2019-2020 December Newsletter

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HappyNew YearKey Cl ubber s !Ihopeyoualhave beenenj oyi ngt hebr eakand t aki ngawel ldes er vedr es t . I ’ ms oexci t edt os eewhatt he new yearwi l lhavei ns t or ef or ourcl ubandIcan’ tt os ee youguysagai n.: )

Iwoul dl i ket os ayhappy hol i dayst oever yoneandhave as af ewi nt erbr eak.I ’ m exci t ed f ort henew yearandIhavea l otofpl ansf orourcl ub.




October 26,2019 Nat han Bri dges, Mem ber

“M y ti m e atRTC was fantasti c,I ’ve m eta bi g group ofpeopl e through the W hova app and we’ve kepti n touch sti l lto thi s day.The workshops real l y hel ped m e and Ihave appi l ed them to m y everyday l i fe.Overal l ,i t was a fun and hel pful experi ence. ”

Sel eiCho,Mem ber

“Ihad a l otoffun at RTC!Everyone had a l ot ofenery com i ng i n and tri ed thei rbest.I ’m real l y happy thatIwent and l earned a ton of stuff;Il ook forward to doi ng i tnextyear, too! ”

Hol l y Bol o,Presi dent

“M y ti m e atRTC was am azi ng.W e gotthrough to the thi rd round and we got a speci alaward from Chi l dren’s M i racl e.Ihad an am azi ng ti m e wi th m y key cl ub fam i l y and I ’m saddened thati twas m y l ast.I ’m very gratefulto al l m y fri ends and m y cl ub! ”

December DECember DCM December 4, 2019


Trey Thom as, Mem ber

“Thi s was the fi rstDCM Ihave been to and even though there weren’tm any peopl e there,i twas real l y cool to tal k to otherkey cl ubbers and see how thei rcl ubs worked i n com pari son to ours.Iwi l l defi ni tel y be exci ted to go to the nextone because Iwantto l earn m ore aboutothers. ”

Jenna Herdel l ,Mem ber

“The Decem berDCM was real l y fun!M ostl y because we goto decorate i tand j ust m ake j okes between oursel ves.I twas ni ce m eeti ng the otherkey cl ub m em bers too. Al so,there was a l ot offod so thatwas chi l l . ”

Em i riHanda,Secret ary

“The DCM was so fun!I t was real l y ni ce to be abl e to spend som e ti me wi th the m em bers after schoolto seteverythi ng up.I twas actual l y qui te mi sty and rai ny thatday, butIhardl y noti ced i t because ofhow m uch fun we had.The food was del i ci ous forthe potl uck and overal lIj ust had a real y good ti m e! ”

Fall Rally November 9,2019

Ryan Dom eni ck,Mem ber “M y ti m e atFal lRal l y was a very awesom e ti m e wi th m y fri ends and chaperones.The servi ce done to com m em orate the di fferentdi vi si ons’servi ces was done fantasti c and the spi ri tof Key Cl ub stayed strong throughoutthe whol e day. ”


Last meeti ng last December 11,2019

Nat al i e Hernandez, Edi t or

“Afterthe l astm eeti ng of the yearwe pl ayed a gam e outsi de where everyone had a bal l oon wrapped around thei rankl e and the goalwas to pop som eone el se’s bal oon unti lthere was one person l eftwi th a bal l oon.I twas a fun way to end the year. ”





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