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UNIT 4.MATTER AND MATERIALS 1.- What are you going to study 2.-Find the words. You can use your dictionary or a computer. MAIN LANGUAGE Matter






















UNIT 4 MATTER AND MATERIALS 4.1– MATTER. Matter is everything that occupies space and has got mass and volume. Rocks, water, air, the stars, living organisms and all objects are made of matter.

Matter has two properties: mass and volume.

But not everything is made of matter. Light and heat are not matter.


The mass of an object is a measure of how much matter it consists of. To find out the mass of an object we use instruments called scales. A kilogram is a unit of mass.

The volume of an object is how much space it occupies. We can measure volume by using measuring containers. A


is a unit of volume.

4.3 PURE SUBSTANCES AND MIXTURES. In nature, matter can be a pure substance or a mixture.

Pure substances are formed from just one type of matter, such as salt, water and oxygen .

Mixture is formed from various components or various types of matter. For example, salt water is a mixture of water and salt. Air and honey are also mixtures. Sometimes you can see the different components in a mixture and sometimes you can´t.

4.4 STATES OF MATTER. Matter can be found in three states: solid, liquid or gas. SOLID Ice, iron, glass and stone are matter in a solid state. A solid has got a definite shape and volumen which doesn´t change unless we use force or heat on it. LIQUID Water, oil, vinegar and honey are matter in a liquid state. It is a state of matter in which a substance has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. GAS Water vapor, oxygen, carbon dioxide and butane are gases. It is a state of matter in which a substance takes both the shape and the volume of its container.

5.5 USE OF MATERIALS. When matter has particular properties, we call it a material. We use different materials because their properties are useful to us. Materials can be natural or man-made. NATURAL MATERIALS : water, wood, tree resins, natural fibers, animal skins, stone and minerals, coal, petroleum and natural gas.

We use water to clean, to cool and to put out fires.

Wood is resistant and flexible. We use it to make furniture.

Tree resins are sticky. We use them as glue.

Natural fibers are vegetable fibers like cotton and animal fibers

Animal skins are flexible and keep out the cold. We use them to

Stone and minerals are used to build houses and make jewelry.

We use coal, petroleum and natural gas to produce light and heat.

like wool. We use them to make fabric. make clothes and shoes.

MAN-MADE MATERIALS Man-made materials are produced by transforming natural materials. Paper, glass, gasoline are examples of man-made materials.

We produce metals from certain minerals. They are strong, hard, shiny and flexible.

We make paper with crushed wood, water and resin.

Glass is made by melting sand and mixing it with certain metals. It´s a very hard material and usually transparent.

We use petroleum derivatives to make various materials:

Plastic is waterproofed, insulating and flexible.

Synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester make very strong and durable fabrics.

Gasoline is made from petroleum. We use it as fuel for engines.

QUESTIONS 1. - Match the words to their definitions.

Ceramic---clay---concrete---glass---metal Mud---paper---plastic---tiles

a) A flexible material we write and draw on. b) A hard, grey material used for walls, floors and paths. c) A soft material that can be heated to make it hard. d) A hard, transparent material. e) A hard material we use to make cups and bricks. f) A strong material that we use to make cars. g) Hard, flat pieces that we put on kitchen and bathroom walls. h) We use it to make water bottles and lunchboxes. i) This is a sticky mixture of earth and water. 2. - What is matter?

3. - Match the vocabulary below to the definitions. a) Kilograms

a) the amount of matter something is made of.

b) Liters

b) an instrument for measuring mass.

c) Mass

c) a unit of volume

d) Measuring container

d) the space that something occupies.

e) Scales

e) an object used for measuring volume.

f) Volume

f) a unit of mass.

4. - What is a pure substance? And What is a mixture?

5. - Sort the words into pure substances and mixtures. Air honey iron oxygen salt Salt water water

6. - Can you always see the different components in a mixture?

7. - What are the three states of matter?

8. - Write some examples of solids, liquids and gases. Draw them.

9. - Are these sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. a) Matter can be found in two states: solid or gas. b) A solid never changes its shape. c) A liquid takes the form of whatever contains it. 10. - Name a white liquid that you can drink. 11. - Can you guess which gases are they? Oxygen


carbon dioxide

water vapor

a) You will see this gas if you boil water. b) Plants need this gas for photosynthesis. c) This gas is in the air we breathe. d) This gas is used for cooking and for hot water boilers. 12. - Choose the correct answers: a) Gas can be/cannot be contained inside an open container. b) When you boil water you get oxygen/water vapor. 13. - Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. a) If you heat butter in a frying pan it becomes a liquid/a solid. b) If you put milk in the freezer it becomes a gas /a solid. c) When ice melts it becomes a gas/a liquid. d) When you heat water it becomes a solid/a gas. e) When water vapor cools it becomes a solid/a liquid. f) When water freezes it becomes a solid/a gas. 14. - Write down six natural materials we can use.

15. - Write down six man-made materials we can use.

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