October 2016

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Celestial Light Energy Magazine




October 2016

Inside this issue: About the Editor


Poetry’s Corner


The Law of Attraction: A Governing Law of the Soul


Sex and Spirituality




Akashic Records Corner


That’s What They Say


About the editor Ruth has fully awakened to her gifts and her journey into the healing arts. To better assist people to heal the light within, Ruth has studied multiple healing methods. Ruth is a practitio-

Services Offered We offered you a variety of services, from readings, healing sessions and classes.

ner of Magnified Healing ÂŽ, Integrated Energy TherapyÂŽ Master-Instructor, Dowser, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master. She is also an Akashic Records Reader, Certified Angel Reader by Doreen

Healing Sessions:

Virtue program, she has a great connection with the Angelic Realm. Ruth is excited and grateful to put her gifts to the service of others and help them through their own personal journey.

Classes: Reiki Level I and II


Reiki Master

Magnified Healing

Magnified Healing Phase I

Integrated Energy

IET Basic Level

Therapy Healing

IET Intermediate Level

Crystal Healing

IET Advance Level

Angel Healing Readings


13 Steps to Transformation

Akashic Records Readings

Aromatouch Technique

Healing with the Angels


Manifesting Workshop Ascension Workshop Page 2

Cele st ial Light Ener gy M agaz ine

Poetry Corner

HOPE By Iris M. Kurka A feather of a word A bubble easily burst . .by a little disappointment. So it is gone . . . like a bubble Only to be replaced by another bubble … Floating along . . . lifting our sights above the mundane. We know it won’t last forever, But there is more . . . an unending supply . . . Bringing joy, or relief, to the weariest of hearts. Hope, a bubble or an attitude? One where we keep focused on a positive horizon. Where we keep . . . our heart unlocked, open to the possibilities. Our minds sharp . . . to catch a sliver of truth Our souls open . . . to connect with others on our journey. A precious step before . . . the expecting, the believing, the knowing. Hope, a beginning, or a perspective? Seeing . . . that things can be change, That hearts can be mended, That lives can be healed. All with the right perspective, All starting with hope.

Hope is a lifeline . . . Something to hold onto in the dark. Knowing that it can support you till the light comes. It is an unreasonable belief in the unknown, the invisible. A belief that keeps your head above choppy water. Till your miracle arrives, on the wings of an angel. And with a disappointment, a bubble may pop. But another one may lead you . . . In a better direction . . . to a higher ground . . . To a kinder life. Maybe it is “the ride” on hope’s feather, not the destination. That is the goal . . . the experience itself. A friend says hope is a gift from God Like the fire flies in a summer night An experience of the heart In and of itself . . . To make the moments of life . . . a little more memorable. To make the heart . . . a little softer, To make the soul . . . a little brighter . . . Hope.

We come together to explore, experience, and support each other’s spiritual, intuitive and telepathic gifts and to expand upon them in a safe and sacred space. October 2016

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The Law of Attraction: A Governing Law of the Soul counteracting influence starts to have sway—the Law of Attraction. This sacred force has a shaping effect upon one’s perceptions, and is the governing law of the soul itself. William Meader https://meader.org Over the course of countless incarnations, the personality will dominate human consciousness. It psychologically emphasizes a separative perspective in life and, due to its influence, the lower-ego arises. One’s individuality becomes dearly prized, and a sense of his or her uniqueness looms large within the mind. Yet when an individual awakens to the promptings of the soul, a

As an individual begins to be influenced by the Law of Attraction, he or she starts to realize that there is a unitive field underlying the vast diversity we see in the outer world. A growing sense of interconnectedness and group awareness takes shape within the mind, and the accent on “me” begins to give way to the principle of “we.” Within the heart, a differentiation between higher and lower love also becomes more recognizable. Indeed, when the Law of

Attraction is expressed by the soul (without personality distortion) the type of love that arises is broadly inclusive and comparatively impersonal. When the Law of Attraction is rightly invoked, soulful affiliations are recognized, and circumstances will seem to conspire in support of one’s spiritual purpose. The synchronicities of life are no longer viewed as random, but instead offer meaning and direction. Needless to say, this sacred law plays an enormous role in the life of every true spiritual worker, particularly as we enter the Aquarian Age with its emphasis on humanity’s essential oneness.

Sex and Spirituality The spiritual meaning and role of sexuality has been a mystery for countless centuries. To truly understand its significance in our personal lives, it must be examined from a cosmic standpoint as well. The dynamics of sexuality are fundamental to all states of consciousness within creation. As such, by understanding cosmic sex, we begin to grasp its

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higher purpose on a personal level. In this presentation, the spiritual purpose of sexuality will be examined, both from the universal and human perspective. William Meader will be given this workshop at

SITE NITE October 11th, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM Donation $ 5.00 SITE NITE United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh 5401 Centre Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15232 United States Website: http://sitenite.org/meetings Cele st ial Light Ener gy M agaz ine

Visit us on Facebook at: WWW.Facebook.com/TheMysticSisters We do parties and events October 2016

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Karma Burning with the spiritual element of fire. Releasing karma in this way can have a powerful life improving To sign up for this class email Paul at: 2Paul@comcast.net

effect. This is a master level technique which we go through step by step. It is not necessary to experience all the

Karma is patterns of energy from this life and past lives that effects our present path. One way to release negative karma is by burning it away

memories associated with the

It is then brought back to the present moment and sent out through the aura for integration. This class is intended for both beginners and those with more experience. October 14th 2016 From 7 to 9 pm Energy Exchange $40.00

negative karma to release it. After karma is burned away in multiple levels, then the freed energy is moved into the future to stabilize a better future.

Exploring your Inner Dreams Dreams are a language often times not understood, but there is a language within us worth exploring.

within you where you may experience some of the most wondrous places you will not find here on earth.

Please join us to discover your inner dreams that you may not be aware of within yourselves waiting to be heard.

Accessing our dreams provides entertainment, healing and insights and will allow you to experience your own magical being. We will be dreaming and sharing (voluntary).

To Sign up for this class call Stephanie at: 724-799-4200

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We will be sing the drum to relax and distress, with instructions of how to enter into your dream world and journey to the realm of dreams you have

October 16th 2016 from 1pm until 3pm Energy Exchange $35.00

Cele st ial Light Ener gy M agaz ine

Psychic Development Classes with Paul These classes are for those who wish to bring out the psychic intuitive that is within each of us. The classes are intended for those who wish to develop their psychic reading skills into a practical, useful, healing tool. This could be to read professionally and/or to use intuition for guiding aspects of one's own life such as health, relationships, and career. Each class is for beginners as well as those more advanced, and each class can be taken independently of the others. Students who complete four classes will receive a certificate of completion. Psychic theory will

be balanced with direct experiential activities. Class 1: Meditation, Visualization, and Intention Connecting with universal energy and the true self for expansion, clarity, and healing. Developing Psychic Sensing - Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), Clairaudience (Clear Hearing), Empathy (Psychic Feeling), and Intuition. Class 2: Reading the Aura and Chakras - Interpreting information, self-development, and Kun-

dalini. Class 3: Sensing Time - Past Lives and Precognition - Integrating past experiences and sensing future probabilities. Distance Reading - Reading from photographs, phone reading, and remote viewing Class 4: Mediumship - Communicating with spirit guides and those that have crossed over Class 1 October 21st 2016 at 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level Our IET Basic Level class is a powerful day of self-healing and energy therapy certification training. In this basic class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA. You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. We will cover how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical

October 2016

region of the body, as well as how to use the IET power angelic energy to clear them. We are going to be working with the 9 Angels of the Energy Field. No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself, pets and others, and unlock your soul’s purpose. After this class you will be

qualified as an IET practioner. You will received a Certificate and a manual. November 5th 2016 From 9 to 5 pm Energy Exchange $ 205.00 To sign up for this class email Ruth Lorena at : Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com Page 7

Mystical Psychic Fair November 13th, 2016 from 12 to 5:00 PM

Skyview Fire Hall #3660 Noble Drive West Mifflin, PA 15122 Message Circle Kitsy Higgins will be giving the Message Circle at 1:00 – 2:15 PM. If there is low attendance for the circle, the time will be adjusted. Workshop How to connect with your loved ones Kitsy Higgins will be teaching a Workshop on How to connect with your loved ones that passed on through inviting them in and meditation from 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. To Save your spot for the workshop and the message Circle please prepaid. Prepaid Ticketing info: $ 26.50 by

Paypal per each event send to: tarotqueen_1313@yahoo.com

$ 25.00 by

Check per each event, must be received by Nov. 9th Payable to—Deborah Sibert at 31 Circle Dr. Finleyville PA 15332

$ 30.00 at

the door per each event.


$ 5.00









Call Deborah at 724-348-8063 to reserve your spot WORKSHOP Page 8

$30.00 Cele st ial Light Ener gy M agaz ine

Akashic Records Corner’s Probing your mind is exploring your inner world to recognize if you may be reacting more versus thinking/feeling and than acting from a loving place even if it means it entails hard decisions.

In all my activities may I probe my mind, and as soon as an affliction arises--since it endangers myself and others-- may I confront it directly and avert it. – Dali Lama

A mother often times will use the voice of anger to correct and teach their child but internally they are not feeling angry. Coming from a place of compassion sometimes requires an ac-

and compassion from others. If you are a helping hand, there will be many helping hands when you are in need. We could say “Be selfish with compassion and kindness because you will be the biggest benefactor”. And oh what a world this would be if all would understand this universal law of giving and receiving. With our warmest love for you, The record Keepers.

To schedule an In other words think before acting and reacting. Asking yourself am I coming from my highest? Am I being true to my heart? Am I being true to my well-being? Love and compassion is not about setting boundaries aside, or neglecting the self. Love and compassion is about lacking judgment of others and the self. Love and compassion is a place of acceptance that we each all have a soul and all are walking on this earth together, the only home we have.

October 2016

appointment with Stephanie Charles tion that is like an actor on stage playing a role.

call 724-799-4200

Kindness and compassion also means a helping hand. We said in our last message…take your blessings and pass them on to others. Be the extension of the Universal Grace that bestows blessings on you. What does this mean for you? What is the result? You are opening yourself up to more blessings. You are opening yourself up to receiving kindness Page 9

That’s What They Say-Thought provoking insights on common quotations me how this event changed his life and so ultimately I asked him only one more question which was “are you grateful for that scar now?”

Rev. Marjorie Rivera www.PittsburghMedium.com 412-804-8010 RevMarjorieRivera@gmail.com

When I thought more about our conversation, I realized that most people have scars that we cannot see. Whether or not we can see someone scars it's important to remember that everyone has wounds. Wounds are the physical manifestation of where we've been changed by

Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey On a recent trip to Texas I met a young man named Armando. A very unassuming young man with a very large scar on his chin. I asked him a simple question, what happened to your chin? And that simple question launched us into a conversation that lasted for hours. He told me his life story and the story of his spiritual awakening. It turns out that he had been attacked by some opponents during a sporting event. He told

ence that comes to us teach us, then every wound would have the ability to become wisdom. I believe that the key to turning wounds into wisdom would be remembering that as life unfolds in front of us, nothing that happens is inherently positive or negative it's simply an experience. Often we want to label something as positive or negative instead of simply accepting it as “ that which is “. If more often we could accept what is and then look for the lesson in the experience, we could be grateful for everything that happens. So whether you are nursing wounds that are visible or invisible, physical or non physical, you have the choice to to allow your wounds to teach you so you may teach others.

trauma. I'd like to think that all of our scars are simply marks on the map of our bodies, whether the body is physical or emotional. Every wound has the ability to change us. If we let each experi-

You have the ability to let your wounds help you so that you may help others. Suggested reading: The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown

WWW.Meetup.Com/Spiritual-growth-Crecimiento-Spiritual www.facebook.com/EnlightenedHealingEnergy Page 10

Cele st ial Light Ener gy M agaz ine

Good stuff for one and all Linda & Bobby Joyce 1136 Highview Drive Dravosburg, PA 15034


Crafty Rock Hounds

October 2016


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Come experience Max and his incredible healing energy on a personal level! Max is an authentic ancient crystal skull; a wonder of the world estimated to be thousands of years old and considered by many, to be one of the rarest artifacts ever found on this planet. Max was discovered in Guatemala and was used by Mayan priests for healing, rituals, and prayers. Now Max and his skull keeper, JoAnn Parks travel the world offering healing and consciousness-raising sessions. Some who sit with Max report healings, visions, improved psychic abilities, speaking with or seeing loved ones who've crossed over, a sense of extreme bliss, and much more. Each individual's experience is uniquely different and personal, and each sitting you have with Max can be different and unique, as well! Healing sessions Fri 10/14/16 Sat 10/15/16 Sun 10/16/16

4:00pm to 7:00pm 9:00am to 5:30pm 9:00am to 1:00pm

Individual Sessions

JoAnn Parks presentation Sat 10/15/16 7:00pm - 8:00pm $25.00 per person Group Sessions of up to 4 people

30 min

$ 60.00

1 hour

$ 120.00

30 min

$ 35.00 per person

All payments will be made through PayPal Invoice which includes a 5% Surcharge Fee. Sessions are limited and will be reserved on a first come first serve basis.

To schedule your session call Barbara Dawson at 412-403-2663.

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