March 2011 – N. 17
HEADING • • • • •
Advantages for ANIVEC, ASEPRI, CNA Federmoda and Le Pôle Enfant members................... …page 1 Now available the CPM Kids Catwalk Video...................................................................................... page 2 Riccione Moda Italia–Young Designers gather the Italian contest of new talents for Fashion .... page 2 Free Trade Agreement EU-South Korea ............................................................................................. page 3 Briefly…Discover the latest news posted on our blog ..................................................................... page 3
ANIVEC, ASEPRI, CNA Federmoda and Le Pôle Enfant members can already benefit from the actions promoted by CFE From now on all members from ANIVEC (Portugal), ASEPRI (España), CNA Federmoda (Italia) and Le Pôle Enfant (Francia) will benefit also from actions promoted by Children’s Fashion Europe (CFE) thanks to the agreement signed between the European entity and the representatives of these associations. The agreement will enable member companies of these associations to benefit once a year from the advantages offered by CFE in the various activities carried out, such as discounts for participation in international fairs, catwalks, trade activities, participation in European projects, etc. The agreement, signed in March, aims to enhance the relationship between CFE and its Collaborators Entities, ANIVEC, ASEPRI, CNA Federmoda and Le Pôle Enfant, who have broad representation in the Children's Fashion and Childcare Products sector in their respective countries. More information If you wish to know more about the advantages attached to this agreement do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: Alexandra, Celia, Sara or by telephone: +34 963910334.
EUROPEAN NEWSLETTER – March 2011– N. 17 European Children’s Fashion Association C/ San Vicente 16, 4º - 1 – 46002 Valencia – Spain Tel: +34 96 391 03 34 / Fax: +34 96 315 54 84