আমাদের উৎসব । ৯ম উৎসব । সংখ্যা ০৭

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ïµevi | 29 Rvbyqvwi, 2016 | 4 cvZv | g~j¨ 5 UvKv


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gy‡LvgywL AwgZvf †iRv!

mܨvq cvewjK jvB‡eªwii kIKZ Imgvb wgjbvqZ‡b AbywôZ n‡e wkï I ZiæY Pjw”PÎ wbg©vZv‡`i cyi¯‹vi weZiYx I mgvcbx Abyôvb| hvi ga¨ w`‡qB c`©v bvg‡e Drm‡ei| †mLv‡bB hZ fq! †K cv‡e cyi¯‹vi? GiKgB GK UvbUvb D‡ËRbvi ga¨ w`‡q bvg‡e Drm‡ei c`©v| AvR iv‡Z A‡b‡KiB gb Lvivc _vK‡e| †KD

†KD fzj K‡i c‡ii w`b mKv‡j Dcw¯’Z n‡e Drme cÖv½‡Y| e¨vM, wU-kvU©, my¨‡fwbqvi, AvBwW KvW©, c¨vW ZLb Rvbvb w`‡e ¯^cœxj 7wU w`‡bi K_v, †miKgB GKwU ¯§„wZ wb‡q †K‡U hv‡e 358 w`b| Zvici, Avevi †`Lv n‡e eÜz| we`vq Drme cÖv½Y| we`vq...

ey‡jwUb: Avgv‡`i Drm‡e G‡m Avcbvi †Kgb jvM‡Q? AwgZvf †iRv: LyeB fv‡jv, AmvaviY! GLv‡b GKUv ÔAb¨iKg evZvmÕ Gi Abyf‚wZ cvIqv hvq †h Avgiv GKUv bZzb m¤¢vebvi Øv‡i AvwQ| Avgv‡`i Lvivc w`b Avm‡j †kl| ey‡jwUb: bZzb wbg©vZv‡`i K‡_vcK_‡bi gva¨‡g Avcbvi Zv‡`i m¤ú‡K© wK g‡b n‡q‡Q? AwgZvf †iRv: LyeB fv‡jv| wKš‘ wKQz fzj wkÿv Zviv cv‡”Q †h¸‡jv Avgv‡`i Luy‡R †ei K‡i Zv‡`i‡K c_ †`wL‡q w`‡Z n‡e| KviY A‡bK ai‡Yi wm‡bgv n‡”Q| Gi g‡a¨ †_‡K

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- Avey mvC` wbkvb

- bIkxb AvbRyg bynv, mycÖxwZ gvjvKvi

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†QvU‡`i gv‡S eo

GKRb! †bc‡_¨ ÒAvgv‡`i Drme!Ó 9g Drm‡ei ey‡jwUb wUg mvRv‡Z wM‡q GK weivU Sv‡gjvq co‡Z n‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i| MZev‡ii me wi‡cvU©v‡`iB GmGmwm A_ev GBPGmwm cixÿv| MZ K‡qK Drm‡e ey‡jwU‡b KvR K‡i‡Q F× Awb›`¨ Mv½yjx, Rvwmqv web‡Z kvgxg Ges GKSvK bZzb eÜz| G‡`i wb‡qB mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q Gev‡ii ey‡jwUb wUg| eive‡ii g‡Zv GeviI ÔAvgv‡`i DrmeÕ ey‡jwUb wUg AjsKiY K‡i‡Q kvk¦Z wmqvg| GB †Q‡jUviI GBPGmwm Avmbœ| Drme iv‡R¨i gvqvq Zvi Ôgb e‡m bv covi †Uwe‡jÕ| Lye hZœ wb‡q wmqvg Gev‡ii ey‡jwUb¸‡jv mvwR‡q‡Q| Gevi Avwm bZzb‡`i K_vq| wKQzUv fzj-åvwšÍ Qvov bynv, gbvgx, mycÖxwZ I w`ßÕi †jLv †`‡L g‡bB nq bv †h Giv bZzb KvR Ki‡Q| bZzb‡`i KvQ †_‡KI Avgv‡`i A‡bK wKQz †kLvi Av‡Q| Bs‡iwR cvZvi `vwqZ¡ cvjY K‡i‡Q AiwY †mgwšÍ Lvb Ges Zvi `yB

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eq‡m wZwb Drme cwiPvj‡Ki †P‡qI eo| `vwqZ¡Uv Zvi Kuv‡a A‡bK| ZeyI ev”Pv-ev”Pv †¯^”Qv‡meK‡`i mv‡_ wZwb †hfv‡e wg‡k hvb, †mUv mwZ¨B AmvaviY! Drm‡ei cwi‡ekUv Zvi Kv‡Q GK K_vq PgrKvi| ÔA‡bK KvR _v‡K ZeyI wkï‡`i mv‡_ cy‡iv welqUv‡K Lye Dc‡fvM Kwi|Õ Ab¨ A‡b‡Ki KvR Drm‡ei 7w`b Pj‡jI wjsKb fvB‡qi KvR P‡j mviveQi| eQi Ry‡o Drm‡ei bvbv cÖ¯‘wZ A‡bKUv mvgvj w`‡Z nq Zv‡K| nvRvi cwikÖ‡gi ciI wjsKb fvB‡qi mKj K¬vwšÍ gy‡Q hvq Drm‡e wkï‡`i Avb›` †`‡L| ZvB‡Zv Drm‡e GB e¨¯ÍZg gvbylwU Zvi wkï mnKg©x‡`i m¤ú‡K© e‡jb, Ô†QvUivI A‡bK eo wKQz Ki‡Z cv‡i| I‡`i KvQ †_‡K AvwgI A‡bK wKQz wkwL|Õ - F× Awb›`¨ Mv½yjx

wK¬K! wK¬K!!

Av‡¼j Pv-Uv w`‡eb! KvR Ki‡Z Ki‡Z NygvBqv hvB‡ZwQ...

Km Kx gwgb?

†KD †`‡L bvB, gvBiv w`wQ!

d‡UvMÖvdviivI my‡hvM cvB‡j ïBqv c‡o! *(Qwei Rb¨)

Ddd! †Q‡jUv Kx my›`i...

GBme Kx! GKUv jvBKI c†o bv...

Avq nvq f‚wgK¤c bvwK!!!

Avwg wKš‘ NygvB‡ZwQ bv....

eÜy ZzB, `ykgb ZzB...

a¨vr! wPwVUv jyKvBqv ivLwQjvg, KB †Mj?

LvB‡ZI †`qbv, GË KvR! a¨vr...

ivb Avgvi ivb, Zzwg Avgvi Rvb!

†Mvjvcx GLb Drm‡e...

AvwgB bvqK! †Kvb m‡›`n?



The neighbor delegate!

ABC’s of Film making...

The guest for yesterday’s workshop was the renowned director, Amitabh Reza. For 2 and a half hours he explained the basic rules and conditions of making quality films. He explained that people make films because they like to recreate something, be that a feeling or story. He said that directing or shooting a film isn’t a mammoth task but developing the mind set and storytelling ability is a lengthy process for which one must change their perspective and outlook on life. To prepare one’s taste in developing content one must read a lot and research a lot on film and history and must observe human life- he advised. And he repeated again and again that there is no alternate of reading and learning and growing. He said that Satyajeet Roy movies are essential to

understand content development, camera work and cinematography. Initially he hadn’t decided on being a film director since he studies in economics but watching ‘Shuborno Rekha’- he knew that this is what he wanted to do. He advised the young film makers to be rebellious and to break the rules because only by stepping out of our comfort zones is when we can see a bigger world to learn from and grow from. He broke down the physics of making a full length film by presenting the behind the scenes of his new movie ‘Aynabaji’ which will hit theaters this March. Overall, it was an extremely educational workshop for everyone who attended it. - Sumaiya Nawshin

Anjishnu Mukhapadhy, a 13 year old boy submitted a film here in our fest and when his film was selected he flew here all the way from India. But he joined us on the 6th day of the fest due to visa and customs problems. He thinks that Bangladesh is different and unique in terms of hospitality. His mother and father encouraged him to make this film and has been since they got to know about the festival. He reads in St. Xavier's and because of this achievement his whole school and people from his area are extremely proud of him. We really look forward to seeing him in the upcoming fests. -Sumaiya Nawshin Jasiya Bintay Shamim

On the way to a hat trick!

On the 6th day of the festival, volunteers and delegates rocked the rooftop terrace of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. They grooved and moved in the party lights and relaxed the stressed bones from all the heavy duty workshops and high voltage volunteering.

This is the second time the young leadership marched ahead and this festival was undoubtedly successful. A Note of Gratitude (in alphabetical order, of course!) to Auditorium, CMT, Decoration, Delegate, Food, Graphic, Logistics, Photography, Projection, Sales, School teams and the festival supervisors, coordinators, and the directors. All the kids and young adults of Children’s Film Society, Bangladesh has shown a vibrant display of dedication in all sectors of the festival. 7 days of star studded events and a universe of movies – this was the festival of dreams. Packed with excitement for the volunteers, the delegates, the audience and everyone, the 9th ICFFB is now ready to bid goodbye. The closing and award giving ceremony will be today at the Shawkat Osman Auditorium, Central Public Library Premises.And that is all from the bulletin team! Cheers and see you all again next year!

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