আমাদের উৎসব । ৯ম উৎসব । সংখ্যা ০৩

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†mvgevi | 25 Rvbyqvwi, 2016 | 4 cvZv | g~j¨ 5 UvKv

Gevi jovB ïiæ...

MZKvj 24 Rvbyqvwi RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii mywdqv

Kvgvj wgjbvqZ‡b cÖ`wk©Z n‡jv mviv‡`k †_‡K Avmv ÿz‡` wbg©vZv‡`i 21wU Pjw”PÎ| 5Rb wkïwK‡kvi wePvi‡Ki gva¨‡g †kÖô 5wU Qwe‡K wmGdGm †µ÷, mvwU©wd‡KU I Avw_©K cÖ‡Yv`bv cÖ`vb Ki‡e| Gev‡ii Drm‡e †i`Iqvb nK dviw`b Gwb‡gkb‡K wfbœfv‡e Dc¯’vcb K‡i‡Q Zvi ÔDÌvbÕ kxl©K Pjw”P‡Î| Pjw”P‡Îi g~j welq wQj evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy× Ges cieZ©xKvjxb Ny‡i `uvov‡bvi Mí| cÖ`k©bx‡Z wfbœavivi

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welqwU‡K Zz‡j a‡iwQ|Õ †m AviI Rvbvq †h RqcyinvU †_‡K Zvi mv‡_ AviI 6Rb ÿz‡` wbg©vZv Gev‡ii Drm‡e †hvM w`‡q‡Q| Rywi‡ev‡W©i m`m¨ AwšÍK KvRx †ek M¤¢xifv‡e Gev‡ii cÖ`wk©Z Qwe m¤ú‡K© e‡jb †h, ÔMZev‡ii Zzjbvq Gev‡ii Qwe¸‡jv AviI †ewk cÖ‡dkbvj|Õ †h‡nZz DrmewUB †QvU‡`i ZvB ÿz‡` wbg©vZv‡`i wbwg©Z Pjw”PÎ ØvivB gyLwiZ n‡”Q Drme cÖv½Y| - bIkxb AvbRyg bynv

nvZ †avqv


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Drm‡e ¯‹zj †_‡K AvMZ eÜziv! Drm‡ei wØZxq w`‡b ïiæ nq XvKvi wewfbœ ¯‹z‡ji QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Pjw”PÎ cÖ`k©bx| wmGdGm Gi hvZvqvZ ZË¡veav‡bi gva¨‡g Zviv `j †eu‡a wm‡bgv †`L‡Z Av‡m| Zviv c`©vq †`L‡Z cvq Zv‡`iB ¯^‡cœi Qwe| Drm‡e Avmv GgbB GKRb, †gvnv¤§`cyi wcÖcv‡iUwi evjK D”P we`¨vj‡qi IqvwmK Avjg| A‡bK Drmvn wb‡q Qwe †`Lvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv KiwQj †m| †`L‡Z †QvU n‡jI co‡Q K¬vm †m‡f‡b| cov‡kvbv †_‡K GKUz QzwU †c‡q gnvLywk IqvwmK Rvbv‡jv, ÔGLv‡b G‡m Avgvi LyeB fv‡jv jvM‡Q| Avwg GLv‡b cÖ_gevi

KvVMovq ey‡jwU‡bi gy‡LvgywL ÔwPÎcUÕ AwšÍK, F×, mvwdb, Ffziv wmGdGm Gi ZiæY wKQz fjvw›Uqvi| wbR D‡`¨v‡M ˆZix K‡i‡Q Zv‡`i e¨vÛ ÔwPÎcUÕ| Gevi wUg ey‡jwU‡bi gy‡LvgywL n‡jv Zviv| ey‡jwUb: wmGdGm Gi mv‡_ wPÎcU e¨v‡Ûi m¤úK© †Zv cÖ_g †_‡KB, G m¤ú‡K© wKQz e‡jv| wPÎcU: wmGdGm bv _vK‡j nq‡Zv Avgv‡`i Ô†gwkbMv‡bi Zvc MvbUv MvIqv gykwKj n‡q †hZ wKsev †M‡ZB cviZvg bv nq‡Zv| ZvB wmGdGm Gi mv‡_ wPÎc‡Ui m¤úK© Aek¨B Mfxi| ey‡jwUb: wPÎc‡Ui †Kv‡bv cvidi‡gÝ wK Avgiv Drm‡e †`L‡Z cvie? wPÎcU: n¨v, Aek¨B| wKš‘ KLb, K‡e, wKfv‡e †mUv mvm‡cÝ|

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wdwj¥ Pv”Pz! Kvgiæj nvmvb gyb

Ddd wm‡bgv... LyDe wm‡bgv... `viæY Mí wm‡bvcwmm, ai‡jv †V‡m... Pv”Pz G‡m... Avgvq GKUv PvÝ w`m| A¨vw±s‡qi ÔA¨vÕ Rv‡b bv KvU A¨vKk‡bi avi av‡i bv GUv cv‡i bv, IUv cv‡i bv Zvic‡iI nvj Qv‡o bv|

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G‡m| `ªvnvi GB Pjw”P‡Î D‡V G‡m‡Q Avgv‡`i wkÿv e¨e¯’vi bvbvb Amyweavi w`K| †m AviI Rvbvq, Pjw”PÎ evbv‡bvi Aby‡cÖiYv `ªvnv Pvicv‡ki mgvR †_‡KB cvq| GQvovI Zvi eo Aby‡cÖiYvi RvqMv Zvi eo †evb| `¨ †iRvë Gi wbg©vZv wKš‘ cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi †iRvë wb‡q wKQzUv wPwšÍZ| Z‡e Zvi Kv‡Q cyi¯‹vi cvIqvUvB eo e¨vcvi bq| cyi¯‹vi bv †c‡jI Drm‡e Zvi Drme gyLiZv GZUzKz Kg‡e bv| `ªvnvi evbv‡bv QwewU †`Lv‡bv n‡e 25 Rvbyqvwi `ycyi 2Uvq, RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii mywdqv Kvgvj wgjbvqZ‡b| - F× Awb›`¨ Mv½yjx



Face TO Face! Undoubtedly, the most important part of the festival is the Delegates. They are the ones who make the films! Every year, delegates are selected from all over the country, and are cordially invited to the festival. They spend a grand seven days in the city, in the festival of dreams and also attend the various seminars and workshops organized for them. Today the delegates were faced with a ‘Face to Face’ session at the Sufia Kamal auditorium, National Museum on the 2nd day of 9th ICFFB.

This was a open discussion of the filmmakers a.k.a. the delegates, the jury and the audience. Talks as well as question answer session were held about the experiences and thoughts relating to the films. Shamim, who came with “the Hands of Rosebud” shared that while looking for the hands to use in the film, he was faced with many rejections as everybody aspired to see their faces on screen!

Youngest Stars of the festival! The International Children’s Film Festival is ALL about children. An army of youngsters run the festival. The youngest of the troops are Tithi and Wafi. Taeeba Tasnin Tithi and Safwan Rahman Wafi are second graders. And Wafi has come all the way from Sylhet! Talk about dedication! - Mehjabin Khan Porna

-Mehjabin Khan Porna

Venturing Venues: Daffodil International University Every year CFS manifests movies in different venues around Dhaka. Since 2012 Daffodil University have also been enacting their role as an active venue. A member of the Children’s Film Society who is also a student at the university introduced CFS there. They said that they have been having a lot of fun working there as volunteers. Almost 20 volunteers work each year to bring kids and conduct campaigns in different schools. Last year they even brought in a bunch of street kids and arranged an art competition for them. It was their best experience of working at the fest so far. Even though there are so many positive sides to this, they expressed their thoughts on arranging more campaigns around schools to reach out to more kids so that they can grow more and learn more through different films from around the world. They work with much excitement and interest. They plan to continue this for many more years up ahead. -Sumaiya Nawshin Editor: Abu Sayeed Nishan Co-editor: Ashik Ibrahim, Auroni Semonti Khan Co ordinator: Zamsedur Rahman Sajib Designer: Tasmiah Alam, Sashoto Seeam Senior Reporter: Riddha Anindya Reporter: Jasiya Bintay Shamim, Mehjabin Khan Porna, Sumaiya Nawshin Suprety Malaker, Noshin Anjum, Monami Hamid, Sazid Ahamed Dipto. Photographer: Riad Sikder Rad, Ruwana Marzia Diba

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