2019-2020 August Newsletter

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augus t2019newl et t eri s s .2 cent enni alhi ghs chool cal nevhadi s t r i ct r egi on5-D28W



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HeyKeyCl ubber sIhope ever yonehadanamaz i ng s ummerandi sr eadyt oget backi nt ot hes choolr out i ne! Ourf i r s tmeet i ngi scomi ngup andI ’ m eagert os t ar tof ft he new yearr i ght !

Pr epar i ngf ort henew yearhas beenver ybus ybutpr epar i ng f ort hef i r s tmeet i ngofKeyCl ub hasbeenr eal l yf un!Ican’ twai t t omeett henew member sandI wantt omakeagoodyearf or myl as tyearofhi ghs chooland KeyCl ub.I ’ m exci t ed!


Baby Bulldog Breakfast

6 t s u 19 g u 20 a

Nat al i e Hernandez,Edi t or


“Earl y Tuesday Outsi de we had m orni ng i ncom i ng m em bers hol di ng freshm an cam e to si gns prom oti ng our Centenni alto get cl ub.I twas fun to Hol l y Bol o,Presi dent thei rtentati ve i nteractwi th the cl ass schedul e freshm an and “Baby Bul l dog and to tourthei r hopeful l y convi nce Breakfastwas a new school .W e them to gi ve Key success and we al l had a booth i n the Cl ub a try and by worked real l y hard cafeteri a where a the end ofthe to recrui tfreshm en steady stream of Breakfastwe had a forthe upcom i ng freshm an cam e l otofsi gn ups.I t’s year!Ourm em bers around to ask encouragi ng to see wentoutsi de wi th aboutKey Cl ub the am ountof am azi ng key cl ub (even i fthey were peopl e thatwere spi ri tand i t bei ng prom pted i nterested i n Key attracted m any by thei rparents at Cl ub and i tm akes students to com e fi rst). m e eagerforthe and si gn up.I ’m so new yearto start.” exci ted to see the new faces i n the fi rstm eeti ng! ”

AUgust DCM DCM August 702 02 Market Market 7 Val ari e Hi ggi ns,Mem ber


august 6 2019

“The AugustDCM was a great ki ckoffto the schoolyear!I gotto m eeta l otofotherKey Cl ubbers and even som e Ci rcl e K m em bers from UNLV.I twas awesom e seei ng cl ubs geta head starti n PTP fundrai si ng.I have a good feel i ng we’re goi ng to hi tour di vi si on and di stri ctgoal ! ”

Em i ri Handa, Secret ary

Di vi si on 28 W est had i m pl em ented a “After new system ofM oon Centenni al ’s M oney to reward and Freshm an keep track ofgood Ori entati on,m y deeds com pl eted by presi dentand I cl ubs and Iam proud headed strai ght to say that overto the Centenni ali si n thi rd Di vi si on 28 Joi nt pl ace behi nd two DCM atCl ark am azi ng m agnethi gh Hi gh School . school s!Afterour W hen we i ndi vi dualm eeti ngs, arri ved,we were we wenti nto the warm l y fundrai si ng aspectof wel com ed and the 702KC M arket at10 AM the where a few cl ubs m eeti ng began. were sel l i ng i tem s. W e spl i toffi nto ourown i ndi vi dual di vi si ons to tal k abouteach cl ubs new busi ness,ol d busi ness,and ourown ti ps for cl ub rush.

I twas i ncredi bl y fun and I recom m end others to attend thei r Di vi si on Counci l M eeti ngs because i ti s a great opportuni ty to m eetpeopl e from othercl ubs and becom e m ore i nvol ved i n di vi si on events! ”


i ndependent Nat al i e Hernandez,Edi t or

As the school

yearstarts up agai n,i t' s the perfectti m e to getback i nto the swi ng of vol unteeri ng.Have you been stuck when i tcom es to fi ndi ng i ndi vi dual hours i n the past? There are m any pl aces i n our com m uni ty that offervol unteeri ng opportuni ti es to teenagers,you j usthave to do a l i ttl e bi tof research.Love ani m al s? Try vol unteeri ng atan ani m alshel ter.

hours i deas i deas

W antto hel p out ki ds i n need? Three Square i s al ways l ooki ng for new vol unteers and offers di fferentki nds of servi ce opportuni ti es. Som e ofthose i ncl ude sorti ng and repackagi ng food atthei r warehouse,fi l l i ng backpacks wi th weekend food for chi l dren, packagi ng m eal s forki ds i n school program s and hel pi ng outat speci alevents. Enj oy the outdoors? The Spri ngs Preserve vol unteeri ng program m ay be a good fi tforyou.

Are you a soci al person? Pl aces l i ke the M ob M useum , Di scovery Chi l dren’s M useum and Las Vegas Natural Hi story M useum are al ways l ooki ng for peopl e thatcan posi ti vel yi nteract wi th thei rguests. There are even websi tes dedi cated to vol unteeri ng l i ke DoSom ethi ng. org and vol unteerm atch. org! Cl ub wi se there i sa Googl e Doc that gets updated wi th I ndependentServi ce Hours thatyou can fi nd check outas the yearprogresses. Servi ce opportuni ti es are al l around you,don’t mi ss out!




I ns t a T wi t t er Googl e Cl as s r om

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