1 minute read
from INTERNSHIP GUIDE 2022/2023
School support:
In general, the Development and Counselling Centre (RPC) provides career advice to all students at the University of Economics, Prague. RPC is a mediatory department acting in the area of students and alumni career assertion and it is also a mediator of the relations with business. Twice a year it organises a career fair where most of the big Czech employers are present. There are also several big career fairs in Prague, the biggest being Profesia and Career Days. The Centre is in charge of individual career advising as well. Further information can be found here. Please note that many of the advertised opportunities are only for Czech-speakers.
CEMS students at the University of Economics, Prague are informed regularly by e-mail about internship opportunities / actual offers from Corporate Partners / other companies and from Alumni as well.
Local CEMS students from the University of Economics, Prague can obtain a grant for student placement for their internship abroad during their studies. You can find the most up-to-date information here.
Contact for students who are interested in a particular CEMS Corporate Partner company in the Czech Republic:
Martina Cizkova, martina.cizkova@vse.cz
Šárka Otčenášková, sarka.otcenaskova@vse.cz, CEMS Corporate Relations Managers
General information about working in the Czech Republic can be found here.
In general, a citizen of the EU/EEA and Switzerland does not need an employment permit to be employed in the territory of the Czech Republic. However, the precise conditions always depend on the position within the company the intern is applying, the information is provided by the company when applying for the internship.
For graduates:
Generally, it might be an advantage to have student status, however, it always depends on the position the company offers.