Fall Winter 2017-18 Central Oklahoma Children's Directory

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First United Methodist Church Preschool/MDO

founded in 1979

341-1230  305 E. Hurd

www.fumcpreschoolmdo.com fumcpreschoolmdo@sbcglobal.net Voted Best Preschool Edmond Sun Sunshine Awards Four Years including 2016

Mother’s Day Out 12 months to 3 years 9 a.m.-2:45 p.m. M, T, W, Th Classes Available


Preschool 3 and 4 years 9:00-11:30 a.m. M-Th

Preschool Teachers are Degreed Developmental & Academic Programming

Extended Day 11:30-2:45 T-TH All Preschool Classes

Special classes offered: Creative Art Special Music

Celebrating 23 YEARS as the FIRST, ORIGINAL Children’s Directory!

CHECK OUT OUR COLOR ADS starting on page 9!

A Message from the staff of the Central Oklahoma Children’s Directory PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS THAT YOU FOUND THEM IN THE CENTRAL OKLAHOMA CHILDREN’S DIRECTORY! You’ll find all sorts of information and unique businesses in this directory. We have many participants who have been with us the entire time and we want to thank them as well as our new advertisers for their continued support. Our goal is to produce a quality publication that families will use and keep as a resource. E-mail us at centralokchildrensdirectory@hotmail.com with events, suggestions, questions, etc. Our advertisers have extra directories on hand for you to pick up. Plus we have distribution points all over the metro area! Check out our website at centralokchildrensdirectory.com to view the entire directory on-line. You will also find: ♦ complete calendar of events ♦ links to our advertisers websites & e-mail addresses banner ads to our color advertisers ♦ a text-based directory of services

Look for the Spring Summer edition to premier in March 2018. For information about advertising in the next issue, please call Sherry Protus (405) 348-3009 or visit the web page at www.centralokchildrensdirectory.com. Terri R. Folks, Publisher Sherry Protus, Co-Publisher & Advertising Sales Manager Lesa Ferster, Advertising Sales Representative

On the Cover: Photo provided by Crystal Oakes Photography © Crystal Oakes Photography, 2017.

Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 1

Central Oklahoma Children’s Directory Table of Contents

The Arts/Fine Arts...................................................................................................3 Chamber..................................................................................................................4 Child Care...............................................................................................................4 COLOR ADVERTISING SECTION................................................................ 9-24 Counselors...............................................................................................................5 Educational Programs.............................................................................................6 Entertainment..........................................................................................................7 Events/Festivals.......................................................................................................8 Index of Advertisers..............................................................................................33 Kitchen Products.....................................................................................................8 Library System........................................................................................................8 Medical Providers.................................................................................................25 Museums......................................................................................................... 26-28 Performing Arts.....................................................................................................28 Photographers........................................................................................................28 Preschools........................................................................................................ 29-30 Private Schools......................................................................................................30 Sports.....................................................................................................................31 Toys/Toy Store......................................................................................................31 Travel.....................................................................................................................31

2 ♥ Fall Winter 2017-18

The Arts/Fine Arts Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center..........................(405) 951-0000 website: oklahomacontemporary.org email: latkinson@okcontemp.org Contact: Luke Atkinson

Currently located at State Fair Park, Oklahoma Contemporary encourages creativity and artistic expression through: Always-free exhibitions featuring a Learning Gallery so visitors can connect to art with hands-on activities; School-break art camps in which youth gain confidence and learn new skills exploring art and artists; FREE monthly Make + Take workshops where families create art across a variety of mediums; Adult art classes where students find the chance to learn and grow; Free public lectures, artist talks and events

See our COLOR ad on page 13!

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Child Care The Goddard School for Early Childhood Development(405) 348-4442 website: goddardschool.com email: edmond1ok@goddardschools.com 17440 N. Western Avenue, Edmond, OK 73012 Child care center serving ages 6 weeks to 12 years including summer camp. See our COLOR ad on page 17!


Counselors and Counseling Services... 4 ♼ Fall Winter 2017-18

The Counseling & Consulting Offices of:

Paul G. Tobin, Ph.D., Prof. Corporation also providing services:

Ann E. Benjamin, M.Ed., LPC Lisa L. Marotta, Ph.D., Psychologist Gracie Moyers, M.Ed., LPC Phyllis Van Hemert, M.Ed., LPC Nancy McReynolds, Ph.D., LADC Moreen W. Foster, M.A.P.C.P., LPC Fred McGinn M.A., LPC Kimberly Spears, M.Ed., LPC Janet Stafford, M.Ed., LPC Janice Kimball, MSW, LCSW

Family  Marriage  Individual Counseling Educational & Business Consultations Assessment  Groups Seminars 3855 South Boulevard, Ste. 100  Edmond  340-4321 www.ccoffices.com

Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 5

Educational Programs Goldfish Swim School-Edmond.......................................(405) 696-7500 website: edmond.goldfishswimschool.com email: swimedmond@goldfishss.com Contact: Tiffany Cathey 10 NW 146th St., Edmond, OK 73013 Perpetual year round swim lessons for children 4 months to 12 years. See our COLOR ad on page 18! techJOYnT.........................................................................(405) 345-5010 website: techjoynt.com email: info@techjoynt.com Contact: JP Tugirimana or Dorys Moreno 180 W. 15th Street, Suite 100, Edmond, OK 73013 Joyful and Gamified Learning, S.T.E.M. Academy & After-School Enrichment Learning Centers

See our COLOR ad on page 16!

Sylvan Learning............OKC (405) 842-7323/Edmond (405) 562-5202 website: www.sylvanlearning.com email: tisha.clay@sylvanlearning.com 9634 N. May Avenue, OKC, OK 73120 3209 S. Broadway, Edmond, OK 73013 From tutoring programs, to STEM education, to college prep, Sylvan is right there with you. Learn how Sylvan can inspire your child to succeed. See our COLOR ad on page 23!

6 ♥ Fall Winter 2017-18

Entertainment Battle Park.........................................................................(405) 433-2223 14805 W. Industrial Road, Guthrie, OK 73044 Website: BattleParkOK.com Email: dustin@battleparkok.com Contact: Dustin Hester Oklahoma’s only paintball park with a climate-controlled, indoor party room that’s perfect for birthday parties! See our COLOR ad on the back cover! Heritage Lanes..................................................................(405) 755-7575 website: heritagelanesokc.com email: heritagelanes@sbcglobal.net 11917 N. Pennsylvania, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Bowling and entertainment center. See our COLOR ad on page 19! Oklahoma WONDERtorium...........................................(405) 533-3333 Website: www.okWONDERtorium.org email: alecia.gray@OKWONDERtorium.org 308 W. Franklin, Stillwater OK 74075 A children’s museum where wonder grows! See our COLOR ad on page 14! Unpluggits Playstudio......................................................(405) 340-7584 website: www.unpluggits.com email: play@unpluggits.com 575 Enterprise Drive, Suite 110, Edmond, OK 73013 Arts & Crafts, Entertainment, Indoor Playground See our COLOR ad on page 19!

Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 7

Events/Festivals An Affair of the Heart................................................................ (405) 632-2652 website: www.aaoth.com State Fair Park, OKC, OK October 20-22, 2017 and Feb. 9-11, 2018 Shop for arts, crafts, collectibles, clothing, antiques, and much more. See our COLOR ad on page 11! Yukon Pumpkin Harvest Craft Festival.................................. (405) 350-8937 website: www.cityofyukonok.gov email:jscott@cityofyukon.com Dale Robertson Center, Highway 66 & Yukon Parkway, Yukon, OK 73099, Nov. 4th 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission to this family-friendly festival! See our COLOR ad on page 12!

Kitchen Products

Library Systems Metropolitan Library System.................................................... (405) 606-3295 website: www.metrolibrary.org Main Library: 300 Park Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102 See website for all of the 19 MLS locations. See our COLOR ad on page 24!

8 ♼ Fall Winter 2017-18

When you book with us, you’re guaranteed peace of mind by knowing that no matter where you travel, our team will be available to make sure your destination plans are expertly handled from the time you book to the time you return. Cruises • Mexico • Caribbean • Hawaii • Tahiti • Disney

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Come See What’s New! You will be AMAZED! 800-259-KIDS (5437) jasminemoran.com OPEN Tues.-Sat. 10-5 Sunday 1-5 Closed Mondays 1714 W. Wrangler Blvd. 1 hour east of OKC 20 ♥ Fall Winter 2017-18

Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 21

Serving Oklahoma since 1925

Dr. Greg Metz

Dr. Dean Atkinson

Dr. Patricia Overhulser

Dr. Laura Chong

Dr. Shahan Stutes

Dr. Warren Filley

Karen Gregory, DNP

Dr. Richard Hatch Dr. Bret Haymore

Stefanie Rollins, APRN, CNP

Elisa Thompson, APRN, CNP

Call Today for an Appointment! The Oklahoma Health Center 750 N.E. 13th, Oklahoma City

Norman Medical Park West 3580 R.C. Luttrell Drive

Meridian Medical Tower

Edmond at Fisher Hall 3560 S. Boulevard, Suite 150

(Across from Mercy Hospital)

13321 N. Meridian, Suite 100

Midwest City 8121 National Avenue

405/235-0040 • www.oklahomaallergy.com

22 ♼ Fall Winter 2017-18

Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 23


1. 2.



7. 4. 8. 9. 10.

ChildreN FAMILIES DIRECTORIES AD.indd 24 ♥ Fall AND Winter 2017-18


9/4/2015 12:10:05 PM

Medical Providers Can Do Kids Therapy................................................................. (405) 513-8186 website: www.okcandokids.com email: dianna@okcandokids.com 1073 N. Bryant, Suite 100, Edmond, OK 73034 Our therapists use a variety of skills and techniques to assist your child in learning new skills for a lifetime. Our clinic is now Interactive Metronome Certified. Please visit our website and Facebook page for more information. See our COLOR ad on page 10! J.D. McCarty Center.................................................................. (405) 307-2800 website: www.jdmc.org 2002 E. Robinson, Norman, OK 73071 Pediatric rehab hospital specializing in children with developmental disabilities from birth to age 21. Inpatient and outpatient services. See our COLOR ad on page 12! Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic......................................... (405) 235-0040 website: www.oklahomaallergy.com Main office Oklahoma Health Center (Five Metro Locations) 750 NW 13 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Come see the Allergists who can help you and your family find relief. Serving Oklahoma since 1925. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. See our COLOR ad on page 22! OU Children’s Physicians ....... website: www.oumedicine.com/primarycare OU Children’s Physicians has family medicine physicians offering primary care services to patients of all ages. See our COLOR ad on page 18! Skills For Living, Inc.................................................................. (405) 360-5554 website: skillsforliving.net email: skillsforliving@gmail.com 330 West Gray Street, Suite 100-2, Norman, OK 73069 Skills For Living is a holistic, pediatric clinic. Occupational and physical therapy. Services address: sensory-motor, gross-fine motor, social skills, driving issues. See our COLOR ad on page 15!

Celebrating 23 years as the FIRST, ORIGINAL Children’s Directory! Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 25

Museums Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum..........................................800-259-KIDS website: www.jasminemoran.com 1714 W. Wrangler Blvd. Seminole, OK 74818-1828 Children’s Museum See our COLOR ad on page 20!

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Come visit our hands-on children’s learning center! Ddhhhhh0hdhhhhhhdd

hhhh0hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdhhhdhhdhhhDhffhhhhhhhhhdhhhhhhhhhhhhdhhhh September 1st through October 20th hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh October 21st through January 2ndddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddDecember 2nddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd hhhhhhhhddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhdhhdhhhhhhhh*dhFebruary 3rd and 10 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000January 30th through March 16th hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh January 30th through April 28th hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh March 20th through 23rd from 10 AM to 2 PM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

43dhh.hhhhhhdhhh,hhhhhhh,h0Kh73h34 hhhhhhhh–hhhhhhhhdhhhhh–h5hdhhhh hhhhhhhhhhd-4hdh 4h5.34h.hh7d hhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhd

Visit our website www.centralokchildrensdirectory.com for an updated calendar of events, text versions of our advertisers in alphabetical and in category order, advertising info, and a link to the latest e-newsletter. You can also view, and download the latest directory. 26 ♥ Fall Winter 2017-18

Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 27

Performing Arts Oklahoma Children’s Theatre.........................................(405) 606-7003 website: www.oklahomachildrenstheatre.org 2501 N. Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 Contact: Lyn Adams Theatre for young audiences, camps, classes and workshops 3-17 years! See our COLOR ad on page 21!

Photographers Crystal Oakes Photography and Design.........................(580) 210-9318 website: www.crystallynnoakes.com Edmond, OK Full service graphic designer and photographer specializing in branding, marketing, logo design, web design and more! See our COLOR ad on page 22! 28 ♼ Fall Winter 2017-18

Preschools First United Methodist Church Preschool & Mother’s Day Out.........................................................(405) 341-1230 Website: www.fumcpreschoolmdo.com email: fumcpreschoolmdo@sbcglobal.net 305 E. Hurd; Mailing address: P.O. Box 390 Edmond, OK 73083 Director, Glennis Peterman Developmental and academic, age appropriate programming for children from 12 months through 4 years. See ad on inside front cover for more information! Quail Springs Methodist Church Early Childhood Program.........................................................(405) 755-3258 website: www.qsumc.org/ecp email: ecp@qsumc.org 14617 N. Penn Avenue, OKC, OK 73134 Contact: Jeanine Randall CDO and Preschool ages 2 months through PRK4’s See our COLOR ad on page 20! Southern Hills Child Development Center....................(405) 341-0100 website: shcdc.net email: cdcoffice@southernhillschristian.org 3207 S. Boulevard St., Edmond, OK 73013 Contact: Carolyn Lamiell Mother’s Day Out Program and preschool. See our COLOR ad on page 14! The Goddard School for Early Childhood Development....................... ............................................................................................(405) 348-4442 Website: goddardschool.com email: edmond1ok@goddardschools.com 17440 N. Western Avenue, Edmond, OK 73012 Child care center serving ages 6 weeks to 12 years including summer camp. See our COLOR ad on page 17!

Tinker Air Force Base: Pick up copies at Family Services Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 29


Private Schools OKC Montessori..............................................................(405) 748-7242 website: okcmontessori.com email: tammy@okcmontessori.com 6000 NW 120, OKC, OK 73162 Contact: Tammy Kephardt Private Montessori school. See our COLOR ad on page 10!

30 ♥ Fall Winter 2017-18


Toy Store-Toys

Fabulous Toys for Fabulous Children Wilshire Village – Oklahoma City 7638 North Western 848-1415

for ages birth to fourteen Hours: Monday – Saturday 10 to 6 pm


Cinnamon Bears – Edmond 102 S. Broadway 330-2327

for ages birth to five years Hours: Monday – Saturday 10 to 5:30

Travel Michelle’s Destinations Unlimited...................................(405) 360-4482 Website: www.travelwithmichelle.com Email: info@travelwithmichelle.com 300 W. Gray #112, Norman, OK 73069 Contact: Michelle Carbone Your family travel consultant. See the color ad on page 9! Fall Winter 2017-18 ♥ 31

Index of Advertisers Al's Bicycles............................. 31 An Affair of the Heart.........8, 11C Battle Park.............. 7, Back Cover Cactus Jack's............................... 7 Can Do Therapy................10C, 25 Crystal Oakes Photography........... ..........................................22C, 28 Edmond Chamber....................... 4 Edmond Historical Museum..... 26 Erna Krouch Preschool............. 30 Fine Arts Institute........................ 3 First United Methodist Preschool & Mother's Day Out...................... ....................Inside front cover, 29 Goddard School............4, 17C, 29 Goldfish Swim School........6, 18C Harn Homestead........................ 27 Heritage Lanes....................7, 19C Jasmine Moran Children's Museum ..........................................20C, 26 J.D. McCarty Center.........12C, 25 Learning Tree-Cinnamon Bears.31 Metropolitan Library...........8, 24C

C=Color Section

Michelle's Destinations Unlimited ............................................9C, 31 OKC Montessori...............10C, 30 Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic.................................22C, 25 Oklahoma Children's Theatre ..........................................21C, 28 Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center..................................3, 13C Oklahoma Railway Museum..... 27 Oklahoma WONDERtorium.7, 14C OU Children’s Physicians.18C, 25 The Pampered Chef..................... 8 Quail Springs ECP............20C, 29 Sam Noble Museum.................. 28 Skills for Living................15C, 25 Southern Hills CDC..........14C, 29 Sylvan Learning Center......6, 23C TechJoYnT..........................6, 16C Tobin & Benjamin....................... 5 Unpluggits...........................7, 19C Venerate Behavioral Service....... 5 Yukon Pumpkin Harvest Festival ............................................8, 12C

Partnering with the Metropolitan Library System! Central Oklahoma Children’s Directories are available AT THE Libraries in the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area fOR LOCATIONS: www.metrolibrary.org 32 ♥ Fall Winter 2017-18

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