Centennial HS Newsletter | March '15 | Issue 1

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Centennial High School / March ‘15 / Issue 1

1 Month Overview/Calendar 8

Dance Marathon


Letter from the Editor


DCON 2015


Letter from the President


Clark HS DCM Banquet


Carnival of Cultures


Spring Clean the Fort Day

4-5 The Soul Crew



7 Tea Time CafĂŠ Fund-Day 14


13 Member of the Month

Contacts List

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

Month Overview March was a fulfilling month. The club continued to focus on raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Tea Time Café, Dance Marathon, and Carnival of Cultures were the major fundraisers for this month. Under the management of the officers who recently started their term, the fundraisers were a success and enjoyable. All the while after the club meeting on Wednesdays, the participating members clean up their Adopt-A-Spot location on the Centennial campus for community service hours. Spring Clean the Fort Day was the club’s only community service event for the month. Despite that, the club participated in the Clark High School DCM Banquet and DCON 2015. Also, the social events were held in prepping for the fundraisers and rehearsing skits for Teens against Tobacco Use to raise awareness of the harm of tobacco use to elementary schools. Overall, March was a revolutionary month in that the club has picked up pace in hopes of excelling in future endeavors.

Adopt a Spot

Tea Time Cafe

Social Make posters for DM

Adopt a Spot AAS


DCM @ Clark

Dance Marathon

DCON Carnival of Cultures

AAS Banquet at Northwest

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

Spring Clean the Fort Day


Hello Sea Monkeys! My name is Loremie Baccaro. I’m so excited for the service events coming up this year. It’s the beginning of a new term, and I have a strong feeling that it will be awesome! I will do my best efforts in keeping my members and you updated about Centennial Key Club in our newsletters. Feel free to look through and thank you for your time to do so! Loremie Baccaro


CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

Words from the President Greetings, Sea Monkeys! I am Demian, president of Centennial Key Club. I first got involved with Key Club in my sophomore year. Reserved and a bit awkward, Key Club really helped me make strong bonds with people who I now consider my best friends. I was instantly enamored by everything Key Club had to offer- a sense of camaraderie between all the members and a shared feeling that we really are making a difference in the world. One of my largest interests outside of Key Club is basketball. I have the height of a point guard but the heart of a center. Appropriately, I plan to make this term a slam dunk and I'm ready to take as many shots as possible to help us have the best term we can!

Demian Garcia

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1


Freshman Representative


“I am truly excited for the many events and socials. This term will be a blast!”

“I’m Demian and I’m Centennial’s Sophomore Representative 2015-2016 President. When I’m not serving the community, I’m serving “‘What adventure awaits us all’ suckers on the basketball court with is just the most wonderful my down low moves. With that said, thought I have in mind for our this term will be a slam dunk!” club. We will fly and soar through the sky with us in charge!”


“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, a captured memory—something that can never truly be replaced. It is a scene that will last a lifetime.”

Bulletin Editor “Don’t let my size fool you. I am a lion under an innocent disguise. Prepare to be ripped apart if you mess with my KC family.


Vice President

“I am a potato, but tell me what to do and the effort I would do compare to what is needed will be tenfold…I love how this page is looking!”

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1



“I feel good! Oh, I feel so good! I’m not even lying.”

Senior Representative “I feel that the members, to some degree, have a part of their life revolving around our club, and it leaves a smile on my face to see that they are involved. Junior Representative “I am new to the club but I will do my best to help out!”

Vice President

“Everything in life is fun. I wish I was living. This year, I might try…Just kidding, the crew knows I got their backs.”

“Fundraising is my job. I’m literally swag money. This year, we won’t flow to the money; the money will flow to us—hopefully. No promises!”


Secretary “I am dedicated to getting that young MRF patch and looking forward to another exciting year with our new board.”

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1


Adopt a Spot

Adopt-A-Spot cleanup is one of Centennial Key Club’s ways of giving back to the school by adopting an area on the campus and commit to improving the spot weekly, leaving it well kept than before. After the club meeting on Wednesdays, members head to the site to assemble while two or three people gather planting equipments to distribute to the group. Serving as an appetizer to our work, members put on gloves and proceed to pick up litter and strategically relocate huge boulders before starting the main course: digging out pesky weeds. To combat these “salad of malice”, we form a team with hoes and rakes to slice and dice and scoop out the unhealthy greens. It surely turns into a big feast of getting as much weed taken care off. In all’s worth, the hardworking members are commended with community service hours and are handed the check to go home, bloated with elation and leaving with a leftover of experience.


CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

Tea Time Café Fund day The Tea Time Café fundraiser was certainly not bland—it was undull-tedly full of sweet and bubbly memories. Everyone blended in a concoction of friendliness and enjoyment with the occasional brain freeze. But this spirit we brought was not for the sake of winning in Life or getting the most points in Scrabble; it was a theatrical portrait of kids having fun—a pleasant scenery that we hope seeing in other children who we can usher a genuine smile on their face. The customers who stopped by and donated raised a generous amount of money that is going to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Running out to the last few sips of the day, Centennial Key Club is proud of this positive impact and knows we will achieve more with flying colors.

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1



DANCE FOR MIRACLES Dance Marathon was the most enjoyable and successful fundraiser for Children's Miracle Network hospital ever yet this year. Centennial Key Club alone raised 200$ for the twenty members who attended. On March 7th at 8am, the club's officers arrived at the UNLV Student Ballroom. For the next four hours, the dance site was set up. Posters were hung on the wall. The photo booth, ping pong tables, a competitive basketball arcade, and in-game consoles provided by LVL-UP were placed in the venue. Eventually, Key Club members began arriving, and faces lit with excitement as they greeted one another. At 12pm, dance marathon officially started. Key Clubbers danced in passion for the cause of dancing for the people who are unable to do so. All the while, the children whom the event was dedicated appeared and two special guests spoke about their every-day battle with their disease. From the speech, the message to keep moving forward resonated and instilled to the people in the room. Next, Key Clubbers went on stage to display their various skills and talents. Professional musicians performed as well and amplified the party. The last hour shook the place. The lights turned off and everyone turned up--big time. The animals within us unleashed and rave in complete madness. In an effort to tame the dancing beasts, the music abruptly stopped and the gathering gradually faded into a silent night. We crossed the finish line. The children would be proud.


CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

DCON 2015 “The 2015 District Convention was definitely an event worth looking back. At DCON, I learned valuable aspects of Key Club as a whole as well as the true meaning to be a member of such an outstanding organization. I participated in activities from stuffing and sewing dolls for underprivileged children and to those who are in hospitals to being a part of the caucus group. The caucus session was an engaging way to learn about useful habits during a speech and highlighted important characteristics in an effective speech. Overall, DCON 2015 was a spectacular experience. Take upon my word that you will learn more about Key Club fundamentals at DCON than any other convention. “

-Jeremy Aguilar, Secretary

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1


CLARK HS DCM BANQUET The Clark High School Divisional Council Meeting was a passing to the new term and the new generation of officers in Division 28W. On a cloudy day with a chance of breadsticks and macaroni and cheese, LTG Sheldon Wong gushes down in tears as he watches the farewell montage for him on the screen. Centennial Key Club shines a smile through the clouds for receiving the Club of the Month award. Mixed emotions overwhelmed the room for those who deserved to have felt it since that feeling of putting so much effort, sacrificing time intended for personal matters, and knowing that the best was put out for their club and division is rarely felt by others. It was truly an appreciative event--a moment that sent a torrential wave of the feels. As the rainbow forms, everyone bids farewell to one another and waves a hello to tomorrow.


CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

Carnival of Cultures Could you really get a whole plate stuffed with food from different cultures and 31 flavors like Baskin-Robbins on a Sunday except only for 5$? You bet you can at Carnival of Cultures! Centennial Key Club hosted the Germany food booth with the"Oktoberfest" theme and helped set up the entire event with International Club. Offering apple strudels, chopped sausage, and delicious root beer, our booth sold out with 63$ in profit all donated to Children's Miracle Network hospital. Various performances were in spotlight as you munch on the around-the-world delicacies. But the food is just the cherry-on-top. Besides, it wouldn't be a carnival without... GAMES! With the tickets in exchange for your pocket change, you can step right up and get soaking wet in the sponge toss, douse in sweat in rigorous competitive dancing, place a bet on your friend, and ready-get-set in the leap frog dash. Ride in the fun 'til the sun goes down! At the end of all craziness, the struggle was real, but the time was worth a snapshot.

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1


Spring Clean the Fort Day

The Mormon Fort clean-up was on March 28th. It was an honor to help maintain a renowned historical site. After getting settled in the place, the fort ranger provided gardening equipments and instructions to the members the tasks they will be doing. What came next was raking the algae on to the side of a miniature creek, smoothing the sandy ground of the fort, and picking up trash in and around the compound. Even though the tasks were labor work, the clean-up was relaxing and surprisingly, stress relieving. For our time's worth, we were awarded pizza. Truth be told, not everyone got a slice, but to look it at another perspective, the pizza was unnecessary since the work was a piece of cake.


CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

Member of the Month

Megan Sweeney

For March, we chose a delightful woman to be our club’s member of the month. Endearing, amicable, well-spoken, filled with enthusiasm and overall an all-around type of individual, Megan Sweeney is a recent member, yet it feels as though she has been a part of our family for some time. Even though the board had several candidates to choose from, we concluded her to be “the one”. There were countless reasons why, but for intents and purposes, we narrowed them down to what truly makes Megan a vital part to our club and a role model to our values that we uphold. Megan enlivens the atmosphere whenever she speaks. During weekly meetings, she volunteers to share her experiences on the numerous events she attended, in a manner where everyone in the room are deeply engaged by her animated body language, zestful tone of voice, and facial expressions as she tells her narrative. By then, others members would be more inclined to follow on to her story, and like dominoes falling one by one to each other, her initiative propels the members to trail out what is on their mind. A similar occurrence is observed when the board asks the members for their ideas and opinions. Megan has a standing streak of noting brilliant remarks during meetings, and it’s incredible how she comes up with them on the spot. Without a doubt, she is a free-flying fairy who sprinkles faith, trust, and pixie dust. Along with her convivial reputation, Megan is a natural leader and has dwelled in our club with positive impacts. In March alone, she has contributed revisions to our Teens Against Tobacco Use skits and remarked efficient ways to do tasks such as sharing an unorthodox approach to digging out weed at our Adopt-A-Spot location in the Centennial HS campus. In spanning to her entire involvement in Key Club, this proud woman entertains and maintains her spirit all the while uplifting our fellow members. We are all anticipating the wonders Megan has in stores for us in the future. Many may dismiss Megan as just another bubbly person, but to us, she unravels as consisting of intricately-refined facets of a painite, the rarest gem.

CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1


Contact List President Demian: centennialkc.president@gmail.com | 702-506-5328

Vice President True: centennialkc.vicepres@gmail.com | 702-538-0004 Vice President Mayk: centennialkc.vicepresident@gmail.com | 940-337-7984

Secretary Jeremy: centennialkc.secretary@gmail.com | 702-689-6333

Treasurer Rozy: centennialkc.treasurer@gmail.com | 702-539-5462

Bulletin Editor Loremie: centennialkc.editor@gmail.com | KIK: lorie168

Historian Di’zjay: centennialkc.historian@gmail.com | 702-472-2770

Senior Rep. Jason R: centennialkc.seniors@gmail.com | 480-390-8717

Junior Rep. Jason B: centennialkc.juniors@gmail.com | 702-400-9869

Sophomore Rep. Mary: centennialkc.sophomores@gmail.com | 801-668-6833

Freshman Rep. Cazhmere: centennialkc.freshmen@gmail.com | 702-349-7598

Sergeant-at-Arms Ryan: centennialkc.ssa@gmail.com | Facebook: Ryan Cervantez


CHS / March 2015 / Issue 1

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