No. 6, 2014
In this issue of the newspaper we are going to discuss fire prevention measures and suggest, how to reduce its ravages. Also we are going to advice, what to do in the case of emergency. Fire and rescue station has been operating since the early years of independence of Lithuania. The main functions of it are as follows: extinguishing fires and rescue, international aid, fire prevention, fire and civil protection training, fire rescue training, and so on. Fire is out of control burning. Within 30 seconds a small fire in a fireplace may turn out of control, after 2 minutes there is a risk to life, and within 5 minutes the fire can cover the whole house. The leading cause of death in a fire is asphyxiation after breathing the products of fire/ burning, i.e. smoke and toxic gases. A person can lose consciousness and suffocate
or poison in less than 2 minutes. If a fire started in the room and smoke began to accumulate rapidly – get on the floor and crawl very quickly towards the exit. At the bottom, under the smoke, it is easier to breathe and better to see. Do not use elevators in case of fire but hurry away downstairs. Emergency number 112 is the number for unexpected disasters or threats to life, health, safety, the environment or damage to property. In these cases, the main emergency services can be called: police, fire and rescue services, and ambulance. Calling this number it is necessary to explain clearly, what have happened, to give a correct address and the name of location from where you are calling, and to say your name and phone number. One tenth of all fires rise because of irregular electrical devices
or due to improper use of electricity. The most common reasons for fires in electricity system are these: water near electrical wires, overloaded electricity system, bare and not insulated or hanging electrical wires. Keep from getting wet electrical wiring, sockets, plugs or electrical devices. Do not place the vases with flowers or potted flowers on TV or microwave ovens. Regularly check that an electric kettle does not leak, do not pour water in it, when it is plugged in. If an electrical device begins to smoke or burn, first of all it must be disconnected from the power outlet, and only then you can start to extinguish it. If you cannot turn off the power, then you can use only carbon dioxide or dry powder fire extinguishers.
Centre Plus News No.6, 2014
Water should never be used to extinguish this type of fire. Another cause of fires is overloaded power supply, when too many electrical devices are activated at the same time. Suddenly wires start to heat up and the rubber insulation of wires burns up. This can ignite items which are near, the wooden ceiling and walls. It is not recommended to plug more than 1,200 watts of power of household electrical devices into one electrical outlet. . For example, electrical devices in the U.S. are adapted to operate at 110 V and usually burn out when plugged into 220 V European electrical system and Lithuanian as well. Meanwhile, electrical devices produced in the Middle East operate at 220 V, and therefore are suitable for use in Europe and Lithuania as well. It is also important to remember a few simple things - connecting any electrical device, turn the plug in position that could not break the cable. Do not leave electrical devices alive at night. Danger signals that warn us about the messy electricity system or other problems are hot sockets and cartridges, problems with electrical lockouts for unknown reasons, flickering light, the burning marks on or above the sockets and switches. Caution should be taken not only about fire, but gas as well. Do not leave a burning gas stove unattended and turn off the tap overnight. To prevent the accumulation of gas, it is necessary to ventilate the kitchen often, but it is dangerous to create a draught, because it can extinguish a burning flame. If for one or another reason the stove goes out,
do not try to re-ignite it. Who knows how much gas has accumulated. Just turn off the tap and ventilate the kitchen. Gas stoves cannot be moved arbitrarily from one place to another, because the pipes carrying gas connections can be damaged. The gas stove can be moved to another location only by specialists. It is strictly prohibited to do it oneself. If for any reason a lot of gas accumulated in a room, cover the nose and mouth with a damp cloth or handkerchief, quickly turn off the gas taps and open the windows wide. Do not turn on any electrical devices - door bell, lamps, etc., because it may strike a spark and cause an explosion. If a gas began to burn at a leak place, do not attempt to
deal with it. While the gas is burn ing, it will be not the explosion. In this case, it is necessary to close the gas valve and watch objects next to fire. Call the fire-brigade and gas emergency service. Emergency telephone number is 04. In order to ensure maximum protection of home, it is recommended to install a smoke detectors, which can detect both smoulderingand combustion. They detect even a small amount of smoke at room and ring the alarm of fire. It is also a must to have functioning fire extinguishers and fire-resistant cloth at home. Be careful and memorize well a short number for emergency 112, which can be called in order to reach emergency services.
Centre Plus News No.6, 2014
ACCIDENTS EXPERIENCES OF THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS In the event of an accident, it is necessary to react quickly and to seek help as soon as possible. In this article, the third- country nationals who are residing in Lithuania have shared their experiences on how they behaved in the case of emergency, where did they turn for help, what help they had expected and what actually got.
J. G. from Azerbaijan who got his diploma and currently is working in Lithuania was pleased that he had never occasion to call to the fire and rescue station: “I know that the general emergency number is 112, so I believe that I will know, what to do in the case of an accident. But I am glad that there was not such the case.” The guy believes that English language for workers of such institutions is required. “In my opinion, the knowledge of English is one of the main requirements for employment. Because, when an alien is calling and he is excited, it is very important to understand immediately, what it is about and to fix an event”, - shared his opinion J. G.
every immigrant had to learn the short emergency numbers of the country in which he was living and had to be ready. “I do not see any problems that foreigners and the employees of rescue station could not understand each other. I believe that the majority of Lithuanians speak RusI. R., who have arrived from Be- sian while English is becoming larus and is living in Lithuania for used widely as well”, - said I. R. several years, shared that she had never sought help because of an The other Belarusian A. R., who is accident during the time of living currently studying for Master`s dein our country. But the woman gree, also shared the idea that she noticed that the work of emergen- never sought help because of the cy services was very important accident, but knew all short numand necessary: “I understand that bers by which such assistance could people who try to rescue others be available. “In Lithuania, by the must to be good-hearted persons way in my homeland as well, resand have a lot of courage in ex- cue institutions provide assistance treme situations. This is a very in the event of an accident, such as dangerous and selfless work.” fire or a gas explosion. Although Belarusian I. R. emphasized that there are cases, when people turn to
rescue services, when their pets get stuck high and cannot dismount. Of course, such a situation cannot be likened to fire, but people still can apply. The girl believes that emergency services personnel have to speak English language, because the number of immigrants is growing in Lithuania and English language is becoming imperative. The superintendant of the VI team at Vilnius County Fire and Rescue Board said that she could not remember the specific case, when they had to help an alien: “I do not remember such a case in my work. And if was so, then we really understood situation because I cannot remember any particular event. The superintendant said that the VI team is one of the most advanced in terms of personnel. Woman shared that they
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actively pursued educational activities, seminars and excursions. Everyone who is interested can come and learn more about their activities. “The vast part of the team can speak foreign languages and this makes easier the process of rescue, so we can rescue not only countrymen, but also foreign nationals”, - said the superintendant.
received calls from people of different nationalities. “The most curious cases occur with the Chinese. When they call, they speak English, but in fact their English accent is difficult to understand and differs from ours. So sometimes it takes some time before personnel figure out, what is the problem and where to send a rescue team”, - said L. Šinkūnas. The head of The head of Vilnius Department Vilnius Department was happy of Emergency Response Cen- that all staff is fluent in Russian tre (ERC) L. Šinkūnas shared his language and the greater part of work experience and said that they it speaks English, so there were
no problems of understanding: “We also have a file in your office, where is written, what languages speak relief workers. So when we get a call and we know that the other e mployee speaks the language, then the call is diverted to him.” The described experiences confirm that immigrants know, what to do in the case of emergency, but also they think that personnel who are answering help desk calls should speak English language.
The newspaper is published, implementing the project “Consultation and information centre PLUS” according the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals, annual Programme 2012
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