CFE's Newsletter - English

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EUROPEAN NEWSLETTER January 2011 – Nº 15

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Children’s Fashion Europe is present once again at PITTI BIMBO.............................................. page 1 FIMI reinforces its international character ...................................................................................... page 2 CPM KIDS 2011 bigger than ever ..................................................................................................... page 2 DESIGN 4 CHILDREN Project has its own website ........................................................................ page 3 CNA Federmoda y Feria Valencia join Children’s Fashion Europe.............................................. page 3 Available now the new CFE’s catalogue 2011 and new market reports ..................................... page 4 CFE collaborates with the European Project GPrix ...................................................................... page 4 In short…Digest of the news you can read on our blog ................................................................ page 5

More than 8.000 buyers attend the 72nd edition of Pitti Bimbo A total of 10,000 visitors, of whom 8,000 were buyers, attended the fair which is considered the most important children's fashion show in the world, Pitti Bimbo. According to organization’s data, the fair has increased by 4.5% the number of international buyers compared to last Pitti winter edition. Most of foreign buyers came to Russia (300 buyers), followed by Spain (275) Germany (216), France (173), Great Britain (151), Turkey (131), Holland (129), Belgium (121), Greece (114) and Switzerland (78). Children’s Fashion Europe at Pitti Bimbo Once again our association has attended the largest fair of the sector. There, CFE has announced the activities and projects undertaken and the importance of European companies to join forces with the current economical situation. CFE has also visited the more than 30 member companies, which have gathered at the 72 edition of Pitti Bimbo: Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Baby, Aletta, Barcarola, Baronetti, Bebebo, Berlingot, Blue Seven, Bóboli, Byblos, Caracol, Cóndor, Cri Cri, Cuquito, Ferrari, GF Ferré, Il Gufo, Kitzberg, Laranjinha, Laura Biagiotti Dolls, Mayoral, Newborn Mayoral, Sarabanda, Oh! Soleil, Phard Babe, Pili Carrera, Servino Street Girls, Special Day, Sterntaler, Sucre d’Orge y Tutto Piccolo.

EUROPEAN NEWSLETTER – January 2011– Nº 15 European Children’s Fashion Association C/ San Vicente 16, 4º - 1 – 46002 Valencia – Spain Tel: +34 96 391 03 34 / Fax: +34 96 315 54 84


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