CBO Newsletter 1

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Center of Attention

Centers Business Office Newsletter - 2022 Shavous Edition

Welcome to the Center of Attention. It's a seasonal reflection of where we've been and where we're going, connecting us to the CBO mission, as we grow together. We hope you enjoy this issue. From our CBO family to yours.

Reflections from the Rabbi The moment had finally arrived. All of creation had anticipated this great event from its inception. Hashem was about to give the Torah to his beloved children, Am Yisrael. The entire universe was hushed and attentive as they witnessed the greatest revelation the world would ever experience. But it didn’t last too long. Shortly after, it was all over. The Luchos containing the Aseres Hadibros had been shattered. What a magnificent beginning! What a terribly sad ending. But then came the second set of Luchos fashioned by Moshe Rabbienu, which remained whole. What was different about these second Luchos? Rashi suggests it was the fact that the second set of Luchos were given in a more modest fashion without the great publicity of the first Luchos. Let us look a bit deeper to fully understand the message Chazal is teaching us.

The first Luchos were gifted to Klal Yisrael, ready-made without any effort on their part. The Second Luchos were made by Moshe Rabbienu and Klal Yisrael after preparing themselves to be worthy of receiving the Dvar Hashem. The lesson for us is to realize that if we hope to grow in any area of Torah and Mitzvos we must put in the effort and prepare ourselves to be worthy of it becoming a part of us, which will make our Avodas Hashem a more valuable experience. May we all be Zoche to prepare for the upcoming Yom Tov Haba Alienu LeTova in good health. With best wishes for an uplifting and inspiring Kabalas Hatorah Rabb i P inchas Novoseller

Thrills, chills and spills at Camp Romimu! Staff appreciation day was a big success. The weather was wonderful. The food was plentiful and delicious. And the fun and games were fast and furious! There was so much to do--swimming, boating, biking, go carting and a game room--and the action was nonstop. The baseball tournament was a big hit, and the basketball games were a slam-dunk smash! Congratulations to the winners.


Team Green (basketball champions). Pictured left to right – Jeffrey Gross, Mordy Kahana, Avichayil Yachnes

Team Yellow (baseball champions). Pictured left to right – top row – David Rosenfeld, Dovie Fiddle, David Skaist, Saul Weiner, Yitzhak Linden – bottom row – Avichayil Yachnis, Robert Blackstein, Bini Katz, Noam Skolnick

Yitzi Nussbuam, 2021 winner of Centers Got Talent, performed God Bless America at the baseball tournament.

Of course, in our book (and newsletter) everyone on the CBO team is a winner. Thanks to you all for coming out, and we look forward to more fun and games and great food in the future!

Kids Korner - Let’s play trivia! Enter to win some Centers swag! Send your submissions to: teamcbo@centersbusiness.org or drop it in the suggestions box at CBO headquarters. Deadline to submit your answer is June 9th.

How many skilled nursing facilities are there in Centers Health Care? a. 11 b. 18 c. 50 d. Eleventy million (ok, not really a number, but it sounds like a lot!)

A Grand Old Time Tell us about a favorite experience with one of your grandparents. Whether it was that time your grandmother took you out for ice cream or your fond memories of a bed time story, share your memories with us. Draw a picture and send it to teamcbo@centersbusiness.org. Top 3 pictures will receive a Centers backpack and will be featured in our next issue.

The Interview - Moshe Ross

Payroll Special Projects/Supervisor

Where did you grow up and where do you live?

What are you best known for in your department?

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Now I live in Monsey.

My wife’s baked goods

How long have you been working at CBO?

CBO is a place with a ton of opportunity to grow from within, which I, Baruch Hashem, have been able to capitalize on, and the environment is second to none. The company really cares for its employees. I am fortunate that I’m able to participate daily in the Kollel Boker, which is a great start to my day.

Nearly 7 years. What is your current position and have you held any other positions? I started as a Payroll Rep. Currently my position is Payroll Special Projects/Supervisor How did you first hear about CBO? I heard about CBO from a friend. As an aside, I actually referred my brother Aaron last year. He is currently working as an Assistant Controller and it’s really nice to see him around regularly. If you could eat lunch with an employee from another department who would it be? Charles Zami

What do you enjoy most about working at CBO?

Favorite Shiur? Bi-weekly payroll department Shiur Favorite Vacation/travel spot? Israel What are your lesser-known talents? Landscaping and fixing power tools If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Moshiach, so I could ask him when he’s coming

Daily minyan/learning

Schachris – 8am (Mon-Fri) Mincha, 2pm, 3, 4, 4:30, 5:30 (Mon-Thur) and 2pm Friday 11:20 am – Kinyan Mesechta 12pm – Department Shiur of the day 12:10 pm – Daf Yomi Chaburah 1:00 pm – Chovos HaLevavos (Mon and Wed) 1:00 pm Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (Tuesday) 1:00 pm Parsha (Thursdays) 2:00 pm – Q and A roundtable discussion 3:15 pm – Mishna Berurah Morning and evening Kollel (before 9:30am and after 6:15pm) with daily stipend. For help setting up a Chavrusah, or with any questions about the various learning programs, please reach out to Rabbi Novoseller.

Free shuttle/van transportation from Queens, Five Towns and Monsey. Five towns




Departs Five Towns to CBO from Cedarhurst Park – 6:55AM

Departs Monsey to CBO from Victoria Gardens/Jill Ln. – 8AM (7AM Friday)

Departs Queens to CBO from corner of 14705 71st. Ave – 7:10AM

Coming soon!

Departs Monsey to CBO from Palisades Exit 11/Ilana Ct. – 8:15AM (7:15AM Friday)

Returns CBO to Queens – 5:05PM (Monday-Thursday and 2:05PM on Friday Ilana Ct. – 8:15AM (7:15AM Friday)

Returns CBO to Five Towns – 5: 00PM (Monday-Thursday) and 1:50PM Friday

Returns CBO to Monsey – 5:00PM (Monday-Thursday) and 1:00PM Friday

Washington Heights Coming soon!

Returns CBO to Monsey – 5:00PM (Monday-Thursday) and 1:00PM Friday

Email vans@centersbusiness.org with any questions. Have a suggestion? Email suggestions@centershealthcare.org

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