my audience, they see me as a “Lovegoddess”. Also, the inspirations around my songs, writings and creativity is centered around “Love” It is said “Love conquers all”. The Love goddess is a female spirit or being that is believed to have the feeling of deep affection towards people no matter what and the power of seduction and charms. She is represented by a beautiful and compassionate figure.

WIB Magazine


"With a passion for creating music, connecting with people around the world, and an obsession with fashion, Lee Burgos is taking the Latin music scene to new heights."

Lee Burgos Photography: Valentino Caviar (@valentinocaviar) MUA: Vicky Garcia (@vickygmakeup) Hair Stylist: Alexandra DiRoma (@alexandradiromahairmua)


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Wardrobe Stylist: Miss Hollywood (@paisleysluxeboutique) Wardrobe Provided by: Paisleys Luxe Boutique (@paisleysluxeboutique) Location: Chateau Bestow 10 (@chateaubestow10)

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. Thank you for having me! I’m a Latin Pop singer/songwriter based in New York City with a crazy passion for creating great music and connecting with people around the world. Oh, and I’m obsessed with fashion! Q. Who inspired you to make music? A. It has always been in me! Especially coming from a family where listening to music was an everyday must. We’re all very musically inclined. Q. Tell us about the “The Lee Burgos Experience” and the motivation behind it? A. Well, The Lee Burgos Experience was created to bring my #LuvLee’s into my world - my life. The concept was to showcase more of myself to my fans by collaborating with creatives that are adding great things to today’s world. I wanted to give them an experience and bring them in to see the

things I support and love, for instance, voicing the importance of registering to vote! We had a booth with a team helping fans register to vote. Another booth pertained to the Creative Culture Society founded by my beautiful Latinx friends showcasing their products. I also had my favorite drink sponsor the evening and incorporated a space where fans could read and write inspirational or motivational words and thoughts. The night was of course capped with an outstanding concert! Q. How would you describe the music that you typically create? A. My music is a fusion of Pop, Soul, Funk, and more. Through my music you can hear the influence NEW YORK has had on me as a Latin artist. NYC really marks any artist or person from anywhere in the world! Q. Who are some artists you would like to collaborate with? A. Oh my, there are so many; Khalid, Rosalia, Jessie J, Becky G, Anitta, Sam Smith, J Balvin and so much more! Q. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? A. Well, super crazy busy traveling the world, haha! And taking my music to every corner of the world. Q. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would you like to perform? A. Wow there are so many places I would love to perform at but right now, it would be Madison Square Garden (wink)!! Q. Give us more detail about “Travesura”? A. “Travesura” is such a fun and

sensual song. The musical arrangement is super rich (those synths, ufff) and lyrically, it’s about that unique feeling and that connection you have when dancing with that special someone that drives you nuts hahahaha! It talks about the way he/she/they make you feel while on the dance floor. Q. Are you working on any new events or upcoming projects? A. Of course I am! I’ve been working non-stop. Creating is such an important key to my all-around happiness. It has become so fluent and freeing that I have to constantly be creating and working towards something. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Follow me on IG, FB, Spotify, as a matter of fact Google me and you’ll find me hahaha. Thank you so much for having me!

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Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. You’re welcome anytime! Thank you so much for interviewing me! My name is Adriano “Bubba” Almony I’m an award-winning Celebrity Bodyguard for the Family of the late great beloved boxer and activist Muhammad Ali and the Founder of Bubba’s Celebrity Basketball Game that raises awareness and proceeds for cancer, bullying prevention and mental health. Q. What made you want to be a Celebrity Bodyguard? A. I got into being a Bodyguard and doing Security because it’s my passion, purpose and true divine calling in life. Not only protecting people and keeping them safe but also being the best leader and positive influence, you can be in their life as well! Q. How does it feel to put your life on the line for others? A. God is my Bodyguard and he is yours too! As a Bodyguard and in life you must have a strong and resilient faith always! Every day as protectors who ensure safety of some of the most high risk and high-profile names in the world it’s real to know it could be your last detail. When things are impossible in the real you must enter into the prayer realm where anything is possible through God! Q. Tell us about “Bubba’s Celebrity Basketball Game” and the motivation behind it? A. Bubba’s Celebrity Basketball Game is an event that I’m the Founder of that raises awareness and proceeds for cancer, bullying prevention and mental health. Our first event will take place on Saturday August 28th at the Worcester County Recreation Center in Snow Hill, Maryland. Event address is 6030 Public Landing Road Snow Hill, Maryland. Fan fest is at 12


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Adriano “Bubba” Almony

training, emergency vehicle operations training and close personal protection training to just name a few! Your training is always on going and you must always have the heart and desire to learn more!

pm and Tip-off is at 5 pm sharp! Local, County, State and Military leaders are set to attend as well as some of the top Celebrities in the world! Tickets can be purchased at www.bubbaalmony. com ! The motivation behind this event is that I’m a huge advocate on bullying and wanted to bring everyone together for an amazing cause! I also grew up on the eastern shore and I know this area could vastly benefit from having so many positive public figures in the area as well as the youth the impact this event would have couldn’t be measured! Q. What are some of the training you had to go through to be a bodyguard? A. As an elite protector I have had to go through very extensive training. I am a 3-time national martial arts champion with 15 years training in martial arts in numerous arts! I have been in the security industry for a decade. I am licensed with firearms and to operate as a Bodyguard. I have also had extensive medical

Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years? A. In the next three years I see myself continuing to travel the world as an elite Bodyguard protecting the top names, being as big of an advocate on anti-bullying as I can be and to grow Bubba’s Celebrity Basketball to be one of the most powerful and impactful events of its kind! I also want to be even closer with God! Q. Can you tell us the most memorable experience you’ve had in your career? A. Yes of course! I have had the very prestigious hobo to Bodyguard Dr. Khalilah Camacho-Ali the former wife and mother of 4 to Muhammad Ali, I’ve been a Bodyguard for Kendra Lust and Grant Cardone as well! I was also honored as the 2020 Humanitarian of the Year by LV Magazine where I was featured on a massive billboard in Times Square and the 2020 Best Celebrity Security by the Buzz Magazine in Morocco. Q. Who are some celebrities you have worked with and how was the experience? A. I have Body-guarded Joslyn James, Kendra Lust, Grant Cardone, Elena Cardone, Vinny Guadagnino, Dr. Khalilah Camacho-Ali, Muhammad Ali Jr, Corey Woods, Demarjay Smith, Samaya Clark-Gabriel, billionaires, top attorneys, world

leaders and many more names! I’ve had the honor of protecting some of the greatest names in the world, but God is the greatest! My experiences have all been truly amazing and life changing! All glory to God! Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? A. I have my Celebrity Basketball Game coming to Snow Hill, Maryland on Saturday August 28th that will raise awareness and proceeds for cancer, bullying prevention and mental health. Some of the top names in the world are set to attend! This summer I have also done many events speaking to the youth in my community in Delaware and Maryland! I spoke about bullying, personal safety and for the kids to pursue their dreams in life! Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. for all of the latest updates and happenings as well as Bubba Almony on all social media! @bubbaalmony

"I see myself continuing to travel the world as an elite Bodyguard protecting the top names, being as big of an advocate on antibullying as I can be."

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"Not even the Pandemic can stop the music. Music soothes the soul."

Richmond Punch Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. I am International Violinist Richmond Punch.


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Q. What made you want to become a Violin Virtuoso? A. I wanted to attend Juilliard & get my master’s from Yale in order to be set apart from other violinists.

Q. Out of all the places you have performed which one is your most memorable one? A. One of my most memorable performances would be when I performed for Jerry Jones at the Dallas Cowboys Clubhouse. I performed his favorite song “Tennessee Whiskey” and was able to meet him along with my wife. We are both Cowboys fans, so it was an honor.

Q. Can you tell us your favorite award/achievement? A. One of my favorite awards is the “ATL Hottest Musician Award” given to me less than six months after moving to Atlanta from Dallas, TX. It let me know that we did the right thing moving here. Q. What has been one of your biggest challenges in your career? A. The biggest challenge in my career has been surviving the Coronavirus Pandemic. I wasn’t able to perform for a long time and my family and I ended up catching the virus. My wife was in the hospital for a month and almost died. I was able to adjust to online zoom performances as well as zoom violin lessons given to my students. Q. Tell us what advice you would give to your younger self in order to pursue in today’s society? A. What I would tell my younger self is that it will work out well performing in the subways in New York and on street corners. I still perform on the streets today

because it keeps me close to the people. Q. What makes your violin unique? A. My violin is unique in the fact that it has five strings and it is electric. I am able to make different sounds like that of a guitar, an organ and a saxophone. Q. How does the new popularity of music streaming affect the popularity of classic music? A. The Music Streaming popularity positively effects Classical

Music because for one it gives people an opportunity to try out different forms of music that they may have never had the chance to do before. I teach my students how Classical is closely related to Rapper Tupac’s music and how listening to his music changed the way I perform. Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? A. I am working on new music right now. I have two new songs “From Paris with Love” & “Extra Sauce” which will be featured on my new EP coming to a streaming service near you soon. I am also on tour right now and in January will be in the Dominican Republic for the first time along with my fellow alumna Erykah Badu. We both went to Booker T performing Arts school in Dallas, TX. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Instagram @ violinrichmond Facebook Richmond Punch LinkedIn Richmond Punch TikTok RichmondPunch RichmondPunch. net

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"Self-confidence! The willingness to help others. To give and not to get."

Eugenia Foxworth 44

WIB Magazine

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do? A. I am the Owner/Broker of Foxworth Realty, a boutique real estate brokerage that is local, national and global, specializing in exceptional properties for sale, for lease and second homes.

strength. You can do whatever you want, but don’t listen to the negatives that we women have been hearing for centuries. Q. Are you working on any new projects or events? A. Yes… “The Foxworth Theory” a podcast (on art, culture and life) on Harlem America (Voice America) that will premiere on Wednesday, 22nd September at 2:00 p.m. EST

Q. Who motivated you to be the women you are today? A. My father, Bayard Rustin and my Faith. Q. What made you want to pursue a career in real estate? A. I owned Foxworth Gallery; a fine arts gallery located at 33 E. 65th Street in NYC specializes in the HW Hayter Atelier 17 artist (Magritte, Miro, Ernst, Fini etc.) as well as an emerging artist. I had two floods due to the water pipes breaking. I decided to get my own license because the real estate professionals did not show me what I requested. Q. How does it feel to be the first African American to be elected as the organization’s top leader? A. Humbling and honored. But, I waited from 2006 until now to run. Now I am ready and I can give back. However, I was also the first African- American elected as the FIABCI-USA Local Council President for the Tri- State area in 2005. But being the FIABCI-USA President is paramount.

Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Instagram, Facebook etc. @Eugenia Foxworth.

Q. Tell us your most important attributes of a successful leader? A. Self-confidence! The willingness to help others. To give and not to get. Have a desire, direction, discipline and be open and acceptive. Q. What advice can you give to the next generation of female leaders? A. Never allow anyone to tell you that you cannot do something. Follow your heart and know your

Q. What is your most memorable achievement or accomplishment you have received? A. After working in different communities, I decided to move to Harlem to work and contribute to the community. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A. I still see myself contributing to society.

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