Fall 2022 Issue

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Ms. ANITA WILSON Talks New Album & Journey







































Cece Hymes Founder

32 W.I.B (Where It Begins) is an Independent agency with the aim to always be innovated in each approach taken to projects and making sure excellence is given in a projects execution when it comes to media marketing, branding, networking and management.


Founded by the well experienced and ever growing force; D.C native - Cece Hymes, the most important and integral aspect of W.I.B is that branding for both Creatives and Businesses is

taken to the next level with each and every project undertaken. We’ve continued to represent a very diverse and well acclaimed roster of emerging talents in the entertainment, and businesses! With a determined persistence for continued excellence, our Founder – Cece Hymes, with a college Degree in Business Management, has also worked within radio and with many companies such as: RDE Entertainment, H.I.G.H Entertainment and Caribbean Gospel Records Ltd.,


Q. Thanks for interviewing with us, tell everyone who you are and what you do. A. My pleasure and thank you! I am Anita Wilson. I am a proud Black Female Businesswoman who has been self-employed for over 10 years as a Recording Artist, Songwriter, Music Producer, and Independent Record Label President. I am also a 3x Grammy Nominated Recording Artist. But I am most proud of being a humble, strong, resilient woman with an amazing family. I am a loyal friend and lover of all people. Q. What or who motivated you to be the woman you are today? A. My parents, no doubt, motivated me to be the woman I am today. They are enjoying their rest in Heaven now. While on Earth, they raised me to love God, to love people, and to love myself. They taught me and my two siblings about great music. And having been in church for my entire upbringing, I was taught the importance of a relationship with God. My parents are indeed my inspiration. Q. How would you define your purpose in life? A. I would say my purpose in life is to embrace and show love to others. (The foundation of this for me is loving God and loving myself.) No matter what walk of life others may be from, I have a natural instinct to be inclusive and accepting, knowing that God made us all different. But our differences don’t have to tear us apart, they can actually bring us together. I believe my purpose is to shine God’s light wherever I go and bring inspiration to others’ lives. I’m

incredibly grateful that one major tool God gave me to do that is music. It reaches everyone. Q. Let’s talk about the “Soul Sister” album and the motivation behind the album? A. The Soul Sister Album…. this album is truly one of my favorites! I’m very proud of this body of work. I chose the title because the space I am in now is a very comfortable space. I’ve established myself as a recording artist with over a decade of industry experience. I am free of expectations, industry pressure, and thirst for accolades. I am free to simply be Anita. I’m very no-nonsense. And I am also very laid back, honest, living my life, figuring it all out day by day just like everyone else. We’ve been through too much to try and be phony or put on for others. I believe

people are looking to connect with and support only what’s real and sincere. So, I decided to do this album in that space of freedom! As always, we (my Husband/Producer Rick Robinson) explored and created musical vibes that incorporate influences from several genres. We recorded during the quarantine, so there were lots of remote sessions. I’m super grateful for the features on this album from my brother B. Slade, my good Sister, Rubi Green (daughter of Soul Legend Rev. Al Green), my Chi-Town Brother Marcus Kincy, and the Lady of Soul, Ms. Faith Evans. The concepts and subject matters range from self-love and staying encouraged through tough times to losing someone you love and trusting God from moment to moment. I believe everyone who listens will connect with this new music in many different ways! Y’all get that Soul Sister album and add it to your playlists! You can now order it on vinyl via www. msanitawilson.com - so you must add it to your collection! Q. Can you give us more details on the Lady Legends with Faith Evans? A. Lady Legends is a YouTube Series that I started during the global lockdown phase of the pandemic. It was an opportunity to chat with women who I’ve looked up to, been inspired by, and from whom I have learned so much. So, when we recorded the new album Soul Sister, Faith Evans graciously accepted my invitation to be a part of the song “You Are Not Alone”, written by Rick Robinson. We video recorded some of the preparation process with Faith as we talked through the song and got to know one another better. She shared some of her journey and vocal nuances that she’s developed along the way. The Special Edition of Lady Legends shows some of those moments. I am over the moon excited and grateful to have THE Faith Evans on the new album and to have a new big Sister/Friend.


Q. What are some goals you want to accomplish in the next three years? A. I’m proud and grateful to own the majority of my music master recordings so one of my goals is to maximize the use and exposure of those recordings globally in TV/Film/ Media. As well, I’d like to put my energy into building my personal life with investments for the future. I’ve given so much of my time and energy into building my career, I feel it’s time to give more energy to Anita and my life beyond the music. So that’s where plenty of my energy will go. Investing in SELF. And of course, I will always continue creating music. Q. What has been the most memorable moment you’ve had in your career? A. My most memorable moments have

been connecting with those who I’ve looked up to and listened to growing up. Becoming an adult and having the chance to be in relationship with Legends like Sir Edwin Hawkins before his passing, Sir Donald Lawrence, Bishop Yvette Flunder, Yolanda Adams & Faith Evans is huge for me. To gain their appreciation and respect as an artist/songwriter/ producer in this business means more to me than any accolades could ever mean to me. I am grateful! Q. If you can change anything about the industry, what would it be? A. If I could change anything about the industry it would be to allow more opportunities for indie artists and/or lesser-known artists to have the chance to be considered for performances, nominations, and radio play. There are standard industry practices that simply don’t allow space for these artists if they don’t have major label support or a major budget behind them. This, unfortunately, makes the road longer and harder for some artists to thrive and grow. Q. Are you working on any projects for 2022? A. We are discussing plans for a Christmas effort. We will see if it happens this year or not. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Instagram, Twitter & Tik Tok: @msanitawilson Facebook: Anita Wilson YouTube - Anita Wilson www.msanitawilson.com


TRESTON IRBY Q. Tell Everyone who you are and what you do. A. My name is Treston Irby, onefifth of the nineties R&B Platinum Group Hi-Five.


Q. What’s your most memorable moment you’ve had from being in the group? A. My memorable moment was having Prince walk by me at the awards ceremony at Soul Train. That’s one I want to say. Another one is being on

Arsenio Hall. That’ another one. I know a lot of people don’t really know about Arsenio Hall, a lot of the younger crowd. But Arsenio Hall, that was late-night TV. You made it there, you were on his show, you were there. We did that

about three times. Besides that, it’s pretty much just performing, period. Just performing for all the fans. Everyone is memorable. Q. What was the formation of Hi-Five? A. Well, before I got there, they were doing talent shows. And a guy by the name of William Bolton, who’s in another group, knew about Tony and knew about the manager who was managing them at the time. He brought Tony’s name up, and then they did a demo, went over the jive, and that’s pretty much how the story went when it comes to putting Hi-Five together. Q. Let’s talk about your book “Hiatus” and the motivation behind the book. A. The book is called “Hiatus”. And I talk about that a lot and how I felt being in that particular moment, looking at all these big heads ... Jasmine Guy and all that right in the front. But to be able to perform in front of your peers like that, the energy is a little different. And that was my first show. And let’s just say the show didn’t go as planned either, but you got to read the book to hear about that. Hiatus is an autobiography. I’ve written the book by myself for myself. And then I said, you know what? I think people

need to hear this. I could be able to help somebody with my message or whoever reads the book could probably get a message from it. I pray that people that read the book will receive something from it and know that don’t take God’s grace and mercy for granted. So, it’s definitely that type of book where it is jaw-dropping. I believe it would catch a lot of people off guard when it comes to me. And also, I wanted to have my own identity too, separate from Hi-Five. I’m always pumping Hi-Five, the Spirit told me I got to start pumping Treston Irby, and do other things, like acting and writing books, and creating opportunities for other people to live their dream. Q. What was some of the challenges you’ve had in your career? A. There was a lot. Just being on certain tours, living out your suitcases, living in hotels and tour buses. Being young and living out of your suitcase and being on the tour bus, and not spending much time with your family. Q. What else can we expect from you this year? A. High-Five is in the studio right now. We’ve got some dope collaborations that were working on. We have a show in West Virginia. Next

month were going to be with Boyz II Men up at Thunder Valley. So, were staying busy. Were blessed and highly favorite as a group. Q. What advice can you give to our readers right now? A. I would just tell everyone to keep good people around you. And also, do something that you love to do. Don’t try to do it just for the money because now you’re not your slave to the money. But if you do it because you love it, the money will come, but the product could be even better, and you get to enjoy the road to it. Put God first too. And pray on everything. Be patient. Sometimes God not going to answer you right there on the spot. We got to give him a couple of days because there are so many people he got to talk to. Sometimes you got to wait on hold on the prayer line. Q. If you could go back into time, what year would you go back to and what would you do differently? A. 1991. I would have paid more attention to my contract. Q. Where Can the readers follow you? A. Instagram @trestonirbyhifive, trestonhifive.com, bxmostwanted. com.


"Currently my life has changed because of my new found love for cooking. Me being a chef has giving my hope and longevity".


Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. A. My name is Stevie Boi. I am a fashion designer. I’m 32 years old and I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

metal glasses that have no brim on it, no nothing. It’s just metal. And you just pop it on your face, and it literally adjusts to anybody’s face, no matter how big it is, how small it is, you just bend it.

Q. What are three things you love about the area? A. Oh, wow. There are so many. Only three? I love the Inner Harbor; I love Baltimore City itself. I also love the cuisine here, which is another reason why I got inspired to get into cooking, et cetera. And I just love the culture. The culture of Baltimore is rich, it’s very, very strong, from Baltimore club music to, like I said, the food and stuff is like that.

Q. Who do you look up to or who inspire you in the fashion world? A. I love Naomi Campbell. Rest in peace Andre Leon Talley. Dapper Dan. All of these people that paved the way for me to obviously have the space that I have in the fashion industry. When it comes to designers, Alexander McQueen hands down probably my favorite designer of all time. And then, of course, I love like the Prada and then Chanel, but I like the older school stuff because that’s when I started to take sewing seriously because I would look at the patterns and stuff, and then I realized I can’t do patterns. I know it’s not good to say you can’t do it, but I literally ended up creating a business behind that. So, I do something that’s very complicated in the fashion world called blocking.

Q. Who or what motivated you to be a fashion designer? A. Wow. So, I always had the spirit of building. When I was younger, living in Germany, I used to play with Legos just like a lot of kids did. But then one day I fell in love with the Addams Family, and Morticia is my favorite character. My mom had some black curtains, and you know what happened? I cut it up and tried to make my mom dress while she was at work. So, I just want to use my hands to create. So, yeah, that’s how I got into fashion at a young age. And then the sunglasses happened in 2009 when I started SP Shades. I wore them to a club, and a rapper that was performing took them off, and it ended up on the cover of Baltimore Sun and City Paper. It was linked to me. And my name is Stevie Boi, but .com Was always how I would tell people my name. I got 10,000 sales in just a week from the support of the city of Baltimore. Q. How do you keep up with the trends and fashion nowadays? A. So ... and this is not to sound cocky or braggadocious (if that’s the way to say it), I never really caught it with the trends. I never read fashion magazines, even though I’ve been in over 500 plus of them. I’ve never flipped through a page and was like, Ooh, I want to do something like

this. I just created it. And I was even solidified with this name, they call me the rockstar designer because I just went on my own and just did what I wanted to do, and still do what I want to do. And I still do not go to fashion magazines. I have not one subscription to one. I read more like business enterprise. I’m one of those people. I read Martha Stewart. But yeah, I just created the trends. And keep in mind, the clientele that I worked with, I literally was creating the shape of the world with these artists, these A-list artists. I’m the trend creator. But Michael Antonio, the guy that helped create the image of Stevie Boi always told me that I was really good at repurposing old things. So, if you want to talk about trends, pretty much I brought back older style things that people used to laugh at and I made it fashion. Q. What are your three best sellers? A. Oh, wow, that’s easy. All my friends will tell you. So, it’s the SB Shines and then SB Aztecs. And then I used to do something called Orbitz, in which I made for Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey and a couple of other celebrities. And it was just metal glasses that Amber Rose wore them to a popular photoshoot me and her did at our hotel. It’s literally

Q. What can we look forward to for the rest of 2022? A. Well, during COVID, I wrote three more books. I already have two books out right now. So, I am going to possibly be releasing at least one or two or three of the books this year going into next year. I have to go to Panama this year to host a music festival that I do every single year. I’m currently on a Stevie Boi meets tour which is me doing fashion shows while I’m cooking for the audience. This isn’t a runway show, this is literally like being in a mansion or like an Airbnb or on a beach or something like that. We change the setting. We want to refresh it every time. But then that also we created a spinoff. We go to Stevie Boi Eats Picnic, in which obviously it’s in the title. And then Stevie Boi Eats Movie Nights. I have a cartoon that I’ve been working on for years in Japan that is finally going to see the light of day in 2023. Oh, and of course, how can I forget the most important thing? I’m now a private chef. Next week, I’m going to be helping someone cook for 70,000 people at the Broccoli Festival in D.C.


then that’s when I created the Stevie Boi Eats book. I got on a certain platform, and I was able to be hired as a private chef. And I practice so much, going to so many different people’s houses, including my neighbors, different soldiers that I work with in the past. And now it’s a legitimate career to the point where I have Michelin chefs reaching out to me saying, you’re doing a good job.

Q. How did you get into the cooking world? A. So, when I started off as a fashion designer and I traveled with all these clients of mine, there wasn’t so much of a big budget so we would get ... this was before Airbnb so we would stay at these nice hotels that had kitchenettes. So, some of them could not leave the hotel because of paparazzi stuff like that, so I was like, Hey don’t nobody knows who


I am, let me go down to the bodega and I would get ingredients, come back up and cook. And that was like 13 years ago. Fast forward to when COVID happened, I didn’t think that my fashion business was going to do well, no one focused on fashion. I was in Seattle at the time at my sister’s house. I went out there for three days and ended up staying a year and a half. I just start cooking a lot and taking pictures of it. And

Q. What is one of your most memorable moments you’ve had so far in this career? A. I am from Georgia, but I grew up in Germany. I lived in so many countries, but Germany is my favorite place. When I got the call from your Europa Amusement Park to host Halloween nights, which is like their American version of our American thing that we have here. But they didn’t tell me that it was going to be 50,000 plus people there. So, I’m serious. And yeah, it’s my fault. I should have looked it up. When I tell you I had to go back and to learn how to speak Deutsch ... And well, that was tough. But I’m standing there and I’m just staring at literally 50,000 people on a stage by myself. I felt like Dave Chappelle or something, or like a comedian because I’m a jokester, so I’m always trying to make people laugh. Then I’m forgetting were in Germany, I got to be careful what I say because I don’t want my joke to land incorrectly. No script, no nothing, just a teleprompter that tells me every once in a while, what to say. This was one of my memorable moments. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Just go to stevieboi.com.

"She believed she could, so she did."



Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. I am a 22-year-old entrepreneur from Statesboro Ga looking to network and grow my brand and achieve my goals, I’m the owner and founder of ClassE Cosmetics LLC I sell cosmetics such as press on nails, lashes, shades, and lip gloss. Q. What made you want to pursue a career in beauty and cosmetics? A. Originally, I wanted to be a fashion model. Growing up in middle school I just knew that I was going to be a model and I had my mind set out to be just that. As I got older in high school things started to change and I started to get into make-up and wear foundation every day. Then Kylie Jenner makeup line had dropped, and I instantly became inspired. I always knew that I wanted to be my own boss, but I just didn’t know where to start and I couldn’t choose between apparel and cosmetics. So, my friend just came to me one day and said try selling lip gloss so ever since then I gave it a shot and I’ve been stuck with it ever since and here we are with ClassE Cosmetics. Q. Let’s talk about “ClassE Cosmetics” and how it got started. A. ClassE Cosmetics is my brand, I see it as my little baby. For every anniversary I have to do something for my brand whether it’s a family dinner or dinner date or little party etc. As mentioned previously my friend played a major part in helping me start my brand. Everyone always calls me bougie or classy or prissy and at the time I didn’t have a name I just knew gloss is what I was going to sell so we decided to name it based off of what people know me as. I launched

A. What keeps me passionate are the reviews people give me or their reactions after they have used any of my products. It makes me feel good inside because I want everyone to feel their best selves and want everyone to know that you’re gorgeous with or without makeup. Sometimes people reach out to me just for encouraging words or just to make them laugh or to help motivate them to start their own brand and that’s what I want ClassE to be about.

ClassE in 2019 and the E in ClassE represents the first letter in my name. In the beginning people couldn’t get the hang of the name. They would always say “Classy-E” and I would always correct them but now they have it down pact. In 2019 we started off with just gloss, later on that year we branched out to hats and jewelry and now we’re selling press on nails and lashes. Q. Where do you see your brand in the next five years? A. In the next five years I can see my brand bringing in 6 figures if I keep putting in the hard work. I would like to have my own office and at least a team because working alone is a bit tough when you’re trying to juggle so many hats. I would like to add my own apparel to my brand because that is still something that I would like to do that’s another goal. I would love for my brand to just be an inspiration to all creators or upcoming creators and entrepreneurs. The sky’s the limit and wherever God decides to lead me, that’s where I shall go. I’m optimistic about the future and trusting God’s timing. Q. What are some of your top sellers? A. My best selling is my “Clear the air” lip gloss and my “Caliber” press on nails. Everyone loves my clear gloss because they love the consistency of it, and it has the perfect shine and the name of it. Every time I do a pop up shop, I have to make sure that I have enough clear gloss because they go so fast. Q. Tell us what keeps you passionate about helping people look beautiful?

Q. What makes your brand different than other brands? A. What makes ClassE Cosmetics different from any other brand is the creativity that I have and the context behind each of my products. I name my products based on events that have happened in my life good or bad. I do that because I like to look back and say, “remember you went through that” or “remember that happened it was a blast” and sometimes my products are just relatable. I make sure to bond with my customers and I try to make sure every age range is satisfied. What also makes ClassE Cosmetics different is that all my gloss is handmade, vegan, and cruelty free. If an order is placed for 100 different gloss shades, then I sit and make the gloss. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I have to be hands on with my products, especially my lip gloss. Q. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? A. My dream place to visit is Bali. I would love to go there because it’s so nice and I would love to experience the food and the culture. The nature there is beautiful as well and it just seems so peaceful and healing. I think if I go there, I may never want to come back. Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? A. I’m currently working on expanding my brand by getting out into the community more and trying to give back more. I’m also working on networking more and attending more business events to bring more attention to my brand. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Everyone can follow me at @classe.cosmetics & @eerinnn_.




Q. Tell us a little bit about your journey and how you got to where you are today? A. I became a wine shop owner in 2020. I’ve had a personal chef & catering company since 2009, local Green Eats. I grew my personal chef business preparing meals for families, intimate dinners, birthday parties, weddings, and festive occasions— one delicious recipe at a time. While offering the wine pairings to guests and clients in their homes, I recognized the importance of wine pairings with food. Or even that perfect $25 bottle for a Wednesday night made a difference to the meal.

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do. A. I am a wine shop owner of Wine Shoe in Atlanta Georgia and a chef. Being brought up in India, food was an integral part of my upbringing. As a food business owner from 2009 to 2018, I catered many private dinner parties with wine pairings. That experience as well as living in Germany opened my eyes to the importance of wine on the table with food. In 2019, I had a life changing trip to Washington State while visiting wineries in that region. That trip solidified my decision to have a brick and mortar in the form of a wine shop. Wine Shoe is a boutique retail wine shop & a tasting room in downtown Atlanta, Castleberry Hill neighborhood, we offer private and public classes for wine education as well as walk-in tastings.

While living in Germany, I tried my first Silvaner, a light white, in Rheingau region of Germany during a weekend trip from Bavaria to Mainz. After living in Europe and visiting many worldrenowned regions, my perspective on entertaining, cooking, and wine was transformed. Upon returning to the US, I learned to pair flavors in food and wine from across the globe. After my enlightening trip to Washington state, Wine Shoe was the opportunity to offer my knowledge of wine and share exciting new varietals with my guests. Most importantly I get to share my love of Old and New World wines and wellhoned knowledge about food pairings to everyone who walks into the Wine Shoe. Once a month I combine these loves and offer a wine & food tasting. Q. How was the transition been coming to the U.S. to pursue your career? A. Moved here as a young child with my family. Q. What are your favorite dishes to make being a professional chef? A. Mediterranean food with an Indian flare, right now I am making a lot of Spiced Salmon Kebabs with Lemon

Juice, and a side of Cucumber Raita & Tomato Orzo Pilaf. Q. Let’s talk about the “Wine Shoe” and the motivation behind it? A. At Wine Shoe we make wine approachable and fun through our tastings & wine club. We carry wines from around the world from small production wineries and vineyards, and from families that do not have representation in big, boxed stores. We carry that mission into the shop by offering wine club memberships to guests, and each month club members can come in and try the wines of the month before taking home their favorite bottles. Q. So how does wine get these different flavors and aromas? A. Wine gets its flavors and aromas from multiple different factors, including the land, soil the vines are grown in i.e., vines near the ocean pick up the sea mist and the grapes have a tinge of salt in the flavor profile, additionally grapes have certain flavor notes that are enhanced after fermentation and aging. Q. Where do you see yourself and business in the next five years? A. To have multiple locations of the wine shop and continue offering wine club, unique bottles available at our boutique, retail locations and in-house tastings for small and large groups. Q. Tell us one fun fact about yourself? A. I am a type-A travel junkie. I love making lists of all the places I want to travel to and then add to those lists with restaurants, sights to see and wine shops and vineyards to visit. Tell me where you want to go, and I’ve got a list for that town/region for you. Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? A. Each month we have tastings to try new varietals and explore regions. Information on all upcoming events can be found on our website. www. wineshoeatlanta.com Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Instagram: WineShoe, Facebook: WineShoeAtlanta.


"Style of Self-Love".



Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. My name is Katiucia “Kay” PierreLouis and I am the founder of Kplux Shop. Kplux Shop is a fashion-focused brand for women that hopes to connect with audiences from all different backgrounds in meaningful ways. Q. What made you want to pursue a career in fashion? A. As a young girl, I loved to dress up and quickly developed a taste for fashion at a young age. I found that my love for fashion could put me in a position to help women across the globe and I knew that it was my one true purpose.

Q.What is the motivation behind Kplux Shop? A. My mother was probably the strongest influence in my life during my youth. She showed me that you can work hard and look good doing it. She inspired me to focus on self-love, which ultimately became the basis of my brand. I believe self-love and self-care are the foundations for a happy life. I also believe that every woman throughout the nation should know and feel their worth through self-love and self-care. Hence the birth of Kplux Shop! Q. What makes your fashion boutique different from others? A. Kplux, simply put, is an experience. Unique and fashioned to provide every

client with an opportunity for true selfexpression and self-love. While our competitors’ focus is on the bottom line- KpLux for me, is a passion project reflecting my life-long love of fashion and style. Q. Where do you see your brand in the next 3 years? A. KpLux in 3 years will become a popular brand that will bring disruption to the urban marketplace. My team and I work tirelessly to focus on the greater vision and we believe strongly that those efforts will transcend to touch every woman who experiences KpLux for themselves! Q. If you can go anywhere in the world. Where would it be? A. Simple! I’ve been looking forward to going to the Philippines. I enjoy the idea of unwinding and getting some well needed self care time for myself. Q. What is your top 3 sellers? A. Right now our KPLux top 3 sellers are our: Freakum Dress, Jules Casual Set, and Tammi Snake Print Set. Q. How do you keep up with the fashion trends? A. Keeping up with the current fashion trends, I find that I am steadily keeping up with the latest in fashion magazines, actively following fashion trends and moguls on social media, and frequenting boutiques and shops. Q. Are there any events or upcoming projects you’re working on? A. Currently, the Kplux team is working on our annual self-love brunch. Our first annual brunch was a huge success this year- Next year it will only get bigger and better every year to come! The Self Love brunch is a day to unwind and be carefree. We connect on a level that allows us to be free of judgement and free of self-doubt. We inspire each other to be our best selves and encourage each other to be guilt-free when it comes to caring for ourselves. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. I can be followed on IG, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest and Twitter Handle: kpluxshop.



Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. A. Rocky “ROCK-T” Turner from The Nationally Syndicated “Rickey Smiley Morning Show”. Founder & Creator of STOMP WARS, The largest youth STEP movement in the country, Founder of The ROCKTEEN Youth Foundation, Author, Producer, Investor, Former Pro Baseball Player. Q. Let’s talk about your journey and how you got to where you are today? A. The best way to describe my journey is, “THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION”. I have always had to “Out Work” everyone and persevere using a NO EXCUSES GET IT DONE resilient mindset. I was told NO 5 Times when I applied for my first radio job….. The 6th Time I told that radio station that I would work FREE of charge. They said YES, and 20 plus years later, I am still Rockin’ & Rollin’.....but of course, I am no longer working for FREE. LOL! Q. How would you define your purpose? A. I feel like my PURPOSE is to serve as a SPARK PLUG in the lives of others. GOD has blessed me with the gift of pouring positive energy into people and I implement this gift into everything I do. Q. What has been one of your greatest accomplishments you’ve had in your career? A. Creating STOMP WARS, we have been blessed to help over 10,000

Q. What is one fun fact about yourself? A. I have a BIG Sweet Tooth. I probably eat enough sweets that could feed a large village. lol. My Go-To dessert is Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies with Vanilla Ice Cream or a big bowl of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and The Golden Chocolate Hostess Cupcakes.

students graduate High School over the past 15 years through our Stomp Wars STEP Movement. StompWars. com. Q. Tell us about “I Hate the Homies Podcast” and how it got started? A. This Podcast is about three HOMIES (“ROCK-T” “GRIFF” “SUPA DAVE”) who love Sports and argue every day about random topics and current events. Our intense and funny interaction captured the attention of Urban One, who presented us with an opportunity to turn our conversations into a podcast. We said YES, and the rest is history. Follow and TuneIn anywhere you listen to podcasts. Q. What are some goals you want to accomplish in the next three years? a. Continue to make a positive impact in the lives of others b. Executive Produce STOMP WARS Reality Docu-Series Television Show c. Host the STOMP WARS National STEP Championships at Dallas Cowboys Stadium d. Launch the Rock-T Radio Media Company e. Increase Real Estate Investment Portfolio f. Write a Children’s Book g. 10X The entire Rock-T Brand Business Empire

Q. Can you give any advice to the next generation of male leaders? A. SPEAK YOUR DAY every day. You are what you THINK and what you SAY to yourself. Live YOUR DREAM! Write YOUR OWN STORY! Be the SUPERHERO in YOUR Movie of life. Live by my motto NO EXCUSES, GET IT DONE! EMBRACE The Grind and stay the course. It’s NEVER over until you QUIT….and quitting is NOT an option. Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? A. My wife and I have a dope podcast together called The PERFECT PAIR PODCAST. We share our personal experiences about our Relationship and Marriage. Many people think we are a “Perfect” Couple…. We are far from perfect BUT, we are PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER. This podcast encourages and motivates people to build strong Personal and Business Relationships in general. PerfectPairPodcast.com. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. @RockTholla across all Social Platforms and RockTHolla.com.



Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you Do?. A. I’m Win Thompkins a.k.a Uncle Win I am an artist, songwriter and Producer. Q. What or who motivated you to be the man you are today? A. The man I am today was motivated by acknowledging and connecting with my true authentic self that leads and guide me through life’s journey. Q. Let’s talk about your single and the motivation behind the song. A. My father was a true Staple Singers fan. He would often play their music along with great gospel artist such as the Mighty Clouds the Fantastic Volinaires, Soul Stirs, just to name a few. When I heard the Let’s Do It Again song for the first time, I fell in love with it. It moved and inspired me to one day record it with my own little twist. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years? A. In the next three years I see myself making great soul music and working with great artist touring the world with my message of love and peace. Q. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business? A. The internet has impacted the music business in such a way that marketing and promoting can get accomplished easier and faster. No more cd & press kit mail outs to radio and industry personnel etc. Majority of tasks can be completed from the comforts of your home or office.

Q. What has been your biggest challenges being in the music industry? A. My biggest challenge being in the music industry has been continuing to believe in myself when others did not. I knew that the universe would make space for me one day if I continued to better my craft and remain true to myself and art no matter what other artist were doing. Q. How would you describe the music that you typically create? A. The music that I create, no matter what the subject matter may be, is motivational, uplifting and inspiration. It is influenced by love and life challenges, and it is created from the soul. Q. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be? A. If I could perform anywhere in the world I would be on an international stage where I can fully express the energy of my being through song and music. So that I release the frequency and vibration of love to the entire planet the way the universe created me to be and do. Q. Are there any events or upcoming projects you are working on? A. Yes, the Luv Factory album project which is packed with ballads of love and romance songs encouraging and strengthening relationships through self, family and community love. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Readers can follow me on IG, Facebook, TikTok @officialunclewin. They can also visit www.unclewinsmusic.com.

" The music that I create, no matter what the subject matter may be, is motivational, uplifting and inspiration. "



Q. Thanks for interviewing with us, tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. My name is Shawn Credle and I’m the CEO & President of Pineapple, Inc., a publicly traded cannabis corporation (Ticker Symbol: “PNPL”) which encompasses Pineapple Express (cannabis dispensaries and delivery in California) and Pineapple Wellness (nation-wide delivery of CBD-only health and beauty products). Q. Who or what motivated you to want to be in the cannabis industry? A. The founder of Pineapple saw that I am a Marine Corps veteran, college professor, I hold four master’s degrees, and many other attributes. He felt that I had the perfect body of work and accomplishments to be the CEO of Pineapple when the former CEO moved on from the company. Moreover, because I am black and brown (Puerto Rican), he felt that I was even more so a proper selection because black/brown leaders in the publicly traded legal cannabis space did not exist (now I am the youngest minority CEO of a publicly traded cannabis corporation in the country). He reached out and asked me to step in as CEO to rehabilitate the stock, restructure the organization, and to steer Pineapple in the right direction to be a leader in the cannabis industry. At first, I declined because I was involved in many entrepreneurial ventures and I did not want to move to California as I was living in Miami and Puerto Rico (still do), but I then decided that it would be a great opportunity to build a legal publicly traded cannabis corporation to its full potential and do it the “right way”. Moreover, to have a pioneering hand in shaping the industry overall seemed to be a great opportunity that I was more than prepared and qualified to take on. Q. Let’s talk about “Pineapple Inc” and how it got started. A. Pineapple started as a cannabis consulting and management company to help anyone (in and outside of California) entering the legal cannabis market do it the proper and legal way. Pineapple helped secure retail properties to lease back to potential cannabis startups that otherwise would not be granted retail space because of the negative stigmas that were and still do exist with cannabis albeit legal. Pineapple also prepared legal paperwork/documents and facilitated the proper contracts, deals, and city/ state filings to be a one-stop-shop for those looking to enter the legal

cannabis industry that didn’t know how to do it themselves. Once California became legal for recreational use, Pineapple decided to do for itself that it has done for others in the industry and began to create its own brand of dispensaries. We secured multiple licenses from retail storefront, retail delivery, manufacturing, distribution, and cultivation, making us fully vertical. We were able to trademark Pineapple Express and THC and we took off from there to where we are today. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years? A. I see myself continuing to build Pineapple to be a mainstream cannabis brand across the country and abroad. On a more personal note, I am also a SAG-AFTRA actor and will be looking to explore more acting opportunities and possibly music. I am also interested in getting into politics in the future. Q. How do you define your purpose? A. My purpose is fueled by my inherent drive that has been apparent to everyone since my birth. My mom will tell you that I was potty trained, off of the bottle, and walking by the time I was nine months old. I’ve been told by many in my life that I’ve been here before and I fully understood my purpose when I became a U.S. Marine. I realized that a life of service, leading others, and doing my part to make this world a better place not only made me feel great and fulfilled, but that I am very good at it. Ultimately my goal in life (and I think it should be everyone’s shared goal) is to be dedicated to a life of philanthropy to help people and helping to heal our planet. I’m basically a modern-day hippy to spread peace and love; but without all the weird stuff you heard about back in the day. Ha-ha. Q. What has been your biggest accomplishment you’ve received in your life? A. If I had to choose one, I’d have to say becoming a U.S. Marine is my biggest accomplishment because that gave me the foundation and confidence to accomplish all of my other great achievements in my life thus far. Q. How was your experience being in the U.S. Marine Corps? A. Hard to describe being a Marine especially since I served pre and post September 11th (1999-2003). I loved it and realized that I was meant to be a Marine if nothing else. The best way I can describe my service is that it was the best and worst times of my life; and I wouldn’t change a bit of it. I feel that

those experiences, being a member of arguably the most elite fighting force in the world, overly prepared me to face any obstacles life may throw at you. It is who I define myself as first and foremost every day. Q. What advice can you give to the next generation of male leaders? A. Not just for males but for anyone looking to be a leader, know that emotional intelligence and selfactualization is paramount. You need to really know and understand who you are, believe in yourself, and lead by example. The biggest attribute of any leader is to listen more than you talk. Listen to your gut and not what you and/or especially what others think. Lead with your heart in everything you do and with every decision you make because your decision not only affects you and your business, but they affect your employees and/or those that follow you; as well as their family/loved ones. Q. Are there any events or upcoming projects you are working on? A. We are opening two new dispensaries in Los Angeles by the end of this year. We are looking to franchise our dispensaries in Puerto Rico, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey by the end of 2023. We are also in talks with opening a cannabis lounge in Barcelona, Spain. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. @shawncredleofficial @ pineappleexpresshollywood @pineapplewellness.usa @ pineappleexpressdelivers


"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."


Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years? A. Doing shows in Japan, Africa, UK and producing music. It is my dream to perform in these countries.

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. A. I am a DJ, Producer, performing for crowds around the word. DJ Chill X gained recognition as a FM radio host and through mixtapes and CDs. Q. How did you come up with the name DJ Chill X? A. Inspired by are great black leader Malcolm X I wanted to be socially conscious and help the community, so the X reflects that side of me. Q. Who would you consider to be a DJ Legend? A. Louie Vega he’s been in the game for many years, has been consistent putting out music, doing shows and parties all over the world and has helped so many artists and DJs. Q. What Differentiate you from the rest of the DJ’s? A. What separates me from a lot of other DJs is my ability to reach so many people with my music all over the world. Q. Out of all the places you performed, which one was the most memorable? A. Roselle house Music Festival and Punta Cana Takeover. I enjoyed the people shouting my name and holding up my sign with my name. I feel so blessed and honored.

Q. Can you Can you give any advice to upcoming DJ’s? A. Yes, you must have a love and passion for what you do. And if you want to be successful be consistent stick with it. You must stay focus and remember to have fun while working. Q. Are there any events or upcoming projects you are working on? A. I’m glad you asked. This year has been incredible. I will be at the following dates and titled. July 30th – World Café – Philadelphia, PA August 6th – Mr. East - Roselle, NJ August 20th – Celebrity Softball Game – Roselle, NJ

September 3rd – Willingboro House Music Festival September 17th – The System performing Live ‘Don’t Disturb the Groove” Kenilworth, NJ May 14th, 2023 – Bahamas Extravaganza Cruise MizMacMarketing LLC and I are currently working on some upcoming dates too. If anyone would like to learn more about these dates these can find the posting on my Instagram, or you can visit my website. Please see links below. Thank you. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. www.DJChillX.com or Facebook/ DJChillX, Instagram/DJChillX, or Twitter/ DJChillX Also go to Youtube.com/djchillx or Micloud.com/djchillx for new music.

Q. What has been your greatest accomplishment you’ve had being a DJ? A. DJing for so many legends and reaching millions of people all over the world with my music. It was incredible to work with R&B Luther Vandross.




Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. A. Hi Everyone, I am Pop Stunna and I am a musical Artist. I make music straight from the soul with raw energy. Q. Let’s talk a little about your journey and how you got to where you are today? A. Making music has always been something I have wanted to do, growing up as a kid my mom would make me a book with lyrics from the top 40 songs on the radio and stuff like that. Also, as a teen I would just print the lyrics of some of my favorite songs on the wall and just rap to the words over and over. So that just kind of give you an idea on my world growing up. I have always been interested in music and to get to the level I am at right now, I had to keep that passion and interest alive. It has not been an easy road in the sense that, you must have many things in your life and around you straight before you can start making music on a professional level. You know like they call it: “The Journey”. So, my journey has always been unconventional, because I started to make music for real first in college,

but back then it was really hard to combine school, work, life and not having the funds and all that. So, I took a break for a minute to focus on school and get my money right. After I got to a point where I feel I can easily fund a music career/business off the ground, I just started. I didn’t wait a second, I went for it 100% and I have not looked back ever since. Q. Tell us about “Roccsta” and the motivation behind it? A. The song “Roccsta” is one of my favorite songs right now, because it embodied so many behind the scenes story and everything I have been doing recently. If you have been following me, you will know I travel a lot, as I have been to 49 different countries all around the world. So essentially just traveling the world, doing the things I like to do, having fun, and just being a rock star by action and most importantly ignoring the haters. Those are some of the things I will say inspired the song. The theme of the song, the video and the whole rollout is just about being yourself and showcasing your persona. The wings tattoo and the cover art were mostly just saying: spread your wings and fly away, just be free and express your light. For folks that are not into music, it can be anything in their life, their career, goals, and relationship

whatever it is. Just be your best self, be confident and have fun because you are a rock starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Q. What has been your greatest accomplishment you’ve received in your career? A. For me I don’t see art or music as a single milestone because I know as an artist, you will never be perfect, so that is why I always strive for growth. I have this mentality because growth is the one thing that is constant for a dedicated artist: you will always grow with dedication. So, I have been very dedicated and I think that has helped me grow a lot. I just look back to 2018, when I first dropped my first official single and now, the growth has been immense. So, for me, my greatest accomplishment has been growth. Q. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be? A. That is a tricky question, because I have been to so many places and cities all around the world, but if I am going to pick a favorite there might be some recency bias. I just finished my tour of the south, and I had a stop in Atlanta, and I think the love and energy there was really great especially for an artist like myself that is not a household name yet, it was just awesome being there. The people of Atlanta love hip hop and also, Atlanta was the first city I performed “Roccsta” at way before I even dropped the song. I performed the song at KOD way back in the spring of 2022, and the energy was nuts. That


was when I knew the song would be a hit, I think that gave me so much confidence to actually go out there and put major weight behind the song. So, Atlanta holds a special place in my heart because of that. Q. What are some goals you want to accomplish in the next three years? A. I feel like, just being out there in front of people and performing your songs live is the best feeling ever, so I would say I want to have a major world tour of all the major habitable continents of the world and give the people this Pop Stunna energy. I think that would be great for everyone to experience. Q. What do you think is missing in today’s music waves? A. I mean that is easy to say as most artist that is up and coming today don’t have a lot of originality and character. It’s kind of sad to watch other artist just copying other grown men 100%, instead of just being themselves and having their own identity and sound. Everyone trying to take the easy way out, by sounding like the artist that is currently in the spotlight. So, I will say the game is missing a lot of that for sure. For me, I think if you say you are an artist, I should see that artistry as a representation of you and your life and not that of another person. That’s for me, is something big that is missing from today’s music. Q. If you could give one message to your fans, what would it be? A. Keep working on your goals by being the best version of yourself. For the ones that don’t have a goal yet, keep being you and living your life and that magic will eventually strike you.

Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? A. Yes, I am working on my full-length project that will be dropping this winter called: “Youth”. “Roccsta” is the lead single from the project, so I have been working on the projects all over, from spending a whole quarter in LA, months in Amsterdam and other parts of Europe, and then majority of my time back home in Austin, TX, it’s been really great to work on this project. I think it will be my best with the many experiences I have had and also just taking my time with it. Also, I am finishing up my tour with the west coast leg and I will be hitting Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. Reader can follow me on Instagram at: @popstunna Twitter: @popdpopstunna Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube as : Pop Stunna. I am still working on my TikTok game but I am mostly available on Instagram as that is my primary platform.


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T h e b o d y s h o p at h o m e - u s a . c o m / D r L i s a S m i t WHERE h IT BEGINS


"Building a Public Relations agency in Hollywood amongst many is hard but rewarding when you're the go-to professional solving client problems".


Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do? A. I’m best known for my specialties in the public relations, strategic communications, and community engagement realm. I currently run and operate a PR and communications agency called Pristine Initiative, LLC located in Hollywood, CA. As a small, Black woman-owned agency, we represent a diverse roster of talents, brands, small businesses, and corporate entities across various industries. For those looking for press coverage around their projects and releases or need assistance with building their company’s brand and overall messaging, I’m the go-to professional who orchestrate innovative ideas and brings it to fruition. I love “people stories” and I love helping people build. Q. Who motivated you be the person you are today? A. I’ve been blessed with so many incredible mentors throughout my career. The root of my motivation has always stemmed from my father, Willie James Hood. Growing up, I didn’t get an allowance for cleaning up or for babysitting someone’s child. Instead, my dad made me read books, take dance classes, helped me get roles in school plays, and was just a strong voice in my life early on. I also listen to a lot of women empowerment podcasts and get a lot of my daily motivation from other

professionals and their incredible victory stories. Q. Let’s talk about your work and impact in the Hollywood community and the initiatives you are spearheading. A. There is a lot going on in Hollywood as far as an increase in crime, robberies, and shooting violence. We also have a huge encampment problem. All these issues have greatly impacted me, those who live here, tourists, and the overall perception of Hollywood. For the past few months, I have been working strategically with Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell on a slew of initiatives to help provide solutions to such pressing issues happening within our district. I recently

did a press conference with him on Hollywood Blvd to help pass a motion allocating additional overtime hours to LAPD. I also started curating community clean up events in partnership with the city of Los Angeles and have been meeting with local community leaders engaging in their efforts. I’m honestly in the midst of spearheading so many things, including my own coalition to harness the power of communities and to transform social and economic conditions of our neighborhoods. Q. What has been your greatest accomplishments you’ve had in your career? A. My greatest accomplishment has been leaving the corporate life to run and operate my own PR agency. Most of my early career was spent on chasing the corporate ladder to find I was too innovative for the traditional setting. It took a lot of courage and a leap of faith to become an entrepreneur, but it was the best decision I’ve ever made! I would also say I’m very proud of the work my team and I have accomplished through Pi since its conception three years ago. Under our PR umbrella, we’ve spearheaded successful campaigns for Snoop Dogg’s son Cordell Broadus, U.S. Senate candidate Gary Chambers Jr, That’s So Raven Disney actor Kyle Massey, Saban Music Group’s R&B artist Nakkia Gold, and so many


other incredible talents! The agency is still growing. It’s been amazing to witness the impact our work is making with not just talent but within the culture and environments they are thought leaders in. Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years? A. Great question! I plan to spend the next few years building Pi. I want to acquire office space, hire more employees, work on more wonderful projects, and produce quality results for clients. For me, it’s about doing the work right now and letting it speak for itself. I am putting my all into building the agency and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon. Q. Can you tell us some of the challenges and hurdles you’ve had to go through in your career? A. I have endured so many! I remember the days when there weren’t many opportunities knocking at my door. When I worked in Gary, Indiana at a call center for $7.25 an hour. The days I worked in corporate America and was utterly miserable. The moments when I was negative in my bank account with no money. For the past decade, I have been building, working, grinding, and staying motivated to push forward. I admit, building a PR agency in Hollywood amongst many wellknown entities is hard. However, the challenges and hardships I’ve faced has only fueled me to be better and to keep working towards my passion. Q. How do you define your purpose? A. It has taken me years leading up to where I am now to truly understand my purpose and passion. It took a lot of selfreflection, meditation, and soul searching to realize what my purpose is and why. I truly believe that once you know who you are and why, you’ll be able to be who you’re meant to be. The saddest thing in life is not knowing your talent. If you don’t know who you are then you will never satisfy your purpose.


Q. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? A. I want to visit Denmark and Pakistan! I have so many beautiful Danish friends across Europe. I would love to travel there, hopefully by the end of the year! It would be great to do business in Denmark and Pakistan. I’ve been exposed to both cultures, and I’m absolutely inspired! Although I haven’t visited yet, I plan to and would like to somehow bring their inspired culture here to the U.S. Between the Danish open-face sandwiches to the Pakistani chi tea, I am utterly in LOVE! Q. Are you working on any projects or upcoming events? A. Yes, the agency is busy! We are working on music releases, a local

reelection campaign, a sustainable project in Oakland, influencer marketing projects, community events, and so much more! New opportunities fly across my desk every day and my team are prepared to take on more challenges. Q. Where can the followers follow you? A. Watch us grow at www. PristineInitiative.com and on social media @PristineInitiative. You can also follow my personal pages across all platforms @CathyJHood. Support!

"With God as your business partner, you will never lose. -Lady Tiffany Nicole"





Don’t be afraid of failure...True success is learning from your mistakes and failing forward! Lastly, don’t let the loud voice of men in the room scare you... This is a man’s world, but it would be NOTHING without a woman or girl!!!

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. A. My name is Lady Tiffany Nicole, and I wear many hats! I’m a bestselling author, international speaker, award-winning radio/TV show host, and CEO of The Virtuous Hour Media and Marketing and Power Influence Radio. But most importantly, I am a daughter and servant of God.

Q. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? A. My dream locations are Paris and Dubai! My heart’s desire is to experience both of these locations in the near future!

Q. Who are some women who motivated you to be the woman you are today? A. Wow, there are so many queens that have gone before me that have paved the way! Cathy Hughes, Oprah Winfrey, and Viola Davis are a few of them. Q. Let’s talk about the experiences you’ve had in ministry T.V. and Radio? A. My “Yes” has been an amazing journey over the years! I would never have imagined that saying “Yes” to ministry and preaching my first sermon in 2011 would lead me to minister on television and radio! Though I am fully capable of & “preaching in a pulpit”, my calling has led me to the media and a wide audience around the globe! I started this aspect of my ministry in 2018 on Gospel Radio Nation in Houston, Tx. I have been blessed to have been supported by some of the best men in this industry (in my opinion) to help tutor and guide me on this journey. Within one year, I grew from a 30 min TV slot to a 1-hour live Cable TV show in Houston, TX! I am branded as a & “Kingdom Media Personality” as I represent Him on the red carpets of some of the nation’s top events, such as Stellar Awards, Black Music Honors, and The Spin Awards, just to name a few! Q. Where do you see yourself in the next three years? A. In the next three years... it’s truly hard to say! God has been opening doors and placing me in locations I wouldn’t imagine! Three years ago, I would never say I see myself living in Atlanta, but here I am. I can say that in three years, I see myself established as a well-known media personality and sought-after speaker and making a major impact in whatever

community God places me in. Q. What has been the most memorable moment you’ve had in your career? A. Honestly, giving birth to a bestselling anthology with my closest friends!! To enjoy that moment and success with women who I have called my sisters before the “fame and fortune” is my biggest moment. Success is nothing when you do it alone. I am an advocate of sisterhood, and I believe in it with all my heart. The ladies in this book have seen me in my worst of days and my best of days, so to afford them the opportunity of becoming an author with me and the experience we shared is priceless! Q. Can you tell us about your book and the motivation behind it? A. My book “Memoirs of a Modern Proverbs Woman: Becoming Virtuous And Victorious” is a compilation of stories of everyday women who are fighting day after day to become all God has designed them to be. They just so happen to be my closest friends and members of my organization, Modern Proverbs Women. You can purchase the book on www.thevirtuoushour.com OR on Amazon.com! It speaks to everyday women that may not think they can make it through and are alone. We have received so many testimonies from this release. It is truly a blessing.

Q. Do you have any projects or upcoming events? A. So much coming before the end of the year, however due to NDA I must keep those silent for now. However, Power Influence Radio is growing and looking to add more personalities by end of October! Please visit www. powerinfluenceradio.com to download the app and stay connected! My radio show The Virtuous Hour is growing to more platforms and hitting the TV airwaves again real soon!! To book your slot on the show visit www. thevirtuoushour.com!!! Memoirs of a Modern Proverbs Woman Vol.2 is in the works as well! Q. Tell the readers where they can follow you? A. Please follow The Virtuous Hour and Power Influence Radio on Facebook and Instagram!!! Please visit my website www.thevirtuoushour.com to be a guest on the show or book me for any events! Please visit www.powerinfluenceradio. com if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities or having a radio show!! Lastly, my publicist Fancy of SwagHer Magazine can be reached at fancy@swagher.net!!

Q. What advice can you give to the next generation of female leaders? A. The best advice I can give the next female leaders is to walk in your truth boldly! No one has it all together!


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