CBO Newsletter 3

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Center of Attention

Centers Business Office Newsletter - 5783

Dear Team CBO,

As we approach the New Year and Yom Tov season, I am proud to reflect on the amazing milestones we have accomplished at Centers Business Office. We have continuously risen up despite the challenges that surround us, and we have made great headway, both in our growth and advancements.

And we have excelled in other ways as well. Under the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Novoseller, the learning programs at CBO have become the exemplary corporate learning program others are inspired by. Our Kollel is open into the evening, and numerous daily shiurim are given in English and Yiddish.

The end of the year is the perfect time to thank and appreciate you for being part of the Centers family. Your devotion and hard work is noticed and held in high regard. With that, I want you to know that your needs are our priority, and it goes without saying that we plan to continue to build on the strides we’ve made thus far for years to come.

This coming year is bound to be another great year at Centers Health Care, and you at Centers Business Office are the heartbeat of it.

The Rabbi’s Reflections

As we enter the Yamim Noraim, we begin to think about the past, and prepare for the future. We look inside ourselves to see how we can become better people and make the world a better place. These are days that define who we are and what it is in life that we aspire for and are trying to achieve. My Saba (Rabbi Shimon Murciano) tells a story about a traveler who lost his way. After hours of stumbling through the forest he found another traveler. “I am lost” he said. “Do you know where you are headed?” he was asked.

“Yes” he replied. “Do you know where you are coming from?” he was asked. “Yes” he answered. “If that’s the case, then you’re not lost, you just lost your sense of direction.” How true is this for so many of us “travelers.” As we journey through the year, traveling through life with all of its challenges, problems and opportunities, at times we lose our sense of direction. The time period of the Yemei Harachmin is here to remind us where we came from and where it is that we are going to. The Torah compares life to a “Derech” a way or path.

The road map is our precious Torah which guides us through any and every situation that might come our way, leading us towards our “destination.” As we ask daily, in the Davening throughout the Yamim Noraim “Horeini Hashem Darkecha” show us the way, direct us, guide us, and we will follow.

With best wishes for a productive new year in all areas of our lives and a Ksiva V'achasima Tova, for us, our families, and all of Klal Yisrael!

Wishing you a Ksiva V’chasima Tova, and a gut Gebentched new year. Rabbi Pinchos Novoseller
Wishing the entire Centers family Ksiva V'chasima Tova and an enjoyable Yom Tov!

Inspiring Thoughts

Several years ago, one of the hidden tzaddikim in Brooklyn, Reb Mendel Weiss, passed away. Although he dressed in layers of old rags and musty coats, those who merited to know him testified that Reb Mendel was a lofty, holy Jew who disguised himself as a simple, hapless person. Someone who once gave Reb Mendel a ride was rewarded with the following gem of a vort. “Why is it only on Pesach night that we ask why we dip twice, but on Rosh Hashanah we don't ask? On Rosh Hashanah, as well, we dip twice, first the challah in honey and then the apple." With a twinkle in his eye, Reb Mendel answered, “Because we tend to ask questions only when we dip into bitter things. When something is dipped into honey, we don't have any questions!" How true were his words? How many times throughout our lives, when things aren't going well, are we quick to question the Ribbono Shel Olam, "Why me?" or “Is this really fair?" Yet, when things are going well and we are blessed with an abundance of sweetness, we somehow don't rush to ask, "Why me?"

An important point to ponder as we enter the new year. We ask Hashem for so many things: health, wealth, success, shidduchim, children, nachas, etc. and yet most of us take for granted what we already have. Human nature is to focus on what we are lacking; we don’t realize how fortunate we are!

The following story is about a woman I knew personally, taken from a 2012 article in the Mishpacha magazine written by Rabbi A.Z. Ginzberg. Mrs. Sorala Krigsman A”H was diagnosed with a terrible illness that she would ultimately pass away from. When she shared the frightful information with her youngest child, he asked the most obvious question that each and every one of us has asked many times in our own lives: "But Mommy, why you?" And this “simple" mother, searching for just the right words to comfort her child, answered with such a heartfelt expression of deep emunah and bitachon in HaKadosh Baruch Hu that it should be written and pasted onto the front page of every siddur that Klal Yisrael davens from every single day (which I personally did). “Yes, my dear child," she said, "when I initially heard the terrible diagnosis from the doctor, my first reaction was also exactly that: Why me?' “But then I thought to myself, when I was a young kallah standing under the chuppah next to such a special chosson and most of my friends were still single, I didn't ask, Why me?' When Hashem blessed me with six beautiful and healthy children, while some of my friends were having such difficulties, I didn't ask, Why me?' And when I was fortunate to walk several children down to the chuppah, while so many others have not been able to, I didn't ask, Why me?' Now that I was chosen by the Ribono shel Olam to contract this terrible illness, I am not going to start asking, Why me?" What depth.

Speaking of CBO A CBO Select Workshop

Public Speaking Series:

Rabbi Heber demonstrated how to avoid public speaking anxiety and develop confidence. He shared ways to enhance the ability to speak with clarity, authenticity, and passion every time you speak publicly or deliver a presentation. There were two workshops, each with about 35 employees in attendance.

Rabbi Moshe Dov Heber has lectured in many different venues and teaches public speaking at Mesivta Yesodei Hatorah in Naugatuck, CT. Rabbi Heber has been trained in speaking and writing from Rabbi Krohn and has worked closely with him on his last six Artscroll publications.

What clarity of vision. And what a neshamah.

Mrs. Krigsman understood that just as we accept all the wonderful brachos and gifts that Hashem grants us without asking “Why me?”, so too must we accept the things that we, with our limited vision blurred by tears and pain, are unable to perceive as brachos, without asking “Why me?” Sorala’s important lesson to her child is not only a legacy for her children and grandchildren – it’s a legacy for all of Klal Yisrael.

This Rosh Hashanah, when we are sitting at our Yom Tov table and dipping the apple in the honey, let’s remember this valuable lesson and count our blessings. Let’s not forget how good we have it and we will merit to be inscribed in the Book of Life with a Sweet New Year!

Aside from his many responsibilities at CBO, Eli finds time to produce “Parsha with Passion, “a short and sweet 3-5 minute Dvar Torah video on the Parsha with a parting takeaway and inspirational message that anyone can easily repeat to their family at their Shabbos Table. You can watch the weekly video by searching “Parsha With Passion” on YouTube, Instagram, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.

To be added to the weekly email, send “Subscribe” to torashaaish@gmail.com.

Eli Hofstadter, Presented by Rabbi Moshe Dov Heber

Mazal Tov!


• Noam Stein (Financial Tracking) –Upon his engagement to Tova Adler

• Elisha Schwab (Cash Management) – Upon the engagement of his daughter


• Elisha Abramowitz (Pharmacy Review) – Upon his marriage to Rikki Poll

• Joel Klein (Business Development) – Upon the marriage of his son

• Adam Vershubsky (Talent Acquisition) – Upon his marriage to Tehilla Waldman

It's a Girl

• Rabbi Novoseller (Rav) – Upon the birth of his daughter

• Yosef Stein (Accounts Receivable) –Upon the birth of his daughter

• Jason Weiss (Payroll) – Upon the birth of his daughter

It's a Boy

• Moshe Biller (Accounts Receivable) – Upon the birth of his son

• Moshe Hirschman (Financial Tracking) – Upon the birth of his son

• Motti Karp (Accounts Receivable) –Upon the birth of his son

• Berel Weindling (Controllers) –Upon the birth of his son

• Avi Areman (Technology Innovation) – Upon the birth of his son

Please email any additions or corrections to teamcbo@centershealthcare.org

There have been many success stories over the last few years at Centers Health Care. One that stands out is the story of the Centers Laboratory staff. Among their biggest accomplishments is the integration of multiple labs into one. The entire Centers Lab team—from the lab assistants to the lab technicians to the phlebotomists and the specimen processors—have long provided the highest quality and most advanced diagnostic testing. By bringing experienced new professionals into the fold, the company has ensured that they will

Perfect Chemistry:

remain ahead of the curve for years to come, delivering even greater reliability, reach and results. The Centers Lab team has always been at the forefront of innovation, creating newer and better ways to serve their clients. And many members of the Centers Lab team have roots at CBO.

Ralph Ehrman, Account Manager (Talent Acquisition 2018-2020)

Elie Schiff, CEO (Building Management / Purchasing 2012-2016; Nursing Home Administrator 2016 - 2021)

Jay Levin, Senior Account Executive (special Projects 2018-2019)

Kalman Friedman, Account Manager (Pharmacy Review 2018-2021)

Joel Kaplan, General Manager (Purchasing 2017-2020)

CBO offers a $500 referral bonus for any successful new employee hire, referred by a current CBO employee. The $500 referral bonus is paid out for a successful hire for any CBO job and ALL CBO departments. A new hire is considered a successful hire if the new employee remains in good standing at CBO for 90 days. For full program details, see the CBO employee handbook.

Contact: resumes@centershealthcare.org

Our CBO referral bonus program is a big success, thanks to YOU. You’ve been making introductions, and our new clients have been reaping the rewards. But there are lots more where they came from. Everybody knows somebody — a family member, a former employer, a business colleague — that we’d like to meet.

Just introduce CBO to someone you know. You’ll be doing them a favor, and if that person’s company becomes a client, we’ll pay you a bonus equal to CBO’s first two months of fees on the account, up to a maximum of $10,000! We are already paying out tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses! Don’t miss out.

For more information, contact Joel Klein at jklein@centersbusiness.org

New clients (for

Cityview Nursing and Rehabilitation - Cleveland, Ohio

Candlewood Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Cleveland, Ohio

Aristocrat Berea Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Berea, Ohio

Kent Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Kent, Ohio

Defiance Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Defiance, Ohio

Perrysburg Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Perrysburg, Ohio

Bryan Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Bryan, Ohio

Point Place Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Toledo, Ohio

Heritage Village of Clyde - Clyde, Ohio

Heritage Village of Waterville - Waterville, Ohio

Adams Lane Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Zanesville, Ohio

Willow Haven Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Zanesville, Ohio

Cedar Hill Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Zanesville, Ohio

Sterling Suites Senior Living - Zanesville, Ohio

Beckett House Healthcare and Rehabilitation - New Concord, Ohio

Forest Hill Senior Living - St. Clairsville, Ohio

Shadyside Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Shadyside, Ohio

New Lexington Healthcare and Rehabilitation - New Lexington, Ohio

Your Contact
Our CBO client referral bonus program
Who's in
clients. New opportunities.

The Interview

Where were you born and where do you live?

I was born and raised in Brooklyn and moved to Monsey when I got married.

How many years have you been working at CBO?

This month will be 16 years.

How did you hear about Centers?

Through COPE where I did a course in Junior Accounting.

What jobs have you held at CBO?

I started off in Pharmacy Review and moved into billing which I did for about 5 years. I then became an Assistant Controller and have been a Controller since 2013.

Who was your first supervisor?

Lipa Werner Alav Hasholom was running the office at that time.

Who did you work closely with back in the day?

Ari Lerner and Saul Borchardt.

Where are you from originally?

Born and bred in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Where do you currently live? Kew Gardens Hills, Queens.

How did you end up in New York? I came for Yeshiva.

How many years have you been working at CBO? 5 ½ years.

How did you originally hear about CBO?

Yaakov Bedziner who Davens in my Shul mentioned that CBO has opportunities. There happened to be an opening in Building Management and I had experience in the non-profit world so it was great timing.

How would you describe your job to a child?

Make sure that the corporate building is accessible and works properly for everyone who needs to use it and also that events run smoothly.

Tell us about the CBO office at 855 Brush Ave.

I was the 8th employee hired there. It was a nice environment like it still is now. Everyone tried to help out with everything because the company was still relatively new and small.

How many minyanim were there back in the day?

None. We used to drive every day to Eastchester Nursing Home to daven Mincha at 2pm.

What changes have you seen over the years?

The expansion of CBO mirroring the amount of nursing homes under our umbrella, and of course the steady increase of Minyanim and learning. The office has become more formal and professional over the years, but still keeps its Heimish flavor.

How do you stay motivated?

I enjoy what I do here at CBO so that keeps me motivated. I enjoy working with numbers.

What was your favorite CBO outing of all time?

Whitewater rafting and Camp Romimu.

What is your favorite Shiur?

Mishna Berura Yomi by the Rav. I also started going to Kollel Boker the last few months, and I really enjoy it.

What are your hobbies? Swimming.

What would you eat if you had to eat only one food every day for the rest of your life? Salmon.

Are you related to Nochum Deutsch? Not that I know of.

What’s the most unusual thing you have done at CBO?

Slept here overnight on a few occasions to make sure that the snow is plowed and cleaned after a big snowstorm.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I appreciate early quiet time so I can organize myself and learn with my Chavrusa before the day gets hectic.

Where did you learn in Yeshiva?

YU for 10 years where I received Semicha.

Favorite sefer?

Mesechta Shabbos.

What do people not know about you?

I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and I was a community Rav for 3 years in Sunnyside, Queens, near Long Island City.

What is your favorite place to visit? Calgary, to visit my parents.

If you were able to travel the world with one person live or dead (non-family or work related) Rashi.

What are your hobbies? Exercising.

Many employees remember you competed in the Centers Got Talent competition and successfully completed a 5-minute plank. What is your record plank time? 7 ½ minutes.

What do you enjoy about CBO?

The fact that there are opportunities to develop one’s career and there are various paths to do so - which you can see just by looking around. I really appreciate the environment including the Shul, Rav, and many practical conveniences as well as the positive social aspect.

What general common denominator do you find between CBO employees?

People here are always willing to help others succeed. They go out of their way to explain or teach something that might be helpful.

Inside CBO: Payroll

payroll on time."

• What does the payroll department do? Ensure everyone across all Centers and associated companies get paid accurately and correctly. Implement any changes, benefits, various types of insurance. Year-end payroll and tax reporting.

• What makes a payroll rep successful? Attention to detail, tenacity to see a process through to completion. Organization. Get the job done because payroll always has to be submitted on time.

• Skills learned on the job - Seeing the big picture, understanding the objectives and staying the course. If you know the goal, you can hit it despite the challenges.

• Departments most closely work with? Union, workforce management and analytics.

• Longest tenured payroll employee – Meir Lerner, Payroll Supervisor – October will be 14 years.

• Most recent department outing – Went skeet shooting in North Jersey, bowling in New City, NY and ended off with dinner at Fireside in Monsey.

• Department Shiur with the Rav – Bi-weekly on the Parsha of the week or upcoming Yamim Tovim. Payroll had the privilege of starting the first department Shiur in CBO.

• Biggest payroll pet peeve – Employee requests to cut separate checks for regular wages and overtime so less taxes come out of the OT check. Payroll warns employees that this will impact taxes, and then at the end of the year they realize they owe taxes and wish they wouldn’t have done that.

Exciting new Team CBO perk:

Putting you behind the wheel

We have reached an agreement with Enterprise and National, giving employees a discount on personal car rentals:

https://www.enterprise.com/en/deeplink. html?v=2&contractNumber=XZ24787

https://www.nationalcar.com/en/deeplink. html?v=2&contractNumber=XZ24787

"There is no such thing as not processing
Always something new at CBOA new Kinyan Mesechta Shiur given daily by Meir Lerner—in Yiddish! There are currently 5 Kinyan Mesechta Chaburos in CBO!!

Marketing Minutes: Summer 2022

Scan to watch

Meet Christopher Kimball, former patient at Glens Falls Center, and prepare to be moved. His story of physical and emotional crises, and the remarkable care and comfort he received from the Glens Falls Center staff, is an inspiration. Watch and discover care that moves you.

Shiurim/Minyanim schedule

Shachris - 8:00 AM

Mincha - 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 4:30 PM, 5:30 PM

CBO Morning and Night Kollel (paid) - 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM and 6:15 PM

Daily Shiurim

11:20 AM – Kinyan Hamasechta (30 minutes)

12:00 PM -The department Shiur of the day! (15-20 minutes) 12:10 PM – DAF YOMI CHABURA (30 minutes)

1:00 PM – The Shiur of the day (15-20 minutes)

Monday - Chovos Halevavos

Tuesday - Weekly Tefilla Series Wednesday - Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Thursday - Parsha Shiur

1:45 PM – Q & A round table discussion (10-15 minutes)

2:15 PM – Kinyan Hamasechta on Meseches Tannis

2:40 PM – Kinyan Hamasechta in Yiddish (Meseches Sukka)

3:15 PM - Mishna Berurah (20 minutes)

Free shuttle/van transportation from Five Towns, Monsey, Passaic, Queens and Washington Heights

Five towns


Five Towns to CBO from Cedarhurst Park –6:55AM


CBO to Five Towns 5:00PM MondayThursday (1:50PM Friday)

Monsey Departs

Monsey to CBO from Victoria Gardens/Jill Ln. – 8AM (Friday TBD each Thursday)


Monsey to CBO from Palisades Exit 11/Ilana Ct. 8:15AM (Friday TBD each Thursday)

Returns CBO to Monsey – 5:00PM Monday-Thursday (Friday TBD each Thursday)



Queens to CBO from corner of 14705 71st. Ave – 7:10AM


CBO to Queens

5:05PM Monday-Thursday (2:05PM on Friday)

Passaic Departs

Passaic to CBO from 743 Passaic Avenue, Clifton, NJ - 8:15AM


CBO to Passaic - 5:15PM (2:00pm Friday)

Washington Heights Departs

Washington Heights to CBO, various locations - 8:25AM


CBO to Washington Heights 5:00PM

Email vans@centersbusiness.org with any questions.

Kids Korner

A place for CBO employees’ kids to have fun, play games, and win prizes

And the winners are…

Rivkie Feuchtwanger, age 12

Daughter of Dovid Feuchtwanger, Building Management

Moshe Fiddle, age 9

Son of Dovid Fiddle, Controllers

Picture perfect

Yona Augenstein, age 7

Son of Reuven Augenstein, Accounts Payable

Build something awesome with Magnatiles and submit a picture.

Send your submission to teamcbo@centersbusiness.org. Include your full name and age.

Top 3 winners will receive a $25 Toys4U gift card and will be featured in our next issue. The deadline to submit entries is October 18th.

Kids: Let’s play trivia!

For the last trivia question, the correct answer was 50. Thanks for all your submissions! Swag bag winner: Esty Kraminer, age 10, daughter of Baruch Kraminer, Billing

Enter to win some Centers swag! Send your submissions to: teamcbo@centersbusiness.org or drop it in the suggestions box at CBO headquarters. Make sure to include full name, and age.

Deadline to submit your answer is October 18th.

What was the first Centers Health Care skilled nursing facility? a. Topeka Center b. Williamsbridge Center c. Brooklyn Center d. Rockefeller Center

Can you take a joke?

a. Want to hear a roof joke? The first one's on the house.

b. What did the employee do when the boss said to have a good day? Went home.

c. How does NASA organize a party? They planet.

d. What did one ocean say to the other? Nothing, they just waved.

Have a suggestion? Email suggestions@centershealthcare.org

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