3.- Mathematical operations: Operaciones matemáticas
- Cuenta: count
- Suma: addition
- Sumando: addend
- Resta: subtraction .
-Multiplicación: multiplication
- División: división
- Dividendo: dividend
- Igual: equal
- Sumar: add
- Más: more, plus, and
- Restar: subtract, take away. .
-Multiplicar: multiply
- Dividir: divide
- Divisor: divisor
- Cociente: quotient . - Resto: rest
- Raíz cuadrada: square root
4.– Reading operations:
• 2 + 2 = 4 Two plus two equals four or is four.
• 3 – 1 ≠ 4 Three minus one is not equal to four.
- Menos: less, minus
- Por: by, multiplied by
• 5 x 5 = 25 Five (multiplied) by five equals twenty-five or is twenty-five.
• 6 ÷ 2 = 3 Six divided by two equals to three
• 7 > 5 Seven is greater than five.
5 < 7 Five is less than seven. Three-fourths.
• 42 = 16 Four to the two power / 4 squared
4.– Reading symbols:
+ Plus, add – Minus, subtract
X Multiply by ÷ Divided by
± Plus or minus > is greater than
≥ is greater than or equals < is less than
≤ is less than or equals = is equal to
≠ is not equal to
π pi
∞ infinity
√ Square root of Perpendicular
% Percent
5.– Reading symbols:
Línea: line
Línea recta: straight line
Segmento: segment Ángulo: angle
Líneas paralelas: parallel lines
Líneas perpendiculares: perpendicular lines
Lado: side Plano: plane
Punto: point, dot
Vértice: vertex
Grado: degree
Ángulo recto: right angle Ángulo obtuso: obtuse angle
Ángulo agudo: acute angle
Triángulo equilátero: equilateral triangle
Triángulo isósceles: isosceles triangle
Triángulo escaleno: scalene triangle
Triángulo rectángulo: right triangle
Rectángulo: rectangle
Rombo: rhombus
Trapecio: trapezium
Hexágono: hexagon
Radio: radius
Triángulo: triangle
Cuadrado: square
Volumen: volume
Pentágono: pentagon
Circunferencia: circumference
Pirámide: pyramid