Finding your place in Community Volume 1
Issue 19
In the Name Of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Finding your place in Community What are you striving for? Are you striving to build a sustainable, functional community? Then, what will you do to build this community? What will you do to sustain this community? These are very important questions. Know your place in the community before you build or join the community. Gather skills, knowledge, and abilities that will benefit your family and your community. That leads to the question: what skills are most useful to the community?
Family Careers Careers
Counseling Mental Health Social Sciences
Housing Careers
Farming Processing Sales/marketing Restaurants Medicine
Real-estate Construction Repair/maintenance Architecture
Drivers Mechanics Parts suppliers
Suppliers Installers Research & Development
Notice that you will not find Finance, Manufacturing, or Education in most of my writings. That is because these are “Processes� of achieving the five pillars. They are not pillars themselves. It is important to understand the difference between a process and a pillar.
The Goal of Group Economics Industries of society: No modern community can last without addressing these five pillars. Family, Food, Housing, Transportation, Energy. The ultimate goal of group economics is to locally control and own all five pillars of society. We must do this without being in perpetual debt. The hidden reality of business is that most (here, most means the overwhelming majority) of businesses, institutions, and governments operate in debt. We must and can avoid that quagmire. Not only must we avoid debt, we must also create a pathway for decreasing our overhead costs. Family : Teach your family what you are doing Food : Grow your own food Housing : Rent-to-own Transportation : Buy used, travel efficiently Energy : Find ways to lower cost, only use what is necessary
Your circle
Master your circle
Recruit others
Recruit others
Some people try to expand their circle before they develop some mastery over their core. I believe it is a mistake to do this. If you have not started working on self-mastery no one else will take you serious. Although, trying to go it alone is also a complete mistake. It is important to try to maintain balance between working on mastery of your circle and expanding your network. Mastery is not perfection. Create scales for each category. Scales are to assess your current status and should be used to help you decide your next move. Below is a scale I created for myself. Mastery is an average score of 3. Each circle can represent a family or a community. The principle is the same either way. Before expanding your network outward you must first develop your core inward.
What actions are you taking to master your circle ?
N o t h i n g
S t u d y i n g
P l a n n i n g
E x e c u t i n g
T e a c h i n g
O w n i n g
0 1 2 3
Food Master your circle
Score of 3.4, focus should be on food and energy.
1. Islam, Jama’ah, and the Islamic Village a.
Muslims must form or join a Jama’ah whose primary goal is to acquire land, establish a village, and achieve economic independence.
2. Build alliances with Indigenous communities a. b. c. d.
Trade Business Family ties Da’wah
3. Acquire property within or next to the Indigenous community a. b. c.
Buy at least five acres within the community The land should preferably have access to fresh water An Islamic village must be established on this land
4. Extend network a. b. c.
Support the creation of Muslim villages in other communities Open the invitation for hijrah Establish trade and business connections with other communities
Freedom Gardens 40 week countdown: 27 weeks left Objective #1: Learn to grow and care for 10 types of fruit vegetables in your area. At least one must be a perennial. Objective #2: Establish a network of people in your area who are also working towards freedom. You are only limited by your own ambition.