Celestial Light Energy Magazine - June 2016

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Celestial Light Energy Magazine Enlightened Healing Energy

#1 That’s What They Say Page 3

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Winning at this Parenting game every day Page 6

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June/July 2016

About the Editor Ruth has fully awakened to her gifts and her journey into the healing arts. To better assist people to heal the light within, Ruth has studied multiple healing methods.

She is also an Akashic Records Reader, Certified Angel Reader by Doreen Virtue program, she has a great connection with the Angelic Realm.

Ruth is a practitioner of Magnified Healing ÂŽ, Integrated Energy TherapyÂŽ Master-Instructor, Dowser, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master.

Ruth is excited and grateful to put her gifts to the service of others and help them through their own personal journey.

Indulge yourself with any of our specialty healing modalities that will perfectly transform your body, mind and spirit. Our first-class service includes: Reiki, Magnified Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy, and Aroma touch.

Call me to schedule Your appointment 412-600-1269 or Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.Com

June/July 2016

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Classes Offered: Psychic Development Class 4 with Paul Meidinger Mediumship : Communication with spirit guides and those that have crossed over. June 24th 2016 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00 Next Class in July 8th 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level with Ruth Lorena Attunement to the Basic Level of IET. Location and use of the IET energy integration power points. Learn to clear energy imprints resulting from past life karma.

Introduction to Energy Anatomy and the Cellular Memory Map. June 25th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Energy Exchange $205.00 Soul Retreival with Paul Meidinger When we experience pain and trauma, we split off parts of our energy and Soul Light. As our light gets dimmer, life gets harder and more painful, but there is always the possibility of retrieving and recovering those fragments of our absent self. In this Soul Retrieval workshop, we will locate and bring back important parts of our basic Soul energy for healing and integration. Each participant will receive a brief reading from the teacher

to locate soul energies that are lost or displaced, yet may not be aware of losing. July 16th 2016 2 to 5 pm Energy Exchange $ 40.00

Healing with the Angels with Ruth Lorena You will learn how to call upon the healing angels with a special prayer of invitation. You will then learn how to use an angelic heart-link to connect with the angels’ energy. You will discover the special healing gifts that each angel brings and you will invite each of the healing angels to support you in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing journey. July 17th From 9 to 5 pm Energy Exchange $ 95.00

#1 - That's What They Say- thought provoking insights on common quotations

Rev. Marjorie Rivera www.PittsburghMedium.com 412-804-8010 RevMarjorieRivera@gmail.com “And

the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin

A flower blossoms, it grows and blossoms, two very clear jobs encoded within its DNA. A flower comes into being with a few goals and effortlessly fulfills its purpose without so much as a brain.

to allow either growth or life purpose to unravel. (Guided Imagery, meditation or time spent in communion with silence are helpful techniques for personal development.)

When a flower blossoms, it leaves the world an infinitely more beautiful place.

If we humans took the risk to blossom, we as well would leave the world an infinitely more beautiful place.

We humans could take a few hints from our friend the flower: We could try to keep things simple, allow ourselves to be more focused on our growth and life purpose. To allow time to ponder these thoughts daily would be a perfect way to begin

That’s the whole point right? Each month, a different quotation and a different insight from

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June/July 2016

Mystical Psychic Fair July 10th 2016 from 12 to 5:00 PM WE ARE MOVING TO ANOTHER LOCATION IN AUGUST 14th to Skyview Fire Hall 660 Noble Drive West Mifflin, PA 15122

West Mifflin, PA 15122

Elks Lodge 2425, South Park Road Bethel Park, Pa. 15102 AS

Workshop Empower your Heart

Join ARCHANGELS ARIEL, CASSIEL , MICHAEL and Ruth Lorena to create an Atlantean Healing Temple . Receive healing from the Angels and learn how to read your heart compass. From 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Pre-Prepaid tickets for workshop are $26.50 available through PayPal at tarotqueen_1313@yahoo.com. Door price is $30. Call Deborah Ann 724-348-8063. There will also be a variety of : Readers — Vendors — Massage a Reiki Healer — Chinese Auction Door Admission: Readings: Massage: Reiki

$5 $25 $25 $20

Please note which event you are paying for if you prepay.


June/July 2016

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The Akashic Record’s Corner

Stephanie Charles 724-799-4200 Email: Symetryof8.gmail.com

should receive this in return by the

We explained to this young man: “The

recipients. This is not so. You will receive

moment you close down, or do not want to

back a hundred fold from that place

allow yourself to receive be it money or

where it is most needed. To love means no

some other gesture there are two things

strings attached and to just allow. Have

happening simultaneously….you just made

no expectations; do not bargain that if

yourself small and unworthy in your own

you do “this” you should receive “that”.

eyes and you just stole the other persons

Just give, just love so that the universe

moment of happiness.”

may shower you with love and abundance from the corners of the earth and universe you most least expect it.

Oh yes dear ones there are always two sides of the story if you decline or feel

Love, compassion, kindness, and empathy are all forms of love.

You have nothing to lose by giving a hand,

very awkward you may very well be

lending an ear, being present, saying a

diminishing the grace given feeling of love

kind word. You can only gain from the

and joy in the other person who is being

strength and wonder of love.

kind to you. As well as you have just closed the door within yourself of feeling

You touch on them daily in your day-today life; you are also a receiver of these qualities of love in your day-to-day life.

the grace of love by not allowing yourself Now how many of you count your blessings

to receive.

of having received love? A loving gesture? A kind word? A gift? A present mind? A

How often do you count your blessings that you had moments in your day where you knew that you responded and acted from the heart? Maybe you read a passage or saw a video on Facebook and felt instant joy, you smiled and felt happy. Or maybe you saw an act of kindness that made you feel wonderful because you where a witnesses. Or maybe out of nowhere you just felt happy and shared this with others by simply being happy.

listening ear?

You may not recognize it daily, your news may not be reporting about it correctly,

To receive is just as hard as giving love.

you may not have been taught this

Sometimes even harder. So many things in

information with the right understanding

your mind hold you back from receiving

but this world is in a constant state of

goodness in your life. A false sense of

giving and receiving. How you give matters

humbleness, lack of confidence, not

as much as how you receive. You can see

feeling worthy or good enough.

daily be it good intentions or bad intentions, present is always an action and

Just recently someone told us if they

reaction. It is a constant in this world.

receive money they feel greedy. It is a

Give and ye shall receive. All of your

silly notion for you to turn away or to feel

scriptures speak of this universal law.

awkward when someone is “being” there Think of a time where you did not feel this way. Count your blessings of each moment where your heart took over and spoke louder than the mind. To speak from the heart, to act from the heart takes practice. To become a Master is to practice. Some say it is easy to love, and we say be careful with such statements. Often times there is a sneaky thought of believing if we love and give we

for you in whatever form he or she chose to give and love you at any given moment.

Continues in page 7………………..

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June/July 2016

Winning at this parenting game every day Here are some general tips to help you boost your relationship with your family members:

I look from my friend’s sarcastic Facebook post lamenting her son’s handwritten note which states, “My mom is the wurst.” Later she posts pictures of the whole family hugging as they celebrate a special occasion. I chuckle about these posts with my parents during a weekend visit. Although there are times when we drive each other bonkers, my parents and I still have a pretty amicable relationship. No matter what your background is, the relationship we have with our parents (or parental figures) can be complicated a series of pushing and pulling, wounding and reconciliation, beginning at our creation and driven from love.

effects on us energetically, regardless of how "good" or "bad" our relationship with our parents (or child) appears to be. Like most relationships, we can always find ways to manage it better (even if the person is no longer in your life).

history consistently married men with addiction issues.) These can be

Before were born, you choose the

conscious or unconscious. You have the opportunity to stop these

who your parents would be and made


sure you started in the right place to

C. Shared Energy - Mothers use

experience what you wanted during

their energy to create your physical

this lifetime. Your children chose you

body, and if you are a mother, you did

for the same reason. Although we

the same for your children. From the

may not remember or appreciate this

moment a baby is created in the

decision while alive, it gives us plenty

womb, they are literally intertwined

of things we need to clear emotionally

with their mothers, and they share

and energetically. Here are some

everything - experiences, fluids,

basic things you can clear:

feelings, etc.

A. Soul Agreements/Contracts -You

Babies are dependent upon their

may have made a soul agreement with

parents for survival, and this

your parent's (or child's) soul prior to

connection is designed by nature to

coming into this lifetime. (For

ensure that the baby survives to

example, your father made an


agreement with you to favor one of your siblings over you, in order to teach you independence.) If you are drawn to a spiritually enlightened path, then this agreement may not be serving you anymore. It is time to close any contracts or agreements. B. Ancestor Patterns/Beliefs - Your ancestors may have repeated patterns

This bond has one of the strongest

all of the women in your family’s

1.- Clear your baggage conditions of your birth. You decided

Cristen Stephansky

born into your family. (For example, if

or beliefs that you “inherited” by literally being

In our current society, both parents might give their energy and focus to help the child well into his/her adulthood. If not a child may feel the need to take on a parental role and nurture their parent. Eventually, this energy exchange is no longer productive for either parent or the child.

June/July 2016

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Mixed energy means that neither of

your family. The important thing is to

send them love. Love is the most

you is clear to create because you are

find the techniques that work best

powerful emotion that you can send

taking on the other’s problems

for you. If you are a physical person

energetically from your heart to a

instead of just dealing with your own

who likes tangible activities, then a

person. It facilitates understanding

stuff. You have to give the energy

formal releasing ceremony might

and can completely change the energy

you got from others back, and you

resonate with you. If you are visual,

around your relationship with a

need to get back the energy you gave.

then something like writing or an


It does not mean you abandon your

image-based meditation might be

It may not change the person or their

loved ones. You can still offer each other love and support. It simply means that you are not relying on each other for "survival," and know

what you prefer. The tool matters less than the fact that you are healing everything that is not serving you.

actions. Some people will stay stuck where they are. But if you get yourself into a place where you are happy and love them for who they are

that each of you has the power to

2. Give Your Love Freely, Not Your

– it changes your perception. You will

shape their own life. In that place,


see the world from a better place,

you will have access to your full energy when creating the life you want.

It is difficult to sit by and watch your loved ones make mistakes or struggle in life. It can be infuriating

and no matter what they do, you can stay firmly in a place of joy. 3. Say Thank You

D. Memories - No matter how

because they are not making the

wonderful your relationship with your

“smart” choice you would have made.

parents was in the past, there were

It is also frustrating to watch people

probably times that were less than

who’ve hurt you just continue on with

ideal. People can say hurtful

their lives with seemingly no

comments (intentionally and


unintentionally) that leave emotional

Unfortunately, there is sometimes no

remember the experiences that made

action we can take to make a person

you happy.

wounds and scars. These wounds need to be dug up, forgiven, and released.

“come to their senses” or “treat us

There are many, many books to help

better.” Just as you are responsible

you find ways to clear this type of

for your own life, they have to be

stagnant energy that may affect your

responsible for theirs.

relationships with

Finally, say thank you as often as you can. Your family members bring blessings in your life and teach you lessons – even ones you might wish you hadn’t had to learn. Cherish the moments you have together and

Be grateful for the lessons, heal the pain, and maintain your own happiness.

But, what we can always do, is

. . . . . The Akashic Record’s Corner The beginning of the year we expressed

move through this year of energetic ups

that this is the year of the monkey and

and downs as calmly and smoothly as

one of the monkey’s traits is also being a

possible. Reach deep in the heart so that

trickster. Monkey is not just about play

your doors may be open to receive so that

and creativity and swinging from tree to

you may experience the glorious feeling of


being loved eternally.

This year has much in store energetically

With great Love for you all, The Lords of

and the trickster is a big part of this

the Akashic Records

year. Our challenge to you is always reach deep from the heart to give so that you may be showered with love to

To schedule an appointment with Stephanie Charles call 724-799-4200

Stephanie will be at Enlightened Healing Energy 466 Castle Shannon Bvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 WHEN: June 18th, 2016 From 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.

TO ORDER OILS GO TO https://www.mydoterra.com/ruthkrauss HD Clear ÂŽ Foaming Face Wash is an exclusive and natural formula containing plant extracts known to improve the look and feel of skin. Designed with CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade ÂŽ essential oils, HD Clear Foaming Face Wash thoroughly cleanses skin with Melaleuca, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Litsea, and Ho Wood essential oils, each renowned for their purification properties.

Directions for Use: Pump foamer twice into palm of hand. Apply foam onto damp face and neck and massage in an upward circular motion. Thoroughly rinse with water and towel dry. Use morning and night; follow with HD Clear Topical Blend and Facial Lotion. Avoid direct contact with eyes.

Sunday June 26th: Essential Make and Take 1:00 PM-2:00 PM FEE $5.00

Where: The Center for Reiki & The Healing Arts 466 Castle Shannon Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15234 Learn how Essential Oils can support you during the warm summer months. We will also be making a Sun Spray that you can use to support your skin while enjoying the sun. Refreshments and door prizes. Bring a friend or mention this magazine and enter a drawing for a special prize.

466 Castle Shannon Boulevard Suite 203 Second Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15234

Phone: 412-600-1269 E-mail: ruth@enlightenedhealingenergy.com


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