Ex Nihilo studio work review_ Jahn Gwyllin

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T H E ECHO Responsive Growing Structures with mixed reality technology Review of the works in studio Ex Nihilo

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Study of Slow-Robotic Plugin in Grasshopper T he fir st work is to study the generative maps and lanscape using Slow-Robotic plugin and simulate the behavior of particles in the field system. Some interesting abstract patterns generated by this system will be later used as guides for the formulation of the parametric model.







Experiment Results of Slow-Robotic Plugin



Experiment Results of Slow-Robotic Plugin

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Parametrically modelling febrication constraints In this phase, I started to test and anticipate the fabrication constraints using the parametrical model. And also, some experiments and researches have been done on the stacking assemblages, and those chunks will be used as references for further study of the larger-scaled model's generation in Hololens.

Experiments with the fabrication constraints



03 Iterations of the parametric model

Masterplan of the parametric model

Section of the parametric model



Experiment for stacking assemblages 03

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Experiement with parametric generation systems A seires of experiments have been done in this phase to test some generative systems for some complex forms. These prototypes is generated based on the same rule and been developed according to their form and scale. B e s i d e s, t h e d e n s i t y o f t h e s e prototypes change from different distances setting for the repel and attract behaviors.

Parametric Model Chunks 01 - Large Scale

Parametric Model Chunks 01 - Medium Scale

Parametric Model Chunks 01 - Small Scale

Parametric Model Chunks 03 - Large Scale

Parametric Model Chunks 02 - Medium Scale

Parametric Model Chunks 02 - Small Scale

Research of the density's change in the chunks

Masterplan of the generative model

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Concept for mixed reality technology's application in architectural design Mixed reality technology is a perfect tool for the architect make their architecture responsive, which means that it could catch the users' subconscious behaviors and offer them some instant feedbacks. So my proposition is using the mixed reality device to create a responsive environment and the shape which w i l l b e ch a n g e d b a s e d o n t h e behavior of the users.

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Proposition of Chasing Game in Hololens The proposition Chasing Game is aimed to create a space where users could make an interaction with the virtual bubbles in Hololens This Game is a simple demo with which I could do some experiments and make a record of the potential subconscious behaviours when people using the hololens.

Moving Path Record_Plan_Multiple Players

Moving Path Record_Section

Game Rules Goal: ‘Push’ the target to the destination point. Victory Condition: 1_Any target(ball) reach the destination will be scored one point. DefeatCondition: 1_Any target(ball) touch the wall will disappear and not be graded.

Moving Path Record_Plan_Single Player

Ways to combine the Chasing Game with real environment The Chasing Game could be combined with some existing solid structures, and these diargams show how it works with them.

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Proposition of interactive virtual structure in Hololens Based on the Chasing Game, I've developed the bubble into a selfg row i n g p a r a m e t r i c m o d e l i n Hololens. The shape of this structure is adaptable and will be effected by the elements in real world. So this virtual structure is developed to study the relationship between virtual generative structure and existing environment.

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Development of self-generative digital model in Grasshopper In this phase, I've developed a selfgenerative model basing on the DLA principles. This virtual structure could be seen in hololens by the users and weave around them when they start to move. This is a prototype to research how people will behave if they can make instantaneous interaction with some spacial structures.


F i n a l Wo rks

Developement of four prototypes for responsive growing structure with mixed reality technology T h i s p ro p o s i t i o n i s a re s p o n s i ve growing system which could give people immediate feedback according to their movement. It’s a system in which people’s subconscious behaviour is encouraged. In these four prototypes, the virtual structure in Hololens will deform when people accelerate or slow down, hang around or rest. These prototypes, which I believe, could be an inspiration and allow people to explore the space use their intuition.

Prototype 01 - masonry generation structure This diagram illustrates how testers moves in the masonry generation structure.

Prototype 01 - masonry generation structure This diagram illustrates how testers moves in the masonry generation structure.

Prototype 01 - masonry generation structure This drawing shows the result of the experiment.

Prototype 02 - Nursery System This is a comparision of tester's route in Nurserym System and in original precedent building - Barcelona Pavilion.

Prototype 02 - Nursery System The virtual bubbles in hololens will gather in the corner of the space and along the existing wall, and the change of the bubbles' density will effect the route of tester.

Prototype 03 - Self-growing DLA structure The system will start to weaving when two tester get closer to each other.

Prototype 03 - Self-growing DLA structure Density of the structure will have an effect on testers' behavior and route.

Prototype 04 - Self-growing Blobs The system will start to weaving when two tester get closer to each other.

Prototype 04 - Self-growing Blobs This drawing illrustrates the interactions between people and the virtual architecture in Hololens.

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