CBO Newsletter 5

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Center of Attention

Centers Business Office Newsletter - Pesach Edition

Dear Team CBO,

As we approach Pesach, I want to take a moment to reflect on the values that this Yom Tov represents. Pesach is a time of freedom, renewal, and gratitude, and these are all values that we strive to embody as a company.

At this time, I want to express my deep appreciation for all of our employees whose dedication and hard work have been essential to our success and to keeping our value system strong. I am grateful for each and every one of you.

As we celebrate this Yom Tov, let us all take a moment to reflect on the importance of freedom, renewal, and gratitude in our lives. May this Pesach bring you and your loved ones happiness, success and good health. Chag Sameach!

The Rabbi’s Reflections

Before Klal Yisrael leaves Mitzrayim, they are given one last task.

Generations earlier Hashem tells Avraham Avinu that his descendants would experience slavery and suffering in a different land. But Hashem also promised him that they would leave with great wealth. The time had now arrived for the fulfillment of this promise.

Bnei Yisrael were instructed to ask the Egyptians for their valuables. To prevent them from denying that they had any treasures, Hashem gave the Jews the opportunity to freely roam around the Egyptian homes during Makas Choshech, discovering the locations of their valuables.

If an Egyptian later claimed

not to own anything of value, the Jew would reference the items he had seen and the amazed Egyptian would hand over his possessions. But it wasn’t just because they were impressed by the super knowledge of their slaves. Rather as the Passuk says “Hashem gave the ‘Chain’ of the people in the eyes of Mitzrayim”. What is the “Chain” the Passuk is referring to?

After witnessing ten Makkos, the Egyptians knew that the Jew was special. But what really impressed them was that even though the Jews had easy access to all of the Egyptians' possessions for a full three days nevertheless not even a single item had been removed. It was their honesty and ability to restrain

themselves that impressed the Egyptians.

Here in the office, in addition to our CBO atmosphere, multiple daily Minyanim and many CBO Torah Shiurim, we have the opportunity to make a favorable impression on the general world. As we learn from our ancestors our ability to be morally superior is what most impresses others. It’s our “CBO Chain”, the sweetness and charm of Klal Yisrael as a nation that serves as a leading example and Kiddush Hashem to the world at large.

Wishing a Chag Kasher VeSameach to every CBO family and all of Klal Yisrael.

Inspiring Thoughts

I recently heard a brilliant shiur from Rabbi Daniel Glatstein Shlit’a, who was uncovering hidden messages from the Purim story.

It was an excellent lecture, but one of the lines he said caught my particular attention and struck a deep chord within me. He said: "Probably, one of the most lonely people ever to live was Queen Esther of the Purim story."

Think of it! Look at Esther's life.

Her father died at conception and her mother at birth. Her pious and kind uncle Mordechai raises her and eventually marries her, but she is then forcibly taken to be the queen of an evil king Achashveirosh. Her remaining relationship with Mordechai is then severed permanently when she willingly enters the king to implore mercy on behalf of the Jewish people. And finally, Darius, her son from Achashveirosh, gives her little joy, barely keeping with his mother's religious faith.

No father, no mother, no husband, and in the end no son to be proud of. If anyone can be called lonely, it is she. Yet - she doesn't fall apart. She doesn't break. She remains complete with her faith.

This courage is truly phenomenal! And I think her supernatural strength can be explained as follows.

We, the Jewish people, are known as a uniquely compassionate people. When one of us is ever missing or in danger, we all quickly come running to their help. We've seen this time and time again

throughout our history. It’s a trait uniquely Jewish as this trait is NOT found among any other nation! We don't just look after the masses - we care for every Jewish individual as if he/she is part of ourselves!

The Purim holiday is purely dedicated to ONE person: that super lonely person who defiantly remains connected, part and parcel with her people - Esther, who could have easily fallen into the trappings of depression and the sad thinking that no one, really no one, cares for her.

If I were to guess, the only thing that kept her going at the moment when she gave up everything was her connection to the eternal Jewish People and the thought that "my people are no doubt praying for me! They care for me! They have my back!" and so she enters the king's throne room, risking her very life doing what she can to help her beloved people because she knows her connection to them is, in essence, her connection to G-d Himself.

Rabbi Glatstein also related the following idea: We say twice a day, "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad." The Hebrew word "Shema" is commonly translated as listen or hear O Yisroel Hashem our G-d is One.

But the Vilna Goan says, "Shema”: means something else. As in Shmuel 1 15:4 it says: םָעָה תֶא לוּאָשָׁ עַמַַּשָׁ ְיַו , "And Shaul gathered the nation." The Metzudas Tzion over there comments:

ףסאמה לוק תעימשב האבה הפיסא ןינע - "עמשיו." "Vayishama" refers to a gathering that happens through calling out.

So לארשי עמש could mean "Gather, Yisroel." And so what we are actually saying when we say Shema is: "Gather together Yisroel as One! As we are a reflection of the One and Only Hashem Himself."

When we are one with our people, their Torah, mitzvos, and customs, we are One with Hashem.

And C’V, the reverse is true as well as can be seen from the rasha in the Pesach Hagada: רָקִָּעְבְּ רַפָכָּ לָלְכָּ ַה ןִמ וֹמְצַע תֶא איִצוֹהֶשָׁ יִפְלוּ

Since the rasha takes himself out of the Klal and removes himself from identifying with his observant people - by refusing to perform mitzvos alongside his fellow Jew - he and his people are not one, so he can no longer be called a believer in The One G-d.

We see from Queen Esther - no matter what life throws at us, our connection to G-d is directly related to the link to His people and the adherence to Klal Yisroel's Torah and Mitzvos. And when we are connected in this unique way, we all genuinely care for each other and pray for each other like we are truly one unit.

Thanks to the caring CBO Management and the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Novoseller, we at CBO are privileged to be connected not only in a professional corporate way but also in a much deeper way, in a way that binds us for all eternity. Since we also come together for davening, Torah learning, siyumim, Yom Iyun events, Shidduch initiatives, and Rosh Chodesh lunches, this makes us all part of "The CBO Klal" that embodies a special unity reserved for the Almighty B'H.

Josh Pfeifer Tracking Matan Alon Special Projects Jason Salamon Controller Adam Benzaquen Talent Matanel Berdugo Tracking
Jacob Schwartzaman
Meet the new members of team CBO
Jay Sabo Special Projects
Meir Ives Invoice Review Yishai Dyman Tracking

Mazal Tov!


• Zev Sugerman (Special Projects)

– Upon his engagement to Leah Guterman.

• Yisroel Sussman (Payroll)

– Upon his engagement to Shira Baum.


• Noam Stein (Financial Tracking)

– Upon his marriage to Tova Adler.

• Shia Deutsch (Controllers)

– Upon the marriage of his son.

• Kenny Rozenberg (CEO)

– Upon the marriage of his son.

Bar Mitzvah

• Rabbi Novoseller (Rav)

– Upon the Bar Mitzvah of his son.

It's a Girl

• Jeremy Moldaven (Accounting)

– Upon the birth of his daughter.

• Reuven Augenstein (Accounts Payable) – Upon the birth of his daughter.

• Andrew Rosenstock (Purchasing)

– Upon the birth of his daughter.

It's a Boy

• Avi Katz (Contracts/Invoice Review)

– Upon the birth of his son.

• Eric Granek (Financial Analyst)

– Upon the birth of his son.

• Aaron Ross (AR/Billing)

– Upon the birth of his son.

• Zvi Mermelstein (AR/Billing)

– Upon the birth of his son.

• Elizer Miller (Controllers)

– Upon the birth of his son.

• Eitan Sharbat (Talent Acquisition)

– Upon the birth of his son.

Please email any additions or corrections to teamcbo@centershealthcare.org

Spotlight on Rochester Center

Centers Health Care has recently welcomed Rochester Center into its family. This state-of-the-art facility, situated in a serene residential neighborhood in Rochester, has a 124-bed capacity. The facility is spearheaded by Eli Vatch, LNHA.

Eli's journey with Centers Health Care began at CBO where he worked in the Special Projects department from 2018-2020. He relocated to the Rochester community along with his family to pursue a career in nursing home administration and has since played an instrumental role in overseeing the smooth functioning of Rochester Center. With a compassionate approach towards patient care, Eli believes in taking the time to interact with the residents and staff personally. He derives immense satisfaction from conversing with them and listening to their unique stories and experiences.

Eli's unwavering dedication towards his residents is reflected in his words, "Seeing them smile is the best part of my day." At Rochester Center, the welfare and comfort of the residents are of paramount importance, and Eli ensures that they receive the best possible care and attention.

For those who may be interested in relocating “out of town,” there is a warm and growing community in Rochester. Speak to your supervisor about potential career opportunities within our eight nursing homes commutable to Rochester or for more information.

What's New at CBO

Up to 15% discount on college courses.

Trio Enjoy a 15% discount on all online college courses taken through TRIO (Theological Research Institute Online). TRIO helps students earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees that best serve their budget, time constraints, and life goals. It is under the rabbinic guidance of Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz.

CBO is partnering with PCS (Professional Careers Services, a division of Agudath Israel) for employees to get up to a 10% discount for the Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) Accounting Program. The program offers the opportunity to receive a Master’s in Accounting. Please inquire for full program details.

New clients. New opportunities.

CPR and First Aid Courses

Presented by Emergency Care Programs

Two separate groups, a total of 50 CBO team members, attended our classes in first aid and CPR, as they learned to prepare for medical emergencies. The feedback was very positive. More courses/workshops to come!

Onsite Barber

Available monthly. It’s a cut above!

Grand Opening! Our new gym. Our totally renovated, onsite employee gym now open. Located across from the 2nd floor kitchen area. Take a break from work to work out!


Women’s hours: Mon & Wed 6am - 12pm Tues, Thur & Fri 12:30pm - 9pm

Men’s hours: Mon & Wed 12:30pm - 9pm Tues, Thur & Fri 6am - 12pm

Green Mountain Nursing and Rehabilitation, Vermont

Aberjona Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Massachusetts

Winchester Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Massachusetts

Woburn Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Massachusetts

Premier Rehab and Healthcare (Greenbriar), New Hampshire

The Interview

Where are you from?

I was born in Chicago and raised in Monsey.

Where do you live?

Monsey area, border of Suffern and Montebello.

How did you end up in CBO?

I knew one of the administrators from my neighborhood and he referred me here.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in CBO? You can handle more than you think you can. Believe in yourself and work hard.

Which facilities do you bill for?

Northern Met, Northern Manor, Bishop and Troy.

What’s your favorite?

Northern Met - they have a particularly strong Finance Department to work with.

What do you enjoy about CBO? Environment, learning and the opportunity for growth. The fact that there are so many companies associated with CHC is amazing.

Which Shiurim do you go to?

I religiously attend the 2:30 Kinyan Mesechta Chaburah given by Meir Lerner.

If you could choose one person you work with in CBO to go out to lunch with, who would it be and why? Shmuel Adler. His positivity and happiness are contagious and he brings it along with him wherever

Where are you from?

I was born in Cleveland, OH. Moved when I was 5 to Brooklyn, NY. I’ve been there ever since.

Which Shul do you Daven at in Brooklyn?

Rabbi Horowitz, Khal Shaare Eliezer Torna.

When did you join CBO?

2016. March was my 7th anniversary.

Tell us what you do?

I work with potential nursing home, assisted livings and adult day care clients to utilize CBO services and expertise. Sell.

What does a typical week look like for you?

Client meetings, reaching out to perspective and new clients, follow ups, maintaining relationships. I go to healthcare and nursing home conferences frequently as well.

What do you do at conferences?

We typically have a booth at the exhibit hall and prospective clients come to inquire about what we offer. There are also many networking opportunities and people to meet including current clients.

100% of CBO clients have seen their bottom lines increase since they started utilizing CBO services. What is the secret?

Our talented and highly trained staff make it happen! Without each one of you, this would definitely not be the case!

How can CBO employees refer potential clients?

Everyone has a family member or friend that is in healthcare. Feel free to put anyone in touch with me at jklein@ centersbusiness.org and you can earn up to $10,000 in referral bonuses!

I see you collect lanyards from conferences. How many do you have? I actually posted a contest on LinkedIn recently so I can’t tell you. No one guessed it right yet.

he goes. Dream destination? Dubai.

What is something that people might not know about you?

I enjoy playing sports like basketball and volleyball, reading.

What was your favorite CBO outing?

2021 summer trip to Jiminy Peak - I played volleyball practically all day.

Favorite Rosh Chodesh lunch? The Kiddush themed one.

If we did a Kiddush theme again, what would you suggest adding? Whiskey.

How did you hear about Centers Health Care?

I share a mutual friend with Elliot Kahan.

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

I have a married son and I'm on Hatzalah.

How do you enjoy working at Centers?

I love it. Every day is a new challenge and opportunity.

What is your favorite food? Crème Brulee.

What’s your favorite destination? Israel.

Any closing thoughts?

CBO is a great place to work and to work for. Coming from other workplaces, I can attest that the environment in every category is second to none!

Inside CBO: Pharmacy Review

Medication cost containment for all the nursing homes.

The two main things we do are:

1. Auditing pharmacy invoices/disputing incorrect billing

2. Medication interchange program - an innovative program that enables us to work with doctors and nursing staff to ensure that they are ordering the most cost-effective, yet clinically appropriate, pharmaceuticals for patients.

We also oversee IV Insertion vendors and consultant pharmacists (per CMS regulations, they are required to review resident charts on a regular basis). We also review and negotiate contracts for these vendors.

Typical example of incorrect billing: The vendor billed the nursing home (thinking the resident was on an all-inclusive Medicare stay) when in fact the vendor should have billed the insurance plan (since the resident was on a non-all-inclusive Medicaid stay). This is called a “payor discrepancy."

Describe a successful member of Pharmacy Review? Critical thinker, finger on the pulse, focused, attention to detail.

Department Pharmacy Review works most closely with: Billing, Financial Analysis and Technology Innovation.

What do you wish every department would know about Pharmacy Review: We are neither a pharmacy nor licensed pharmacists. For all intents and purposes, the name of our department could be "Pharmacy Vendor Oversight."

Department innovation - Pharmacy Review, in conjunction with Technology Innovation, rolled out an interface to use with our pharmacy vendors in order to get a glimpse into real-time processing of medications. This enables us to act on medication changes before they are dispensed.

What skills/knowledge does an employee in Pharmacy Review develop? Budgeting, research, innovation, analytics, a background in insurance and an overall glimpse into the medical world. We had someone work for us because he wanted to go to medical school; his background here helped him get there. Someone that is interested in medicine can be successful here, but it’s definitely not a prerequisite.

Most recent department outing - Palisades Mall - bowling, Dave and Busters, and The Ridge Steakhouse in Monsey.

CBO offers a $500 referral bonus for any successful new employee hire, referred by a current CBO employee. The $500 referral bonus is paid out for a successful hire for any CBO job and ALL CBO departments. A new hire is considered a successful hire if the new employee remains in good standing at CBO for 90 days. For full program details, see the CBO employee handbook. Contact: resumes@centershealthcare.org

Marketing Minutes: Healing Hearts. Saving Lives.

Beth Abraham Center and Schenectady Center have achieved Skilled Nursing Facility Heart Failure Certification from the American Heart Association.

Shiurim/Minyanim Schedule

Shachris - 8:00 AM

Mincha - 12:45, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 4:15 PM

CBO Morning and Night Kollel (paid) - 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM and after 5:45 PM

Daily Shiurim

8:45am - (immediately following Shachris) Kinyan Hamasechta (Meseches Sukka)

11:30 AM – Kinyan Hamasechta (30 minutes)

12:00 PM -The department Shiur of the day! (15-20 minutes)

12:10 PM – DAF YOMI CHABURA (30 minutes)

1:00 PM – The Shiur of the day (15-20 minutes)

Monday - Chovos Halevavos

Tuesday - Weekly Tefilla Series

Wednesday - Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

Thursday - Parsha Shiur

1:45 PM – Q & A round table discussion (10-15 minutes)

2:15 PM – Kinyan Hamasechta on Meseches Tannis

2:40 PM – Kinyan Hamasechta in Yiddish (Meseches Sukka)

3:15 PM - Mishna Berurah (20 minutes)

Free shuttle/van transportation from Five Towns, Monsey, Passaic, Queens and Washington Heights

Five towns


Five Towns to CBO from Cedarhurst Park – 6:55AM

Returns CBO to Five Towns - 5:00PM

Monday-Thursday (12:50PM Friday)



Monsey to CBO from Victoria

Gardens/Jill Ln. – 7:55AM

(Friday 1:50 & 2pm)


Monsey to CBO from Eugene Levy Park & Ride (920 NY-45, New City, NY 10956) - 8:10AM (Friday 1:50 & 2pm)

Returns CBO to Monsey – 5:00PM

Monday-Thursday (Friday 1:50 & 2pm)


Queens Departs Queens to CBO from corner of 14705 71st. Ave – 7:10AM

Returns CBO to Queens - 5:05PM

Monday-Thursday (Friday 1:50 & 2pm)

Brooklyn Carpool Reimbursement program

Passaic Departs

Passaic to CBO from 743 Passaic Avenue, Clifton, NJ - 8:15AM


CBO to Passaic - 5:15PM (Friday 1:50 & 2pm)

Washington Heights Departs

Washington Heights to CBO, various locations - 8:25AM


CBO to Washington Heights - 5:00PM (Friday 1:50 & 2pm)

vans@centersbusiness.org with any questions.
Schenectady Center Administrator Marty Deslauriers on the left. Medical Director, Dr. Ali A. Mirza on the right.

A place for CBO employees’ kids to have fun, play games, and win prizes.

And the Chanukah edition Boggle winners are...

1st place: Chani Kraminer, daughter of Baruch Kraminer, AR/Billing

2nd place: Tani Kahana, son of Mordy Kahana, Workforce Management

Crossword Puzzle fun.

What's the good word?


3. Vegetables, which are dipped into salt water to represent the tears and pain of Jewish slaves in Egypt.

4. Roasted egg, symbolizes mourning.

6. Three matzohs; represent the unleavened bread the Jewish people took with them when they left Egypt.

7. Bitter herbs; symbolizes bitterness of slavery.


1. Sweet, brown, pebbly mixture, representing the mortar used by Jewish slaves to build storehouses in Egypt.

2. Bitter herbs; symbolizes bitterness of slavery.

5. Roasted lamb shankbone; represents the korban or sacrificial lamb.

All correct crossword puzzle submissions will be entered into a raffle for a $50 Toys4U gift card. Email your entry to teamcbo@centersbusiness.org and make sure to include your name and age. Deadline to enter is April 30th.

Kids: Let's play trivia

Winner of trivia contest last month: Yitzy Karp, son of Motti Karp, AR/Billing

Word Bank: beitzah, charoset, chazeret, karpas, maror, matzot, zroa.

Enter your trivia answer for your chance to win a Centers blanket. Deadline to enter is April 30th. Send your submissions to: teamcbo@centersbusiness.org or drop it in the suggestions box at CBO headquarters. Make sure to include full name, and age.

CBO has added what new service recently for the team?

a. An onsite barber

b. A renovated gym

c. Discounts on college courses

d. All of the above.

Have a suggestion? Email suggestions@centershealthcare.org
Kids Korner
2 3 4 5 7 6

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