EUROPEAN NEWSLETTER September 2011 – Nº 21
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Join FIMI through CFE and get a 5% discount .................................................................................. page 1 CPM – MOSCOW. 10th Children’s Fashion Catwalk, from 5th to 8th of September 2011 ............ page 2 KIND UND JUGEND – Come and meet CFE from 15 to 18 September in Cologne ....................... page 3 Children’s Fashion Europe attended to the CBM Expo Shanghai .................................................. page 3 GRAPHIC DESIGN - New partnership for CFE's members .............................................................. page 4 NEXT DESIGN4CHILDREN’S MEETING .............................................................................................. page 4 CFE partner of Europa Media: 5% discount for all CFE members and collaborators .................. page 4
Join FIMI through CFE and get a 5% discount Children’s Fashion Europe (CFE) once again collaborates with the International Fair of Children’s Fashion, FIMI, ( which will be held in Valencia (Spain) from the 20th – 22nd Of January 2012. With this agreement CFE offers its members 5% discount on floor price. With over forty years of experience, FIMI is considered as the second largest fair of the sector. This 74th edition expects to reach the good figures that have located it at the top of the Kids Fashion Exhibitions. FIMI has recorded, in July, 3625 visits of which 10% are foreign visitors from 38 countries. This represents an increase of 3% over the last edition of Spring / Summer held in 2010, and shows how FIMI is developing its international facet, being every edition a little bit more the showcase of children’s fashion at a world level. Call The deadline to participate with Children’s Fashion Europe in FIMI and receive a 5% discount ends the 17th of October. To download the forms and beneficiate of this discount, please visit our blog: Important: If your company is not a CFE member and you wish to participate in this action you should contact firstly Children´s Fashion Europe before sending any application form. For further information please do not hesitate contacting us:
European Newsletter – September 2011– Nº 21 European Children’s Fashion Association C/ San Vicente 16, 4º - 1 – 46002 Valencia – Spain Tel: +34 96 391 03 34 / Fax: +34 96 315 54 84