CBO Newsletter 2

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Center of Attention

Centers Business Office Newsletter - 2022 Summer Edition

Dear Team CBO, You have probably noticed the new Team CBO logo, as well as several other changes around the office, and may be wondering what it’s all about. Let me explain. In January of this year, we rolled out new and enhanced benefits and flexibility for our employees, and thankfully they were well received. However, we don’t want to stop there. As a company, our mission is to grow together. And the only way we can accomplish that is with dedicated employees like you. But terrific employees need the best, so they can continue to accomplish and grow. The Team CBO logo symbolizes the unique and spirited culture we have here at CBO. It heralds the renewed focus we are putting on making CBO a place where we can grow and thrive together. We are always open to suggestions and comments. Feel free to come say hi or drop me an email anytime at: jheber@centershealthcare.org. I look forward to hearing from you.

Josh Heber

The Rabbi’s Reflections As we have entered the 3-week mourning period for the Churban Beis Hamikdash, a question comes to mind. After these 3 weeks of Aveilus, we joyously celebrate Shabbos Nachamu, 7 full weeks of Nechama.

the Navi Uria. And if we see that this Nevuah of Uria on the Churban Beis Hamikdash has been fulfilled, then surely the Nevuah of Zecharia Hanavi that the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt, will come true as well.

he was born! Napoleon exclaimed: “A nation that is still mourning over the destruction of their temple centuries after its destruction is surely destined to merit seeing its rebuilding.”

What is the reason for a joyous celebration if the Beis Hamikdash hasn’t been rebuilt yet? Where exactly is our Nechama?

This hope continues in Klal Yisrael through the generations. The story is told of emperor Napoleon who heard weeping coming from a Shul. His guards investigated, and on return, explained to him that the Jews are in a state of mourning over the destruction of their temple. He demanded to know: when did this calamity happen? The guards explained to him that the story took place a millennium and a half before

In the twenty-first century, many are focused on pleasure and fame. But Klal Yisrael focuses on Hakadosh Baruch Hu, and what we are missing… the Beis Hamikdash. That in itself is a reason to celebrate and is a sign that we will indeed be Zoche to see the rebuilding of our precious Beis Hamikdash this year, together with a healthy Klal Yisrael. Amen.

The Gemara in Maseches Makos tells us about Rebbe Akiva and his peers who noticed a fox emerging from the Kodesh HaKodashim. While the other Tzadikim burst out crying, Rebbe Akiva smiled, and when asked why, replied this: this was prophesied by

Rabbi Pinchos Novoseller

The Talent’s Thoughts Max Schertz, Talent Acquisition Supervisor

Hashem spoke to Moshe and told him to take vengeance for Bnei Yisroel against the Midianites. Moshe spoke to Bnei Yisroel and told them to arm themselves… to inflict Hashem's vengeance against Midian (Bamidbar 31:1-3). Rav Noson Tzvi Finkel z”tl asks the following question: If Hashem said to take vengeance for Bnei Yisroel, why does Moshe say to Bnei Yisrael to take vengeance for Hashem?! He answers as follows from the Midrash Tanchuma: Moshe said to Hashem, Master of the World, if we were idol worshipers, the Midianites would not despise us or persecute us; rather they do so only because of the Torah that you gave us. Therefore, it is only your vengeance. One who stands against Bnei Yisrael is actually standing against Hashem! This is why Moshe altered Hashem's words. We need to always have Hashem in the forefront in our lives. We can try to do that in the following ways:



Working together with others from many different backgrounds. When you see someone that you don’t know at work say hello to them! You’re ‫מקיים בין אדם לחבירו‬.

We’re right now in the period of the three weeks, where we remember how the ‫בית המקדש‬ was destroyed because of ‫‏שנאת חינם‬. The only way we can rebuild it is with ‫‏אהבת חינם‬.


When we talk with people, we need to talk with respect and dignity, especially those closest to us, such as our families, who see us after a long day at work. There are so many more examples!

But we need to remember Hashem is always in our lives. May we be Zoche to see the rebuilding of the ‫ בית המקדש‬speedily in our days.

Let’s Excel! The CBO Select Workshop Series, presented by Ralph Betesh, Analyst Supervisor, began in June and proved both popular and successful. Over 50 CBO team members attended each of the beginner classes and approximately 25 came to the more advanced series. The workshops provide a great opportunity to master the ability to analyze data efficiently, convey information effectively, and build valuable, robust, and reusable models to support decision making in a professional environment. A shout-out to Ralph and all his enterprising students. CBO strives to provide learning opportunities to employees interested in growing personally and professionally.

Mazal Tov! It's a Girl


• Eliezer Arieli (Cash Management) upon the birth of his daughter • Lev Palgon (Accounts Payable) upon the birth of his daughter • Yosef Stein (Accounts Receivable) upon the birth of his daughter • Gavriel Weber (Controllers) upon the birth of his daughter • Jason Weiss (payroll) upon the birth of his daughter

It's a Boy • Berel Weindling (Controllers) upon the birth of his son


• Nochum Deutsch (Controllers) upon the engagement of his son • Eli Epstein (Financial Tracking) upon his engagement to Chedva Saftlas • Adam Vershubsky (Talent Acquisition) upon his engagement to Tehilla Burayev

• Jeremy Berman (Talent Acquisition) upon his marriage to Hindy Weissmandl • Aaron Bernstein (Accounts Payable) upon his marriage to Eliana Liebman • Milton Geller (Financial Tracking) upon his marriage to Perel Hoffmann • Moshe Gross (Payroll) upon his marriage to Ruchy Framovitz • Liron Ishkabayev (Special Projects) upon his marriage to Michal Yakobov • Dovi Leiter (Accounts Payable) upon his marriage to Aliza Greenberg

Bar Mitzvah

• Abraham Bronner (Controllers) upon the Bar Mitzva of his son • Matis Ort (Human Resources) upon the Bar Mitzva of his son

Please email any additions or corrections to teamcbo@centershealthcare.org

Places of the Heart:

Get to Know Our Facilities

Beds: 66 Address: 1401 University Ave, Bronx, NY Specialty Programs: HIV Care Unit Administrator: Sam Isaak • Financial Tracker at CBO 2019-2021 • Hope Center since 2021

Hope Center, formerly known as HELP/ PSI Residential Health Care Facility, joined the Centers Health Care family in 2015. The name has proven to be very much on point, because its renowned HIV Care Unit does just that: provides hope. Through regular bloodwork, the facility maintains an ongoing record of residents’ CD4 count and T cell count. They also monitor and maintain medications—the ultimate goal being

to stabilize each resident’s viral load to the point that the HIV is undetectable. When appropriate, case managers arrange successful integration back into the community—assisting residents to acquire Medicaid cards and to find suitable housing. Job placement services are also available to residents when needed. Centers HIV Units offer comprehensive healthcare throughout the process, evidenced by its outstanding record of success.

Employee referral bonus program CBO offers a $500 referral bonus for any successful new employee hire, referred by a current CBO employee. The $500 referral bonus is paid out for a successful hire for any CBO job and ALL CBO departments. A new hire is considered a successful hire if the new employee remains in good standing at CBO for 90 days. For full program details, see the CBO employee handbook.

Who's in Your Contact List? Our CBO client referral bonus program Our CBO referral bonus program is a big success, thanks to YOU. You’ve been making introductions, and our new clients have been reaping the rewards. But there are lots more where they came from. Everybody knows somebody — a family member, a former employer, a business colleague — that we’d like to meet.

Just introduce CBO to someone you know. You’ll be doing them a favor, and if that person’s company becomes a client, we’ll pay you a bonus equal to CBO’s first two months of fees on the account, up to a maximum of $10,000! We are already paying out tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses! Don’t miss out. For more information, contact Joel Klein at jklein@centersbusiness.org


New clients. New opportunities.

New facilities are part of Emerald Care. Lancaster

Lincoln, Nebraska | Beds: 293


Lincoln, Nebraska | Beds: 173

Legacy Pointe

Omaha, Nebraska | Beds: 92

The Interview Boruch Gerstenblit Invoice Review Representative Where did you grow up and where do you live? Born in Brooklyn, I moved to Monsey when I was 7

How would you describe your job to a child? Figure out ways to save money for the company

How long have you been working at CBO? 2 + years

What are you passionate about? Living life to its fullest, being happy, and helping others do the same If you could choose anyone not in Centers as your mentor, who would you choose? George Washington, so I can learn from his leadership skills

What is your current position? Invoice Review Representative How did you first hear about CBO? Through my uncle, Michael Rosenberg If you could have someone else’s job at CBO for a day, what would it be? My job!

Favorite Rosh Chodesh lunch so far? Sushi and sandwiches Favorite Yarchei Kallah speaker? Kenny Favorite vacation/travel spot? Florida in the winter What are your lesser-known talents? Guitar Favorite food? I like all food that’s fresh

What do you enjoy most about working at CBO? The work environment and culture is second to none

Avi Schultz Assistant Controller

Where are you from? Born and bred in Brooklyn and still live there. However, I’m moving to Detroit in a few weeks. How long have you worked at CBO and in what capacity? About 20 months. I started as an entry level Assistant Controller in the clients’ division. I now spearhead many controller aspects for clients for both the Bronx and Detroit offices. I report to Ari Silverman and Yaakov Bedziner. Tell me a little bit about your day to day job? I oversee any accounts receivables or credits that come into clients’ banks, making sure that they are properly posted and communicating with the clients to ensure they are satisfied. We make sure to set up clients’ computers with our programs and that monthly and quarterly tasks are completed on time for over 45 client buildings. Our division has a team of 3 here in the Bronx and 10 employees in Detroit. How did you hear about CBO? During the height of COVID I was looking to leave Kollel and join the workforce. My Rebbe recommended that I apply to work at CBO and referred me to speak to his nephew who works here.

You mentioned you are moving to Detroit. For someone living in Brooklyn his whole life, that’s a big deal. Tell us how that came about? My wife and I had seriously thought about moving out of town for quite some time and as fate had it, a lot of my responsibilities shifted to the Detroit office. When I was offered a transfer there, I immediately went to check out the community and agreed to make the move. What will you miss about the Bronx office? The daily coming and goings, interactions with people, whether business or small talk. The people here are amazing. Looking back, what do you appreciate most about the first couple years of your Centers journey? The company recognizes skills and talents. It gives each employee the tools to succeed and is ready to invest in them. I really felt the company took a leap of faith in me and I’m forever grateful. What do you think is something unique about Centers? Not too long after I started working at CBO, my daughter fell on Erev Shabbos and we brought her for stitches to Centers Urgent Care which is near where we live.

I happened to bump into a friend there and was talking about my job at CBO. The receptionist asked if she overhead correctly that I worked for Centers. I told her I do, and she in turn went well out of her way to take extra good care of us. Since then I have realized, that even though CHC is a very large organization, everyone is looking out for each other. This is only because the company cares and it has a trickledown effect – all the way to the receptionist in one of the urgent cares an hour before Shabbos. Will you come back and visit New York? I’m sure I will come back to New York to visit family and to the office for work purposes. What are your favorite pastimes? Listening to Shiurim from Rabbi YY Jacobson and Rabbi Yossi Zakutinsky and long-distance driving with a destination in mind. What are your life goals? Properly balance work, family and community. We wish you a tremendous amount of Hatzlacha in your move and continued success with CBO!

Inside CBO: Accounts Payable: Follow the Money “If the world runs on money, the world runs on Accounts Payable.”

AP reps learn and grow on the job: Verbal and written communication, computer skills, efficiency, ability to take on

Employees - 14 – from Brooklyn, Queens, Monsey,

more and streamline tasks, and organization skills.

Morristown, Passaic, and Washington Heights Positions AP reps have reached within Centers Health The role of Accounts Payable is apparent in the name:

Care: Nursing home administrators, actuary, accounting,

“Accounts” that is, recording each charge and assigning it an

controllers, billers, department supervisors/managers within

appropriate classification/account, and “Payable” that is, to

CBO and sister companies.

disburse funds which are used as payment for products and services. The AP department is essential to the operation of

Q and A with AP Supervisor Avichayil Yachnes:

every aspect of Centers Health Care. Weekly department shiur:

If you could add AP services to one of the sister

Hashkafah every Tuesday

companies, which would it be? Tabernacle Winery

Most recent department outing: NJ ATV in Englishtown, NJ, and Bogota Golf Center followed by Noah’s Ark in

Which innovation/industry would you like to see Centers


get involved in? Electric cars

Department most closely works with: Accounting If AP had the opportunity to play baseball or dodgeball AP reps interact with: Just about anyone in a management

vs. another department, who would they want to play?

position. They have the opportunity to liaise with many


higher ups. What sets AP apart? What makes an AP rep successful: Managing consistent

The camaraderie is amazing. Everyone looks out for each

communication and organization with many different

other and knows how to have a good time while balancing


it with their work. There is even talk of launching an AP podcast where we’ll solve the world’s problems


Breaking News: Breaking Bread In the last edition’s interview, Moshe Ross said he would like to eat lunch with Charles Zami. CBO is happy to oblige. Here, Moshe and Charles enjoy take-out on us.

Marketing Minutes: Summer 2022

Scan to watch

We are excited to announce the launch of this year's Summer Campaign: It begins with the results that move us; leads to the teams that move us; and culminates in the stories that move us. Ultimately, it’s all about the care that moves you—because at Centers Health Care, we move our patients in our gyms and in their hearts, getting them home faster, healthier, and stronger. Learn something. Win something. All summer long. Go to www.centersstrong.com and enter to win!

Free shuttle/van transportation

from Five Towns, Monsey, Passaic, Queens and Washington Heights Five towns Departs Five Towns to CBO from Cedarhurst Park – 6:55AM Returns CBO to Five Towns 5:00PM MondayThursday (1:50PM Friday)



Departs Monsey to CBO from Victoria Gardens/Jill Ln. – 8AM (Friday TBD each Thursday)

Departs Queens to CBO from corner of 14705 71st. Ave – 7:10AM

Departs Monsey to CBO from Palisades Exit 11/Ilana Ct. 8:15AM (Friday TBD each Thursday)

Returns CBO to Queens 5:05PM Monday-Thursday (2:05PM on Friday)


Passaic Departs Passaic to CBO from 743 Passaic Avenue, Clifton, NJ - 8:15AM Returns CBO to Passaic - 5:15PM (2:00pm Friday)


Returns CBO to Monsey – 5:00PM Monday-Thursday and (Friday TBD each Thursday)

Washington Heights Departs Washington Heights to CBO, various locations - 8:25AM Returns CBO to Washington Heights 5:00PM

Email vans@centersbusiness.org with any questions.

Kids Korner

A place for CBO employees’ kids to have fun, play games, and win prizes

And the winners are…

Tziri Potesky, age 7

Batsheva Hofstatter, age 10

Blimi Novoseller, age 9

Daughter of Yosef Potesky (Financial Analysis)

Daughter of Eli Hofstatter (Talent Acquisition)

Daughter of Rabbi Novoseller

Picture perfect What’s your favorite activity? Going to the park? Riding a bike? Playing games? Draw a picture and have your parent send your submission to teamcbo@centersbusiness.org. Include your full name and age. Top 3 pictures will receive a $25 Toys4U gift card and will be featured in our next issue.

Kids: Let’s play trivia! For the last trivia question, the correct answer was 50. Thanks for all your submissions! Winner: Aaron Weitzman, age 5.

Enter to win some Centers swag! Send your submissions to: teamcbo@centersbusiness.org or drop it in the suggestions box at CBO headquarters. Make sure to include full name, and age. Deadline to submit your answer is August 11th.

Where is the corporate office of Centers Health Care located? a. Stamford, Connecticut b. Bronx, New York c. Washington, D.C. d. It’s top secret!

Have a suggestion? Email suggestions@centershealthcare.org

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