July - August 2019

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Chef Walter Enhances Bannister Center Menu

Rhode Island’s famed gourmet culinary artist, chef Walter Potenza is renowned for his modern approach to healthy eating, healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. Trusted partner of Bannister Center in Providence, he

has shared with the team there how to improve diet and nutrition with style and taste. The trusted rehab partner of Chef Walter

Our Hero On the 75th anniversary of D-Day, Albany’s ABC-TV affiliate, WTEN, interviewed 95-year-old veteran George Bakun, a resident of Troy Center. George was one of the 150,000 servicemen who landed on the sandy beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. His story is both historic and heroic.

Kenny’s Corner

Declaration of Independence Summer is officially here, and that means fire up the grill—and send up some fireworks—as we celebrate July 4th, Independence Day. 243 years ago, the thirteen colonies pulled together and declared their independence from Great Britain. Achieving freedom would prove to be a great challenge and an even greater struggle, but the day the Declaration was signed marked the birth of the United States of America. Here at Centers, independence has a very special meaning. In fact, we think of every day as Independence Day. With our short-term rehabilitation residents, a successful outcome means that we have helped them get back to the independent life they know and love. Within our facilities, we provide an environment of respect that allows our long-term care residents to achieve a sense of independence as well, as they choose to participate in the activities they enjoy and meet with family and friends when they wish. As we set out to enjoy our barbecues, parades and pyrotechnics, let it serve as a reminder that all of us at Centers are in the business of doing all we can to help our residents enjoy the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Kenny Rozenberg

CEO, Centers Health Care

Summer breezes…

News from the Centers

On a high note

The folks at Troy Center were entertained by The Rusty Pipes, an a capella group from RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). The event was covered by the local ABC News outlet. Now that’s something to sing about!

Spa la la!

The nurses at Centers are the best—always taking care of others. For one day at Triboro Center the tables were turned. In honor of National Nursing Home Week, the Center treated its nurses to a spa day. They earned every minute of it.

Does he get to wear a cape?

Martine Center is pleased and proud to announce that its very own in-house geriatrics physician, Dr. Rajashekhar Buddhavarapu, has been named a “Super Doctor” by MSP Communications. Truth is, we already knew that he’s a great physician, but it’s nice to be recognized.

Star performances A documentary by students at SUNY New Paltz features residents of New Paltz Center. At the movie premiere, the filmmakers presented the residents with mini-Oscars. Check it out for yourself at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktYgv68Kgyw&feature=youtu.be

A winning team

Lisa Clark, Director of Nursing from Washington Center and Laura Villalobos-Abare, LPN from Warren Center were both recognized for their great work by the Post-Star of Glens Falls. Start spreading the news.

Next stop, Bannister Center

Several bus shelters in Providence, Rhode Island, have had a makeover—and they’ve got Centers Health Care written all over them. Word on the street is, Bannister Center is the place to go to get stronger.

The People at Centers

A new face makes Centers a better place.

You don’t have to work at Centers long to make a standout contribution. Monasia Johnson, CNA at Troy Center, is living proof of that. She joined the facility in April, and in the three months since walking through the door she has demonstrated a powerful commitment and a heartfelt compassion that touches everyone at the Center. Monasia grew up in nearby Cohoes, and has always stayed close to home, now living a short ten-minute drive from Troy Center. When not caring for the residents, she’s at home taking care of her nine-month old son Jalon. Because caring is what she does. As wonderful as her presence has been at the Center, Monasia is one of those people whose actions speak louder than words. She’s quiet, modest and always ready to step in and help out wherever help is needed. Her positive attitude is positively inspiring. She says it best herself. Talking about the residents and staff at Troy Center, she says “I love everybody!” And we love you Monasia.

Centers Health Care is a proud sponsor of the 2019 American Heart Association (AHA) Wall Street Run & Heart Walk.

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