2019-2020 October Newsletter

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oct ober2019newl et t eri s s .3 cent enni alhi ghs chool cal nevhadi s t r i ct r egi on5-D28W



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Hel l oever yonet hi smont hi s goi ngt obeonef ort hebooks f orourcl ub!Ihopeever yonei s doi ngal r i ghtaf t erf i r s tquar t er ! We’ r eaf our t hoft hewayt ot he endoft heyearal r eady.Pl eas e enj oyt her es tofs pookymont h andt hankyouf orr eadi ngt he news l et t er .

I ’ ms oexci t edandhappy becaus et hi si sourbus i es t mont h.I ’ m exci t edt opr epar e f orHar ves tF es t i valandal s o RT C!Al otofmember shave beenver yexci t edand pas s i onat eabouts er vi ceand i t ’ samaz i ngt os ee.


October dcm


October 2,2019

Hol l y Bol o,Presi dent

“The OctoberDCM was al ot offun!Ihel ped DLT wi th boba sal es and i twent pretty wel l .Thank you to NorthwestCTA forhol di ng the DCM ! ”

face Pai pai nti ng October 4, 2019

Nat al i e Hernandez,Edi t or “Facepai nti ng atthe hom ecom i ng gam e was i nteresti ng.I t’s a real l y greatway to fundrasi e forourcl ub becuase a l otof peopl el i ke showi ng thei rspi ri twi th pai nted desi gns on thei rfaces.W e had a group ofstudents who wanted com pl etel y bl ue faces wi th whi te eyebrows and doi ng thatwas the hi ghl i ghtofthe ni ghtform e. ”


homecomi ng float Sel ena Janeway,Mem ber “I twas ni ce to decorate the fl oatas a cl ub.I twas al so a l otoffun ri di ng the hom ecom i ng fl oatto supportKey Cl ub. ”

October 4,2019


Angel Faces


October 5,2019

Adri anna Pari s,Mem ber

“AtAngelFaces Ipul l ed weeds and m oved around l eaves on cartto getthem to the com poststati ons.I t was fun hel pi ng outwi th the nonprofi tand bondi ng wi th m em bers ofKey Cl ub. ”

Lacey Dom i ni c,Mem ber

“AngelFaces i s a great experi ence thateveryone shoul d try atl eastonce.I t gi ves peopl e the oportuni ty to l earn how to take care of garden i n Vegas weather, al ong wi th m aki ng new fri ends.M y fri ends and I defi ntel y enj oyed i tand we can’twai tto go agai ni n the Spri ng. ”




I ns t a T wi t t er Googl e Cl as s r om

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