Legacy Newsletter, September 2021

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P.O. Box 807, Muncie, IN 47308 Phone: (765) 747-7181

Confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.

THANK YOU BRIDGET AND MEAGHAN Bridget Junker and Meaghan McCarter served as interns this summer for The Community Foundation. Bridget, Communications Intern, is a senior public relations major at Ball State University. Bridget interviewed donors to capture and share their stories of giving. Meaghan, Community Leadership Intern, earned her bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy from Ball State University. Meaghan researched and interpreted legislation, interviewed community partners, and identified advocates and key stakeholders for a project focused on neighborhood revitalization efforts related to rehabilitating meth contaminated homes. We are grateful for the work of Bridget and Meaghan and wish them the best as they start their professional journeys!

Bridget (left), Meaghan (right)

Legacy is a publication of The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc.

MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS The following individuals were remembered or honored through gifts to The Community Foundation from June 1, 2021 to July 31, 2021.


Patrick Botts Alyx Brinkman Patricia and Franklyn Brinkman Kim Lehman Church Dr. P. Phillip Cooley Pamela Jo Craddock Kathy Dawson Molly Day Jim Dickerson Jana Duncan Dick Edwards Jim and Eleanor Faulkner Shirley Thornburg Freer Hurley Goodall Hurley and Fredine Goodall Clarence W. Gullion James ( Jim) Hedge James and Violet King Brad LaMar Kip Laws Timothy E. Linegar John B. Lotz Erma McVicker Shirley Myers


Hoyt Neal Jack Peckinpaugh Christina Louise Puckett Alayne Retherford Jerry Richman Judge Robert Robinson Dixie Smith Dylan Stafford Mary K Stanley John R. & Mary K Stanley Fredrick Vester Rex Waldo II Jim Warrner Ben Grady Williams


Patty Finan Keith Greenwalt Pat Guize Betty Johnson Caroline Elizabeth Koontz Mid-West Metals, 100 years of Business James Rouch Carol Seals Kallie Sulanke and The Community Foundation Staff

The Foundation sincerely appreciates all of its donors and the valuable support they provide. All contributors are recognized in our Annual Report.



Send your donation to P.O. Box 807, Muncie, IN 47308

Visit cfmdin.org to make your donation


Thanks to the Foundation’s strong investment performance, the endowment spending rate for next year is being reduced to 4.3% as planned. The amount available for spending next year will still increase, and the reduced spending rate now will provide for more spending in future years.


Trent Dowling, Chair Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora, Vice Chair Casey Stanley, Secretary Ermalene Faulkner, Treasurer


John W. Anderson Jr. Judy Benken Chris Day Mark A. Ervin Jaime Faulkner Ronald K. Fauquher Olivia Fellows Molly Flodder

Derron Bishop Sara Shade Hamilton Dave Heeter Mia Johnson Carol E. Seals

Michael B. Galliher Keith Gary Linda Gregory Tom Heck Thomas J. Kinghorn Jeffrey R. Lang John D. Littler Chris Miller

Lathay Pegues Daniel Stallings Rob Tyler Marianne Vorhees Leland Wilhoite Kathy White

PAST CHAIRS Stefan S. Anderson Jack E. Buckles Wilbur R. Davis Mark A. Ervin Ronald K. Fauquher Suzanne Gresham Jeffrey R. Lang John D. Littler Carol E. Seals Steven M. Smith Charles V. Sursa David Sursa, deceased Marianne Vorhees


Kelly K. Shrock, President Carly Acree-King, Program Officer Trina Bowling, Finance Officer JoAnna Darda, Administrative Assistant Marcy Minton, Senior Program Officer Kallie Sulanke, Community Engagement Officer Amy Tuttle, Communications Administrator

PROFESSIONAL COUNCIL Steven D. Murphy, Legal Council

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