Centennial High School | April 2015 | Issue 2

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Centennial High School / April ‘15 / Issue II

1 Month Overview/Calendar 12 Mormon Fort Cook-Off 2 Words from the Editor

13 Eagle Scout: Painting

3 Words from the President

14 Faith Lutheran DCM

4-5 The Soul Crew

15 Baby Bulldog BBQ

6-7 Peach Tree Thinning

16-17 Teens Against Tobacco

8 Funny Bunny Race

Use 18 Member of the Month

9 Kiwanis One Day

19 Contact List

10-11 Spread the Word


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

Centennial Key Club was on fire this April. The members were involved more than ever. Due to their unrelenting spirit to serve, the first two Saturdays alone were each fulfilled with two service events. April 4th witnessed peach thinning in Gilcrease Orchard that concurred with the Funny Bunny Race. April 11th, in celebration for Kiwanis One (mandatory hurray!), the club cleaned books in Spread the Word then proceeded next to help out in the Dutch Oven Cook-Off in the Mormon Fort. Our ember did not dwindle from there. The Freshman Barbecue--a great opportunity for recruiting new members--and the long-awaited Teens Against Tobacco Use presentation to many young children peaked the month. However, the latter days led on to a dimming of our club's activeness in preparation of standardized testing and would continue to next month. Despite the temporary slumber, our coal still glows red hot, and will burst in flames again.

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Hello Sea Monkeys! I hope everyone did well on their test. Sadly, Key Club was "shutdown" temporarily due to testing, but we gotta keep our grades up too. April was fun and full of service events. My personal favorite during April was the Freshman Hotdog Cookout because I got to recruit Freshman and interact with them. Many Freshman signed up. School's almost over sea monkeys! I don't think I'll survive! I want it to be summer already. >-<


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

Words from the President Greetings, Sea Monkeys! I am Demian, president of Centennial Key Club. I first got involved with Key Club in my sophomore year. Reserved and a bit awkward, Key Club really helped me make strong bonds with people who I now consider my best friends. I was instantly enamored by everything Key Club had to offer- a sense of camaraderie between all the members and a shared feeling that we really are making a difference in the world. One of my largest interests outside of Key Club is basketball. I have the height of a point guard but the heart of a center. Appropriately, I plan to make this term a slam dunk and I'm ready to take as many shots as possible to help us have the best term we can!

Demian Garcia

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Freshman Representative President

Sophomore Representative

Historian Vice President

Bulletin Editor


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Senior Representative Sergeant-At-Arms

Junior Representative

Treasurer Vice President


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Gilcrease Orchard Peach Tree Thinning

“The night before the event, I reassured myself that tomorrow was going to be a lazy, bed-ridden kind of Saturday. Unfortunately, I was wrong. That morning, my sister startled my beauty sleep. I thought to myself, "Is the world ending?" because something was certainly wrong. She then blared about the peach picking event, and that a friend was going to pick us up in 30 minutes. Two words to sum up that time: day & ruined... but no; I refuse to believe that. Maybe I will have a Chicken Little moment where I save the world from the falling sky. And so, off we were, transported to the fields. After some discombobulating, we found the place on the field to work. Little did I know that during the event there would be green baby peaches harmed since peach thinning involved picking the baby peaches out of the tree so the branches are not weighed down. What did we do with the plucked peaches? Throw them at each other. Baby peaches, instead, were falling from the sky. Oh yes; it was a fun time. I'd totally go thinning peaches again.� - Mayk Baccaro


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

CHS / April 2015 / Issue II


On May 4th early morning, members from Centennial Key Club hopped a ride to Bruce Trent City Park to volunteer in the Funny Bunny Race. This egg-hunting, adrenaline-pumping event was for raising money for battling Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that slowly paralyzes its victims. Setting up the place involved moving tables and waters along the marathon path. Eggs full of goodies were scattered throughout the trail. Runners, walkers, and, certainly, hoppers alike competed to gather these colorful eggs that the Easter bunny dropped. It was an amazing sight to see children's faces brighten in delight as they discover a majestic prize. Along with the race, there were various stations for kids to jump for joy. Josh Jones, our immediate past president, was suited in a bunny costume and pretended like he was a PokĂŠmon. Oh, Josh. Fast forward to the clean-up, it was laborious--picking up half-shelled eggs and putting down canopies. Despite that, the FUN overweighed the strenuous work. We hope to resurrect this time again!


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

Centennial Key Club is proud to celebrate K-One Day on May 11th, 2015. This is the day where Kiwanis organizations like Key Club from around the world participate in service events and give back to our community. For our contribution to the service tradition, our members cleaned books for Spread the Word, and afterwards, we helped out doing various tasks around the Mormon Fort. Happy Kiwanis One Day everyone!

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CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

To work alongside fellow Key Clubbers around the Las Vegas Valley with piles of books and cleaning supplies was an efficacious start in celebrating Kiwanis One Day. Centennial Key Club expresses our utmost gratitude to Spread the Word Nevada, a non-profit organization intending to change lives one book at a time, and the Kiwanis Strip Club for arranging the service event. In the early hours of the day, our members met up on the venue location: a warehouse. What awaited us were sweet delicacies to fuel us for the upcoming task (again, thank you so, so much). Pretty soon, Secta-K and Clark Key Club arrived and the fun started. Books in boxes were delivered to our work stations--aka tables--and we individually handled each literature piece with care: erasing pencil scribbles, peeling price tag stickers, and wiping spotless the book covers. An interesting phenomenon that led me to have my mind explode was that permanent black Sharpies are, in fact, erasable. Whoa. Soon enough with our diligence, the three Key Clubs managed to clean about 1,500 books in 2 hours--a magnificent feat. The books will be shipped to schools and similar institutes to feed the hunger for curiosity. In our minds, we imagined children smiling while reading "Because of Winn-Dixie" by Kate DiCamillo and suddenly wonder how old the dog would be by now. A hypothetical conversation composes: "Would Winn-Dixie still be alive?" and another child logically explains, "Winn-Dixie was a Cairn Terrier--the same as Toto in Wizard of Oz. This breed of dog lives for around 12-15 years. The book was published in 2000--15 years ago. It is reasonable to assume Winn-Dixie already passed away regardless of his age in the story." Then the other kid pouts... On a lighter remark, we will not forget the laughs and newly-acquired books as thanks for our service. May words be spread and knowledge shared!

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Old Mormon Fort: Dutch Oven Cook-Off The hunger to serve during Kiwanis One Day was still not satiated after cleaning books in Spread the Word. With our stomach guiding us, one of our members recalled a cooking event in the Mormon Fort, and dashed our way to the location. The grumble in our bellies was intensified by talks of unlimited chili and hamburgers in the car. However when we arrived, the fort was comfortably quiet. Thoughts of diving into a lavish and greasy buffet faded from our minds. Nevertheless, our hearts overcame a basic human instinct and asked the fort ranger for work around the site. Enthused, he offered us rakes to bring to the side the algae infesting the creek. Delighted, we went to work. The task was as easy as cooking eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage. We finished after--probably--2700 heartbeats. We reported back to the ranger, was congratulated, and then declared the pulsestopping news: we could participate as voters in the Dutch oven cook-off that we were oblivious about. That meant we could eat. We dashed to the site and it was as if we transcended to a paradise. (My mouth is watering as I recall back the food experience. Words cannot express the heavenly moment.) We felt like royalty, yet at the same time, like servants--bowing down to the food in front of us. At the alpha and omega of things, we saw, we came, we conquered. Hunger. Our vote? "Yes, you are going to Hollyfood."


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

“We arrived at the playground. A soccer match near us captured my attention. How bright the day was. But now wasn't the time to lull; it was work time. The first task was setting down plastic mats to keep the paint from splashing to the ground. The rest was painting the fence surrounding the playground. 3 hours of that and occasional glances at this one guy, this proved to be relaxing. Despite that, I was dazed by the heat and laid down on the stone bench. I gazed at the guy as if thoroughly observing him. He seemed troubled beneath that smile of his. He was not the smiling type of guy but there he was, with a feign smile albeit with genuine sadness... Our eyes met. His smile widens. For a moment, I lost touch of reality. He came to me. We talked. "Hey, are you going to prom?" "Yea" "Then let's go!" "Woah, you gotta ask me with a pick-up line or something." "Hmm.. someone will hate me for this but I'll give it a try." He kneels down and holds my hand, "I'd be more Dan happy if you Phil like going with me to the prom with me tonight." Enthralled, "How do you know I love.." "Hush. Let's go." The lesson: Key Club service events will earn you a prom date.

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All that can be said about our experience in Faith Lutheran Divisional Council Meeting was... meatball sub and chips! Studies show that food increases a person's dopamine level by 25%, so it is reasonable to say they made Centennial Key Club fall in love in those moments we savored those delicious, saucy meatballs. So thank you Faith Lutheran! Transitioning to events actually worth noting, the members who went got to interact with people! This rarely happens, unfortunately. But familiar faces from Key Club around the valley we recognized--Durango, Clark, Cimarron, and, of course, Faith Lutheran just to name a few. Also, guess who won Member of the Month? Our very own sweetheart, Megan Sweeney! We were elated when Division 28 LTG Aaron Quiamzon announced the news, but we resisted the temptation to stand on the tables and dance in celebration (fortunately!). In time, the meeting finished, and well, we will miss that place. Something about the Faith Lutheran campus made us feel warm. We are looking forward to the next time we visit!


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

Disclaimer: no puppies were harmed during this event. However, some upcoming freshmen looked like doom was looming in front of their faces. A mild case of pre-high school anxiety may be the case. I, myself, can truly empathize. With many various clubs and programs to sign up for, how can one decide which to join? We know for sure 30 8th graders signed up for Centennial Key Club. We are so excited to see them next year! But as the old saying goes, never count your chicken by how many eggs. We will find out for sure how many will successfully hatch into our Key Club family and for the others--well, best of luck to them!

CHS / April 2015 / Issue II


How might, perhaps, I shall recall— A bit of fame, a show produced— A teaching time in which we all Spoke deadly of tobacco use There we were, un-asundered Behind curtains, like a silent thunder As children fleeted in and hushed down under We bolted out to the crowd in zest and wonder A thought of kids disordered comes to mind But as the crew scans with widened eyes Amazed, confounded by how many Criss-crossed-apple-sauced youngins in sanity Greetings and introduction came hither and thither Nerves and anxiety enshrouded a few— Of chilly trembles and minor jitters— Nonetheless, the show continued The first skit: Death's arrival with pet cigarette What has he in stores for the children? Tar, acetone, nicotine, rat poison! Drat! Bleach! Perfect for cleaning toilets!


Oh, with utmost relief, the children refused To agree Death's terms and condition: To waste money and risk health complications So off the two evils went Carrying along with them discontent Next were the beads that represent The many deaths per year Of notorious diseases and accidents The demonstration showed smoking was, very clear, The leading killer, a thousand near Somber, then, enshrouded the mood A family in shambles, in front in stage they stood Silence was the language of the feud Cigarette was the culprit to allude The sorrow surely did not last For the lungs were displayed at last Pumping air along with curious hands 'Twas truly a sight for kids and adult alike A day fulfilled, a fitting flare Proud of the knowledge that we shared

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Educating Children about the Harmful Effects of Smoking at Sheila Tarr Elementary School

Smoker’s Lungs

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A companion to the members of Centennial Key Club, Steve Smith serves as one of the most active general member of the month. He partook in painting fences in Eagle Scout Project, involved himself in recruiting upcoming freshmen in Baby Bulldog Barbecue, and went along to Faith Lutheran DCM. This friendly young man would initiate a conversation when others around him are feeling sluggish from their day. He does not seem to seep such energy of inactivity and rather awaken the people who do. Although at times he does have his moments, he sets the examples and standard of a member with a strong positive attitude. We are proud to have Steve Smith as part of our Key Club family.


CHS / April 2015 / Issue II

Contact List President Demian: centennialkc.president@gmail.com | 702-506-5328

Vice Pres. True: centennialkc.vicepres@gmail.com | 702-538-0004

Vice Pres. Mayk: centennialkc.vicepresident@gmail.com | 940-337-7984

Secretary Jeremy: centennialkc.secretary@gmail.com | 702-689-6333

Treasurer Rozy: centennialkc.treasurer@gmail.com | 702-539-5462

Bulletin Editor Loremie: centennialkc.editor@gmail.com | KIK: lorie168

Historian Di’zjay:

centennialkc.historian@gmail.com | 702-472-2770

Senior Rep. Jason R: centennialkc.seniors@gmail.com | 480-390-8717

Junior Rep. Jason B: centennialkc.juniors@gmail.com | 702-400-9869

Sophomore Rep. Mary: centennialkc.sophomores@gmail.com | 801-668-6833

Freshman Rep. Cazhmere: centennialkc.freshmen@gmail.com | 702-349-7598

Sergeant-at-Arms Ryan: centennialkc.ssa@gmail.com | Facebook: Ryan Cervantez

CHS / April 2015 / Issue II


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