2019-2020 May Newsletter

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Iam s oexci t edt obewor ki ng ont hef i r s tNews l et t erf ort he 2019/ 2020t er m!Ihopet okeep youguysi nf or medandupt o dat eonever yt hi nghappeni ng wi t hi nourcl ubt hr oughoutt he t er m.T hes choolyeari sal mos t overandIhopeyoual ldowel l onyourexams !

Iam s oexci t edt ol eadand s er vet hi snew t er m asPr es i dent . Ihaves omanyi deasf ors er vi ce andf undr ai s i ngt os pr eadt he pur pos eofourcl ubt ot her st hat mi ghtnotknow.Ican’ twai tt o wor kwi t hnew boar dandget cl os ert ot hem aswecont i nue ourt er m.Iwi l ldot hebes tIcan ands t r i vef ormor e!



RyanDomeni ck,Member

Keycl ub i ss ucha bl as t .Dur i ng ourl as taf t ers chools er vi ce meet i ng wemadel i t t l e handmade,appr eci at i oncar ds f ort het eacher st hat whol ehear t edl ywor kf orour s chool .Notonl ywasi tan awes omewayt o hang wi t h f r i endsaf t ers chool ,i tal s o hel ped uspourourcr eat i vi t yi n a mannert hats howsourl ove and appr eci at i onf ort he t eacher sand s t af fof Cent enni alHi ghSchool .

May 1 2019

Val ar i e Hi ggi ns,Member

The car d maki ng wasa l otoff un! The t eacher sher e atCent enni aldo a l otf oruss oi t ’ s al waysgr eatt o do s omet hi ng ni ce f or t hem.


3 Hol l y Bol o - Presi dent

of f i cert rai ni ng conf erence

M y experi ence atOffi cerTrai ni ng Conference was notonl y superfun butsuperhel pfulform y posi ti on.I l earned al lthe responsi bi l i ti es needed to take on Presi dentand I hope to serve and l ead thi s term wi th posi ti vi ty!OTC al so gave m e a chance to i nteractwi th otherkey cl ub’s presi dents and l earn about m ore opportuni ti es forservi ce and fundrai si ng.I ’m so exci ted forthi s new term and Iprom i se notto di sappoi nt!

May 4 2019

Iam the new secretary forour cl ub and,goi ng i nto the posi ti on,Iwasn’treal l y confi denti n m y abi l i ti es.I read up on al lthe m anual sI Em i riHanda - Secret ary coul d getm y hands on before On Saturday,M ay 04,m y fel l ow the event,butIwas stuck i na board m em bers and Iwentto predi cam ent.I n the workshop, Offi cerTrai ni ng Conference at Im ade sure to ask questi ons W estCareerand Techni cal regardi ng m y si tuati on and m y Academ y.Ihad a real l y great presenterhel ped m e getup to experi ence!Afteropeni ng speed wi th everyone el se. I statem ents and l earni ng about am now m uch m ore confi dent ournew responsi bi l i ti es as goi ng forward i n the term offi cers,we had a l i ttl e tri vi a because Inotonl y have an aboutSafeKey and the am azi ng board by m y si de,but appropri ate ways to tal k to al so new secretary fri ends that adul ts.W e then separated i nto p m e through i tal l . ouri ndi vi dualposi ti on workshops. can hel


M 10 a 2019 y










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