Skýrsla um gagnasöfnun Viðauki 4 – Niðurstöður frá Succubus Interactive Ldt., Frakkland
Outcomes from the group discussions with companies, Succubus Validity of the results The interviewed companies are all dealing mostly with the digital economy at different levels of maturity. However, one of the interviewees is the director of a business incubator, therefore his feedback reflects this larger perspective than the entrepreneurs’ one. All of them are based or have started their business in Nantes area and are expanding towards Paris but have larger ambitions.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Skills for entrepreneurs – existing and needed
Basic skills Ability to learn Curiosity Own domain technical expertise Learning from experience (from own mistakes) Skills that are necessary but that can be learned over time (self-development – MOOC; practice; external sources – networking, workshops, conferences, etc.) Management cash flow accounting, finance fund raising marketing sales
Innovation in the business development
" That's all we do, we spend all our time generating new products and ideas. " “It's a very strong part, you have to be consistent and differentiate yourself from your competitors.”
UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS COLLABORATION Collaboration with education providers and students
Internship and use of intermittent workers for testing potential new collaborators among students
IO1. Skýrsla um gagnasöfnun 50