10th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh Brochure

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Organized by

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Editor S M Aminul Islam Executive Editor Abir Ferdous Mukhar Muid Hasan Torit Special Thanks To Ashraful Amin Tasmiah Alam Assistant Editor S M Mainul Kabir Subinoy Mustofi Eron Content Creator Abdul Ela Ehsanul Hoque Abir Fariha Jannat Mim Jubair Islam Jubo Khan Mohammad Sashoto Seeam Pritom Mitchell Rodrigues Purba Biswas Rifat Ahmed Lingkon Tabassum Islam Tamanna Cover Photograph Snapshot from film “A Boy’s Life”, UK Printed by Ahsan Printers, Katabon, Dhaka Published by Children’s Film Society Bangladesh www.cfsbangladesh.org


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Hospitality Partner

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ministry of Finance Ministry of Information Ministry of Cultural Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Home Affairs Bangladesh Film Censor Board Department of Public Libraries Dhaka Metropolitan Police Bangladesh National Museum Embassy of Switzerland Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Chitrakatha Aparajeyo Bangladesh


MESSAGE Festival Director 10th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2017

Abir Ferdous Mukhar

It’s a matter of great joy that Children’s Film Society Bangladesh is organizing the unique festival of the country, the 10th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh from January 24-30, 2017 in Dhaka, Rangpur and Rajshahi. And we will have the festival in Chittagong from February. Over 285 films from 54 countries will be shown in 14 different venues all over Bangladesh. We always encourage the child and young filmmakers to make their own films. We know that it is very hard to find any films that only made for children. And we are working for it. A total 100 children are coming to Dhaka to attend the festival as delegates. Among them 71 are filmmakers. From last two years we have Young filmmakers section and Social section. Social section has a predetermined topic ‘Climate Change and Environment’. As all the films of the delegates are under competition, we have a jury board which is comprised with 5 children. And a 3 member jury board comprised of film makers and experts from Bangladesh and India comprised for judging the International films. We are also honored to have 17 foreign delegates in our festival. They have sent their films in International competition section. Actually, we do not want to create any boundary for this festival. We also have 4 days day-long workshop in the topic of ‘Visual Story Telling’, ‘Script Writing’ and in technical topic of filmmaking. A seminar will also take place on the topic of ‘Climate Change and Environment’. We bring school students, under-privileged and physically challenged children to our festival to show them films. But we are feeling disheartened that it’s hard to get sponsors. For this reason, we need to do our work with limited budget. All of us are young and children worked for arranging successfully the festival. We get great mentorship and advice from the organizing committee of Children’s Film Society Bangladesh. It is the first time for me to act the role of festival director, I was quite nervous but the tremendous support I got from the members and mentors of Children’s Film Society Bangladesh, it is a great achievement. This festival opens the door of great opportunities for children filmmakers to transform their dreams to reality. They also get the chance to talk or share their thoughts with renowned filmmakers and celebrities of Bangladesh. I am lucky enough to have the chance to be with this festival from the very first of it. This festival is getting bigger day by day with its dream. We get our energy to arrange this festival from the enthusiasm and spirit of children’s. Hope to see this festival as a global platform for children in future. I would like to accomplish my message with dream that International Children’s Film Festival may go a long way with its especial goal and standard. We want to fulfill our slogan ‘Future in Frames’. I strongly believe that we will have a future that will recognize the creativity of children’s and give them the platform to accomplish their dreams like we do.


CONTENTS Festival at a Glance Festival Venues Participating Countries Logo Film Flashback International Panorama Bangladesh Panorama Competitive Panorama Board of Jury Previous Award Winners Festival Advisory Committee Festival Organizing Committee Festival Volunteer Outside Dhaka Committees Screening Schedule



Objectives: To open a new world of cinema to the children of Bangladesh and to give them an exposure to the culture and tradition of dierent countries through cinema. One of the main goals of the festival is to give children a basic idea on film to create their interest on the media and to understand its role to build awareness on dierent social issues as well as a powerful media of learning through entertainment.

Number of participating countries



Number of child & young delegates


Probable number of audience countrywide

100,000 approximately

Number of screening at each venue per day


Events and Sessions January 24 January 25 January 26 January 27

January 28 January 29

January 30


Inauguration Ceremony Workshop Conducted by Billie JD Porter Workshop Conducted by Mejbaur Rahman Sumon Workshop Conducted by Amitabh Reza Seminar on Climate Change and Environment Celebrity Session with Nusrat Imrose Tisha Workshop Conducted by Sekhar Mukherjee Workshop Conducted by Sekhar Mukherjee Celebrity Session with Masuma Rahman Nabila Gala Dinner Certificate Giving Ceremony by Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Closing and Award Giving Ceremony


MAIN VENUE Shawkat Osman Hall, Central Public Library, Shahbagh

OTHER VENUES IN DHAKA Sufia Kamal Auditorium, National Museum, Shahbagh Alliance Francaise de Dhaka, Dhanmondi Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Shegunbagicha British Council, Fuller Road Daffodil International University, Prince Plaza, Sobhanbag Goethe Institut Bangladesh, Dhanmondi

VENUES IN RAJSHAHI Rajshahi Shilpakala Academy Rajshahi Padma Mancho Borokuthi Mukto Moncho

VENUES IN CHITTAGONG A K Khan Memorial Hall, Fulki, Chittagong Sabuj Sangha Club, Chittagong Port Durbar Mukta Scout Club, Chittagong Port


VENUE IN RANGPUR Shaheed Smriti Hall (Rangpur Town Hall)

PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES Algeria Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belarus Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Colombia Cyprus Czech Republic Egypt Finland France Germany Greece India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Ireland Italy Jordan Korea, Republic of


Latvia Lithuania Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Martinique Mexico Morocco Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan


FUTURE IN FRAMES India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Animation | 40 sec Target audience


Concept, Animation & Direction Sekhar Mukherjee Music & Sound Nilava Roy Shanthala Setty Editing, Mixing & Compositing Anirban Das

SYNOPSIS The 40 seconds logo film wants to celebrate the visual madness of children’s mind through a series of metamorphosis. It also celebrates the joy of the International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh in the face of the characters that represent the diversity we possess.

40 †m‡K‡Ûi GB †jv‡Mv wdj¥wU Øviv wkï g‡bi Amxg Kíbvi RM‡Zi cvMjv‡gv‡K D`hvcb K‡i‡Q weeZ©‡bi avc¸‡jv‡K GKm~‡Î †Mu‡_| wdj¥wU AvšÍR©vwZK wkï Pjw”PÎ Drme evsjv‡`k Gi Avb›`-D‡ËRbv‡K Zz‡j G‡b‡Q †`kxq wKQz Pwi‡Îi †Pv‡L gy‡L|

Prof. Sekhar Mukherjee, an alumni of NID, is a senior faculty of communication design. After graduating in commerce, he started his career as a newspaper cartoonist, illustrator & info-graphics artist, before he joined NID to study Animation Film Design in 1992. In 2000, he trained the first 2D animation studio in Dhaka, Bangladesh, one of his cherished projects. In 2002, he joined his alma mater as a design educator. For the next 12 years, he headed the Animation Department. He is also the NID Film Club Chairman and the Artistic Founder Director of iconic Chitrakatha-A biennial International Student Animation Festival since 2007.



DIPU NUMBER 2 Bangladesh | 1996 | 35 mm | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 156 min Target audience


Directior Morshedul Islam Story Muhammed Zafar Iqbal Leading Casts Bulbul Ahmed Babita Arun Dipu Forhad Babu Dolly Johur Tariq\’s mother Abul Khayer Mashfiq Tipu Golam Mostafa Jamshed Chacha Shafquat Shafquat Shajjad


SYNOPSIS An adventure story for young boys, Dipu Number Two is the second film of a talented director from Bangladesh who is one of the few who concentrate on quality filmmaking in a country with a rich commercial film industry. The story is taken from a youth-oriented novel in which Dipu, a boy belonging to the educated class, is teased by the school bully but eventually forms a deep relationship with him. The rest is totally escapist in nature, including a scene in which the two youths manage to capture single-handedly an entire group of robbers.

`xcy bv¤^vi Uz 1996 mv‡j gyw³cÖvß GKwU evsjv‡`kx Pjw”PÎ| GwU gbb Pjw”PÎ wb‡ew`Z ivóªxq Aby`v‡b wbwg©Z Pjw”PÎ| gynv¤§` Rvdi BKev‡ji 1984 mv‡ji GKB bv‡gi wK‡kvi Dcb¨vm Aej¤^‡b wbwg©Z Pjw”PÎwU cwiPvjbv K‡i‡Qb †gvi‡k`yj Bmjvg| Pjw”P‡Îi bvg f‚wgKvq Awfbq K‡i‡Qb AiæY| GQvovI wewfbœ Pwi‡Î Av‡Q eyjeyj Avn‡g` , eweZv, †Mvjvg gy¯Ívdv cÖgyL| QwewU `xcy bv‡gi GK wK‡kv‡ii Mí hv‡K Zvi evevi PvKzwii Kvi‡Y cÖwZeQi ¯‹zj e`‡j bZzb †Kvb kn‡i bZzb †Kvb GK ¯‹z‡j fwZ© n‡Z nq| GKevi bZzb ¯‹y‡j wM‡q †`Lv †Mj `xcy bv‡g Av‡iv GKRb i‡q‡Q| K¬vm UxPvi ZvB Zvi bvg †i‡L w`‡jb `xcy bv¤^vi Uz| bZzb bvg cvIqv †mB ¯‹zj Avi ¯‹z‡ji mncvVx‡`i mv‡_ `xcy Abe`¨ wKQz AwfÁZv Avi `ytmvnwmK Awfhv‡bi gy‡LvgywL nq| cwievi, ¯‹zj Avi eÜz‡Z¡i Ave‡Z© Av‡eM-Abyf‚wZi mswgkÖ‡b QwewU cwiågb K‡i GK evsjv‡`kx wK‡kv‡ii Rxeb‡K wN‡i|

Morshedul Islam is a prominent Bangladeshi film director. His notable films include Agami (1989), Chaka (1994), Dipu Number Two (1996), Dukhai (1997), Khelaghor (2006), Durotto (2006) and Amar Bondhu Rashed (2011).

INTERNATIONAL PANORAMA International Panorama takes the children to the world of world cinema. Obviously, all films in this section help children know the dierent cultures of the world. It is believed, these films will play a vital role to shape the children’s minds to be a competent member of the global village. This year more than 150 films have been selected in this section.


A BOY’S LIFE United Kingdom | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | International Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Irenej Vid Bošnjak Story Irenej Vid Bošnjak Script/Screenplay Irenej Vid Bošnjak

SYNOPSIS Luke is a very clever boy. He loves to dream. He is also very much curious boy. He has a sharp curiosity about everything. One day in a poor area, Luke is collecting objects from a wasteland. Suddenly a hobo offers him a magic goggles. He also feel it special. He does not what it does. He thanked that man and takes it. He comes to know that with this googles he can see the world as he wants it to be and completes his plan to save it. However, Luke’s plan is in jeopardy when a social worker tries to take him away from home.

GK`v GK Mwie A‡j jyK bv‡g GK PZzi I ¯^cœ cÖeY †Q‡j _vKZ| GK`v GKwU cwZZ Rwg †_‡K jyK wKQz wRwbl msMÖn KiwQj| ZLb GK feNy‡i jyK‡K GKwU Rv`yi Pkgv Dcnvi w`j| jyK †mB Pkgv w`‡q c„w_ex‡K †m †hgb Pvq †Zgwb †`L‡Z †cZ| jyK c„w_ex‡K iÿv Kivi GKwU cwiKíbv K‡i| wKš‘ Zvi cwiKíbv SzuwKi gy‡L c‡i hvq hLb Zv‡K GKRb mgvRKg©x jyK‡K Zvi evmv †_‡K wb‡q hvq| Gici GB Kvwnwb bvbv NUbv cÖev‡ni ga¨ w`‡q †h‡Z _v‡K| jyK wK cvi‡e wb‡R‡K gy³ K‡i Zvi ¯^cœ c~iY Ki‡Z?

Cinematographer Nico Biarese Editor Nicholas Hole Producer Suzy Dupin Leading Casts Niall Bayne (Luke) Julie Martis (Mother) Gregory Bonnar (Father) Joanna Harte (Ms Pike) George Mcwilliam (Hobo) Silvie Furneaux (Anna) Andrew Chrumka (Mike)


Irenej Bošnjak has done MA in film directing from Screen Academy, Scotland. He has got a BA and Associate degree in Multimedia production (Film & Audio production). He has written and directed short films and a web series. He has worked on independent short films and two feature films in various positions. He likes to visit places.

A DIGITAL CHILDHOOD Canada | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Bengali | No Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Abu Nizam Story Abu Nizam Script/Screenplay Abu Nizam Cinematographer Abu Nizam Editor Abu Nizam

SYNOPSIS A lot has been changed since human discovered how to light fire for the first time, thanks to the technology. Technology is now a part and parcel of life we cannot even imagine a day without it. But it might have some drawbacks too. With making our lives easier it has confined us in four walls and to say inside and the kids do not get the joy of running outside. They are always on their phone playing virtual reality games and enjoy the nature. They have turned into robots. Instead of using the technology it can be said that they are being used by the technology. They are addicted and cannot keep themselves from it.

gvbyl hLb Av¸b R¡vjv‡Z wk‡L cÖ_gev‡ii gZ, †mB mgq †_‡K GZw`‡b A‡bK wKQzB e`‡j †M‡Q| cÖhyw³‡K GB e¨vcv‡i mvayev` bv Rvbv‡jB bq| cÖhyw³ Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Ggb GK Ask n‡q `vuwo‡q‡Q †h, G‡K Qvov GKUv gyûZ©I Kíbv Kiv hvq bv| wKš‘ GB cÖhyw³ Avgv‡`i‡K †hgb †eM w`‡q‡Q, †mB mv‡_ LvwbKUv †hb †K‡oI wb‡q‡Q| Rxeb‡K mnR Kivi QÙ‡e‡k Avgv‡`i‡K Ave× K‡i †i‡L‡Q Pvi †`qv†ji †fZ‡i| AvRKv‡ji wkïiv mevB e¨Û ¯§vU©‡dv‡bi †MBg wb‡q| Zviv GUvI ey‡Sbv evB‡ii iv¯Ívq wKsev gvV Nv‡U QzUvQzwUi wK Avb›`| Zviv gvbyl †_‡K †hb †ive‡U cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| Ggb GK cwi‡ek ˆZwi n‡q‡Q †hb, Zviv cÖhyw³‡K e¨envi Ki‡Q bv, eis D‡ëv cÖhyw³B Zv‡`i‡K cÖwZwbqZ e¨envi K‡i P‡j‡Q| Zviv ax‡i ax‡i mK‡jB Gi cÖwZ Avmw³ n‡q co‡Q| TAGLINE The childhood you knew is lost in technology

Producer Abu Nizam Afroza Sarwar Leading Casts Opaar N Abu Nizam was born in Comilla, Bangladesh and moved to Canada in 1999. He works as an Investment Analyst but also passionate about filmmaking. He directed and produced the show for 8 months and decided to move on. The current project is his first documentary. He directed and produced a short film “A Not So Usual Case” in a scale that involved professionals from the Canadian film industry.


A FLOWER IS MISSING Mexico | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Spanish | South Asian Premiere | 20 min Target audience


Director Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha Story Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha Script/Screenplay Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha

SYNOPSIS Inspired by true events, this is the story of a creative Cuban girl, who helps her friend feel better when he is sick. She gets her friend out of trouble when he runs out of medication due to the economic blockade imposed on his country. In the middle of a musical atmosphere, she gives away flowers through various actions; in order to help her friend and in an effort to solve the injustice suffered by children in Cuba. The story also represents the sufferings and the little girl’s effort to bring justice in a beautiful metaphoric way.

Qwei MíUv GKUv †QvU wKDevb †g‡q‡K wN‡i, †h Zvi meUzKz w`‡q Zvi Amy¯’ eÜy‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z Pvq| †g‡qwU Zvi Amy¯’ Ges wec‡` cov eÜywU‡K Jla †hvMvo K‡i †`q| mgqUv ZLb Ggb †h, Zv‡`i †`‡k Kov A_©‰bwZK wb‡lavÁv Rvwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| GB Qwe‡Z wKDevb †g‡qwU‡K Mv‡bi my‡ii mv‡_ bvbv Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g Av‡kcv‡ki mevB‡K dzj wewj‡q †eovq| Zvi eÜy‡K mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ †m Zvi h_vmva¨ †Póv Ki‡Z _v‡K| wKDevb †g‡qwUi Kvh©Kjv‡ci gva¨‡g wKDev‡Z ev”Pv‡`i cÖwZ AwePv‡ii GKwU ev¯Íe wPÎ dz‡U D‡V‡Q|

Cinematographer Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha Editor Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha Producer Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha Leading Casts Ismari Sarmiento Céspedes Alejandro Deliz Pacheco


Tonatiuh Ramírez Rocha was born in 1973. He is from Mexico. He went to study in US and Cuba. Now his interest has grown in film making. He strongly believes that movies can influence people to change the world. Tonatiuh is working on creating more movies which will impact the people.

A GIRL LIKE YOU Italy | 2016 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Comedy | italian | South Asian Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Massimo Loi Gianluca Mangiasciutti Story Andrea Cicini Script/Screenplay Francesco Niccolai

SYNOPSIS Aurora and Alba are inseparable friends. They two are very much passionate about each other. Though they are very much different from each other, but their friendship is beyond description. They also lead a very different life. One lives in compliance with the rules and regulations imposed by her parents. The other one is independent is free like a bird and tries to look mature for her age. One day Alba convinces Aurora to leave for a journey together, towards a secret and mysterious place.

A‡iviv I Gjev, Zv‡`i `yBR‡bi g‡a¨ A‡bK cv_©K¨ _vKvi ciI Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Awe‡”Q`¨ eÜyZ¡ i‡q‡Q| GKRb wcZvgvZvi Av‡ivc Kiv bvbv ai‡bi wewawb‡la Gi gv‡S Rxeb AwZevwnZ Ki‡Q, AciRb gy³, ¯^vaxb I eq‡mi Zzjbvq AwaK cwic°| GKw`b Gjev A‡iviv‡K Zvi mv‡_ GK inm¨gq RvqMvq ågb Ki‡Z ivRx Kivq|

Cinematographer Francesco Di Pierro Editor Francesco De Matteis Producer Andrea Cicini Leading Casts Domiziana Giovinazzo Aurora Giovinazzo


Massimo Loi graduated in Communication Sciences making in the same period two short films, a medium-length film and a documentary produced by the University. Since 2005 he has been working in Rome as an assistant director on feature films, TV series, commercials and music videos. In 2015, along with Gianluca Mangiasciutti, he directed the short film “Dove” Gianluca Mangiasciutti was born in 1977. He lives in Rome. He has been working as an assistant director on feature films, TV series, and commercials since 2005. In 2010 he released short films, commercials, music videos and a web series for the Italian Post entitled “Apposta per te”. In future, he wants to be an academy award winner director.

A SHARE OF SHARE Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Kurdish | South Asian Premiere | 1 min Target audience


Director Kaveh Jahed Story Kaveh Jahed Script/Screenplay Kaveh Jahed Cinematographer Salah Karimi Editor Salem Salavati Producer Kaveh Jahed

SYNOPSIS Mankind is created to be the best among all the creation. But what are they supposed to do with their best conscience mind? Should they avoid another creations? Or should they be take care of other creations? What if mankind comes to a standstill? What if they lack of survival needs. Will they take care of the other creations? A family needs to survive. They are a refugee family now, leading life miserably with the help of another country’s government. No matter how they just have to live. The family chief needs more and more food to feed his family. But he is now refugee, he cannot even blame the authority or government. He is just becoming anxious about that. In this situation his wife had a baby. So, he needs to find more food. His elder son got a dog suddenly. The dog needs food. But the family chief cannot allow it. Because he has lack of foods. So, he beat his son to take away the dog. He cannot be blamed in this way. He needs to survive with his family.

gvbyl‡K m„wó Kiv n‡q‡Q me©‡kªô cÖvwY wn‡m‡e| wKš‘ †mB †kªôZ¡ w`‡q AvR Zviv wK Ki‡Q? wK Kiv DwPZ Zv‡`i? Zv‡`i we‡kl ˆewkô¨ we‡eK w`‡qB ev Kx KvR? Ab¨vb¨ m„wó‡`I wK gvbeRvwZi Gwo‡q hvIqv DwPZ? bvwK wb‡R‡`i cÖ‡qvR‡bB Ab¨ cÖvwYi †`Lfvj Kiv DwPZ? wK n‡e hw` gvbeRvwZ aŸs‡mi ch©v‡q P‡j Av‡m| †eu‡P _vKvi gZ h‡_ô Avnvivw` bv _v‡K Zv‡`i? ZLb wK Ab¨ cÖvwY‡`i cÖwZ gvby‡li mngg© cvIqv hv‡e? GKwU cwiev‡ii Mí ejv n‡q‡Q G‡Z| Ggb GK cwievi, hv‡`i GLb ïayB cÖ‡qvRb †eu‡P _vKvi| wiwdDwR n‡q c‡o Av‡Q Ab¨ GK †`‡k| LyeB `ytmgq GLb Zv‡`i| †KvbiKg LvIqv covUv Pj‡Q gvÎ| Gfv‡eB GwM‡q †h‡Z _v‡K MíwU| GKmgq eo †Q‡jwU GKwU KzKz‡ii ev”Pv wb‡q Av‡m| evevwUi †mB mvg_¨© †bB †h, KzKz‡ii Lvev‡iiI †hvMvb †`‡eb wZwb| †Q‡jwUi kZ Aby‡iva m‡Ë¡I eKv w`‡q KzKziQvbvwU‡K we`vq Ki‡Z e‡jb Zvi evev|

Leading Casts Asad Rezai Zohdieh Hesami Pezhman Hosein Panahi Arad Majidi Kaveh Jahed was born in December 16, 1987. He is a filmmaker from Iran. “A Share of Share” is his very first short film.


A SOLUTION Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Musical | English | International Premiere | 1 min Target audience


Director Fazlollah Tari Animators Shaqayeq Valipour

SYNOPSIS We live in a planet which needs a redemption about our approach towards the environment. This is high time we become aware of it. Everyday, the air is being polluted by the motor vehicles, industries and all that. We are polluting the environment i.e. air, water, soil etc. in many ways. If we dispose the inorganic materials anywhere that is also harmful to the environment. So the solution to this problem is to recycle all the things that are inorganic. Recycling might help us save our planet.

Mr. Fazlollah Tari, born in 1983 in Iran. He graduated in film directing from IRIBU.


A SPACE IN TIME France | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | French | No Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Alexandre Athané Story Vincent Cappello Script/Screenplay Vincent Cappello Cinematographer Alexandre Athané

SYNOPSIS Claire, a little girl, and her grandfather share a dream - seeing a man walk on the moon - and their favorite pastime is playing astronaut. On the night of July 20, 1969, while the whole world is fixated on Neil Armstrong, Claire’s thoughts are with her own personal hero.

K¬¨vwi bv‡gi GKwU †QvU †g‡q I Zvi `v`v GKB ¯^cœ †`‡L| ¯^cœwU nj GKRb gvbyl Pvu‡`i ey‡K †n‡U †eov‡”Q| Ges Zviv Zv‡`i Aemi mg‡q b‡fvPi n‡q †Ljv K‡i| 20 RyjvB, 1969 mv‡ji †mB iv‡Z hLb cy‡iv wek¦ bxj Avg÷ªs †K wb‡q †g‡Z Av‡Q, ZLb I K¬¨vwii wPšÍvq Av‡Q Zvi †mB m‡cœi gvbylwU|

Editor Camille Adelin Producer Suerte Productions Leading Casts Pierre Richard (voice of Grand Dad) Violette Fontana (Claire) Stéphanie Murat (Mum)


Alexandre Athané is a self-taught director, animator and illustrator who has worked primarily in Paris, New York and London. In 2007 he made his first short film, Zoe Melody, using traditional animation and hand-drawing over 10,000 images. In 2015 Alexandre completed his second short film, A Space In Time, from a screenplay by Vincent Cappello, with the beloved French actor Pierre Richard and original music by Alex Beaupain.

A TASTE OF REIGN Serbia | 2015 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | Serbian/English | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min 29 sec Target audience


Director Stefan Katanić Story Stefan Katanić

SYNOPSIS A conflict between a man and an alien over a mystical crown becomes a duel between rationality and instinct, between the human and the animal.

GKwU gyKzU wb‡q GKRb gvbyl I Gwj‡q‡bi ga¨Kvi Ø›Ø †_‡K G M‡íi m~ÎcvZ| ax‡i ax‡i G Ø›Ø gvbyl I cï‡`i Aw¯Í‡Z¡i cÖkœ n‡q `vuovq|

Script/Screenplay Stefan Katanić Cinematographer Stefan Katanić Editor Stefan Katanić Producer Stefan Katanić Leading Casts Stefan Katanić


Stefan Katanić was born in 1990 in Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated in animation from Faculty of Applied arts in Belgrade, Serbia. He is an author of awarded short animated films, illustrations and comic books. Deals with animation, comic books, illustration and music.

AA VAI JAA SAA India | 2016 | Blu-ray | 1.25:1 (5:4) | Color | Drama | KONKANI | No Premiere | 73 min 22 sec Target audience


Director Dr.RAMESH KAMATH Story Dr.RAMESH KAMATH Script/Screenplay Dr.RAMESH KAMATH Cinematographer Ramesh Koira Editor Arun P Thomas Producer Mallika Leading Casts Dr.Ramesh Kamath Sarthak Shenoy Shreyas Kamath Samarth Shenoy Spandana V Pai


SYNOPSIS This movie aims at the development of children through Four principles, that is Aaadyatmic (Spiritual), Vaijnanik (Scientific), Jaatyatith (Secular) and Saamajik (Social). It is the story of four children belonging to different background of caste and religion. They are influenced by “Aa Vai Jaa Saa” principles initiated them by a saintly person Satya Swamy. When they go to Nature camp, they understand these principles in a better way. With many incidents in the story, children get to know the power of Aa Vai Jaa Saa. Satya Swamy exposes School children FOUR “S” principles to create better Society. One fine day Satya Swamy will be killed by evil forces of Society. Further the story takes twists and turns and finally children succeeds in upholding the Aaa Vai Jaa saa.

GB PjwPÎ wkï‡`i PviwU bxwZi Dbœq‡bi D‡Ï‡k ˆZwi| PviwU bxwZ nj Ava¨vwZ¥KZv, ˆeÁvwbK, ag©wbi‡cÿZv I mvgvwRK| GB Pjw”P‡Î Pvi ag© I e‡Y©i PviwU wkï i‡q‡Q| Zviv QwewUi bxwZ Øviv cÖfvweZ| GB bxwZi cÖe³v n‡jb mvZ¨v †mvqvgx bvgK GKRb mvay| hLb GB PviRb GKwU b¨vPvi K¨v¤c G hvq ZLb Zviv GB Pvi bxwZ m¤c‡K© fvjfv‡e Rvb‡Z cv‡i| bvbv NUbvi ga¨ w`‡q Zviv QwewUi ÿgZv m¤c‡K© Rvb‡Z cv‡i| mvZ¨v †mvqvgx GKwU my›`i mgvR MV‡bi D‡Ï‡k ¯‹z‡ji wkï‡`i mvg‡b GB Pvi bxwZ cÖKvk K‡i| GKw`b mvZ¨v †mvqvgx mgv‡Ri Ac kw³i nv‡Z gviv hv‡eb| Gici GB Mí wewfbœ NUbv cÖev‡ni ga¨ w`‡q hv‡e|

Dr. K. Ramesh Kamath’s mother tongue is Konkani. He is always indebted to this Language. He thinks that everyone should love their country, state, mother tongue and fulfil the obligations towards these things. He produced and directed the First Saraswath Konkani Film way back in 1980 titled Jana – Mana. Exactly after 36 years now at this age of my 65 years, he is directing again another First ever Konkani Children’s Moviee” Aa Vai Jaa Saa”. He hopes children of our country will adopt the ”Aa-Vai-Jaa-Saa“ principles and create a better peaceful society in the future.

AADI SON Sri Lanka | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Sinhala | No Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Kushan Lahiru Fernando Story Kushan Lahiru Fernando Script/Screenplay Kushan Lahiru Fernando Cinematographer Priyantha Pradeep Editor Kushan Lahiru Fernando

SYNOPSIS This short film represents a very common scenery of our society. Poor countries like ours contain this crime a lot and everywhere. We do not have enough food or shelter or education for them. A big portion of our population remains illiterate. We must do something for them. A movement for them would do the work. The government would then realizes about the whole problem. But there is none to see this. Even street children are becoming involved in this crime. They cannot be blamed. They must survive like this way. So, in this way, pick pocket is increasing day by day.

cÖ‡qvRbxq Lv`¨ wbivcËv, evm¯’vb wKsev wkÿvi my‡hvM| GKwU eo AskB ZvB i‡q hvq wbiÿi wn‡m‡e| GgZve¯’vq cÖ‡qvRb Kvh©Kix †Kvb c`‡ÿc hv‡Z K‡i †Kvb c_wkï †hb KL‡bvB †Kvb iKg Aciv‡a hy³ bv nq|

MíwU Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri AZ¨šÍ cÖPwjZ GKwU e¨vcvi‡K wb‡q| Z…Zxq we‡k¦i Dbœqbkxj †`k¸‡jv‡Z AcivacÖeYZv A‡bK †ewk Ges cÖvq me©Î| GLv‡b †bB mevi Rb¨

Producer Pavithra Kalpani Rathnayake Leading Casts Adeesha Sathasara


Kushan Lahiru is a former program producer of “One Sri Lanka”. He works at “Hiru TV”. He studied at University of Vocational Technology. He went to School Of Media Arts And Management in Sri Lanka. He also studied in “Mass Communication at Sri lanka Youth Maharagama. He likes films and wants to make films about wars.

ABOUT A MOTHER Russian Federation | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | no dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Dina Velikovskaya Story Dina Velikovskaya

SYNOPSIS This story is about a mother who has given so much that it looks like she has nothing left... but the life opens up with the new opportunities.

MíwU GKRb gv‡K wb‡q †h me wKQz Z¨vM K‡i wbt¯^ n‡q wM‡q‡Qb| wKš‘ Rxeb Zvi Rb¨ bZzb m¤¢ebvi Øvi D‡b¥vPb K‡i †`q|

Script/Screenplay Dina Velikovskaya Cinematographer Dina Velikovskaya Editor Dina Velikovskaya Producer Liubov Gaydukova Animators Tatiana Jatzina Khatuna Tatuashvili Dina Velikovskaya


Dina Velikovskaya was born in Moscow in 9th October, 1984. In 2005, she graduated from State Art School. In 2011, she graduated from the Russian State University of Cinematography. In 2013, she graduated from School-Studio “SHAR” (Moscow) as an animation director. In 2015, she made her graduation film “About a Mother”. In future she wants to be a great animator.

AGRINOUI Cyprus | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | Greek | Bangladesh Premiere | 19 min Target audience


Director Alexis Chaviaras Story Alexis Chaviaras Christiana Vasiliou Script/Screenplay Alexis Chaviaras

SYNOPSIS A young mare visits Cyprus to take part in races. Frustrated from failure, she abandons the racetrack after confronting her strict father. The mare will meet new friends who will try to help her find her lost courage.

GKwU †NvUKx (†Nvov) mvBcÖv‡m †`Šo cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq Ask wb‡Z Av‡m| wKš‘ Zv‡K civwRZ n‡Z nq| Zvi K‡Vvi wcZv Zv‡K cÖwZ‡hvwMZv †_‡K †ei K‡i †`q| GB M‡í †m wKfv‡e Zvi bZzb eÜy‡`i mvnv‡h¨ wKfv‡e Zvi mvnm wd‡i cv‡e ZvB ejv n‡q‡Q|

Cinematographer Alexis Chaviaras Editor Alexis Chaviaras Producer A. Chaviaras Productions Ltd. Leading Casts Christina Pavlidou Marinos Hadjivasiliou Filippos Sofianos Christos Grigoriadis Sofoklis Kaskaounias Zoe Kyprianou Thanasis Drakopoulos Giorgos Roussos 24

Alexis Chaviaras was born in Antwerp in 1978, has been teaching animation at Universities in Cyprus since 2009. Alexis has been generating media animation material since 2002 and is currently researching the field of scenic design for 3D computer animated films.

ALIKE India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Silent Film | No Premiere | 1 min Target audience


Director Syed Zeeshan J Story Syed Zeeshan J Script/Screenplay Syed Zeeshan J Cinematographer Syed Zeeshan J

SYNOPSIS This short portrays lives of two young boys, who belong to different sides of life. Their smiles are ALIKE but their lives are not. TAGLINE Smiles are ALIKE but lives are not. EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Official selection at JUST A MINUTE FILM FESTIVAL(U.S.A) 2016 Official selection at Edu Doc International Film Festival 2016

Editor Syed Zeeshan J Producer Beyond Breath Leading Casts Hisham Mohan


Syed Zeeshan completed B.A in Communication design at Birmingham University and B.Sc in Digital Media at Annamalai University. Currently working as freelance animator and editor for feature films and corporate films. One of his film Mayathotram has been awarded as best film in 7 state level film festivals in India. Two of his recent short films have been officially selected in International film festivals and results are yet to be announced.

ALL ABOUT PEOPLE Germany | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | German / Georgian | South Asian Premiere | 72 min Target audience


Director Giorgi Abashishvili Story Giorgi Abashishvili Script/Screenplay Giorgi Abashishvili Miriam Steen

SYNOPSIS Nine episodes about the humorous, unexpected and sometimes tragic moments of life. About the first poem and the last hope, the first love and the last breath, the first conversation with the sun and the last thankfulness to her. Based on short stories of Georgian writer Nodar Dumbadze.

Rxe‡bi Uªv‡RwW wb‡q bqwU ce©| cÖ_g KweZv I †kl Avkv, cÖ_g fvjevmv I †kl wbtk¦vm, m~‡h©i mv‡_ cÖ_g K‡_vcK_b I Zvi Kv‡Q †kl K…ZÁZv| Pj”wPÎwU RwR©qvb †jLK bWvi WvgevR Gi †QvU M‡íi Dci wfwË K‡i wbwg©Z|

Cinematographer Behrooz Karamizade Editor Giorgi Abashishvili Producer Jörn Möllenkamp Leading Casts Kakhi Kavsadse Tamar Skhirtladze


Giorgi Abashishvili was born in Tbilisi, Georgia. He graduated from Tbilisi Technical University at Faculty of Aviation in 1998. After that he moved to Germany and studied film directing at the University of Kassel/Department Film and Television (Prof. Yana Drouz and Prof. David Safarian), where he was choosen to become master student after his diploma in 2012. He is one of the founding members of NUR film group and LPP - Living Pictures Productions working as director of features and documentaries.

ALPACAS Finland | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Alpakat | South Asian Premiere | 20 min Target audience


Director Anastasia Lobkovski Story Anastasia Lobkovski Script/Screenplay Anastasia Lobkovski Cinematographer Theofanis Kavvadas Editor Niina Vornanen

SYNOPSIS 13-Year-old Maija lives with her ice sculptor father and a distant mother in a small Finnish town. She drives a tractor to a get to a party in the woods, with her friends, but during one night she seems to loose everything. Alpacas is a drama comedy about belonging to a group and growing up. Karoliina (15) believes to the Snow Queen. Others consider her a lunatic. Maija (13) just want to please everyone.

13 eQi eqmx gvBRv Zvi fv¯‹i evevi mv‡_ wdwbk kn‡i _v‡K| †m Uªv±i Pvwj‡q eÜy‡`i mv‡_ e‡bi gv‡S GKUv cvwU©‡Z hvq, wKš‘ †mw`b iv‡Z mewKQz IjUcvjU n‡q hvq| ÒAvjcvKvmÓ GKvZœZv Ges †e‡o IVv m¤cwK©Z GKUv K‡gwW Pjw”PÎ| K¨v‡ivwjbv †¯œv KzB‡b wek¦vmx, Ab¨iv Zv‡K cvMj g‡b K‡i| gvBRv ïay Pvq mevB fv‡jvgZ _vKzK|

Producer Kirsi Saivosalmi Anastasia Lobkovski ELO Helsinki Film School Leading Casts Mekki Sarell Koivu Viljanen Anni Lampi, Emil Storgård Anu Niemi, Olli Laamanen Marjaana Maijala


Anastasia Lobkovski is a Finnish filmmaker and visual artist. Lobkovski has background in visual arts, she graduated as MFA from The Academy of Fine Arts. Lobkovski`s works has been seen at major art exhibitions in Finland, such as Young Artists at Kunsthalle, Helsinki.

AMORPHOUS Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | whitout dialoge | No Premiere | 20 min Target audience


Director Abbas Aghsami Story Elham Nami Script/Screenplay Elham Nami


SYNOPSIS “Amorphous” narates a teenager girl’s restrictions who has lots of problems with her father. In her loneliness days she saw another bold teenager on the roof of the apartment across the street. She felt in love over time.and attached of the film they have a date at the park. But that bold teenager never came. We finally found out that bold was actully a girl.

MíwU GK wK‡kvixi Rxe‡bi wewa-wb‡la‡K wb‡q| evevi mv‡_ Zvi ewbebv fv‡jv bq| †g‡qwUi Zvi evevi mv‡_ A‡bK A‡bK wel‡q Sv‡gjv Pj‡Z _v‡K| GKw`b †m cv‡ki A¨vcvU©‡g‡›Ui Qv‡` GK wK‡kvi‡K †`L‡Z cvq| †m g‡b g‡b cQ›` Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i|

Cinematographer Editor Hosein Jamali Producer Abbas Aghsami Ammar Khatti Leading Casts Abbas Aghsami


Abbas Aghsami was born in the USA in 1980 and grew up mainly in Lesotho, South Africa but also in Germany. He studied Fine Art at the University of Cape Town, followed by a 2-year post-graduate residency at le Fresnoy, studio national des arts contemporains in France and then a post-graduate film directing programme at the dffb film academy in Berlin.

AN ELEPHANT ON THE MOON France | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Sci-Fi | no dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 9 min Target audience


Director Benjamin Barthélémy Story Benjamin Barthélémy Script/Screenplay Benjamin Barthélémy Cinematographer Benjamin Barthélémy

SYNOPSIS Paris by night. It’s storming, and raining a lot. A lightning falls on a handicapped traffic sign. Because of the electricity, the 20cm white guy in the wheelchair has felt down on the ground and becomes alive. As everything in this gigantic raining world is a danger to him, he decides to go on the moon with a stolen balloon.

c¨vwim Gi GK S‡oi iv‡Z cÖPÐ e„wó Avi eRªcvZ nw”Qj| nVvr GKwU eRªcvZ UªvwdK wmMb¨v‡ji Dci c‡i| ûBj‡Pqv‡i e‡m _vKv GK ÿz`ª e¨w³ gvwU‡Z c‡i hvq wKš‘ †eu‡P hvq| Gm‡ei Kvi‡Y Zvi Kv‡Q c„w_ex wec¾bK g‡b nq| ZvB †m GKwU Pzwi Kiv wegvb wb‡q Pvu‡` P‡j hvIqvi wm×všÍ †bq|

Editor Fabrice Gay Producer Benjamin Barthélémy Leading Casts Sasha Galkin


Benjamin Barthélémy was a student at Comédiacte (lessons Technical Set and Actors Directing), from 1998 to 2001, Benjamin Barthélémy received a BA in Literature, Film and Music option in 2005. His studies at Cannes’s Fine Art School (”Les Beaux Arts de Cannes”) (1997 - 2001) and he learns as a pianist at the National Music Conservatory (1992 - 2005), forged his creative mind and teach him how to get to the bottom of things. Soon interested in film, Benjamin direct his first short film in 1999, when he\’s 13 years old.

ANGELUS NOVUS Netherlands | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Turkish, Dari | Bangladesh Premiere | 24 min Target audience


Director Aboozar Amini Story Aboozar Amini Script/Screenplay Aboozar Amini Cinematographer Dawood Hilmandi

SYNOPSIS Afghani refugee Ali and his brother have just arrived in Turkey, where surrounded by many other refugees. There was many other refugees around the area. Ali and His family tried to build a new life. They thought they can survive by doing many things and they have to do something for get over this situation. So, they start working for their livelihood. The boys earn their living shining shoes. They started a new day with new dreams. They were happy with their work. But when one day their spot has been taken, their fragile existence and dreams of a better future hang by a thread.

AvdMvwb wiwdDwR Avjx Ges Zvi fvB ZzwK©‡Z hvq, ‡mLv‡b Av‡iv wiwdDwRiv _v‡K| Zvi cwievi GKwU bZzb Rxeb ïiæ Ki‡Z Pvq| Zviv wPšÍv K‡i Zviv gvwb‡q wb‡Z cvi‡e wewfbœ wKQz K‡iI Zv‡`i wKQz Ki‡ZB n‡e GB Ae¯’v †_‡K †ei nevi Rb¨| ZvB Zviv RxweKv wbe©v‡ni Rb¨ KvR Ki‡Z _v‡K| †Q‡jiv Zv‡`i RxweKv RyZv PKP‡K Kivi KvR K‡i wbe©vn Ki‡Z _v‡K| Zviv bZzb ¯^cœ †`L‡Z ïiz K‡i| Zviv Zv‡`i KvR wb‡q Lywk wQj| GKw`b Zv‡`i Kj¼ Zz‡j †bIqv nq d‡j Zv‡`i f½yi Aw¯ÍZ¡ I my›`i fwel¨‡Zi ¯^c ûgwKi gy‡L c‡o|

Editor Aboozar Amini Producer Jia Zhao Leading Casts Ali Nazari Mohammad Nazari Darab Naimi


Mr. Aboozar emigrated to the Netherlands as a teenager. In 2010, he graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. His debut film KabulTehranKabul (2010) won a Documentary Wildcard from the Nederlands Filmfonds. He used the prize money to shoot the documentary On the String of Forgetfulness in 2011. Filmography: The Tunnel, We Can Not Change the World ,Expendable Ones, Angelus Novus.

ANIME Canada | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | no dialogs | Bangladesh Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Arnaud Brisebois Story Arnaud Brisebois Script/Screenplay Arnaud Brisebois

SYNOPSIS The story of the film is about the struggling life of orphans. Two hardy orphans survive upon the remains of a humanity that has left them behind. The film shows the glimpse of a cruel journey of their lives.

GwU c_wkï‡`i Mí| `ywU GwZg wkï wKfv‡e †eu‡P _vKvi msMÖvg K‡i| wKfv‡e GK‡Î Zviv gvbeZvi msMÖv‡g GwM‡q hvq ZvB †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q|

Cinematographer Jessica Lee Gagné Editor Élisabeth Olga Tremblay Guillaume Poulin Producer Sach Baylin-Stern (Antler Films Inc.) Leading Casts Dada: Ève Lemieux Mioche: Alexi Charron


Arnaud Brisebois is a multi-talented filmmaker. Acting as director, artistic director and visual effects supervisor, he designs images and dictates stories with inspiration and control. His creations derange, disturb, unsettle, and leave no one indifferent. Today he delivers his second short film: “Anime”.

ASHEN Spain | 2016 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Sci-Fi | SPANISH | Bangladesh Premiere | 9 min Target audience


Director Jon Mikel Caballero Story Jon Mikel Caballero Script/Screenplay Jon Mikel Caballero Cinematographer Tania Da Fonseca

ORIGINAL TITLE Cenizo SYNOPSIS The story is based on a kid’s family called Ema. Ema’s father Ash is a middle aged man who made a very important promise to his beloved wife that he is to protect the house from any threat no matter what. Through very interesting happenings on the story Ema finds out father is hot a hero, and protecting their home is not a sci-fi adventure as he reads on comics. Ema connects the dots why father was acting a little weird and finally comes up with a plan to save their house with something really precious to them.

QwewUi Mí g~jZ Bgv bv‡gi GKwU Pwi·K wN‡i| Bgvi cwievi‡KB Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q my›`ifv‡e MíwU‡Z| Bgvi evev A¨vk GKRb ga¨eq¯‹ gvbyl, †h Zvi ¯¿xi g„Zz¨I Av‡M Av‡M Zvi Kv‡Q cÖwZÁv K‡iwQj, hv wKQzB †nvK, †m Zv‡`i evwoUv iÿv K‡i ivL‡e AvRxeb| wKQz NUbv NUvi ci Bgv nVvr K‡i eyS‡Z cv‡i †Kvb PμvšÍ Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv‡`i mv‡_ Ges Gevi G evwo iÿv Kivi mvg_¨© Zvi evevi †bB| AMZ¨v Zv‡KB Zz‡j wb‡Z nq GB ¸iæ `vwqZ¡| Ae‡k‡l Bgv Zvi evbv‡bv eyw×gZ g„Z gv‡qi K_v wPšÍv K‡i evwoUv‡K KzPμx‡`i nvZ n‡Z iÿv K‡i|

Editor Jose Luis Romeu Producer Jon Mikel Caballero Leading Casts Adam Quintero Ainhoa Tornero Alex Moreu


Jon Mikel Cabllero studied an Audiovisual Communication degree in University of Navarra (2007). He moved to Barcelona to study a Master in Directing Films (Escac 2009). He started working in features such as Bruc (2010), Eva (2011) as personal assistant to the director and The Impossible (2012) as assistant for J. A. Bayona and also as director for the making of a documentary.

AT EYE LEVEL Germany | 2016 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | German | Bangladesh Premiere | 96 min Target audience


Director Evi Goldbrunner Joachim Dollhopf Story Evi Goldbrunner Joachim Dollhopf Script/Screenplay Evi Goldbrunner Joachimg Dollhopf Nicole Armbruster Cinematographer Jürgen Jürges

SYNOPSIS Michael, an 11 year old orphan, lives in a children’s home and has to fight every day to win the respect of the other kids. Then one day, he finds out who his father is and writes him a letter. His dad, Tom, happens to be a midget and is even shorter than Michael, but he wants to accept the challenge of fatherhood, even though he knew nothing about Michael until now. For Michael, Tom’s handicap is a disaster, as it’s, the opposite of the manliness and strength he envisioned his father to have. When the other kids find out, Michael’s life becomes hell and he runs away from the children’s home. With nowhere else to go, he moves in with Tom. Tom is new to this fatherhood thing but tries his best, while Michael tries to hide his embarrassment and shame from his new friends he meets at a

local skating rink. This forces Tom, who had coped well with his “differentness” so far in his life, to confront his handicap head on. As time passes, they discover they have more in common than other sons and fathers and they form an unlikely bond, until their relationship is suddenly put to the hardest of tests.

Editor Maja Stieghorst Producer Christian Becker Martin Richter Leading Casts Luis Vorbach As Michi Jordan Prentice As Tom Ella Frey As Katja Marco Licht As Justin 33

Evi Goldbrunner was born on the 4th of November 1975 in Landshut and Joachim Dollhopf (born 1st of January 1971 in Munich) are graduates of the Film University Babelsberg in scriptwriting/dramaturgy and film directing. Their common student films have been shown at 200 festivals in 50 countries worldwide, among others at the Berlinale and in Cannes. Their work as directors and writers has received over 20 awards, among them the ‘Cinema for Peace Talent Award’, the ‘Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Filmpreis’ and the most prestigious young talent award of Germany’s film industry, the ‘First Steps Award’. “At Eye Level” is their debut feature film. Apart from developing films they are also the creators of the writing software DramaQueen and work as dialogue writers, story consultants and lecturers.

AUNT MARULAN AND THE MAGIC SOAP Australia | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Michelle Lia Story Michelle Lia Script/Screenplay Michelle Lia

SYNOPSIS Lisa is a little girl who goes every year to her Aunty Marulan’s house. Each year she gets gifted animal soap figurines from her Aunt Marulan. So many that her room is going to explode from owning so many! One year some of the soap figurines come to life, they scramble from under Lisa’s bed to tell her that they were trapped and turned into figurines by her Aunt Marulan many years ago. They need her help to rescue the rest of their crew members and get Aunt Marulan back. They plot a plan. But will they succeed?

wjmv GKwU ev”Pv †g‡q, ‡h cªwZ eQi Zvi PvPx gviyjvb Gi evmvq hvq| cÖwZ eQi PvPxi KvQ ‡_‡K ‡m wewfbœ cïi mvev‡bi g~wZ© Dcnvi cvq| GiKgfv‡e Zvi iæ‡g we‡ùviY nevi `kv| GKevi wKQz g~wZ© RxešÍ n‡q D‡V, Zviv wjmvi weQvbvi wbP †_‡K Zvi `„wó AvKl©‡Yi Rb¨ bvovPvov ïiæ K‡i| Zviv e‡j †h wjmvi PvPx Zv‡`i‡K g~wZ© evwb‡q e›`x K‡i †i‡L‡Q| Avi gyw³ cvIqvi Rb¨ Zviv wjmvi mvnvh¨ Pvq| Zviv GKwU cwiKíbv K‡i| Zviv wK mdj n‡e?

Cinematographer Michelle Lia Editor Michelle Lia Producer Michelle Lia Leading Casts The Narrator – Aileen Huynh Aunt Marulan – Lana Penrose Lisa’s Mother – Kelly Anderson Lisa – Andriana Mei Panagiotou


Michelle Lia was born in 1988. She is an alumna of Sydney Film School where she first gained experience working across various departments. She has produced a range of both shorts and documentary including the observational documentary “To See” which was acquired by smh.tv and premiered at the International Documentary Forum Bejiing.

AUTUMN LEAVES Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | no dialogues | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Saman Hosseinpuor Story Saman Hosseinpuor Script/Screenplay Saman Hosseinpuor Cinematographer Zanyar Lotfi Editor Saman Hosseinpuor

SYNOPSIS “Autumn Leaves” is a beautiful story about a little kid and how her fate eventually brought her to a place where she wasn’t supposed to be. The little kid with her big glasses started for school when she spotted a nice juicy pomegranate hanging from the tree, after putting a good time trying to reach it she finally succeeded and got the fruit. She continues her way to school when she figures she forgot a book home. She runs to get it, and on the way she loose her pomegranate. When she hurries back to the school she destroyed a man’s hard work and made a mess on the road. She didn’t notice the man was having a pomegranate. She afterwards was too late for school and had to collect all the autumn leaves that she made a mess with on the road as a punishment. This movie has a great educational value.

fv‡M¨i cwinvm ej‡Z hv eySvq, GB Pjw”PÎwU‡Z Zvi Lye fv‡jv GKUv D`vniY †`qv n‡q‡Q| †QvU GKUv †g‡q wekvj eo GK Pkgv bv‡K Pvwc‡q ¯‹z‡ji D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv ïiæ K‡i| c‡_ Zvi †Pv‡L c‡i wekvj eo GK Wvwjg MvQ| †mB Wvwjg Mv‡Q Szj‡Q UmU‡m GKUv Wvwjg| LvwbKÿY jvdvjvwd K‡i A‡bK K‡ó †m WvwjgwU nv‡Z †cj| wKš‘ wVK ZLywb Zvi †Lqvj nq †h, †m GKUv eB evmvq †d‡j G‡m‡Q| †mB eB wb‡Z evmvq wd‡i hvq Z‡e c‡_ Zvi WvwjgwU †m nvwi‡q †d‡j| eB wb‡q `ªæZ ¯‹z‡ji c‡_ hvÎv K‡i| wKš‘ GB Zvovû‡ovq †m GK †jv‡Ki R‡ov Kiv cvZv Qwo‡q iv¯Ív Avevi †bvsiv K‡i †d‡j| gRvi e¨vcvi nj, †jvKwU Zvi nvwi‡q †djv WvwjgUvB Lvw”Qj| ev”PvwU AZtci ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z †`wi K‡i Ges kvw¯Í wn‡m‡e Zv‡K cvZv Kz‡ov‡ZB †`qv nq|

Producer Saman Hosseinpuor Leading Casts Kamand Amjadi


Saman Hosseinpuor was born in Saqez/Kurdestan at 1993. He started his career as an actor in theater when he was just 14 years old. He started filmmaking at 2008. In the meantime, he started writing short stories. He is also a director, a cinematographer and a writer. Currently he lives in Iran.

AZURITE France | 2015 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | French | South Asian Premiere | 25 min Target audience


Director Maud Garnier Story Maud Garnier Script/Screenplay Maud Garnier Marie-Sophie Chambon Cinematographer Maud Garnier

SYNOPSIS Salome, 15 years old, works in her father’s workshop, a famous painter for his blue color. But now that the painter, too old, is no longer able to make his famous color, jeopardizing his workshop. Salome begins to hope that her father forward its closely guarded secret until then.

mvjg, GKwU 15 eQi eqmx wK‡kvi| †m Zvi evevi KviLvbvq KvR K‡i| Zvi evev GKRb wPÎwkíx, †h Zvi bxj is Gi Kv‡Ri Rb¨ weL¨vZ| wKš‘z †m GLb ey‡ov n‡q hvevi d‡j Avi KvR Ki‡Z cv‡ibv| mvjg GLb Avkv Ki‡Q †h Zvi evev Gevi bxj is Gi me †Mvcb inm¨ Zv‡K Rvbv‡e|

Editor Tuong-Vi Nguyen-Long Producer Fabrice Préel-Cléach Leading Casts Alba Gaïa Bellugi Alain Rimoux Anthony Bajon Laetitia Pardalis


Maud Garnier was born in 1983. After spending a year in London, she settled down in Paris and joined the CEEA where she got a screenwriter degree. Since, she writes for television, animation and fiction films.

BASAER JOURNEY Jordan | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | ARABIC | No Premiere | 60 min Target audience


Director Mahmoud Hammash Story Mahmoud Hammash Script/Screenplay Mahmoud Hammash Cinematographer Mahmoud Hammash Editor Mahmoud Hammash

SYNOPSIS Basaer Journey is a future documentary film that will take the viewers in a journey with Majed and his blind team, a journey of hope, love and team work to establish the first Arabic robot and electronics team for blind students. They started in “The Dark” as Majed describes it, having no knowledge in robots and no support from any one with poor conditions due to the lake of facilitates in there school as any other public school in Jordan. but that didn’t stop them from reaching the Jordanian national robot contest and wining the first prize for science research and then reaching the final part of INTEL to be part of the Jordanian finalist team going to USA. until they reached the universal achievement to be the first.

GB Pjw”PÎwU fwel¨‡Zi GK Mí‡K Zz‡j a‡i‡Q| `k©K‡K wb‡q hv‡e Ggb GK mg‡q, †hLv‡b gv‡R` Avi Zvi AÜ GK `j Avkvi nvZQvwb wb‡q nvwRi nq| Zvi `j K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi ga¨ w`‡q ˆZwi K‡i Aviexq †iveU I B‡jKUªwbK msMVb| Zv‡`i B”Qv Zviv A܇`i Rb¨ KvR Ki‡e| hw`I Zv‡`i †ivewU‡·i e¨vcv‡i †Kvb Ávb †bB, Zviv ZeyB Avkvev`x| Zv‡`i †Kvb fvj mvnvh¨ ch©šÍ †bB| Zv‡`i we`¨vj‡qI ch©vß KvuPvgvj †bB, †iveU ˆZwi Kiv cÖvq Am¤¢e| ZvB e‡j Zv‡`i Avkvq wKš‘ †Kvb fvuUv c‡owb| Zviv h_vmg‡q RW©v‡bi GK †iveU ˆZwii cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq Ask †bq Avi wR‡Z †bq Zv‡`i Kvw•LZ m¤§vb|

Producer Mahmoud Hammash Leading Casts Majed Abu Dalo Ahmad Sabah Mahmoud Hamash did a few filmmaking course i.e. introduction to documentary film, documentary with mobile phone course, digital and social media work shop, challenges faced by documentary filmmakers who work on their own, Explore Filmmaking National Film and Television, Digital Storytelling course, Journey in filmmaking with Naden Labaky, workshop and the competition “Your Phone Says It”, Documentary Film Studio, Digital Filmmaking.


BATTLEDREAM CHRONICLE Martinique | 2015 | DCP | 2.39:1 | Color | Sci-Fi | French | South Asian Premiere | 108 min Target audience


Director Alain Bidard Story Alain Bidard Script/Screenplay Alain Bidard Cinematographer Alain Bidard

SYNOPSIS In 2100, the empire of Mortemonde colonized almost all the nations of the Earth and reduced their populations to slavery. Every slave is forced to collect 1000XP every month in Battledream, a video game where they can die for real. Only those who succeed are granted the right to live until the following month. Syanna, a young martinican slave, refuses to keep living in this condition and decides to fight for her freedom. That was not so easy. She faces many challenges and fights with villains. But she survived at that strange place and at last she conquer all.

2100 mv‡j gwU©gwÛ m¤ªvR¨ c„w_exi me †`k Aay¨wlZ nq Ges Zv‡`i RbmsL¨v `vm‡Z¡ n«vm cvq| cÖ‡Z¨KwU `vm‡K eva¨ Kiv nq ¯^cœhy× bvgK wfwWI‡Mg †_‡K cÖwZgv‡m 1000G·wc msMÖn Ki‡Z, †hLv‡b Zviv mwZ¨ mwZ¨ gviv †h‡Z cv‡i| hviv Rqx nZ Zviv H gv‡mi Rb¨ evuPvi AwaKvi †cZ| m¨vbœv, Kgeqmx gvwU©wbK¨vb `vmx GBfv‡e †eu‡P _vKvi kZ© Z¨vM K‡i Zvi ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ hy× Kivi wm×všÍ †bq| Zv‡K A‡bK P¨v‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq| Zv‡K hy× Ki‡Z nq| †mUv Avm‡j †mvRv wQj bv| wKš‘ †m †kl ch©šÍ wU‡K _v‡K I Zvi g‡bvej I kw³ Zv‡K wRwZ‡q †`q|

Editor Alain Bidard Producer Jose Nerain Leading Casts Yna Boulange Jacques Olivier Ensfelder Steffy Glissant Rita Ravier


Alain Bidard is a CG film director. From 2001, he created Dream Heaven Pictures and directed many award winning short films along with documentaries and corporate films. Alain Bidard won the Jury Special Award in the Cinema Encounters of CMAC in 2006, and the Best Director Award in FEMI in 2007, was also choosen for Canal Plus Selection in the Short Film Corner of Cannes Festival in 2005.

BHUUKH India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | HINDI /MARATHI | International Premiere | 16 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Aniruddha Jaipurkar Story Aniruddha Jaipurkar Script/Screenplay Aniruddha Jaipurkar Cinematographer Prathmesh Chandekar Rakesh Gajjar

SYNOPSIS Bhuukh is short film based on struggle of a boy that how he survives in this developing world. In this short film we have portrayed reality of the struggle of a boy for food & shelter. It is a social film based on street children. There is no religion, no caste for this people. Bhuukh is a reality short film about street people, their life and their struggle to survive. This short film shows that how children became undernourished and malnourished

Bhuukh GB Dbœqbkxj we‡k¦ GKwU †Q‡ji msMÖvg K‡i wU‡K _vKvi M‡íi Dci wfwË K‡i ˆZwi GKwU kU© wdj¥| GB kU© wd‡j¥ GKwU †Q‡ji Lv`¨ I evm¯’v‡bi Rb¨ msMÖvg‡K dzwU‡q †Zvjv n‡q‡Q| GwU c_ wkï‡`i wb‡q wbwg©Z mvgvwRK Pjw”PÎ| GB Pjw”P‡Î †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q c_ wkïiv Lv‡`¨i Rb¨ wKfv‡e msMÖvg K‡i, Zviv wK Lvq Ges Zv‡`i Rxeb ‡Kgb BZ¨vw`| GBme gvby‡li †Kv‡bv ag© Avi eY© †bB| iv¯Ívq gvbyl m¤c‡K© GKwU ev¯Íe kU© wdj¥| GB kU© wdj¥ †`Lvq †h wKfv‡e wkïiv Acyó n‡q I‡V| TAGLINE Struggle to survive

Editor Rakesh Gajjar Producer Aniruddha Jaipurkar Rakesh Gajjar Prathmesh Chandekar Leading Casts Shankar (lead role) Sohail Khan (2nd lead) Shruti Khadse (small girl) Rahul Gore (Father of rich boy playing in garden) Sauraya shende (rich boy) 39

Aniruddha Jaipurkar is a multi-talented young Bangladeshi. Along with being a director, he is also an actor, producer and story writer. He has completed Diploma in Electronics Engineering and Bachelor degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. He is a theatre artist. He proclaims to be a self-learner. Recently he has been one of the International Juries of Creative International Open film Festival, Bangladesh.

BLACKBOARD India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Hyash Tanmoy Story Mrigankasekhar Ganguly Script/Screenplay Mrigankasekhar Ganguly Cinematographer Purab Mukherjee Editor Mrigankasekhar Ganguly Producer Hyash Tanmoy

SYNOPSIS An illiterate 14-year-old boy who lives in a slum struggles with his daily life. He does various jobs in various fields, putting their blood and sweat in them. Even after doing such hard work, he figured they are never treated with proper respect. He doesn’t understand the judgmental peoples mistreat towards them. He never wanted this in his life so he started to work on it. He saves money for something for a long time. Although finally it was too expensive for him so he decided to keep moving with whatever he had got. He gathered kids form his slum and decided to teach them under the tree. He couldn’t afford any blackboard but that did not stop him, he used whatever he found nearby and used it was a blackboard. He himself never went to college but learnt the letters while working a leaflet provider. This story is a great example of never giving up.

14 ermi eqmx GK †Q‡j‡K wN‡i ˆZwi n‡q‡Q MíwU| †Q‡jwU GKUv ew¯Í‡Z _v‡K, cov‡kvbv K‡iwb †m| cÖwZw`bB Rxe‡bi hvuZvK‡j wcó Ki‡Z nq `yB‡ejv LvIqv †RvMv‡oi Rb¨| A‡bK ai‡Yi KvR K‡i †m| †hw`b †hmg‡q †h KvR cvq, †mB Kv‡RB mvq †`q, †m Ki‡e, Zv‡K †h Ki‡ZB n‡e| †KD hLb Zvi mv‡_ Lvivc AvPiY K‡i †m eyS‡Z cv‡ibv Zviv Ggb †Kb Ki‡Q| †m wb‡R KL‡bv G¸‡jv Zvi Rxe‡b Pvqwb| †m fv‡e, GB Rxeb †_‡K †e‡iv‡Z n‡e Zv‡K| UvKv Rgv‡Z ïiæ K‡i †m| wKQz UvKv Rgv n‡q †M‡j, †m ïiæ K‡i cvV`vb Kvh©μg| ew¯Íi Av‡iv †hmKj ev”Pv Kv”Pv i‡q‡Q, mevB‡K GK Mv‡Qi wb‡P AÿiÁvb AR©‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i| e¨vK‡evW© †Kbvi UvKv nq bv, hv cvq Zv‡ZB wj‡L †d‡j †m| wb‡R KL‡bv ¯‹zj K‡j‡R hvqwb| wewfbœ KvMRcÎ, wjd‡jU †RvMvo K†i I¸‡jv c‡o †m| Gfv‡eB GwM‡q wb‡q hvq MíwU| TAGLINE Education is a process, not a commodity.

Leading Casts Omprakash Mahato Suvojit Das Hyash Tanmoy is a film activist, multidisciplinary artist, Curator, Philanthropist & creative entrepreneur, based in Kolkata. He found organizations like “ZDA” and “ZMF”, working on artistic revolution, social transformation, equality, human existence and world peace. His films travelled more than 40 prestigious international film festivals with several awards and special mentions.


BOOBA - MOUSETRAP Russian Federation | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | no dialogues | International Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Aleksey Kotenochkin Story Aleksey Kotenochkin Script/Screenplay Aleksey Kotenochkin Cinematographer Aleksey Kotenochkin Editor Dmitriy Barvet

SYNOPSIS In that new episode Booba appears in a country house and he wants to eat cheese, but it’s not so easy as you could think. Booba is cute and inquisitive, like a five-year-old kid. He explores the world without anger or resentment, only joy and wonder. Nobody knows where he came from, but he has obviously missed the last 100 years of human progress and explores modern locations with boundless energy and enthusiasm.

eyev GKwU MÖvg¨ evwo‡Z wM‡q cwbi †L‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ KvRUv GZUv mnR bv, hZUv g‡b nq| †m GKUv cuvP eQ‡ii ev”Pvi gZ| †m ivM-`ytLnxb Avb›`gq GKwU c„w_ex‡Z evm K‡i| †KD Rv‡bbv †m †Kv_v †_‡K G‡m‡Q| wKš‘ wbtm‡›`‡n †m cÖvq GK kZvãx mgq cvi n‡q G‡m‡Q|

Producer Nikolay Okorokov Leading Casts Roman Karev


Aleksey Kotenochkin was born in 1988. he is an alumna of Sydney Film School where he first gained experience working across various departments.In 1975-80 he studied at the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art named by Stroganov. Since 1982 he has worked as an art director.

BOW BOW India | 2016 | 35 mm | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Tamil | International Premiere | 90 min Target audience


Director Pradeep Kilikar Story Pradeep Kilikar Script/Screenplay Pradeep Kilikar Cinematographer Arun Prasath

SYNOPSIS 5-year-old Sanju is struggling with a mean neighborhood dog who picks on him and no friends at school, and is convinced that the only cure to his loneliness is getting his own pet dog to brave each day with as his heroic sidekick. But Sanju is sorely disappointed when his grandparents finally get him a canine companion, Scooby, and he turns out to be nothing like the dogs Sanju sees in his favorite cartoons. Slow, inactive and docile, Scooby is in no mood to keep up with his energetic owner, until Sanju’s relatives help him realize that Scooby needs to be properly welcomed into their family like any child would be when they are adopted by a new home.

5 eQi eqmx mvbRy GKUv iv¯Ívi KzKz‡ii Kvi‡Y ZU¯’ _v‡K †h cÖvqB Zv‡K Zvov K‡i| Zvi ¯‹z‡jI †Zgb †Kvb eÜz †bB| mvbRy eyS‡Z cv‡i †h Zvi GB GKvKxZ¡ †_‡K euvP‡Z n‡j Zvi wb‡Ri GKUv †cvlv KzKzi _vKv PvB; †h Zv‡K mvnmxfv‡e Pj‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡e| Ggb GKUv KzKzi †m Pvq †m Zvi m½x wn‡m‡e _vK‡e|

Editor Anand Producer Vishwanathan Leading Casts Master Ahaan Shrujai Tejaswi


Pradeep Kilkar is a writer and director. He has worked on the teams of several notable names in Indian cinema before, including directors Sasi and Aarthi Kumar in Tamil and directors Karunakaran in Telugu. “Bow Bow” is his first feature film.

BOYCÓPTER Brazil | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | portuguese | International Premiere | 11 min Target audience


Director Almir Correia Story Almir Correia Script/Screenplay Almir Correia Lia Correiajoao Batsitadelara

SYNOPSIS Toby, the propeller boy, Tina, the girl in the flying wheel chair, and Bone, the dog boy are three adopted children and super heroes in Towntown. With the help of Jedum, the robot worm, they fight robot monsters from another dimension that want to dominate the Earth.

Uwe, PvjK †Q‡jwU, wUbv, DošÍ ûBj †Pqv‡ii †g‡qwU, Ges †evb, KzKziiƒcx †Q‡jwU, Zviv wZbRb cvjK mšÍvb UvD›UvD‡bi mycvi wn‡iv| †RWvg Ges †iveU Iqv‡g©i mvnv‡h¨ Zviv Ab¨ gvÎv †_‡K P‡j Avmv c„w_ex‡Z AvwacZ¨ ¯’vcb Ki‡Z PvIqv `vbe‡`i †gvKv‡ejv K‡i|

Cinematographer Studiobelli Editor Studiobelli Producer Zoom Elefante Leading Casts Studio Santa


Almir Correia is a Brazilian filmmaker who created the cartoon series Carrapatos e Catapultas. He also made Bandados Bichos Supermalquinhos Curtas.

BREATHE France | 2015 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | French | Bangladesh Premiere | 24 min Target audience


Director Just Philippot Story Just Philippot Pierre Dejon Script/Screenplay Just Philippot Pierre Dejon Cinematographer Pierre Dejon

SYNOPSIS Lizon has just attended her friend Marie’s birthday. The friends around the birthday cake, the candles to be blown, the wish to be made amazed her. For her ninth birthday, Lizon wants to have the same thing. A birthday with a cake, candles and her friends, at her home: in the car. She lives in a car with her mother. Because they have towhere to stay. Her mother does not earn sufficient money for that. So, they have to live in their car. Lizon goes to school. She has friends. She also wants a life like them. She attends their birthday parties. Sometimes she also dreams of a party like that of her own. Where nobody will scold her to blow away the candles. As her own birthday party, she will have the honor to blow away the candles.

wjRb Zvi eÜy g¨vwii Rb¥w`‡b G‡mwQj| g¨vwii Rb¥w`b Dcj‡ÿ A‡bK Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡q‡Q| g¨vwii Rb¨ †KK, †gvgevwZ Avbv n‡q‡Q| wjRb I Zvi beg Rb¥w`‡b Ggb GKUv Drme Pvq| †hLv‡b †KK, †gvgevwZ Avi Zvi eÜyiv _vK‡e| GB c„w_ex‡Z cÖwZwU mgv‡RB i‡q‡Q gvby‡l gvby‡l †kªYxwefvM| Avw_©K fv‡e mvgvwRK fv‡e gvby‡li †kªYxwefvM nq| wKš‘ GKwU wkïi gb †Zv GB †f`v‡f` gvb‡Z Pvq bv| †m Ab¨ mevi gZ Avb›` Ki‡Z Pvq| Zvi Av‡m cv‡ki wkïiv hv cv‡”Q, †mI Pvq Zvi cwievi †_‡K †mB wRwbl ¸‡jv †c‡Z| wKš‘ ev¯ÍeZv wK †m †g‡b wb‡Z cv‡i? bvwK mgvR Zv‡K †mB me Avb›` G‡b w`‡Z cv‡i?

Editor Nicolas Sburlati Producer Fabrice Préel-Cléach Leading Casts Marie Kauffmann Candela Cottis Laurence Cordier Mewen Lidove Sophia Hervet Anne Le Bourhis Mélyne Le Hir 44

Mr. Just Philippot is a very prominent filmmaker. He is a director, he is also a screenwriter. He directed some films. He also wrote some script. He is very tellent. He want to b e a great filmmaker one day.

BROTHER FOR A DAY Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of | 2015 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | Macedonian | Bangladesh Premiere | 11 min Target audience


Director Stojan Vujicic Story Eva Kamchevska Script/Screenplay Eva Kamchevska Cinematographer Dimo Popov

SYNOPSIS “Brother for a day” is a film about our city, our streets and our neighborhoods—a story that could happen anywhere. It tells the story of a thoroughly modern family of three members. In their struggle for money, the parents fail to devote much time or attention to their five-year-old daughter, Anja. They do not have the time or patience to explain things to her and they give her what she wants just to ‘buy some peace’. “Brother for a day” at a glance appears to be a story of deferent nationalities; in fact, it refers to the divide between the child’s world and the world of adults.

GwU GKwU kn‡ii A_ev GKwU iv¯Ívi A_ev Avgv‡`i cv‡ki evmvi Mí| GwU Ggb GKwU Mí hv †h‡Kv‡bv RvqMvq NU‡Z cv‡i| GK AvaywbK cwievi †hLv‡b wcZvgvZv ïay A‡_©i mÜvb K‡i| GB ¯^v”Q›`¨Ki Rxe‡bi Rb¨ Zviv GZB e¨¯Í _v‡K †h Zv‡`i cvuP eQi eqwm †g‡q AvbRvi w`‡K g‡bv‡hvM w`‡Z cv‡i bv| GwU Ggb GKwU Mí †hLv‡b wkï I eo †`i RMZ‡K Avjv`v fv‡e †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q|

Editor Vancho Mirakovski Producer Ognen Antov Leading Casts Kamka Tocinovski Toni Mihajlovski


Stojan Vujicic is a very talented filmmaker. In the future, one of his goals as a film director or editor is to create visual experiences that allow audiences to enjoy surreal scenes -- which are uniquely possible in films -- while actually revealing a deeper truth about reality through those scenes.

CELESTIAL CAMEL Russian Federation | 2015 | DCP | 2.39:1 | Color | Action | Russian, Kalmyk (West Mongolian Dialect) | Bangladesh Premiere | 90 min Target audience


Director Yury Feting Story Elzyata Mandzhieva Script/Screenplay Elzyata Mandzhieva (with the participation of Yury Feting) Cinematographer Anton Zhabin Editor Leda Semenova Producer Irina Plisko Mikhail Plisko Leading Casts Mikhail Gasanov, Petr Novikov Viktor Sukhorukov Irina Hurgunova Danzan Badrashkiev Batr Mandzhiev, Baira Mandzhieva Tzeden Konaev, Vitaly Makhov


SYNOPSIS Kalmyks say that a camel-shaped cloud brings good luck. A white little colt (celestial camel) Altynka was born under the such cloud. During the film shooting accidentally dies a white colt. A dubbing camel is required urgently. The movie-manager arrives at a far-away steppe station of a poor shepherd Dorzhi. Altynka is sold. The mothercamel runs away in to the steppe in search of her son. Twelve-year-old Bayir rides to steppe on his father’s old motorbike in search of mother-camel.

людей. Ему помогают калмыцкие ведуны — заклинатели дождя, послушник — ученик ламы. Баир встречает подростка по кличке Полтинник, который становится его другом. В это время на железнодорожной станции киноадминистратор никак не может отправить на съемки белого верблюжонка. Баир на мотоцикле привозит Полтинника на железнодорожную станцию. Здесь мальчики встречают и верблюдицу - мать. Смогут ли ребята спасти Алтынку и вернуться вместе с верблюдицей домой?

Калмыки говорят, что облако в виде верблюда приносит удачу. Под таким облаком родился белый верблюжонок Алтынка. На съемках фильма случайно гибнет белый верблюжонок. Срочно нужен дублер. Киноадминистратор приезжает на дальнюю степную стоянку бедного чабана Доржи. Алтынка продан. Верблюдица-мать бежит в степь на поиски своего сына. 12-летний Баир – сын Доржи садится на старый папин мотоцикл и отправляется в степь на поиски верблюдицы. В степи Баир встречает добрых и злых

LOGLINE And then Tengryn Botkhn came down the sky. And life-giving rain went down the steppe.

Yury Feting is russian film director, screenwriter, professor (St.-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts; and St.-Petersburg Higher School for Filmmakers and Screenwriters). Graduated from Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute (a Moscow drama college, part of The E. Vakhtangov Theatre; 1978). Before 1989 — a theatre actor and director (the Moscow State Theatre named after Leninsky Komsomol and The Rock Opera Theatre).

CHILDREN OF CONFLIICT India | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | Kashmiri | Bangladesh Premiere | 13 min 25 sec Target audience


Director Majid Imtiyaz Story Yasser J, M Lateef Script/Screenplay Majid Imtiyaz

SYNOPSIS “Children of Conflict” is based on a true story which reflects the ground reality of the children residing unfortunately in or around the different conflict regions of the Globe. This film answers how a child gets involved in the conflict willingly or unwillingly and how it affects one’s future? Children of Conflict is dedicated to late Mr. Sameer Gaffar who died accidentally in a mortar shell blast which Sameer and his cousin explored in a pile of rubble, not knowing what it is, they started playing with it and that is when it exploded. May his soul rest in peace.

G Pjw”PÎwU GKwU mZ¨ NUbv Aej¤^‡b ‰Zix, †hwU †mBmKj wkï‡`i KwVb ev¯ÍeZvi K_v e‡j hviv c„w_exi hy× weaŸ¯’ AÂj¸‡jv‡Z emevm K‡i| wkïiv Kxfv‡e hy‡×i mv‡_ B”Qvq wKsev Awb”Qvq wb‡RI Rwo‡q hvq †mB MíwUB ejv n‡q‡Q GB Qwe‡Z| GB Pjw”PÎwU mvgxi Mvddvi bv‡gi GKRb‡K DrmM© Kiv n‡q‡Q †h `yN©UbvekZ gU©vi †k‡ji AvNv‡Z g„Zz¨eiY K‡i‡Q| TAGLINE The innocent Victims

Cinematographer Subhash K Maskara Editor Yasser J Producer Majid Imtiyaz Leading Casts Arfaat Mushtaq as Osman


Majid Imtiyaz did his graduation from Manipal University – Manipal in B.A.J.C with specialization in Film studies. Majid was also awarded as A-grade Film direction student from ICE, Balaji Telefilms. Since then Majid has been doing Independent Filmmaking. Besides, he also has been part of various Film institutes and Production houses in and around Mumbai.

CHRISTOS AND DIMITRA Greece | 2015 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Romance | GREEK | South Asian Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Amerissa Basta Story Dimitris Nakos Amerissa Basta Script/Screenplay Dimitris Nakos Amerissa Basta

ORIGINAL TITLE ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ SYNOPSIS Christos, an eight year old boy, aims to go with his girlfriend of the same age, Dimitra to watch a theater play of ‘Romeo and Juliet” at night, as a touring theater troupe has visited their village. But things will not turn out to be that easy for Christos, who will have to overcome obstacles and take brave decisions! A film about art, love, magic and dream!

Ο 8χρονος Χρήστος έχει στόχο να δει μαζί με τη συνομήλικη φίλη του, τη Δήμητρα, το βράδυ την παράσταση του έργου «Ρωμαίος και Ιουλιέτα» ενός περιοδεύοντος θιάσου, που έχει φτάσει στο χωριό τους. Τα πράγματα όμως δε θα εξελιχθούν τόσο εύκολα για τον Χρήστο, που θα κληθεί να ξεπεράσει εμπόδια και να πάρει γενναίες αποφάσεις! Μια ταινία για την τέχνη, τον έρωτα, τη μαγεία και το όνειρο!

Cinematographer Yannis Fotou Editor Dimitris Nakos Saifedine Saliim Producer Aggelos Argyroulis Leading Casts Konstantinos Pallikaras Renissa Zogou Alexandra Aidini Kostas Koronaios


Amerissa Basta was born in Athens 1979. She studied Communication & Media and Cultural & Cinema Studies in Panteion University of Athens. She is working in public relations at a publishing house. She has directed five short films while all of them participated and won prizes in different festivals all over the world.

CINECITTA ON WHEELS Italy | 2016 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Musical | no dialogues | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Inti Carboni Story Inti Carboni Script/Screenplay Inti Carboni Cinematographer Paolo Maneglia Editor Antonio Canestri Producer Inti Carboni Giulio Repetto Federico Ferrante Giulio Magnolia Leading Casts Jacopo Picozza Paolo Maneglia Nicolò Bromo Filippo Baronello Juan Issa Asia Lanzi, Maria Lima 49

SYNOPSIS Rome is a beautiful, diverse city. Within a 30-minute long subway ride, between big residential buildings and the ancient roman ruins of the Appian Way, you can enter Cinecittà, one of the most old and active film studios of the world. People created magic, built ancient cities, submerged submarines, snow covered squares, underwater landscapes. The skateboarders are curious and creative. Every surface, every architecture they encounter, inspires new tricks and lines. The Murder team riders will skate through the Rationalist architecture of the Factory of Dreams, as Fellini used to call it, riding from the Medieval city of Assisi, the 1930s streets of New York City, a full-size replica of Ancient Rome, on a journey between reality and fiction, where time and space bend around the magic of moviemaking.

†ivg kniwU LyeB ˆewPÎgq AZxe my›`i GK kni| wÎk wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ cvZvj †i‡ji gva¨‡g †ivg kn‡ii cÖvq AwaKvsk RvqMv †Z P‡j hvIqv hvq| enz cyi‡bv `vjv‡bb Avi †ivgvb fv¯‹‡h©i ga¨ w`‡q wm‡bwmUv †Z cÖ‡ek Kiv hvq| GUv nj me© cÖvPxb Avi me‡_‡K D‡j¬L‡hvM¨ Pjw”PÎ ÷zwWI| gvbyl hv`ywe`¨v ˆZwi K‡i‡Q, ˆZwi K‡i‡Q cyi‡bv me `vjvb †KvVv Avi M‡o Zz‡j‡Q kni| cvwbi wb‡PI GgbwK ¯’vb †c‡q†Q gvby‡li ÿgZvi cÖZvc| †¯‹U‡evW©vi hviv Av‡Q Zviv mevB Lye DuPz gv‡ci m„Rbkxj| cÖwZwU avc, fv¯‹h© wKsev ¯’jf’wg †cwo‡q hvq AZ¨šÍ `ÿZvi mv‡_|

Inti Carboni starts working in cinema and advertisement for the international and Italian markets. After a career on tour with American Hardcore Punk bands, He has worked on more than 30 feature films. as Assistant Director, and a large number of commercials and music videos, working with directors such as Martin Scorsese, Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola, JJ Abrams, Ron Howard, Giuliano Montaldo, Carlo Verdone, Giuseppe Capotondi.

CIRCLE United States | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | English | International Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Daewon Kim Story Daewon Kim Script/Screenplay Daewon Kim Cinematographer Oliver Thomson

SYNOPSIS Organic shape in the world is Circle, but artificial shape which is square is going to be dominated in our regular life. This is a kind of fighting between analogue generation and digital generation. The main character wants to keep warm analogue instead of cold digital.

c„w_exi AvKvi †Mvj n‡jI AvaywbwKKi‡Yi Kvi‡Y Avgv‡`i Rxeb AvR Pvi‡KvYv mxgvbvq e›`x| GB PjwPÎwU‡Z AvaywbK I cyivZb Rxe‡bi gv‡S jovB| GB M‡íÖi cÖavb PwiÎ AvaywbK hy‡MI cyivZb‡K AvuK‡o a‡I evuP‡Z Pvq|

Editor Daewon Kim Producer Sean Sabo Leading Casts Kai Kellett


Daewon Kim is a filmmaker from the United States. In the future, one of his goals as a film director or editor is to create visual experiences that allow audiences to enjoy surreal scenes -- which are uniquely possible in films - while actually revealing a deeper truth about reality through those scenes. This very unique technique of intimately demonstrating a change in a person’s subjective reality can only be found in film. The audience experiences very extraordinary and meaningful moments - which are impossible in real life -- through these visual methods. In these moments the director can deliver messages using his or her very peculiar imagination. He thinks this is a beauty that only film and video can produce.

CIRCUS India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Tamil/HIndi | No Premiere | 23 min13 sec Target audience


Director Gautam Arora Story Gautam Arora Script/Screenplay Gautam Arora Cinematographer Sundarram Arjun Editor Roshan VG Producer L.V Prasad Film TV Academy Leading Casts Shardul Bhardwaj Amar Endran


SYNOPSIS Circus is a satirical observational comedy loosely based on true events, directed by Gautam Arora as his thesis film at L.V Prasad Film and TV Academy. Samarth is a 20-something boy from Delhi working in one of the many IT firms on OMR in Chennai. Leaving to the airport on an urgent call from his mother, Samarth has an episode with the pillar of Indian Constitution. The Police. What follows is a series of farcical events that leave Samarth questioning not only the Indian Constitutional system but also the ethical underpinnings of the citizens of India. From charade playing cops to painters whitewashing the station, from the chaos of forthcoming election to extraordinary hierarchies present within those police station walls, Circus is a heartfelt glimpse into the urban life of Chennai, thus being a synecdoche of everyday India.

சர்க்கஸ் தளர்வாக உள்ள L.V பிரசாத் திரைப்படம் மற்றும் தொலைக்காட்சி அகாடமி தனது ஆய்வறிக்கையில் படம் என கவுதம் அரோரா இயக்கிய உண்மை நிகழ்வுகள், அடிப்படையில் ஒரு நையாண்டி கண்கானிப்பு நகைச்சுவை. சமரத் சென்னை OMR பல ஐ.டி நிறுவனங்கள் ஒன்றில் வேலை தில்லி இருந்து ஒரு 20-ஏதாவது பையன். அவரது தாயார் ஒரு அவசர அழைப்பு விமான விட்டு, சமரத் இந்திய அரசியலமைப்பின் தூண் ஒரு அத்தியாயத்தில் உள்ளது. போலீஸ். என்ன பின்வருமாறு இந்திய அரசியல் அமைப்பின் ஆனால் இந்திய குடிமக்கள் நெறிமுறைசார் அடித்தளத்தாங்குகள் மட்டுமே கேள்வி சமரத் விட்டு அந்த கேலிக்கூத்து நிகழ்வுகள் ஒரு தொடர் உள்ளது.

TAGLINE Why do we laugh at the joker of a circus?

Gautam Arora is a young filmmaker based out of Delhi. He has specialized himself in film direction and screenplay writing from L.V Prasad Film and TV Academy, Chennai.Amongst his most recent projects, he has worked in the capacity of an AssistantDirector for Spandan Bannerjee\’s City of Dark; Assistant Producer for Mike Pandey at his Riverbank Studios.

CONTIGUOUS Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Horror | persian | International Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Javad Habibpour Story Javad Habibpour Script/Screenplay Javad Habibpour Cinematographer Naser Heidari

SYNOPSIS Story of a boy with his mother. Mother is the most beautiful word in this world. Everyone loves his mother very much. A boy’s story with his mother is the main theme of this film. A boy had no one in this world without his mother. He loves his mother very much. He was doing a job, but he was going in a difficult position with that. His mother was sick. So he tried to earn money in another way. But he caught as a guilty to his mother. So she told her son not to do bad things if she died too. The boy feel bad and He promised her mother he will not do anything bad again.

GKwU †Q‡j I Zvi gv‡qi Mí| gv nj c„w_exi me‡_‡K my›`i kã| cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zvi gv‡K A‡bK fvjev‡m| GKwU †Q‡ji Mí Zvi gv‡K wb‡q GUvB GB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j welq| †m GKwU †Q‡j I Zvi gv wQj A‡bK Amy¯’| †m Zvi gv‡K A‡bK †ewk fvjevmZ| Zvi gv Qvov Zvi Avi †KD wQj bv| †m GKwU PvKwi KiZ| wKš‘ GUvi Ae¯’v w`b w`b Lvivc nw”Qj| Zvi gv Amy¯’ wQj| ZvB †m Ab¨ Lvivc Dcv‡q UvKv Avq Ki‡Z †P‡qwQj| wKš‘ Zvi gv e¨vcviUv eyS‡Z cv‡i Ges Zv‡K evuav †`q Ggb Ki‡Z| Zvi Lvivc †j‡MwQj I †m Avi Ggb Ki‡e bv Zvi gvi Kv‡Q cÖwZÁv K‡iwQj|

Editor Mohammad Salmani Producer Javad Habibpour Leading Casts Javad Habibpour Javad Habibpour is a screenplay writer & short film director.


COPPER WIRE Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Persian | South Asian Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Hasan Najmabadi Story Hasan Najmabadi Script/Screenplay Hasan Najmabadi Cinematographer Ali Jafari Editor Ali Oliya Producer Hasan Najmabadi Leading Casts Erfan Arefkhani Amin Najmabadi Amir Hosein Hoseini

SYNOPSIS Mankind is created to be the best among all the creation. But what are they supposed to do with their best conscience mind? Should they avoid another creations? Or should they be take care of other creations? What if mankind comes to a standstill? What if they lack of survival needs. Will they take care of the other creations? A family needs to survive. They are a refugee family now, leading life miserably with the help of another country’s government. No matter how they just have to live. The family chief needs more and more food to feed his family. But he is now refugee, he cannot even blame the authority or government. He is just becoming anxious about that. In this situation his wife had a baby. So, he needs to find more food. His elder son got a dog suddenly. The dog needs food. But the family chief cannot allow

gvbyl‡K m„wó Kiv n‡q‡Q me©‡kªô Rxe wn‡m‡e| wKš‘ †mB †kªôZ¡ w`‡q AvR Zviv wK Ki‡Q? wK Kiv DwPZ Zv‡`i? Zv‡`i we‡kl ˆewkô¨ we‡eK w`‡qB ev Kx KvR? Ab¨vb¨ m„wó‡`i wK gvbeRvwZi Gwo‡q hvIqv DwPZ? bvwK wb‡R‡`i cÖ‡qvR‡bB Ab¨ cÖvwYi †`Lfvj Kiv DwPZ? wK n‡e hw` gvbeRvwZ aŸs‡mi ch©v‡q P‡j Av‡m| †eu‡P _vKvi gZ h‡_ô Avnvivw` bv _v‡K Zv‡`i? ZLb wK Ab¨ cÖvwY‡`i cÖwZ gvby‡li mngg© cvIqv hv‡e? GKwU cwiev‡ii Mí ejv n‡q‡Q G‡Z, Ggb GK cwievi, hv‡`i GLb ïayB cÖ‡qvRb †eu‡P _vKvi| wiwdDwR n‡q c‡o Av‡Q Ab¨ GK †`‡k| LyeB `ytmgq GLb Zv‡`i| †KvbiKg LvIqv covUv Pj‡Q gvÎ| Gfv‡eB GwM‡q †h‡Z _v‡K MíwU| GKmgq eo †Q‡jwU GKwU KzKz‡ii ev”Pv wb‡q Av‡m| evevwUi †mB mvg_¨© †bB †h, KzKz‡ii Lvev‡iiI †hvMvb †`‡eb wZwb| †Q‡jwUi kZ Aby‡iva m‡Ë¡I eKv w`‡q KzKziQvbvwU‡K we`vq Ki‡Z e‡jb Zvi evev|

it. Because he has lack of foods. So, he beat his son to take away the dog. He cannot be blamed in this way. He needs to survive with his family.

Hasan Najmabadi is an aspiring filmmaker. He is from Iran. He was born in 18 August 1993 in Sabzevar. He works as a Director and a Screenwriter. Some of his recent films includes “Peace”, “Ant”, “Copper Wire”, “There Are Somethings Not To Say”, “77 Years Of Solitude”.


DARJEELING MAIL India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | Bangladesh Premiere | 35 min Target audience


Director Konarak Mukherjee Story Rabindranath Thakur Script/Screenplay Konarak Mukherjee

SYNOPSIS Based on Rabindranath Tagore’s play ‘Dakghor’ (The Post Office). Darjeeling Mail explores the world of Amol. The movie weaves together fantasy and reality as the lonely boy, confined on doctor’s orders to a room with only six windows to the outside world, chatters with an assortment of people, both real and imaginary, and daydreams about venturing forth and seeing the world beyond his horizons.

iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii WvKNi bvU‡Ki Dci AvavwiZ `vwR©wjs †gj QwewUi cÖwZcv`¨ †QvÆ †Q‡j Agj I Zvi `ywbqv| Wv³v‡ii wb‡`©‡k I Awffve‡Ki Kov kvm‡b GKUv †QvÆ N‡ii Pvi ‡`Iqv‡ji g‡a¨ e›`x Agj Zvi Kíbvkw³‡Z N‡ii Rvbjv¸‡jv‡K evwb‡q †d‡j my`~‡ii †cvU©vj, n‡iK mwZ¨Kv‡ii I KvíwbK gvby‡li mv‡_ K_v e‡j †m Zvi e›`x Rxe‡bi evB‡i|

Cinematographer Basudeb Chakraborty Editor Nivedita Halder Producer Roopkala Kendro Leading Casts Deep Mitra Mr. Konarak Mukherjee was born in 1987. Upon completing his Bachelor’s Degree with Economics Hons. from Presidency Collage, he started directing short fictions and documentaries and editing television programs as a freelancer. He studied direction and screen-writing and has completed his diploma course. He is presently in the process of making his first feature-length movie.


DIFFERENT Indonesia | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Romance | English | South Asian Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Gerald Karman Story Gerald Karman Script/Screenplay Gerald Karman Cinematographer Gerald Karman

TAGLINE: Every human being, or social status have it’s own color, the colors that can make others happy.

ORIGINAL TITLE Perbedaan SYNOPSIS Story about a man and a woman who live in the different city with different color that separated by many passing by cars. The man continues to convince the woman to cross together. Menceritakan seorang laki-laki dan perempuan yang hidup di kota yang berbeda warna yang di pisahkan oleh mobil-mobil yang berlalu lalang. laki-laki tersebut terus berusaha untuk meyakinkan wanita tersebut untuk bersama-sama menyeberang jalan.

Editor Gerald Karman Producer Gerald Karman Leading Casts Gerald Karman (Director) Tofan Iskandar (Music composer) Gerald Karman is from Indonesia. He is 23 years old. He studied at Bina Nusantara University. He started making film in 2016. The title of his first film is “Different”. It’s a 3d animation short film. He wants to experiment with his movies and keep on creating different content.


DIFFERENT Uzbekistan | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Dante Rustav Hristina Belousova Story Dante Rustav Script/Screenplay Dante Rustav Hristina Belousova

SYNOPSIS The storyline of the movie different is a little complex and leaves the viewers in awe. The story through beautiful illustrations shows how with evaluation and the consequential changes we are growing differently. All the species have their specialties now but there was a time when every living being was similar to each other. From there to now we have passed a long time and we will survive in future no matter what comes. This movie illustrates the changes and the small things that differs us from one another in a metaphoric manner.

GB MíwU GKUz wfbœ avu‡Pi| GB QwewU `k©K‡`I Mfxi wPšÍvi g‡a¨ †d‡j †`q Ges Zv‡`i Av‡iv gv_v LvUv‡Z eva¨ K‡i| MíUv ejv n‡q‡Q weeZ©b Ges GLb Rx‡ei cwieZ©b wb‡q| GKB RvqMv †_‡K R‡b¥I mevB GLb wfbœ wfbœ RvwZ ag© e‡Y©I| GK mgq meB wQj GKB wRwbm, A‡bK Lvwb c_ cvwo †`evi ci mevi g‡a¨ ˆewPÎ cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q| GKB mv‡_ mevB wg‡j A‡bK `y‡h©vM †gvKvwejv K‡i wU‡K _v‡K GLb wek¦vm wb‡q ejv hvq, ˆewPÎ Av‡Q e‡jB G‡`i aŸsm Kiv Am¤¢e GKwU e¨vcvi|

Cinematographer Dante Rustav Editor Dante Rustav Producer Dante Rustav Leading Casts Durin Cazac (narrator)


Hristina Belousova was born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 28 of March in 1987. After school I was accepted into Mark Weil’s theatre school in 2006.Graduated from this school I became an actress at the “Ilkhom” theater.

Dante Rustav was born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on the 14th of October in 1988. After school and institute he had worked in advertising. In 2012 he came to Llkhom theater where he made videoart to performances. In 2015 together with Hristina Belousova founded the company on production of movies “Dante Rustav Films”.

DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH Brazil | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Portuguese | International Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Ana Carolina Nicolau Story Ana Carolina Nicolau Script/Screenplay Ana Carolina Nicolau Cinematographer João Vital

ORIGINAL TITLE Como Largar de Palhaçada SYNOPSIS In a world divided between clowns and suit ups, Jujuba is the main actor in movie , but he has to choose between continuing being a clown or get a “decent“ job. Em um mundo dividido entre palhaços e concursados públicos, Jujuba é o ator principal de um longa metragem, mas tem que escolher entre continuar sendo um palhaço ou arrumar um emprego “decente” .

Editor Henrique Laterza Producer Barbara Cabral Leading Casts Tulio Starling Ana Carolina Nicolau was born in November 18, 1994. She is a brazilian photographer and a filmmaker.


DREAM FACTORY India | 2015 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Musical | Tamil | Bangladesh Premiere | 97 min Target audience


Director Arun Chidambaram Story Arun Chidambaram

SYNOPSIS Power outage is a common feature in India, and this musical tale is based on a boy named Ezhil, a village dropout, who tries to find practical scientific solutions for this problem. And he was confident that he could make the impossible possible. “Dream Factory” is highlighted by a pair of delightfully funny songs.

we`¨yr weåvU fvi‡Z GKwU mvaviY NUbv| GB wgDwRK¨vj MíwU GwSj bv‡gi GK evj‡Ki, †h GB mgm¨vi ˆeÁvwbK mgvavb Lyu‡R †ei Kivi †Póv K‡i| Ges †m GB Am¤¢e‡K m¤¢e Kivi gZB AvZœwek¦vmx| wWªg d¨v±ix bv‡gi GB MíwU gRvi GK‡Rvov Mv‡bi mgš^‡q wPÎvwqZ|

Script/Screenplay Arun Chidambaram Cinematographer S.selvakumar Editor Gaugin Producer Dr.a.chidambaram Karthik Chidambaram Leading Casts Arun Chidambaram Jiya, Ilavarasu Yog Japee Black Pandi Ku.gnanasambandan Sendhi Kumari


Arun Chidambaram is an Indian short filmmaker. He won 7 prestigious International awards and 15 International honors for his debut movie “Dream Factory (Kanavu Variyam)” even before its Theatrical release in India.

DREAMS Egypt | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Arabic | Bangladesh Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Wagdy Rashed Story Buthaina al Nasiri Script/Screenplay Buthaina al Nasiri Wagdy Rashed Cinematographer Osama El-Ghoul

SYNOPSIS Education based on memorization is designed to stuff students’ minds with information, rather than encourage understanding and creative thinking. Education is the thing that makes a person to thinks creatively, work creatively. It creates the inner power of a person. By receiving education we can enrich ourselves with knowledge. But if the whole education system is depends on memorization only and students are giving priority on memorization information only, then it would be difficult to encourage understanding and creative thinking. So, we need the change of the whole education system so that we not only memorize information but also think creatively.

gyL¯’wbf©i wkÿve¨e¯’v Qv·`i †evSvi Drmvn I m„wókxj wPšÍvi †_‡K Z_¨c~Y© gbgvbwmKZv ‰Zwi Kivi Rb¨ bKkv Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB cov‡kvbv Kivi AwaKvi Av‡Q, wkwÿZ nevi AwaKvi Av‡Q| wkÿv Avgv‡`i‡K m„wókxj wPšÍv Ki‡Z, m„wókxj n‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| m„wókxj KvR Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| GUv gvby‡li wfZ‡ii kw³‡K RvwM‡q †Zv‡j| wKš‘ cy‡iv wkÿve¨e¯’v ïaygvÎ GLb gyL¯’wbf©i n‡q †M‡Q I QvÎiv gyL¯’wbf©iZv‡KB cÖvavb¨ †`q †ewk| ZvB Rb¨ GUv GLb KwVb †h Avgiv m„wókxj wPšÍv Kie| ZvB Avgv‡`i GB gyL¯’wbf©i wkÿve¨e¯’v cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e ‡hb Avgiv m„wókxj wPšÍv Ki‡Z cvwi I Z_¨c~Y© gyL¯’wbf©i gbgvbwmKZv Z¨vM Ki‡Z cvwi|

Editor Wagdy Rashed Plastic artist Dr. Ahlam Fekry In collaboration with Project Group Leading Casts Nagah Hasan, Fathi Saad Hanan Al Fayomi Nageh Naeem With the child actress: Moreen Kamal 59

Wagdy Rashed is a jury member at the Stairway Film Festival 2016, from 2014now, founder of the project cinema group. Board Member creativity Film and Communication Arts Development Association.1984- now, worked as assistant band director in the modern theater of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture. 1996now, developed many documentaries and short features for many of the NGOs working in the field of development.

EARTH IS THE LONELIEST PLANET Latvia | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Latvian | South Asian Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Liene Linde Story Liene Linde Script/Screenplay Liene Linde Cinematographer Dainis Juraga Editor Liene Linde

SYNOPSIS It is not easy to make much sense of the world and grownup’s reasoning if one is only seven years old. This is a story about Justine and the morning of her birthday.

mvZ eQi eq‡mB c„w_exi mKj RwUjZv †evSv mnR bq| eoiv Kx hyw³‡Z KvR K‡i Zv †evSvI `y®‹i| G Pjw”PÎwU Rvw÷b I Zvi Rb¥w`‡bi GK mKvj wb‡q wbwg©Z| EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY - Riga International Film Festival (Riga, Latvia, special mention), 2015 - Black Nights (Tallinn, Estonia), 2015 - Kinoshock (Anapa, Russia), 2016 - BASTAU (Almaty, Kazakhstan), 2016

Producer Liene Linde Leading Casts Alise Li Gaile Daiga Kazocina


Liene Linde (1986) is a Latvian film director and film critic. Her short film “Fake Me a Happy New Year” (2013), also a graduation work for Latvian Academy of Culture, won prizes in several international film festivals and was awarded Latvian national film award “Lielais Kristaps”.

EGG Turkey | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Kurdish | Bangladesh Premiere | 16 min 19 sec Target audience


Director Muaz Gunes Emrah Dogru Story Muaz Gunes Script/Screenplay Muaz Gunes

SYNOPSIS Ali goes to a renowned school. He has a upcoming event in his school named Teachers’ Day. In this day he wants to give one of his teachers a pigeon as a gift. So, he steals a pigeon from one place. But the pigeon is lost accidently. Now what should he do about that? The pigeon laid an egg also. He takes it in one hand and goes to the place he stole from where previously. He puts down the egg there.

Avwj GKwU mycwiwPZ ¯‹z‡ji wkÿv_x©| wkÿK w`em bvgK GKwU Abyôvb Zv‡`i ¯‹z‡j AbywôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q| †mw`b †m Zvi wkÿK‡`i KeyZi Dcnvi w`‡Z Pvq| ZvB †m GK RvqMv †_‡K GKwU KeyZi Pzwi K‡i| wKš‘ KeyZiwU nvwi‡q hvq| GLb Zvi Kx Kiv DwPZ? KeyZiwU Avevi GKwU wWgI †c‡owQj| †m wWgwU wb‡q †hLvb †_‡K KeyZi Pzwi K‡iwQ‡jv †mLv‡b †i‡L Av‡m|

Cinematographer Emrah Dogru Editor Adnan Jetto Producer Muaz Gunes Leading Casts Mevlut Kulat Omer Celik Adle Gunduz


Muaz Gunes graduated from communication faculty at Kadir Has University. He still is attending Film and Drama M.A program at the same university. His first short film was Eylül’den Sonra. After the September (2011), he joined many film festivals as a finalist film. Yumurta /Egg his second short films and it won many prizes in international film festivals.

EMILY Germany | 2016 | Other | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | German | International Premiere | 25 min 22 sec Target audience


Director Andrea Christina Furrer Story Andrea Christina Furrer Script/Screenplay Andrea Christina Furrer Cinematographer Felix Lübbert

SYNOPSIS Emily is young girl who is a not like typical kids. She has her own world inside her head and lives there. She has her own definition of happiness, she finds joy in things that other kids hardly notice. She likes to be on her own and skips school as she feels no one gets her. She prefers to in the forest by the river where the water is loud. There she meets a boy who understands her. To have somebody who gets the way you think is a blessing. She started spending time with him and together they explored the forest and wondered around whenever they wanted. They loved the greenery of the forest, the calm and quite nature and also the roaring sound of the river when it had big waves.

Gwgwj Ab¨me †g‡q‡`i gZ bq| Zvi GKUv wbR¯^ RMr i‡q‡Q| †m ILv‡bB evm K‡i mvivÿY| Zvi Kv‡Q, Avb‡›`i GKUv wbR¯^ msÁv i‡q‡Q| †hmKj wRwbm Ab¨‡`i bRi Gwo‡q hvq, I¸‡jvi gv‡SB Avb›` Lyu‡R cvq Gwgwj| †m GgbUvB cQ›` K‡i †ek, wb‡Ri gv‡S Qwo‡q wQwU‡q _vKv| cÖvqB †m ¯‹zj dvuwK w`‡q hv Lywk Ki‡Z P‡j hvq| †m me‡_‡K cQ›` K‡i, R½‡ji cv‡k w`‡q †h b`xUv e‡q †M‡Q, Zvi cv‡k e‡m _vK‡Z| ILv‡bB GKw`b GKUv †Q‡ji mv‡_ cwiPq nq Zvi| Gwgwj †Q‡jwU†K †c‡q wb‡R‡K A‡bK †mŠfvM¨eZx g‡b K‡i| †m †Q‡jwUi mv‡_B †ewk †ewk mgq KvUv‡Z ïiæ K‡i| †Q‡jwUi mv‡_ R½‡j Ny‡i †eovq| Gfv‡eB Aí Aí K‡i GwM‡q hvq Gwgwji Rxeb|

Editor Igor Yermilov Producer Andrea Christina Furrer Leading Casts Siri Kaija Schumacher Finn Eric Zimmermann


Andrea Christina Furrer was born in Zurich, Switzerland. She has done various work in film and theatre i.a. Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Theater Freiburg, Nationaltheater Her- mannstadt - Presentation i.a. NDR, Studio Hamburg, Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Film- fest Munich, Filmfest Hamburg. ‚Emily is the first film. Feature film‚ Soar is in postproduction.

FADED FINERY France | 2014 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Adventure | No Dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Sonia Gerbeaud Mathias de Panafieu Story Sonia Gerbeaud Mathias de Panafieu

SYNOPSIS In a remote village, a little girl befriends a pack of coyotes. But the villagers brutally put an end to this relationship, unaware of the revolution that awaits.

GKwU cÖZ¨šÍ MÖv‡g †QvÆ GKwU †g‡q GK`j K‡qv‡Ui mv‡_ eÜyZ¡ K‡i| wKš‘ MÖvgevmxiv AZ¨šÍ b„ksmfv‡e G m¤cK© wew”Qbœ K‡i| Z‡e Zviv mvg‡bi wec¬e m¤^‡Ü AeMZ wQj bv|

Script/Screenplay Sonia Gerbeaud Mathias de Panafieu Cinematographer Sonia Gerbeaud Mathias de Panafieu Editor Sonia Gerbeaud Mathias de Panafieu Producer Pascaline Saillant Leading Casts Sonia Gerbeaud, born in Annecy in 1984, and Mathias de Panafieu, born in Paris in 1986, met at Poitiers Fine Arts School. They began writing their very first short movie and, back in France.


FARIDA Italy | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | italie arabic ukranian | International Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Mohamed Zouaoui Story Mohamed Zouaoui Maria Irene Vetrano Script/Screenplay Mohamed Zouaoui Maria Irene Vetrano

SYNOPSIS The short film tells the true and parallel stories of two children : a lack of integration and a successfull integration in our society. The first story is about a Syrian girl named Farida who , seriously ill with diabetes, dies on a boat during the crossing of the strait of Sicily because of unscrupulous smugglers who throw her medicines in the sea. The second story tells about a Rom boy who arrives in Italy in September and here attends the primary school with other Italian children without knowing a word of Italian . He slowly slowly succeeds to integrate.

GB ¯^íˆ`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU `ywU wkïi mZ¨ I mgmvgwqK Mí wb‡q wbwg©Z| cÖ_g MíwU dwi`v bv‡gi GKwU wmwiqvb †g‡q‡K wb‡q, †h Wvq‡ewU‡m gvivZ¥Kfv‡e AvμvšÍ n‡q gviv hvq| †m wmwmwj cvi nevi mgq †bŠKvi g‡a¨B gviv hvq| KviY †PvivPvjvbKvixiv Zvi Ilya mvM‡i †d‡j †`q| Avi wØZxq MíwU ig bv‡gi GKwU †Q‡j‡K wb‡q| †h †m‡Þ¤^i gv‡m BZvwj‡Z †cŠQvq Avi BZvwjqvb fvlv bv †R‡bB †mLvbKvi GKwU cÖvBgvwi ¯‹z‡j Ab¨vb¨ BZvwjqvb wkï‡`i mv‡_B cov‡kvbv K‡i| †m ax‡i ax‡i DbœwZ Ki‡Z mdj nq|

Cinematographer Mario Leclere Editor Mario Leclere Mohamed Zouaoui Producer Maria Irene Vetrano Leading Casts Mohamed Zouaoui Miloud Mourad Benamara Maria Irene Vetrano


Mohamed Zouaoui is a Tunisian-born actor living in Italy.In 2004 he made his first appearance on the television, gets his first role in the TV miniseries “Posso chiamarti amore?”. His cinema debut was the 2008 film “L’ultimo pulcinella”, directed by Maurizio Scapparo.

FIDDLESTICKS Germany | 2014 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Musical | German | Bangladesh Premiere | 80 min Target audience


Director Veit Helmer Story Temelko Dymek Script/Screenplay Hans Ullrich Krause Cinematographer Felix Leiberg

ORIGINAL TITLE Quatsch SYNOPSIS Bollersdorf is average. Its citizens take great pride in being average and go to great lengths to remain average. The children of Bollersdorf have had a bellyful of average and with the help of their pet coati they set about freeing their grandparents from the local old folks’ home. A hilarious caper ensues to create a new world record to put Bollersdorf on the map and make it a centre of technology.

LOGLINE The children of Bollersville run away from kindergarten to free their grandparents from the old folks home.

Editor Vincnet Assmann Producer Susanne Mann Leading Casts Benno Fürmann Jule Böwe Rolf Zacher


Veit Helmer shoot his first film at the age of 14, with his sister as main actrice. The film featured the office of his school headmaster serving as the office of a prison director. The film won the second prize of the amateur film festival Buxtehude (including a cheque of 25 Euros). After finishing school he became an intern at German TV station NDR. Veit Helmer moved from West-Berlin to East-Berlin to study theatre directing at the famous acting school „Ernst Busch“.

FISH Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | no dialogues | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Saman Hoseinpuor Story Saman Hoseinpuor Script/Screenplay Saman Hoseinpuor Cinematographer Zanyar Lotfi

SYNOPSIS The story is about an old couple living in an apartment building and their little fishbowl. One day, when the husband is sleeping the wife was doing her regular household chores. As she tried to change the water of the bowl it accidentally slips from her hand and breaks into pieces. Little do they know they run out of water to keep the fish. In such troublesome situation a man comes to lend them a helping hand and saves the fishes from dying. This film is educational in several ways as it sets an example for young people and encourages kind acts.

GK e„× `¤cwZi mv`vgvUv Rxe‡bi emevm‡K †K›`ª K‡iB GB Pjw”PÎ| Zv‡`i A‡bK eQ‡ii cyi‡bv msmv‡i Av‡Q GKUv †QvU wdk‡evj| GKw`b KZ©v Nywg‡q _vKv Ae¯’vq ¯¿x KvR Ki‡Z _v‡K| Zvi wbZ¨ ˆbwgwËK KvR Ki‡Z _v‡K †m| wdk‡evjwU‡Z cvwb e`jv‡bvi mgq AmveavbZv ekZ nvZ †_‡K c‡o hvq| d‡j †mwU †f‡O hvq| LyeB `yf©vM¨RbK e¨vcvi nj †h, gvQwU‡K euvwP‡q ivLvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i Kv‡Q †Kvb cvwb †bB| me‡k‡l GKRb GwM‡q Av‡mb Zv‡`i mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨| Zviv mevB wg‡j gvQwU‡K evuPv‡bvi †Póv Ki‡Z _v‡K| TAGLINE Fish and no water

Editor Saman Hoseinpuor Producer Saman Hoseinpuor Leading Casts Asiyeh Moradi zar


Saman Hosseinpuor was born in Saqez/Kurdestan at 1993. He started his career as an actor in theater when he was just 14 years old. He started filmmaking at 2008. In the meantime, he started writing short stories. He is also a director, a cinematographer and a writer. Currently he lives in Iran.

FOLLOW ME United States | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | No language (silent film) | Bangladesh Premiere | 1 min Target audience


Director Jared Goudsmit Story Kyra Goudsmit

SYNOPSIS In this experimental environment piece, a young girl walks through the woods, towards an unknown destination.

GB cixÿvg~jK cwi‡ek welqK Pjw”P‡Î GKwU †g‡q R½‡ji ga¨ w`‡q †n‡U hvq ARvbv MšÍ‡e¨|

Assistant Director Jared Goudsmit Editor Jared Goudsmit Producer Kyra Goudsmit Leading Casts Kyra Goudsmit

Jared Goudsmit was born in 2000. He is a young director, just trying to work his way up. He is a passionate film activist.


GENESISMONSOON FEATHERS Pakistan | 2015 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | South Asian Premiere | 13 min 5 sec Target audience


Director Shayan Gill Story Shayan Gill Script/Screenplay Shayan Gill Cinematographer Shayan Gill

SYNOPSIS Genesis- Monsoon Feathers is about a year in the life of a red wattled lapwing, which is a bird in South Asia. It is an educational documentary for children that tells the story of one mother bird and the hardships and obstacles she faces to up bring her young ones in order to continue the circle of life onto them. The film starts with monsoon and the arrival of the monsoon birds, male and female lapwing to start a new life in the region, and end with nestlings growing up and flying away in order to be back and have their own families next monsoon.

Ó‡R‡bwmm gybmyb †d`vimÓGKwU `wÿY Gkxq cvwLi evrmwiK Rxeb m¤c‡K© wPÎvwqZ Pjw”PÎ| GwU wkï‡`i Rb¨ GKwU wkÿvg~jK WKz‡g›Uvwi †hLv‡b wb‡Ri ev”Pv‡`i evuwP‡q ivLvi Rb¨ gv cvwLi Kó Ges evav-wecwËi K_v Zz‡j aiv nq| Pjw”PÎwUi ïiæ‡Z †`Lv hvq ZLb el©vKvj, hLb cvwLiv bZzb RvqMvq bZzb cwievi ˆZix K‡i| Avi †`Lv hvq cieZ©x el©vq Zv‡`i ev”Pviv cwievi ˆZixi R‡b¨ Ab¨Î D‡o hvq| wZwZi cvwLi RxebPμB G WKz‡g›Uvwii g~j welq|

Editor Shayan Gill Producer National College of Arts, Lahore, Pakistan Leading Casts Narrator: Shannon Louis Davies


Shayan Gill is a 26 year old recent film graduate from NCA Lahore. He is currently working with Walkabout Films Pakistan. He made “Genesis Monsoon Feathers” as his thesis film which is his first internationally acclaimed movie.

GREAT TEA BOY India | 2016 | Blu-ray | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | KANNADA | No Premiere | 71 min Target audience


Director Hemantha Kumar K Story Hemantha Kumar K Script/Screenplay Hemantha Kumar K Cinematographer Umesh Kamplapur

SYNOPSIS It is a story of an ordinary street side Tea seller boy who becomes a role model to the children. It is also a story based on the game of Chess, the boy named Manu is best friend of Munna, and he starts telling his best friend’s willful story thru its cartoon sketches. Munna has a dream to go to school by wearing school uniform and wants to play like other children, but it remains as unrealized dream for him. At the end, Munna’s dream comes true, he joins to school, and the game of Chess brings light to his life. “Bhale Chai Boy is my best friend” is an attempt to capture a journey of an ordinary street Tea selling Boy who takes many challenges in his life to prove his ability and to fulfill his dream.

GwU GKwU iv¯Ívi cv‡ki mvaviY Pv we‡μZvi Mí †h GKmgq wkï‡`i c_ cÖ`k©K n‡q hvq| GwU `vev †Ljvi Dci wfwË K‡i ˆZwi GKwU Mí| gvby KvU©zb †¯‹P Gi gva¨‡g Zvi eÜy gybœvi ¯^‡cœi K_v cÖKvk K‡i| gybœv ¯‹zj BDwbdig c‡i ¯‹z‡j hvevi I Ab¨ wkï‡`i mv‡_ †Ljvi ¯^cœ †`‡L| wKš‘ GB ¯^cœ Zvi c~iY nq bv| Ae‡k‡l Zvi ¯^cœ c~iY nq| †m ¯‹z‡j fwZ© nq Ges `vev †Ljv Zvi Rxe‡b Avkvi Av‡jv wb‡q Av‡m| QwewU nj GKwU mvaviY Pv we‡μZvi Rxe‡bi Mí †h Zvi †hvM¨Zv I ¯^cœ c~i‡Yi c‡_ bvbv evav wecwËi m¤§yLxb nq|

Editor Hemantha Kumar K Producer Hemantha Kumar K Leading Casts Master Abhilash Master Kuberkumar Prakash Russel Roach


Hemantha Kumar is an Indian Film Director and Producer, a Post Graduated in International Business (M.B.A) and Master of Commerce (M.Com), he worked in various multinational companies and then entered into Kannada Film Industry by working as an assistant director in few of the films, then started his own banner name called Hemanths Productions in 2002.

HARD TO BE A SPARROW Russian Federation | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Comedy | no dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Darya Vyatkina Story Darya Vyatkina Script/Screenplay Darya Vyatkina

SYNOPSIS Once upon a time, there was a sparrow. He was very much crafty. This short film tells us a tale about that crafty sparrow. Once he met a friend. This story is about the further of their friendship. The friend of that sparrow couldn’t know him well. He had no chance to recognize the sparrows face. But the sparrow was going towards his selfishness. He was seeming like helping his friend. But finally what he was up to, the story continues.

GB PjwPÎwU GKwU a~Z© Po–B †K wb‡q| hvi GKRb eÜyi mv‡_ cwiPq nq| Po–B LyeB a~Z© I PÂj cÖvYx| hLb Po–B wUi mv‡_ GKwU eÜyi cwiPq nq ZLb Mí wU †gvo †bq GKwU eÜyZ¡ Gi M‡íÖ| eÜyZ¡ ïay gvby‡li gv‡S nq Uv bq| eÜyZ¡ cï cvwL †`i g‡a¨I n‡Z cv‡i| GLv‡b D‡V G‡m‡Q Ggb GKwU eÜyZ¡ Gi Mí| GB M‡í Av‡m eÜy, cÖZviYv I Av‡eM| Po–B n‡q †eu‡P _vKvi msMÖv‡gi Mí GwU|

Cinematographer Darya Vyatkina Editor Darya Vyatkina Producer Liubov Gaydukova Leading Casts Animator: Darya Vyatkina


Darya Vyatkina was born on 17th January, 1986 in Omsk (Russia). In 2009, she graduated from Omsk Government Institute of Service as costume designer. Previously she worked as a designer in fashion house of Alyena Akhmadulina. She worked as an assistant of costume artist while shooting the film “Dau”. In 2013, she graduated from School-Studio “SHAR” as animated film director.

HASTI Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Persian | International Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Kamal Parnak Story Kamal Parnak Script/Screenplay Kamal Parnak

SYNOPSIS Hasti is the story of a little girl whose mother’s death becomes the starting point of an inner journey, which leads her to perceive the death concept. She is a little girl and her mother was sick. She loved her mother very much. She had no one without her mother. But suddenly her mother died. Then she started to thinking a lot of things. She was shocked so that she was imaging what is death. She was crying and crying. She was thinking that what she will do without her mother. Why man are mortal. Why they should have to die.

nvw÷ n‡jv GKwU †QvÆ †g‡qi Kvwnbx hvi gv‡qi g„Zz¨ AšÍiRM‡Z hvÎvi ïiæi mwÜÿY n‡q `vuovq I †hUv Zv‡K g„Zz¨i aviYvUv eyS‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| †m GKwU †QvÆ †g‡q I Zvi gv wQj A‡bK Amy¯’| †m Zvi gv‡K A‡bK †ewk fvjevmZ| Zvi gv Qvov Zvi Avi †KD wQj bv| wKš‘ nVvr Zvi gv gviv hvq| †QvÆ †g‡qwU A‡bK Kó cvq I A‡bK wKQz wPšÍv Ki‡Z _v‡K| †m K‡ó wQj I Kíbv KiwQj g„Zz¨ †Kb nq| †m Kvu`wQj Ges A‡bK Kvu`wQj Zvi gv‡qi Rb¨| †m wPšÍv KiwQj gv‡K Qvov †m wK Ki‡e, wKfv‡e _vK‡e| †Kb gvbyl g‡i hvq, †Kb mevB‡K gi‡Z n‡e?

Cinematographer Ali Abpak Editor Qader Farivar Producer Tabriz Nabi Akram University Tabriz Iranian Youth Cinema Socity Leading Casts Nayrika Gholam Rezai


Kamal Parnak (march/1990) from Bokan, west Azerbaijan. Graduated of fine arts Eghbal Azar school. Currently studying film directing at University college of Nabi Akram. Filmography: behind the scenes: “Runner” short film, casting, “Our Division” war documentary, film production assistant,“ Kafe ka” Director assistants, Writer and director of short films: “White death”, Documentary:

HEART WITH THE SUN China | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Romance | chinese | South Asian Premiere | 98 min Target audience


Director Lu Zhaoqiang Story Lu Zhaoqiang Script/Screenplay Lu Zhaoqiang Cinematographer Yan Tong Editor Wang Ming Producer Cai Chengxuan Leading Casts Li Jiaming Li Jingyang Biao Ma

ORIGINAL TITLE 心语阳光 SYNOPSIS Wang Liqiang was discriminated and abused by other children because of ankylosing spondylitis, so he shut his true feelings from others since he was a child. He takes harmonica as a friend once he came upon it. His father Wang Qingguo, has took him to a lot of hospitals but still has no effect. Knowing that treatment won’t help, the father still wants to give the close-minded child a hope and make him out of the shadows deep inside, so he took his son embarked on the journey of conquering disease. In the strange city, Wang Liqiang met Zhou Xue, a blind girl who plays the violin because they both like music. By becoming acquainted with each other, Wang Liqiang knows that Zhou Xue also has a bizarre background. Zhou Xue infected Wang Liqiang with her optimistic and positive attitude towards life. He began to change his life, and understand the true meaning of life.

因患有强直性脊柱炎,而被小伙伴歧视辱骂的王立 强,从小内心开始了内心封闭,一次偶然接触到口 琴,从此以口琴为伴;父亲王庆国,带着孩子去过多 家医院治疗无效;明知道治疗无效的父亲,看到内 心自闭的儿子,为了给孩子一份希望,为了儿子早 日摆脱内心深处的阴影;继续带儿子踏上了治病之 路。在陌生城市的父子二人,一次偶然,王立强因喜 爱音乐,与拉小提琴的盲人女孩周雪相识;通过相识 相知,王立强得知了周雪也有着离奇的身世;周雪对 待生活积极阳光的态度,感染着王立强内心,使得 他开始了人生转变,并明白了人生的真谛 LOGLINE Darkness in light. Light in darkness.

Zhaoqiang Lu was born in 1980. He lives in Beijing, China. He practices martial arts. During the period of 1997-2015 he has been involved in a number of films and TV dramas! He loves to watch and make films.


HEIDI AT THE FOLEY ARTIST Switzerland | 2016 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | swiss german | Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Christian Frei Story Christian Frei Script/Screenplay Christian Frei Cinematographer Peter Indergand

LOGLINE Heidi beim Geräuschemacher SYNOPSIS An enlightening lesson about a legendary film character and the importance of the soundtrack in a film. Une petite leçon de cinéma sur une figure légendaire et l’importance de la bande-son. TAGLINE A Short Lesson in Cinema: The Foley Artist

Editor Thomas Bachmann Christian Frei Producer Milos-Films: Isabelle Zampiero Francine Pickel Vincent Adatte Leading Casts Anuk Steffen Amadeus Bodis


Christian Frei established a reputation as an exacting documentarist, with a perfect grasp of his subjects. He follows his protagonists closely, always in search of authentic moments, and always keeping the whole picture in mind. His films are considered humanistic and universal, as much as subtle and insistent. This Swiss author, director and producer is one of the most successful documentary film directors in the world.

HIDDEN TEAR Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | persion | International Premiere | 3 min 34 sec Target audience


Director Fariba Abazari Story Fariba Abazari Script/Screenplay Fariba Abazari Cinematographer Hissein Mahdian


‫ناهنپ کشا‬ SYNOPSIS A fisherman, catches big fishes of the river and throws away small ones. A boy is concerned about the baby fishes. ‫ریگیهام درم‬، ‫ار کچوک یاه یهام و دنک یم دیص ار هناخدور گرزب یاه یهام‬ ‫دزادنا یم یا هشوگ هب توافت یب‬.‫تساه یهام هچب نارگن کرسپ‬

GKRb †R‡j, †h b`x †_‡K eo eo gvQ a‡i †QvU¸‡jv b`x‡Z †d‡j †`q| GKwU †Q‡j †mB †QvU †QvU gvQ¸‡jv wb‡q wPw¯ÍZ|

Editor Hissein Mahdian Producer sheednegaran institute Leading Casts Abbas Farahani Mahdi Shirdel


Fariba Abazari was born in 1970. She is a passionate film activist, who likes to make films.

HOME SWIM HOME China | 2016 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | Chinese | International Premiere | 28 min Target audience


Director Wang Yiyu Story Wang Yiyu Script/Screenplay Wang Yiyu Wang Qiyao

ORIGINAL TITLE 游泳回家 SYNOPSIS A 8-year-girl Fang Kerou heard about that she isn’t her parents’ biological child.however she chose to hide her doubt from her parents.She tried to find the truth and prove her identity.But everything was unfavorable and showed that she was really not her parents’ biological child.At last,she chose an extreme way to prove that she is biological. Nevertheless,everyone knew that she cheated herself.Is yes or no important?

八岁的方克柔意外听说自己并非是父母的亲生孩子, 然而八岁的她选择向爸妈隐藏自己的疑虑,一边偷 偷探索一边试图证明自己的身份。然而一切都不顺 利,都指向了她真的并非亲生。最后她选择用极端 的方式去证明自己,然而,所有人都知道,她骗了 她自己,但是或不是真的那么重要吗? TAGLINE The only way to love you is becoming who you are.

Cinematographer Li Jianeng Editor Wang Yiyu Producer Liu Xutong Leading Casts Zhang Yan Wang Jinsong Fu Jingran


Wang Yiyu was the director of “Home Swim Home”.She was born on 29 September,1994 and graduated from the department of directing of Beijing Film Academy in 2016 . She directed several short films during collage years. “Home Swim Home” is her opus for graduation.

HOMECOMING OF THE GODDESS OF WEALTH India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Hindi | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Swati Agarwal Story Swati Agarwal Ashutosh Parashar Script/Screenplay Swati Agarwal Nishith Mehta Cinematographer Swati Agarwal

SYNOPSIS ‘Lakshmi Aayi Hai’ (Homecoming of the Goddess of Wealth) is a sneak peak into the lives of an old couple on the occasion of ‘Diwali’, the Indian festival of lights. Kishanlal (Grandpa), a 70 year old, retired government employee, lives with his wife, Mishridevi (Grandma), who is a retired school teacher. Grandpa is spirited and mischievous and his wife is disciplined and dutiful. Like in any typical Indian household, Grandma has cleaned the house and adorned the verandah with ‘rangoli’ (colorful, traditional Indian floor art) for the occasion of Diwali. What do you think would happen if grandpa happened to step over the rangoli? The film unravels the chaos that ensues thereafter.

j²x G‡m‡Qb (m¤c‡`i †`exi ¯^‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b) fviZxq GK e„× `¤cwZi `xcvewj D`hvc‡bi g‡a¨ DuwK w`‡q †`Lv| 70 eQ‡ii e„× wKkvbjvj(`v`y) whwb AemicÖvß miKvwi Kg©KZ©v wZwb Zvi wMwbœ, wgwkª‡`ex‡K wb‡q _v‡Kb| wgwkª‡`ex (w`w`gv) GKRb AemicÖvß ¯‹zj wkw¶Kv| `v`y D¾xweZ Ges `yóz cÖK…wZi Avi, w`w`gv KZ©e¨civqY I myk„•Lj| †h‡Kvb mvaviY fviZxq cwiev‡ii gZB, w`w`gv `xcvewj Dcj‡¶ evwo cwi®‹vi K‡i iv‡Lb (iwOb, HwZn¨gq fviZxq †g‡S wkí) w`‡q eviv›`v mvwR‡q‡Qb| `v`y hw` fzj K‡i iv‡Ovwj‡Z cv iv‡L, Z‡e Kx NU‡Z cv‡i e‡j g‡b K‡ib? GB PjwPÎwU c‡i N‡U hvIqv wek„•LjvUv‡KB Ly‡j †`Lvi †Póv K‡i| TAGLINE Celebration of life in old age.

Editor Swati Agarwal Producer IIT Bombay Leading Casts Sunny Kolekar Shruti Chauhan


Swati Agarwal is an alumnus of IDC, School of Design, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Bombay. She completed her M.Ds in Animation in 2012 and is currently working at IDC as a Design Research Associate on a project called ‘Creating digital learning environment for design’, run by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India.

HONEY AND OLD CHEESE Morocco | 2016 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Arab | International Premiere | 25 min Target audience


Director Yassine El Idrissi Story Yassine El Idrissi Script/Screenplay Yassine El Idrissi Cinematographer Yassine El Idrissi

SYNOPSIS A young Moroccan man is trying to find someone to take care of his belongings before leaving his village to immigrate to The Netherlands to join his father. Leaving the village wasn’t easy, and took many years. When the moment has finally come, he experiences feelings of doubt, facing the memories of the past and the problems that lie ahead of him.

GKRb g‡iv°vb hyeK Ggb GKRb †K LyuRwQj †h wKbv Zvi m¤úwËi †`Lfvj Ki‡Z cv‡i, KviY †m Zvi MÖvg †Q‡o †b`vij¨vÛm G P‡j hvw”Qj| wKš‘ hLb hvevi mgq Avmj, ZLb †m †`L‡jv P‡j hvIqv GZUv mnR bq|

Editor Yassine El Idrissi Producer Jaap Leading Casts Mohammed Akedi


Yassine EL Idrissi (1983, Morocco) developed a passion for photography at the age of 16. He portrayed events in Morocco for several local newspapers and the Dutch news agency ANP. In 2009, he directed his first short documentary, Waiting for the Snow. El Idrissi was educated at the Netherlands Film Academy, where he received his Master\’s degree in 2013. The Iranian Film (2014) is his first feature film.

I AM NOT A MOUSE United Kingdom | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min Target audience


Director Evgenia Golubeva Story Evgenia Golubeva Script/Screenplay Evgenia Golubeva Cinematographer Evgenia Golubeva

SYNOPSIS Every child owns a weird name called by only his parents from his childhood. When they grow up, sometimes they feel ashamed of it. But still they like to response. This story is about a little girl lucy. She is called “mouse” by her mother. Whenever her mother calls her a mouse, she turns into a mouse every time. Now she must do what must not be undone. She starts to refuse as she didn’t even listen when she is called a mouse. Her mother understands it. Now she realizes her wrongs and starts to call her daughter “Lucy”. Now lucy is very happy with that. She always response her mother.

cÖwZevi jywmi gv Zv‡K Bu`yi e‡j Wv‡K| GKch©vq jywm mwZ¨ GKUv Bu`y‡i iæcvšÍwiZ n‡q hvq| A‡bK wkï‡KB †QvU †ejvq Zvi evev-gv †Kv‡bv Am¤§vbRbK bv‡g Wv‡K| hv †gv‡UI DwPr bv| jywmi gv I wVK †Zgb fv‡e Zv‡K Bu`yi bv‡g WvK‡Zv| jywm †K hZevi Bu`yi e‡j WvKv n‡Zv jywmI Bu`yi n‡q †hZ| GKw`b jywmi gv Zvi fzj eyS‡Z cv‡i| Gici †_‡K †m jywm‡K Avi Bu`yi e‡j WvK‡Zv bv| †m Zv‡K jywm e‡jB WvK‡Zv| jywmI GB wb‡q A‡bK Avbw›`Z wQj| me wcZvgvZvi DwPZ Zv‡`i mšÍvb‡`i AeÁv bv K‡i Zv‡`i DrmvwnZ Kiv|

Editor Evgenia Golubeva Producer Evgenia Golubeva Leading Casts Sinead Keenan Lyla McLeod Louis McLeod Myles McLeod


Evgenia Golubeva is an award winning animation director, illustrator and screenwriter of Russian origin living in the UK. She studied at the Film and TV University in St. Petersburg and the French animation school La Poudrière. She has worked for 6 years on a variety of European productions and has written over 30 screenplays, mostly for a preschool audience.

I AM SORRY Slovakia | 2015 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | slovak | South Asian Premiere | 17 min Target audience


Director Teodor Kuhn Story Teodor Kuhn Script/Screenplay Teodor Kuhn Cinematographer Radka Šišuláková Editor Teodor Kuhn

SYNOPSIS 15-year old Patrik has injured someone. His bad conscience pushes him away from his loved ones, and Patrik is left alone with his guilt. But slowly he realizes that others are facing problems too. And for them, it might not be too late to help. Pätnásť ročný Patrik niekoho zranil. Zlé svedomie ho vzďaluje od jeho blízkych a Patrik si pomaly uvedomuje, že problémy majú aj ostatní.

15 eQi eqmx c¨vUwiK GKRb‡K AvnZ K‡i| Zvi Lvivc mË¡v Zv‡K cÖey× K‡i Zvi wcÖq gvbyl‡`i KvQ †_‡K `~‡i m‡i Avm‡Z| c‡i †m Aciva‡ev‡a fzM‡Z _v‡K| ax‡i ax‡i †m eyS‡Z cv‡i †h, Ab¨ivI Avm‡j mgm¨vq c‡o‡Q| wKš‘ GLb wK Lye †`wi n‡q hvq wb?

Producer Andrej Marko VŠMU Film School Leading Casts Alexander Selimi Rajmund Čurda


Teodor Kuhn has just finished his studies at VŠMU Bratislava and he is preparing his first feature film. He is interested in history, architecture and politics. He likes good decisions and well-working things.

I’VE JUST HAD A DREAM Spain | 2014 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Spanish, Arabic | Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Javi Navarro Story Pedro Herrero Script/Screenplay Pedro Herrero Javi Navarro

SYNOPSIS Irene is eight and she just woke up from a horrible dream. She is just a little sweet girl. She went to bed for sleep. But she started to dreamt a horrible dream. She saw something horrible in her dream. She was alone and lost in a unknown place. She became afraid and she thought that actually what was happening there. She could not understood that what was happening. Every things was new, but she was alone. She saw something was coming to her. She never saw that type things, the places . When she woke up she saw she was dreaming and She just woke up .

8 eQ‡ii AvBwib fqsKi ¯^cœ †`‡L Nyg ‡_‡K DV‡jv| †m ïay gvÎ †QvÆ GKUv wgwó ev”Pv| †m weQvbvq Nygv‡Z wM‡qwQj| wKš‘ †m Nywg‡q Nywg‡q fqsKi ¯^cœ †`L‡Z ïiæ Kij| †m Zvi ¯^cœ †Z fqvbK wKQz †`LwQj| †m GKv GKUv A‡Pbv RvqMvq nvwi‡q wM‡qwQj| †m fq †cj I wPšÍv Ki‡Z _vKj †h wK n‡”Q Zvi mv‡_| †m eyS‡Z cviwQj bv †h wK n‡Z P‡j‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨KUv wRwbm wQj bZzb, †m KLbI Gme †`‡Lwb| †m †`Lj wKQz GKUv Zvi w`‡K Avm‡Q| Gme wKQz Zvi A™¢zZ jvM‡Z jvM‡jv| hLb †m Nyg †_‡K DVj ZLb †m †`Lj †h †m ¯^cœ †`LwQj|

Cinematographer Carlos Cebrián Editor Javi Navarro Producer Javi Navarro Leading Casts Andrea Mas (Amina) Estela del Carmen (Irene)


Mr. Javi Navarro Montero is a screenwriter, director and film producer from Valencia (Spain). He studied training courses in film directing and screenwriting.At 2014 he directed the short film “I’ve just had a dream”, which has won more than 190 awards, most of them are internationals and the short has been projected at over 7000 film festivals worldwide.

IMAGINARIUM Colombia | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Spanish | No Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Laura Vanessa Lamus Gamboa Diego Alejandro Rico Diaz Story Laura Vanessa Lamus Gamboa Script/Screenplay Laura Vanessa Lamus Gamboa Diego Alejandro Rico Diaz

SYNOPSIS The storyline of the movie Imaginarium is really creative in many ways. Andy and Nacnac are playing inside of Imaginarium. All of a sudden, they find a little girl whose name was Tinna. Tinna wakes the inner jealousness of Nacnac, taking over him and make him leave them completely alone. Kanker takes advantage of this opportunity and attack the other kids and gain power for carrying out his plan. He badly wanted to become the evilest and most powerful being of that world. This is how the story approaches and gets to very intense cliff hanger that audience cannot but enjoy.

m„Rbkxj Pjw”Pθ‡jvi gv‡S GB Pjw”PÎwUi bvg bv ej‡jB bq| A¨vwÛ Avi bvKbvK Zv‡`i KwíZ GK †Ljvq nVvr GKUv †QvU †g‡q Lyu‡R cvq; †g‡qwUi bvg wUbv| wUbv bvKbv‡Ki g‡a¨ wnsmvcivqY fve RvwM‡q †Zv‡j Ges Zv‡K e¨envi Ki‡Z _v‡K| KvbKvi GB my‡hv‡Mi mبenvi K‡i Ges Ab¨vb¨ ev”Pv‡`I AvμgY K‡i ÿgZv jv‡fi †Póv Pvjvq| KvbKv‡ii B”Qv †m c„w_exi me‡P‡q Lvivc †jvK n‡Z Pvq| Gfv‡e MíUv GwM‡q hvq D‡ËRbvc~Y© wKQz gyûZ© mv‡_ wb‡q|

Cinematographer Diego Alejandro Rico Diaz Editor Diego Alejandro Rico Diaz Producer Laura Vanessa Lamus Gamboa Diego Alejandro Rico Diaz Leading Casts Marcela Mantilla Delgado Julián Esteban Pintor Laura C. Torres Manuel José Jaimes


Laura Vanessa Lamus Gamboa, studying the Bachelor degree in Visual Arts from the Autónoma University of Bucaramanga since 2012, finds herself culminating the studies. Throughout this period of time She has developed projects that incumbent to her career. Among them a short fiction, a documentary, an animation, a T.V. realization and a series of Web are to be mentioned.

INVENTING A LAUGH United States | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | International Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Carolina Mejia Story Carolina Mejia Script/Screenplay Carolina Mejia Cinematographer Juan Pablo Fuentes

SYNOPSIS A failed inventor builds a machine to make people laugh but when he tries it on his brother-in-law, the machine break so he has to find another way of making him happy if he wants to stay with a rood under his head.

GKRb e¨_© Avwe®‹viK gvbyl‡K nvmv‡bvi Rb¨ GKwU hš¿ evbvq| wKš‘ hLb †m Zvi fMœxcwZi Dci cixÿv K‡i, †mB cixÿvq †m e¨_© nq| GLb †m bZzb fv‡e wPšÍv K‡i wK mevB‡K Lywk Kiv hvq| LOGLINE The key of happiness is closer than you think.

Editor Paula Neves Producer Mariana Robles Thome Leading Casts Chris Gross Kaiden Chapman Ryan Karloff Julie Cardia Sherry Michaels


Carolina Mejia Lartilleux was born in Mexico City. She always liked telling stories so she decided to study at New York Film Academy. She is a writer/director and her storytelling leans toward comedies. Until now, she has worked on over 40 short films, music videos and spec commercials switching as different crew positions. She is now working on the script of her first feature script inspired by her country, Mexico.

JOURNEY Australia | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | English | International Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Radheya Jegatheva Story Radheya Jegatheva Script/Screenplay Radheya Jegatheva

SYNOPSIS An astronaut by the name of Orion is lost in space. All alone, he wonders where he is and what he should do. He then comes across Aurora another astronaut who is in the same predicament. She gives him a polaroid image of the Earth.

Iwiqb bv‡gi GKRb gnvKvkPvix GK`v gnvKv‡k nvwi‡q hvq| GKvwK †m fve‡Z _v‡K Zvi wK Kiv DwPZ| cieZ©x‡Z Zvi mv‡_ A‡iviv bv‡gi Av‡iK gnvKvkPvixi cwiPq nq| †h Zvi gZ GKB Ae¯’vq i‡q‡Q| †m Zv‡K c„w_exi GKwU †cvjvi‡qW Qwe †`q|

Cinematographer Radheya Jegatheva Editor Radheya Jegatheva Producer Jegatheva Jegathesan Leading Casts Radheya Jegatheva (all animation no cast appearing)


Radheya Jegatheva is a young Perth based Australian filmmaker who was born in Johor, Malaysia in 1999 to parents of South Korean and Malaysian ancestry. He now attends Perth Modern School in Western Australia. Radheya’s skill set cuts across a number of creative areas and he has won prizes for his creations in the fields of writing, poetry, art and film making, among others.

JUST THIS ONCE Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Persian | Bangladesh Premiere | 9 min Target audience


Director Mohammad Hassan Shahmohammadi Story Mohammad Hassan Shahmohammadi

SYNOPSIS A teenage boy claims that Dorsa, the girl next door, has beaten him up. Dorsa rejects his claim. Although everything seems to be over, unexpected developments help the truth come out.

GKRb wK‡kvi `vex K‡i †h cv‡ki evwoi Wimv Zv‡K gviai K‡i‡Q, Wimv Zv ¯^xKvi K‡i bv| AvcvZ`„wó‡Z me wVK g‡b n‡jI AcÖZ¨vwkZfv‡e mZ¨ mvg‡b P‡j Av‡m|

Script/Screenplay Mohammad Hassan Shahmohammadi Cinematographer Peyman Abaszade Editor Mohammad Reza Sarmadi Producer Mohammad Hassan Shahmohammadi Leading Casts Saba Soleymani Soheyla Javadi Mojde Shekari Melika Arvanaghi Amir Hossein Bolourforoshha 84

Mohammad Hassan Shahmohammadi was born in Tehran in Iran. He is a short filmmaker of The Iranian Alliance of Motion Picture Guilds. Graduated from Tehran University with a master’s degree in information management.

KI Netherlands | 2015 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Dutch, Japanese | Bangladesh Premiere | 22 min Target audience


Director Meikeminne Clinckspoor Story Floor Paul Script/Screenplay Floor Paul Cinematographer Christian Paulussen

SYNOPSIS During a dream, 9 year old Yuki is reunited with her sister Iwa (11), who has recently passed away. Together, they share an exciting adventure and along this journey, Yuki is forced to conquer her anxieties. Ultimately, she has to face her biggest fear: to live her life without her sister.

bq eQi eq‡mi BDwK ¯^‡cœ Zvi 11 eQi eqmx †evb Bevi mv‡_ Avevi GKwÎZ nq| Bev wKQzw`b Av‡MB gviv wM‡q‡Q| GKmv‡_ Zviv A‡bK †ivgvÂKi Awfhv†bi ¯^vÿx n‡qwQ‡jv| †h AwfÁZv BDwK‡K Zvi A‡bK fq-fxwZ KvUv‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i†Q| wKš‘, BDwK Zvi Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q eo fxwZi gy‡LvgywL n‡Z n‡”Q| Zv n‡jv Zvi †evb‡K Qvov Rxeb KvUv‡bv|

“Ki” (22 min.), vertelt het bijzondere verhaal van de 9-jarige Yuki. Wanneer Yuki met haar overleden zus Iwa (12) in een droom terecht komt, beleeft ze een spannend avontuur. Ze wordt gedwongen haar angsten opzij te zetten en de strijd aan te gaan met waar ze het aller bangst voor is: het leven aan te moeten gaan zonder haar zus.

Editor Patrick Schonewille Producer IJswater Films Leading Casts Mariko Amano van Baaren Emily Amano van Baaren


Meikeminne Clinckspoor decided young that she wanted to make children\’s movies. After a theater education in Amsterdam, she started a film education (2004) at the Film school KASK in Belgium, where she graduated in 2009 with her short film for children The Wishing Tree. She wrote and directed several shorts for children and won numerous awards with them. Besides her work as a director, Meikeminne also works as a professional children’s coach and casting director on international features.

KLAAZOR United States | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Sci-Fi | English | South Asian Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Julio García Escames Story Julio García Escames Script/Screenplay Julio García Escames Cinematographer Aitor Uribarri

SYNOPSIS Tommy is a 5 years old kid. She lives with her grandfather. It’s a story about them. One day, they found some alien in their house. They have to team up to face an alien invasion in their home.

Uwg 5 eQi eqmx GKwU †g‡q| †m Zvi `v`vi mv‡_ emevm K‡i| G MíwU Zv‡`i wb‡qB| GKw`b Zviv Zv‡`i evmvq wKQz Gwj‡qb‡K †`L‡Z cvq| †mB Gwj‡qb‡`i †VKv‡bvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡Z nq| LOGLINE They are here! We have to hide!

Editor Julio García Escames Producer Carla Roda Leading Casts Arthur Roberts Austyn David Calvin Ronda Suder


Julio García Escames is passionate about cinema since he was born—aside from his love for cartoons, he had already seen all the movies of “Charlot” and enjoyed westerns by Howard Hawks and John Ford at the young age of three—Julio García Escames\’ passion for the cinema has transformed into purpose. Over time, he developed an interest in all genres, with a special interest in adventure and science fiction as a result of his love for films such as Star Wars, Jaws, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. This strong interest in film has not only driven Julio to watch every movie possible but has driven him to create them, as well.

LEONOR’S LULLABY China | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | none | South Asian Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Quentin Paquignon Story Quentin Paquignon Script/Screenplay Quentin Paquignon Editor Bi Bo

SYNOPSIS Leonor sleeps quietly in her bed when some gentle creatures, the Bobops, come to take her to experience a mysterious journey. That Bobops with magical power sends them on an unusual journey through time and space. She will have to face many challenges and confront the villains, who wish to take the power for themselves. But courage and the power of friendship will conquer all. It send them to a new strange place. She was amazed going there. Leonor faces many challenges and fights with villains. That was not so easy. But she survived at that strange place and at last she conquer all.

wjIbi hLb kvšÍfv‡e Nygvq ZLb wKQz A™¢zZ m„wó, eyeycm& G‡m Zv‡K inm¨Ki hvÎvi AwfÁZv w`‡Z wb‡q hvq| †hwU g¨vwRKvj wQj| †hUv Zv‡`i mgq I ¯’vb Øviv A¯^vfvweK hvÎvq cvVvq| Zv‡`i‡K A‡bK P¨v‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq Ges †mme wf‡jb‡`i mv‡_ gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq| wKš‘ eÜz‡Z¡i g‡bvej I kw³ Zv‡`i‡K wRwZ‡q w`‡e| eyeycm& g¨vwRK¨vj wQj| GUv Zv‡`i GK bZzb I A™¢zZ RvqMvq cvwV‡q †`q| Zviv †mLv‡b wM‡q wew¯§Z nq| wjIbi‡K A‡bK P¨v‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq Ges †mme wf‡jb‡`i mv‡_ gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq, hy× Ki‡Z nq| †mUv Avm‡j mnR wQj bv| wKš‘ Zviv †kl ch©šÍ wU‡K _v‡K eÜz‡Z¡i g‡bvej I kw³ Zv‡`i‡K wRwZ‡q †`q|

Producer Quentin Paquignon

Quentin Paquignon was Born in 1981, the French painter, performer and producer. Quentin Paquignon is a multi-talented artist. In 2011, Quentin founded the immersive art collective The Polymorph Extra Developing his full potential of The Polymorph Extra creation skills, Quentin wrote, directed and produced in 2016 the first POLYMORPH EXTRA short animated movie: LEONOR’S LULLABY.


LESHY Czech Republic | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Horror | Czech | Bangladesh Premiere | 23 min Target audience


Director Pavel Soukup Story Petr Koubek Script/Screenplay Petr Koubek

SYNOPSIS Karel is a passionate gamekeeper. He has been taking good care of the forest and there are many enviable trophies in his collection. In a remote part of the forest, poachers waken a creature that could prove to be Karel’s equal. In fairy tales, this creature is called Leshy, but meeting it is definitely no fairy tale. As Karel attempts to track Leshy, he unknowingly comes closer than he expected. Meanwhile, the mysterious beast and Karel’s daughter Annie form a special kind of bond. Who will become the true ruler of the forest

K¨v‡ij GKRb †kŠwLb wkKv‡ii g„McvjK| †m R½‡ji A‡bK hZœ K‡i Avi Zvi `yj©f wKQz Uªwd i‡q‡Q| GK`v R½‡ji GK `yM©g A‡j wKQz †PvivKvievwi j¨vwm bv‡gi GK A™¢zZ Rš‘i Nyg fvw½‡q †`q| j¨vwm wb‡R‡K K¨v‡ij Gi mgKÿ `vwe K‡i| j¨vwm iƒcK_vi Rš‘ n‡Z cv‡i, wKš‘ Zvi gy‡LvgywL nIqv Uv †gv‡UI iƒcK_v bq| K¨v‡ij hLb j¨vwmi mÜv‡b †ei nq ZLb †m Ggb wKQz Rvb‡Z cv‡i hvi Rb¨ †m cÖ¯‘Z wQj bv| K¨v‡ij Gi †g‡q A¨vwbi mv‡_ j¨vwmi GK A™¢zZ m¤c‡K©i K_v †m Rvb‡Z cv‡i| GLb †K n‡e R½‡ji AwacwZ?

Cinematographer Václav Tlapák Editor Darina Štěpánková Producer Jakub Kostal Zuzana Valkova Gabriela Duchonova (Prague Academy of Arts) Leading Casts Anna: Vladimira Havlickova Karel: Marek Pospichal Leshy: Josef Rarach


Pavel Soukup was not one of those children that were forbidden to watch horror movies on TV. Actually he grew up with these kinds of movies. He was interested in acting from his early age. Currently he is occupied with directing and editing short animated and feature films, advertisements and videos. He has made several short films.

LIFE GOAL Sri Lanka | 2016 | Video Film | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Drama | english | International Premiere | 5 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Dilu Weerasingha Story Kumara Tirimadura Script/Screenplay Raneesh Shaam Cinematographer Thisula Deepa Tambavita Editor Shan Ranga Subasinghe

SYNOPSIS Samee is a disabled child. He has lost his arms. One day he watches a cricket match on TV which is played between Sri Lanka and Australia. He sees how certain sporting activities carried out by cricketers. He feels upset after seeing these activities which involves players’ hands. Meanwhile he sees more activities carried out by his family members using their hands. He feels more upset. His father understands his disabled son’s feelings, but he cannot do anything of that apart from worrying.

he observes certain activities carried out by his family members using their legs. Then he realizes that even though he has not got arms, still he can do many things using his legs.

mvwg GKRb cÖwZeÜx wkï hvi nvZ †bB| GKw`b †m wμ‡KU †Ljv †`LwQj| hLb †m †`Lj wμ‡KU †Ljvq nvZ e¨envi Kiv nq †m A‡bK `ytL †cj| †m GUvI †`Lj Zvi cwiev‡ii mevB nvZ w`‡q A‡bK KvR K‡i| †m wb‡R‡K AcÖ‡qvRbxq g‡b Ki‡Z jvM‡jv| Zvi wcZv Zvi Ae¯’v †`‡L e¨w_Z nZ| GKw`b mvwg dzUej †Ljv †`Lj| †`Lj †mLv‡b nv‡Zi e¨envi †bB| †m eyS‡Z cvij nvZ bv _vK‡j ïay B”Qv kw³i e‡j †m A‡bK KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i|

As Samee worries about his disability, suddenly he sees a football match on the TV. He observes how football players use their legs to play football. After seen these activities he gets new hopes. Soon after

Producer sanjaya vithanage Leading Casts Nethul Thambawita Kumara Thirimadura Kusum Renu Methul Thambawita Minadi Sahathma Fernando


Dilu Weerasingha loves to learn film directing. She did two short films so far. “Life Goal” is my second short film. She wanted to become a film director one day. She had a diploma of cinematography but her profession is different to making films. His filmography includes “Black Rose”, “Life Goal”.

LIGHT SIGHT Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | N/A | Bangladesh Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Seyed M. Tabatabaei Story Seyed M. Tabatabaei

SYNOPSIS M. E., the imprisoned character in a room is attracted to a hanging light and tries to catch it. But the room itself becomes an obstacle on his way.

Gg. B. GKRb e›`x †h Zvi iæ‡gi SzjšÍ jvB‡Ui Av‡jvi cÖwZ AvKl©Yx Abyfe K‡i †mwU‡K ai‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ †`Lv hvq †mLv‡b Zvi iægwU evav wn‡m‡e mvg‡b Avm‡Q|

Script/Screenplay Seyed M. Tabatabaei Cinematographer Editor Seyed M. Tabatabaei Producer Simin Farrokh Ahmadi Leading Casts -


Seyed M. Tabatabaei has a BSc. in Architectural Engineering from Ajman University of Science & Technology. His passion for multimedia activities encouraged him to devote a major amount of his time to photography, film editing and production of short documentaries.

LITTLE MOUNTAIN BOY Switzerland | 2015 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Swiss-German | Bangladesh Premiere | 104 min Target audience


Director Xavier Koller Story Based on the novel ”A Bell for Ursli“ by Selina Chönz and Alois Carigiet Script/Screenplay Stefan Jäger Xavier Koller

SYNOPSIS This film is based on the famous children’s book Schellen-Ursli (A Bell For Ursli) by Selina Chönz and Alois Carigiet. A boy must brave deep winter snow to obtain an important family keepsake. Before he can even start this difficult journey he must first help his family survive financial ruin, rescue his beloved pet goat, and with his best friend, outwit a bratty bully who seems out to get him at every turn. Will he make it back to the village in time to celebrate the end-of-winter holiday of Chalandamarz?

GB PjwPÎwU †mwjbv KbR I Av‡jvBm K¨vwi‡MU iwPZ GK weL¨vZ wkï‡Zvl eB Gi Av‡jv‡K ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| GK evjK wKfv‡e Zvi cwievi †K iÿv Ki‡Z ZzlvicvZ gq GK fqsKi iv‡Z mvn‡mi cwiPq †`q GB Qwe‡Z Zv †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| Zvi wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi Awfhvb ïiæ Kivi Av‡M Zv‡K Zvi cwievi‡K A_© msKU †_‡K iÿv Ki‡Z n‡e| †m wK cvi‡e Zvi cwievi‡K iÿv K‡i wb‡Ri ¯^cœ c~iY Ki‡Z|

Cinematographer Felix von Muralt Editor Gion-Reto Killias Producer Peter Reichenbach Peter-Christian Fueter Ditti Bürgin-Brook Leading Casts Jonas Hartmann Marcus Signer Tonia Maria Zindel Leonardo Nigro 91

Xavier Koller was born in 1944 in Schwyz, Switzerland. Trained as precision engineer. Attended the Theatre Academy of Zurich. Worked several years as an actor. 1984 Founding of Catpics AG production firm. 1991 Receives Academy Award, Best Foreign Language Film, for “Journey of Hope”. Since 1991 lives and works in Los Angeles.

MARBLES India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | HINDI | No Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Swati Sarkar Story Swati Sarkar Script/Screenplay Krishna Aggarwal Cinematographer Siddharth Dutta Editor Karmarth Vyas

ORIGINAL TITLE KANCHE SYNOPSIS The story is of a 10 year old kid, Om, who reads a book on ghosts and try “Kajal” trick in his school with his best friend, Mona. But they get caught by their Hindi Mishra ji who takes them to Sushant, their new Science teacher. Sushant gets mad at them for their mischievous act and punishes them. Om leaves the class in embarrassment. He doesn’t come to school for several days. So Sushant reaches Om’s house, Om tells him the story of his dead mother. To prove him wrong, Sushant puts a flower on his mothers photo. The question remains if he really saw his mother’s ghost or Was Om just playing a prank game with him.

`k eQi eqmx GK †QvU wkï‡K wb‡qB GB MíwU ˆZwi, wkïwUi bvg Ig| Ig GKUv eB c‡o †Póv K†i wKfv‡e fzZ Avbv hvq mevi mvg‡b| m½x wn‡m‡e ‡m †e‡Q †bq Zvi me‡_‡K fvj eÜy †gvbv‡K| wKš‘ ‡m K¬v‡m aiv c‡o hvq, wnw›` wkÿK wgkiv gkvB Gi Kv‡Q| wgkiv gkvB Zv‡`i‡K weÁvb wkÿK mykvšZ gkvB Gi Kv‡Q cvVv‡j wZwb Lye ivM K‡ib Zv‡`i GB Kvh©Kjv‡c| Zv‡`i Rb¨ kvw¯ÍiI e¨e¯’v Kiv nq| Ig Acgv‡b Gici wKQzw`b Avi K¬v‡mB hvq bv| mykvšÍ gkvB ZLb I‡gi Kv‡Q wM‡q Ii mv‡_ K_v e‡j| Ig Rvbvq I fz‡Z wek¦vm K‡i Zvi g„Z gv‡qi Rb¨| Zv‡K fzj cÖgv‡Yi Rb¨ Ig Zvi gv‡qi Qwe‡Z GKwU dzj Szwj‡q †`q| cÖkœ †_‡K hvq, †m Kx Avm‡jB Zvi gv‡qi fyZ †`L‡Z cvq bvwK †m mykvšÍ gkvB Gi mv‡_ `yóvwgi Rb¨B Ggb K‡i‡Q|

Producer Pranav Kulkarni Leading Casts Arjun Mathur Om Kanojiya Kanisha Jain Suneel Pushkarna


Swati Sarkar was born in Uttar Pradesh, India on 6 October, 1990, raised in New Delhi. She did her Engineering from Amity in 2012. She did a Cadbury advertisement for digital platform Youtube in 2011 and faced her first face to face to filmmaking process. She started her diploma in Whistling Woods in 2014, specialized in Direction and completed her first diploma movie “Kanche” in 2016.

MATTIA CAN FLY Italy | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Romance | italian | Bangladesh Premiere | 16 min Target audience


Director Alessandro Porzio Story Alessandro Porzio

SYNOPSIS Mattia feels like a canary unable to fly. But maybe it’s just a matter of courage.

gvwÆqv wb‡R‡K Do‡Z bv cvov GK K¨vbvwii gZ g‡b K‡i| wKš‘ GUv nq‡Zv ïaygvÎ mvn‡mi e¨vcvi| AvZ¡wek¦vm nq‡Zv GB †QvU K¨vbvwi‡KI Do‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|

Script/Screenplay Alessandro Porzio Cinematographer Dario Di Mella Editor Daniel Buwok Producer Diero Produzioni Leading Casts Fabio Palmisano Angela Curri Nicolas Orzella


Alessandro Porzio, a director and screenwriter, is originally from Sammichele di Bari. He graduated in photography and studied literature and philosophy at the University of Bari. Since 2008 he has directed commercials (Loacker, Thun) and music videos. In 2012 he directed “Rumore Bianco”, nominated at the Nastri d’Argento and winner of major awards including the award for Best Film at the Mostra del Cinema Italiano di Barcellona and the Jury Prize at the Bif&st Bari Int. Film Festival. In 2013 he directed the short film “Niente”, which won the Best Film award at European Shorts Amarante.

ME AS A MONKEY Portugal | 2016 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | No Premiere | 4 min 23 sec Target audience


Director Armindo Teixeira Story Armindo Teixeira

SYNOPSIS If i was a monkey? Awake in a different world where he not accostomed, this “me” Monkey will view and feel the technology age and the new tools that he never used or see. What are your reactions ?”

Script/Screenplay Armindo Teixeira

GwU GKwU evb‡ii iƒ‡c †Kvb GKR‡bi Mí| bZzb Ab¨ GKwU Avjv`v RM‡Z Zvi Nyg †f‡½ †M‡jv, †h RM‡Zi mv‡_ †m †gv‡UB cwiwPZ bq| Zvici, evbiiƒcx †m †`L‡Z I Abyfe K‡i AvaywbK weÁvb I cÖhyw³i RqRqKvi GB mgqUv‡K| Zvn‡j Zvi cÖwZwμqv Kx n‡e?

Cinematographer Armindo Teixeira

TAGLINE Every animal can adaptate!

Editor Armindo Teixeira Producer Armindo Teixeira Leading Casts Armindo Teixeira Armindo Teixeira is student of Design and Animation Multimedia in Portalegre, Portugal. He likes to draw, animate, be with his friends, drink, smoke, watch some movies, swim on the river and enjoy the life.


MIDNIGHT China | 2015 | DigiBeta | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Chinese | International Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Zhang Chuchu Story Zhang Chuchu Script/Screenplay Zhang Chuchu

SYNOPSIS The little girl in the middle of the night playing the guitar to the guests to sing for living, but no one order a song. The son of restaurant’s owner put all this to see his eyes, then he decided to be an audience of the girl.

GKwU †QvÆ †g‡q gvS iv‡Z wMUvi evwR‡q Mvb †M‡q RxweKv wbe©vn K‡i| wKš‘ †KD Zvi Mvb ïb‡Z Pvq bv| GKw`b GK †i‡¯Ívivi gvwj‡Ki †Q‡j GB me wKQz †`‡L, AZtci †m †g‡qwUi Mv‡bi †kªvZv nIqvi Rb¨ gbtw¯’i K‡i|

Cinematographer Wang Li Editor Zhang Chuchu Producer Zhang Chuchu Leading Casts Chen Yizhong Li Hua


Zhang Chuchu was born in 1992, and began to study the film in the University, good at shooting children\’s themes. 2014 short film “Farewell Mo” won the bronze prize of Ningbo 1st short film competition 2015 short film “Midnight” won the best audience’s choice of the 2015 forward international short film festival(the only prize in the festival) 2016 short film “KaKa” are accepted by Short Film Corner of the 69th Cannes International Film Festival.

MONEYBOX Egypt | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Arabic | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Wagdy Rashed Story Wafik Wagih Script/Screenplay Wagdy Rashed Cinematographer Osama El-Ghoul Tamer Rashed

SYNOPSIS An innocent reaction of a child to her dad’s excessive work involvement and his negligence to her emotional needs. Every parents should have to take care of their child. But if they do not care about their child’s emotion, then it will be bad for their child. Every child need guidance from their parents and loving or caring environment in their home. In this film, a little girl’s story has come. She is a little girl. But her father had no time for her and he is always busy with his work. It was too much painfull to the little girl. So that she reacted simply to her father to understood her emotion.

GKwU ev”Pv †g‡qi Zvi evevi cÖwZ AwZwi³ Kv‡R e¨¯ÍZv I †g‡qi Av‡e‡Mi cÖwZ Abxnvi mij cÖwZwμqv cÖKvk †c‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K evev gvÕi DwPr Zv‡`i †Q‡j †g‡q‡`i h_vh_ †Lqvj ivLv| Avi hw` Zviv †mUv bv K‡i, ev”Pv‡`i Av‡eM AbyfzwZ †evSvi ÿgZv bv _v‡K Zvn‡j †mUv ev”Pv‡`i Rb¨ LyeB Lvivc n‡q `vuovq| GB Pjw”P‡Î, GKwU †QvÆ ev”Pv †g‡qi Kvwnbx D‡V G‡m‡Q| Zvi evevi Zvi Rb¨ †Kvb mgq †bB, †m me mgq KvR wb‡q e¨¯Í _v‡K| GUv ev”Pv †g‡qwUi Rb¨ A‡bK KóKi| ZvB †m fv‡e †h wKQz Ki‡e| †m mijfv‡eB Zvi evev‡K Zvi GB e¨vcv‡i cÖwZwμqv cÖKvk K‡i †hb †m †g‡qi Abyf~wZ eyS‡Z cv‡i|

Editor Wagdy Rashed Producer Project Group ( Wagdy Rashed ) Leading Casts Aida Abdel-Aziz Motaz El-swify with child: Maria Yousef


Wagdy Rashed is a jury member at the Stairway Film Festival 2016, from 2014now, founder of the project cinema group. Board Member creativity Film and Communication Arts Development Association.1984- now, worked as assistant band director in the modern theater of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture. 1996now, developed many documentaries and short features for many of the NGOs working in the field of development.

MR LUNE France | 2014 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Romance | French | South Asian Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Julien Seze Story Julien Seze Script/Screenplay Julien Seze

SYNOPSIS This is a story about the relation between the earth and the moon. The film shows the journey of the moon around the earth while Mr. Lune encounters different events. The film is a Cosmic tale or the Epic of Mr Lune.

G Pjw”P‡Îi MíwU c„w_ex Avi Puv‡`i ga¨Kvi m¤úK© wb‡q wPwÎZ| Pjw”P‡Î c„w_exi Pvicv‡k Pv‡`i cwiågY cÖ`©wkZ n‡q‡Q hLb wg÷vi wjDb wewfbœ NUbvi gy‡LvgywL nb| GwU GKwU gnvRvMwZK Mí ev wg÷vi wjD‡bi AmvaviY Rxeb Kvwnbx|

Cinematographer Julien Seze Editor Julien Seze Producer Emmanuel-Alain Raynal Leading Casts -


Julien Seze after his studies at Gobelins, Julien Sèze directed ”The Old Santiago and the Sea”, a comedy remake of ”The Old Man and the Sea”, which won several prices and was very well received in festivals. In ”Mr Lune” he continues to mix drama humor and poetry in a short cartoon aimed at adults as well as children.

MUFTA Pakistan | 2015 | HD | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Drama | Urdu | International Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Wasim Story Ahmed Ali Script/Screenplay Ahmed Ali Cinematographer Vishal Kodwani

SYNOPSIS A boy cheats on a grocery store and karma comes in. A boy went to a grocery shop for buy some necessary things. The shopkeeper tried to cheat with him. The shop keeper made the boy confused . The boy became fool. But he understood the cleverness of the shopkeeper of the grocery store. So, he thought a plan for the shopkeeper to punish him. As his plan he had done many things. He came to his house and told his family members about his plan. He also told his friends about his plan. Then they persuaded the shop keeper so that he would never cheat with anyone.

GKwU †Q‡j gyw` †`vKv‡b wM‡q cÖZvibvi wkKvi nq Ges Kg©dj cvq| †Q‡jwU gyw` †`vKv‡b cÖ‡qvRbxq wKQz wRwbm wKb‡Z wM‡qwQj| wKš‘ †`vKvb`vi Zv‡K weåvšÍ K‡i †d‡j| †Q‡jwU †evKv n‡q hvq| wKš‘ †m gyw` †`vKv‡bi †`vKvb`v‡ii PvjvwK ai‡Z cv‡i| ZvB †m cwiKíbv K‡i †h †`vKvb`vi‡K kvw¯Í w`‡e| Zvi cwiKíbv gZ †m A‡bK wKQz K‡i| †m evmvq Av‡m I mevB‡K Zvi cwiKíbvi K_v e‡j| †m Zvi eÜy‡`iI Zvi cwiKíbvi K_v e‡j| Zviv †`vKvb`vi‡K wkÿv †`q †hb †m KLbI KvD‡K bv VKvq| †`vKvb`vi †kl ch©šÍ Dchy³ wkÿv cvq|

Editor Yousaf Ramazan Producer Ahmed Ali Leading Casts Rohail Khan

Mr. Wasin Edho & Mr. Ahmed Ali both are 24 years old & both are short film and advertisement director and producer.


MY GRANDMOTHER India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | Marathi | South Asian Premiere | 19 min Target audience


Director Madhavi Wageshwari Story Madhavi Wageshwari Script/Screenplay Madhavi Wageshwari Cinematographer Satyajeet Shobha Shriram Editor Makarand Dambare

SYNOPSIS It is a sensitive audio visual memoir about a grandmother- absorbed in her traditional space and time who revitalizes the mind-memory space of her granddaughter and provides her with a peaceful sensitivity through myriad but quiet presence at home, courtyard, temple and ghaats. And in that sense it may also a story of an aging and fading traditional but wise sensitivity. माई ही ढाथाने एका मिहलेची कथा नाही. तो आहे एखा ा ीचा अवकाश भ न टाकणारा वावर. हे अवकाश थळानी बांधलेले, इमारती आिण खो ांनी गुंफलेले, छाया- काशाने रं गिवलेले ातले अवकाश तर असतेच. पण ाहीपे ा ते असते ते मनातले, आठवणीतले अवकाश. अ ाला संदभ पुरिवणारे अवकाश. ा अथाने माई हा लघुपट एका नाती ा मनात ा, आठवणीत ा आिण जग ात ा अवकाशाला भा न टाकणा या एका आ ीचा वावर िटपू पाहतो. एका

पारं प रक थळ-काळाम े समरसून गेलेली माई ित ा घरात ा, अंगणात ा, दे ऊळ आिण घाटावर ा शांत, समंजस वावरातून नाती ा आठवणी ं ा आिण जाणीवां ा अवकाशाला कसे भा न टाकते, ित ा जग ाला शांत शहाणपणाचे संदभ कसे पुरिवते याचे हे एक क ा िटपण आहे. आिण टलेच तर मग ती वृ आिण अ ंगत होत चालले ा एका पारं प रक आिण शहा ा संवेदनशीलतेची कहाणी आहे.

GK e„×v `v`xRvb‡K wb‡qB wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU| whwb GZ eq‡mI Wz‡e Av‡Qb wb‡Ri ¯§„wZ‡Niv GK RM‡Z Avi mvgvwRK ixwZbxwZi gv‡S| wb‡Ri bvZbxi Kv‡Q eY©bv K‡ib †hŠe‡bi Mí| kvwšÍc~Y© †mmKj ¯§„wZ, wK w`b wQj †m¸‡jv, evwo‡Z, iv¯Ívq, gw›`‡i, b`xNv‡U| eq‡mi mv‡_ mv‡_ mKj ¯§„wZ wKfv‡e Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í Svcmv n‡q Av‡m †mB MíB e‡j P‡jb wZwb Zvi bvZbx‡K, wKš‘ Zvi Ávb †hb K‡g hvqwb, eis eq‡mi mv‡_B †mwU e„w× †c‡q‡Q|

Producer Satish Wageshwari Leading Casts Pramila Wageshwari Durva Lakhmale


Madhavi Wageshwari is currently working as a freelance script writer and Researcher for Marathi Films and Television. She has written and directed documentary “Maai” (My Grandmother) and has worked as assistant writer and assistant Director for the Marathi feature Film “Highway – Ek Selfie Aarpaar” (released on 28th August 2015) Directed by Mr. Umesh Kulkarni and Written by Girish Kulkarni.

MY HEART Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | persian | International Premiere | 2 min Target audience


Director Yaser Talebi Story Yaser Talebi Script/Screenplay Yaser Talebi

SYNOPSIS This is a story about the good relationship between teachers and students. It is a heart touching story about their love. Students do many things for their teacher, who’s sick in hospital.

G MíwU QvÎ I wkÿ‡Ki m¤úK© wb‡q| GUv GKwU ü`q ¯úk©K Mí| QvZiv Zv‡`i Amy¯’ wkÿ‡Ki Rb¨ A‡bK wKQz K‡i|

Cinematographer Mohammad Rezaei Editor Yaser Talebi Producer Yaser Talebi Leading Casts -


Yaser Talebi was born in Sari, North of Iran, in 1982. Yaser Talebi is an Iranian film director, producer, screenwriter, Editor, and a documentary director. Yaser Talebi is known as a documentarian who makes poetic and social environmental films. He already teaches in movie training institutes and makes documentary series and telefilm for Iranian TV channels. He travels around his home town meeting its people and exploring the environment, history and culture of the different regions.

MY LAST SUMMER Canada | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | French | Bangladesh Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Paul-Claude Demers Story Paul-Claude Demers Script/Screenplay Paul-Claude Demers

SYNOPSIS During a heat wave in Montreal, Tom, a 11 years old boy, was riding his bicyle down the road. While he was visiting randomly, he meets meets Edith. She is also 11 years old. He soon discovers that Edith carries a terrible secret. Tom eventually loses his innocence at the dawn of this first love, which becomes the symbol of his last summer. He did not even guess what is going to happen with his life. But life goes on. So is the story.

gbwUªj Gi †Kvb GK Dò mg‡q GMv‡iv eQi eqwm Ug Zvi mgeqmx GwW_ Gi mv‡_ cwiwPZ nq| kxNªB Ug Avwe®‹vi K‡i GwW_ Gi Rxe‡b †Kv‡bv ¸ß welq i‡q‡Q| Ae‡k‡l Ug Zvi cÖ_g fvjevmvi ïi‡ZB Zvi mijZv nvwi‡q †d‡j| GUvB Zvi †kl MÖx‡®§i cÖZxK n‡q iq| cÖK…wZi mv‡_ gvby‡li Av‡e‡Mi m¤úK© AUzU| cÖK…wZi cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ gvby‡li g‡biI †hb cwieZ©b nq| cÖK…wZi cÖwZwU FZzi cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ †hb gvby‡li Av‡e‡MiI cwieZ©b nq| gvB jv÷ mvgvi Ggb B GKwU Mí| †hLv‡b cÖK…wZ gvby‡li Av‡eM wbqš¿b K‡i|

Cinematographer Nicolas Canniccioni Editor Alexandre Leblanc Producer Étienne Hansez (Bravo Charlie) Leading Casts Tom: Antoine Marchand-Gagnon Edith: Émilie Bierre Père: Frédérick Bouffard Mère: Christine Beaulieu


Paul-Claude Demers directed his first feature film, The Invention of Love, in 2000, which was followed by a documentary trilogy: Barbers, A Men’s Story (2006), The Ladies in Blue (2009) and Where I’m from (2014). Poetic and human, his films have received awards and been selected in internationals festivals, such as Rotterdam, São Paulo, Palm Springs, La Rochelle, Vancouver, and Hot Docs.

MY LITTLE HOUSE Portugal | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | portuguese | Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Maria Raquel Atalaia Story Maria Raquel Atalaia Script/Screenplay Maria Raquel Atalaia

SYNOPSIS Once upon a time there was a little girl who was always daydreaming and was also very distracted. One day she decided to leave her room and started searching for a small house.

GK`v GKwU †QvÆ †g‡q evm KiZ †h ¯^cœ †`L‡Z Lye fvjvevmZ cÖvqB Ges weåvšÍ _vK‡Zv| GKw`b †m wm×všÍ †bq †m Zvi Ni †Q‡o GKwU †QvÆ evwo Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡e Ges †mLv‡b _vK‡e, ZvB †m Ni †_‡K †ewi‡q c‡o|

Cinematographer Maria Raquel Atalaia Editor António Fonseca Carlos Silva Producer Antonio Valente Leading Casts -


Maria Raquel Atalaia was born in 30 August, 1973. She is an illustrator and animator, graduated in graphic arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon. She has participated in several training courses in animation.

MY PARROT MOM Argentina | 2016 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Spanish | International Premiere | 80 min Target audience


Director Martin Musarra Story Diana Russo Paula Mastellone Script/Screenplay Diana Russo Paula Mastellone Cinematographer Cristian Dacamara Editor Sergio Mazza

SYNOPSIS Juana, an eleven-year-old girl, is a part of a very special family; they have the ability to transform into animals, although she doesn’t know it yet. She discovers the truth the day her mother transforms into a parrot. Juana has three days to return her mother to human form otherwise she will stay a parrot forever. With help from her uncle, her grandmother and a group of friends from school they will try to help rescue the parrot mom from the henanigans she gets herself into. A mysterious character and limited amount of time will be the biggest risks. Set on the coast of Argentina and embedded in an esthetic filled with magical LatinAmerican realism, this movie invites us to reflect on who we are. My Parrot Mom breaks all beauty, genre and power stereotypes. And that is, along with its harmonious cinematic rhythm, its most precious treasure.

Ryqvbv, GMv‡iv eQi eqmx GKwU †g‡q, GKwU we‡kl ˆewkó¨c~Y© cwiev‡ii Ask| Zv‡`i GKwU we‡kl ÿgZv i‡q‡Q| Zviv Rš‘, Rv‡bvqv‡i cwiewZ©Z n‡Z cv‡i| hw`I Ryqvbv GwU Rvb‡Zv bv| †m †mw`bB GUv Rvb‡Z cv‡i, †hw`b Zvi gv GKwU wUqv cvwL‡Z e`‡j hvq| Ryqvbvi nv‡Z gvÎ wZbw`b i‡q‡Q Zvi gv‡K wUqv cvwL †_‡K gvby‡li †e‡k wdwi‡q Avb‡Z| Zvi PvPvi mvnvh¨ wb‡q Zvi `v`x Avi Zvi ¯‹z‡ji wKQz eÜy Zvi gv‡K D×vi Ki‡Z †Póv K‡i| Zvi mv‡_ Av‡iv GKwU inm¨gqx PwiÎ I Av‡iv wKQz †ivgvÂKi NUbv wb‡q GB Pjw”PÎwU ˆZwi| GwU Avgv‡`i‡K Avgv‡`i †fZiKvi cwiPq‡K wPb‡Z DØy× K‡i| LOGLINE Juana and her family have a special gift; they can transform into animals.

Producer Paula Mastellone Leading Casts Valentina Marcone, Gabriel Páez Natalia Señorales Adrián Garavano Ariel Pérez De Maria Maximiliano García Nicolás Sáenz Ekker Jorge Luciano Olivera Jorge Booth, Silvia Zerbini 103

Martin Musarra was born 1979. Observing and imitating his father, he has filmed since he was eight years old. Living his childhood and adolescence experimenting with the analog formats available in his house. He studied Audiovisual Media at the University of Arts in La Plata, Argentina reaching his first long feature film in May 2015 titled “My Parrot Mom.”

MY TOY WORLD India | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | BENGALI | Bangladesh Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Diganta Dey Story Diganta Dey Script/Screenplay Diganta Dey

SYNOPSIS There was a country which had no name. All countrymen lived together happily. One Day a ‘Civilized Human’ country came to know about them & also about their petroleum power. They captured the place but another human country attacked on them for the same reason in the packaging of peace establishment. Many people died in this outsider’s war.’Gollu’ a countryman appealed to stop the war but died by a bullet at last.

GK`v bvgwenxb GKwU †`k wQj| †`kwUi RbMb wQj A‡bK mywL| nVvr GK mf¨ †`‡ki gvbyl GB †`‡ki K_v †R‡b hvq Ges Zv‡`i LwbR m¤ú‡`i K_vI Rvb‡Z cv‡i| c‡i Zviv IB †`kwU `Lj K‡i †bq| Ab¨ GKwU †`k GKB D‡Ï‡k¨ †mLv‡b Av‡m Ges hy× evuwa‡q †`q| ewnivMZ‡`i hy‡× mywL †`kwUi A‡bK gvbyl gviv hvq|

Cinematographer Arkajyoti Ganguly Editor Smrijeet Ghosh Producer Koushik Bhattacharjee Leading Casts All Are Animated Characters


Diganta Dey was born on 9th May 1994 in a small villege ‘Tufanganj’ in Coochbehar district of West Bengal. From class 9th standard he started writing short stories, poems. After schooling he came to Kolkata for pursuing higher studies at the age of 18.From that time he started film making without any film training & made short films by his own student film production ‘Teammate Workers’.

NECESSITY HAS NO LOW Egypt | 2015 | 35 mm | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Arabic | International Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Ahmed Hamed Story Ahmed Hamed Script/Screenplay Ahmed Hamed

SYNOPSIS Day in the life of one of the brick factories and numerous positions between child workers begin his life in this profession and between an old man end his life in the same profession.

GKwU B‡Ui fvUvi GKw`‡bi Kvwnbx wb‡q Pjw”PÎwU ˆZwi| hvi wkï kªwgK, hviv GB †ckvq wb‡R‡`i Rxeb ïiæ K‡i Avi e„× kÖwgK, hviv wb‡R‡`i Rxe‡bi AwšÍg ch©v‡q P‡j G‡m‡Qb GB †ckvq KvR Ki‡Z Ki‡Z, Zv‡`i msL¨vi Zzjbv GB Pjw”P‡Î wPwÎZ n‡q‡Q|

Cinematographer Ahmed Hamed Editor Ahmed Hamed Producer Ahmed Hamed Leading Casts Ahmed Hamed


Ahmed Hamed was born in the Egypt in 1993. He hold a Bachelor of Arts Faculty of Arts Department of Theatre Acting and directing from Helwan University for the year 2015. He is currently studying photography and film directing at the Higher Institute of Cinema.

NELLY´S ADVENTURE Germany | 2016 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Adventure | German | South Asian Premiere | 94 min Target audience


Director Dominik Wessely Story Jens Becker & Uta Kolano Script/Screenplay Jens Becker & Uta Kolano Cinematographer Knut Schmitz Editor Anja Pohl

SYNOPSIS Thirteen-year-old Nelly’s holiday in Romania takes a very dramatic turn when she accidentally discovers her family’s secret plan to relocate there. Running away to avoid the reality of her fate, she walks straight into the hands of kidnappers! Their leader is an unscrupulous German engineer, plotting to destroy her father’s energy project by forcing the family to leave the country. Together with the help of the mysterious Mr. Holzinger, Nelly’s parents mount a desperate search for their daughter. Nelly, in turn, befriends two young Roma siblings, Tibi and Roxana, who aided her in her adventurous escape. Together, they cross mountains and rivers, flee from a dungeon, board a moving train, ‘borrow’ a car and become the heroes of the day!

†Zi eQi eqwm b¨vwj cwiev‡ii mv‡_ QzwU‡Z †ivgvwbqv †Z Av‡m| hLb †m Rvb‡Z cv‡i Zvi cwievi †ivgvwbqv‡ZB ¯’vqx fv‡e emevm Ki‡Z hv‡”Q ZLb †m cvwj‡q hvq| wKš‘ †m wKWb¨vcvi †`i nv‡Z aiv c‡i| Zvi wcZvgvZv inm¨gq wg÷vi njwRÄvi Gi mvnv‡h¨ b¨vwji mÜv‡b †ei nq| Aciw`‡K b¨vwj †ivgvwbqvb GK fvB‡ev‡bi mvnv‡h¨ cvwj‡q hvq| Gi ci MíwU †gvo †bq GK `ya©l© Awfhv‡b|

Producer Arek Glielnik Leading Casts Flora Li Thiemann Jutta Richter Kai Lentrodt Gustav Peter Wöhler Hannes Höchsmann Hagi Lăcătuş Raisa Mihai Rona Hartner


Dominik Wessely was born and raised in Munich; today he works Berlin-based. His works comprise a broad variety of documentary filmmaking (TV documentary, documentary series, feature length documentary). His films have been presented on film festivals all over the world, including Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale), The Chicago International Film Festival, FAJR Teheran, Input-Conference Taipeh, Museum Of Modern Art, N.Y., Melbourne International Film Festival, San Francisco International Film Festival, Seoul International Film Festival, World Film Festival Montréal.

NETHRAM India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Malayalam | No Premiere | 9 min 21 sec Target audience


Director Swaathinath Story Swaathinath Script/Screenplay Swaathinath

SYNOPSIS Revenge is a pain killer. It’s like a chain process. Don’t be in that chain. She is watching. So, don’t enjoy her pain or share her pain.

cÖwZ‡kva GKwU e¨v_vbvkK e¨vcvi| wKš‘ GwU GKwU Pjgvb NUbvi Ask| †mB NUbvi Ask n‡q n‡q civUv `yf©v‡M¨i| ZvB Kv‡iv `ytL‡K D`hvcb bv K‡i eis fvMvfvwM K‡i †bqv `iKvi| TAGLINE Dont enjoy or share someones pain.

Cinematographer Anandu Chandrasabu Editor Rajesh Raju Producer Maya Nair Leading Casts Om Krishna Nimisha Nair


Swaathi Nath was born in 14th april 1989. He lives in India. His first film is NETHRAM.

NINNOC Netherlands | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Dutch | International Premiere | 19 Min Target audience


Director Niki Padidar Cinematographer Jefrim Rothuizen Niki Padidar Editor Albert Markus Producer Joost Seelen

SYNOPSIS Why do you have to do what everyone else does and why does everyone have to look the same? Ninnoc struggles when she is in a group. She doesn’t just want to adapt to the others, but she’s also afraid of being excluded. Can you deviate in a group? Or will you then end up alone? In the documentary NINNOC you crawl in Ninnoc’s head. And find her in an empty school. Can she escape from the group or does she always carry it with her? What part of herself does Ninnoc show and what does she keep hidden? A film about exclusion and inclusion, about being your own, group pressure and the consequences that appear to coincide in the head of the beautiful and selfwilled protagonist Ninnoc.

†Kb mevB‡K GwK welq wb‡q fve‡Z n‡e, wbbK KL‡bvB GUv †g‡b wb‡Z cv‡iwb, GgbwK wb‡R‡K gvwb‡qI wb‡Z cv‡iwb mgv‡Ri GB e¨e¯’vi mv‡_, Ges †m †mUv Pvq bv| wKš‘ †m fq cvq hw` †m mevi mv‡_ mevi gZ K‡i bv P‡j Zvn‡j mevB _v‡K †Q‡o P‡j hv‡e| GB Z_¨wP‡Î wbb‡Ki mv‡_ wbb‡Ki GB Ø›`Uvq Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| †hLv‡b wbb‡Ki jovBUv wbb‡Ki mv‡_B †m wK GKvB _vK‡e bvwK `‡ji mv‡_ fx‡o wM‡q wb‡Ri wPšÍv‡K wemR©b w`‡e?

Niki Padidar mainly tells stories for/about children and young adults. Besides directing, she comes up with and executes new concepts, writes screenplays and does art-work. NINNOC is her documentary debut. In this film she visualizes what goes on in the mind of the protagonist. Niki likes to show the usually invisible world that is hidden behind people\’s fantasies, thoughts, dreams and fears. She wants the viewers to be surprised or confused after seeing her stories. And preferably to doubt their own reality.


NO Egypt | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Arabic | Bangladesh Premiere | 90 sec Target audience


Director Wagdy Rashed Story Wagdy Rashed

SYNOPSIS The film “No” by Wagdy Rashed is based on one of the most harming social obstacles, women imprisonment. The director expressed his thoughts how women stay prisoned in our society. And how this imprisonment inherits social backward customs.

IqvMw` iv‡k‡`i wdj¥ Ò†bvÓ Gi MíwU mgv‡Ri me‡P‡q ÿwZKi cÖwZeÜKZv, bvix‡`i ew›``kv‡K †K›`ª K‡i M‡o D‡V‡Q| Avgv‡`i mgv‡R bvix‡`i Kx K‡i K‡q`x evwb‡q ivLv nq Ges G ew›``kv Kxfv‡e mvgvwRK AMÖMwZ‡K euvav cÖ`vb Ki‡Q †m m¤ú‡K© cwiPvjK Zvi wbR¯^ aviYv GB Pjw”P‡Î cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb|

Script/Screenplay Wagdy Rashed Cinematographer Osama El-Ghoul Editor Wagdy Rashed Producer Project Group ( Wagdy Rashed ) Leading Casts Hanan Al-Fayomy Nevine Ayoub Ahlam Fekery Hend Kamel with child: Mennh Mohsen


Wagdy Rashed is a jury member at the Stairway Film Festival 2016, from 2014now, founder of the project cinema group. Board Member creativity Film and Communication Arts Development Association.1984- now, worked as assistant band director in the modern theater of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture. 1996now, developed many documentaries and short features for many of the NGOs working in the field of development.

NOSE HAIR United States | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | South Asian Premiere | 10 Min Target audience


Director Louis Morton Story Louis Morton Script/Screenplay David Guest

SYNOPSIS While playing a game with his friends young Nate discovers that he has an unusual condition.

hLb hyeK ‡bBU Zvi eÜy‡`i mv‡_ †LjwQ‡jv ZLb †m Dcjwä Ki‡Z cvi‡jv †h Zvi Ae¯’v A¯^vfvweK| TAGLINE While playing a game with his friends young Nate discovers that he has an unusual condition.

Cinematographer Louis Morton Miguel Jiron Javier Barboza Editor Louis Morton Producer Louis Morton Leading Casts Jayden Eastaugh Ryan Lacey Sean Bolger


Louis Morton is an animator and filmmaker living in Chicago, IL. His work has screened at many festivals around the world including Sundance, Annecy and Hiroshima. He graduated with an MFA in Animation and Digital Arts from the University of Southern California in 2013.

OA Spain | 2015 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Action | without dialogues | Bangladesh Premiere | 8 min 10 sec Target audience


Director Jaime Maestro Story & Screenplay Emili Doménech Editor Jaime Maestro

SYNOPSIS In the lonely steppe of Mongolia a shooting star fall from heaven, altering the fate of two young children who embark on a journey that will mark his life.

AvKvk †_‡K L‡m cov g‡½vwjqv bv‡gi ayg‡KZzwU `yB wkïi fv‡M¨ cwieZ©b wb‡q Av‡m| wkï `yÕwUi cieZx© hvÎvwU Zv‡`i Rxe‡b Abb¨ n‡q _v‡K|

Producer Carlos Escutia Animators Adriana Marqués García, Nacho Galdo Roc, Manuel Tordera Beltrán, Alberto Montalvá García, David Penalva Bella, Joan Andreu Quiles Rodas, Pedro Giménez Sanchis, Aaron Ibañez Ferrís, Juan Carlos Galvache Oliver, Isabel Bértolo Edreira, Raúl Ballester Hernández, Sergio Iglesias Reyes, Nieves Cobos Pastor, Javier Ruiz Latorre, Mode Rubio, María Cecilia Silva, Bárbara Rodríguez Martín, Raquel Gil Barros, Blanca Rodríguez Fajardo, Vanesa Carlucci Casanovas, Adolfo Reveron Navarro 111

Jaime Maestro after several years in Valencian producers, reaches Pasozebra 3D Supervisor. With the short film \”Mr. Rag\” won a nomination Goya and Oscar in 2006. Among its clients, works like Disney Channel series \”Alfred the Postman\” and advertisements for Cuétara Flakes. He founded, with two partners, of Keytoon Animation Studio, where he worked as Creative Director with clients such as Curious Pictures, Disney Channel, Mattel or Paramount Pictures.

ODD SQUAD: THE MOVIE Canada | 2016 | DCP | 2.39:1 | Color | Sci-Fi | English | International Premiere | 66 min Target audience


Director J. J. Johnson Story Tim McKeon Script/Screenplay Mark de Angelis Cinematographer George Lajtai Editor Jennifer Essex-Chew

SYNOPSIS Odd Squad: The Movie is a live-action comedy featuring government agent kids who investigate weird and unusual phenomena in their town and put things right. The kid agents are up against a group of grown-ups called Weird Team who runs Odd Squad out of business and the agents are forced to retire and become regular kids again. All seems lost until Odd Squad discovers Weird Team is not actually solving problems and they are up to no good. Armed with only their wits, the kids regroup and break into their old headquarters to save the day. The movie features big action set pieces, odd creatures, and even a trip to space. There’s action, problem solving, great visual effects and even a trip to outer Space!

AW †¯‹vqvW GKwU GKkb K‡gwW ¯^í‰`N¨© Pj”PwPÎ, GLv‡b wKQz wkïiv Mft‡g›U G‡R›U wn‡m‡e A™¢zZ NUbv Z`šÍ K‡i _v‡K| AW †¯‹vqvW‡`i mv‡_ DBqvW© wUg bvgK Av‡iKwU cÖvßeq¯‹‡`i Ø›`¦ _v‡K hviv AW †¯‹vqvW Acm„Z K‡i Zv‡`i Avevi †i¸jvi wkï‡`i gZ n‡Z eva¨ K‡i| mewKQz nviv‡Z e‡mwQj hw` bv AW †¯‹vqvW Lyu‡R †cZ †h DBqvW© wUg Kv‡Ri KvR wKQz bv K‡i Avm‡j ÿwZ K‡i †eov‡”Q| wb‡R‡`i eyw×gËv‡K m¤^j K‡i wkïiv Zv‡`i cyi‡bv †nW‡KvqvU©v‡i Avevi GKwÎZ nq|

Producer Stephen Turnbull Leading Casts Millie Davis Issac Kragten Anna Cathcart Olivia Presti


J. J. Johnson captains the creative aspects of each Sinking Ship Entertainment series from development and production to writing and directing. After discovering Daniel Cook in 2002, J. J. went on to create, direct, write and coproduce.

OFFLINE-ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL? Germany | 2016 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Comedy | German | South Asian Premiere | 87 min Target audience


Director Florian Schnell Story Florian Schnell Script/Screenplay Jan Cronauer Florian Schnell Cinematographer Dominik Berg Editor Matthias Scharfi

SYNOPSIS Usually, gamer JAN (17) isn’t Jan, he’s brave warrior FENRIS (Level 69), one of the top players in the Battle of Utgard fantasy game. He’s busy preparing for the upcoming online tournament, called “Ragnarök”, when he is suddenly expelled from the game. He frantically realizes he’s been hacked by another player, dark sorcerer LOKI (Level 70). It’s the start of the biggest quest of his life – in the real world! He encounters a plethora of analog obstacles on his journey to regain his digital identity, terrifying opponents, and even crazy KARO ...an actual, honest-to-goodness girl!

Utgard“. Er bereitet sich gerade auf das OnlineTurnier „Ragnarök“ vor, als er auf einmal aus dem Spiel geworfen wird und begreift, dass er von dem düsteren Magier „Loki“ gehackt wurde. Damit beginnt für ihn die größte Quest seines Lebens – in der echten Welt! Um seine digitale Identität zurückzubekommen, trifft er auf viele analoge Hindernisse und die durchgeknallte Karo – ein Mädchen! LOGLINE Fantastic mix about the reality of young people and their fazination for the virtual world

Die meiste Zeit seines Lebens ist Jan gar nicht Jan, sondern der wagemutige Krieger „Fenris“ und einer der besten im Fantasy-Game „Schlacht um

Producer Christian Beckker Benjamin Munz Leading Casts Moritz Jahn as Jan Mala Emde as Karo Ugur Ekeroglu as Deniz Hannes Wegener as Loki David Schütter as Ben


Florian Schnell was born in 1984 in Lörrach Germany. After graduated in school with A-Level Florian Schnell started studying fictional artwork on University of Hildesheim and did various internships for stage and film. From 2008 to 2015 directing student at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy. Scholarship of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”. Participant of the exchange program “Hollywood-Workshop” at UCLA in LA. Many of his short student films were national and international awarded.

OLD FRIEND Iraq | 0 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | arbic | South Asian Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Haider Hazim Story Haider Hazim Script/Screenplay Haider Hazim Cinematographer Haider Hazim


SYNOPSIS Aran is an Iraqi private who wounded in his leg during the battle. He hid in a Christian house to get a first aid then he discovered that house was captured by ISIS militants. He decided to commit suicide but waiting there he met his old friend. His mind was racing. The old of him could neither talk or communicate in any way. But Aran in the atmosphere of war needed his consultation. The plan he had he started to rethink. The question remains if he finally committed the suicide or not.

Biv‡Ki GK hy‡× LyeB gvivZ¥K fv‡e RLg nq Avivb bvgK GK †mbv| my¯’ n‡q DVvi Rb¨ Zvi mgq cÖ‡qvRb, †m ZvB GKwU Lªx÷vb cwiev‡ii mv‡_ jywK‡q _vKvi wm×všÍ †bq| wKš‘ †m Rvb‡Z cv‡i †h, evwowU‡K AvBGmAvBGm Gi ˆmb¨`j †NivI K‡i †i‡L‡Q| †m DcvqšÍi bv †`‡L wm×všÍ †bq AvZ¥nZ¨v Kievi| wKš‘ †mB evwo‡ZB Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv n‡q hvq Zvi cyi‡bv GK eÜyi mv‡_| †m eÜywU‡K †`‡L †hb K_vI ej‡Z cviwQj bv| wKš‘ Avivb fv‡e †h, GB gyû‡Z© Zvi KviI mv‡_ civgk© Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| †m AvZ¥nZ¨vi wm×všÍwU fve‡Z ïiæ Kij| MíwU Gfv‡eB GwM‡q hvq GK wbieZvq, †m AvZ¥nZ¨vi wm×všÍB envj ivL‡e bvwK evwZj Ki‡e|

Editor Haider Hazim Producer Haider Hazim Leading Casts Haider Hazim


Haider Hazim is a very creative director. He is from Iraq. As an aspiring filmmaker he has been an inspiration to many. He works with social issues. He has been really committed to his work. He looks forward to working in more movies. His movie “Old Friend” was shot in Iraq.

ONCE UPON A THREAD Portugal | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Action | no dialogues | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Patricia Figueiredo Story Patricia Figueiredo Script/Screenplay Patricia Figueiredo

SYNOPSIS A yarn ball woman, an old woman who spends her days looking out the window and a seller of clothes that fall from the clotheslines are connected by a thread. The three women lead the actions of other characters and the inevitable fate of a woman with her husband at her back.

GKRb myZv KvUv eywo, mvivw`b Zvi Rvbvjv w`‡q Kvco †_‡K c‡o hvIqv myZv †`‡L hvq| Av‡iv wZbwU gwnjvi PwiÎ _v‡K hv‡`i GKRb Zvi ¯^vgxi mv‡_ RwoZ fvM¨ Gov‡Z cv‡i bv|

Cinematographer Patricia Figueiredo Editor Patricia Figueiredo Raquel Felgueiras Producer Antonio Valente Leading Casts -


Patricia Figueiredo was born in 1985. Graduated in Plastic Arts - Painting from Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto, completed the course in Krakow, where she attended the atelier of Animated Film in Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie.

ONE DAY IN JULY Italy | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | no | Bangladesh Premiere | 2’15” Target audience


Director Hermes Mangialardo Story Hermes Mangialardo

SYNOPSIS One child plays with sand on a beach, but a soldier comes with his gun.

GKwU wkï b`xi cv‡i evjy wb‡q †Ljv KiwQj, nVvr †mLv‡b e›`yK nv‡Z GK †hv×vi AvMgb N‡U|

Script/Screenplay Hermes Mangialardo Cinematographer Hermes Mangialardo Editor Hermes Mangialardo Producer Hermes Mangialardo Sound Designer Anotinio Mangialardo Hermes Mangialardo was born in 1975 in Copertino, a little town in the south of Italy. He took a Flash animation Diploma at “Scuola Politecnica di Design” in Milan and in 2001. And he started to product his own animations.


OUTLANGISH South Africa | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | English | South Asian Premiere | 9 min Target audience

Story Tim Tim Drabandt

SYNOPSIS Outlangish is a South African social project that offers kids from disadvantaged areas in Cape Town an alternative to life on the streets through skateboarding. The sport of skating gives them the opportunity to learn a lot about themselves and their environment. It unifies young people and will keep them in positive spirits.

Script/Screenplay Tim Drabandt

TAGLINE Skateboarding Against Poverty


Director Tim Drabandt

Cinematographer Tim Drabandt Editor Tim Drabandt Producer Tim Drabandt Leading Casts The boys from Outlangish


Tim Drabandt is a freelancing director and cinematographer. He was born in Northern Germany in 1988. After high school he worked in different design agencies and film productions, including ‘Sterntag Film’ and ‘AVA Studios’. In 2010 Tim started studying film and video at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover, and the CPUT Film School in Cape Town, South Africa.

PATHS Portugal | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | no dialogues | International Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Raquel Felgueiras Story Raquel Felgueiras

SYNOPSIS One woman and two brothers give us two parallel narratives of their emotional healing journeys.

wK K‡i KóKi AwfÁZv †_‡K gyw³ †c‡Z nq? GKRb gwnjv Ges `yRb fvB Zv‡`i gvbwmK wbivg‡qi Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv `y‡Uv mgvšÍivj iv¯Ív Avgv‡`i †`wL‡q‡Qb|

Script/Screenplay Raquel Felgueiras Cinematographer Raquel Felgueiras Editor Raquel Felgueiras Producer Antonio Valente Leading Casts Raquel Felgueiras was born in 17th November, 1982, from Porto-Portugal. Has a degree in painting from FBAUP and has a postgraduate degree in Design from FBAUL. In 2012 finished her Masters in Animation Cinema at UWE, Bristol, which results in her first short film “White”.


PEN India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | Marathi | International Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Suraj wadekar Story Nitin shrivastav Script/Screenplay Nitin shrivastav Cinematographer Suraj wadekar Editor Suraj wadekar

SYNOPSIS This film is based on the pen to a child and his education. A child wanted to read, wanted to go to school. But he could not got the opportunity to read. At that situation he got a pen. That pen was not only pen for him, it was something more to the child. Everybody has the right to study and to be educated. The child also wanted to be educated. How he treat the pen and how is education to himthis is the main story of this film. In this film we can observe that everyone deserves education.

GB Pjw”PÎwU GKwU wkïi Kv‡Q Zvi Kjg I Zvi wkÿv †Kgb Zvi Dci wbwg©Z| GKwU ev”Pv co‡Z †P‡qwQj, ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z †P‡qwQj| wKš‘ †m covi my‡hvM cvq bvB| Ggb Ae¯’vq †m GKwU Kjg cvq| GB KjgwU Zvi Kv‡Q ïay Kjg wQj bv, eis Zvi †_‡K †ewk wKQz wQj| cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB cov‡kvbv Kivi AwaKvi Av‡Q, wkwÿZ nevi AwaKvi Av‡Q| wkïwU wkwÿZ n‡Z †P‡qwQj| †m wKfv‡e KjgwU †`‡L I wkÿv e¨vcviUv Zvi Kv‡Q †Kgb GUvB GB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j Kvwnbx| GB Pjw”PÎ †_‡K Avgiv eyS‡Z cvwi cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB wkÿvi AwaKvi Av‡Q| EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY: - Minute Mania International Film Festival, Indie Wise International Film Festival,8th International Children Film Festival ,The Appal Martini International Film Festival New York, Ankul Film Festival Nashik, 16th Parle Mahotsav Mumbai.

Producer Suraj wadekar Leading Casts Mayur wakode Nitin shrivastav Nitin shrivas Montu cheketkar


Suraj Wadekar is a film director and he directed the film “Pen”. He is the Editor, Cinematographer , Script / Screenplay ,Story writer, Directors of this film ‘Pen’.

PETALS, PIETY India | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Musical | telugu | No Premiere | 16 min Target audience


Director D.S.R.K Gutti Story D.S.R.K Gutti Script/Screenplay D.S.R.K Gutti

SYNOPSIS People tend to be protective of their things, memories and people. But once they get out of our protective sphere, they face their own fate. This short film tells the tale of a little girl and her rose. Will there be hope or despair- is the theme of the film. There was a little girl. She had a rose. It was a magic rose. One day one villain deprived the rose from the little girl. The little girl loved her rose very much and always takes care of the rose. Then she plan to back her rose from the villain in anyway what she can.

gvby‡li †SvuK _v‡K Zv‡`i wRwbm¸‡jv, ¯§„wZ¸‡jv I Kv‡Qi gvbyl¸‡jv‡K AvM‡j ivLvi| wKš‘ GKmgq Zviv Zv‡`i myiÿv ejq †_‡K †ei nq Ges Zv‡`i fv‡M¨i gy‡LvgywL nq| GB ¯^í‰`N©¨ Pjw”P‡Îi Kvwnbx GKwU †QvÆ †g‡q I Zvi †Mvjvc wb‡q| GLv‡b wK Avkv A_ev nZvkv _vK‡e- GUvB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j welq| GKwU †QvÆ †g‡q wQj| Zvi GKwU †Mvjvc wQj| GUv GKUv g¨vwRK †Mvjvc wQj| GKw`b GK Lvivc †jvK †MvjvcwU †g‡qwUi KvQ †_‡K wQwb‡q wbj| †QvÆ †g‡qwU †MvjvcUv‡K A‡bK fvjevmZ| ZvB ZLb †m cwiKíbv K‡i †h wKfv‡e †m H Lvivc †jv‡Ki KvQ †_‡K Zvi †Mvjvc wb‡q Avm‡e|

Cinematographer AnandNadakatla Editor T.hari Shankar Producer S Mallikarjuna Gouda D.S SrideviRavikiran Leading Casts K.n.mrishika : The kid K.n.mabhinaya : Mother Sonu: The girl Santosh : The boy Venugopal : The pries


D.S.R.K Gutti is an assistant director in telugu film industry, completed his BBM degree in Bellary Karnataka and MBA marketing in Hyderabad.” Petals, Piety” is his first short film as a director in telugu language.

PHATA : BYPASS India | 20169 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Marathi | No Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Rahul Zaware Story Rahul Zaware Script/Screenplay Satish Pawar Cinematographer Vivek Kamat

SYNOPSIS Film is based on superstition methods and religion difference in remote villages in Maharashtra, India. There is say in Marathi which means giving bypass to thought(s). The word ‘Phata’ (Marathi word) which has similar meaning to bypass where 2 or more roads meet each other.In this movie phata/ bypass is used as symbolic thing to characters’ thoughts. In the film, Phata where 2 roads meet one is old/rough and second is tar/new road. Altaf, 12-year-old Muslim boy how he is thinking and setting his mind to take a firm decision. Story moves around this boy and his friend Ganesh mother’s (Kausabai) thoughts and how they act according to their thinking.

TAGLINE Film is based on superstition methods and religion difference in remote villages in Maharashtra, India.

Editor Vivek Kamat Producer Pratiksha Zaware Leading Casts Aditya Paddune Jivan Krande Savita Karande


Rahul Zaware was born in 31st March in 1990. He is a Software Engineer. He loves to watch films as well as making films. He is a film activist.

PICCOLO CONCERTO Germany | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | without dialogue | South Asian Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Ceylan Beyoglu

SYNOPSIS The little flute Piko Piccolo goes on an adventurous journey in search of his own melody.

Story Ceylan Beyoglu Script/Screenplay Ceylan Beyoglu Cinematographer Ceylan Beyoglu Editor Ceylan Beyoglu Producer Ceylan Beyoglu Leading Casts -


Ceylan Beyoglu is an animation director and designer. She was born in Turkey, studied architectural restauration at Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul and product design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. After her graduation she worked as a designer and illustrator for the animation and games industry for many years. In 2013 she established the independent animation studio “Storykid Studio” at “The Young Producers’ House” at Studio Hamburg.

PIPO Philippines | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Tagalog | South Asian Premiere | 20 min Target audience


Director Richard Soriano Legaspi Story Richard Soriano Legaspi Script/Screenplay Richard Soriano Legaspi Cinematographer Ruston Banal Editor Diego Dobles

SYNOPSIS The story is about a little boy who feels he needs a beautiful family photograph to be accepted by the friends. The family couldn’t afford the money to take a family photo so he nagged the photographer to take a photo in a lower price. However, it is not until something happened that he found out that a family with love is more important than anything else in the world. Through the boy’s story, the problems of poverty and environment can also be seen in the film.

NUbvi ga¨ w`‡q †m eyS‡Z cv‡i †h cvwievwiK fvjevmvi †_‡K GB c„w_ex‡Z Riæix wKQz Avi †bB| GB Qwe‡Z †Q‡jwUi M‡íi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª Ges cwi‡ek welqK bvbv iKg aviYv cvIqv hvq| LOGLINE A boy dreams of having his family picture taken only to find out that what is more important is that he still has a loving family by his side more than anything else.

Pjw”PÎwU GKwU ev”Pv †Q‡ji AvKv•Lv wb‡q| hvi B‡”Q nj, GKwU cvwievwiK Qwe Zz‡j eÜy‡`i‡K †`Lv‡bv| wKš‘ Qwe †Zvjvi Rb¨ †h UvKv `iKvi †m UvKv †`qvi mvg_¨© Zvi †bB| ZvB †m Kg UvKvq Qwe †Zvjvi Rb¨ d‡UvMÖvdvi‡K Aby‡iva Ki‡Z _v‡K| Zvici wewfbœ

Producer Eloisa Espino Sanchez and NCCA Leading Casts Maliksi Morales Lou Veloso Chanel Latorre


Richard Soriano Legaspi was a film directing fellow at the prestigious Asian Film Academy in Busan, South Korea in 2007. His filmmaking career really took off when he did “Ambulancia,” which competed and received citations in different film festivals (Dubai, Asiana, Bangkok, San Gio, Budapest, Grand-Off Warsaw, Bradford, San Francisco, Patras and Austria).

PIRACY FULL STOP India | 2015 | 35 mm | 2.39:1 | Color | Thriller | Hindi | International Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Anant Rai Story Anant Rai Script/Screenplay Anant Rai Cinematographer Abhishek Modak

SYNOPSIS “Piracy Full Stop” is a story about the darker side of Film Industry, which refers to the unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then sold at substantially lower prices in the grey market. The common people who are not aware of the circumstances and causes of the film piracy that how their own money is destroying their own lives.

TAGLINE Stop Piracy Stop Terrorism

Pjw”PÎ RM‡Zi wKQz AÜKvi w`K wb‡q GB QwewU| wm‡bgvi Abby‡gvw`Zfv‡e cvB‡iwm Kwc Kg`v‡g †PvivBevRv‡i wewμ Kiv‡K wb‡q MíwU AvewZ©Z n‡q‡Q| mvaviY gvbyl †hLv‡b Am‡PZbfv‡eB †mB Kwc MÖnY Ki‡Q hv Avm‡j †kl‡gl Zv‡`i‡KB ÿwZMÖ¯’ Ki‡Q|

Editor Ajit Sawant Producer Anant Rai Dipika Sikand Leading Casts Abhishek Sonpaliya Ajaaz Rizvi Shaku Rana


Anant Rai (born 19 September 1986) is an Indian film director and writer. He made his directorial debut with short film Beti. He did his schooling from Shivananda Vidya Bhawan, Delhi and Graduation from Delhi University. He worked in Radio industry as Radio Jockey, Producer and copywriter since 4 years. Aashaayein, Ghalat Mod, Teri Maa, Ullu Da Patha, Main Tamanna, Piracy Full Stop short films was written and directed by him. Currently he is working on his first commercial Hindi feature film

PLAYGROUND France | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | French | South Asian Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Francis Gavelle Claire Inguimberty Story Francis Gavelle Script/Screenplay Francis Gavelle

SYNOPSIS Bruno loves Delphine very much… Delphine loves Jerome very much… Jerome stares at Marjorie… Marjorie doesn’t love her father nor her mother any more.

eªæ‡bv †WjdvBb‡K A‡bK cQ›` K‡i| †WjdvBb †R‡iv‡g †K cQ›` K‡i| †R‡iv‡g gvi‡Rvwi Gi w`‡K ZvwK‡q _v‡K| wKš‘ gvi‡Rvwi Zvi evev wKsev gv KvD‡KB cQ›` K‡i bv|

Cinematographer Claire Inguimberty Editor Antoine Le Bihen Producer Fabrice Préel-Cléach Leading Casts Alice Butaud Thibault Vinçon Valentine Carette Elsa Bidegain-Kouchner Simon Nora-Dreyfus


Francis Gavelle born in the suburbs of Paris, in 1963. French critic, Francis Gavelle is, since 1998, the producer of a show dedicated to literature, music and cinema for an independant radio (Radio Libertaire). From 2001 to 2011, he worked as member of the Short Film Commission, for the Cannes Film Festival’s Critics’ Week, and was, in 2012, juree of the “Caméra d’or Prize”. Otherwise, he is a member of the animation committee for the Cesars (the french Academy Awards) and initiated, in 2015, for the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the “André Martin Award Jury”.

POLKA DOTT United States | 2015 | HD | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Comedy | English | International Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Cynthia Pepper Story Cynthia Pepper Script/Screenplay Cynthia Pepper

SYNOPSIS Dott loves to have a good time, she enjoys puns and is very excited to spend the day by herself. Lots of crazy adventures occur as she starts to plan her dance party.

WU wb‡Ri mgqUv‡K fv‡jvfv‡e KvUv‡Z Pvq| †m GKv GKv w`b cvi Ki‡ZB Lye Avb›` †eva K‡i| GKevi †m GKUv bv‡Pi Abyôv‡bi cwiKíbv Ki‡Z wM‡q wKQz mvsNvwZK AwfÁZvi gy‡LvgywL nq|

Cinematographer Eli Adler Editor Elaine Trotter Producer Melinda Darlington-Bach Leading Casts Talya Satkin Cynthia Pepper was born in 14th November in 1961. She loves to watch and make films. She is a film activist.


POVERTY Philippines | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Filipino | No Premiere | 20 min Target audience


Director Dave Andrew Conde Kenneth Burcelis Story Kyla Ericka Paulmitan Antonnette Grace Loyola Script/Screenplay Kyla Ericka Paulmitan Antonnette Grace Loyola

SYNOPSIS Buboy is a typical teen fisherman whose patience was tested to the limit when catching fish is becoming scarcer each day. Ultimately he succumbs to the challenge and entered the flesh trade. Pleasure however was short lived and everything ends up in unexpected tragedy. When a man succumbs himself to poverty, anything and everything in both worlds can happen. Will he be able to absorb that cruel truth now? He must live on what he does. Either he can go fishing or he can trade flesh. He suddenly realizes what he must do now.

eyeq GKRb †R‡j| wKš‘ †m fvjfv‡e †ivRMvi Ki‡Z cviwQj bv| ZvB †m †kl †Póv wnmv‡e gv‡Qi e¨emvi GK cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq †hvM †`q| ïiæ‡Z me wVK g‡b n‡jI gyn~‡Z© me G‡jv‡g‡jv n‡q hvq|

Cinematographer Rhoyein Estelloso Marl Cabanig Editor Dave Andrew Conde Producer Davao City National High School Leading Casts Victor Jay Suazo


Kenneth Brucelis is a public high school student from the Davao City National High School who specializes in Media Arts. He is inclined into Photography and Filmmaking. Most of the time, he does the shooting of the scenes and follows everything his director tells him. He has “golden hands” in shooting scenes which is often appreciated by the rest of his crew. Dave Andrew Conde is born with great wisdom in telling stories through creative visualization. He is often praised because of his extraordinary interpretation of scenes in a screenplay. He questions a lot before proceeding to the actual shoot. The kid has definitely the wit. Although not often seen studying, he manages to convince his teachers he’s intelligent. He presents tactfully superb ideas to class. The boy does research on his own, he outwits his classmates oftentimes.

RACING EXTINCTION United States | 2015 | Blu-ray | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | South Asian Premiere | 95 min Target audience


Director Louie Psihoyos Story Mark Monroe Script/Screenplay Mark Monroe Cinematographer John Behrens Sean Kirby Petr Stepanek Shawn Heinrichs

SYNOPSIS Academy Award winning film makers expose the forces that are leading our planet to its mass extinction, potentially resulting in the loss of half of all the species. A never-before-seen view of an international wildlife trade. operating in the shadows, reveals how creatures that have survived for millions of years may be wiped from earth in our lifetime. Hidden in plain sight, the other great force is one the oil and gas companies don’t want the world to recognize. Using covert tactics and state of the art technology, Racing Extinction exposes these two forces in an inspiring affirmation to preserve life as we know it.

TAGLINE In 100 years, fifty percent of all species could be gone. EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Official Selection, Sundance Film Festival

Editor Jason Zeldes Lyman Smith Producer Olivia Ahnemann Fisher Stevens


Louie Psihoyos is a Greek-American photographer and documentary film director known for his still photography and contributions to National Geographic. Psihoyos, a licensed scuba-diver, has become increasingly concerned with bringing awareness to underwater life. In 2009 he directed and appeared in the feature-length documentary The Cove, which won an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature.

RAINBOW FIELDS India | 2016 | HD | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Drama | Assamese | International Premiere | 89 min Target audience


Director Bidyut Kotoky Story Bidyut Kotoky Script/Screenplay Bidyut Kotoky

SYNOPSIS Inspired by true events, Rainbow Fields is set in the Indian state of Assam in the violent period of the ‘80’s, this film is about children growing up in violent places, witnessing brutality around them and how it affects them deeply, leaving an indelible mark on their growth. On a soul searching journey back to his native village on hearing the news of the death of a childhood friend, a famous film director has to confront the unresolved vestiges of a terrible childhood accident, before he loses his last chance for redemption and closure.

mZ¨ NUbv Øviv AbycÖvwYZ, †ib‡ev wdìm‡K 80 Gi wnsmª hy‡M Avmvg iv‡R¨ †`Lv‡bv nq| GB Pjw”PÎwU mwnsm ¯’v‡b †e‡o IVv wkï hviv cÖwZwbqZ b„ksmZvi mvÿx Ges †hfv‡e GUv Zv‡`i‡K Mfxifv‡e cÖfvweZ K‡i Zv‡`i e„w×i Dci GKwU Qvc †i‡L hvq Zv †`Lv‡bvi †Póv K‡i| †Q‡j‡ejvi eÜyi g„Zy¨i Lei ï‡b AvZ¥vi AbymÜv‡bi GKRb weL¨vZ PjwPÎ cwiPvjK Zvi wbR MÖv‡g wd‡ib Ges Zv‡K me gyw³ Avi gxgvsmvi †kl my‡hvM nviv‡bvi Av‡M GKwU fqvbK ˆkke `yN©Ubvi AgxgvswmZ BwZnv‡mi BwZ Uvb‡Z n‡e|

Cinematographer Saya Editor Pallav Kotoky Producer Nitesh Batra Leading Casts Victor Bannerjee Nakul Vaid Dippannita Sharma


Bidyut Kotoky is a past National Award winner for his first film ‘Bhraimoman Theatre- where Othello sails with Titanic’ based on the travelling theatre of Assam. His second film “Ekhon Nedekha Nodir Xhipare” won Best Screenplay Award at the Assam State Film Awards, and the film won Best Screenplay and Best Actor at Washington DC South Asian Film Festival.

RAUF Turkey | 2016 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Romance | Turkish | Bangladesh Premiere | 94 min Target audience


Director Beris Kaya Soner Caner Story Soner Caner Script/Screenplay Soner Caner Cinematographer Vedat Ozdemir Editor Ahmet Boyacioglu

SYNOPSIS RAUF is the story of searching under the shade of a war and tough nature conditions , at the age of 11, Rauf finds himself in a big platonic love, in an effort to delight the girl whom he love in a world which loses the colour even in the daylight. Pink is the hue of our story, loves that are dreamed to be experienced, sleeps that are waken up with tranquality, fraternity and amity. Therefore, Rauf seeks ‘pink’ everywhere.

EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY - Turnhout, Belgium, out-of-competition screenings - 55th Zlin Film Festival (May 29 – June 04, 2015) - Little Big Films (July 17-19, 2015), Nurnberg, Germany

iDd GKwU hy‡×i Qvqv I k³ cÖK…wZi Ae¯’vi Aax‡b AbymÜv‡bi Mí| 11 eQi eq‡m iDd wb‡R‡K Luy‡R wd‡i fv‡jvevmvi g‡a¨, †hLv‡b GKwU †g‡q‡K †m cÖdzjø Kivi †Póv K‡i, †m fv‡jvev‡m c„w_ex‡K †hLv‡b w`biv‡Z †mB iO ¸‡jv nvwi‡q hvq| Ò†MvjvcxÓ iOUv GB M‡íi g~j DcRxe¨, iDd meLv‡b Ò†MvjvcxÓ Luy‡R †eovq

Producer Kazim Ugur Kizilaslan Leading Casts Alen Gursoy (Rauf)


Beris Kaya Barış Kaya and Soner Caner are filmmakers from Turkey. Kaya studied at the film and TV faculty at Anadolu University in Eskişehir. He has long worked in film production and made a number of TV commercials.

Soner Caner Caner studied artificial technology, focusing on product design. He works creating special effects and as an artistic director. The two collaborated on the film The Breath (Nefes) directed by Levent Semerci, in 2009. They made their directorial debut in 2016 with the feature drama Rauf.

RED DREAM Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Persian | International Premiere | 21 min Target audience


Director Shahriar Pourseyedian Story Shahriar Pourseyedian Script/Screenplay Shahriar Pourseyedian

SYNOPSIS Mohammad is a boy who sees the world around him from his own point of view. New year is coming and he has a dream. He is a extra ordinary boy with extra ordinary thinking. He has his own point of view to see the world. He is a good person and always thinks positive. In this new year he had a dream. So he wished to full fill his dream. He had done a lot of things for full fill his dream. And at last can he full fill his dream? This is the question. He is just a little boy with extra ordinary dream and wished if the dreams comes true.

†gvnv¤§` GKwU †Q‡j †h cy‡iv c„w_ex‡K wb‡Ri gZ K‡i †`LZ| bZzb eQi Av‡m Zvi GKwU ¯^cœ Av‡Q| †m Ab¨ iKg GKwU †Q‡j| †m GKwU AmvaviY †Q‡j hvi wPšÍvavivI AmvaviY wQj| †m Zvi wb‡Ri gZ K‡i cy‡iv c„w_ex‡K †`LZ| †m fvj †Q‡j wQj I A‡bK BwZevPK g‡bi wQj| bZzb eQi Avm‡Q, ZvB GB bZzb eQ‡i †Q‡jwUi GKwU ¯^cœ Av‡Q| Zvi Lye B”Qv †h †m Zvi ¯^cœ¸‡jv c~iY Ki‡e| †m Zvi ¯^cœ c~ib Kivi Rb¨ A‡bK wKQz K‡i| †kl ch©šÍ †m wKfv‡e Zvi ¯^cœ c~ib Ki‡e †mUvB GB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j welq| Zvi Amvavib GKUv ¯^cœ Av‡Q I Zvi B”Qv †m Zvi ¯^cœUv c~ib Ki‡e|

Cinematographer Mojtaba Koohkan Editor Shahriar Pourseyedian Producer Iranian youth cinema society Leading Casts Aydin Safarnejad Narges Badre taleyi


Shahriar Pourseyedian was born in 1979, graduated painting and art teacher in ministry of education. Writer director and producer since of 2006. Awarded more than 50 prize in national and international film festivals.

RED LINE Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2012 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | no dialouge | No Premiere | 8 min 14 sec Target audience


Director Mona A.Shahi

SYNOPSIS A turtle and a lizard suddenly find their self in the middle of a war in a dessert. A decision from the turtle can help its friend the lizard! But every decision has its own price!

GK wUKwUwK Avi K”Qc giæf‚wg †Z evm K‡i| giæf‚wg‡Z nVvr GKUv hy× ïiæ n‡q hvq| K”QcwU Avi wUKwUwKwU wb‡R‡`i‡K Avwe®‹vi K‡i fxlY hy‡×i gv‡S| K”QcwU Zvi eÜy wUKwUwKi Rxeb evuPv‡Z KwVb GK wm×všÍ wb‡q e‡m| KwVb wm×v‡šÍi g~j¨I cwi‡kva K‡i K”QcwU|

Story Mona A.Shahi Script/Screenplay Mona A.Shahi Cinematographer Golrokh Alvan Siamak Takkallou Azam Aghalouie Editor Hossein Molayemi Producer Mona A.Shahi Leading Casts -


Mona A.Shahi was born in Iran in 1983. She graduated from Sharif University of Technology with a BS in Physics and earned her MA in Directing Animation from Tehran University of Art. While being a member of Iran’s ASIFA community, she’s been working professionally in the fields of scriptwriting, directing and animating; and has been teaching animation aesthetics, directing and scriptwriting in various academic levels.

REFUGEE CAMP Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Drama | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min Target audience


Director Saeed Naghavian Story Saeed Naghavian Script/Screenplay Saeed Naghavian Cinematographer Saeed Naghavian Editor Saeed Naghavian

SYNOPSIS Refugee camp is a heart melting movie about a refugee camp and the terrible things that happen there explained in a very simple way. The film expresses complex emotions in a very simple way and in a very short time. Everyone denies refugees as they have no identity but they too are humans. They have their rights to live life as independently as other human beings but they are mostly denied. Their lives are always at stake. They have no place to go, no place to seek justice. The life they live are not only pathetic it is more inhuman and unjustified. This movie shows great empathy for them and makes aware the mass human about the life that they live at the borders and help people to be more considerate about them.

GKwU wiwdDwR K¨v‡¤úi Mí‡K †K›`ª K‡i wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q ü`qwe`viK GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU| K¨v‡¤ci gv‡S N‡U hvIqv wKQz KiæY NUbv‡K Zz‡j Avbv n‡q‡Q G M‡í| Aí mg‡qi gv‡S mnRfv‡e RwUj wKQz gvbexq Kvh©vejx Zz‡j aivUvB wQj GB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j D‡Ïk¨| wiwdDwRivI †Zv gvbyl, Zey †Kb gvbyl Zv‡`i‡K wiwdDwR e‡j D‡jøL K‡i `yBfvM K‡i ivL‡Q| gvbyl bv e‡j Zv‡`i WvKv n‡”Q wiwdDwR| †hb Avjv`v †Kvb GK cÖvwY| Zv‡`iI AwaKvi i‡q‡Q ¯^vaxbfv‡e GB awiÎxi ey‡K †eu‡P _vKvi| Zviv wb‡R‡`i Rxeb wb‡qB mswKZ _v‡K mviviY| Zv‡`i Rxeb ïay `ytL K‡óiB bq, Zv‡`i †Kv_vI KviI Kv‡Q hvIqvi RvqMv ch©šÍ †bB| gvby‡li Kv‡Q Zv‡`i cÖwZ mngg©x n‡q DVvi Av‡e`b Ki‡ZB Pjw”PÎwU wbg©vY Kiv n‡q‡Q|

Producer Saeed Naghavian Leading Casts -

Saeed Naghavian was born in 4 August 1992 in Bojnoord, an Eastern city of Iran. He proved himself internationally by making short films using too simple techniques so that his short film called “Refugee Camp” was presented in more than 20 international festivals.


REMAIN RAIN Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2015 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | no dialuge | International Premiere | 3 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Hossein Zeynali Story Hossein Zeynali

SYNOPSIS This Iranian short film portrays a little charming boy of Iran. He lives in a very shallow place with his grandmother, in the rainy nights it’s almost impossible to stay dry under the roof. This film beautifully shows the innocent little efforts he make to keep his grandmother dry on a rainy night.

GB Bivbx ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU Biv‡bi GKwU †QvU wkï‡K †K›`ª K‡i, †Q‡jwU Zvi `v`xi mv‡_ GKwU Kzu‡oN‡i _v‡K, So ev`‡ji iv‡Z Qv‡`i wb‡P †_‡KI †hLv‡b ïK‡bv _vKv cÖvq Am¤¢e| GK e„wói iv‡Z †Q‡jwU wb‡`©vl †QvU †QvU †Póvq Zvi `v`x‡K ïK‡bv ivLvi †Póv Ki‡Z _v‡K|

Script/Screenplay Hossein Zeynali Cinematographer Hossein Zeynali Editor Hossein Zeynali Producer Hossein Zeynali Leading Casts Zeynab Mardibani Meysam Mehdilooi


Hossein Zeynali is from Tehran, Iran. He is a freelance director. He has created 9 more short films. He is an author, director, photographer and cinematographer.

SANTA’S WAREHOUSE United States | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | english | No Premiere | 4 min 22 sec Target audience


Director Bless Williams Story Bless Williams Script/Screenplay Bless Williams Cinematographer Studi

SYNOPSIS When one man is tasked to work Christmas eve in Santa’s coldest warehouse, he will either be naughty or nice. There was too much cold outside. That was Christmas eve. So the man entered into the warehouse and found a gift bag. He found a letter from Santa . In that letter he tasked to clean the whole warehouse. He start to clean the whole warehouse. He found another gift. He did a lot of hard-works, he found another gift. But that was not working. He again starts cleaning. At last he got a big gift from Santa and being very happy to had a biggest gift.

hLb GKwU †jvK wLª÷gv‡mi mgq m¨v›Uvi VvÛv ¸`v‡g KvR Kivi `vwqZ¡ cvq ZLb ‡m gRvi bq‡Zv fvj nq. evB‡i A‡bK VvÛv wQj| GUv wLª÷gv‡mi mgq wQj| ZvB †jvKwU m¨v›Uvi VvÛv ¸`v‡g †Xv‡K I GKwU Dcnvi e¨vM cvq| †m m¨v›Uvi GKUv wPwV cvq| †mB wPwV‡Z †m cy‡iv ¸`vg Ni cwi®‹vi Kivi `vwqZ¡ cvq| †m cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i| †m AviI GKwU Dcnvi cvq| wKš‘ GUv KvR KiwQj bv| †m Avevi cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i| †kl ch©šÍ †m m¨v›Uvi KvQ †_‡K me‡_‡K eo Dcnvi cvq I A‡bK Lywk nq G‡Zv eo Dcnvi †c‡q|

Editor Bless Williams Producer Bless Studios Leading Casts Marcus Clemons John Aviles


Bless Williams was born in Alexandria, Virginia. His birthdate is 11/8/1979.He was a military brat and was inspired by Asian culture and Robert Rodriguez. He developed his early interest in filmmaking in the 90’s during his time in high school. He also is a prior Marine that enjoys creating stories through filmmaking. He is the Editor,Story writer, Director of this film.

SAVING THE SAVIOUR India | 2016 | Video Film | 1.6180:1 (16.18:10) | Color | Action | KASHMIRI/ENGLISH | International Premiere | 27 min Target audience


Director Jalal Ud Din Baba Story Jalal Ud Din Baba Script/Screenplay Benish Ali Bhat Cinematographer Jalal Ud Din Baba Editor Jalal Ud Din Baba

SYNOPSIS Billa orphaned at 9, never saw life in its beautiful form. For him it was all about pain and responsibilities greater than his age. He had a great aptitude for studies but without school fees it was all a waste. So he left the school and moved on. Billa found a hope in Wular and harped on a new journey. He scavenges Asia’s largest fresh water lake Wular daily for plastic trash. He sells whatever he collects and feeds his family. It’s ironic how the plastic that pollutes and chokes the Wular turn into a savior. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Regardless of all the hardships, Billa faces his fate; same way the Wular is fighting every day to survive the man made destruction. Billa at his own level protects Wular Lake by cleansing it from the garbage; in return he earns his living!.


Producer Jalal Ud Din Baba Leading Casts Bilal Ahmad Bhat (Billa)


Jalal Ud Din Baba has a great sense for good story narratives, characters and visuals. In pursuit of filmmaking, shrugging off everything for camera. He is a go-getter and doer rather just a dreamer. His area of interest in filmmaking is environment, wildlife and adventure, and issues related to children and human rights.

SCRAPS New Zealand | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | No Dialogue | South Asian Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Marnus Nagel Story Dor Cohen Script/Screenplay Dor Cohen Cinematographer Dor Cohen

SYNOPSIS A starving rat who lives in a scrapyard, builds a rocket ship that he hopes will fly him to the moon, which he thinks is made out of cheese.

GK ÿzavZ© B`yi GKUv hš¿cvwZi fvMv‡o evm K‡i| †m Puv‡` †h‡Z Pvq| GB B”Qv †_‡K †m cwbi w`‡q GKUv i‡KU ˆZwi K‡i|

EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY • BEST ONLINE SHORT. IMFF, 2016 3rd Ed • • Best MDS Student Short Film, 2016 • • FINALISTS at SMPTE-HPA Student Film Festival, 2016 • • FINALISTS at LA Cinefest, June 2016 • • FINALISTS at Food Film Fest Bergano, 2016 • • FINALISTS at Ukraine’s 8th Intl. Children TV Festival ‘Dytiatko’, 2016 • OFFICIAL SELECTION at 7th MikroFAF, Serbia, 2016 • • OFFICIAL SELECTION at Yes! Let’s Make a Movie Film Festival, 2016 • • OFFICIAL SELECTION at Move Me Productions Belgium, 2016 3rd Ed •

Editor Jonathan Wendt Producer Jonathan Wendt Leading Casts -


Marnus Nagel was born in the USA in 1980 and grew up mainly in Lesotho, South Africa but also in Germany. He studied Fine Art at the University of Cape Town, followed by a 2-year post-graduate residency at le Fresnoy, studio national des arts contemporains in France and then a post-graduate film directing programme at the dffb film academy in Berlin.

SHADOWS IN TOWN Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | Persian | International Premiere | 24 min Target audience


Director Shahriar Pourseyedian Story Abbas Kiarostami Script/Screenplay Shahriar Pourseyedian

SYNOPSIS Shadows In Town is about a student who is looking for her classmate’s house to bring his book that is left in his bag and in this way faced with the usual problems of life in the town. In every town there is many problems here and there. A girl was looking her friend’s house in the town. She had a bag with books. She was going to her friend’s house for returning his book which she borrowed. In the way to her friend’s house she faces many problems which generally happens in towns. So what she will do we can find in the film.

k¨v‡Wvm Bb UvDb nj Ggb Kvwnbx †hLv‡b GKRb ÷z‡W›U Zvi mncvVxi evmv LyuRwQ‡jv eB †`Iqvi Rb¨| †m Gfv‡e kn‡ii g‡a¨ mgm¨vi gy‡LvgywL nq| GB wb‡qB Kvwnbx| †m eBwU avi wb‡qwQj Zvi eÜyi Kv‡Q| eBwU †diZ †`‡e †f‡e †m eÜyi evmv LyuR‡Z _v‡K| †m eÜyi evmv wPbZ bv| cÖ‡Z¨K kn‡iB mevi wKQz bv wKQz mgm¨v nq| †m H kn‡i eÜyi evmvq †h‡Z wM‡q A‡bK mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb nq hv kn‡ii wPivPwiZ e¨vcvi| †m wewfbœ mgm¨vi wfZi w`‡q †kl ch©šÍ †h‡Z cvij wKbv Ges kn‡ii Lvivc w`K GKRb gvbyl‡K KZUv mgm¨vq d«j‡Z cv‡i †mUvB GB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j welq|

Cinematographer Vahid Biuteh Editor Shahriar Pourseyedian Producer Iranian youth cinema society Leading Casts Amirhossein Haghaighia nia Alireza Salehi Tooba Rahmanian Hnieh Hejrati Mani Partovi Mahyar Vaghari Alireza Fattahi


Shahriar Pourseyedian was born in 1979, graduated painting and art teacher in ministry of education. Writer director and producer since of 2006. Awarded more than 50 prize in national and international film festivals.

SHIPS PASSING IN THE NIGHT Germany | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | english, ewe, italian, arabic... | South Asian Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Elisabeth Zwimpfer Story Elisabeth Zwimpfer Script/Screenplay Elisabeth Zwimpfer

SYNOPSIS Malaika lives in Europe, a place named Pombalo in Africa. She collects stranded goods, she is a fisherwoman. Sometimes the nets remain empty, so, she sets off to Europe. At the shore they face each other as ships passing in the night. She is just confused with life. She does not even know what to do. What she must do! But the story goes on as well as she lives on happily. She could be anything anywhere else. But she enjoys this life. She has no complain about that. She just enjoy the view of passing ships.

gvjvBKv BD‡iv‡ci evwm›`v, †cv¤^v‡jv Avwd«Kvi evwm›`v| gvjvBKv Zx‡i AvU‡K civ mvgMÖx msMÖn K‡i| †cv¤^v‡jv GKRb †R‡j| fvj gvQ bv †c‡q †cv¤^v‡jv BD‡iv‡c P‡j Av‡m| GK iv‡Z hLb RvnvR hvw”Qj ZLb Zviv gy‡LvgywL nq|

Cinematographer Elisabeth Zwimpfer Editor Elisabeth Zwimpfer Producer Elisabeth Zwimpfer Leading Casts Voices: Napo Oubo-Gbati, Maike Koller, Girmay Asefaw, Gaetano Maruccia, Helen Alem, Girmay Asefaw, Habtom Gebremichal, Nadim Natour, Edgard Sueyem, Freweini Yauhannes, ...


Elisabeth Zwimpfer was born in Basel, Switzerland. She Studied Illustration and Animation at School of Arts in Kassel, Germany. She has created a few short films and endeavours of her imminent short film is going impeccably. Her films got accolades from both the critics and the audiences. She is very much passionate about filmmaking.

SHORTLY BEFORE DISAPPEARING Italy | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Italian | International Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Guglielmo Poggi Story Guglielmo Poggi Sara Cerroni Maristella Burchietti Ludovico di Martino

SYNOPSIS Marta is a young woman who wants to be a swimsuit model. It is her childhood cherish. She is very much passionate about her dream. But she finds a problem while she was taking care of her dream. When she realizes that she is not as thin as other models, she finds out what “breatharianism” is and for 4 days she doesn’t eat. She must be model. For this she must do that what must not be undone. Will she be able to see herself as a model in a swimsuit in this life or not?

gvwiqv GKRb ZiæYx mvuZv‡ii †cvkv‡Ki g‡Wj| hLb †m GUv Dcjwä K‡i †m Ab¨ g‡Wj‡`i gZ ïuK‡bv bq ZLb †m “breatharianism” m¤c‡K© Rvb‡Z cv‡i Ges Pvi w`b ch©šÍ bv †L‡q _v‡K| Gici wK †m †eu‡P _v‡K? bvwK Zv‡K g„Zz¨ eiY Ki‡Z nq? bvwK †m Zvi K‡ói dj cvq? †m Zvi ¯^cœ mv_©K Ki‡Z cv‡i? Zv Rvb‡Z n‡j †`L‡Z n‡j wdj¥wU| Avgiv GB AvaywbK hy‡MI A‡bK cyivZb a¨vb avibv jvjb Kwi| Gme a¨vb-aviYv AvuK‡o a‡i ivLvi Kvi‡Y KL‡bv Avgiv DcKvi cvB| wKš‘ KL‡bv †W‡K Avwb wec`|

Script/Screenplay Guglielmo Poggi Cinematographer Alessandro Bonolis Editor Ludovico Di Martino Producer Guglielmo Poggi Leading Casts Marta Bulgherini


Guglielmo Poggi was born in Rome on 11th April, 1991. He completed his diploma in 2010 at Liceo Classico Tito Lucrezio Caro specializing in “Art & Show”. He got graduation in acting 2014 from “Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia”, National school of Cinema.

SKY Netherlands | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | dutch | Bangladesh Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Loes Janssen Cinematographer Loes Janssen Editor Loes Janssen Producer Loes Janssen

SYNOPSIS Sky is nine years old and has a significant hearing impairment. He tries hard to participate in his class which is full of good hearing children, but often he feels powerless and misunderstood. He thinks the outsiders don’t understand him, but does he understand them? In this short documentary we observe Sky during and after school time as he tries to maintain grip on his environment.

- Eindhoven, The Netherlands February 19, 2016, Dutch Premiere - Pop-up Cinema: Talent Talks at NWE Vorst Tilburg, The Netherlands, March 25, 2016 - Go Short International Film Festival Nijmegen, The Netherlands, April 8, 2016

TAGLINE Does it matter whether your perception of reality is real or not? EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY - Docfeed Festival Best Dutch Short Documentary Award 2016’

Loes Janssen was born in the USA in 1980 and grew up mainly in Lesotho, South Africa but also in Germany. He studied Fine Art at the University of Cape Town, followed by a 2-year post-graduate residency at le Fresnoy, studio national des arts contemporains in France and then a post-graduate film directing programme at the dffb film academy in Berlin.


SNACK TIME Brazil | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | Potuguese | Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Claudia Mattos Story Claudia Mattos Script/Screenplay Claudia Mattos Cinematographer Publius Vergilius

SYNOPSIS The storyline of the movie “Snack Time” shows how tough life can be when someone lives a life below poverty. If it wasn’t for the lunch at school, the brothers Joalisson, Joedson and Jowilson would starve the entire day, because unfortunately they have no food at home. Their unemployed and single mother struggles hard to try to keep up but she fails. She doesn’t want the neighbors to know about it. Every afternoon she obliges the boys to stand at the window pretending they’re eating. The humbug goes on until something happened.

`vwi`ª Avi AvZ¥gh©v`vi wecixZgyLx m¤cK©‡K wN‡i MíwU D†V G†m‡Q Avgv‡`i mvg‡b| wZb fvB †Rv‡qwjmvb, †Rv‡qWmvb Avi †RvDBjmvb KL‡bvB my‹‡j †hZ bv hw` bv Zv‡`i ¯‹z‡j bv¯Ívi mgq Lvevi †`Iqv n‡Zv| Avi ¯‹z‡j Lvevi bv w`‡j Zv‡`i mvivUv w`b Abvnv‡iB _vK‡Z n‡Zv| KviY Zv‡`i M„wnYx gv‡qi Lvevi LvIqv‡bvi gZ mvg_¨© wQj bv| mgv‡Ri Kv‡Q †m Zv ¯^xKvi Ki‡ZI AcviM| wZb fvB‡K we‡Kj †ejv Rvbvjvi Kv‡Q e‡m LvIqvi wg‡Q wgwQ Awfbq Ki‡Z nq| GB Awfbq Pj‡Z _v‡K GKw`b GKwU AevK Kiv NUbv bv NUv ch©š—| TAGLINE Snack time can be a very boring moment

Editor Claudia Mattos Producer Claudia Mattos Leading Casts Emanuel Amorim Pablo Araújo Maurício Magno


Claudia Mattos is a writer, producer and director. She has written, produced and directed the feature documentary “Porto da Pequena África” and the short fiction “Snack Time”. Apart from direction, she has also written and produced the feature fiction film “180º” and the short film “The Paper and the Sea”.

SORT THE SPOT India | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Hindi, English | International Premiere | 14 min 17 sec Target audience


Director Vaishvi Mistry Story Vaishvi Mistry Script/Screenplay Vaishvi Mistry Cinematographer Saikat Chakravarty

SYNOPSIS The storyline of this film points out the social norms and the naive mentality of the people who are not willing to open their minds. Two girls on their usual school day faces a difficult situation and handles it differently. One is taught to accept herself and gets to know she is unstoppable no matter what and the other one finds out that is bound to live in her room and cannot go out and continue her daily life. This creates a big spot when it comes to understand and accept the social taboo and talk about it. The question remains if this spot can be solved or not.

MíwU‡Z Lye my›`i K‡i Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri Av‡kcv‡ki D”PwkwÿZ wKš‘ msKxY© g‡bi gvbyl Avi mvaviY ga¨weË cwiev‡ii gy³ `„wófw½ m¤cbœ gvby‡li cv_©K¨Uv LyeB my›`i K‡i Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| `yBUv wfbœ cwi‡e‡k `yBRb †QvU †g‡qi mv‡_ GKB weeªZKi NUbv NwU‡q Zv‡`i eÜy‡`i cÖwZwμqv Avi evev gv‡qi K_v †_‡K GUvB cwi®‹vifv‡e eySv hvq †h, eoivB †QvU‡`i cÖRb¥‡K fzj aviYv w`‡q eo K‡i M‡o Zzj‡Q| GB wekvj eo ZdvrUv KL‡bv †NuvPv‡bv hv‡e wK bv, GB cÖkœUvB †_‡K hvq cy‡iv Mí Ry‡o|

Editor Arpit Singh Producer Sanjay Mistry Flora Mistry Leading Casts Gayatri Rana Nishtha Mehra J.L. Kaustubh


Vaishvi Mistry was born and raised in Surat, Gujarat, India. She has completed her schooling from Delhi Public School, Surat. Knowing that her proclivity for movie making is insatiable, she decided to study filmmaking, which would provide wings to her creativity. She intends to be a filmmaker who does not want to confine herself to a particular genre but one who would love to make movies of every genre.

SPRING IN AUTUMN Belarus | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Belarusian | Bangladesh Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Tatiana Kublitskaya Story Uladzimir Karatkevich Script/Screenplay Tatiana Kublitskaya Cinematographer Maxim Gerasimenko

SYNOPSIS Little boy Janka became seriously ill.He would like to see the Sun, but outside the window was a cold autumn day. Janka’s sister, Alenka, helps her little brother and goes to search the Sun. When Janka wished to see the sun, he told his sister Alenka. But Alenka knew the truth and the truth is there was no sun outside the window. But if she told this to her brother then he will feel bad. So she decide she will go outside for searching sun. But there was no possibility that she can see the sun. Because there was cold out there. But at last what Alenka can do for her brother Janka we can find in this film.

†QvÆ †Q‡j RvbKv A‡bK Amy¯’ nq| Zvi m~h© †`Lvi A‡bK B”Qv nq| wKš‘ evB‡i ZLb VvÛv em‡šÍi w`b| RvbKvi †evb Av‡j¼v Zvi fvB‡qi B”Qv c~iY Ki‡Z Pvq I m~h© LyuR‡Z hvq| hLb RvbKvi m~h© †`Lvi B”Qv nq †m Zvi †evb Av‡j¼v‡K e‡j| wKš‘ Av‡j¼v RvbZ mwZ¨ nj evB‡I †Kvb m~h© wQj bv| wKš‘ †m hw` Zvi fvB‡K mwZ¨ Uv e‡j †`q Z‡e †m Kó cv‡e I Av‡iv Amy¯’ n‡e| †m wPšÍv Kij †m m~h© LyuR‡Z wb‡RB evB‡i hv‡e| Kvib evB‡i ZLb A‡bK VvÛv| †kl ch©šÍ Av‡j¼v Zvi fvB Rv¼vi Rb¨ wK Ki‡Z cvij Avgiv †mUv GB Pjw”PÎ †Z †`L‡Z cvie|

Editor Tatiana Kublitskaya Producer National Film Studio”Belarusfilm”

Tatiana Kublitskaya is working at the animation studio of National Film Studio “Belarusfilm”. She is a director and production designer of these films:“Spring in Autumn (2015)”, “Song of the Lark(2014)”, “Pilipka (2012)”, “Tale of the past years – 5 (2012)”, (Coat of Arms Byhov), “Centipede (2011)”, “Lullaby (2009)”.


STAR TAXI Slovakia | 2015 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Sci-Fi | Slovak | South Asian Premiere | 14 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Juraj Krumpolec Story Gianni Rodari Script/Screenplay Juraj Krumpolec Igor Derevenec Anton Šulík Cinematographer Juraj Krumpolec Igor Derevenec

SYNOPSIS Adventures of a little boy Hugo and a taxi driver Peppino on their journey through dangerous universe. Hugo on his way home from school accidentally bumps into Peppino and his Star Taxi spaceship. Peppino takes him on a fabulous cosmic ride and recounts an unbelievable story about how he became an intergalactic taxi driver, how he met his first extraterrestrial passenger. When Hugo was returning home from school then he accidently fall foul of Peppino. Then Peppino offer him to go with him for a wonderful cosmic ride to the universe. Hugo become amazed to hear Peppino. Then Hugo went with Peppino to ride in the universe.

wnD‡Mv Ges U¨vw·PvjK †cwà‡bv fqsKi gnvwe‡k^i Awfhvb hvÎvq Av‡Q| ¯‹zj †_‡K evwo hvevi c‡_ wnD‡Mv `yN©UbvekZ †cwà‡bv I Zvi ÷vi U¨vw· bvgK †¯úmwk‡c av°v Lvq| †cwà‡bv Zv‡K Amvavib KmwgK ivB‡W wb‡q hvq Ges †m wKfv‡e Qvqvc_¸‡jvi U¨vw· PvjK n‡jv, Zvi cÖ_g AwZcvw_©e hvÎx †Kgb wQ‡jv- †m¸‡jvi Awek^vm¨ Kvwnbx ïbv‡jv| hLb wnD‡Mv ¯‹zj †_‡K evwo hvw”Q‡jv ZLb †cwà‡bvi mv‡_ †m av°v Lvq| †cwà‡bv Zv‡K we¯§qKi KmwgK ivB‡Wi Rb¨ e‡j| †cwà‡bvi K_v ï‡b wnD‡Mv AevK nq I Zvi mv‡_ fqsKi gnvwe‡k^i Awfhvb hvÎvq hvq|

Editor Juraj Krumpolec Producer Juraj Krumpolec Leading Casts Richard Stanke


Juraj Krumpolec (1977, Bratislava, Slovakia) is a Slovak urban planner and architect. Since 1997 he is professionally dedicated to animation and co-directing animated music videos as Glider (1997, Hex), Man of your dreams (1999, Hex) and Iron man (2000, Malevil). Star Taxi is his first animated short film for children.

SUPERMOM United States | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Jason Honeycutt Story Jason Honeycutt Script/Screenplay Jason Honeycutt Cinematographer Jason Honeycutt Editor Jason Honeycutt

SYNOPSIS Addison loves the female superhero “Skyfire” because “Skyfire” looks a lot like her mother. Knowing her mother works at night saving people, she asks her father what her mother does for a living and learns that her mother is a hero. Addison goes to school telling kids that her mother actually is Skyfire and the class bully, Isabella, laughs at her. Later, Isabella learns that Addison’s mother is a ‘super hero’ when she sacrifices herself in order to save Isabella’s father and her. Through Isabella’s recounting of the event, and through Addison’s imagination, Addison learns how much of a real life hero her mother actually is.

A¨vwWmb †g‡q mycviwn‡iv Ò¯‹vB dvqviÓ †K cQ›` K‡i| KviY †m †`L‡Z A‡bKUv Zvi gv‡qi gZ| †m Rv‡b †h Zvi gv iv‡Z KvR K‡i gvby‡li Rxeb euvPvq| †m Zvi evevi KvQ Rvb‡Z Pvq †h Zvi gv Kx PvKzwi K‡i| A¨vwWmb GKw`b ¯‹z‡j Ab¨‡`i‡K e‡j †h Zvi gv Avm‡j Ò¯‹vB dvqviÓ| G K_v ï‡b Bmv‡ejv Zv‡K wb‡q nvmvnvwm K‡i| GKw`b Bmv‡ejvI Rvb‡Z cv‡i †h, A¨vwWm‡bi gv Avm‡jB GKRb mycvi wn‡iv| LOGLINE A daughter believes her mother is a real life superhero - she might be right EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Short to the Point International Film Festival (Bucharest)

Producer Jason Honeycutt Nick Pellegrini Leading Casts Justine Herron John Hensley


Jason Honeycutt is an award-winning director, born and raised in rural Michigan. He grew up making movies from childhood and drawing comics. He worked three jobs to pay for film school and moved to Los Angeles where he’s directed and/or edited content for FX Network, FOX, CBS, Dreamworks, Universal Republic, Sony Music, Disney, TNT and others. He is the winner of six Promax Gold Awards and is a part of the On-Air Promotions team at FX Network, where he helped them to win Promax’s “Marketing Team of the Year” six times in a row.

SURPRISE Jordan | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Non Dialogue | South Asian Premiere | 5 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Tariq Rimawi Story Tariq Rimawi Script/Screenplay Tariq Rimawi

SYNOPSIS The surprise waiting for the clown doll when he discovers his unique hat is not on his head when he went out of the surprises box! It is a clown doll’s story. The doll had a unique hat. The clown doll who wanders in the empty city reminiscing the days that made children to laugh. He was a joker and slayed happiness among the children. He was trying to make them laugh. When he wanted to surprise them, he become surprised because his hat was not in his head when he went out of the surprises box!

GKwU †RvKvi cyZzj wew¯§Z nq hLb †m mvicÖvBR ev· †_‡K †ei nq ZLb †m Avwe®‹vi K‡i Zvi gv_vq Zvi Abb¨ Uzwc †bB! †m GKwU †RvKvi †h †QvÆ ev”Pv‡`i Avb›` †`q| ev”Pv‡`i g‡a¨ Lywk wewj‡q `vq| AvR †m wb‡RB AevK| hLb †m Zvi mvicÖvBR ev· †_‡K †ei nq Zvi gv_vi UzwcUv Zvi gv_vq wQj bv| †mUv ïay ZviB Uzwc †hUv Ab¨ KviI n‡e bv| †RvKvi cyZzj wew¯§Z nq| GLb †m wKfv‡e Zvi Uzwc Lyu‡R cv‡e, wKfv‡e ev”Pv‡`i mvicÖvBR w`‡e †mUv fve‡Z _v‡K| †m LyuR‡Z _v‡K Ges †m †kl ch©šÍ wb‡RB wew¯§Z nq|

Tariq Rimawi is a Jordanian animated film director and scriptwriter. His graduation stop-motion film entitled Missing has screened at more than 100 international film festivals. The film has also received 12 awards domestically and internationally. Recently, Tariq completed his PhD studies about Arab Animation Cinema at The Animation Academy at Loughborough University.


TAKING CARE OF JONAS France | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | French | South Asian Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Ghasideh Golmakani Story Ghasideh Golmakani Script/Screenplay Ghasideh Golmakani

SYNOPSIS Ida, a little girl of 5 years is responsible for taking care of his little brother Jonas, while their mother is out on the town. Agitation and crying of Jonas who is just 8 months, push Ida to find a solution.

5 eQi eqmx †g‡q AvB`v| Zvi gv kn‡ii evB‡i hvIqvq Zvi Nv‡o `vwqZ¡ n‡”Q Zvi †QvU fvB †Rvbvm Gi †`Lfvj Kiv| 8 gvm eqmx †Rvbvm KvbœvKvwU Avi P¨vPv‡gwP ïiæ Ki‡j, AvB`v G †_‡K D×vi cvIqvi Rb¨ GKUv mgvavb LyuR‡Z _v‡K|

Cinematographer Manuel Wiesenfeld Editor Ghasideh Golmakani Producer Ghasideh Golmakani Leading Casts Ida Wiesenfeld Jonas Wiesenfeld


Ghasideh Golmakani was born into a family of journalist and artist. At age 19, she started to follow her studies in “Art history” and “cultural studies”. Her PHD studies subject at Sorbonne University is focused on “Asghar Farhadi’s cinemathographic style, as a syndroma for Iranian young filmmaker generation”. Moved back in Iran, she started to maked movies. Self-taught, Ghasideh had made documentaries and making-of for several movies such “Today” and “Daughter” (Reza Mirkarimi).

TEDDY United States | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | NA | Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min Target audience


Director Margaret Orr

SYNOPSIS A sleeping child is easy prey for the monster under the bed. Fortunately, her best friend is close at hand to save her.

weQvbvi wb‡P _vKv f‚‡Z‡`i Rb¨ Nywg‡q _vKv wkï‡`i †_‡K DËg wkKvi Avi wKQz †bB| fvM¨ekZt Zvi me‡P‡q Nwbô eÜzwU Zv‡K iÿv Kievi Rb¨ Lye Kv‡QB i‡q‡Q|

Margaret Orr is an animator and filmmaker from Bloomington, Indiana. Since 2012 she has created four short films which have been featured in film festivals around the world. She earned her MFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2015, as well as her BS from DePaul University in 2012.


THE AUTO RISK SHOW India | 2015 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Hindi | International Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Susruto Mukherjee Madhureeta Bera Nilanjana Rudra Parijat Bhattacharya Story Susruto Mukherjee Saswata Mukherjee Script/Screenplay Susruto Mukherjee Saswata Mukherjee

SYNOPSIS A man having done his morning shopping boards an auto. Little does he know that what awaits him is a mad mad ride that would blow things out of proportion. TAGLINE Ride at your own risk EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Kolkata International Film Festival ( OďŹƒcial Selection), Ballygunj High School Alumni Association Film Festival in the memory of their Alumnus Satyajit Ray , 3rd place was given to this film by directors Sandip Ray and Kaushik Ganguly

Cinematographer Susruto Mukherjee Editor Parijat Bhattacharya Madhureeta Bera Producer Kreative Minds Productions Leading Casts Susruto Mukherjee ( Voice)


Susruto Mukherjee A designer and filmmaker from the city of Satyajit Ray who dreams to become some one close to him. He is a graduate from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. He currently resides in Kolkata where he works as a freelance designer and illustrator so that he can make out time to tell stories through his films.

THE BICYCLE India | 2016 | Blu-ray | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Assamese | Bangladesh Premiere | 84 min Target audience


Director Khanjan Kishore Nath Story Khanjan Kishore Nath Script/Screenplay Khanjan Kishore Nath

SYNOPSIS Chor (The Bicycle) revolves around the lives of two friends Nipu and Raju with Raju owning a bicycle and Nipu’s desire for it. Unfortunately by the unstoppable longingness and thrill of riding a bicycle, Nipu one day quietly rides the bicycle without the permission of his friend and unfortunately lose it. The story progresses with twist and turns of emotions between both the friends and the matter spreading to their families. With false accusation and doubt, the story manages to keep the thrill alive throughout.

MíwU wbcy Avi ivRy bv‡g `yB eÜz‡K wb‡q| ivRyi GKwU mvB‡Kj Av‡Q| wbcyiI GKUv mvB‡Kj wKb‡Z Lye B‡”Q K‡i| mvB‡Kj Pvjv‡bvUv Zvi Kv‡Q GKUv Ab¨iK‡gi D‡ËRbvKi e¨vcvi| GKw`b wbcy PzwcPzwc ivRyi mvB‡KjUv wb‡q Pvjv‡Z hvq| wKš‘ `yf©vM¨ekZt †m †mwU nvwi‡q †d‡j|

Cinematographer Jayanth Mathavan Editor Bikash Dutta Producer Krishna Adhikari Lalit Saikia Leading Casts Gunjan Saikia Raktim Gayan Abhilasha Kotaky


Khanjan Kishore Nath is a new generation filmmaker from India. He did his Master Degree in Mass Communication from Guahati University and did film making from Zee Institute of Media arts, Mumbai. He made few short films like “The quest” (Surjya Sandhan), “Twilight”(Aporahno), “The Horizon”(Khuj), “Waiting For”, “If”, “Saknoia” (The River Flows), etc. All his films were screened various film festivals around the globe. His recent project is “The Bicycle” (Choor) which was selected for Film Bazaar at International Film Festival of India 2011 and invited to International Film Festival of Rotterdam 2012. Now this feature film project is under post production

THE BIG CLAWED MONSTER Brazil | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Romance | O Awa Poanpé | No Premiere | 5 min 22 sec Target audience


Director Julia Vellutini Story Jekuaguá Mirim Julia Vellutini

SYNOPSIS The Short Film “O Awa Poanpé” tells the story of Werá, a boy from the indigenous tribe Krukutu, in São Paulo. After stealing a feather from a magical owl on the day of his ritual to adulthood, he is transformed into the mythical creature “The Monster of Enormous Claws”. He must then return the stolen feather to the owl, in order to become a boy once again.

GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pj”PwPÎwU †fiv bv‡g GKwU †Q‡j‡K †K›`ª K‡i, †h mvI cvI‡jvi μyKzUz †Mvôxi| †fiv GKevi Rv`yKix GK †cuPvi KvQ †_‡K GKwU cvjK Pzwi K‡i, Zvi mvevjKZ¡ Abyôv‡bi w`b †m GK †cŠivwYK cÖvwY‡Z cwiYZ nq| Av‡Mi Ae¯’vq wd‡i †h‡Z n‡j Zv‡K Rv`yi cvjKwU †diZ w`‡Z n‡e|

Script/Screenplay Jekuaguá Mirim Tupã Mirim Cinematographer Daniel Todeschi Editor Daniel Todeschi Producer Debora Ribeiro De Lima Leading Casts Luiz Felipe Mazzoni Jared Krukutu Levy


Julia Vellutini is an American born Brazilian, who began her career in the international department of O2 Films. She began writing in 2012, and has since created and written the scripts for the animation television series for children.

THE BIRDIE Russian Federation | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | no dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Yekaterina Filippova Story Yekaterina Filippova

SYNOPSIS Once the birdie met a hippo. They became friends and have built a lovely house together.

GKwU †QvÆ cvwLi mv‡_ GK Rjn¯Íxi cwiPq| Gici Zviv eÜy n‡q hvq Ges GKwU Ni evwb‡q GKmv‡_ emevm ïiæ K‡i|

Script/Screenplay Yekaterina Filippova Cinematographer Yekaterina Filippova Editor Yekaterina Filippova Producer Liubov Gaydukova Animators Yekaterina Filippova


Yekaterina Filippova was born in Moscow in 1990. She did her graduation from International Slav Institute majoring Cinema & Theatre acting. Currently she is an actress of “Drama School” theatre situated in Moscow, Russia. In 2015, she graduated from the school-studio “Shar” as a director of animated films. She is very much passionate about her camera and filmmaking.

THE BOSS Iraq | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | kurdish | Bangladesh Premiere | 22 min Target audience


Director Rzgar Husen Story Rzgar Husen Script/Screenplay Rzgar Husen Cinematographer Hawkar Ferhad

SYNOPSIS A group of boys loses their football field and swimming which is taken by the tiger group. Later on, they decided to have a boss from their own. Then the boss becomes a dictator on his group.

K‡qKRb †L‡jvqvi †Q‡j‡`i GKwU `‡ji Mí| `jwU GKevi dzUej †Ljvq Ges c‡i muvZv‡i Ab¨ GKwU `‡ji Kv‡Q †n‡i hvq| c‡i Zviv wm×všÍ †bq GKRb †bZv‡K `‡ji †bZ…‡Z¡i Rb¨ Avbevi| wKš‘ †`Lv †Mj bZzb †bZv G‡m cy‡iv `jwUi Dci GKbvqKZš¿ ïiæ K‡i| TAGLINE Dictators are made by our disagreement EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY - Best Short Film Golf (Dubai International Film Festival 2015) - Jury Award at (Duhok International Film Festival 2016)

Editor Fukri baroshi Producer Yusif Husen Leading Casts Idris Muhemed Renas Jasim Omed lotfi


Rzgar Husen was born at 1979 in Iraq. Studied Cinema for one year in “Law Filmmakers Society” in Mahabd city. He has attended courses of Televisions industry for three months in Netherlands. In addition, attended a course of “How to make a documentary film” in The French Institute in Suleimani. This is the Third short film directed by him.

THE CAGE Finland | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Finnish | South Asian Premiere | 6 min 15 sec Target audience


Director Johanna Lecklin Story Niina Johanna Mäki Script/Screenplay Johanna Lecklin Cinematographer Nikael Gustafsson Editor Johanna Lecklin Producer Niklas Kullström

ORIGINAL TITLE Häkki SYNOPSIS A schoolgirl, Sofia, is invited to another girl’s birthday party. Instead of taking her to a party, the birthday girl, Rebecca, leads Sofia to a coppice with a cage made of wood and a bunch of boys standing around it. Rebecca pushes Sofia into the cage. All the children start to tease Sofia and call her with bad names. Bigger boys come by with their bicycles. They wonder why Sofia is in the cage but they don’t intervene. Instead they circle around the cage with their bikes and then leave the grove. The adult Sofia and Rebecca meet in a bar twenty years after the event. Sofia is still full of hatred against her former bully. The roles have changed; Sofa seems self -confident and Rebecca looks like she would like them to settle. They do not reconcile.

Häkki kertoo rajusta kiusaamiskokemuksesta, joka vaivaa kertojaa vielä aikuisenakin. Päähenkilön syntymäpäivilleen kutsunut tyttö houkutteleekin päähenkilön metsikköön, jossa kiusaaja ja muuta lapset työntävät päähenkilön häkkiin ja alkavat haukkua häntä. Vaikka päähenkilö pääsee vapaaksi, hän ei unohda tapahtumia, eikä anna anteeksi aikuisenakaan, kun tapaa kiusaajansa.

¯‹zjco–qv †g‡q †mvwdqv GK †g‡qi Rb¥w`‡bi Abyôv‡b `vIqvZ cvq| †i‡eKv ZLb †mvwdqv‡K †mB Abyôv‡b wb‡q hvevi K_v e‡j GKUv †QvU R½‡ji †fZ‡i wb‡q wM‡q GKUv Kv‡Vi LuvPvq AvU‡K †d‡j| Pvicv‡k ZLb A‡bK¸‡jv †Q‡jI wQj hviv Zv‡K wb‡q nvwmVvÆv ïiæ K‡i| Zviv LuvPvwU‡K wN‡i njøv K‡i| Gi wek eQi c‡i †mvwdqv Ges †i‡eKvi †`Lv n‡q hvq nVvr GKw`b| TAGLINE A short film about bullying

Leading Casts Anni Niskakoski Dorota Osinksa Maija Nurmio Janina Mattsoff Johanna Lecklin often uses storytelling as a point of departure for her work, and asks audiences to participate in interviews, in storytelling events and in secret confessions. Her interest lies especially in moving image on the border of documentary and fiction.


THE CAN Russian Federation | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Russia | South Asian Premiere | 2 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Alexey Protsenko

SYNOPSIS Young guy walking down the street and drinking soda. Then he throws the empty can in the box and misses. After that, the bank begins to pursue him.

GK`v GK hyeK †mvWv †L‡Z †L‡Z iv¯Ív w`‡q †n‡U hvw”Qj| AZtci †m Lvwj K¨vbwU Wv÷we‡b †djvi D‡Ï‡k Qz‡o †d‡j wKš‘ e¨_© nq| GB Aciv‡a e¨vsK Zv‡K Rwigvbv K‡i|

Story Alexey Protsenko Script/Screenplay Alexey Protsenko Cinematographer Alexey Protsenko Editor Alexey Protsenko Producer Alexey Protsenko Leading Casts Konstantin Speshilov Alexey Protsenko was born on April 15, 1994 in the village of Primorsky Krai Kavalerovo. At the age of one year, his family and him moved to the city of Novosibirsk. He graduated from the 11 classes. .


THE CAT AND ITS ARTIST Germany | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | No Premiere | 5 min 32 sec Target audience


Director Maike Koller Story Maike Koller

SYNOPSIS By chance, a stray cat lands in the apartment of an artist who excessively paints pictures of bananas. After rejection, quarrel and a color fight, the cat and the artist eventually become successful and sell their paintings.

NUbvμ‡g, GKwU weovj GKRb wkíxi N‡i Xz‡K hvq| H wkíx †h Kjvi Qwe Lye †ekx cwigv‡Y AvuK‡Zv| A‡bK hy×, SMov Kivi ci weovj Ges wkíxwU mdjfv‡e Zv‡`i †cBw›Us wewμ Ki‡Z cv‡i|

Script/Screenplay Maike Koller Cinematographer Maike Koller Editor Maike Koller Producer Maike Koller Leading Casts Maike Koller Maike Mahira Koller was born on December 15, 1989 in Chicago, USA. He is a student at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, Germany. Since 2015, he is a student at the Filmakademie Ludwigsburg, Germany.


THE CAVE SINGER Nepal | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | Nepali | International Premiere | 93 min Target audience


Director Akhanda Bhandari (Gobinda Prasad Bhandari) Story Akhanda Bhandari Script/Screenplay Akhanda Bhandari Cinematographer Bichitra Paudel Editor Padam Timilsina

SYNOPSIS Hem Kumar Chepang is 13 and just studies in grade 3. His education is possible because he fortunately got a generous donor. He sings very well. His father used to live in a cave. Chepang is one of the marginalized ethnic groups of Nepal. They are around seventy thousand in number who are deprived of land and property by the government. Most of them have to survive with wild yam, tuber, taro, nettle greens, grasshopper, snake, centipede, monkey etc. The Cave Singer is a narrative of musical journey of Journalist/ writer Akhanda Bhandari with Hem for searching terrific caves in the remote jungles where old-aged Chepangs are dwelling, It is a real story of seven old Chepangs found during a month long thrilling trip, who represents miserable livelihood of whole Chepang community. It also shows strong strive of Hem Kumar to be a successful singer.

†ng Kzgv‡ii eqm m‡e 13 eQi| †m Z…Zxq †kªwY‡Z c‡o| Zvi cov‡kvbv KL‡bvB m¤¢e n‡Zv bv hw`bv †KD Zvi A_©e¨vqi `vqfvi bv wb‡Zv| †m Lye fvj Mvb MvB‡Z Rv‡b| †m Zvi evevi mv‡_ GK ¸nvq evm Ki‡Zv| Zviv †bcv‡ji Ab¨Zg GKwU ÿz`ª b„‡Mvôxi gvbyl hviv msL¨vq LyeB Kg Ges RwgRgv-m¤ú`mn miKvwi hveZxq my‡hvM myweav †_‡K ewÂZ| Zv‡`i AwaKvskB ebR½‡j Avi cïcvwL‡`i gv‡S †Kvbg‡Z †eu‡P _v‡K| Qwei MíwU AvewZ©Z n‡q‡Q mvsevw`K AvL›` fvÛvwi Ges †n‡gi Mnxb R½‡j ¸nvi †Luv‡R GK Abe`¨ hvÎv wb‡q| †PcvO †Mvôxi RxeÏkvi wPÎ dz‡U D‡V‡Q †n‡gi mdj msMxZ wkíx nIqvi evmbv‡K †K›`ª K‡i|

Producer Parbati Ghimire Bhandari Leading Casts Hem Kumar Chepang


Akhanda Bhandari is a Nepali journalist working with Kantipur Daily. He writes a column “Voice of the Voiceless” where he busted the economic, social and political deformed by raising the problems of marginalized groups in very small manner. He has written two books “Malaya Express” and “Samacharko Bhasa”.

THE CINEMA IS AN INVENTION FOR THE FUTURE Italy | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Italian | International Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Chiara Rigione Story Chiara Rigione Script/Screenplay Chiara Rigione Cinematographer Michele Salvezza

SYNOPSIS The storyline of “The cinema is an invention for the future” is about two little Lumière brothers who walk through the history of movies and the innovations of it as the kids wanted to make a movie. He tried asking their parents and relatives but none could satisfy the curious minds and provide them some solid answers. They are scold and discouraged. The Lumière brothers not only explained the innovations of cinemas and the pioneers’ journeys but they also taught them how to make a cinema step by step from scratch. Kids were greatly thankful being able to make movies finally.

MíwU `zB Rb †QvU jywg‡qi fvB‡`i‡K wb‡q hviv M‡íi gva¨‡g wm‡bgv evbv‡bv I Avwe®‹v‡ii BwZK_v Rvwb‡q †`q| †QvU ev”Pviv Qwe evbv‡bvi cwiKíbv K‡i eo‡`i Kv‡Q Z_¨ Rvb‡Z PvB‡j †KDB Zv‡`I ch©vß ¸iæZ¡ †`q bv| Zv‡`i †mB DËiI †KŠZznjx gb kvšÍ Ki‡Z cv‡ibv| Zv‡`i eis AbyrmvwnZ Kiv nq Ges Lvwj ¯‹z‡ji cov covi Rb¨ eKv †`qv nq| GB `yB fvB wm‡bgv Avwe¯‹vi Avi BwZnvm G‡K G‡K eY©bv K‡i GB Pjw”P‡Î|

Editor Chiara Rigione Producer Kinetta Leading Casts Filippo Melone Yassine Raffaele Balti Emma Tresca Mario Mazzeo Giada Solobello Adele Grimaldi Francesca Melone Diego Iannazzone


Chiara Rigione was born in Avellino in 1986. After completing high school, she attended the University of Sannio and graduated in Energy Engineering. She has been working on films and video productions in Benevento for three years with the director and photographer Michele Salvezza, in the cultural space “Labus”, physical place of promotion and dissemination of film culture through educational workshops, screenings and various events.

THE EDGE Russian Federation | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | - | Bangladesh Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Alexandra Averyanova Story Alexandra Averyanova Script/Screenplay Alexandra Averyanova Cinematographer Alexandra Averyanova Editor Alexandra Averyanova

ORIGINAL TITLE V storone SYNOPSIS An elderly woman lives at a small station. There’s not a single living creature for miles away. Every day, during many years, she is making the round of the metals. The only event in the woman’s life is a train that passes her station without a stop. Немолодая женщина живет на маленьком полустанке, затерянном в глубине страны, где на много километров вокруг нет ни души. Много лет подряд каждый день она обходит рельсы. Одинаковые дни идут чередой. Единственное событие в ее жизни - поезд, который проходит ее станцию без остановки.

†QvÆ GKwU kn‡i evm Ki‡Zb GKRb e„×v gwnjv| kniUv cÖvq Rbgvbek~b¨ wQj| e„×vi evwoi K‡qK gvB‡ji wfZ‡i Avi †KDB emevm Ki‡Zv bv| ZvB e„×vi Kievi Rb¨ †ewk †Kvb KvRI wQj bv| Zvi Rxe‡b bZzb †Kvb NUbvI wVK NU‡Zv bv| e„×vi Rxe‡b NUevi gZ GKUv e¨vcviB nZ; Avi Zv nj cÖwZw`b GKUv †Uªb kniwU‡K cvk KvwU‡q †hZ, †hLv‡b †Kvb †÷kbI †bB| LOGLINE The only event in the woman’s life is a train that passes her station without a stop.

Producer Nadezhda Kuznetsova Ilia Popov Alexandra Averyanova graduated from Fine Arts Faculty, Graphics Department of the Herzen University in St. Petersburg, and then began to work at the “Melnitsa Studio” as a set designer of the feature animation film “The Dwarf - Nose”. She then continued as an animator and then as a director of animation series “Kikoriki” (“ Смешарики”) at the computer animation studio “Petersburg”. In 2014 she completed her first author\’s short animated film “Shades of Gray”. “The Edge” is her second author`s work.


THE FLYING LETTER India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | International Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Tathagata Ghosh Story Tathagata Ghosh

SYNOPSIS What is happiness? Well, this 13 mins drama tells a tale of a son,his grandfather and his father and explores relationships and their intricracies!Is it about fate,destiny that set us together or our will power to be happy?

bvwZi mv‡_ we‡”Q` N‡U‡Q `v`yi; cvwievwiK Kvi‡Y| `v`y GKv Ges Amy¯’| bvwZ †K †`Lvi Rb¨ fxlb gb †Kgb K‡i Zvi| Avi ZLwb wZwb wVK K‡ib †h KvM‡Ri i‡KU evwb‡q Zv‡Z wPwV wj‡L bvwZi Kv‡Q cvVv‡eb| ïiæ K‡ib KvR| wKš‘ Zvic‡iB N‡U GK Afvebxq NUbv| TAGLINE Small things count

Script/Screenplay Tathagata Ghosh Cinematographer Rajdeep Mukherjee Dipayan Saha Editor Sourav Burman Producer Tathagata Ghosh Leading Casts Tapan Dey Arindam Banerjee Ranodeep Nandy


Tathagata Ghosh began his film making and writing career, driven by the craze for telling stories and sharing it with the world. Graduating from film school and having honed his craft, he looks forward to churn out content driven material for film and television. His recent literary work ”Senilar Sonket” is about to get published in the 2016 Kolkata International Book Fair. He has been working in the film industry for the past five years from 2011 and have been associated with numerous projects in various ways.

THE FOREST PAPER Thailand | 2015 | HD | 1.6667:1 (5:3) | Color | Thriller | English | South Asian Premiere | 4 min 12 sec Target audience


Director Sipparpad Krongraksa Story Sipparpad Krongraksa Script/Screenplay Sipparpad Krongraksa Cinematographer Sipparpad Krongraksa

SYNOPSIS This animation it all about bird who want to build her nest with straw, but he get lost in to the world that is made of paper, everybody in the city tends to focus on technologies and forget to care about our mother-nature. It causes disaster like flooding. This 3D animation symbolizes the lives of people in the city nowadays, which most of them that are likely to depend on materialism and that causes them to ignore their duty, which is to protect and support the existing of our natural resources.The main purpose of this project is to present the idea of how our mother nature could with the being harm through the use of paper.

QwewU GKwU cvwLi Mí wb‡q †h Zvi evmvwU evbv‡Z Pvq ÷ª (cvbxq LvIqvi cvBc) w`‡q| wKš‘ †m GKmgq nvwi‡q hvq KvM‡Ri ˆZwi GK RM‡Z| kn‡ii cÖ‡Z¨‡K ZLb cÖhyw³ wb‡q gvZvgvwZ‡Z e¨¯Í| Zviv fz‡jB †M‡Q gv‡qi gZ †h cÖK…wZ Zv‡K AvM‡j †i‡L‡Q †mwU‡K hZœ †bevi| LOGLINE This animation it all about bird who want to build her nest with straw,but he get lost in to the world that is made of paper.

Editor Sipparpad Krongraksa Producer Sipparpad Krongraksa Leading Casts Sipparpad Krongraksa Sipparpad Krongraksa is a 23 years old filmmaker from Thailand. He graduated in Visual Effect from the major of Dynamic simulation at Rangsit university.


THE FUNAMBULIST France | 2015 | Video Film | 1.85:1 | Color | Action | French | South Asian Premiere | 22 min Target audience


Director Romuald Beugnon Story Romuald Beugnon Script/Screenplay Romuald Beugnon

ORIGINAL TITLE Petit-Fils SYNOPSIS Angelo is a 20 years old tightrope artist. Every night, he performs a spectacular and elegant show. Every night, his grand father, Maurice, joins him on the wire. Maurice, dressed as a clown always gets the audience preference. But the situation starts getting on the young man’s nerves.

A¨v‡½‡jv 20 eQi eqmx GKRb †L‡jvqvi, †h mvK©v‡mi `wo‡Ljv †`Lvq| cÖwZiv‡Z. †m A‡bK g‡bvgy»Ki †kv K‡i| cÖwZiv‡Z, Zvi `v`y gwimI Zvi mv‡_ `wo‡Ljvq †hvM †`q| gwim mO Gi †cvkv‡K `k©K‡`i nvZZvwj MÖnY K‡i| GwU Kge‡qmx A¨v‡½‡jvi mn¨mxgv Qvwo‡q †h‡Z _v‡K|

Cinematographer Elie Girard Editor Carole Borne Julien Ngo Trong Producer Lucie Portehaut Sandrine Pillon Leading Casts Lucas Bergandi Roger Decugis Julie Douine


Romuald Beugnon is a director, screenwriter, editor, music composer. Recent His filmography includes The Funambulist (2015), Vous êtes de la police ? (2006), Béa (2005).

THE GOLDEN FROG India | 2015 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | english | No Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Manish Pandit Story Manish Pandit

SYNOPSIS There is a Chef. He cooks fish in a food truck. He has a friendship with a Frog. During a drought period, the Chef tries to kill the frog. As soon as knife touches the frog’s skin something magical happens.

QwewU GKRb eveywP©i Mí wb‡q| †m Lvev‡ii Mvwo K‡i K‡i gvQ ivbœv K‡i wewμ K‡i| Zvi mv‡_ GK e¨v‡Oi Lye fv‡jv eÜzZ¡| GKevi GK Liv gImy‡g eveywP©wU †mB e¨vO‡KI ivbœv K‡i †dj‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ QzwiUv e¨v‡Oi Pvgovi KvQvKvwQ AvmvgvÎ Rv`yKwi wKQz GKUv N‡U hvq|

Script/Screenplay Manish Pandit Cinematographer Manish Pandit Editor Manish Pandit Producer Manish Pandit Leading Casts Manish Pandit Mohit Pandit Nourti Pandit


Manish Pandit is an animator, film maker,artist. He is graduate from film television institute of india, pune. Classically trained animator in both cel and high end 3D animation. Versatile skill set drawing from traditional and technical discipline. In-depth understanding of 2D/3Dsoftware (open source and commercial software)and strong knowledge of film making.He worked animation film and game at endroit technology, Mumbai. His Animation Short film (REPORT) slected in arogya film festival since 2011 (P M Shah Foundation) and screened at NFAI Pune.

THE GREAT ADVENTURE OF MANEL AND THE MAGIC TOOTHPICKS Spain | 2015 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Comedy | Spanish | Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Xavier Pijuan Story Xavier Pijuan Script/Screenplay Xavier Pijuan Cinematographer Violeta Octavio

SYNOPSIS Manel, a spoiled kid, receives a miserable toothpick box for his birthday instead of his expected PS4. However, this apparently stupid present will end up being the best present he has ever received. That was the day of Manel, because it was his birthday. He got the gift box. He thought he has got his expected gift. But there was a toothpick box only. The toothpick box was magical and too much miserable. Because this miserable toothpick box gives Manel a miserable situation. Which made him not to be spoiled and teach him a lot of things. But he was not happy with this. At last this gift reach him to a happy ending and gives him the best gift ever.

†mw`b g¨v‡b‡ji w`b wQj| Kvib †mw`b Zvi Rb¥w`b wQj| †m GKwU Dcnv‡ii ev• †c‡qwQj| †m †f‡ewQj GUv Zvi †mB Dcnvi †hUv †m Avkv K‡iwQj| wKš‘ †mLv‡b ïay GKwU Uz_wcK e· wQj| GB Uz_wcK e·wU wQj g¨vwRKvj I A‡bK Amn¨Ki| Kvib GB Lvivc Uz_wcK e· g¨v‡bj‡K A‡bK `ywe©mn cwiw¯’wZ‡Z †d‡jwQj| †m GUv wb‡q A‡bK ALywk wQj| GB ¯úóZ A_©nxb Dcnvi †kl ch©šÍ Zv‡K Zvi cvIqv me‡_‡K my›`i Dcnvi †`q|

Editor Xavier Pijuan Producer Carles Isern Leading Casts Unai Mayo Héctor Martínez Maia Fornas


Xavier Pijuan studied studied in the cinema school of Barcelona (ECIB) and this leap of faith soon started to pay off. His short films were selected amongst top of the class and three of them (”Kübler-Ross”, ”María Fernanda in time” and ”The Great Adventure of Manel and the Magic Toothpicks”) were selected and awarded in several short film festivals around the world.

THE HAPPIEST HOURS OF OUR LIVES Germany | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | German | South Asian Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Ron Jäger Story Ron Jäger

SYNOPSIS Two different School boys have detention by a dreaded Teacher, who applying them to write an essay in this time. But they begin to rebel.

`yBRb wfbœ ¯‹z‡ji Qv·`i GK fqvbK wkÿK kvw¯Í †`b| whwb Zv‡`i mgq gZ GKwU iPbv wjL‡Z †`b, wKš‘ Zviv we‡`ªvn K‡i|

Script/Screenplay Ron Jäger Cinematographer Nico Kratzke Editor Nico Kratzke Producer Ron Jäger Leading Casts Martin Battenfeld Leon Mamic Paul Seyfarth


Ron Jäger is a twenty years old film student. He studies the courses “Television and Film” at the DEKRA Hochschule für Medien in Berlin. He specializes on adolescents and the madness of school life in his films.

THE HUNTER OF GIANTS TREES Brazil | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Portuguese | International Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Anttonio Pereira Story Anttonio Pereira Script/Screenplay Anttonio Pereira Cinematographer Anttonio Pereira Editor Luiz Pellizzari Producer Fernanda Severo

SYNOPSIS A boy playing in the yard of his house discovers a buried chest revealing a secret, the more than five hundred years men sold the largest trees of the earth to the most powerful kings one day it all stopped and never heard of hunters trees, all that remained was that ark with an old map . The boy with the help of his friend Bug -eating fox goes hunting the giants trees , which he believed to be trapped in the sky. So begins this adventure, where a boy and his friends seek to rescue the Giant Trees Um menino brincando no quintal de sua casa descobre uma arca enterrada revelando um segredo, a mais de quinhentos anos homens vendiam as maiores árvores da terra para os reis mais poderosos, um dia tudo isso parou e nunca mais se ouviu falar dos caçadores de árvores, tudo o que restou foi aquela arca, com um velho mapa. O menino com ajuda de seu amigo Bicho-do-mato

vai a caça das Árvores Gigantes, que ele acredita estarem presas no céu. É assim que começa esta aventura, onde um menino e seu amigo buscam resgatar das Árvores Gigantes.

GK wK‡kvi †Q‡j DVv‡b †Lj‡Z wM‡q gvwU‡Z cy‡Z ivLv GKUv wm›`yK Lyu‡R cvq| †mwU wQj cÖvq cuvPkZ eQi Av‡Mi| ZLbKvi me‡P‡q ÿgZvai ivRvi Kv‡Q ZrKvjxb c„w_exi me‡P‡q eo MvQwU wewμ K‡i †`qv nq| †Q‡jwU wek¦vm K‡i †h, †mB MvQwU GL‡bv AvKv‡k †Kv_vI e›`x n‡q Av‡Q| GLb †m Avi Zvi eÜz †kqvj †mB MvQwU‡K D×vi Ki‡Z wM‡q GK AmvaviY Awfhv‡b †b‡g c‡i| TAGLINE His love of trees led to heaven. EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Anima Mundi 2016 London monthly film festival

Leading Casts Erick Robespierre (animator) GIlberto Riberio Jr. (Sound) Jorrian Walker (animator) Anttonio Pereira was born June 30, 1993, in Porto Alegre, grew up in the rural area of the city, where he developed his love of nature and design, he began his professional career in the movie ”The Adventures of Red Airplane” when he was in school, now many dreams realized, works in his own studio, studio Pakoto, which wants to build a lasting company in the areas of animation, comics and illustration.


THE KID Argentina | 2015 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Spanish | International Premiere | 87 min Target audience


Director Sergio Mazza Story Sergio Mazza Script/Screenplay Sergio Mazza

SYNOPSIS This short film tells the story of Gonzalo, a ten years old boy, faced with the imminent death of his mother is left to care for his baby sister. Gonzalo, through all this, searches his surroundings for a new home. In his search, he comes across the stories of a traveler, a broken marriage and the owner of an old bar. This is the context of a tale that revolves around the axis of love, pain, family and desire. Will he be able to take care of his own now in this cruel world.

MÄv‡jv bv‡gi 10 eQ‡ii GK wkïi Mí †kvbvq hvi gv‡qi Avmbœ g„Zz¨ Zvi Kvu‡a Zvi †QvU †ev‡bi `vwqZ¡ Pvuwc‡q †`q| MÄv‡jv Av‡kcv‡k GKwU evwoi †LvuR K‡i| Zvi †LvuRvLyuwRi mgq †m ïb‡Z cvq GK ågYKvixi K_v, GKwU †f‡O hvIqv we‡q Avi GK cyiv‡bv ev‡ii gvwj‡Ki Mí| GB `„k¨cU Ggb GK M‡íi hv Ny‡i †eovq †cÖg, AvNvZ, cwievi Avi cÖZ¨vkvi me gvÎvq|

Cinematographer Alfredo Altamirano Editor Sergio Mazza Producer Paula Mastellone Leading Casts Daniel Aráoz Sofía Gala Castiglione Susana Hornos Federico Luppi Belén Blanco Maximiliano García


Sergio Mazza completed his university studies at the University of Buenos Aires, receiving a degree in Image and Sound Design, and took a vast quantity of art-specific courses and seminars. He dedicated himself to audiovisual directing and the fine arts where he rounded out his education with teachers like Eduardo Medici and reached prestigious stages like the National Hall of Plastic Arts in 2007.

THE KITE Turkey | 1011 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Turkish | South Asian Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Serdal Altun Story Serdal Altun Script/Screenplay Serdal Altun Cinematographer Şeyda Altıparmak Editor Serdal Altun


takılır.” sözünü ciddiye alan Mustafa’nın aklına bir fikir gelir.

ENGLISH SYNOPSIS Mustafa and Baran are two brothers living at the border of Syria. Mustafa who was scared a lot of war planes learned that planes killed people and his fear was replaced with anger. When one day he took his older brother’s word “When kites fly too high, they will hang to planes.” serious, an idea comes to his mind.

gy¯Ívdv Ges evivb `yB fvB wmwiqvi mxgvšÍeZx© GjvKvq _v‡K| gy¯Ívdv hy×wegv‡bi f‡q Aw¯’i _v‡K memgq| †m Rv‡b GB wegvb¸‡jv cÖPzi gvbyl‡K nZ¨v K‡i‡Q| Zvi fq GKmgq †ÿv‡f cwiYZ nq| Zvi fvB e‡jwQj †h, hLb Nywo A‡bK †ewk Dc‡i I‡o ZLb †mwU wegv‡bi mv‡_ wM‡q †eu‡a hvq| †mwU †f‡e Zvi gv_vq bZzb wPšÍv Av‡m| TAGLINE War

Mustafa ve Baran Suriye sınırında yaşayan iki küçük kardeştir. Savaş uçaklarının seslerinden çok korkan Mustafa; uçakların insanları öldürdüğünü öğrenince korkusunun yerini öfke almıştır. Bir gün abisinin “Uçurtmalar çok yükseğe uçarsa uçaklara

Producer Onur Cansız Leading Casts Emin Altun Baran Altun Hüseyin Altun Cevriye Altun


Serdal Altun was born in Yüreğir, Adana in 1990. His interest in art from visual arts in primary and secondary school left its place to cinema in high school years. He started his cinema education at the department of Cinema-TV in Gaziantep University. He directed many short films, social responsibility project and documentaries. He is still studying.

THE LAST WRANGLER Ireland | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | English | South Asian Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Paul McGrath Story Paul McGrath

SYNOPSIS Jack’s farts are bad. They’re so bad, they kill things, mainly his mum’s flowers. What he doesn’t know is that they’re a superpower, he just needs someone to show him how to use them. The Master Wrangler has smelled the call and comes to the rescue.

Script/Screenplay Leticia Agudo Cinematographer Paul McGrath Editor Paul McGrath Producer Leticia Agudo Leading Casts Joseph Delaney as Jack David Pearse as Uncle Harry Camille Ross as Mum


Paul studied animation at Ballyfermot College in Dublin. He has worked in animation in Ireland, the US and Australia. In 2006 he co-founded production company Whackala in Dublin to produce original animation, documentary and fiction projects. He produces animated apps and games for children through sister company Wakalaps.

THE LIAR India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi | International Premiere | 26 min Target audience


Director Dheeraj Story Dheeraj Script/Screenplay Dheeraj

ORIGINAL TITLE Chal Jhootha SYNOPSIS A story of a child who is habitual of lieing. The story goes around the boy and family. How his childhood vanished because of family tension.The film talks about the dillema of a child and family.

GwU GKwU †QvÆ wkïi Mí hvi ev‡R Af¨vm n‡”Q mvivÿY wg_¨v ejv| MíwU Zv‡K Avi Zvi cwievi‡K wN‡i| cwiev‡ii `ywðšÍvq Zvi ˆkke cÖvq hvq hvq| EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Woodpecker film festival, india (best film award) september 2016

यह एक परिवार और बच्चे के अंतरदव्ंध की कहानी है।बच्चे की झूठ बोलने की आदत के कारण परिवार में गलतफहमी पैदा हो जातीहै और बच्चा अपना बचपना खोने लगता है।

Cinematographer Vinod Editor Ashwini Producer State institute of film and television Leading Casts Aman as chhuttan Yashi as Savita Sanisha as kavita Ashwini as papa Radio as radio


Dheeraj is a degree holder (bachelor in cinema) from state institute of film and Television Rohtak (Govt technical Society Rohtak).This is his final degree project in which student has to direct a film up to 30 minutes. Lives in Rohtak (Haryana) from Haryana.

THE LIGHTHOUSE Turkey | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Turkish | Bangladesh Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Ferhat Zengin Story Ferhat Zengin Script/Screenplay Ferhat Zengin Cinematographer Ferhat Zengin

SYNOPSIS Years ago in a coastal village, there stood an old light house at the tail point of a rocky cape which separated severe waves. The lighthouse, guiding the ships at night and helping them reach the port safely, had a watchman called Fehmi who lived with his two half orphans. The light house was in a remote area. It helped to guide the ships passes through the light house at night. The watchman Fehmi and his two orphan children lived in the light house. What is the story of the old light house and what is the story of watchman Fehmi through the light house is the main theme of this film.

A‡bK eQi Av‡M GK DcK‚jxq MÖv‡gi †Kv‡bv GK cv_y‡i AšÍix‡ci †klgv_vq GKwU evwZNi wQj †hUv Zxeª Zi½¸‡jv‡K Avjv`v KiZ| evwZNiwU iv‡Z RvnvR¸‡jv‡K mwVK wb‡`©kbv w`Z †hb †m¸‡jv e›`‡i wbivc‡` †cŠuQv‡Z cv‡i| ‡mLv‡b †dnwg bv‡g GKRb IqvPg¨vb †`Lv‡kvbv KiZ †h Av‡iv `yBRb Abv_‡`i mv‡_ _vKZ| evwZNiwU DcK‚jxq GjvKvq wQj| GwU RvnvR¸‡jv‡K mwVK wb‡`©kbv w`Z †hb †m¸‡jv e›`‡i wbivc‡` †cŠuQv‡Z cv‡i iv‡Zi AÜKv‡iI| IqvPg¨vb †dnwg Zvi `yB Abv_ wkï wb‡q evwZNiwU‡Z _vKZ| evwZNiwUi Kvwnbx I IqvPg¨vb †dnwgi evwZNi‡K †K›`ª K‡i KvwnwbB GB Pjw”P‡Îi g~j welq|

Editor Ferhat Zengin Producer Ferhat Zengin Leading Casts Ferhat Zengin Bahadır Kapır Samet Göksu


Ferhat Zengin was born in İstanbul in 1984. He graduated Near East University Faculty of Communication, Radio, TV and Film Department in Nort Cyprus. He also graduated Master program at Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences at the Department of Cinema. Currently she is a PhD student at the cinema in İstanbul University .

THE LITTLE BOY Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | no dialouge | Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min 28 sec Target audience


Director Mona A. Shahi

SYNOPSIS People are leaving a town by the order of military. but a little boy does not follow them. he has a mission to complete!

ûU K‡iB kn‡i ˆmb¨`j bv‡g| Zviv Av‡`k Rvwi K‡i GB kni †Q‡o hvIqvi| mvaviY gvbyl ˆmb¨‡`i f‡q kni †Q‡o †h‡Z ïiæ K‡i| wKš‘ GKUv †QvU evjK, †m ˆmb¨‡`i fq cvq bv| Zviv hv ej‡e ZvB Ki‡Z n‡e bvwK| †m wm×všÍ †bq Zv‡KB wKQz Ki‡Z n‡e Gevi|

Story Mona A. Shahi Script/Screenplay Mona A. Shahi Cinematographer Leila Ahang Sara Saberi Editor Ehsan Tavassolizadeh Producer Mona A.Shahi

Mona A. Shahi was born in Iran in 1983. She graduated from Sharif University of Technology with a BS in Physics and earned her MA in Directing Animation from Tehran University of Art. While being a member of Iran’s ASIFA community, she’s been working professionally in the fields of scriptwriting, directing and animating; and has been teaching animation aesthetics, directing and scriptwriting in various academic levels.


THE MILKY WAY Colombia | 2016 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Adventure | SPANISH | South Asian Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Andres Guevara Espinosa Story Andres Guevara Espinosa Script/Screenplay Andres Guevara Espinosa Cinematographer Manuel Castañeda Editor Luis Fernando Mora

SYNOPSIS Antonio, a 10 years old peasant boy, lives with his family in the Sabana of Bogota. They survive thanks to the milking and some crops; There is a strong summer in the region, and unless it rains, Jesus, the father, will have to sell the milk to an opportunist, before losing everything. But Antonio, using their cleverness and creativity ends up saving the crops and helping his family. Antonio, un niño campesino de diez años, vive con su familia en la Sabana de Bogotá. Sobreviven gracias al ordeño y algunos cultivos. Un fuerte verano azota la región, y a menos que llueva, Jesús, el padre, tendrá que vender la leche a un oportunista del pueblo, antes de perderlo todo. Pero Antonio, usando su ingenio y creatividad, termina salvando el cultivo y ayudando a su familia.

A¨v›UwbI, `k eQ‡ii GK ÿy‡` evj‡Ki bvg| †m Zvi cwiev‡ii mv‡_ mvevbv bvgK GK RvqMvq evm K‡i| Zviv cïcvjb K‡i, M„ncvwjZ cïi `ya wewμ K‡i| GQvovI wKQz Rwg i‡q‡Q, †hLv‡b dmj djv‡bv nq| Zv‡`i AvenvIqv‡Z MÖx®§Kvj A‡bK KÆi| hw` e„wó bv nq, A¨v›UwbIi evevi c‡ÿ h_vmg‡q fvjg‡Zv dmj djv‡bv m¤¢e n‡ebv| `yB‡ejv Lvevi †RvMv‡oi Avkvq Aí g~‡j¨ `ya wewμ Ki‡Z n‡e Zv‡K| wKš‘ A¨v›UwbI Zvi eyw×i †Rv‡o, cwiev‡ii mnvqZvq Zv‡`i mg¯Í dmj‡K iÿv K‡i wbwðZ ÿwZi nvZ †_‡K iÿv K‡i| LOGLINE During a severe drought in the Sabana of Bogota, Antonio, a 10 years old peasant boy, using his imagination and creativity, finds an incredible solution to help his family.

Producer Julieth Restrepo Alejandra Quintero E. Leading Casts Nicolás Manrique (Antonio) Anderson Balsero Gómez (Jesus) Julieth Restrepo Correa (Susana) Nelson Camayo (Don Tomás) Julio Sánchez Cócaro (Doctor)


Andres Guevara Espinosa is a filmmaker and screenwriter with studies in Colombia, Argentina and Cuba. He has designed and written successful television projects. He has written four feature films currently in development. In 2013, for his screenplay of the short film La Vía Lactea (The Milky Way), wins a scholarship for the 1st International Workshop in audiovisual content.

THE MORNING BOY India | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Musical | BENGALI | No Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Aadi Story Aadi Script/Screenplay Aadi

SYNOPSIS This film is about Kolkata. Kolkata is a big city of India. It is also capital of West Bengal. The story is about a boy name Raja. Raja lives in Kolkata. He is not like the other boys of Kolkata. He is not like anyone. He is very . He is called the morning boy. He is like morning. He is like the first sun shine of the morning. Once in a life every dream comes true. It’s like the sun which shines upon every one of the world.

GB Qwe wU KjKvZv wb‡q| KjKvZv fvi‡Zi A‡bK eo kni| KjKvZv cwðg e‡½i ivRavbx| Qwei gZB eo kni KjKvZv| GB kn‡iiB †Q‡j ivRv| GwU ivRvi I Mí| ivRv KjKvZviB GKwU †Q‡j| wKš‘ ivRv KjKvZvi Avi `kUv †Q‡ji gZ bq| †m mevi †_‡K Avjv`v| Ab¨ †`i gZ K‡i †m fv‡e bv| ZvB Zv‡K ejv nq gwb©s eq| †m mKv‡ji gZB D¾¡j| †fv‡ii m~‡h©i cÖ_g Av‡jvi gZ †m cÖwZw`b R¡‡j D‡V| Rxe‡bi GKUv mgq mevi ¯^cœ c~iY Kivi my‡hvM _v‡K| wVK †Zgb K‡i †hgb K‡i mevB †K Av‡jv †`q|

Cinematographer Aadi Editor Aadi Amit Producer Aadi Leading Casts Raja Mr. Aahishek (Aadi) Das is a very talented film maker. He just started his journey but he wants to go far. He is very struggling film maker. He has given his contribution some other sectors. But he just wanted to be a famous film maker. His dream to be a Oscar wining director.


THE SCHOOL BAG India | 2016 | Blu-ray | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | Urdu | Bangladesh Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Dheeraj Jindal Story Anshul Agrawal Script/Screenplay Agrawal

SYNOPSIS The bond between a mother and her son is indeed a special one. It was the same between Farooq and his Mother. They reside in the small town of Peshawar, Pakistan. Farooq, a child with a simple demand, wants a new school bag on his birthday. But his mother, who in spite of her love and affection seems to be unfazed by her child’s plea. Unknown to Farooq, there is something waiting for him on his birthday.

gv Ges mšÍv‡bi m¤c‡K©i eÜb GKwU we‡kl eÜb| dviæK I Zvi gvi †ÿ‡ÎI GwU Avjv`v bq| Zviv cvwK¯Ív‡bi †ckIqv‡ii GKwU †QvU kn‡i _v‡K| dviæK Zvi Rb¥w`‡b GKwU bZzb e¨vM Pvq| wKš‘ Zvi gvi mšÍv‡bi B”Qvi cÖwZ fvjevmv wQj AZ¨vwaK| dviæK RvbZ bv Zvi Rb¨ Zvi Rb¥w`‡b Kx A‡cÿv Ki‡Q|

Cinematographer Satchith Paulose Editor Neil Sehgal Producer Shashi Prakash Chopra Films Rajendraa Leading Casts Rasika Dugal Sartak Kakkar


Dheeraj Jindal’s filmmaking roots can be traced to his formal training in Masters degree specialized in film making, He first entered the film scene around seven years back as an associate director and very soon he moved on to directing films independently and has a number of social, commercial, corporate and documentary films to his credit. An auteur film maker, his work reflects his vision, his perseverance and technical knowhow. He enjoys making each and every frame in his films striking and memorable.

THE SILENCE Italy | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Italian, English, Kurdish | Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Ali Asgari Farnoosh Samadi Story Ali Asgari Farnoosh Samadi Script/Screenplay Ali Asgari Farnoosh Samadi

ORIGINAL TITLE Il Silenzio ENGLISH SYNOPSIS Fatma and her mother are Kurdish refugees in Italy. On their visit to the doctor, Fatma has to translate what the doctor tells to her mother but she keeps silent.

dv‡Zgv Ges Zvi gv n‡”Q BZvjx‡Z Ae¯’vbiZ Kzw`©k kibv_©x| Amy¯’Zvi Kvi‡Y Zviv Wv³v‡ii Kv‡Q hvq| †mLv‡b wM‡q Wv³vi hv hv ej‡jv Zv dvZgv Zvi gv‡qi Kv‡Q wM‡q Abyev` K‡i K‡i e‡j| wKš‘ Zvi gv wbi‡eB Zv ï‡b hvq|

Cinematographer Alberto MARCHIORI Editor Mauro ROSSI Producer Giovanni POMPILI (Italy) Olivier Chantriaux (France) Leading Casts ALAKUS Fatma (daughter) OZEL Cahide (mother) CARNELUTTI Valentina (doctor)


Ali Asgari was born in Tehran, Iran. He is a graduated of cinema in Italy. He began his career as an assistant director. He is an alumnus of Berlinale Talent Campus 2013.. His short film “More Than Two Hours” was in competition at Cannes 2013 and Sundance Film festival 2014. His short film “The Baby” was premiered in competition of Venice Film Festival 2014. Farnoosh Samadi was born in Iran and graduated from the Fine Arts Academy in Rome. She started her career as a filmmaker at the Iranian Youth Cinema Society and after that she made some video installations. She is the scriptwriter for the short films “More Than Two Hours” directed by Ali Asgari which was nominated for a Palme d’Or at Cannes 2013, “The Baby” which was premiered in Short film competition at Venice Film Festival 2014 and some other short films.

THE SON Bulgaria | 2015 | 16 mm | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | Bulgarian and romani | South Asian Premiere | 29 min Target audience


Director Hristo Simeonov Story Deyan Enev

SYNOPSIS Django is an eleven-year-old gypsy boy who lives with his family in an abandoned trailer near a train railway. Every morning his father jumps onto the train to hitch a free ride into town to look for food and earn money. In the mornings and evenings the father prepares his son to tackle the hardships of the life that are necessary to keep the family alive.

R¨vs‡Mv GKRb GMv‡iv eQi eqwm wRcwm †Q‡j †h †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi Kv‡Q GKwU cwiZv³ ewM‡Z cwiev‡ii mv‡_ _v‡K| cÖwZw`b mKv‡j Zvi evev webv wU‡K‡U PjšÍ †Uª‡b D‡V kn‡i hvq cwiev‡ii Rb¨ Lvevi msMÖn Ki‡Z| mKv‡j I weKv‡j Zvi evev Zv‡K Zvi cwievi‡K evuwP‡q ivL‡Z Kó Kivi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z K‡i|

Script/Screenplay Hristo Simeonov Deyan Enev Cinematographer Vesselin Hristov Editor Jonathan Haildelberger Producer Kostadin Bonev Leading Casts Alexandar Emilov Borislav Rusev


Mr. Hristo Simeonov was born in 1985 in Targovishte, Bulgaria. He is the author of several short films, shown at international festivals. In 2013 he graduates with a master degree in Film Directing in South-West University “Neofit Rilksi”. He is currently a PhD student in film studies.

THE SUITCASE Russian Federation | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | Russian | International Premiere | 31 min Target audience


Director Andrei Moiseenkov Story Andrei Moiseenkov Script/Screenplay Andrei Moiseenkov Galina Kazankina Cinematographer Vladimir Orlov

SYNOPSIS Two high school students - Artem and Anya – were two very good friends. One day when they were playing they discover a magical suitcase. That suitcase with magical power sends them on an unusual journey through time and space. They will have to face many challenges and confront the villains, who wish to take the suitcase for themselves. But courage and the power of friendship will conquer all. The suitcase was magical. It send them to a new strange place. They was amazed to went there. Artem and Anya faces many challenges and fights with villains. That was not so easy. But they survived at that strange place and at last they conquer all.

`yBRb nvB¯‹zj QvÎ Av‡U©g I Ab¨v A‡bK fvj eÜy wQj| GKw`b hLb Zviv †LjwQj ZLb Zviv GKwU g¨vwRKvj my¨U‡Km Avwe®‹vi K‡i| †hUv Zv‡`i mgq I ¯’v‡bi Øviv A¯^vfvweK hvÎvq cvVvq| Zv‡`i‡K A‡bK P¨v‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq Ges †mme wf‡jb‡`i mv‡_ gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq hviv g¨vwRKvj my¨U‡KmwU Zv‡`i KvQ †_‡K wb‡q †h‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ eÜz‡Zi g‡bvej I kw³ Zv‡`i‡K wRwZ‡q w`‡e| my¨U‡KmwU g¨vwRKvj wQj| GUv Zv‡`i GK bZzb I A™¢zZ RvqMvq cvwV‡q †`q| Zviv †mLv‡b wM‡q wew¯§Z nq| Av‡U©g I Ab¨v†K A‡bK P¨v‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq Ges †mme wf‡jb‡`i mv‡_ gy‡LvgywL n‡Z nq, hy× Ki‡Z nq| †mUv Avm‡j †mvRv wQj bv| wKš‘ Zviv †kl ch©šÍ wU‡K _v‡K I eÜz‡Zi g‡bvej I kw³ Zv‡`i‡K wRwZ‡q †`q|

Editor Vladimir Orlov Oleg Chernov Producer Tatyana Akimova Leading Casts -


Mr. Andrei Moiseenkov (25 February 1966 - 5 January 2013) Russian film director, producer, actor, composer and songwriter. Graduated from Advanced Film and TV Direction courses at the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (1999-2001). Filmography: “New Kid” director “The Insult”- director A Dog” - producer “Children”- director, actor ,Rude and Sam”- composer (live action feature, 2007),”The Suitcase” - director, writer, composer (animation, 2016

THE SYSTEM WHICH WE ACCEPTED India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | Silent | International Premiere | 11 min 30 sec Target audience


Director Manickam G Story Manickam G Script/Screenplay Manickam G

SYNOPSIS A Relationship between a worker and a owner who owns everything and gives a small part which they earns, this continues till his end. He been worked Hard for his family. The Worker who needs his basic need in his life to have a wife and a child, So runs hard to save them, Feed Them. He can’t even imagine or think that this CAPITALISTIC system is raping his life. At one point his age says no to this and again his next generation comes to the same position which what he left. This is shown in this short film with a SILENT - SPOOF drama.

Kgx© Ges gvwj‡Ki g‡a¨ m¤úK© †h me wR‡Z †bq wKš‘ Zvi Av‡qi ÿz`ª Ask †`q Kgx©‡K| GUv †kl ch©šÍ Pj‡ZB _v‡K| †m Zvi cwiev‡ii Rb¨ K‡Vvi cwikÖg Ki‡ZB _v‡K| Zvi Rxeb hvc‡bi Rb¨ Zv‡K Zvi cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm jvM‡eB| †m wPšÍv K‡i †m wKfv‡e Zvi cwievi‡K LvIqv‡e, wKfv‡e Zv‡`i †Lqvj ivL‡e, myweav Amyweav †`L‡e| †m Kíbv ev wPšÍvI Ki‡Z cv‡i bv †h GB cyuwRev`x e¨e¯’v Zvi Rxeb jy‡U wb‡”Q| Zvi Rxeb †kl K‡I w`‡”Q| Zvi eq‡mi GK mg‡q G‡m †m GUv‡K mg_©b K‡ibv Ges Zvi c‡ii cÖRb¥I †mB GKB Ae¯’vq P‡j Av‡m hv †m †d‡j G‡mwQj|

Cinematographer Manickam G Editor Arun Varathan Producer P. M. Gnanavel G. chitra Leading Casts Jeemano Kumaran Owner - Sivaraman Worker - Asan Ali Wife - Lakshmi Son (Kid) - Yogesh Son - Darmadurai


Manickam Gnanavel, was born and now lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. Finished D. Visual communication and studied Cinematography course in Mindscreen film institute, Chennai. Worked in Tamil Film Industry as assistant Cinematographer. And done some projects as Cinematographer (not feature) and also made few own independent projects. Has got Selected for Official Screening in “Roselle Park Love Shorts International Film Festival”, ”Signs Festival 2016”, Indo-Russian Cinemas.

THE UNCONVENTIONAL GOURMET United States | 2016 | DCP | 1.43:1 | Color | Horror | English | South Asian Premiere | 12 min 26 sec Target audience


Director Wendy Keelilng Story Wendy Keeling Kevin Keeling Script/Screenplay Wendy Keeling

SYNOPSIS A dark comedy about a woman stuck in the 50’s searching for the perfect ingredients in an unusual family recipe. The film tells an age old tale with an added modern twist.

GwU 50 Gi kZ†K AvU‡K civ GK gwnjv †K wb‡q ˆZwi ig¨ Mí| wZwb GKwU A™¢zZ Lvevi ˆZwi Ki‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq DcKiY LyR‡Z e¨¯Í| GB PjwPÎwU AvaywbK avu‡P GK cyivZb Mí e‡j|

Cinematographer Mark Ramey Editor Doug Beal Producer Wendy Keeling Leading Casts Wendy Keeling Wynn Reichert Grayson Kilpatrick Manon Guy


Wendy Keeling is an Actor, Artist, Director, and Producer based out of Nashville, Tennessee. Wendy grew up in Bloomington, Illinois. As a young girl she was drawn to anything and everything creative. She seems to continue to be attracted to all things creative that do not necessarily pay the big bucks. Wendy has worked both in front and behind the camera on projects in television, film, commercials, music videos, and stage. A jack of many trades, Wendy’s skills range from Acting, Directing, Casting, Set Design, Production Manager, and Producer.

THE WIND SUDDENLY Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | - | No Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Edris Samani Script/Screenplay Edris samani Editor Edris samani Producer Edris samani

SYNOPSIS The Wind Suddenly is a nearly 9 minute long anime film which is based on a father-son story. The kid went for flying kites where his father accompanied him with a gun for hunting. The kid became upset seeing his father shooting birds and tried to protect the birds with his kites.

`v BDÛ mv‡Wbwj cÖvq bq wgwbU `xN© GKwU Gwb‡g Pjw”PÎ †hwU g~jZ wcZv-cy‡Îi M‡íi Dci wfwË K‡i ˆZwi| ïiæ‡Z Avgiv †`wL GKwU wkï Zvi evevi mv‡_ Nywo Dov‡Z †ei nq, †hLv‡b Zvi evev †ei nq e›`yK nv‡Z wkKv‡ii Rb¨| wkïwUi evev hLb ¸wj K‡i cvwL wkKvi Ki‡Z _v‡K ZLb ¸wjwe× cvwL †`‡L wkïwU AZ¨šÍ wePwjZ n‡q c‡o Ges †Póv K‡i Zvi Nywo w`‡q cvwL¸‡jv‡K evuPv‡Z|

Edris Samani is an Iranian animator. He is graduated from Painting and Art University of Tehran.


THE WORLD IN MY DREAMS India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi | No Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Story Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Hemant Ghosh Nasrina Khan Script/Screenplay Anusha Srinivasan Iyer Hemant Ghosh Nasrina Khan Vedant Gill

SYNOPSIS The short film is about the journey of a mute boy Raju. The mute child who works in a tea stall as a helper boy. Raju refuses tips and once gets rewarded with Rs 500. He starts dreaming what he will do now with this huge amount. It is a big dream for a poor child. But the teenager sacrifices it all in seconds to feed a little child. After all, the world is in his dreams. He can dream again, he may control it one day. Opportunities will never be empty for him, this very little boy understands this truth.

GwU GKwU †evev †Q‡j ivRyi Mí| ivRy GKwU Pv‡qi †`vKv‡b †nívi wnmv‡e KvR K‡i| GKw`b ivRy eKwkm wb‡Z ivwR nq bv GK gwnjvi KvQ †_‡K| IB gwnjv Lywk n‡q ivRy‡K 500 UvKv w`‡q cyi¯‹…Z K‡i| GB UvKv ivRyi Kv‡Q A‡bK eo| ZvB UvKvwU nv‡Z †c‡j ivRy Zvi ¯^‡cœi RM‡Z wePiY Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i... wKš‘ GB wK‡kvi GKwU wkïi gy‡L Lvevi Zz‡j w`‡Z †m‡K‡Ûi g‡a¨ Zvi ¯^cœ DrmM© K‡i †`q| Avm‡j Zvi ¯^‡cœi g‡a¨B †h mviv RMr weivRgvb TAGLINE He who has nothing, has everything

Cinematographer Sunil Prasad Editor Pixel Mazik Studio Producer Anusha Srinivasan Leading Casts Vedant Gill Afrin Shaikh Charvi


Anusha Srinivasan Iyer is a journalist-writer-media strategist and image management consultant of repute from the last two and a half decades. Anusha Srinivasan Iyer is a name to reckon with in the Indian entertainment industry. Saare Sapne Apne Hain (The World In My Dreams) is her First Short Film. She is very much good with her camera.

THUMBS UP India | 2016 | 16 mm | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi | International Premiere | 3 min Target audience

Story Hanzalah Shahid Siddiqui

SYNOPSIS Dable-Sable two kids roam around in the colony, they are looking in some of the houses to do something funny and crazy, they saw an old watchman who is sitting and having ‘pan’. They stole his stick and ran down. After being chased by the watchman they went to a bakery shop to stole a Thumbs Up.

Script/Screenplay Hanzalah Shahid Siddiqui

डबले-सेबल निकलते है कॉलोनी में और लोगो के घरो में ताक-झांकी करते है।


Director Hanzalah Shahid Siddiqui

†Wej Ges †mej bv‡gi `yB wkï GK K‡jvbx‡Z evm K‡i| Zviv †mLv‡b Ggb wKQz Nievwo LyuR‡Z PvB‡Q †hLv‡b Zviv gRvi wKQz Ki‡Z Pvq| Zviv GKRb `v‡ivqv‡bi gy‡LvgywL nq †h e‡m e‡m cvb Lvq| Zviv Zvi jvwV wb‡q cvwj‡q hvq| cieZx©‡Z `v‡ivqvb Zv‡`i Zvov Ki‡j Zviv GKUv †eKvwi †`vKv‡b Xz‡K c‡o| TAGLINE Fun is all about stoling

Cinematographer Jitendra Borhade Editor Abhisek Kumar Producer Now Productions Leading Casts Aejaz Noor Ankit Singh


Hanzalah Siddiqui loves film and his life life. He wants to connect films through human lives as well as animal’s. This is his first film as a Writer/Director. He is 24 yrs old and he is learning the essence of filming day by day. Its been a long run process for him to grow and learn each and everyday.

TIMELINE Italy | 2015 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | English | No Premiere | 36 sec Target audience


Director Costantino Sgamato Story Costantino Sgamato Script/Screenplay Costantino Sgamato

SYNOPSIS As in the famous work by M. C. Escher, “Hand with reflecting sphere”, this time reflected it’s not only the ego of a single individual, but the whole timeline of the human community. The consubstantial steps, if not mandatory, of all living persons; made through the clock, main element of time that inexorably flows, but uncontrollably renew itself.

Come nella celebre “Hand with reflecting sphere” di Escher, stavolta riflesso non è soltanto l’Io personale d’un singolo, ma l’intera linea temporale della collettività umana. Le tappe consustanziali, per non dire obbligatorie, di ogni essere vivente; attraverso l’orologio, elemento principe del tempo che inesorabilmente scorre, ma che irrefrenabilmente si rinnova.

Cinematographer Costantino Sgamato Editor Costantino Sgamato Producer BraInHeart Leading Casts Marina Sgamato


Costantino Sgamato was born in Pozzuoli, Naples, in 1982. After graduated from Classical High School, he fully dedicated himself to Cinema, Paintings and Writing. After several experience in these field, he founded BraInHeart, a society of audiovisual and artistic production.

TO BE WINGED India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | Assamese | Bangladesh Premiere | 9 min 21 sec Target audience


Director Ajit Giri Story Ajit Giri Script/Screenplay Ajit Giri

SYNOPSIS The film depicts the story of two kids who belong from two contrast strata of the society yet in their own way aspire to be winged. Rong kotha sobi jugey di moi dekhabo bisarisu je kene duta koi konmani lora aaru suwalie ei aamar hamaj to dekhey aaru anubhav korey...dutai aamarey homajor aabhino bhag

QwewU `yBwU wkï‡K wb‡q wbwg©Z| hviv mgv‡Ri `yBwU wecixZ w`‡K evm K‡i|

Cinematographer Raj Ahmed Editor Saidur Rahman Bishal Sarma Producer Roopa Barua Leading Casts Vrishab Das Krishnamoni


Ajit Giri belongs from the North Eastern part of India, Assam. He has no formal training in cinema, as he believes in learning through watching movies and reading scripts.

TODAY, TOMORROW Algeria | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | No dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Mustapha Benghernoaut Story Mustapha Benghernoaut Script/Screenplay Mustapha Benghernoaut Cinematographer Mohamed Cherif Abbassa Editor Mustapha Benghernoaut

SYNOPSIS Today, we need a lot of energy to satisfy our needs. But unfortunately most of energy used polluting nature and their combustion increases emissions of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. It’s essential to stop pollution and replace these fuels with cleaner Sustainable energy. If not, it will be too late tomorrow.

eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`i ˆ`bw›`b cÖ‡qvRb †gUv‡Z Avgv‡`i cÖPzi GbvwR©I `iKvi nq| wKš‘ `yf©vM¨μ‡g †ewkifvM GbvwR©B cwi‡ek `~l‡Y e¨eüZ nq Ges Gme GbvwR©i `nb evqygЇj wMÖb nvDR M¨vm Gi cwigvY evovq hv ˆewk¦K Dòvq‡bi Rb¨ `vqx| cwi‡ek `~lY †iva Kiv I Gme ÿwZKi R¡vjvbxi ¯’v‡b †UKmB GbvwR©i e¨envi Kiv GLb LyeB Riæix| bqZ AvMvgxKvj †`ix n‡q †h‡Z cv‡i|

Producer Mustapha Benghernoaut Leading Casts Mustapha Benghernoaut


Mustapha Benghernoaut is a self-taught freelance artist, winning the short film contest (Global Compost film project) USA 2015 , Second audience choice award Cler Obscur transition énergétique 2015 audience choice award water take one (USA) 2016.

TRACK Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Persian | International Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Reza Golchin Story Reza Golchin Script/Screenplay Reza Golchin Cinematographer Mohammad Golchin


SYNOPSIS The story is about the struggling of the children of Talesh, Iran. They go to school through lot of troubles. The way to their school is hardly an easy path. They not only have to walk a long way up to the school, but also they hike, pass water channel, muddy paths. Inspite of this dangerous journey the enthusiasm always remains uplifted for the Talesh kids. In all weather conditions their presence in the classroom is same. They sing songs and help each other through the journey. They support education and believes that it is the only way to development.

GB MíwU g~jZ Biv‡bi Zv‡jk kn‡ii †QvU ev”Pv‡`i ¯‹z‡j hvIqvi hvÎvc_ wb‡q| GB ev”Pv¸‡jv‡K cÖ‡Z¨Kw`bB ixwZgZ msMÖvg K‡iB ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z nq| Ggb eÜyi c_ cvwo w`‡Z Zv‡`i †ek wKQz SzuwKi m¤§yLxbI n‡Z nq| A‡bK `~‡ii GB iv¯Ív Zv‡`i †Kej †nu‡UB cvwo †`Iqv jv‡M bv, †mB mv‡_ I‡`i jvwd‡q SY©vi kvLv, Kvu`v gvLv iv¯ÍvI cvo Ki‡Z nq| G ai‡Yi wekvj SzuwK _vKv m‡Ë¡I I‡`i Drmv‡n KL‡bvB fvuUv c‡o bv, †h‡Kvb AvenvIqv‡ZB I‡`i Dcw¯’wZ GKB _v‡K| Iiv AZ¨šÍ cÖvYešÍ, Mvb MvB‡Z MvB‡Z G‡K Aci‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i, Z‡eB Zviv GB `xN© c_ cvwo w`‡Z mÿg nq| KviY mewKQzi Dc‡i Zviv wek¦vm K‡i, wkÿvB n‡jv Dbœq‡bi GKgvÎ g~jgš¿|

Editor Alborz Poursayad Producer Mohammad Golchin Leading Casts Reza Golchin


Reza Golchin is from Talesh, Iran. He works as a freelance photographer. Besides photography the director is also interested in filmmaking and storytelling. He shares the views through his films and photos. His films are about the real life struggles and the hardships of the people of Iran.

TWO FRIENDS France | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | no | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Natalia Chernysheva Story Natalia Chernysheva Script/Screenplay Natalia Chernysheva

SYNOPSIS Two friends, from two different world. Even the best of friends can have trouble understanding each other when they are from two different worlds.

G MíwU `yRb eÜy‡K †K›`ª K‡i hviv `y‡Uv Avjv`v c„w_ex †_‡K G‡m‡Q| me‡P‡q Kv‡Qi eÜy‡KI hLb gv‡S gv‡S eyS‡Z mgm¨v nq, ZLb `y‡Uv Avjv`v c„w_exi gvby‡li Kx Ae¯’v n‡e fveyb| `yB c„w_exi `y‡Uv gvby‡li eÜy‡Z¡i Mí wb‡qB G Pjw”PÎ ˆZwi|

Editor Myriam Copier Producer Annick Teninge La Poudrière Animators Yuri Cherenkov Natalia Chernysheva

Natalia Chernysheva was Born in Sverdlovsk, Russia. Graduated from Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art, majoring in graphics and animation. Worked as animator, character designer and artist on several animated films. “Snowflake” is her debut as a director.


TWO WORLDS Poland | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | POLISH | South Asian Premiere | 51 min Target audience


Director Maciej Adamek Story Maciej Adamek Script/Screenplay Maciej Adamek

SYNOPSIS In this inspiring family portrait, 12-year-old Laura is our guide through life with her deaf parents, which is unusual, challenging and surprisingly ordinary.

GwU GKwU Aby‡cÖiYv g~jK cvwievwiK Qwe| jiv Avgv‡`i GK bZzb Rxe‡bi Qwe †`Lvq| wKfv‡e †m Zvi ewai wcZvgvZv‡K wb‡q A¯^vfvweK P¨‡j‡Äi gy‡LvgywL nq Avgiv Zv Rvb‡Z cvwi|

Cinematographer Mateusz Skalski Editor Gozdzio Producer Jacek Kucharski Leading Casts Laura Gontarczyk


Mr. Maciej Adamek is the director and scriptwriter and also recognized documentary director. Graduated from the Polish philology at University in Gdańsk and directing at the Łódź Film School. His films was screened at few hundred film festivals where received about 50 awards (at San Fransico FF, Palm Springs FF, AFI Doc in Washington, Shanghai FF , Munich, Toronto, Moscow, Montreal FF etc.).

UNDER CONSTRUCTION France | 2015 | DCP | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | French | South Asian Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Julie Grossetête Story Julie Grossetête Script/Screenplay Julie Grossetête Cinematographer Antoine Aybes-Gille Editor Pauline Pallier

ORIGINAL TITLE En chantier SYNOPSIS Simon lives alone with his mother Elodie, in a house in perpetual reconstruction. He deeply feels Elodie’s absence, obsessed as she is with the work on their house. Fascinated by machines, Simon finds comfort and company in a forgotten backhoe in a neighboring field.

wmgb Zvi gv GjwW Gi mv‡_ Aweivg †givg‡Zi KvR Pj‡Z _vKv GKwU evwo‡Z _v‡K| GjwW evwoi KvR wb‡q e¨¯Í _vKvi Kvi‡Y wmgb Zvi gvi Abycw¯’wZ Abyfe K‡i| ZvB †m wb‡R‡K †gwkb wb‡q e¨¯Í iv‡L| cvk¦©eZ©x GK gv‡V wmgb GK cwiZv³ †μbIqvjv Mvwo Lyu‡R cvq|

Producer Eddy Fluchon Leading Casts Jana Preiss Sacha Hannauer


Julie Grossetête is a young french director, working as production director for animation series and managing audiovisual workshop in psychiatric area. “Under construction” is her first short movie.

UNDER THE CLOCK Greece | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Horror | Latin | Bangladesh Premiere | 25 min Target audience


Director Vassia Papailiou Story Vassia Papailiou Script/Screenplay Vassia Papailiou

SYNOPSIS Anna is a secluded character that lives by herself at her deceased parent’s house, every day she goes to work at the publisher where she works. She makes her way from the same dark alley every time. One day she comes upon a strange book with blank pages, she found it interesting and took it with her at home. This is where it the story begins, the conflict of a dark past and an uncertain future in which everything was under the clock.

ÒGbvÓ Pjw”PÎwU Gbv bv‡gi GKwU PzcPvc ¯^fv‡ei †g‡q‡K †K›`ª K‡i, †h Zvi evev-gvi g„Zz¨i ci †_‡K GKv GKvB _v‡K| cÖwZw`b †m Zvi cÖKvkbvj‡q hvq, GLv‡b †m KvR K‡i, Ges cÖwZw`b GKB AÜKvi Mwj w`‡q evwo †d‡i| GKw`b †m GKUv GKUv Lvwj c„ôvi A™¢zZ eB Lyu‡R cvq Ges eBwUi cÖwZ AvMÖn †eva Kivq Zvi evmvq wb‡q Av‡m| Ges Mí GLv‡bB ïiæ nq, GKwU `ytmn AZxZ Avi AwbwðZ fwel¨‡Zi Ø›Ø, hv mewKQz wQj NwoUvi wbqš¿‡Y|

Cinematographer Yannis Zindrilis Editor Vassia Papailiou Producer Vassia Papailiou Leading Casts Chrysanthi Papageorgiou Vassia Papailiou studied at the Stavrakos Film and Television School and the Fine Arts of Western Macedonia. She Participated on student films at festivals such as Olympia Festival 2008, She won several awards for her previous films.


UNDER THE GROUND Italy | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | Italian | Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min 23 sec Target audience


Director Federico Olivetti Story Federico Olivetti Script/Screenplay Luciano Colavero Damiano D\’Innocenzo Federico Olivetti

SYNOPSIS A little girl, Lisa, finds a deep and frightening hole dug in a path among the trees. She is attracted by the whole, wants to go down it, but her mother stops her. Lisa, convinced that the hole hides a monstrous secret, obliges a friend, Michele, to go down it. Michele comes out of the hole with his face altered by terror. Lisa urges him to tell her what he saw, but he is shocked and cannot speak. Lisa goes back to the path to discover the truth.

†QvÆ †g‡q wjmv, R½‡ji gv‡S GKUv Mfxi I fqvbK MZ© Lyu‡R cvq| †m M‡Z©i †fZi †h‡Z PvB‡j Zvi gv Zv‡K evuav †`b| wjmvi wek¦vm MZ©Uvi †Kvb inm¨ Av‡Q, ZvB †m Zvi gÜy, wg‡kj‡K MZ©Uvi †fZi cvVvq| wg‡kj cÖPÛ fqvZ© gyL wb‡q M‡Z©i evB‡i †ei nIqvq †m wK †`‡L‡Q Zv wjmv Rvb‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ cÖPÛ gvbwmK AvNv‡Zi Kvi‡Y wg‡kj K_v ej‡Z cv‡i bv| wjmv wb‡RB Zvici M‡Z© Xz‡K hvq mZ¨Uv Kx Rvbvi Rb¨|

Cinematographer Nicola Cattani Editor Elena Cabria Producer La Torre Film Leading Casts Lisa Florena Orlando Mochi


Federico Olivetti graduated in History and Philosophy, he went into cinema studies attending courses at Ipotesi Cinema and at New York University. He is an actor, director and has done several film projects. He works with plays and short films.

UNSIGHTED India | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Thriller | English | No Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Abhishek Kumar Singh Story Abhishek Kumar Singh Script/Screenplay Abhishek Kumar Singh Cinematographer Shreyansh Bararia Utkarsh Parmar Editor Abhishek Kumar Singh

SYNOPSIS For years India has faced criticism related to improper garbage disposal by its citizens. The current government is implementing various cleanliness campaigns. One of such campaign is Clean India. This three minutes short films shows how three blind students are fighting to clean India through their ability to listen, hear and smell things around them. They are challenging those who are having eyesight but still prefer to make the country dirty.

EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Participation in ‘Swach Bharat Film Festival’ which was organized by National Film Development Council of India in October 2016

eû eQi a‡i fviZ hÎZÎ AveR©bv †djevi Rb¨ mgv‡jvwPZ n‡q Avm‡Q| miKvi G e¨vcv‡i A‡bK ai‡Yi cÖPviYv Pvwj‡q Avm‡Q| GB Qwe‡Z †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q wZbRb AÜ QvÎ Kxfv‡e cwi®‹vi fviZ Moevi Rb¨ KvR ïiæ K‡i‡Q|

Producer Abhishek Kumar Singh Leading Casts Rahul jit


Abhishek Kumar Singh is currently working as Assistant Director and Production Assistant at Grasshopper Media. Where he has worked on the live seminar and workshop shoots for UNIDO (United Nations Industrial and Development Organisation) and Documentary for World Wildlife Foundation, India Climate Solver Apart from working there, he is also a freelancer commercial ’ Video Producer’. This year in 2016 He got graduated in the field of Journalism and Communication from Amity University, Noida (India).

UPÍR France | 2016 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Horror | French | International Premiere | 12 min 23 sec Target audience


SYNOPSIS There is something about nanny.

Director Laura Rembault

Ma nounou est étrange.

Story Laura Rembault

MíwU GKwU wkï Ges Zv‡`i evwoi M„ncwiPvwiKv‡K wN‡i|

Script/Screenplay Laura Rembault Cinematographer Vincent Margueritte Editor Sylvain Bérard Producer Léon Productions Leading Casts Thomas Millot Virginia Atenza Virginie Lisb


Laura Rembault is a young filmmaker who is born in 1990. She is from France. “Upír” is her second short film. She has won a few awards including best director and best cinematographer at indie wise virtual film festival. Her first movie was “No X-mas for Santa” in 2013.

VALUES OF SCHOOL Spain | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | CATALAN /ENGLISH/ SPANISH | No Premiere | Target audience


Director Jaume Martin Story Students Of 6Th Grade Script/Screenplay Students Of 6Th Grade Cinematographer Students Of 6Th Grade

ORIGINAL TITLE VALORS D’ESCOLA SYNOPSIS A film with 4 short films made by the students of 6th (11/12 years old) of Sant Josep Oriol School from Barcelona and their opinions and feeling about to make a film in their school 4 cortometrajes realizados por los alumnos de la escuela de Primaria de Barcelona (CatalunyaEspaña) y sus reflexiones sobre su experiencia cinematográfica en el aula

Editor Students Of 6Th Grade Producer Jaume Martin Leading Casts Students Of 6Th Grade Jaume Martin was born in April 19, 1962. He is a filmmaker from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.


WALK Russian Federation | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | No Dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Tatiana Kuznetsova Story Darya Vyatkina

SYNOPSIS It is a story about a princess, who created a knight made of two different knights and then fell in love with him.

GwU GKwU iƒcK_vi Mí| GwU GKwU ivRKzgvixi Mí| †m `yBRb exi †hv×v †K hv`yi e‡j GKÎ K‡i GKRb †hv×vq cwiYZ K‡i| AZtci †m †mB †hv×v‡K fvj‡e‡m †d‡j|

Script/Screenplay Tatiana Kuznetsova Cinematographer Tatiana Kuznetsova Editor Tatiana Kuznetsova Producer Liubov Gaydukova Animators Tatiana Kuznetsova


Tatiana Kuznetsova was born on March 17, 1984 in Moscow. In 2006 graduated Polygraphic Institute as a graphic artist. 2008-2010 studied in Sweden magistracy. 2011-2013 studied in School-Studio “Shar” for director of animation films. Illustrator, creates author picture- books, makes books for visually impaired children.

WATERBACKPACK PAUL Germany | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | German | South Asian Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Miriam Steen Story Miriam Steen Script/Screenplay Alexandra Petkau Cinematographer Behrooz Karamizade Rike Holtz

SYNOPSIS The world is a paradise but sometimes catastrophes break in. Tsunamis, earthquakes - fatal polluted water after environmental disasters is a huge danger for people’s life. A research from Cotonou to Kassel how people find solutions like a professor and his students who invent a tiny but ingenious bag to clean water without chemicals and electricity.

GB c„w_ex GKwU ¯^M© wKš‘ gv‡S gv‡S `y‡h©vM nvbv †`q| mybvwg, fzwgK‡¤c cvwb `~wlZ nq I wech©q †`Lv †`q| gvbweK Rxe‡b e¨vcK wech©q †`Lv †`q| GLv‡b †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q GKRb cÖ‡dmi I Zvi QvÎiv wg‡j wKfv‡e cvwb cwi‡kva‡bi Rb¨ GKwU e¨vM Avwe®‹vi K‡i|

Editor Miriam Steen Producer Miriam Steen Leading Casts Prof. Franz-Bernd Frechen


Miriam Steen was born 1978 in Hamburg, Germany. Studied film directing at the Dept. Film/Television (Prof. Yana Drouz and Prof. David Safarian) at the School of Art, University of Kassel. She’s founding member of NUR film group (www.nurfilmgroup.de) and works as a director of documentary and fiction films.

WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD India | 2014 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | Bengali | No Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Joydip Banerjee Sugriv Gayen Story Joydip Banerjee Script/Screenplay Joydip Banerjee Cinematographer Somenath Chatterjee

SYNOPSIS A tale of friendship between a street child and a radio. The film depicts how life constantly oscillates between hope and despair.

QwewU GKwU c_wkï Ges GKwU †iwWI Gi ga¨Kvi eÜz‡Z¡i Mí| Pjw”PÎwU‡Z Avkv Avi wbivkvi ؇›` Rxe‡bi ev¯ÍeZvi Mí D‡V G‡m‡Q| TAGLINE Of love and longing EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY Official Selection - Ozak Shorts, USA Finalist - IOFF, Bangladesh

Editor Sugriv Gayen Producer Joydip Banerjee Leading Casts Koushik Halder Mousree Goswami


Sugriv Gayen was born in December 31, 1987. An independent filmmaker and artist with a penchant for graphic designing. His filmography include What a wonderful world(2014) -short film- co director/Editor, Manihara the movie (2015) - Feature - Story, Santa Claus(2015) - Short - Production Designer, Dev das 2.5 (2016) - Short - Production Designer

Joydip Banerjee was born in November 12, 1986. He is an independent filmmaker who never went to a film school. His filmography include What a wonderful world ( short) - 2014, Manihara the movie (feature film) - 2015 - Lyrics/screenplay/ associate Director, Santa Claus (short) - 2015, Dev Das 2.5 (short) - 2016

WHAT THE EYE DOESN’T SEE Switzerland | 2016 | HD | 1.85:1 | Color | Drama | french | International Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Frédéric Mermoud Story Frédéric Mermoud Script/Screenplay Frédéric Mermoud Cinematographer Jacques Girault Editor Sarah Anderson Producer Milos-Films: Isabelle Zampiero, Francine Pickel, Vincent Adatte / Les Batelières Productions: Justine Henochsberg, Julie Guesnon Amarante Leading Casts Alba Gaïa Bellugi Lorenzo Lefèbvre Pauline Serieys


TAGLINE A Short Lesson in Cinema: Following the Sightline

ORIGINAL TITLE Pas vu pas pris SYNOPSIS Through an everyday adventure, this short cinema lesson examines the function of the sightline, a central figure of cinematic language, which allows us to understand the feelings of a character by showing us what he sees. A travers une épopée du quotidien, cette petite leçon de cinéma interroge la fonction du raccord regard, une figure centrale du langage cinématographique, qui nous permet de comprendre le ressenti d’un personnage en nous montrant ce qu’il voit.

Frédéric Mermoud was born in 1969 in Sion, Switzerland. In 1994 he studied MA in Literature from University of Geneva. In 1995 he attended ECAL (École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne), Cinema Department. 1999 Receives degree in directing from ECAL. 2004 Swiss Film Award, Best Short Film for “L’escalier”. 2010 Swiss Film Award, Best Screenplay for “Complices”.

WHITE DAISY Greece | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Greek | Bangladesh Premiere | 15 min 6 sec Target audience


Director Kyriakos Gikas Story Kyriakos Gikas Script/Screenplay Kyriakos Gikas Cinematographer Stahis Glazoulas

SYNOPSIS Saita is a homeless clown who wanders in the empty city reminiscing the days that made children to laugh . He was a joker and slayed happiness among the children. Little Homer wanders into his home playing with a fake gun . He always plays with that gun. He discovers something that will change him . One day Homer faces Saita when he was playing with his friends in a park. Saita was, trying to make them laugh . But clowns today provoke fear. Saita was trying to make them laugh but Little Homer today got afraid and he thought to make a move. He threat the clown Saita with his fake gun.

ˆmZv GKwU NiQvov †RvKvi †h dvuKv kn‡i ¯§„wZPviY K‡i †eovq ev”Pv‡`i Lywk Kivi Rb¨| †m GKwU †RvKvi †h †QvÆ ev”Pv‡`i Avb›` †`q| †QvÆ †nv‡gi evmvq bKj e›`yK w`‡q †Ljv K‡i †eovq| †m mvivw`b IB e›`yK w`‡qB †Ljv K‡i| †m Avwe®‹vi K‡i wKQz GKUv Zv‡K cwieZ©b K‡i †`‡e| GKw`b †nv‡gi Zvi eÜzi mv‡_ cv‡K© †LjwQj, ZLb ˆmZvi mv‡_ †`Lv nq| ˆmZv H iv¯Ív w`‡q hvw”Q‡jv| ˆmZv Zv‡K nvmv‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jv, wKš‘ †RvKvi AvR fq †`wL‡q I †Lwc‡q †d‡j| †m Zv‡`i‡K nvmv‡Z †P‡qwQj wKš‘ †nvgvi AvR fq †cj I wPšÍv Kij wKQz GKUv Ki‡e| †m Zvi †Ljbv e›`yK w`‡K ˆmZvi w`‡K GwM‡q Avm‡jv|

Editor Stahis Glazoulas Kyriakos Gikas Producer Nikos Gikas Kyriakos Gikas Leading Casts Thanasis Chalks (as Clown) Aggelos Kleisouras (as Homer) Gioulika Skafida (as Mother) Dimitris Presveias (as Adam) Giannis Ramos (as Father)


Kyriakos Gikas was born and raised in Petroupoli Municipality of Attica in 1992. He studied film at a private university in the sectors of editing and directing. He has also worked on several productions (film, advertising) as an editor and director. Now working in a production for restoration of old films in Athens. In his free time he writes scripts for future films.

WHITE ROSE Korea, Republic of | 2015 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | no dialogue | Bangladesh Premiere | 16 min 10 sec Target audience


Director Kang Shin Gyu Story Kang Shin Gyu Script/Screenplay Kang Shin Gyu

SYNOPSIS Sohyang leaves the home and meets Eunji. Eunji keeps drawing one thing and another. Differ from her, Sohyang does nothing but starring at her. Soon Sohyang steals her white crayon and the night begins.

LOGLINE Through the sight of a pure child who’s living in a city, I expressed the violence and dirtiness, unescapable reality.

집을 나온 소향은 은지를 만나 계단에서 그림 놀이를 한다. 이것저것 그리는 은지와 달리 소향은 아무것도 그리지 않는다. 그저 은지를 응시하던 소향은 곧 은지의 흰 색 크레파스를 훔친 채 밤을 맞이한다.

Cinematographer Kang Shin Gyu Editor Kang Shin Gyu Producer Kang Shin Gyu Leading Casts Yoon Seo Jin Kang Shin Gyu is a college student majoring in film. Seoul Institute of the Arts-major Film Directed) KBAA (Korea Broadcasting Arts Academy/Institute- major Film)


WHY BANANA SNARLS Russian Federation | 2014 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Russian | Bangladesh Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Svetlana Razgulyaeva Story Svetlana Razgulyaeva Script/Screenplay Svetlana Razgulyaeva Cinematographer Svetlana Razgulyaeva

SYNOPSIS The story is about a fellow who is very unlucky as he thinks about himself. He dreams of seas and ships while he was working as advertising banana. Suddenly discovers he has a tail behind him. Now what should he do? He always falls in this sort of problems. He thinks himself so unlucky. It seems like he will start to weep now. But the story continues. The future finds him a solution and an answer.

GKRb `yf©vMv e¨w³ Kjvi weÁvcb Kivi mgq mgy`ª I Rvnv‡Ri ¯^cœ †`LwQj| nVvr †m Avwe®‹vi K‡i Zvi †jR MwR‡q †M‡Q|

Editor Svetlana Razgulyaeva Producer Liubov Gaydukova Animators Svetlana Razgulyaeva, Tatiana Yatsyna, Rim Sharafutdinov, Anna Nikiforova


Svetlana Razgulyaeva was born in Malyuganskiy in 1982. In 2004, she graduated from The College of Art and Restoration in Suzdal. In 2008, she graduated from College of Film, Television and Multimedia at the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow (workshop of animator S. Sokolov). She attended the School-Studio “SHAR” for animated film department from 2011 to 2013.

WITH GRACE India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | English | South Asian Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Rajbir Kaur Story Rajbir Kaur Script/Screenplay Rajbir Kaur

SYNOPSIS “With Grace” is a film about Grace and dogs. Grace lives in Rishikesh. She has been serving and taking care of street dogs for over ten years now. Experience this beautiful world of street dogs filled with so much of love and affection.

ÒDB_ †MÖBmÓ Pjw”PÎwU KzKzi Ges †MÖBm m¤cwK©Z| †MÖBm wiwk‡K‡k emevm K‡i| †m weMZ `k eQi hveZ Zvi Av‡kcv‡ki iv¯Ívi KzKz‡ii hZœ wb‡”Q| gvbyl I KzKz‡ii GB Av`i fvjevmvgq m¤cK©‡KB GB Pjw”P‡Î Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

Cinematographer Rajbir Kaur Editor Rajbir Kaur Producer Rajbir Kaur Leading Casts Grace and street dogs Rajbir Kaur is a graduate in Electronics and Telecom engineering and then moved on to do her masters in filmmaking. After a stint in working for advertising films in Mumbai, she founded Wandering Feet, and started working as a solo filmmaker.


Yin & Yana: “FORBIDDEN FOOD” Russian Federation | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Russian | Bangladesh Premiere | 11 Target audience


Director Oleg Uzhinov Story Vladimir Sakhnovsky Script/Screenplay Vladimir Sakhnovsky

ORIGINAL TITLE In i Yana: Zapretnaya yeda SYNOPSIS An educational entertainment series for the whole family. A story about girl Yana and her new friend, a little alien Yin, who arrived to Earth in search for the most precious and necessary for him resource – for information. In every episode Yin and Yana explore our planet and learn much about traditions and customs of peoples and cultures.

GwU GKwU cvwievwiK wkÿYxq we‡bv`b g~jK wmwiR| GwU Bqvbv bv‡g GKwU †g‡q I Zvi †QvÆ Gwj‡qb eÜy Bb Gi Mí| Bb c„w_ex‡Z G‡m‡Q Zvi Rb¨ me †P g~j¨evb I cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbl Gi †Lvu‡R| cÖwZwU c‡e©B Bb I Bqvbv c„w_ex AbymÜv‡b †ei nq Ges Zviv bZzb bZzb cÖ_v I ms¯‹…wZ m¤c‡K© Rvb‡Z cv‡i| g‡b n‡Z cv‡i eÜyi mv‡_ Lvevi wewbgq Ki‡j †Kv‡bv ÿwZ †bB| wKš‘ GLv‡b n‡ZI cv‡i! GKwU fzj m¨vÛDBP †L‡q †dj‡j Avcwb GKwU K‡Vvi wbqg f½ Ki‡jb, Av‡iKwU †L‡j Avevi GwK fzj Ki‡jb| Avi me wKQzB MЇMvj n‡q hvq!

Cinematographer Oleg Uzhinov Editor Oleg Uzhinov Producer Liubov Gaydukova Animators Stas Dobry Lena Filippik Yegor Belsky Leonid Shmelkov Robert Labidas Nina Volova Andrey Shishkin


Oleg Uzhinov was born in Kirishi, Russia in 1968. From 1989 he had been studying animation courses at “Pilot” Studio; an artistic direction by A.Tatarsky. At the same time he worked as an inbetweener in this Studio. He worked as a director and animator in his animated short film “Jamais”. He worked in the company “Nikita” as director and animator.

YOU CAN’T HIDE FROM THE TRUTH United Kingdom | 2016 | HD | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Musical | shona | South Asian Premiere | 28 min Target audience


Director A.A.V. Amasi Story A.A.V. Amasi Script/Screenplay A.A.V. Amasi Cinematographer A.A.V. Amasi Editor A.A.V. Amasi Producer A.A.V. Amasi

SYNOPSIS As an observational documentary, this film his very relatable for the Zimbabwe people. In this film, a father and his young gifted son who are struggling to change their lives with music have been highlighted. It is not easy for them to just follow their passion and get what they want instantly. They go through a lot troubles. The path they started to walk was more tough than they thought. To add more to the hardship, the poverty was immense. They didn’t have the choice to turn back and they were not to give it up. So they keep going on. You Can’t Hide From The Truth is an intimate glance at life inside Zimbabwe, where the country’s political and economic troubles are observed in a nuanced way.

wR¤^vey‡qi gvbylRb‡K wfwË K‡iB wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU| GB Pjw”PÎwU WKz‡g›Uvwi auv‡P wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q| MíwU‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q GK evev Avi Zvi †Q‡ji ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡bi K_v| Zviv `yR‡b wg‡j Rxe‡bi wbg©g iv¯Ívq, K‡Vvi cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g Rxeb aviY K‡i Av‡Q| †mB Mí¸‡jv‡KB djvI K‡i Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q G‡Z| Zv‡`i cÖ‡qvRb †gUv‡bv, hv Lywk †mUvB †c‡q hvIqv, GmeB Zv‡`i Rb¨ ¯^cœ| A‡bK KwVb GK mg‡qi ga¨ w`‡q AwZevwnZ nq Zv‡`I Rxeb| GB KvwVb¨ Zv‡`iI Kíbvi evB‡i| KvwVb¨‡K e„w× Ki‡ZB †hb, Zvi mv‡_ G‡m R‡ov nq `vwi`ª| wKš‘ Zviv cÖPÛ ˆah¨©kxj, hZ KóB nDK, Zviv Gi †kl †`‡L Qvo‡e| ZvB Zviv wb‡R‡`i Rxeb Avi KwVb mgq‡K †g‡b wb‡qB ïiæ K‡i Rxe‡bi c‡_ c_ Pjv| LOGLINE A once-successful musician struggles to lift his family from poverty through his young son’s drumming skills.

Leading Casts Daniel Gonora Isaac Gonora A.A.V. Amasi is an independent documentary filmmaker based in United Kingdom, born and raised in Zimbabwe. In 2008, his debut film Chauya Chauya – A Risky Life won him a place on the Directing Documentary course at the National Film and Television School, with a Barchester Scholarship and a BBC Training Bursary.


ZERO (0) India | 2015 | DCP | 1.25:1 (5:4) | Color | Drama | Kannada | International Premiere | 130 min Target audience


Director Giridev Hassan Story Giridev Hassan Script/Screenplay Giridev Hassan Cinematographer Shankar Editor Vinod Basavaraj

SYNOPSIS A story that deals with the beautiful relationship of father and son. The duo are the pillar of strength to each other, they stand together when the time and circumstances are going against them. The war with the life has been started by father, he fails to cross the hurdles then his son come and stand for him. They both show their real characters and fight against the odds of life.

EXHIBITION & AWARD HISTORY 1. Winner of Industry Boost Competition (USA) 2016 2. Official Selection Bogota Music Video Festival ( COLUMBIA) 2016 3. Official Selection Indie Wise Film Festival ( USA) 2016

QwewU‡Z D‡V G‡m‡Q evev I †Q‡ji Ac~e© m¤ú‡K©i Mí| Zviv G‡K Ac‡ii Rb¨ kw³ I wbf©iZv| G‡K A‡b¨i wec‡` Avc‡` mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ GwM‡q Av‡m| GKmgq Zvi evevi Rxe‡b †b‡g Av‡m AbvKvw•LZ So| TAGLINE Made In India

Producer DCL Productions Leading Casts Master Madhu Sudhan (Son) Nataraj (Father) Kamal Kumar Ghimmere (English Teacher)


Giridev Hassan was born in the great land of Hassan, India . Grown up watching world movies and dreaming of giving back the world quality movies with positive intentions. His filmography include 0 (ZERO ) Made In India - Director (Debut Movie). He was the writer of Kannada Film Industry, India (EXP - 9 yrs)

Films from



India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Hindi Bangladesh Premiere | 5 Min

India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Hindi Bangladesh Premiere | 4 Min

Director: Deval Vala

Director: Shivatmika Lala



India | 3 min 35 sec

India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Hindi International Premiere | 3 Min

Director: Dipanjan Dutta, Arjun janardhanan Kappatan, Sudip Roy

Director: Swarashi and Shapna



India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action Hindi | Bangladesh Premiere | 03 min 39 sec

India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Hindi Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min 25 sec

Director: Donna Partho

Director: Alpika Singh




India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | Hindi Bangladesh Premiere | 5 min 8 sec

India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Hindi Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min 11 sec

Director: Aashay Mesharam

Director: Rohit Ashokan



India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Hindi No Premiere | 3 min

India | 3 min 45 sec

Director: Soumyo Dham

Director: Sruti Lal



India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Bangla | No Premiere | 3 min 30 Sec

India | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | No Premiere | 5.08

Director: Shivali Chandra

Director: Sushanta Paul




India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi No Premiere | 4 min 40 sec

India | 201 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi No Premiere | 5 min

Director: Jemma Joss

Director: Samule Hanoch



India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi No Premiere | 2 min 58 sec

India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi No Premiere | 3 min 7 sec

Director: Soumyo Dham

Director: Abhilekh Nagar



India | 2015 | 35 mm | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi No Premiere | 3 min 48 sec

India | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Hindi No Premiere | 2 min 35 sec

Director: Hema Aravindan

Director: Kendo Maibam


BANGLADESH PANORAMA Bangladesh Panorama is about the films made on children by Bangladesh film makers. This section takes the viewers to the recently made films on dierent subjects related to children. It is open for the films have been selected for screening for the children. It is hoped, these film will act as a great inspiration for the young buds of the societies.


EKATTORER NISHAN Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | South Asian Premiere | 96 min Target audience


Director Nuruddin Md Taher Shipon Story Rabeya Khatun Script/Screenplay Farzana Afrin Rupa Cinematographer Sujan Mehmhud

SYNOPSIS Nishan is a young boy aged only 13. He usually studies in school and helps his parents in household works. In 1971 a disaster came upon the nation of Bangladesh, former East Pakistan. The Pakistani Army attack Nishan’s village and kill his father and sister. Then Nishan decides to go to join as a freedom fighter. His mother does not agree in his decision. But he joins with the freedom fighter. He wants to dedicate all he has to the beloved motherland.

eywoM½v a‡jk¦ixi †gvnbv Qvwo‡q †QvU b`x gaygwZi cv‡oi ZjøvU ˆKjnvwU| MÖv‡gi wK‡kvi‡`i `vwc‡q †eov‡Z †`Lv hvq gaygwZ‡Z| in‡m¨i K~j wKbviv bv K‡iB wK‡kvi‡`i QzU‡Z nq ¯‹z‡j, _vW© m¨vi mvbvDjøvn †h eo Kov! _vW© m¨vi Am¤¢e M¤¢xi gy‡L mevB‡K g‡b ivL‡Z e‡jb MZKv‡ji w`b ZvwiLUv, Ly‡j e‡jb ev½vjx‡K μxZ`vm evbv‡bvi cy‡iv PμvšÍ, e‡jb ev½vjx GLb fvm‡e KjgxjZvi gZ| _vW© m¨v‡ii K_v †kl n‡Z bv n‡ZB Nv‡U ‰n‰P ïiæ n‡q hvq, wbkvb‡`i `jUv †`L‡Z cvq _vW© m¨v‡ii K_vB mwZ¨, AvZ¥xq ¯^Rbiv cvwj‡q G‡m‡Q MÖv‡g, †cvkvK G‡jv‡g‡jv, †PvL fiv K¬vwšÍ| wbkv‡bi PvPv-PvPxPvPv‡Zv †evb wgwj Avi Zvi eqmx w`jyI †mB cvjv‡bv gvbyl‡`i `‡j|

Editor Taher Shipon Producer Faridur Reza Sagar Ibn Hasan Khan Leading Casts Rasel Ahmed Fazlur Rahman Babu Munira Mithu Shera Jaman Wahida Mollik Joly Shahadat Hossain Kachi Khandaker


Nuruddin Md Taher Shipon was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh in January 1967. He studied at Dhaka University in Library and Information Science. He started working in Bangladesh media as an assistant director with famous director Salahuddin Lavlu in 1995. After five years he start as freelance drama producer in television industry. His famous TV drama is- “Sporsher Baire”, “Megh Boleche Jabo Jabo”, “Dhaka Nibash”, “Ghuri”, “Shandhi” etc. Now he is working with Channel I as Chief Event Coordinator. “Ekattorer Nishan” is his first feature film. It was shoot on 12th august to 17th august in 2015.

MISSING Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Bengali | No Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Kazi Mahadi Muntasir Story Kazi Mahadi Muntasir Script/Screenplay Kazi Mahadi Muntasir Cinematographer Md. Abid Mallick Editor Md. Nahid Mallick

SYNOPSIS A twelve years old boy Rifat, goes missing. Two of his friends starts putting missing posters and also searching him at the same time. They pass the whole day doing that and even they leave their area for the quest of searching him. At the end of the day, they discover something which they can relate with Rifat’s disappearance.

12 eQi eqmx widvZ wb‡LvuR nevi ci, `yB eÜy Zvi mÜvb cvIqvi D‡Ï‡k¨ GjvKvq GKB mv‡_ †cv÷vi jvMv‡bv Ges AbymÜv‡b Ask †bq| †cv÷vi jvMv‡Z jvMv‡Z w`‡bi †k‡l Zviv GjvKvi evB‡i P‡j G‡j Ggb wKQz Lyu‡R cvq, †hwU widv‡Zi wb‡LvuR n‡q hvIqvi m‡½ m¤cwK©Z| TAGLINE Friendship is beyond everything.

Producer Maleka Ishrat Leading Casts Jihad Hosein Ahmed Hridoy Tofayel Haque


Kazi Mahadi Muntasir, being a computer science graduate, hold a passion in filmmaking. After completing MSS from DU film school, I wanted to involve myself in filmmaking to create a positive impact to the film industry of Bangladesh.

MYSTERY CUBE Bangladesh | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Rehman Rahat Story Rehman Rahat Script/Screenplay Rehman Rahat

SYNOPSIS Sometimes we do such mistakes in our absent mind which we cannot solve, rather we try to escape from the situation. But we have to bear all the consequences of our mistakes. In this film, we convey a message to the viewers through a Rubik’s cube that if you do not solve of your own mistakes, it will cause you harm. So that’s the reason we try to give a moral message through our film that “If you don’t make solution what you mess, you will lose the peace by your mistake!”

gv‡S gv‡S Avgiv Avgv‡`i Ae‡PZb g‡b Ggb wKQz KvR fzj K‡i †dwj hvi mgvavb Avgiv wb‡RivI Ki‡Z Rvwbbv| Avi wVK ZLb Avgiv †mB KvRUv Gwo‡q †h‡Z PvB| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i GB fzj Gi Kvi‡b †h ÿwZ Zvi `vqfvi Aek¨B Avgv‡`i wb‡Z n‡e| Pjw”PÎwU‡Z G NUbvwU GKwU iæwe· wKD‡ei gva¨‡g †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q|

Cinematographer Irfanul Islam Editor Rehman Rahat Producer Rehman Rahat Leading Casts Abdullah Al Kafi


Rehman Rahat started his film career in the year 2009. Film is like a voice to him. He can connect with a large number of people through his films and deliver them a message he wants. He believes that film can change our society. His filmography includes Short Films- “Propose” (2009), “Bhai” (2010), “Nondini” (2012), “Beporowa” (2014), “Mystery Cube” (2015), Documentary – “Tader Sathe Ekdin” (2014) “You must need to know” (2015)

PATH Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | South Asian Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Md. Abid Mallick Story Md. Abid Mallick Script/Screenplay Md. Abid Mallick Cinematographer Md. Abid Mallick

SYNOPSIS At a lost hour of a dark time in Dhaka, a young woman in dire need of money agrees to work with the terrorists. It was not her choice to get involved in such heinous act but she did the money very badly. She sends her money back home to her mother. It was her survival instinct that forced her in this path that she took. When she was back home with everything done and dusted, she suddenly makes her moves to undo the things and hits the road of Dhaka again. Her solitary walks to save the city tells the tale of the road not taken. Her actions speak it loud and clear that money is not larger than innocent people lives.

A‡_©i cÖ‡qvRb GK ZiæYx‡K wb‡q hvq R½xev‡`i c‡_| kû‡i bvkKZv m„wói cÖ¯‘wZ‡Z Ask wb‡q evwo †divi c‡_ wK GK AevK Uv‡b, Avevi XvKvi c‡_ †b‡g Av‡m †g‡qwU| GB kni, b`x, e›`i evuPv‡bvi c_ Lyu‡R P‡j †m wbqb evwZi Av‡jvq| †m wK cv‡e Zvi †`L, hv †m †`L‡Z hvq| ZvB fv‡e mvivwUÿb| †eu‡P _vKvi cÖ‡qvR‡bB Zv‡K †b‡g Avm‡Z n‡qwQj GB iv¯Ívq, a~‡jv evwjgq AÜKvi GK RMZ| Zvi G GK mvnmx c`‡ÿc, my›`i GK Mí ejvi c`‡ÿc, gvbyl‡K †m GK A™¢zZ Mí ej‡Z Pvq| †m eySv‡Z Pvq †h, wbixn gvby‡li Rxe‡bi †_‡K KL‡bvB A_©g~j¨ AwaK bq| TAGLINE The Path Not Taken

Editor Md. Nahid Mollick Producer Md. Abid Mallick Leading Casts Priyanka Bose Kanta Kazi Mahadi Muntasir Md. Al-Amin Rakib Tanvir


Md. Abid Mallick started his carrier as an assistant director/producer then associated director and producer, and now working as the director and producer of his own audiovisual production house “Lazy Bee Films” Creation is his passion. He completed his Masters from Television and Film Studies Department, University of Dhaka.

PEGASUS WITHOUT WINGS Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Biography | Bengali | Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Tanha Zafreen Story Based on a true event Script/Screenplay Shohag Habib Tanha Zafreen Cinematographer Kashef Shahbazi Tanha Zafreen Editor Mazhar Rony Producer Prothom Alo

SYNOPSIS All the horses run on the track making dust glide in the air. But who won’s the prize? People get excited watching the race and cheer. When the race ends, their excitement go higher. A twelve years old has won leaving all the renowned big guns behind. Their astonishment knows no bound when they realize that this twleve year old is a girl, who’s name is Tasmina. Tasmina gets on the stage, everyone claps and applaud. She receives the prize. But the horse owner arrives as soon as she comes down. She leaves the ground by handovering that. She is doing this for last three years, winning prize and going back home empty hands. Tasmina is studying in class seven. Horse riding is her passion. but she doesn’t have a horse of her own. Although she doesn’t own a horse but she has won a lot of horse race with

†Nvo‡`Š‡oi gq`v‡b a~jv Dwo‡q †Nvov †Qv‡U| †Kvb †NvomIqv‡ii nv‡Z DV‡e cyi®‹vi? gq`vb wN‡i wPrKvi K‡i D‡ËwRZ `k©K| †`Šo †kl nq| `k©‡Ki D‡ËRbv Av‡iv †e‡o hvq Kvib me evNv evNv AwfÁ

†NvomIqvi‡K wcQ‡b †d‡j cÖ_g n‡q‡Q GKUv ev‡iv eQ‡ii gvbyl! `k©‡Ki we¯§q mxgv Qvwo‡q hvq hLb Zviv †`‡L GB ev‡iv eQ‡ii gvbylUv GKUv †g‡q| †g‡qUvi bvg Zvmwgbv g‡Â D‡V, Pviw`‡K mvevm mvevm ie I‡V, †m cyi®‹vi †bq, Pvwiw`‡K KiZvwj| g †_‡K bvg‡ZB Zvmwgbv †`‡L †Nvovi gvwjK nvwRi| †Nvovi gvwj‡Ki nv‡Z cyi®‹vi Zz‡j w`‡q Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í gq`vb Qv‡o †m| MZ wZb eQi a‡i A‡b¨i †Nvov wRwZ‡q w`‡q me cyi®‹vi †Nvovi gvwjK‡K w`‡q k~b¨ nv‡Z evwo wd‡i Zvmwgbv| Zvmwgbv K¬vm †m‡f‡b c‡o| Zvi †bkv †Nvov QzUv‡bv| wKš‘ Zvi wb‡Ri †Kvb †Nvov bvB| Zvi wb‡Ri †Nvov bv _vKvq †m Ab¨ †Nvovi gvwjK‡`i †Nvovq wewfbœ †Nvo‡`Šo cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq AskMÖnY K‡i Avi memgq †R‡Z| wKš‘ †Kv‡bv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv †_‡K †m cyi¯‹vi Zvi N‡i Avb‡Z cv‡i bv| hviv †Nvovi gvwjK ZvivB cÖwZ‡hvwMZv †kl n‡q †M‡j Zvi KvQ †_‡K cyi¯‹vi wb‡q †bq| †m ïay †RZvi Avb›`UzKz wb‡qB evox †d‡i| TAGLINE Real winners doesn’t want prizes, just want the joy of victory.

Leading Casts Tasmina Tanha Zafreen was born in the USA in 1980 and grew up mainly in Lesotho, South Africa but also in Germany. He studied Fine Art at the University of Cape Town, followed by a 2-year post-graduate residency at le Fresnoy, studio national des arts contemporains in France and then a post-graduate film directing programme at the dffb film academy in Berlin.


THE SMELL Bangladesh | 2016 | DCP | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 27 min Target audience


Director Kamrul Ahsan Lenin Story Masudul Haque Script/Screenplay Ehsan Hafiz Cinematographer Azharul Haque Editor Azharul Haque

SYNOPSIS Bangla word ‘Ghraan’ means Smell. Ahkam and all his lively friends were from poor families who could not afford to taste kebab in the nearby restaurant. So, their fun was to have the smell of kebab when they used to pass by. But one day, he finds his poor father enjoying kebab in the same restaurant which put a big impact on his child psychology that he still could not forget. Ghraan is a nostalgic episode of an established businessman- “Ahkam”. One day, stuck in traffic, he takes an unusual road that eventually connects his child-hood memory. His childhood snapshots of struggling family days, unfulfilled desires, friendship, relations and dreams make Ahkam nostalgic. He connects the smell of his father with own father-hood in a very stunning way.

ÒNªvYÓ A_© MÜ| Avn&Kvg Avi Zvi †QvU‡ejvi eÜziv mevB `wi`ª cwiev‡ii| cvovi †nv‡U‡j Kveve LvIqvi cqmv Zv‡`i wQj bv| Z‡e, Iiv †nv‡Uj cvi n‡q hvevi mgq †mB Kvev‡ei MÜ wb‡Zv Lye gRv K‡i| wKš‘ GKw`b, †m Zvi `wi`ª wcZv‡K †mB †nv‡U‡jB Kveve †L‡Z †`‡L hv Zvi wkïg‡b eo iK‡gi cÖfve †d‡j| g~jZt cÖwZôZ e¨emvqx †mB AvnKvgÕGi GKUzK‡iv ¯§„wZ-åg‡bi MíB ÒNªvYÓ| UªvwdK-R¨vg Gov‡bvi Rb¨ GKw`b wfbœ iv¯Ívq Zvi Mvwo GwM‡q hvq| Zvi ˆkk‡ei iv¯Ív| 30 eQi ci ˆkk‡ei `„k¨¸‡jv RxešÍ n‡q D‡VÑ cwiev‡ii msMÖvg, wb‡Ri KZ bv-cvIqv, wcÖq eÜzi gyL, m¤úK©, ¯^cœÑ Avn&Kvg ¯§„wZZvwoZ nq| †m GLb mšÍv‡bi evev| ˆkk‡ei †mB NUbv GLb Zv‡K wb‡Ri wcZvi Aw¯ÍZ¡ g‡b Kwi‡q †`q, wcZ…‡Z¡i MÜ †m Abyfe Ki‡Z cv‡i GLb|

Producer Julia Ahsan Leading Casts Tauqir Ahmed Fazlur rahman Babu Saberi Alam Nirzhar Ahsan


S M Kamrul Ahsan Lenin was born in Sirajganj. His parents were both teachers. At teen-age, he got a Russian Zorki camera and fallen love with image since then. After graduation, he moved to Dhaka in 1997. He participated in the 1st Film appreciation course at World Literature Centre Film Circle, Dhaka, and met all national film masters. His film journey started as a film activist with Bangladesh Short Film Forum. He started assisting L Apu Rozario in cinematography and worked for films like “Kalighar”, “Sharat Ekattor”, “Matir Moina” etc. His carrier as Cinematographer started from 2003. Through this journey he came to sense a feeling to pursue his own way of storytelling.



ATONY Lithuania | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Horror | Lithuanian | International Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Pijus Maciulskis Story Charlz Bukowski Script/Screenplay Pijus Maciulskis Cinematographer Vilius Maciulskis Editor Pijus Maciulskis

SYNOPSIS What is imagination? Is it good? Is it bad? Should we turn ourselves into an imaginary world? What is this thing? Imagination is perhaps the key to our goal. Imagination is a way through our knowledge. But what to fear about it? This short film represents efforts of a man who is lost between the dream and the reality. He is supposed to keep his consciousness and defend himself from the attacks of the creatures of his imagination. Will he be able to outrun his imagination? He must survive his mind from those creatures born out of his imagination. Now, what must be done and could not be ignored anyway?

Kíbv Avm‡j wK? GUv wK Avgv‡`i Rb¨ fvj? bvwK LyeB Lvivc ai‡Yi? Avgv‡`i wK DwPZ Pvicvk‡K Kvíwb‡K iƒc †`qv? GUv Avm‡j wK? m¤¢eZ KíbvB cv‡i Avgv‡`i‡K †mLv‡b †cŠu‡Q w`‡Z †hLv‡b Avgiv †h‡Z PvB| Avgv‡`i Ávb Avi †evakw³‡K eY©bv Kivi GKUv gva¨g nj Avgv‡`i Kíbvkw³| GB Pjw”P‡Î GKwU gvby‡li Mí ejv n‡q‡Q †h Zvi ev¯Íe Avi Kíbvi gv‡S Wz‡e i‡q‡Q| Zvi DwPZ Kíbvkw³‡K `~‡i mwi‡q †i‡L Zvi ev¯ÍeZv‡K MÖnY Kiv, ev¯Í‡ei mv‡_ Zvj wgwj‡q Pjv| †m wK cvi‡e Zvi †mB Kíbv¸‡jv‡K evuwP‡q Pj‡Z? Zvi ¯§„wZ †K Kíbvi nvZ †_‡K iÿv Kiv †h LyeB Riæix|

Tarp sapno ir tikrovės paklydusio žmogaus pastangos išlikti sąmoningu ir atremti vizijose iškilusių vaizduotės kūrinių išpuolius.

Producer Pijus Maciulskis Leading Casts Arturas Varnas


Pijus Maciulskis was born in 2001. He is now studying in the tenth grade, in Vilnius lyceum. He has also been attending Skalvija film academy since 2015. From his very childhood, he has been dreaming about being a person with camera. In future life, he wants to a great director. He is very much passionate about filming.

BALLOONS Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Persian | International Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Pantea Pakia Story Pantea Pakia Script/Screenplay Pantea Pakia Cinematographer Pantea Pakia

SYNOPSIS It is a story about happiness. Happiness is long gone now-a-days. It has been missing in my country for many decades. This film shows how it’s effecting today’s youth. A tale of two girls. One is very much happy with her life. Another is always sad. The happy one always takes care of another, she wants her to smile, to be her friend. But she seems not to be like that. But a day comes, the sad one couldn’t resist the other girl anymore. So, she smiles finally and be her friend. Now they are best friends, they gossip together, they walk together, they smile together.

GB Z_¨ cÖhyw³i hy‡M, mK‡ji RxebB †hb myLnxb| eû`kK a‡i G‡K Lyu‡R cvIqv hv‡”Q bv Avi| GB Pjw”P‡Î †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q, GB myLnxb myLnxb fve wKfv‡e eZ©gvb cÖR‡b¥i Dci cÖfve †dj‡Q| `yB †g‡qi eÜy nIqvi Mí GKwU| GKRb Zvi Rxeb wb‡q A‡bK Lywk| Av‡iKRb mvivÿYB `ytLx| myLx †g‡qwU memgq AciR‡bi †LvuR iv‡L, Zv‡K nvmv‡Z Pvq, Zvi eÜy n‡Z Pvq| GKw`b Av‡m, †hw`b `ytLx †g‡qwU kZ evuav m„wó K‡iI myLx †g‡qwU‡K `~‡i mwo‡q ivL‡Z cv‡ibv| Ae‡k‡l `ytLx †g‡qwU †n‡m †d‡j| Zviv `yR‡b Gevi eÜy n‡q hvq, `yR‡bi nvwm †hb Avi _vg‡ZB Pvq bv| Zviv GKmv‡_ Mí K‡i, GKmv‡_ Ny‡i †eovq, GKmv‡_ nvmvnvwm K‡i|

Editor Pantea Pakia Producer Pantea Pakia Leading Casts Amirali Shafaf


Pantea Pakia is a 17 years old student from Shiraz, Iran. She is searching for connections internationally. She is pretty much good with camera works. She is very much passionate about filmmaking. While she was in her childhood, she always wanted to be the great director of all time. “Balloons” is her first notable work.

FREE Philippines | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Filipino |Bangladesh Premiere | 20 min Target audience


Director Jean David O. Solis Story Ma. Franchesca Ann A. Bunda Script/Screenplay Ma. Franchesca Ann A. Bunda Cinematographer John Derrick L. Chan Eugene James Perez Aaron R. Cedo Editor John Derrick L. Chan Aaron R. Cedo Lorenzo Tristan R. Santos

SYNOPSIS As it turns out, people often are warned their upcoming fate, but they seem they were not listening. But in the high time, they run, they only know to run. But the question is, could they outurn their fate? Malaya, a troubled teen involved in a syndicate group engaging in the poaching of birds, is torn between the thought of quitting and his dire need to make a living. In a series of unfortunate events, Malaya is forced to run for his life, to run for his freedom. Will Malaya be able to outrun his fate for sure? This film represents every story from our very own society. Kuwento ni Malaya, isang teenager na kasangkot sa isang sindikato na nanghuhuli at nagbebenta ng ibon. Siya ay mahaharap sa isang pagpili: ang umalis sa grupo o ipagpatuloy ang ilegal gawain para mapakain ang pamilya. Sa kasamaang palad, mabibingit sa alanganin ang kaniyang kalayaan, ang kaniyang buhay.

GB Pjw”P‡Îi ga¨ w`‡q GKUv Mí ej‡Z †P‡qwQ Avgiv| †h Mí Avgv‡`i Pviw`‡K Anin N‡U _v‡K| †PvL †g‡j †`LwQ, wKš‘ AvgivB Avevi gyL wdwi‡q wbw”Q| wKš‘ hLb Avgv‡`i mgq Av‡m, AvgivI mnRvZ fv‡eB wk‡L hvB, wK K‡i Gi †_‡K cvwj‡q evuP‡Z n‡e| Avgv‡`iI ZLb †`Lvi gZ †KD _v‡Kbv| Avgiv ïay mnRvZ fv‡e †`Šov‡ZB Rvwb| wKš‘ welq nj, Avgiv wK Avgv‡`i cwiYwZ †_‡K cvwj‡q `~‡i †Kv_vI †h‡Z cvwi? GUvI wK m¤¢e GB bk¦i `ywbqv‡Z? gvjvqv LyeB Aíeqmx GKwU †Q‡j, m‡e ˆK‡kv‡i cv w`‡q‡Q| wKš‘ `yf©vM¨ekZ, GB eq‡mB gvjvqv Rwo‡q c‡o‡Q GK A‰ea Kv‡Ri mv‡_| Ggb GK `‡j †m KvR K‡i, †h `jwU †Mvc‡b Pzwi K‡i cvwL wkKvi K‡i _v‡K| Gfv‡eB Av‡m gvjvqvi †eu‡P _vKvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq A_©| gvjvqv fqvbK GK wec‡`i gv‡S wb‡R‡K Avwe®‹vi K‡i| Gevi Zvi Rxeb wb‡q Uvbv‡cv‡ob| gvjvqv‡K Zvi cwiYwZ, evievi ¯§iY Kwi‡q †`q cvwj‡q evuP‡Z| LOGLINE What is the concept of right or wrong to you?

Producer Princess P. Dayao Leading Casts Raphael Greg Lopez as Malaya Jean David O. Solis as Brother Jay Gian Lorenz Vialogo as Mark Cedie B. Garcia as Boss Syndicate Edilyn Bucar as Mother 221

Jean David Solis was born on October 8, 1999 in Malolos Maternity Hospital, Bulacan. His parents were Eloisa and Florencio Solis. He is a member of the Church of Christ. He loves photography very much. From his very childhood, he has been dreaming about being a person with camera. In future life, he wants to a great director.

HIGH SEAS Philippines | 2016 | Video Film | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | Filipino | Bangladesh Premiere | 19 min Target audience


Director Peter Am Alre Nengasca Gaylon Story Gil Benedict Novilla Labuac Script/Screenplay Gil Benedict Novilla Labuac Cinematographer Gil Benedict Novilla Labuac Editor Gil Benedict Novilla Labuac Peter Am Alre Nengasca Gaylon Producer Leyte National High School, Tacloban City Leading Casts Joey Redubla (Cedro) Gian Morden (Amon) Hannah Ramasasa (Nadia) Danica Rebano (Beth)


SYNOPSIS Cedro, an artistically gifted teen, finds comfort in two of his closest friends: Amon and Nadia, in which their triad of friendship and youthful hedonism revolves around the seashore. Beth, on the other hand, the prettiest girl Cedro looks up to is introduced after a while as his love interest. Just as the three friends enjoy their youthful days and as a connection sparks between Cedro and Beth, a deadly phenomenon blooms in their locality. With all these series of unfortunate circumstances that come across the lives of these young people, their bond is shaken. Despite all these, would their friendship stand the tests of time? Could Cedro fix these broken pieces? Could he make the mistakes of the past, right again? Cedro, isang henyong binatilyo sa larangan ng sining, nakatagpo nang kabutihang loob sa matalik niyang mga kaibigan: Amon at Nadia na umikot ang kwento ng kanilang taimtim na pagkakaibigan sa dalampasigan. Sa kabilang dako, si Beth, itinuturing na pinakamagandang dilag ay lubusang napamahal si Cedro. Habang ninanamnam nila ang pagiging kabataan, nakaranas sila ng nakakarimarim na mga trahedya. Sa dinanas nilang nakakagimbal

na pangyayari, maipagpapatuloy pa ba nila ang kanilang mabuting samahan? Matututo pa bang iayos ni Cedro ang nawasak nilang tanikalang pagkakaibigan? Siya ba ay makakatuwid sa nabuwag nilang pagkakabuklod?

†m‡Wªv, AmvaviY ˆkwíK gvbwmKZv m¤cbœ GK evj‡Ki bvg| Zvi me‡_‡K Kv‡Qi `yB eÜy; Av‡gvb I bvw`qvi mv‡_ †m mgq KvUv‡Z Lye cQ›` K‡i| Zv‡`i G wÎfzR eÜyZ¡ A‡gvN wbq‡g AvewZ©Z nq GK mgy`ªZxi‡K †K›`ª K‡i| Av‡iKw`‡K Av‡Q †e_, Awb›`¨ GK iƒcmx| hvi †cÖ‡g c‡o hvq †m‡Wªv| Gfv‡eB GwM‡q †h‡Z _v‡K mgq Avi †m‡Wªv, Av‡gvb I bvw`qvi eÜyZ¡| ci¯ú‡ii m½ Zv‡`i Kv‡Q LyeB Avb‡›`i gyûZ©| GiB gv‡S eva mv‡a †e_| †e_ Gi Kvi‡YB †hb, ax‡i ax‡i Zv‡`i ga¨ †_‡K `~‡i m‡i †h‡Z ïiæ K‡i †m‡Wªv| Zv‡`i e܇bi g‡a¨ Uvbv‡cv‡ob ïiæ n‡q hvq| mg‡qi GB cix¶vq wK †m‡Wªv‡`i eÜyZ¡ DËxY© n‡Z cvi‡e? †f‡O hvIqv e܇bi UzK‡iv¸‡jv wK †m‡Wªvi c‡¶ Ry‡o †`qv m¤¢e? bvwK †m AZx‡Zi fzj‡KB Avev‡iv cybive„wË K‡i em‡e ? TAGLINE A story of genuine friendship in the sea of challenges.

Peter Am Alre Gaylon was born in Philippines. Currently he is 17 years old. He is a National Awardee of the “Batang Lider” (Youth Leadership) Award of the Junior Chamber International (JCI). He continued his Secondary studies at Leyte National High School Science and Technology Education Program, where he got to enhance his skills and passion in filmmaking by joining school based competitions.

IN MEMORY Australia | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English |Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Aston Brown George Pople Story Aston Brown George Pople Script/Screenplay Aston Brown George Pople

SYNOPSIS Life tells us a story. A story about who we are, from where we are. Sometimes we can recognize our realities. Sometimes we do not. We own bunch of relatives who remind us everytime we are not alone in this cruel world. In Memory shares a unique experience by following the story of Lester, an elderly man in a nursing home who is affected by the realities of harrowing dementia. It is like the old man is tired of being lived in this world in his last few days of life. It is because he is not surrounded by what he needs to.

Rxeb Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨K‡K GKwU K‡i Mí †kvbvq| hv e‡j, Avgiv †K? Avgv‡`i cwiPq Kx? Avgiv †Kv_v †_‡K G‡mwQ| Avgiv ZLb Avgv‡`i ev¯ÍeZv †K wPb‡Z ïiæ Kwi| KL‡bvev wPb‡Z fzj Kwi| Avgv‡`i Av‡k cv‡k wKQz gvbyl _v‡K hv‡`i Avgiv AvZ¥xq ewj, AvZ¥vi mv‡_ m¤cK© i‡q‡Q Zv‡`i mv‡_| ZvivB Avgv‡`i evi evi g‡b Kwi‡q †`q GB c„w_ex‡Z Avgiv GKv bB| GB Pjw”P‡Î ejv n‡q‡Q GK e„‡×i m¤c~Y© wfbœ GK Mí| e„×wUi RvqMv n‡q‡Q bvwm©s †nv‡g| cÖwZwbqZ Zvi AZxZ Zv‡K Zvov K‡i †eovq| g‡b nq †hb, †m nvuwc‡q D‡V‡Q Zvi Rxe‡b †eu‡P _vK‡Z wM‡q| †m Zvi cv‡k Zv‡`i †`L‡Z cv‡”Q bv, hviv Zv‡K g‡b Kwi‡q w`‡Zv Zvi Rxe‡bi †eu‡P _vKv wb‡q|

Cinematographer Aston Brown Editor Aston Brown Producer Terence Priester Leading Casts Francis J Edwards May Turner


Aston Brown is a 15 years old Australian boy with a passion for filmmaking. He is pretty much good with camera works. He is very much passionate about filmmaking. While he was in his childhood, he always wanted to be the great director of all time. He wants to win the Academy Award for his country in future.

George Pople is from Australia. He grew up there. He is pretty much good with camera works. He is very much passionate about filmmaking. While he was in his childhood, he always wanted to be the great director of all time. He wants to be a director like Christopher Nolan. He is also a huge fan of painting.

IN THE DEPTH Germany | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | German | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min 13 sec Target audience


Director Lilith Joerg Leonie Storz Story Leonie Storz Nele Hilser Script/Screenplay Lara Fleig Cinematographer Jenny Fleig Editor Sophie Gross

SYNOPSIS This short film represents the very much told story of our kind nature. As this film is a stop motion based, we had our Grandfather’s tongs, the neighbor’s saw, an ornamental purse, calipers and keys. We used these while we were filming. We told our natures’ story through an underwater world. A world which is resided by these tools. It is based on Darwin’s established principle “survival of the fittest”. Tools are the protagonists and lead you into the depth and bizarre underwater world. If one is not fit for this world, he will not survive. That is our style to fit, one must fit to survive for sure. Opas Zange, Nachbars Säge, Omas silberner Schmuckgeldbeutel, ein Satz alter Schlüssel und viele andere Fundstücke sind Hauptdarsteller einer skurrilen Unterwasserwelt. Bühne ist eine bemalte Leinwand mit ebenso ausgefallenen Schrottteilen als Lebensraum. Die dahinter stehende Geschichte

ist einer der Lebensgrundsätze der Natur: Fressen oder Gefressen-Werden!

GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”P‡Î Avgv‡`i cÖK…wZi me‡_‡K cwiwPZ iƒcwU Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| ‡hLv‡b Avgiv GKwU Mí ejvi †Póv K‡iwQ| MíwU ejvi Rb¨ †e‡Q wb‡qwQ wKQz AKvh©Ki hš¿cvwZ| `v`vRv‡bi †_‡K avi K‡iwQ Zvi wPgUv, Avgv‡`i cv‡ki evmv †_‡K wb‡qwQ wKQz †QvU KivZ, GKUv ev”Pv †g‡q‡`i cvm©, wKQz ¯øvBW K¨vwjcvm© Avi PvweI e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q G‡Z| G¸‡jvi ØvivB ejv n‡q‡Q MíwU| cvwbi AZj Mfx‡i m¤c~Y© wfbœ GK `ywbqv mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q G¸‡jv w`‡q| WviDB‡bi me© cÖwZwôZ Avi RbwcÖq GK ZË¡‡K wfwË K‡iB iwPZ n‡qwQj MíwU| GB ZË¡ Avgv‡`i Rvbvq, GB c„w_ex‡Z evuP‡Z n‡j †hvM¨ nIqv cÖ‡qvRb| †hvM¨ bv n‡j, cÖK…wZ‡Z Ggwb GKw`b nvwi‡q †h‡Z nq| TAGLINE A Bizzare Community

Producer Elena Schweizer Leading Casts different tools junk trash


Lilith Joerg was born on 1st of Janurary 2007. Lilith started her career as a photographer at the age of around 5 years inspired by her mother. During an after school programme she stepped first into filmmaking and especially stop motions. She is very creative in photography and filming issues. Besides filmmaking she plays bassoon and she also likes swimming. Leonie Storz was born on 27th of July 2006. Leonie started getting in touch with stop motion films with an after school media group at Elementary School in Tennenbronn, a little village in Black Forest, Germany. She is very much good at storytelling and screenwriting. She is also a student at Thomas Strittmatter Gymnasium; a grammar school in St. Georgen, Germany.

POINT, END OF LINE Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Persain | Bangladesh Premiere | 10 min Target audience


Director Amin Goodarzipoor Story Mohammad Goodarzipoor Script/Screenplay Mohammad Goodarzipoor Cinematographer Said Azari

SYNOPSIS Ramin is a young athlete. His own friend Farhad goes to his gym one day to invite him for a party night held by Farhad. Farhad also invites a few neighbours and friends. So, Ramin goes around that night. He is insisted to consume hallucinogenic substances and delusional by Farhad. First he refuses, but then could not resist. So, he has some hallucinogenic substances. Suddenly there is a police raid. Ramin does not want to be caught. So, through the balcony he gets him outside. But that is not lucky enough. Two policeman catches him. He runs away to save himself. At this delusional level of eyes, he gets an accident. Finally he is succeeded to run away to death.

ivwgb GKRb μxov‡gv`x hyeK| GKw`b Zvi e¨vqvgvMv‡i GK eÜy Av‡m Zv‡K cvwU©i Rb¨ `vIqvZ w`‡Z| AvR iv‡Z Zvi eÜy dvinv‡`i evmvq cvwU© Av‡Q, Zvi AviI wKQz eÜy Avi cÖwZ‡ekxivI Avm‡e| ivwgb `vIqvZ ivL‡Z hvq †mB cvwU©‡Z| wKš‘ †`‡L †h, mevB g`¨cvb Ki‡Q †mLv‡b I gv`K wb‡”Q| ivwgb‡KI †Rvi Kiv nq, bv PvB‡ZI ivwgb †kl ch©šÍ g`¨cvb K‡i| wKš‘ nVvr K‡i †mB evmvq cywjk G‡m Dcw¯’Z nq| cywj‡ki nvZ †_‡K evuP‡Z ivwgb eviv›`v w`‡q jvwd‡q wb‡P c‡o hvq, wKš‘ `yB cywjk †mLv‡b Zv‡K †`‡L †d‡j| ivwgb Rvb evuPv‡Z †`Šu‡o cvjvq| g`¨c Ae¯’vq weg~p Gi gZ iv¯Ívq †`Šuov‡Z wM‡q Mvwo Gw·‡W›U K‡i| AZtci...

Editor Amin Goodarzipoor Producer Hadi Ramezanpoor Leading Casts Ramin Goodarzipoor


Amin Goudarzi-Pour was born in 1998 in Shiraz, Iran. He is currently studying in Mathematical Physics. He loves cinema as well as filmmaking. Now, he is in the middle of making two short films. He has created several animation films. He wants to win the Academy Award for his country in future. He is very much passionate about filmmaking.

SUBJECT Iran, Islamic Republic of | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Farsi | Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Bahar Safari Story Bahar Safari Script/Screenplay Bahar Safari

SYNOPSIS A person is in charge of a terrorist group. He is waiting in a basement for another. His hands are filled with blood and face seems very much scared. That person whom he is expecting is supposed to be having marked on his body. He has to kill him. But suddenly in the moment, game changes. The marked person comes through an elevator. He chats with the scared ones a little. Then he makes him more scared as he runs towards the elevator to save himself. But the elevator does not respond him. He watches his death through his eyes.

GK mš¿vmx `‡ji `vwq‡Z¡ i‡q‡Q GK †jvK| GKUv `vjv‡bi †eBR‡g‡›U A‡cÿv K‡i Av‡Q †jvKwU| Zvi nvZ i³v³ n‡q Av‡Q, fxZ-mš¿¯Í †Pnviv| †m A‡cÿv Ki‡Q Av‡iKR‡bi Rb¨| †KD GKRb Avm‡e, Zv‡K wPb‡Z n‡e kix‡ii U¨vUz †`‡L| †Pbvi mv‡_ mv‡_B †g‡i †dj‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ nVvr K‡i Kx †hb n‡q hvq, cy‡iv `„k¨B e`‡j hvq Ab¨ `„‡k¨| Kvw•LZ †mB gvbylUv wjdU w`‡q Av‡m| Zviv `yR‡b K_v e‡j LvwbÿY| fxZ gvbylwU †h A‡bÿY a‡i A‡cÿv K‡i wQj, †m AviI †ewk fq cvq|

Cinematographer Hossein Salari Editor Hesamodin Zarif Producer Reza Safari Leading Casts Ali Ferasati Far Masih Mossavi

Bahar Safari is a 17 years old girl born in Mashhad in Iran. She has been living there all her life. She is pretty much good with camera works. She is very much passionate about filmmaking. While she was in her childhood, she always wanted to be the great director of all time. “Subject” is her first notable work.


THE EPIC BREAKFAST Brazil | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | English | International Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Matheus Alves Story Matheus Alves Script/Screenplay Matheus Alves Cinematographer Matheus Alves

SYNOPSIS Breakfast is not so much promising as a family time. After a long sleep people have their breakfast with sleepy eyes. This short film is based on a family breakfast time. It shows a family needs to have its’ breakfast. Members of that family make breakfast in a crazy way which anybody hadn’t seen before. A morning starts with a competition; who will make breakfast first. After making it ready, another competition fires up. Now who will serve it to the table. Story continues just like that. After having served on the in some crazy supernatural ways, everybody sits together to have their breakfast.

mKv‡ji bv¯Ívi mgqwU‡K cwiev‡ii mevi GKmv‡_ LvIqvi mgq wn‡m‡e Lye Kg we‡ePbv Kiv nq, AwaKvsk cwiev‡iB †mUv †Zgb GKUv †`Lv hvq bv| GK j¤^v Nyg †k‡l Nyg Nyg †Pv‡L gvbyl mKv‡j bv¯Ív K‡i _v‡K| GKwU cwiev‡ii A™¢zZ ai‡Yi mKv‡ji bv¯Ívi mgq‡K Z‚‡j aiv n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”P‡Î| cÖ_‡gB †`Lv hvq †h, GKwU cwievi mKv‡j bv¯Ív Ki‡Z G‡m‡Q| Gevi Zv‡`i ivbœvN‡i G‡m ˆZwi Kiv PvB Lvevi¸‡jv| mevB †hb GK cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq bv‡g, wKfv‡e †K Kvi Av‡M †Kvb c‡`i Lvevi ˆZwi Ki‡Z cvi‡e, †mB cÖwZ‡hvwMZv| Lvevi ˆZwi †k‡l ïiæ nq Av‡iK cÖwZ‡hvwMZv| Lvevi †Uwe‡j mevi Av‡M †K †cŠu‡Q w`‡Z cvi‡e| Avw`‡fŠwZK wKQz c×wZi ga¨ w`‡q Zviv Zv‡`i cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq KvR K‡i †h‡Z _v‡K G‡KKRb| GB A™¢zZ cvMjv ai‡bi bv¯Ívi MíB ejv n‡q‡Q GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”P‡Î|

Editor Matheus Alves Producer Matheus Alves Animators William Sakai


Matheus Alves, a fifteen year old filmmaker, is from Brazil. He is a volunteer in interact club. He studies in the hardest school of his city. He started to like cartoons as every other kids, just watching TV. At the age of eight, watching Wall-E, he wondered how those animations even possible. Later, he started studying CGI, for years he has been horrible in that. Then he had improved himselef and made his first animation film “The Epic Breakfast!”

THE LAST BATTLE Spain | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Spanish | South Asian Premiere | 3 min 20 sec Target audience


Director Leo Humphreys Story Leo Humphreys Script/Screenplay Leo Humphreys Mencía Flores Ignacio Nieto Tomás Nebot Pedro Nebot

SYNOPSIS Martian, a Martian child, escapes to Earth to avoid the war on his own planet. He did not imagine that here also fighting everywhere. What will he do to stop both the wars? He was against war. In his planet there were fighting everywhere. He made a decision. He decide he will escape. He came to earth for live in peace, but in earth he saw war. So he escape from earth to his own planet but reaching there he heard that the king of his own planet gone with his army for invade planet earth. Listening this he went to earth and fight with the king of his own planet. He wanted to stop all the fighting.

gvwm©qvb, g½jxq ev”Pv †Q‡j c„w_ex‡Z cvwj‡q Av‡m Zvi wb‡Ri MÖ‡ni hy× †_‡K euvP‡Z| wKš‘ †m KíbvI Ki‡Z cv‡iwb GLv‡bI me RvqMvq hy×| †m wK Ki‡e hy׸‡jv _vgv‡bvi Rb¨? †m wQj hy‡×i wecixZ| Zvi MÖ‡ni me RvqMvq hy×| gvwm©qvb wm×všÍ †bq †h †m cvjv‡e| †m kvwšÍ‡Z emevm Kivi Rb¨ c„w_ex‡Z Av‡m| wKš‘ c„w_ex‡Z I hy×| ZvB †m c„w_ex †_‡K cvwj‡q Zvi wb‡Ri MÖ‡n hvq| †mLv‡b wM‡q ïbj †mLv‡bi ivRv c„w_ex Rq Ki‡Z †M‡Q ˆmb¨ wb‡q|

Cinematographer Leo Humphreys Mencía Flores Editor Leo Humphreys Producer Children of Telekids Workshop Leading Casts Animation


Leo Humphreys is 16 years old. He is working at Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero Director Telekids Workshop. ‘The last battle’. He is Editor, Cinematographer , Script / Screenplay , Story writer, Director of this film ‘The last battle’. This film was selected by: Auburn International Film Festival for Children And Young Adults (2016) Australia.

THE LITTLE LUMIÈRE BROTHERS Spain | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Adventure | Spanish |Bangladsh Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Kique Parrilla Story Kike Parrilla, Lola Parrilla Curro Vargas, Sergio Mate Script/Screenplay Kike Parrilla, Lola Parrilla Curro Vargas, Sergio Mate Cinematographer Lola Parrilla Curro Vargas Editor Kike Parrilla, Lola Parrilla Curro Vargas, Sergio Mate

SYNOPSIS It’s a tale about how we got cinematography in our film world. How this filming began? The Lumiere brothers ensured it while they were just children. They were very much creative, ingenious and persevering in art of the image. Their father was a photographer. One day they wanted to help their father to improve his camera. But they could not do so much. But they started to thinking how they could be able to do something new and exceptional. One day, a brother falls asleep and dreams about what he must do. He got an idea from his dream and shares with other brother. They two liked that idea so much. So, they started to naming it first. So, that is how we got the cinematography.

Pjw”PÎ wk‡í wKfv‡e wm‡bgv‡UvMÖvwd e¨vcviwU Ry‡o †Mj, †mB MíB ejv n‡q‡Q G‡Z| Pjw”PÎ ˆZwi ïiæ n‡jv †Kv_v †_‡K? jywgqv‡iiv wQj `yB fvB, Zviv GB wm‡bgv‡UvMÖvwdi cÖPjb K‡i †d‡j ˆkk‡eB| Zv‡`i ˆkk‡ei MíB ejv n‡q‡Q GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”P‡Î| Zviv `yB Rb A‡bK †gavex Avi m„Rbkxj wQj| Zv‡`i evev wQ‡jb GKRb d‡UvMÖvdvi| Zviv `yB fvB GKw`b fve‡jv wKfv‡e evev‡K Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î mnvqZv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| `yR‡bB bvbv ai‡Yi cixÿY-wbixÿY Pvjv‡Z ïiæ Ki‡jv| wKš‘ wKQz‡ZB wKQz n‡q DV‡jv bv| GKw`b GK fvB Rvbvjvi av‡i e‡m fve‡Z fve‡Z Nywg‡q coj| Ny‡gi gv‡S †m GKUv ¯^cœ †`L‡jv|

Los hermanos Lumière, los primeros cineastas de la historia, cuando niños fueron creativos, ingeniosos y perseverantes en el arte de la imagen.

Producer Children of Telekids Workshop Leading Casts Kike Parrilla, Sergio Mate & Enrique A. Martínez


Kique Parrilla is a 11 years old boy from Sevilla, Spain. He is pretty much good with camera works. He is very much passionate about filmmaking. While he was in his childhood, he always wanted to be the great director of all time. He would like to study a lot about filmmaking. Thus, he can take his dreams to his goal.

VIRAL Spain | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Spanish | Bangladesh Premiere | 8 min 20 sec Target audience


Director Mauricio Buendía Sofía Marvizón Story & Screenplay Mauricio Buendía Sofía Marvizón Cinematographer Mauricio Buendía Sofía Marvizón

SYNOPSIS A child sees his life change when he discovers that someone has uploaded his childhood’s video on the Internet. The problem worsens when all his classmates tease him and harass him by mobile. He deleted it, but it was already a viral video. Then his friends also harass him and insult him, they were joking on him. So the child thought that he will do something. Two of his good friends wanted to help him. He uploaded a video for stop this thing that was happening his life. Even his brother also helped him to get over that situation. The main theme of this film is against cyber crime.

GKwU ev”Pv †Q‡ji Rxeb e`‡j hvq hLb †m †`‡L Zvi †QvU‡ejvi wfwWI B›Uvi‡b‡U Avc‡jvW †`Iqv nq| wKš‘ mgm¨v ev‡a hLb Zvi mncvVxiv Zv‡K †gvevB‡ji wfwWIwU wb‡q wei³ K‡i| †m GUv gy‡Q †`q| wKš‘ GUv BwZg‡a¨ fvBivj wfwWI n‡q hvq| Zvi eÜyivI Zv‡K wei³ K‡i I Acgvb Ki‡Z _v‡K| Zv‡K wb‡q gRv Ki‡Z _v‡K| ZvB †Q‡jwU wPšÍv Kij †m wKQz GKUv Ki‡e| Zvi `y&BRb fvj eÜy Zv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z Pvq| †m AviI GKUv wfwWI Avc‡jvW K‡i Zvi Rxe‡b hv n‡”Q †mUv eÜ Kivi Rb¨| Zvi fvBI Zv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i GB cwiw¯’wZ †_‡K †ei n‡q Avm‡Z| GB Pjw”P‡Îi cÖavb welq nj mvBevi μvB‡gi e¨vcv‡i m‡PZbZv|

Editor Mauricio Buendía Sofía Marvizón Producer Childs of Telekids Workshop Leading Casts Mauricio Buendía, Sofía Marvizón, Leo Humphreys, Ignacio Nieto, Juan Torres, Mencía Flores, Tomás Nebot, Luchana Cappabianca y Rosendo M. Diezma


Mr. Mauricio Buendía & Mrs. Sofía Marvizón both are 16 years old & directors of the film “Viral”. They are working at Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero Director Telekids Workshop. A friend does it all, Fishes in action, Wasted Rights. They are Editor, Cinematographer , Script / Screenplay ,Story writer, Directors of this film ‘Viral’. This film was selected by YOUKY Film Festival (Austria).

WHEN WATERS RISE United States | 2016 | HD | 2.39:1 | Color | Drama | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 17 min 14 sec Target audience


Director Josh Leong Benjamin Hunt Story Josh Leong Benjamin Hunt Script/Screenplay Josh Leong Benjamin Hunt

SYNOPSIS Taking inspiration from the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders, When Waters Rise follows a weathered father and daughter as they struggle to find shelter in the midst of an unprecedented shoreline disaster. Surrounded by despair, anxiety, and mass panic, the pair seek foundation on the rock in order to survive the impeding storm discovering hope, love, and comfort in each other’s trust. Wills are tested, and victory is found in a position of surrender to something stronger than both of them. Filmed on location in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, the film features Rich Kopacz, Hannah Cameron, and Braeden Peters.

Cinematographer Josh Leong Benjamin Hunt Editor Josh Leong Benjamin Hunt Producer Josh Leong Benjamin Hunt Leading Casts Rich Kopacz Hannah Cameron Braeden Peters 231

Josh long is a great film enthusiast and loves to make films.

Benjamin is a great film enthusiast and loves to make films.



ALAN KURDI FROM HEAVEN Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | International Premiere | 4 min 50 sec Target audience


Director Sayedul Abrar Story Sayedul Abrar Script/Screenplay Sayedul Abrar Editor Shahed Ahmed

SYNOPSIS The Film “Alan Kurdi From Heaven” is inspired by the life of Alan Kurdi; the little Syrian boy who died while crossing sea ‘illegally’ to migrate to a safe land, in order to save his life back in 2015. Alan’s story says that migration becomes a human right when it is a matter of life and death. In the film, the director brought out the dead soul of Alan Kurdi, who speaks for the unsheltered people of the world and speaks against narrow nationalism and xenophobia. The voice of dead Alan dreams a free world for all people where human life comes first.

2015 mv‡j Rxeb evuPv‡Z ÒA‰eaÓ c‡_ mgy`ªcvwo †`Iqvi mgq wbnZ nIqv wmwiqvb kiYv_©x wkï Gjvb Kzw`©‡K DcRxe¨ K‡i wbwg©Z Pjw”PÎ ÒGjvb Kzw`© d«g †n‡fbÓ| mvivwe‡k¦i gvby‡li †Pv‡L Rj G‡b †`Iqv †QvÆ wkïi g„Z AvZ¥v mvivwe‡k¦i kiYv_©x gvby‡li Kɯ^i n‡q G Pjw”P‡Î D‡V G‡m‡Q| Pjw”P‡Î Gjv‡bi g„Z AvZ¥v‡K mvivwe‡k¦i Avkªqnxb kiYv_©x‡`i AwaKv‡ii c‡ÿi aŸwb‡Z iƒcvšÍi Kiv nq| †h aŸwb mKj we‡f` fz‡j wek¦evmx‡K GK †Pv‡L †`‡L Avi msKxY© RvZxqZvev` I †R‡bv‡dvweqvi weiæ‡× cÖwZev` K‡i| mvMicv‡o c‡o _vKv Gjv‡bi g„Z AvZ¥v Ggb GK c„w_ex `vwe K‡i †hLv‡b mevi Dc‡i gvbyl mZ¨|

Producer Sayedul Abrar Animation/Graphics Salman Sakib Music Director Shahed Ahmed


Sayedul Abrar is a member of CFS since 2012. He was a member of Jury Board in 7th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh, 2014. His first film ‘Broken Dream’ was submitted and exhibited in the 6th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh. He is a passionate filmmaker who also loves to travel and write. He wants to make full length feature film in future.

AN UNDYING STORY Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | No Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Md. Rahatud Zaman Ranggon Story Sadman Sakib Md. Rahatud Zaman Ranggon Script/Screenplay Md. Rahatud Zaman Ranggon

SYNOPSIS In our film, we’ve tried to show some social prejudices. We’ve taken three stories from our society & tried to connect each other. Still in this 21st Century, Country of our women have not proper power to protest their own problem. In that case, they are committing suicide. From a record, we can see each year near 10 thousand people of country is committing suicide & 89% of them are women. So, we’ve made that film for asking the proper right for women.

Avgv‡`i GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”P‡Î, mgv‡Ri wKQz AmgZv †K Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| mgvR †_‡K †bIqv wZbwU Mí‡K GKwÎZ K‡i ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q| AvaywbKZvi GB ch©v‡q G‡mI Avgv‡`i †`‡ki bvixiv Zv‡`i gZ cÖKv‡ki m¤c~Y© ¯^vaxbZv cvq bv| dj¯^iƒc, †`‡k AvZ¥nZ¨vi cwigvY †e‡o‡Q| cwimsL¨vb e‡j, evsjv‡`‡k cÖwZeQi cÖvq 10 nvRvi gvbyl AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡i| Zvi g‡a¨ 89 kZvskB bvix| GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”P‡Î, Avgiv bvix‡`i AwaKvi m¤^‡Ü mgv‡Ri Kv‡Q Zz‡j a‡iwQ|| TAGLINE

bvix mgv‡Ri †evSv bq, mgvR Movi KvwiMi‡`i Ask|

Cinematographer Zayed Shetol Md. Rahatud Zaman Ranggon Editor Md. Rahatud Zaman Ranggon Producer Ikram Hasan Leading Casts Mo Mo Morshed Rahman Shishir, Zayed Shetol Prince Zahir Tiluttoma Khan Rajib Moumita Jaman Rimsha Ahmed, Ahnaf Aakif


Rahatud Zaman Ranggon was a student of Rajuk Uttara Model College. His dream is to be a Filmmaker and want to represent his country. He took his camera at 9th Grade against the social problems and prejudice. He has made some Short Films & Music Videos.

BAKSHOBONDI Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bangla | No Premiere | 8 Target audience


Director Nabid Hasnat Md. Shifatul Ahsan Apurba Story Nabid Hasnat Script/Screenplay Nabid Hasnat

SYNOPSIS Three friends find themselves tidying up a mess one of them made by accident. While going through messy piles of newspaper, they find a few headlines that caught their interest. They start conversing about various topics and issues, both old and new. Their conversation gets deeper by the minute as they touch more controversial subjects their discussion takes twists and turns, they present their ideas, solutions and way outs. But at one point an interruption breaks the mood. So, they decide to finally tidy up the mess and box it up, along with their wasted discussion.

wZb eÜy evmvq Le‡ii KvMR †MvQvw”Qj| GB¸‡jv †MvQv‡Z †MvQv‡ZB GKR‡bi †PvL coj eûj Av‡jvwPZ GKwU Bm¨yi w`‡K| Gfv‡e Av‡jv‡Pvbv Pj‡Z _v‡K, Avi Av‡jvPbvi gv‡SB Zviv cyi‡bv I bZzb mgm¨v I mgvavb wb‡q wb‡Ri gZvgZ Zz‡j ai‡Z _v‡K| P‡j A‡bK Avjvc Av‡jvPbv| wKš‘ GKUv Kvi‡Y Zv‡`i Av‡jvPbv f½ n‡q hvq, hvi Rb¨ Zviv Zv‡`i g~j Kv‡R wd‡i Av‡m, Ae‡k‡l ev·ew›` n‡q c‡o me mgm¨v mg~n, mv‡_ Zv‡`i gZvgZ I mgvavb¸‡jvI| mg¯Í Av‡jvPbv eÜ K‡i †h hvi gZ P‡j hvq|

Cinematographer Kabya Chakrabarthy Editor Nabid Hasnat Producer 360° Films Leading Casts Mohsin Hasan Shawon Maheer Akter Nurus Salamat Siam


Nabid Hasnat is an outgoing artist who loves the thrill of creative effort. He is currently in his college freshman year. Filmmaking is one of his side-line passion which he highly values and loves. Idealistic, Imperfect and Imaginative, these are his Three keywords. Some of his works are Tide of time, Life’s Equation and Bakshobondi. Md. Shifatul Ahsan Apurba is 16 years old. Now he is reading in class 11 in Govt. Science College. He likes creative work like film making, debating, drawing and other works that show creativity. He travelled all the way to Sylhet from Dhaka to make this film. He likes watching movies a lot. He is also active in many social works.

BARI FERA Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 14 min 13 sec Target audience


Story, Screenplay, Cinematographer, Editor and Director Zamsedur Rahman Sajib Assistant Director Sukanto Biswas Piyal Mahmud Executive Producer Sheikh Shady Muid Hasan Torit

SYNOPSIS Bablu is a student of class 8. He’s a very simple and gentle in nature. But one day he bunked from school. Instead of going home, he got up on a train to an unknown destination. On the way, he met a boy named Milon. But the boy’s character isn’t like as Bablu. He’s very naughty and restless in nature. He does not study but he works as a tailor in one of the tailor’s store in the city. Although their first met was not well but the two gradually grew a friendship between them. All day they travelled here and there of village. In their journey, they meet a farmer. They pass the day with these kinds of small incidents. But, at the end of the day did Bablu go home? Why he had to bunk from school? This film is all about it.

Aóg †kÖYxi QvÎ evejy| LyeB mnR mij, kvšÍwkó ¯^fv‡ei GK †Q‡j| Z‡e GKw`b ¯‹zj †_‡K Qz‡U cvwj‡q hvq| wKš‘ †m wb‡Ri evwo‡Z bv wM‡q †Uª‡b D‡V ARvbv MšÍ‡e¨ iIbv nq| Zvi †mB ARvbv c‡_ Pjvi gv‡S cwiPq nq wgjb bv‡gi GKwU †Q‡ji mv‡_| wgjb Avevi Lye `yóz I PÂj Pwi‡Îi| †m cov‡jLv K‡i bv, `wR© wn‡m‡e kn‡ii GK †`vKv‡b KvR K‡i| cwiP‡qi cÖ_g ce©Uv †mŠnv`©¨c~Y© bv n‡jI ax‡i ax‡i `yR‡bi gv‡S eÜzZ¡ ˆZwi n‡q hvq| Zviv w`bfi MÖv‡gi Gw`K-†mw`K Ny‡i ‡eovq| MÖvg Nyi‡Z wM‡q Zv‡`i mv‡_ cwiPq N‡U GK K…l‡Ki| †QvU †QvU Ggb A‡bK NUbv w`‡qB Zv‡`i w`b cvi n‡q hvq| Z‡e w`b‡k‡l evejy wK Zvi evwo‡Z wd‡i hvq? †KbB ev †m ¯‹zj †_‡K cvwj‡qwQj? GB NUbv‡K †K›`ª K‡iB GB Pjw”PÎ|

Producer Ultimate Dreamers Production Leading Casts Swapnil Dey Sumit Bhowmick Faridul Islam Sagar Music Director Tanmoy Saha Durjoy Animation/Graphics Mamun Hossain


Zamsedur Rahman is a young filmmaker and writer. His short film ‘Shopno Puroner Golpo’ was awarded at 6th international children’s film festival Bangladesh in 2013. He’s now studying Honours (Bangla) in Dhaka College. He has directed many films throughout the past years. Some of them are Shopno Puroner Golpo, Nil Akashe Lal Ghuri, Anuprerona, Shopno Akdin Sotti Hobe, Vuter Rohosso, Titlir Akibukir Jogot, Coincidence, Shopner Opomrittu, Shotto Ghotona Obolombone and Bari Fera.

DOUBT Bangladesh | 2016 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | No Premiere | 3:50 min Target audience


Director Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti Story Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti Script/Screenplay Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti

SYNOPSIS The very idea of ‘Dream’ is what keeps us going. Dreams that we celebrate within us are often bullied by numerous social question marks. These very question marks limit us, question our free will of thinking and keep us from moving forward. Eventually, without thy dreams, we wound up being something. We never wanted to be. Until and unless you take a step to work towards making those dreams come true and stop asking yourself, “What if!”

¯^‡cœi aviYvUv Avgv‡`i Pjvi c‡_ mvnm †hvMvq| †hB ¯^cœ¸‡jv Avgiv Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ D`hvcb Kwi, †mB ¯^cœ¸‡jv cÖvqkB AmsL¨ mvgvwRK cÖkœ‡evaK wPý Øviv †kvwlZ nq| GB cÖkœ‡evaK wPý¸‡jv Avgv‡`i mvg‡b G‡Mv‡bvi c‡_ evav †`q| w`b‡k‡l, ¯^cœ Qvov Avgiv GgbwKQz n‡q hvB, hv Avgiv KL‡bvB n‡Z PvBwb| hw` bv Avgiv †m me cÖkœ¸‡jv‡K Ae‡njv K‡i wb‡Ri ¯^cœ c~i‡Yi Kv‡R GwM‡q hvB Ges wb‡R‡K, ÒZvn‡j Kx ne?Ó wR‡Ám K‡i a‡i ivwL|

Cinematographer Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti Editor Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti Producer Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti

Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti is enthusiastic about life and learning. She is a student of Viqarunnisa Noon College. She’s trying to step into every stair of this generation, just to make sure, there’s no ‘if’s left. Her love for music, movies, art and handball is always constant.


DROP OUT Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | None | No Premiere | 7 min 18 sec Target audience


Director Purba Biswas Rohit Rudra Biswas Story M A Rahi Script/Screenplay KH Talha Purba Biswas Cinematographer KH Talha Editor KH Talha

SYNOPSIS “Drop Out” is a short film that shows a child’s story who stops going school because of his poverty and accept child labour. Here main character is a 6-7 years old child. He was preparing for going to school but before that he saw there was no food in his home. Then he went from his home and hung around all the day. Then he saw a Moneybag lying down on the ground. He looks around but he found no one. He took the bag and saw owner’s picture and 500 taka. Then he saw a child selling tea, he made a decision. He also starts selling tea and deposit money in that wallet. One day he saw the owner of the bag and back that wallet to him. It proves his honesty and innocence.

ÒWªc AvDUÓ n‡jv GKwU Mixe †Q‡ji †c‡Ui `v‡q ¯‹z‡j hvIqv ev cov‡kvbv Kivi e`‡j wkïkª‡gi w`‡K avweZ nIqvi Kvwnbx| GLv‡b cÖavb PwiÎ GKwU 6-7 eQ‡ii †Q‡j| ¯‹z‡j hvIqvi Rb¨ ˆZwi n‡q †Q‡jwU †`‡L Zvi N‡i Lvevi †bB| cÖPÛ ÿzavq ïb¨ nvuwo †`‡L gb Lvivc K‡i †Q‡jwU eB †i‡L evwo †_‡K †ei n‡q mvivw`b Nyi‡Z _v‡K, nVvr GKwU gvwbe¨vM c‡i Av‡Q †`L‡Z cvq| †m KvD‡K †`L‡Z bv †c‡q gvwbe¨vMwU wb‡q hvq, †`‡L hvi e¨vM Zvi Qwe Avi †mUvq 500 UvKv Av‡Q| †m †`vKv‡b hvq Lvevi LvIqvi Rb¨ wKš‘ wKQzB Lvqbv| ZLb †m †`L‡Z cvq GKUv ev”Pv †Q‡j Pv wewμ Ki‡Q, ZvB †`‡L †m wPš—v Ki‡Z _v‡K UvKvUv wb‡q †m wK Ki‡e Ges †mI Pv wewμ Kiv ïiæ K‡i| †m Pv wewμ K‡i Avi H gvwbe¨v‡M UvKv Rgvq, Rgv‡Z Rgv‡Z GKw`b 500 UvKv n‡q hvq, †Q‡jwU gvwbe¨v‡M 500 UvKv iv‡L I evwK UvKv wb‡Ri Kv‡Q iv‡L| GKw`b †m hvi gvwbe¨vM Zv‡K †`L‡Z cvq I gvwbe¨vMwU †diZ †`q hv Zvi mZZv I mijZvi cÖgvY †`q|

Producer Creative Studio Leading Casts Jibon and SMK Rana


Purba Biswas is currently studying honours first year at Jahangirnagar University. She got national level prize at the competition of Shishu Academy, Jatiyo Shiksha Soptaho and Shilpokala Academy. She attended 2nd and 4th international children’s film festival. She has interest in directing, dancing, singing and debating, painting, acting, writing, taking photograph etc.

Rohit Rudra Biswas is currently studying inter first year at Saint Gregory’s School and College He has interest in painting, directing, dancing, singing, debating, acting, writing, taking photograph etc. He has a dream to be a good artist and good film director in the future.

EARPHONE Bangladesh | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bangla | No Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Tarikul Hasan Story Samiul Hossain Script/Screenplay Samiul Hossain Cinematographer Tarikul Hasan Editor Tarikul Hasan

SYNOPSIS The Story, It’s all about us, about all the youngsters of these days. We love the isolation when the earphones keep us separated from the outside world. We don’t like to care about the happenings around us. A pair of spoiled earphone. A wrecked mobile. They are taken to the mechanic. The mechanic tries his best to make those spoiled circuits functional again. But he ends up with failure. In the end, they manage to have a space in the dustbin. Here it remains two stories. What do the earphone and mobile represent? There is a close relation between two stories. Look deep into the stories and your concept will be cleared. Understand the perceptions and be safe while moving on the way.

MíUv Avgv‡`iB; Avgv‡`i ZiæY mgv‡Ri| Kv‡b Bqvi‡dvb ¸‡R iv¯Ívq nvUvi mgq ev¯Íe Rxeb †_‡K `~‡i mwi‡q ivwL wb‡R‡`i| Av‡kcv‡k wK n‡”Q Zv‡Z Avgv‡`i wKQz hvq Av‡m bv| hv n‡”Q n‡Z _vKzK| Avgv‡`i wK? GKUv Bqvi‡dvb| GKUv †gvevBj| c‡o hvq| bó nq| mvwi‡q †Zvjvi Rb¨ †gKvwb‡Ki Kv‡Q wb‡q hvIqv nq| †gKvwbK mvwi‡q †Zvjvi AvcÖvY †Póv K‡ib| cv‡ib bv| AZtci †gvevBj Ges Bqvi‡dvbwU Wv÷we‡b †d‡j †`qv nq| †gvevBj Ges Bqvi‡dvb Avm‡j wK wQ‡jv? wK‡mi cÖwZ”Qwe wQ‡jv? 2wU Mí Av‡Q GLv‡b| GKUv M‡íi mv‡_ Av‡iKUv M‡íi †mZzeÜb i‡q‡Q| GKUz fv‡jv K‡i jÿ¨ Ki‡jB ey‡S †bqv hv‡e| MíUv ey‡S wbB, †g‡b wbB Ges Pjvi c‡_ mveavb nB|

Producer Trolls Traffic Leading Casts S M Shaidulla Shakil Samiul Hossain


Tarikul Hasan recently passed HSC exam from commerce group in Dhaka city college. Only a year ago he started his film making career. He loves to make films. He has directed 5 films. More 3 films will release shortly. He dreams to become a good filmmaker one day. He is very much passionate about filmmaking.

ENMESHED BOREDOM Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | No Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Sumaita Shama Story Sumaita Shama Script/Screenplay Sumaita Shama Cinematographer Sumaita Shama Editor Sumaita Shama

SYNOPSIS A typical little city boy, Tilly, bored beyond bounds who knows what for. Living life with his exceptionally sweet mother and revering friends at school. As his boredom keeps evolving into frustration, it turns out in revelation that, maybe it is not boredom that is keeping HIM enmeshed, it is he, himself who is keeping boredom enmeshed. What would an average person do when they are bored? Do something new? Or just living but never moving forward? The time comes for Tilly when he has to decide whether to dive in with the robotic human beings, always sliding away with the wave or completely change everything? If earth is not the best place for him then where does he go? Let’s follow him on his journey to the.

kn‡ii †QvU GKwU †Q‡j, ÒwUwjÓ, eva fvOv D`vwmbZv Zvi g‡b, †KD Rv‡bbv †Kb| †¯œngqx gv Ges ¯‹z‡ji eÜy‡`i wb‡q Rxeb hvcb KiwQj| Zvi D`vmxbZv μgk nZvkvq cwibZ n‡Z _v‡K, cieZ©x‡Z †evSv hvq, nqZ D`vmxbZv bq, wUwj wb‡RB D`vmxbZv‡K e›`x K‡i ivL‡Q wb‡Ri ARv‡šÍ| GKRb mvavib gvbyl D`vm n‡j Kx K‡i? †m wK bZzb wKQz K‡i? bvwK AvRKvjKvi h‡š¿i gZ gvbyl ¸‡jvi gZ †mªv‡Z Mv fvwm‡q †`q? bvwK †eu‡P _vKv wKš‘ KL‡bv mvg‡bi w`‡K AMÖmi bv nIqv? wUwj Kx Ki‡e GLb? e`‡j †`‡e me wKQz? Kx K‡i? hw` c„w_ex Zvi Rb¨ h_vh_ bv nq, Zvn‡j I †Kv_vq hv‡e? †`‡L †bqv hvK|

Producer Sumaita Shama Leading Casts Sumaita Shama


Sumaita Shama currently studying in Viqarunnisa Noon School & College. She wants to attend International Business Administration of University of Dhaka in the future. She has a passion for getting excessively organized and productive as time passes.

FRIEND Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director H Al Huzaifa Story H Al Huzaifa Script/Screenplay H As Sakib

SYNOPSIS It’s a tale of a little child and his love for a dying tree. He and his buddies were playing in the field. They were in great fun. Suddently he saw a dying tree. Instantly he remembered the lesson of his teacher. He remembered his teacher teaching them about the importance of tree in our eco system. He did not waste a single minute and started taking care of the tree. And eventually the tree went up to reach the sky.

GKwU wkï ev”Pv‡`i mv‡_ †LjwQj, Ggb mgq †m †`‡L GKwU g„ZcÖvq MvQ| nVvr Zvi K¬v‡m wkÿ‡Ki cov g‡b c‡i †Mj| wkÿK eY©cwiP‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_ ejwQ‡jb MvQ Avgv‡`i KZ DcKvi K‡i| GUv †f‡e †m Mv‡Q cvwb w`‡q MvQUv‡K hZœ †bq| TAGLINE Nature is Life

Cinematographer H As Sakib Enam Al Hasan Editor Enam Al Hasan Producer H Al Banna Leading Casts Khaled Saifullah Sobuj Korim


H Al Huzaifa is a very young talented filmmaker. He is studying in TUSC at class seven. He loves to read detective story books and teenage adventures. Whenever he gets time, spends to watch and learn cinematography and editing to develop further. His dream to show our social problems and complexity in his films to create awareness among people.

I AM THE DETECTIVE Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Comedy | Bangla | No Premiere | 24 min Target audience


Director JM Udoy Story JM Udoy Script/Screenplay JM Udoy Cinematographer Ashif Mahmood Plabon

SYNOPSIS Three bachelors started to live in a flat together. One of them is “Lal Bhai” who is senior the two others, Udoy and Plabon. Udoy and Plabon are childhood friend. They came from same Village to continue their higher studies. But quickly wasted all their money. So, they had to do something to earn money. Then they decided to open a detective agency. After opening the detective agency and working on some useless case, they got a case where they have to find a person but at the end that case become a test for them by a gang. The gang wanted them to do illegal activities for money but they refused to do so. Because they believe money is not everything.

GwU wZb e¨v‡Pjvi Gi GKwU Mí| Zviv GKm‡½ GKwU d¬¨v‡U _vK‡Z ïiæ K‡i| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb Òjvj fvBÓ †h evwK `yBRb D`q Ges cveb Gi †P‡q wmwbqi| D`q Ges cveb †Q‡j‡ejvi eÜy| Zviv Zv‡`i D”PZi cov‡kvbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z GKB MÖvg †_‡K G‡m‡Q| wKš‘ Zviv `ªæZ Zv‡`i UvKv †kl Kv‡i †d‡jwQj| ZvB Zv‡`i UvKv †ivRMv‡ii Rb¨ wKQz GKUv Ki‡Z nZ| Zvici Zviv GKwU †Mv‡q›`v ms¯’v †Lvjvi wm×všÍ wb‡qwQj| †Mv‡q›`v ms¯’v Ges wKQz †eû`v †Km cvIqvi ci, Zviv GKwU †Km †cj †hLv‡b Zv‡`i GKwU e¨w³‡K Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e wKš‘ †k‡l GB †KmwU GKwU M¨vs Øviv Zv‡`i Rb¨ GK cixÿvi n‡q `vuovq| †mB M¨vs A‡_©i Rb¨ Zv‡`i w`‡q A‰ea Kvh©μg Kiv‡Z †P‡qwQj| wKš‘ Zviv A‡_©i Rb¨ A‰ea KvR Ki‡Z A¯^xK…wZ Rvbvq| KviY UvKvB mewKQz bq|

Editor JM Udoy Producer Mohiuddin Industry Leading Casts M.Junayed Ibne Mohiuddin Udoy Ashif Mahmood Plabon Md Abir Hossain Hasibul Arifin Shashi Md.Mainul Haque Ovik Mir Nur-Ul-Alam Pavel


J M Udoy started to make short film because it was the biggest influence source in media world. For him making a film is always about humanity and to represent a positive thought to the audience. So he build a production house called “Mohiuddin Industry” to enlarge the entertainment level of his country. His first short film was based on a science fiction story called “Superhuman The Truth”. His second short film was based on the action story called “Mission Return”. His third short film was based on a comedy the story called “I Am The Detective”. And his fourth short film is based on a science fiction-thrill story called “Induction of The Past”.

INNER PARALLELISM Bangladesh | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | International Premiere | 8 min Target audience


Director Tarikul Hasan Story Tarikul Hasan Script/Screenplay Tarikul Hasan Cinematographer Auniik Datta Niki Fahmia Mizan Editor Tarikul Hasan

SYNOPSIS If I am asked, what is the consumption of life? Consumption of life lies in being a factual human. Consumption of life is when you can see every human being in a substantive eye. Have we ever tried to see the lunatic maniac person sitting on the street with that eye? We hesitate to count him as a human. It is about the instinctive love between a young boy and a lunatic insane man. Love is not confined. Love has a safe home in every soul. A mad crazy insane man, he may be mad. He may be crazy. He may be insane but he also knows what love is and how to love. Love doesn’t have different colours. It’s Always coloured with the colour of soul. Love doesn’t have different language. It speaks with the language of heart.

Avgvq hw` cÖkœ Kiv nq gbyl¨ R‡b¥i mv_©KZv wK? mwZ¨Kv‡ii gvbyl nIqvi g‡a¨B †Zv wbwnZ gvby‡li mdjZv| gvbyl‡K gvbyl wn‡m‡e †`L‡Z cvivB wK R‡b¥i mv_©KZv bq? iv¯Ívi †Kv‡Y e‡m _vKv G‡jv Pz‡ji †mB cvMjwU‡K KL‡bv wK gvbyl wn‡m‡e †`‡LwQ? KL‡bv wK Qzu‡q‡Q Zvi Kó? Zv‡K gvbyl fve‡Z Avgiv ms‡Kv‡Pi †`vUvbvq fzwM| ÒBbvi †civ‡jwjRgÓ wd‡j¥ GgbB GKwU wPÎ dzwU‡q †Zvjvi †Póv Kiv n‡q‡Q| †hLv‡b †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q GK Ziæ‡Yi cvM‡ji cÖwZ fv‡jvevmv wKsev †Zgwbfv‡e cvM‡jiI †mB Ziæ‡Yi cÖwZ fv‡jvevmv cÖKv‡ki LÐ wPÎ| †hLv‡b †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q, cvMjivI gvbyl; ZvivI fv‡jvevmv ey‡S| fv‡jvevmvi wfbœ †Kvb iO nqbv, fvlv nqbv| Avcbvi Avgvi wKsev Zvi fv‡jvevmvi fvlv GK, iO GK |

Producer Glassy Actor Leading Casts Simanto Soikat Tarikul Hasan


Tarikul Hasan recently passed HSC exam from commerce group in Dhaka city college. Only one year ago, he started his film making career. He loves to make films. He has directed 5 films. More 3 films will be released shortly. He dreams to become a good filmmaker one day. He is very much passionate about filmmaking.

KARIGOR KARAGAR Bangladesh | 2016 | Blu-ray | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Misbahul Islam Sakin Sadman Sakib Pran Story Misbahul Islam Script/Screenplay Misbahul Islam Cinematographer Jubayed Koushik Shoayeb Shibbi Sadman Sakib Pran Editor Misbahul Islam

SYNOPSIS A boy, Rohan, who likes reading, drawing portrait, travelling etc. But his mother doesn’t allow this. One day he was watching TV suddenly his mother scolded him and ordered him to study. She was talking with one of Rohan’s classmate’s parent about their future and study and regretted about his sons future. After some time while Rohan was spending his free time with his friends, Rohan became frustrated thinking about his future. He returned home and started his study. But he could not concentrate on study & started to draw a man. Suddenly his mother came over and asked what was he doing and noticed that he was drawing something instead of reading. Then she scolded him again. Most of the parents in our country like Rohan’s mother think that extracurricular activities like reading novels, drawing and sports etcetera hamper our studies.

†ivnvb bv‡gi GKwU †Q‡j †h wKbv fv‡jvev‡m eB co‡Z, Qwe AvuK‡Z| GKw`b †m †Uwjwfkb †`LwQ‡jv nVvr Zvi gv G‡m Zv‡K eKvSKv K‡i Ges co‡Z cvwV‡q †`q| wZwb †ivnv‡bi eÜyi gv‡qi mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv Kivi GK mgq Zvi †Q‡ji fwel¨Z wb‡q kw¼Z n‡q c‡ob| Ab¨w`‡K †ivnvb Zvi Aemi mg‡q eÜy‡`i mv‡_ AvÇv w`‡Z wM‡qI covïbv wb‡q kw¼Z n‡q c‡o Ges evmvq wd‡i Av‡m | wKš‘ Zvi gb‡hvM covïbv †Q‡o Qwe AvuKvi w`‡K †ewk P‡j hvq Ges †m GKUv gvby‡li Qwe AvKv ïiæ K‡i | Qwe AvuKv Zvi gv †`‡L †djvq cÖPÛ ivMvivwM K‡i Ges Zvi AvuKvi miÄvg¸‡jv Qzu‡o †`q| †ivnv‡bi gv‡qi gZ Avgv‡`i †`‡ki AwaKvsk gv evevivB fv‡e eB cov, Qwe AvKv, Mvb Kiv Gme KvR mgq bó Qvov Avi wKQzB bq| hw`I wkÿv Avgv‡`i †gŠwjK AwaKvi Z‡e GUv ïay gvÎ eB‡qi cvZv‡ZB mxgve× _vKv DwPr bq| GUv ZLbB m¤c~Y© n‡e hLb Avgv‡`i †KZvwe wkÿv Avgv‡`i ev¯Íe Rxe‡b Kv‡R jvM‡e Ges Avgiv Zv Avb›` wb‡q Kie | iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi, KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg-¯^wkÿvq wkwÿZ| Zviv Zv‡`i KvR Avb›` wb‡q Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Qb Rb¨ B BwZnvm Mo‡Z †c‡i‡Qb| Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB wb‡Ri Rb¨ †kLv DwPr cwiÿvq cv‡ki Rb¨ bq|

Producer Misbahul Islam Leading Casts Fahim as Rohan


Misbahul Islam Sakin is a student of class eleven in Cantonment Public School and College, Rangpur. He directed this short film for the first time. Before that he had worked on several music videos, flash mob etc. His hobby is to watch movies. And he likes video editing. Now it has become his passion. He wants to change the system by making films.

KHORKUTO Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 3 min 5 sec Target audience


Director Samriddhi Khondakar Story Samriddhi Khondakar Script/Screenplay Samriddhi Khondakar Cinematographer Jubayed Koushik Rafiur Bappy Shibbi Utshab

SYNOPSIS We feel so irritated if garbage & wastes lie around us. The task of cleaning those garbage & wastes is done by a class of people of our very own society. But instead of being sympathetic to them, we despise them. But a pedestrian boy by denying this misconception of the society, comes forward to help a garbage-cleaner in his bad stage of health. Boy honour the cleaner remembering his contribution to the society & the importance of his work.

Avgv‡`i Av‡kcv‡k gqjv-AveR©bv c‡o _vK‡j Avgiv KZ A¯^w¯Í Abyfe Kwi| Avi GB gqjv-AveR©bv cwi®‹v‡ii Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ _v‡K qviv, Zviv Avgv‡`i mgv‡RiB GK †kªwYi †jvKRb| ZeyI Zvu‡`i cÖwZ mnvbyf‚wZi cwie‡Z© Avgiv Zvu‡`i †nq †Pv‡L †`wL| wKš‘ mgv‡Ri GB aviYv D‡cÿv K‡i c_Pvix GK †Q‡j, GKRb gqjv cwi®‹viKvix‡K Amy¯’ †`‡L mvnv‡h¨ GwM‡q Av‡m| mgv‡R Zvui Ae`v‡bi K_v, Zvui Kv‡Ri cÖ‡qvRbxqZvi K_v ¯§iY Kwi‡q Zvu‡K m¤§vb †`q| TAGLINE

gvbyl gvby‡li Rb¨

Editor Utshab Sakin Producer Samriddhi Khondakar Leading Casts Tarek Ahmed Sohail


Samriddhi Khondakar is a student of class 10 at Government Girls’ High School, Rangpur. She loves to do creative works like Filmmaking, Reciting, acting. She also writes poems & story. Last year she worked with Children’s Film Society, Rangpur in 9th International Children’s Film Festival 2016. She believes in spreading a real good message through a film. She aspires to be a professional filmmaker in future & she has faith and trust on herself.

LOST IN THE LIGHTS Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | No Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad Story Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad Script/Screenplay Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad Cinematographer Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad Editor Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad

SYNOPSIS “Lost in the lights” is a tale about dreams of teenagers and dying those dreams because of society. Two teenagers they want to announce their dreams to us so that we can help them to fulfill. But they are frightened and confused. Our society has created a dark light where our dreams remain our own reflection to us and we can’t express them to the world. We cannot but follow those rules of society where extra ordinary things are forbidden sometimes, where we just do what we should do to show off this society and never listen to our heart. That dark light doesn’t let our dreams to fulfill and real version of us remain lost the light.

GwU wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix‡`i †`Lv ¯^‡cœi Ges mgv‡Ri Rb¨ †mme ¯^‡cœi g„Zy¨i Mí| `yRb wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix Zv‡`i ¯^‡cœi K_v c„w_exi Kv‡Q †NvlYv Ki‡Z Pvq hv‡Z Zviv mvnvh¨ cvq Zv‡`i ¯^cœ c~i‡Y| wKš‘ mgvR m„ó GK AÜKvi Av‡jv‡Z Zv‡`i ¯^cœ wb‡q Zviv _v‡K fxZ, kw¼Z| Avgiv GK A™¢Z mgvRe¨e¯’vi g‡a¨ eo nw”Q †hLv‡b ïaygvÎ gvbyl †`Lv‡bvi Rb¨ Avgiv Avgv‡`i g‡bi K_v ïwbbv ev ïb‡Z cvwibv| Avgv‡`i ¯^cœ¸‡jv Pvi †`qv‡ji gv‡S ew›` n‡q hvq, Zv‡`i Wvbv †g‡j Do‡Z †`Iqv nqbv| ¯^cœ¸‡jv Avgv‡`i cÖwZ”Qwe n‡q fv‡m †m Pvi †`qv‡ji gv‡S, cÖwZaŸwb n‡q ev‡R Avgv‡`i Kv‡b| GKw`b †mB AÜKvi Av‡jv‡Z g„Zz¨ nq Avgv‡`i †m ¯^‡cœi| nvwi‡q hvB cÖK…Z Avgiv| TAGLINE

¯^cœ¸‡jv nvwi‡q hvq mgv‡Ri AÜKvi Av‡jv‡Z

Producer Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad Leading Casts Fahed Mahmud Sarthak Sumaiya Kritika


Abdur Rahaman Khan Saad was born on 5 January 1999, Magura, Bangladesh. He took part in stage drama, cosplay, debate and organizing events at the early age. He loves stories and to imagine them. That’s why film became his hobby. He filmed his uncle’s wedding when he was in class six that was his first film. Then he tried to write some stories and make serval short films. He is learning film and currently studying at Adamjee Cantonment College.

MA Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 9 min Target audience


Director Redwanul Haque Fardin Story Based on a foreign literature Script/Screenplay Redwanul Haque Fardin Cinematographer Riad Sikder Rad Editor Redwanul Haque Fardin

SYNOPSIS The story begins with a small boy. He hates his mother. If his mother says anything he becomes angry, he always stays away from his mother. Because she does not have eyes. He finds it strange that his own mother has no vision! He does not reveal his mother’s identity to his friends. He identifies his mother as a maid. He went to America for studying. There is no desire to return. He still hates his mother. After a few years a letter came to his residence. The letter was from Bangladesh. After reading the letter, he could not control himself. He starts crying. For an unknown purpose, he finally came back to Bangladesh. What is the reason? Sometimes some story answers many questions which are weirder than dream.

†QvÆ GKwU †Q‡j‡K †K›`ª K‡i ïiæ nq MíwU| †Q‡jwU Zvi gv †K N„Yv K‡i| gv wKQz ej‡jB †i‡M hvq, gv‡qi KvQ †_‡K `~‡i m‡i _v‡K| KviY Zvi gv‡qi †PvL †bB| Avi †PvL Qvov gvbyl mwZ¨ K‡Zv AvRe! eÜy‡`i Kv‡Qi †m Zvi gv‡qi cwiPq †`q bv| †m gv‡K Kv‡Ri eyqv e‡j m¤^Ü K‡i| GKUv mgq †Q‡jwU eo n‡q D‡V| covïbvi D‡Ïk¨ cvwo †`q my`~i Av‡gwiKv| †divi B”Qv KLbB †bB| wd‡i hv‡eB ev Kvi Kv‡Q? gv‡K †Zv †m N„Yv K‡i| GKUv mgq Zvi evmvq wVKvbvq GKwU wPwV Av‡m| evsjv‡`‡k †_‡K G‡m‡Q wPwVwU| Ly‡j wPwVwU c‡oB wb‡R‡K mvg‡j ivL‡Z cv‡i bv †m| †PvL w`‡q co‡Z _v‡K cvwb| †Kv‡bv GK ARvbv D‡Ïk¨ Ae‡k‡l wd‡i Av‡m †m evsjv‡`‡k| Kx †mB KviY? gv‡S gv‡S wKQz Mí wKQz ARvbv cÖ‡kœi DËi †`q hv Kíbv‡K nvi gvbvq| TAGLINE We are born of love, Love is our mother.

Producer Azizul Hakim Ratul Leading Casts Sabina Tarek Nazif Yealmy Gravity Arko Ishan Khan


Redwanul Haque Fardin is young filmmaker & animator. He is studying in class XI at Rifles Public College. He wants to be a great filmmaker. He has founded an animation & film production named ‘Ambitions Studio’. He is going to debut on TV industry with his drama very soon. He is very much passionate about his work.

PATIENCE Bangladesh | 2016 | Video Film | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | english | No Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Md Estiak Hossain Shaikat Story Tarikul Hasan Script/Screenplay Tarikul Hasan Cinematographer Tarikul Hasan Editor Tarikul Hasan

SYNOPSIS Life is all about running after success. You get lost on the edge of victory. We are doomed when we are lost and defeated. We are impatient. We always try to make a shortcut to the destination and if the shortcut fails to lead us to the destination and make us successful we then go angry on ourselves we start to lose all the hopes. Even our ability is questioned if we are lost for once. But some people don’t lose hope when they are lost and defeated. They believe there will be light after darkness. They don’t lose patient. They try again and again. They maybe lost or defeated again but they don’t get tired of giving a last try. They always end up with victory. We are the disappointed impatient people, who always regret in the last scene.

mvd‡j¨i †cQ‡b Qz‡U Pjvi bvgB Rxeb| GB Pjvi c‡_ mvdj¨ gixwPKvi b¨vq AvPiY K‡i| wRZ‡Z wRZ‡Z †n‡i †h‡Z nq| †n‡i †M‡jB Avgiv ˆah©Pz¨Z n‡q cwo| ÿwY‡Ki †Póv‡ZB mvdj¨‡K gywóe× K‡i wb‡Z PvB| Avi Zv‡Z mvdj¨ aiv bv w`‡jB ivM †`LvB; nZvk n‡q cwo| wb‡Ri †hvM¨Zv‡K cÖkœwe× K‡i nvj †Q‡o †`B| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i mv‡_B mvd‡j¨i †Lvu‡R †ei nIqv Aci cw_K mvd‡j¨i Rb¨ cwikªg K‡i; ˆah¨© mnKv‡i †Póv K‡i| †n‡i hvq| Avevi †Póv K‡i| wKš‘ ˆah¨© nvivq bv, evisevi †Póvi ci Zviv Zv‡`i Kvw•LZ mvd‡j¨i †LvuR cvq| Djvm K‡i Zviv| welbœZvq wbgw¾Z n‡q Zv‡`i weRq †`‡L Avd‡mvm Kiv Qvov wKQz Kivi _v‡K bv Avgv‡`i ZLb| Rxeb Ges mdjZv n‡jv Qq iO G‡jv‡g‡jv nIqv iæwe· wKD‡ei gZ| Avmyb Zv‡K wgwj‡q †dwj ˆah¨© Ges Aa¨emvq wb‡q|

Producer Trolls Traffic Leading Casts Md Estiak Hossain Shaikat Arvin Rahman


Md Estiak Hossain Shaikat has recently passed SSC Exam. He is in college now and has keen interest in film making. He wants to study in Film and Media Studies. His dream is to become a well-known filmmaker one day. He is very much passionate about filmmaking. In a way, he wants to create awareness among people.

RED SARI Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 5 min– Target audience


Director Samin Yasar Story Md. Zawad Amin As- Salek Script/Screenplay Md. Zawad Amin As- Salek Cinematographer Samin Yasar Editor Samin Yasar

SYNOPSIS Monir hails from a poor family. The responsibilities of his family comes on him as his dies in lack of proper treatment. So, he leaves his studies and goes in search of a job to a goon named Bhuiya. Bhuiya suggests him to do bombing in the name of picketing of the ongoing blockade. His conscience stops him from doing so but Bhuiya convinces him giving baseless logic. Besides, he falls for greed of money. The job being done, he collects the money and buys a red sari for his mother. Returning home, he tries to call his mother but finds her phone switched off. After a while, a call comes from a hospital telling him that his mother died in the bus attack on the following day. Though he couldn’t give his mother the red sari he bought for her, but the blood from her body made her sari red.

`wi`ª cwiev‡ii mšÍvb gwbi| KvR LyuR‡Z †m GjvKvi gv¯Ívb fzuBqv fvB‡qi Kv‡Q hvq| fzuBqv fvB gwbi‡K †evgvevwR Kivi KvR †`q| KvR †k‡l UvKv †c‡q †m Zvi gv‡qi Rb¨ jvj kvwo wK‡b| evmvq wd‡i †m Rvb‡Z cv‡i nvgjvK…Z ev‡m Zvi gv wQj Ges †mB NUbvq wZwb gviv hvb|

Producer Reshad Rahman Bhuiya Md. Zawad Amin As- Salek Leading Casts Md. Zawad Amin As- Salek Reshad Rahman Bhuiya Kazi Ahmed Hossain Pronit


Samin Yasar is an SSC examinee (2017) from St. Joseph Higher Secondary School. He’s a fan of Hollywood films since childhood. Film making is his hobby. He loves doing it, and has plans to t urn this hobby into his profession in the future. He is still inexperienced and ‘Red Sari’ is his first ever short-film.

SHOTTA Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bangla | No Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Muhtasim An Nafi Story Muhtasim An Nafi Script/Screenplay Muhtasim An Nafi Pantho Paul Cinematographer Sabbir Parvez Shohan Kabya Chakrabarthy Anik Das

SYNOPSIS Inside a boy’s dream, a group of students wearing masks is seen walking to their classroom. They sit patiently, and follow their teacher, who is also wearing the same mask, as he writes on the whiteboard. The masked teacher writes that A+ is equal engineer, doctor, scientist and higher education. The boy then finds himself surrounded by some masked students who laugh and taunt at him. The boy wakes up and sits for a while. He goes and sits infront of his table and takes off his mask. He brings out a copy and writes “I won’t be a robot”. The boy then rides his bicycle to a cliff and stares at the open sky, free to chase his dreams.

†hLv‡b ¯^cœ Ges Avkv‡K †Kvb my‡hvM †`Iqv nq bv, †Zgb GK Q‡K evuav `ywbqvi wkKvi gvbyl‡`i wf‡o GKwU †Q‡j wb‡R‡K Lyu‡R †bqvi wm×vš— †bq| AsKb GKv`k †kªbxi QvÎ| †m A+ Gi wcQz bv Qz‡U cÖK…Z wkÿv AR©b Gi Rb¨ †Póv K‡i|

Editor Muhtasim An Nafi Producer Pathfinder Films Leading Casts Tahsin Bhuiyan Ankon


Muhtasim An Nafi is a student of class 11 in MC College, Sylhet. He was born on 11th March, 2001. “Shotta” is the second short film directed by Muhtasim. Muhtasim aspires to be a film maker in the future. Besides film making, he loves playing, travelling and watching movies.

THE LAST DECISION Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | Bangladesh Premiere | 9 min Target audience


Director Reaz Rahman Story Reaz Rahman Script/Screenplay Reaz Rahman Cinematographer Ashiq Mustavi Editor Reaz Rahman

SYNOPSIS A boy named Tanzil who is a so called brilliant student in his college. After finishing HSC exam, Tanzil went to his friends and shouted that he gave a very good exam and he will achieve Golden A+ for sure. At the day of Result Tanzil got only GPA 4.28 and one of his friends got GPA 5. Tanzil was shocked to know his result. Then he went home. His family members were also shocked to hear the result of him. Then they started to scold him. He was being scolded tremendously till the night. After tolerating the mental torture from his family member, he entered his room. Then he sat on his bed. He was sweating in his room and started to think about his deed. And then he takes his last decision.

GKwU †Q‡j bvg Zvi ZvbwRj †h wK bv Zvi K‡j‡Ri Z_vKw_Z †gavex QvÎ| GBPGmwm cixÿvi ci ZvbwRj Zvi eÜy‡`i Kv‡Q G‡m †PuwP‡q ejj †m A‡bK fv‡jv cixÿv w`‡q‡Q Ges †m †Mv‡ìb G+ Ae¨kB cv‡e| Gici djvd‡ji w`b ZvbwRj gvÎ wRwcG 4.28 †c‡q‡Q Ges Zvi GK eÜy‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb wRwcG 5 †c‡q‡Q| ZvbwRj Zvi djvdj Rvb‡Z †c‡i A‡bK wew¯§Z n‡qwQj| Zvici †m evmvq wd‡i hvq| Zvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨ivI djvdj †kvbvi c‡i wew¯§Z n‡qwQj| Zvici Zviv Zv‡K eKvSKv ïiæ K‡i †`q| Zviv Zv‡K ivZ ch©šÍ eK‡Z _v‡K| Zvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨ †_‡K gvbwmK AZ¨vPvi mn¨ Kivi ci †m Zvi iæ‡g cÖ‡ek Kij| Zvici †m Zvi weQvbvi Dc‡i emj| †m Zvi iæ‡gi †fZi Nvg‡Z _vKj Ges fve‡Z _vKj Zvi K‡g©i K_v| Ges †m Zvi †kl wm×všÍ wb‡jv| TAGLINE Life is short, Let’s Enjoy it

Producer Reaz Rahman Leading Casts Tanzil Hossain Sazid as Tanzil Shahriar Nasim as Friend-1 Ajfar Chowdhury as Friend-2 Anisa Nimu as Anisha (Friend-3) Reaz Rahman as Father Smrity Chowdhury as Mother Shadman Riyad as Brother


Reaz Rahman is a young filmmaker. He was born in 1999 at Jessore Cantonment. Currently, he is studying in class 11 at BAF Shaheen College Dhaka. His hobby is to edit videos. One day his two friends advised to start YouTubing and then he started his journey. He started his journey via making funny videos at a younger age.

THE PUPPET SHOW Bangladesh | 2016 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Riad Sun Story Riad Sun Script/Screenplay Riad Sun Cinematographer Nahid Parvez Mafi Editor Akib Mahmud Pious Producer Jerk\’s Theory Leading Casts Riad Sun, Hasib Tapu Tanjid Pantho Nahid Parvez Mafi Rafee Shahria Akib Mahmud Abid Hasan Shihabul Karim


SYNOPSIS A young boy who just graduated from college and found himself in the battlefield of admission in a university. But he was not that interested on getting admitted into a renowned university. He didn’t chose his university but the University chose him. He didn’t find his way of learning in his “respective” university. He never got the point of teacher’s way of teaching. He was a bit exceptional than others. His way of doing work was creative and mind blowing but not to the so called “respective” university’s teachers. He was not treated well by the classmates and so the teachers. So, he was depressed and did not achieve a good result. He was not good enough through the Interviewer’s perspective. So, he did not find any job in his country. So, he left his country for searching his personality. At last he got the chance to show his creativity and succeeded to get his type of job.

GKwU Aí eq¯‹ †Q‡j gvÎ K‡jR †_‡K cvm K‡i Ges GKwU ¯^bvgab¨ wek¦we`¨vjq AbymÜvb Kivi Rb¨ GKwU fwZ© hy‡×i g‡a¨ wb‡R‡K Lyu‡R cvq| fwZ© hy‡×i g‡a¨ †m Zvi wb‡Ri wek¦we`¨vjq wbe©vPb Ki‡Z cv‡iwb, wek¦we`¨vjq Zv‡K cQ›` K‡i‡Q, †kLvi Rb¨ †m GB †`‡ki Z_vKw_Z wkÿv e¨e¯’vi Aax‡b wb‡R‡K Lyu‡R cvq| wKš‘ †m GB wkÿv eve¯’vi mv‡_ Lvc LvIqv‡Z cv‡i bv| evsjv‡`‡ki wkÿK‡`i g‡Z †m †hfv‡e cov‡e †mfv‡e co‡Z n‡e| bvnq wkÿK‡`i g‡Z †m AwkwÿZ| wKš‘ †m wQj mevi †P‡q e¨wZμg| Zvi m„RbkxjZv wQj Ab¨iKg| ZvB mevB Zv‡K wb‡q Dcnvm KiZ| wkÿ‡Ki cÖ`vbK…Z wkÿv Abyhvqx bv covi Kvi‡Y cixÿvq m‡šÍvlRbK djvdj AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i wb| wKš‘ Zvi cov‡kvbvi aib wQj AviI DbœZ| evsjv‡`‡ki PvKwi eve¯’vqI GKB Ae¯’v| †ewkifvM mgq gyL¯Íwe`¨v, m¤cK© Ges Nyl Gi gva¨‡g PvKwi AR©b Kiv nq| †m evsjv‡`‡k PvKwi †c‡Z e¨_© nq hZÿY bv wZwb †`k Z¨vM K‡i| TAGLINE You don’t need to lead your life the way someone expects you to

Riad Sun is a student of class ten at B.A.F Shaheen College, Dhaka. His hobby is playing Football and making films. He is interested in making videos. He has made only one inspirational film

THE RACE Bangladesh | 2016 | Other | 1.33:1 (4:3) | Color | Drama | English | No Premiere | 3 min 20 sec Target audience


Director Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha Story Syed Ahnaf Tazwar Dhrubo

SYNOPSIS “Education is just a process you have to go through.” - This is the initial idea, given to the youngsters. Yet, by time, they are introduced with a horrible definition of education. The ‘mere process’ becomes a nightmare and the objective of life starts to fade away.

Òwkÿv GKwU cÖwμqv gvÎ, hvi g‡a¨ w`‡q †h‡ZB n‡e|Ó - GB cÖviw¤¢K aviYvwUB ZiæY‡`i †`qv nq| wKš‘, mg‡qi mv‡_ mv‡_ Zviv ÒwkÿvÓi GKwU fqven msÁvi mv‡_ cwiwPZ nq| gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨B †mB ÒwbQK cÖwμqvÓ GKwU `yt¯^‡cœ cwiYZ nq Ges Rxe‡bi D‡Ïk¨ ax‡i ax‡i Acwi®‹vi n‡q †h‡Z _v‡K|

Script/Screenplay Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha Cinematographer Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha Editor Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha Producer Syeda Ashfah Toaha Duti

Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha is a film enthusiast who loves watching movies that criticizes certain tradition of the society. She has fairly marked her position both in Children Film Festival and Meena Media Awards with her first movie “The Result” in 2016. Apart from her love for films, she loves being a significant part of the Viqarunnisa Noon School Handball, Basketball and Hockey team. The Result and The Race are some of her notable works.




A LETTER TO GOD Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Marma and Bengali | Bangladsh Premiere | 15 min Target audience


Director Hemanta Sadeeq Story Gregorio Y Fuentes Script/Screenplay Shawon Koiri Cinematographer Shohag Chowdhury

SYNOPSIS Sangte is a little girl. Sangte lives with her father in a lonely house situated at the bottom of a hill. She collects drinking water from a nearby fountain. She herself drives boat to go to school. She plays with her friend, Hlany. She is a very intelligent and hardworking girl. She looks after her dear father. One day, she needed to fetch water from that fountain. So, she went there with a pitcher. But there was no water in the fountain. So, she goes to a hill far far away from her house. While she was returning home, she saw a postbox. The story continues.

GwU GK †QvÆ evwjKvi Mí, evwjKvwUi bvg mvs‡Z| mvs‡Z Zvi evevi mv‡_ cvnv‡oi cv`‡`‡k GK Kzu‡o N‡i _v‡K| NiwUi KvQvKvwQ GKUv SY©v i‡q‡Q, ILvb †_‡KB mvs‡Z cÖwZw`b Lvevi cvwb wb‡q Av‡m| mvs‡Z wb‡RB †bŠKv †e‡q ¯‹z‡j hvq| †m we‡K‡j Zvi eÜy n¬vwbi mv‡_ †Ljv K‡i| †m LyeB eyw×gZx Avi Kg©V †g‡q| †m Zvi eveviI †`Lv‡kvbv K‡i| GKw`b mvs‡Z SY©v †_‡K cvwb Avb‡Z hv‡e; ZvB †m GKwU Kjm wb‡q evwo †_‡K †ei nq †mB SY©vwUi D‡Ï‡k¨| wKš‘ SY©vq †h‡q †`‡L †h, †mLv‡b †Kvb cvwb †bB| cvwb †Zv wb‡q †h‡ZB n‡e| ZvB mvs‡Z Av‡iv `~‡i GKwU cvnv‡o hvq| †mLv‡b cvwb cvq †m| cvwb wb‡q †divi mgq mvs‡Z GKwU jvj WvKev· †`L‡Z cvq| GLvb †_‡KB GwM‡q hvq mvs‡Zi Mí|

Editor Saif Russel Producer Roddur Chalachitra Leading Casts Aung Chow Mong Uni Pru Marma Abu Sufiyan


Hemanta Sadeeq was born in Jaypurhat district in 1994. He studied in “Theatre and Performance Studies” at University of Dhaka and Mass Communication and Journalism at Daffodil International University. He also worked as a Brand Officer at Teletalk Bangladesh Limited. Now, he is working as a Creative Director in Brain Stormars Bangladesh. He made six short films and two documentaries.

A NONSENSE DREAM Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Rehman Rahat Story Rehman Rahat Script/Screenplay Rehman Rahat Cinematographer Rehman Rahat

SYNOPSIS The person who always fights with reality, maybe he dreams of many things. He may want a normal life with normal people. But if the expectation of a normal life makes him greedy then his conscience always follow him. Because the person fighting with reality can understand easily that happiness never lies in wrong way, it’s always been in the right path. And most importantly conscience never shows the wrong way. The short film is based upon in this thought where a boy who is fighting with reality and conscience.

ev¯ÍeZvi mv‡_ cÖwZw`b msMÖvg Kiv GKRb gvby‡li ¯^‡cœ _vK‡Z cv‡i bvbv Pvwn`v| †m PvB‡Z cv‡i evwK me gvby‡li gZ ¯^vfvweK Rxeb hvcb Ki‡Z| wKš‘ †m ¯^vfvweK Rxeb hvc‡bi †jvf hw` fzj c_ †`Lvq Z‡e we‡eK me mgq Zv‡K Zvov Ki‡e| †Kbbv ev¯ÍeZvi mv‡_ msMÖvg Kiv gvbyl Rv‡b fzj c‡_i †P‡q mwVK c‡_ A‡bK †ekx myL Ae¯’vb K‡i| Avi we‡eK gvbyl‡K fzj c_ †`Lvq bv KL‡bv| GgbB GKwU aviYvi Dci wbf©i K‡i GK msMÖvgx †Q‡ji GKw`‡bi Mí wb‡q ˆZwi n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”PÎwU| TAGLINE Conscience never shows us wrong path.

Editor Rehman Rahat Producer RM Productions Leading Casts Ariful Islam Prince Hridoy Raj


Rehman Rahat works as a director in “RM Production”. He started his film career in 2009. Film is like a language to him. He can speak through his films. He made some short films and documentaries. Most of them are Independent works. Some of his short films are “Propose (2009)”, ”Bhai(2010) ”, ”Nondini (2012) ”, ”Beporowa(2014) ”, ”Mystery Cube (2015) ”.

A WRITER Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min Target audience


Director Abdul Mamun Story A writer Script/Screenplay Abdul Mamun

SYNOPSIS How can we define a life? What is life? What we must call a life? This story tells us about life, about a so called long life. It tells us about a portion of life which comes to everyone’s life at a certain period. We tried our level best to tell about that portion. It seems, we had to represent one’s serious moment of thinking. At a certain period, one thinks about his life, about his death, what he has done within his whole life. We tried to capture that moment, how a person resembles his whole life through his mind.

Rxeb‡K wKfv‡e msÁvwqZ Kiv hvq? Rxeb Avm‡j Kx? †Kvb wRwbmUv‡K Avgiv Rxeb eje? GB MíwU Rxe‡bi, ïaygvÎ Rxeb‡K wb‡qB mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q GB MíwU| RxebB nj cÖavb Awf‡bZv GB M‡í| Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b Ggb GKUv gyûZ© ûU K‡i G‡m nvwRi nq, hLb Avgiv Rxeb wb‡q fve‡Z ïiæ Kwi| Rxeb Kx, giY Kx, Rb¥ †_‡K G ch©šÍ Kx Kx K‡iwQ, G¸‡jvB Ny‡i wd‡i fve‡Z ïiæ Kwi| TAGLINE Failure to success

Cinematographer Abdul Mamun Editor Abdul Mamun Producer Cinematics Leading Casts Sheikh Ishtiaque


Abdul Mamun is a dedicated filmmaker. He has profound that a film can beware people. He wants to make films for social awareness. “Expectation”, “Opekkha” are his notable works. He nurtures the idea of a society which will be based on equality having no bigotry or racism. He wants to be a great filmmaker in future.

CHESS Bangladesh | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min 20 sec Target audience


Director Faridul Ahasan Shourav Story Faridul Ahasan Shourav Script/Screenplay Faridul Ahasan Shourav Cinematographer Faridul Ahasan Shourav Editor KH Ornob

SYNOPSIS The experimental short film “Chess” is an attempt towards racial injustice. Although having equal power and characteristics, there are discrimination and conflict in our society. External condition is not a constant truth, it is ephemeral. All have the same ending. Chess is the reflection of it in symbolic meaning. The film ends on a serious note of bringing a sense of anti-racism through the black and white chess pieces and their allocated powers. The main intention is to project a stand against racism. This film is solely dedicated to all those great personalities who raised their voice against racism.

mv¤cÖ`vwqK AmvgÄm¨Zvi Dci wfwË K‡i wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU| mK‡ji mgvb AwaKvi; G AvBbwU Avgv‡`i msweav‡b cÖPwjZ _vKv m‡Ë¡I Avgv‡`i mgv‡R AvRI mKj wel‡q ˆelg¨ †`Lv hvq| evwn¨K kZ©¸wj †Kvb aªæe mZ¨ NUbv bq, KL‡bv KL‡bv gvbv nq memgq GgbUvB n‡q _v‡K Avgv‡`i Pvicv‡k| GB Pjw”PÎwU‡Z †mB NUbv¸‡jvB mnRfv‡e cÖZxKx A‡_© Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| `vev‡ev‡W©i mv`v Avi Kv‡jv ¸wU Avi Zv‡`i ÿgZv‡K e¨envi K‡i Amv¤cÖ`vwqK gvbwmKZvi Rb¥ w`‡Z wbwg©Z GB Pjw”PÎ| Amv¤cÖ`vwqKZvi weiæ‡× †mv”Pvi nIqvUvB wQj Avgv‡`i D‡Ïk¨| hvuiv eûevi mv¤cÖ`vwqKZvi weiæ×vPviY K‡i‡Qb, Zvu‡`iB ¯§„wZ‡Z DrmM©xK…Z| TAGLINE After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.

Producer Faridul Ahasan Shourav Leading Casts Ahsan H Shaan H.K Joseph Wahid kaiser Tusher


Faridul Ahasan Shourav was born iin Narayanganj n 1995. Currently he is studying in IER at University of Dhaka. He has created six short films and endeavour of his imminent short film is going impeccably. Three out of his six short films have been screened at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy where those got accolades from both the critics and the audiences.

DIGITAL QUESTION Bangladesh | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Action | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min 23 sec Target audience


Director Tanim Shariar Story Tanim Shariar Script/Screenplay Tanim Shariar Cinematographer Riad Ahmed Editor Faridul Fardin

SYNOPSIS This film is about those street children who lost parents in an early age. There is also a street-child in our story. She lost her parents in her very own childhood. Now she collects bottle in park. One day in the park, the street-child met a young boy, he was browsing internet in his notebook. She might know the words any man can be found on facebook. Then she remembered her missing parents. And tell the boy can you find my parents on facebook? The boy was speckles to heard the question. That silence is behind the mask is a simple answer to the question.

†ewk cwigv‡Y c_wkï †h, AvRKvj Avi Avgv‡`i †mUv †Pv‡L jv‡Mbv| g‡b nq, GgbUvB †Zv nIqvi K_v wQj| I‡`i‡K †`LviI †KD †bB, wb‡RivB wb‡R‡`i †`‡L ivL‡Q| GKwU c_wkïi MíB ejv n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”P‡Î| †QvU‡ejv‡Z evev-gv †K nvwi‡q GLb cv‡K© †evZj Kzovq ev”Pv †g‡qwU| GKw`b †m †`‡L †h, cv‡K© fvwm©wU co–qv GK †Q‡j †bvUey‡K Dey n‡q wK †hb Ki‡Q| c_wkïUv †Q‡jUvi mv‡_ K_vq K_vq Rvb‡Z cv‡i †dmeyK Pvjv‡”Q †m, †dmey‡K bvwK mevB‡K Lyu‡R cvIqv hvq| ZLb †g‡qUvi g‡b c‡o hvq wb‡Ri nviv‡bv gv-evevi K_v| TAGLINE Unanswered question of innocence

Aí eq‡m evev-gv †K nvwi‡q wKQz wkïi ¯’vb nq iv¯Ívq, GUvB Zv‡`i mewKQz, me‡_‡K Avcb| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Anin N‡U hvIqv NUbv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GwU GKwU| GZUvB

Producer Backbencher Films Leading Casts Nahil Arfeen Sumaya


Tanim Shariar is 19 years old. He loves filmmaking. One day he dreams of achieving The Academy Award for his country. This is his first short film. It was previously screened at Shodeshi Sholpodorgho Ussob-2015. And there, it won him Best Director award. His very first short film also won a best cinematography and best children artist award.

E EK MAMA BARIR GOLPO Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | Bengali | Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min 17 sec Target audience


Director S.A. Sadik Story Ashraful Azim Script/Screenplay Ashraful Azim Cinematographer Rafat Hossain

SYNOPSIS Because of some man-made reason, day by day the Sundarbans is depreciating. As this trend continues, the whole Sundarbans will be almost destroyed someday. It will become uninhabitable for animals of the forest. But a little bit of try can prevent from the loss of the Sundarbans. It’s our very beautiful land. People from foreign countries go there all the time. So, financially we are benefitted. We also visit the Sundarbans now and then. The air is fresh, the nature is fresh. But we should be worth trying to save the Sundarbans.

gvbe m„ó wewfbœ Kvi‡YB w`b w`b ÿwZMÖ¯’ n‡”Q Avgv‡`i †MŠi‡ei my›`ieb| Gfv‡e Pj‡Z _vK‡j GKw`b my›`ie‡bi aŸsmve‡klUvB †eu‡P _vK‡e Avgv‡`i gvbwP‡Î| e‡bi cÖvYx‡`i Rb¨ emev‡mi A‡hvM¨ n‡q `vuov‡e, cÖvwYKz‡ji Rb¨ G GK weivU ûgwK| wKš‘ GKUz †Póv ØvivB m¤¢e, Avgv‡`i GB my›`ieb‡K ÿwZi nvZ †_‡K iÿv Kiv| my›`ieb Avgv‡`i A‡bK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GKwU f‚wg| Ab¨vb¨ †`k †_‡KI gvbyl Av‡m, Avgv‡`i GB my›`ieb‡K †`L‡Z| d‡j Avw_©Kfv‡eI Avgiv DcK…Z n‡Z cvwi| AvgivI cÖwZeQiB Nyi‡Z P‡j †h‡Z cvwi †mLv‡b| TAGLINE Save the Sundarbans

Editor S.A. Sadik Sifat Ut Taki Producer BRACU Leading Casts Royal Bengal Tiger Turtle


S. A. Sadik is a Motion Graphics Designer. Currently he is studying CSE in BRAC University. He is also a filmmaker. He has directed 2 short films previously named “Onug O Onutap”, “Erpor Bastobota”. He is an assistant instructor at BRACU RS Animation Film Activity. “E Ek Mama Barir Golpo” is his first Animated Film.

EKTA KINTU Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Thriller | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 12 min Target audience


Director Sadia Noor Mithila Arafat Khan Nayeem Hossain Tanjir Story Sadia Noor Mithila Arafat Khan Script/Screenplay Sadia Noor Mithila Arafat Khan

SYNOPSIS Does your dark past still haunt you? What if your subconscious mind takes control over your life? What will you do about then? What you must do? This short film is based on the concept of Mnemophobia (fear of memory), it tells a tale of a girl who is chased by her dark past. She becomes a person without soul, a dead person walking. This story will take us to her memories what she must do to get her life back. She is enough capable to control her life.

Avcbvi wK †Kvb ai‡Yi AZxZ i‡q‡Q hv GL‡bv Avcbv‡K Zvov K‡i †d‡i? wK n‡e hw` Avcbvi GB AZxZ Avcbvi Rxeb‡K wbqš¿Y Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i †`q? Avcwb Kx Ki‡eb Avcbvi Rxe‡bi wbqš¿Y wd‡i †c‡Z? Avcbvi Kx Kiv DwPZ? A‡bK¸‡jv cÖkœ‡K m¤§y‡L wb‡qB GB Pjw”P‡Î mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q GKwU †g‡qi Mí| †g‡qwUi AZxZ Zv‡K Zvov K‡i †d‡i| AZx‡Zi ¯§„wZ Zv‡K RvMÖZ K‡i iv‡L g„Zz¨‡Zi †Kvj †_‡K| mvivÿY Zv‡K g‡b Kwi‡q †`q GK fq| GB fq †_‡K evuP‡ZB †g‡qwU‡K wb‡Z n‡e KwVb †Kvb wm×všÍ| hvi Øviv †m wd‡i †c‡Z cv‡i Zvi Rxeb| †g‡qwUi B”Qvkw³ Avi cÖPÛ mvnm, Zvi Rxeb‡K cybtivq wd‡i †c‡Z hv Ki‡Z nq †m Ki‡e|

Cinematographer Nayeem Hossain Tanjir Editor Nayeem Hossain Tanjir Producer Cosmic Friends Leading Casts Kazi Mahir Tajwar Jannatul Ferdous Pomi Redwana Refaya Tasfia Sohan Ahmed Sakib Saleheen 261

Sadia Noor Mithila would like to build up herself through her works. She is passionate about painting, photography, filmmaking or public speaking. She wants to know people more and also to let people know about her thoughts as well. She is now studying pharmacy in East West University. She works as a volunteer in The Daily Star. Arafat Khan was born in Dhaka in 1996. He is studying B.Sc. in Textile Engineering at Southeast University. From his very childhood, he has been dreaming to do something creative. He likes filmmaking, cycling, traveling, acting and photography. He has been awarded “Best International Social Awareness Documentary Film” for his film “Untitled” by “Delta Moon Film Festival”.

FLOP - THE CYLINDER Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Musical | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Rashed Kabir Shoumik Md. Alvee Islam Story Rashed Kabir Shoumik Script/Screenplay Rashed Kabir Shoumik Cinematographer Name Editor Rashed Kabir Shoumik

SYNOPSIS Flop is a cylinder made out of concrete in a factory. He dreams of becoming something useful, something special. As he goes on, he decides to be an Airport. But time flies, he is needed to be tested of his abilities. So he is brought in front of a machine called UTM. It is Universal Testing Machine, which will test his abilities. So, Flop must be prepared to act as an airport. He tried so much, he tried to show his abilities about becoming an airport. Finally, he got crushed. At the end, he reached his goal finally.

GKevi GK KviLvbvq KsμxU w`‡q GKevi GK wmwjÛvi ˆZwi Kiv nj| Gi bvg nj d¬c| †m ¯^cœ †`‡L eo wKQz nIqvi; †m Pvq GKw`b A‡bK eo wKQz Ki‡e †m, GB Avkvq w`b KvUvq d¬c| hZB eo nq, ZZB Zvi B”Qvkw³ `„p nq| †m fv‡e, Gqvi‡cvU© AvKv‡i A‡bK eo, gvby‡li Kv‡Q A‡bK cÖ‡qvRbxq| †m wm×všÍ †bq, eo n‡q †m GKwU Gqvi‡cvU© n‡e| mgq e‡q hvq, Zv‡K †Uw÷s †gwk‡bi Kv‡Q †bqv nq, †U÷ K‡i Gevi †`Lv n‡e Zvi ÿgZv| d¬c eyS‡Z cv‡i GB Zvi mgq, Zv‡K cÖ¯‘Z n‡Z n‡e| cÖgvY Ki‡Z n‡e †Uw÷s †gwk‡bi Kv‡Q †h, Zvi Gqvi‡cvU© nIqvi †hvM¨Zv we`¨gvb| K‡Vvi cwikª‡g gb †`q d¬c| mgq G‡m Dcw¯’Z nq| wKš‘ `yf©vM¨RbKfv‡e †Uw÷s Gi mg‡q, d¬c †f‡O ¸uwo‡q hvq| wKš‘ †m `‡g hvq bv, cÖPÛ GB B”Qvkw³B Zv‡K wb‡q hvq Zvi ¯^cœc~i‡Yi Avw½bvq| TAGLINE Never stop fighting for your dream.

Producer Sada Camera Rongo Chaya Leading Casts Flop (Animated Cherecter)


Rashed Kabir Shoumik is an Undergraduate student of Civil Engineering at University of Asia Pacific. He is a quick learner, curious, ambitious fellow, obsessed with filmmaking. He participated in many national & international including 8th & 9th International Children Film Festival. He has been awared 3rd & 6th position in Inter University Short Film Festival 2016 arranged by NSU. Alvee Islam has graduated from University of Asia Pacific in Civil Engineering. He completed SSC from school of development alternative and HSC from Stamford College. Currently he is doing his MSc from United International Universiry in Computer Science and Engineering. He is a script writer at Handyfilm. He is also working with Multimedia Kingdom.

HELP Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla |Bangladesh Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Md. Yousuf Biplob Story Imraul Rafat Script/Screenplay Md Yousuf Biplob Cinematographer Shohag Chowdury

SYNOPSIS A boy dreams to become a famous photographer from his very childhood. But he stucks among his family. His family doesn’t support him to fullfill his dream. One day, while his father is watching television, he realized that photophers could also be helpful photographer for our country. Then he gives a new camera to his son and says, “Embrace the world with your eyes”.

ˆkke †_‡KB, GKwU †Q‡j g¯Í eo GK d‡UvMÖvdvi nIqvi ¯^cœ wb‡q eo nq| wKš‘ Zvi G ¯^‡cœ eva mv‡a Zvi cwievi| Zvi cwievi Pvq bv, †m d‡UvMÖvdvi n‡q iv¯Ívq iv¯Ívq Ny‡i †eovK| M‡íi †gvo Ny‡i hvq GKw`b| †mw`b †Q‡jwUi evev wUwf †`LwQj, nVvr K‡iB eyS‡Z cv‡i †h, GB‡`‡ki DbœwZi Rb¨ d‡UvMÖvdv‡iiI cÖ‡qvRb i‡q‡Q A‡bKLvwb| ZLwb wb‡Ri †Q‡j‡K GKwU bZzb K¨v‡giv wK‡b w`‡q e‡j †h, Zzwg †Zvgvi †PvL w`‡q GB my›`i c„w_ex‡K ‡`‡Lv| TAGLINE Embrace the world with your eyes.

Editor Linkon Islam Producer Cinemascope Leading Casts Shoyeb Monir Jannat Shaikat


Steven Spielberg was born in the USA in 1980 and grew up mainly in Lesotho, South Africa but also in Germany. He studied Fine Art at the University of Cape Town, followed by a 2-year post-graduate residency at le Fresnoy, studio national des arts contemporains in France and then a post-graduate film directing programme at the dffb film academy in Berlin.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla |Bangladesh Premiere | 14 min Target audience


Director Nowaj Shareef Story Nowaj Shareef Script/Screenplay Nowaj Shareef Cinematographer Washif Ahmed

SYNOPSIS After getting admitted into a medical college, a medical student found out that medical life is far different from normal life. Habits get changed automatically. Medical students become robot like persons. Their food habits, their sleep habits even social life also become so different. They faced many problems which they haven’t faced before. They tried their level best to figure out the equation to cope up with the medical life.

K‡jR PË¡i †cwi‡q GKwU QvÎ hLb †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡R Xz‡K `yBgvm K¬vm K‡i, ZLb †m Abyaveb Ki‡Z cv‡i Zvi Rxe‡bi A‡bK wKQzB cwieZ©b n‡q †M‡Q| Gici †_‡K wb‡R‡K nvwi‡q †d‡j †gwW‡K‡ji †MvjK avuavq| Zvi Af¨vm¸wj wb‡R wb‡RB cwiewZ©Z n‡Z ïiæ K‡i| †kl ch©šÍ Zviv cwiYZ nq †iveUgvby‡l| Zv‡`i LvIqvi Af¨vm, Nygv‡bvi Af¨vm, GgbwK mvgvwRK m¤cK©¸‡jv‡ZI cÖfve c‡o hvq GB †gwW‡Kj Rxe‡bi| wewfbœ wkÿv_©xi wewfbœ mgm¨v Zv‡`i GK ch©v‡q avweZ K‡i †f‡O covi w`‡K| wKš‘ Zviv GKUv mgq wM‡q eyS‡Z cv‡i Ggb K‡i Avi Pj‡Z †`qv hvq bv, Zviv Ny‡i `vuov‡bvi †Póv K‡i c~‡Y©v`¨‡g|

Editor Zamiul Islam Hridoy Producer Experimental Films Leading Casts Zakaria Shuvro AnUp SaRker Dip Nasif Rahman Tasmia Chowdhury Isra Rahman Prothoma Morshed Asif Rehnuma Jahangir


Nowaj Shareef was born in 1995. From his very childhood he dreamt of being a filmmaker. At class ten standard, he joined in a filmmaking group called “Experi_mental Films”. He started working as an assistant director in short films. Currently he is studying MBBS at “IMC”. “History of Present Illness” became a huge phenomenon in all Bangladeshi Medical College arenas.

IN SEARCH OF THE MISSING WORDS Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | Bangladesh Premiere | 205 min Target audience


Director Nasser Hasib Siddiqui Story Nasser Hasib Siddiqui Ragib Ahsan Script/Screenplay Nasser Hasib Siddiqui Cinematographer Ragib Ahsan Editor Partho Khan

SYNOPSIS Within the mechanical adult life there is a child in everyone that keeps the deep human side alive. The play doll in the Rupa’s hand is a metaphor for that child in us. We as adults do everything to protect that child, turning its face away from harsh truth as portrayed by turning the doll’s face away. However, more times than not we stand in a position of utter helplessness, get squashed by cruel reality. Initially this film might resonate as the story of a sex worker however; I intended to leave the judgment onto the audience. This story can be portrayed as story of a sex worker, a girl in abusive relationship, or even a marital relationship where there is only the use of a women’s body, but no love. While the girl hung her doll, she dehumanized herself; whether killing the inner child, or even her life.

weÁvb I cÖhyw³i GB hy‡M, gvby‡li †_‡K hš¿cvwZi AvwacZ¨ †ewk| GB hyM nj Aweivg hvwš¿K GK hyM| AvgivI w`bw`b hvwš¿K n‡q hvw”Q| ZeyI cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki gv‡S GKUv wkï gb _v‡K, hv wKbv Avgv‡`i gvbweK w`K¸‡jv‡K GL‡bv evuwP‡q †i‡L‡Q| iæcv bv‡gi †g‡qwUi nv‡Z †h cyZzj wU i‡q‡Q, cÖZxKx A‡_© †mwUB nj wkïgb| e‡qve„w×i mv‡_ mv‡_ Avgiv cÖ‡Z¨‡KB †mB wkïgb‡K iÿv Ki‡Z wk‡L hvB| iƒp mZ¨ †_‡K H wkïgb‡K `~‡i mwi‡q PvB Avgiv, ZvB iƒcv cyZzjwUi gyL Nywi‡q †`q wbôzi ev¯Íe †_‡K|

Producer Partho Khan Leading Casts Salwat Shemonti Asif Anjum Ayon


Nasser Hasib Siddiqui is a passionate filmmaker. Currently he is studying in Marketing at North South University. He is also doing Diploma in filmmaking from Pathshala: South Asian Media Academy. He wants to touch lives as many as possible with his works, and in return he needs nothing more and nothing less than love.

INDEFINITE TIME Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 3 min 25 sec Target audience


Director Mahabubul Antor Story Mahabubul Antor Script/Screenplay Sarah Tanjim Abdul Ela Cinematographer Mahabubul Antor Humayun Ahmed

SYNOPSIS This short film tells us a story. A story about an ordinary day, about some regular people and about a strange street boy. This film tells an old story in a new way. We are the generation who have eyes but are still blind to death. The usual things we do everyday is wrong but there is no one to see or say anything or also hear anything. In this part a boy comes from the lowest part of the society, tries to change our regular mistakes. Let’s see what he can do.

¯^í‰`N¨© GB Pjw”PÎwU Avgv‡`i GKwU Mí e‡j| †QvÆ GK Mí, GKwU AwZ mvaviY mg‡qi Mí, wKQz mvaviY gvbylR‡bi Mí| Avi Av‡Q GK evjK; evjKwUi LyeB A™¢zZ GK ¸Y i‡q‡Q| cyi‡bv Mí‡KB bZzb Avw½‡K mvwR‡q Avbv n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”P‡Î| Avgiv Ggb GK cÖRb¥ hviv †PvL _vKv m‡Ë¡I A‡Üi f‚wgKvq Awfbq K‡i _vwK, AÜZ¡ wb‡qB g„Zz¨i w`‡K GwM‡q hvB| Avgiv hZme ˆ`bw›`b Kv‡Ri mv‡_ RwoZ mewKQz‡ZB fzj Avi fzj| wKš‘ †m¸‡jv †`Lvi †KD †bB, GgbwK †kvbvi gvby‡liI eoB Afve| Ggb GK mgq‡K ¸wQ‡q bZzb K‡i mvRv‡bvi R‡b¨ mgv‡Ri wb¤œ¯Íi †_‡K D‡V Av‡m GK evjK| ïiæ K‡i Zvi cÖ‡Póv| †`Lv hvK, †kl ch©šÍ evjKwU †Kv_vq †h‡q †cŠuQvq| TAGLINE Let’s change our mind, world will change automatically.

Editor Ahmed Tamim Producer Mahabubul Antor Leading Casts Abdul Ela Ahmed Tamim


Mahabubul Antor has completed A level recently. He is very much interested to study filmmaking at University of Dhaka. He attended several filmmaking courses from Bangladesh Shishu Academy and National Institution of Mass Community. He used to work in Gtv and Bangladesh Television. He nurtures the idea of changing this society with his view and films.

KHUNNAS Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 8 min 12 sec Target audience


Director Naser Ahammed Story Naser Ahammed Script/Screenplay Naser Ahammed Cinematographer Daniyel Alam

SYNOPSIS This film is based on a story of a transgender. His name is Sajol. His mother died while giving him birth. So, in this cruel world he becomes lonely and also a burden. At his early age, womanish behavior was introduced to his father and society by Sajol. As other transgenders, Sajol becomes a burden of his father and society. Consequently, he was exiled from his society as well as from his family. His widower father wants to marry a girl. But he can’t because of Sajol. He has to leave his son or future wife. Who will win, a transgender son or future wife?

ga¨weË cwiev‡i †e‡o DVv gvZ…nxb GK mšÍv‡bi bvg mRj| Zv‡K Rb¥ w`‡Z wM‡qB Zvi gv‡qi g„Zz¨ nq| GB wbôzi c„w_ex‡Z mRj n‡q hvq GKv Avi GB mgv‡Ri †evSv| eqtmw܇ZB Zvi AvPi‡Y P‡j Av‡m †g‡qwj fve| mgvR Avi mR‡ji GKgvÎ cwievi Zvi evev, `yB RvqMv‡ZB †m †evSv n‡q `vovq| GB mšÍvb‡K wb‡q wecv‡K c‡o hvq mR‡ji evev| wnRov‡`i bR‡iI c‡o hvq mRj| GKvKx GB msmv‡i wZ³ wei³ n‡q mR‡ji evevi GKw`b fvj †j‡M hvq cÖwZ‡ekx weaev‡K| wKš‘ ney ¯¿x mR‡ji fvi wb‡Z bvivR| GgbwK mgvRI IiKgB fve‡Q| mRj‡K wb‡q Zvi evevi g‡b †`Lv †`q wØavØ›Ø| wK Ki‡e GLb mR‡ji evev? Kv‡K †e‡Q †b‡e †m? wb‡Ri mšÍvb bvwK wbtm½ Rxe‡bi bZzb m½xbx‡K|

Editor Imtiaz Ahmed Sharafath Ali Producer Naser Ahammed Leading Casts Kazi Zillo Alisha Alifa Rubel Lota Shojol


Naser Ahammed was born in Brahmanbaria. He has past his childhood in a village of Brahmanbaria. He completed SSC & HSC in his local area. Thereafter, he has admitted into Chittagong University for higher study. Now he is doing his masters. He is a passionate filmmaker. He started his filmmaking in 2015. He contributed in 4 short films till now.

MASTER OF PUPPETS Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 10 min 27 sec Target audience


Director Abdul Ela Story Noor E Alam Taimur Muhzab Hasan Script/Screenplay Noor E Alam Taimur Cinematographer Noor E Alam Taimur

SYNOPSIS From the very beginning of mankind, human race has been indulged into sins. Those sins were there for so long that without those the existence of life would seem unnatural. This is the story of a writer who is writing a script on ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ and becomes a sinner himself at a point. With this sense of sin, the ultimate question also forms in his mind, “Is this world real, or we are just some figments of imagination in someone’s mind?”

gvbemf¨Zvi ïiæ †_‡KB gvbeRvwZ AcK‡g©i mv‡_ cwiwPZ| m„wói hZ cÖ_‡gB hvIqv †nvK bv †Kb, c„w_ex m„wói gyûZ© †_‡KB †hb AcKg©¸wj gvbemf¨Zvi mve©ÿwYK m½x| GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”P‡Î, GKRb †jL‡Ki Rxe‡bi Mí ejv n‡q‡Q| †jLKwU mvZwU RNb¨ AcK‡g©i Mí wjL‡Z ïiæ K‡iwQj| GKmgq †m wb‡RB Rwo‡q hvq AcK‡g©i mv‡_| wb‡Ri mvwnZ¨‡K c~Y© Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ AcKg©‡K wb‡Ri m½x K‡i †bq| mvwnZ¨ †K ev¯Í‡e iƒc w`‡Z GKUzI evu‡a bv Zvi we‡e‡K| `k©‡Ki Kv‡Q cÖkœ †_‡K hvq, Avgv‡`i GB RMr wK mZ¨, bvwK GUvI Kv‡iv gw¯Í‡®‹ †jLv GK Mí? TAGLINE Seven Deadly Sins

Editor Ranan Rahim Producer Taslima Khatun Leading Casts Muhzub Hasan Zisdan Debjani Shyama Nasrin Jahan Ashik Istiak Safuana junaira


Abdul Ela lives in Gandaria, Dhaka. He passed SSC from Dhaka Govt. Muslim High School. He is very much passionate about films. He thinks that a good film can build up a good character. He is trying to be a good human being. He needs to improve his camera work. So that, our society can be looked through his camera.

MRITTU Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bengali | Bangladesh Premiere | 5 min 20 sec Target audience


Director Towkeer R Risat Story Shawon Koiri Script/Screenplay Towkeer R Risat Cinematographer Shaikh Shahriq Hasan Editor Towkeer R Risat

SYNOPSIS Each and everyone is born with talents. Every child is special. Their talents are often lost for some social bindings by the course of time. They are discouraged to make their dreams true. This loss brings nothing but a failure in life. Such potential values within us could be the future hope but our social affairs sometimes don’t let us to bring them out. Rather forces us to kill them within our heart. Hence, We become killers. Every day and night we kill our dreams. We get older and older. Suddenly, we realize if I dare to dream again, today would be like another day.

cÖ‡Z¨K gvbylB cÖPÛ †gavkw³ wb‡q Rb¥vq| cÖ‡Z¨K wkïiB _v‡K Zvi wbR¯^ we‡klZ¡| Zv‡`i †gav mwVK cwiPh©vi Afv‡e myß †_‡K hvq| Zv‡`i‡K ¯^cœ †`Lvi Rb¨ KL‡bvB Avgv‡`i mgvR DrmvwnZ K‡ibv| GB ai‡Yi gbgvbwmKZv wb‡q GKUv wkï wb‡R‡K ˆkk‡eB e¨_© fve‡Z ïiæ K‡i †`q| Avgv‡`i GB wbg©vYvaxb mgv‡R cÖwZw`b nvRv‡iv cÖwZfvi g„Zz¨ n‡”Q| mgv‡Ri evuvi wkKvi nw”Q Avgiv mK‡j| Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU av‡c GKwU GKwU K‡i cÖwZfv nvwi‡q hv‡”Q, ARvbv K_v Rvbvi †bkvq| PvKwii evRv‡i wR‡Z hv‡”Q ïay AwfRvZ †kªwY| Gfv‡eB e¨_© gvby‡li fxo Rg‡Q Avgv‡`i cwi‡e‡ki Avubv‡P Kvubv‡P| TAGLINE Never lose your hidden talent

Producer Towkeer R Risat Leading Casts Ahsan Habib


Towkeer Rahim Risat studied in School Of Development Alternative(SODA) and Notre Dame College. He realized his passion in filmmaking while he was in college. The social affairs makes him thinking about the values based on which he loves to work. He often uses his name as Towkeer R Risat in film credits. “Chironton Shotto” is his notable short film.

NEEROB Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 7 min Target audience


Director Najmus Saaqib Story Najmus Saaqib Script/Screenplay Najmus Saaqib Cinematographer Arghya Roy

SYNOPSIS It is very much beneficial to be born as a human. We grow up step by step. In one part of our life, we don’t have to think about life. There are our parents to take care of. They cover their child with love. When a child steps into teen age, he feels so lonely. It is just the beginning, the beginning about our passionate thoughts. We seem like we are unknown to ourselves. We start to react in every matter, we feel ashamed. There is no solution of it. This film represents these small portions of our human life.

gvbyl n‡q Rb¥v‡bvi †ek wKQz myweav i‡q‡Q| av‡c av‡c eo nIqv hvq, Rxe‡bi GKUv Ask wb‡q Avgv‡`i fve‡Z nqbv| fvevi Rb¨ evev-gv bvgK A™¢zZ RvwZ †Zv Av‡QB, hviv wKbv me©v‡MÖ mšÍvb‡K AvM‡j iv‡L| ˆkke Qvwo‡q hLb Avgiv ˆK‡kv‡i cv w`B, ZLb †hb me‡_‡K GKvKxZ¡ †Su‡K e‡m Avgv‡`i| eqtmwÜi mgqUvq ïiæ nq Avgv‡`i Av‡eMx wePiY| Avgiv †hb wb‡Ri gv‡SB wb‡R‡K AcwiwPZ fve‡Z ïiæ Kwi| mevi mv‡_B †hb mvivÿY †gRvR weM‡o _v‡K| mvivÿY GKv GKv jv‡M, wb‡R‡K welYœ g‡b nq| Gi Avm‡j †Kvb mgvavb †bB| GB †QvU †QvU welq¸‡jvB Zz‡j aivi ÿz`ª GK cÖ‡Póv Kiv n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”P‡Î| TAGLINE

cÖqvZ †Mvìwdm ¯§i‡Y Editor Asif Shahriar Producer Najmus Saaqib Leading Casts Shanto Ahmed Subhana Monisha Monosha Rani Roy


Najmus Saaqib lives in Rangpur. He was a student of Rangpur Zilla School. He owns a band named “Aadhpagla(Halfmad)”. He has huge interest in filmmaking and music. He has directed several short films including “Shohor (2013)”, “Proyojon (2014)”, “Kobir Osukh (2014)”, “Koshto (2016)”. He is very much passionate about filmmaking. In future, he wants to be a great director.

PUTUL NACH Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Romance | Bangla | No Premiere | 18 min Target audience


Director Rashid Abrar Riyad Story Rashid Abrar Riyad Script/Screenplay Rashid Abrar Riyad Cinematographer Rashid Abrar Riyad

SYNOPSIS It is a tale that belongs to other short stories. Short stories make a chain story. This film tells us about that story. There is a story about a doll, about some love, love of some passionate beings. They are stucked between the traffic jam of life. These beings may be human or else. Dolls are supposed to tell the whole story of mankind. Our reality and our fate is described through dolls. We feel again and again that do we know about our fate really? Could we control the fate of dolls? Or are we not the dolls stringed by our creator?

c„_K cwiμgvi Mí GwU| A‡bK ¸‡jv Mí‡K GKmv‡_ †eu‡a †`qv Mí GwU| Mí M‡í gvjv ˆZwi n‡q‡Q, gvjvwU A‡bK my›`i †`L‡Z| G‡Z i‡q‡Q wKQz cyZz‡ji Mí, i‡q‡Q nvDwRs R¨v‡g AvU‡K _vKv wKQz fvjevmvi Mí| n¨vu, wKQz gvby‡li MíI Av‡Q G‡Z| me wg‡j wg‡kB ˆZwi n‡q‡Q GB MíLvwb| cyZz‡ji m¾vq ax‡i ax‡i eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q Avgvi ev¯ÍeZv Avi †mBmv‡_ Avgv‡`i wbqwZ| wbqwZi Mí ej‡Z wM‡q Abyfe K‡iwQ evievi, Avgiv wK Rvwb Avgv‡`i wbqwZ Avm‡j wK, †Kv_vq wb‡q P‡j‡Q Avgv‡`i †mB wbqwZ| cyZz‡ji wbqwZ wK Avgiv wbqš¿Y Kwi? †Kvb GK mË¡vi Kv‡QI wK Avgiv gvby‡livB cyZzj bB?

Editor Rashid Abrar Riyad Producer Fakir Mohammad Naim Leading Casts Shuvo Karmaker Somyia Ramin Ayesha Afroze Aura


Rashid Abrar Riyad is from Rangpur. He passed SSC from Rangpur Zilla School and HSC from Rangpur Cantonment Public School And College. Now, he is studying CSE at Mawlana Bhasani Science and Technology University(MBSTU), Tangail. His debute short film was “Dukkher Kotha Ki Ar Bolbo”. His second short film was “Murgi”.

SAY NO TO CORRUPTION Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 3 min Target audience


Director Mikshetu Mithu Story Mikshetu Mithu Script/Screenplay Mikshetu Mithu Cinematographer Muhammad Asadullah Editor Usama Yousuf

SYNOPSIS Corruption is not just a word, it’s a community full of corrupt people. Not only our country contains corrupt people but also every community gives birth people like that. It’s a story about how corruption works. A local political leader gives a small work to his team workers. Corruption started in every steps & finally it goes sufferings. It’s a symbolic corruption system to the high level of the country. Our country has been suffering from this desease for decades.

¯’vbxq GK †bZv Zvi `‡ji †jvK‡`i GKUv Kv‡Ri `vwqZ¡ †`q| my‡hvM ey‡S cÖ‡Z¨‡KB wb‡Ri RvqMv †_‡K ïiæ K‡i `yb©xwZ| d‡j Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í KvRwU Lviv‡ci w`‡K †h‡Z ïiæ K‡i w`b w`b| cÖZxKx A‡_© Gfv‡eB mnR fvlvq ejv n‡q‡Q `yb©xwZi MíwU| Avgv‡`i †`k eûw`b a‡i GB gviYe¨wawU‡Z AvμvšÍ| †`‡k gvbyl Av‡Q, wKš‘ †`k‡K Avcb fvevi gvby‡li eoB Afve| TAGLINE Say no to corruption

`yb©xwZ †Kvb GKwU mvaviY kãgvÎ bq, `yb©xwZevR‡`i wb‡q MwVZ GK m¤cÖ`v‡qi bvg `yb©xwZ| `yb©xwZ †h ïay Avgv‡`i †`‡kB n‡q _v‡K e¨vcviUv Zv bq, cy‡iv c„w_ex Ry‡oB i‡q‡Q `yb©xwZevR‡`i Avbv‡Mvbv| †mB `yb©xwZ †K me©mg‡q wb‡q Avmvi MíB mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”P‡Î|

Producer Mikshetu Mithu Leading Casts Piash Tamim Shanto


Mikshetu Mithu is studying in Bangladesh university of textiles. Previously he studied in Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur. He is an enthusiastic story writer. He has directed several short films named, “Otithi Kokkho”, “Lojja”, “Protibad”, “Fulwala”. He wants to study further about filmmaking. He is liberal, non-communal and gets impulsion for his films from these aspects.

SMRITY ROKKHOK Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Thriller | Bangla | No Premiere | 6 min Target audience


Director Thouhedul Islam Himel Story Thouhedul Islam Himel Script/Screenplay Jabed Bhuyian Cinematographer Thouhedul Islam Himel

SYNOPSIS A boy dreams to become a famous photographer from his very childhood. But he stucks among his family. His family doesn’t support him to fullfill his dream. One day, while his father is watching television, he realized that photophers could also be helpful photographer for our country. Then he gives a new camera to his son and says, “Embrace the world with your eyes”.

ˆkke †_‡KB, GKwU †Q‡j g¯Í eo GK d‡UvMÖvdvi nIqvi ¯^cœ wb‡q eo nq| wKš‘ Zvi G ¯^‡cœ eva mv‡a Zvi cwievi| Zvi cwievi Pvq bv, †m d‡UvMÖvdvi n‡q iv¯Ívq iv¯Ívq Ny‡i †eovK| M‡íi †gvo Ny‡i hvq GKw`b| †mw`b †Q‡jwUi evev wUwf †`LwQj, nVvr K‡iB eyS‡Z cv‡i †h, GB‡`‡ki DbœwZi Rb¨ d‡UvMÖvdv‡iiI cÖ‡qvRb i‡q‡Q A‡bKLvwb| ZLywb wb‡Ri †Q‡j‡K GKwU bZzb K¨v‡giv wK‡b w`‡q e‡j †h, Zzwg †Zvgvi †PvL w`‡q GB my›`i c„w_ex‡K Ae‡jvKb K‡iv| TAGLINE Embrace the world with your eyes.

Editor Thouhedul Islam Himel Producer Arrival Leading Casts Mostakim Masum Dipu Sakir Sajib Shamim Rehana Dipu


Thouhedul Islam Himel is studying Multimedia & Creative Technology at Daffodil International University. He loves to do creative works with friends. He wants do something great for his country. He is enthusiast about doing something new, something productive. He designed a Bangla Typoface named, “Abirvab Font”. “Junction”, “Lalon”, “Wariness”, “Smrity Rokkhok” are some of his notable works.

SROSTA Bangladesh | 2016 | Other | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 18 min 18 sec Target audience


Director Ananna Zaman Nishi Story Ananna Zaman Nishi Script/Screenplay Ananna Zaman Nishi Cinematographer Ananna Zaman Nishi Editor Ananna Zaman Nishi

SYNOPSIS Nishi is a very modest person. She is married to a narrow minded person. They both wanted a child. But her husband ensured it needs be a boy child. She and her husband are passing two years of their married life. Still the desire for a baby boy prevent the couple having any child. That is the reason why he forced Nishi to abort their last girl fetus. And this year Nishi again gave birth to a baby girl. Nishi knew her fate. Nishi could not digest her husband’s exploitation. She killed her girl and herself.

wbwk LyeB fvj GKwU †g‡q| wbwki we‡q n‡q‡Q wVK wecixZ GKUv gvby‡li mv‡_; †h wK bv LyeB KzrwmZ gvbwmKZv m¤cbœ| Zviv `yR‡bB GKwU ev”Pv PvBwQj| wKš‘ wbwki ¯^vgxi B”Qv cÖ_g ev”Pv Aek¨B †Q‡j nIqv PvB| `yeQi n‡q †Mj Zv‡`i ˆeevwnK Rxe‡bi| GLbI Zvi ¯^vgx Avkv K‡i Av‡Q GKwU †Q‡j mšÍv‡bi, d‡j Zviv GLbI mšÍvbnxb| M‡f© Avmv mšÍvbwU †g‡q Rvb‡Z †c‡i, ¯^vgxi KzrwmZ `„wófw½i Kvi‡YB wbwk‡K Mf©cvZ Kiv‡Z nj| GBeQi Ae‡kl wbwk Avev‡iv mšÍvb Rb¥ w`‡jv| `yf©vM¨ekZt GB mšÍvbwUI †g‡q| wbwk Lye fvj fv‡eB eyS‡Z †c‡iwQj, Zvi mšÍv‡bi fwel¨Z Kx| †m ZvB GKBmv‡_ wb‡Ri ev”Pv mn AvZ¥nZ¨vi c_ †e‡Q †bq| TAGLINE Children have no gender

Producer ARSHI Films Leading Casts Oshomapto Shuvo Naima Ferdous Nishi Asnan Neherin Pritu Zannat


Ananna Nishi is Studying BA (Hons in English) at BUBT. She is a theater worker at Loko Natyo Dol. She is one of the former directors of BUBT Film and Filming Club. She started filmmaking in 2014. Her first short film is “The Chair”. It has been awarded 3rd Best Film title at 7th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh.

THE AUDIENCE Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.25:1 (5:4) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 5 min Target audience


Director Hamja Masud Story Hamja Masud Script/Screenplay Aho Nouroz Cinematographer Saddam Hossen Tasnim Khan Noman Arique

SYNOPSIS Cheating is the worst thing we have ever faced. Cheating is a crime. A cheater plays with our life. The saddest thing about cheating is it always appears in a sudden moment. It’s increasing in our society day by day. Cheaters continue to take advantage of people’s beliefs. In this way, theft, snatching and even drugs are moving on society. This short film is based on that story. A person who is cheated can never forget this memories throughout his whole life. The security system of our country can’t reach them to clean out this from our country.

cÖZviYv Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Kv‡QB GKwU wefxwlKv| LyeB Lvivc ai‡Yi Ab¨vq GB cÖZviYv| GKRb cÖZviK wKsev †Kvb GK cÖZviK Pμ gvby‡li Rxeb wb‡q †Ljv K‡i| cÖZvwiZ nIqvi me‡_‡K `yt‡Li e¨vcvi nj, GUv ûU K‡i G‡m Avgv‡`i mvg‡b nvwRi nq| cÖZvi‡Kiv gvby‡li wek¦vm AR©b K‡i †mUv‡KB e¨envi K‡i Zv‡`i weiæ‡×| Gfv‡e mgv‡R Pzwi, wQbZvB GgbwK gv`KI Qwo‡q co‡Q| GBiKg GKwU Mí wb‡qB Avgv‡`i ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎ| cÖZvwiZ nIqv gvbylwUi mvivRxeb †K‡U hvq, H ¯§„wZ¸‡jv gy‡Q †djvi Kv‡R| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki cÖkvmb e¨e¯’vB Ggb †h, cÖZviK Pμ‡K gy‡Q †dj‡Z I‡`i ch©šÍ †cŠuQv‡bvB m¤¢e nq bv|

Editor Saddam Hossen Producer AAB production Leading Casts Opu Shaha GM Nazmul


Hamja Masud is from Jessore. He is a student of National University. Currently he is working with Anjan Aich as an assistant director. He is staying in Middle Badda, Dhaka. In future, he wants to be a great director. He nurtures the idea of a society which will be based on equality having no bigotry or racism.

THE ILLUSION Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | No Premiere | 4 min 27 sec Target audience


Director Yeasir Yunus Story Yeasir Yunus Script/Screenplay Yeasir Yunus Cinematographer Fazle Rabbi Riyad Editor Yeasir Yunus

SYNOPSIS We are needed to be told a story. A right story at the right moment. Now-a-days the most peaceful religion has become a sign of terrorism. Does this religion says us to be a terrorist? Should we be in terrorism? In this story, a person gets into a bus on daily basis. Another person also gets on who is dressed up punjabi, tupi and beared on. The first guy thinks that he is a terrorist and he wants to blast a bomb anytime. At the end, he realizes that the second one is also a normal guy as like as him.

eZ©gvb †cÖÿvc‡U Avgv‡`i mK‡ji GKwU Mí Rvbv cÖ‡qvRb| me‡P‡q †ewkevi kvwšÍi K_v e‡j †h ag©, †mwU nj Bmjvg; hv wKbv Avgv‡`i mvg‡b Rw½i wb`k©biƒ‡c cÖZ¨vewZ©Z n‡q Av‡Q| Av”Qv, GB Bmjvg wK †Kvbfv‡e Rw½ev`‡K DrmvwnZ K‡i? Avgv‡`i mevi wK Rw½ev‡` cÖ‡ek Kiv DwPZ? Bmjvg m¤c‡K© †hgb åvšÍ aviYv GLb mevi gv‡S we`¨gvb, Zv `~i Ki‡ZB GB M‡íi AeZviYv| GB M‡í ejv n‡q‡Q GB †QvÆ NUbvi K_v| GK e¨w³ wbZ¨w`‡bi g‡Zv ev‡m D‡V e‡m| Zvicv‡ki BmjvwgK †jevmavix GKRb e‡m| cÖ_gRb g‡b K‡i †m nq‡Zv Rw½, †h †Kvb mgq †evgv dvwU‡q em‡Z cv‡i| †m †Kvbfv‡eB Avi wbwðZ n‡Z cvi‡Q bv| TAGLINE Terrorism has no religion.

Producer Rosso E Leading Casts Mehedi Hasan Imran Fahim Tahrin Kabir


Yeasir Yunus is currently a student of University of Dhaka. He is very much passionate about filmmaking. He has been directing short clips for 2 years. “The Illusion” is his first short film. He also works with many cultural organizations. He is a feature writer at The Daily Ittefaq. He wants to change the views of people about filmmaking.

THE MIRAGE Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 13 min Target audience


Director Shadab Tajwar Story Muhaimin Shanto Script/Screenplay Muhaimin Shanto Shadab Tajwar Cinematographer Redwan Raihan

SYNOPSIS Mankind cannot survive without a society, without a company. Technology has brought a new era in our lives. Though technology is failed to give us a proper society, it gave us a medium to join the society virtually. We use thousand websites and mobile apps like facebook, whats app, Instagram and so on. We search people via these. We are controlling ourselves by this technology. We have got motion in life through this, but couldn’t afford a passionate life. It stole our soul. Cause we can’t control them, we are just letting it to control mankind. In this crowd of ultra modern society, we lost our humanity. Technology made our lives easy, but it is not letting our lives to go on.

gvbyl mgvR Qvov evuP‡Z cv‡ib bv| cÖhyw³ Avgv‡`i GKwU c~Y©v½ mgvR bv w`‡Z cvi‡jI, Dcnvi w`‡q‡Q A‡bK¸‡jv mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨g| Avgiv †dmeyK, †nvqvUm A¨vc, BÝUvMÖvg mn nvRv‡iv I‡qemvBU Avi †gvevBj A¨vc †c‡qwQ| cQ›`g‡Zv Lyu‡R wbw”Q Avgv‡`i eÜy‡`i| wb‡R‡`i cy‡iv Rxeb‡K wbqš¿Y KiwQ GB me cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g| Avgv‡`i‡K G¸‡jv A‡bK †eM G‡b w`‡q‡Q, wKš‘ †K‡o wb‡q‡Q A‡bK eo GKUv wRwbm| Avgv‡`i mË¡v †K †K‡o wb‡q†Q GB cÖhyw³| KviY Avgiv G‡K wbqš¿Y KiwQ bv, eis GB cÖhyw³ cÖwZwbqZ Avgv‡`i wbqš¿Y K‡i P‡j‡Q| GB AZ¨vaywbK mvgvwRKZvi wf‡o Avgiv Avmj mvgvwRKZvB nvwi‡q †d‡jwQ| cÖhyw³ †Kej RxebUv‡K mnR K‡iB Zz‡j‡Q, Rxeb hvc‡b GwM‡q wb‡”Q bv| TAGLINE Social media or a mirage.

Editor Bony Chowdhury Producer Nazia Hashem Leading Casts Asif Bin Azad Arjumand Banu Chaity Anila Myoshe Barish Haque Musfiq R. Farhan


Shadab Tajwar was born in Dhaka in 1996. He is a young director. He also acts in short films. He made his debut in “Turning Point” on 2012 and debut film as an actor “Paromita” on 2016. Currently he is an undergraduate student in Drama and Dramatics at Jahangirnagar University. “Prayer” (2013), “Periculum” (2014), “The Mirage” (2016) are his some other works.

THE PICTURE Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 7 minu 24 sec Target audience


Director Shahidul Alam Shahed Story Shahidul Alam Shahed Script/Screenplay Shahidul Alam Shahed Cinematographer Shahidul Alam Shahed Editor Shahidul Alam Shahed

SYNOPSIS Poverty is a curse in our country as well as around the world. There are so many poorer people and street children. There’s no one to see them, no one to hear them. There are so many poor families and children around the world. They are leading a very miserable life. Photographers take picture of their miseries, do many documentaries. They get award and recognition as well as fame. But in most of the cases the state of life of that poor children remain the same. They have nowhere to live on. The poor get poorer.

A‡bK `wi`ª cwievi Avi c_wkï i‡q‡Q| Zviv LyeB `ytmn GK Rxebhvcb K‡i| d‡UvMÖvdviiv Zv‡`i Rxe‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i Qwe Zz‡j, wb‡R‡`i Qwei DcRxe¨ wn‡m‡e e¨envi K‡i, WKz‡g›Uvwi ˆZwi K‡i A‡bK my›`ifv‡e A_©e¨‡qi gva¨‡g| GRb¨ Zv‡`i‡K cyi¯‹…Z I m¤§vwbZ Kiv nq, Zviv AR©b K‡i L¨vwZ| wKš‘ †mB `wi`ª cwievi wKsev c_wkïi Kcvj wd‡i bv, †hgb wQj †ZgbB i‡q hvq| Zv‡`i hvIqvi †Kvb RvqMv _v‡Kbv| Zviv w`b w`b Av‡iv †hb `wi`ªZvq cÖ‡ek K‡i| TAGLINE A picture can never tell some stories.

Avgv‡`i †`k mn we‡k¦i cÖvq mKj †`‡kB `wi`ªZv GKwU RNb¨ Awfkvc| †gvU RbmsL¨vi GKUv eo AskB `wi`ª| Zv‡`i cv‡k `vuov‡bvi gZ, Zv‡`i †`Lvi gZ, Zv‡`i K_v¸wj †kvbvi gZ †KD †bB| Avgv‡`i cy‡iv wek¦Ry‡o,

Producer Shahidul Alam Shahed Leading Casts Sumon Basit Fahad Hasan Maahmud Tasnim trina


Shahidul Alam Shahed is an enthusiastic young filmmaker who loves to talk through lights and shadows. And everyday he is trying to learn and upgrade his skills. He wants to direct some real good films for Bangladesh. He is a co-owner of Kinative; a consulting agency. “CGPA-2.78”, “Josna”, “Shades and Identity”, “Eider Opekkha”, “Prochesta” are the remarkable ones.

THE WINDOW Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Black and white | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 2 min Target audience


Director Rashed Kabir Shoumik Story Rashed Kabir Shoumik Script/Screenplay Rashed Kabir Shoumik Cinematographer Rashed Kabir Shoumik

SYNOPSIS Tisha is a very simple girl; a lovely one. She smiles all the time. And she is also a very intelligent person. She was locked in a room. There was no window in that room. After a certain time, she realized that she was never going to see the real world again. She was scared. Suddenly, she felt to see the open sky again. So, she closed her eyes and felt the world around her in her thoughts. Her thoughts took her to an imaginary beautiful world. This short film continued her journey around the whole world.

Avi me evwjKv‡`i gZB wZkv AwZ mvaviY GK evwjKv; LyeB nvwmLywk GK evwjKv| wZkv LyeB eyw×gZx GKUv †g‡q| GKw`b wZkv GKUv N‡ii gv‡S AvU‡K hvq, Avi †e‡iv‡Z cv‡ibv| H NiwU‡Z †Kvb RvbvjvI wQj bv| wKQz mgq ci, Zvi Kv‡Q g‡b nq, GB Rxe‡b Avi KL‡bv †m GB NiwU †_‡K †e‡iv‡Z cvi‡e bv| †m g‡b g‡b fq cvq| nVvr †Lvjv AvKvk †`L‡Z B‡”Q K‡i wZkvi| †m ZLb Zvi †PvL eÜ K‡i g‡bi †PvL w`‡q AvKvk †`L‡Z ïiæ K‡i| Zvi gb Zv‡K wb‡q hvq GK Aev¯Íe `ywbqv‡Z| GB Pjw”PÎwU wZkvi GB hvÎv †K mvg‡bi w`‡K GwM‡q wb‡q hvq| TAGLINE Body can be chained, not the mind.

Editor Rashed Kabir Shoumik Producer SADA Camera Leading Casts Tanzin Rahman Tisha


Rashed Kabir Shoumik is an Undergraduate student of Civil Engineering at University of Asia Pacific. He is a quick learner, curious, ambitious fellow, obsessed with filmmaking. He participated in many national & international including 8th & 9th International Children Film Festival. He has been awared 3rd & 6th position in Inter University Short Film Festival 2016 arranged by NSU.

YOU TO LIVE Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | No Premiere | 11 min 22 sec Target audience


Director Shadman Shamsur Rahman Story & Screenplay Shadman Shamsur Rahman Cinematographer Jubaer Talukder Editor Jubaer Talukder Producer Nou Foring Leading Casts Ahmad Sakib Tanim Upom Louise Costa Sadat Ali Khan Shaumik Sharif Minhazur Rahman Sakib Jubaer Talukder Shadman Zahin Irin Jahan Afroze Ahsana Zerin Marium Tumpa Fahim Mahmud Robi Khairul 280

SYNOPSIS In the film, firstly we see a freedom fighter named Habib is being tortured in a Pakistani Military Camp. He is asked to tell the name of his friends, tempted to betray, told to sing the national anthem of Pakistan. Habib is severely beaten by Pakistanis, but he refuses to co-operate. Finally he is asked why he is tolerating such pain. Habib says it is for a ‘dream’. A dream for his country’s freedom, a dream for the future generations. His last words are ‘I know you guys will kill me, but you can’t kill my dream’. On the other hand, we see our new generation is failing to fulfill the dream of our freedom fighters. They are too busy with fake social activities and limitless fun. They are ignorant of our history, disrespectful to our country. That’s how the film shows the contrast of present and past.

nvwe‡ei Dci ˆckvwPK wbh©vZb P‡j, wKš‘ ZeyI †m cvwK¯Ívwb‡`i Kv‡Q bwZ ¯^xKvi K‡i bv| Ae‡k‡l Zvui Kv‡Q KviY Rvb‡Z PvIqv nq, †Kb †m G‡Zv wbh©vZb mn¨ Ki‡Q| nvwee e‡j †h, †m GKwU ¯^cœ‡K jvjb K‡i Av‡Q Zvui ey‡K, GKwU ¯^vaxb †`‡ki ¯^cœ, ¯^vaxb evsjvi ¯^cœ, bZzb GK cÖR‡b¥i ¯^cœ| cvwK¯Ívbxiv nq‡Zv Zv‡K †g‡i †dj‡e, wKš‘ Zvui ¯^cœ‡K wQwb‡q wb‡Z cvi‡e bv| Ab¨ Q‡K †`Lv‡bv nq, Avgv‡`i G hy‡Mi cÖRb¥ gyw³‡hv×v‡`i ¯^cœ c~i‡Y evisevi e¨_©| Zvuiv Avgv‡`i BwZnvm Rv‡bbv, †`k‡K we›`ygvÎ m¤§vb Ki‡Z ch©šÍ Rv‡bbv| †jvK †`Lv‡bv mvgvwRK gva¨g Avi A‰bwZK KvRKg© wb‡q Zviv †ewk e¨¯Í| GBme NUbvi ga¨ w`‡qB Avgv‡`i AZxZ Avi eZ©gv‡b Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q GB Pjw”P‡Î| TAGLINE I to die and you to live; which of these two is better only God knows.

Shadman Shamsur Rahman was born in Khilkhet, Dhaka. From Kurmitola High School, he passed SSC. He studied in Notre Dame College. Currently he is studying in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at BUET. He wants to learn more about filmmaking and improve his career as a filmmaker. In future, he would like to see his films winning people’s heart.



AVISHAP Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bengali | No Premiere | 19 min Target audience


Director Falguni Alam Story Falguni Alam Script/Screenplay Falguni Alam Cinematographer Masud Sheikh


Awfkvc SYNOPSIS Rafique and Shefali lives in a village. They were declared to be married of in a Late-Autumn when the paddy becomes ripe usually. In the meantime, their neighbor Haru uncle becomes bankrupt in his fish hatchery business. His brother goes missing also! Was it the curse of nature? A team of youth people comes to the village to inform them about the climate change and its’ effect on both environmental & social life. Rafique and Shefali did not know till then that they are going to face the destructive effect of nature due to climate change!

MÖv‡g ¯’vqx emevmiZ iwdK Avi †kdvjxi we‡q wVK nq| Zviv w`b †Mv‡b AMÖnvqY gv‡m avb cvKv‡bvi| GiB g‡a¨ gv‡Qi †N‡ii e¨emvq me©kvšÍ n‡q c‡_ e‡mb cÖwZ‡ekx nviæ KvKv| wb‡LvuR nq ZviB †QvUfvB| GKmgq MÖv‡g Av‡m GK`j D`¨gx ZiæY| MÖvgevmx‡K Rjevqyi cwieZ©b, cÖvK…wZK Avi mvgvwRK cwi‡e‡ki Dci wKfv‡e cÖfve †d‡j †m m¤c‡K© aviYv †`q Zviv| iwdK Avi †kdvjx ZL‡bv Rvb‡Zv bv Rjevqyi cwieZ©‡b cwi‡e‡ki aŸsmh‡Ái wkKvi n‡e Zviv wb‡RivB| Gevi Zv‡`iB wKQz Kiv Pvq, `yR‡biB UbK b‡o, bv †R‡b KZ eo ÿwZ K‡i e‡m Av‡Q Zviv| cwi‡e‡ki mv‡_ mv‡_ wb‡R‡`iI ÿwZ n‡q †Mj|

Editor Falguni Alam Producer Tabassum Shetu Irin Parvin Leading Casts Md. Ashibuzzaman Rupam Mahbuba Mukti Nahid Al Zaber Tabarok Al Rubay Champa Fayabee Alam Iftekhar Sourav


Falguni Alam was born in Galachipa, Patuakhali. Now she lives in Faridpur. Currently she is studying MBBS in Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur. She is now in 5th year. She is very much passionate about filmmaking. She likes to write also. Tarabazi, Selfie Maniac, Rubik’s Cube, Five taka are some of her works.

HAPPY WORLD Bangladesh | 2016 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | English | International Premiere | 3 min 18 sec Target audience


Director Hasan Jubair Story Hasan Jubair Script/Screenplay Hasan Jubair Cinematographer Hasan Jubair Editor Hasan Jubair

SYNOPSIS This is a 3D animation short film. In our world, many people go through water crisis. People of Bangladesh and Africa are mostly affected. They lead pathetic life because of water crisis. Many children can’t go to school because they have to stay in line to collect water. On the other hand, many people waste water. In this short film, we tried to create awareness to stop wasting water and we can also donate money for remove water crisis. No life can survive without water. We contain 70 percent of our body. So, we need water properly. We must do something to save pure water.

GwU GKwU A¨vwb‡g‡UW ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎ| Avgv‡`i c„w_ex‡Z A‡bK ai‡bi gvbyl i‡q‡Q hviv cvwbi Afv‡e fzM‡Qb| evsjv‡`‡ki Ges Avwd«Kvi gvbyl †ekx ÿwZMÖ¯’ GB w`K w`‡q| Zviv KóKi Rxeb hvcb K‡i| A‡bK ev”Pv we`¨vj†q †h‡Z ch©šÍ cv‡ibv, †Kbbv `ycyi †_‡K mܨv ch©šÍ Zv‡`i‡K cvwbi R‡b¨ jvB‡b `vuwo‡q _vK‡Z nq| Ab¨w`‡K A‡b‡K cvwb AcPq K‡i| GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU wbg©v‡Yi ga¨ w`‡q Avgiv †Póv K‡iwQ cvwbi myôz e¨env‡ii cÖwZ mZK©Zv e„w×i Rb¨| cvwb Qvov †Kvb Rx‡ei c‡ÿB †eu‡P _vKv m¤¢e bq| Avgv‡`i gbyl¨ kix‡ii cÖvq mËi fvMB nj cvwb| wb‡R‡`i cÖ‡qvR‡bB wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e cvwbi †hvMvb| TAGLINE Water is life

Producer Projuktiteam Leading Casts Hosen Tarek Bappy Rahman Hayat Mahmud Rahat Thouhedul Islam Himel


Hasan Jubair is trying to do great works for his country. He wants to build up a perfect animated film sector in his country. He likes to follow this, Stay Hungry, Stay foolish. He loves making new friends. He is very much passionate about filmmaking and his study. Mayer Dairy, Motlob, Fire Esho Fariya are some of his works.

KHELAGHAR Bangladesh | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Drama | Bangla | Bangladesh Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Mahadi Hasan Akash Story Khalid Bin Oli Bhuiyan Script/Screenplay Mahadi Hasan Akash Cinematographer Al Naseeb Jelani Editor Al Naseeb Jelani Mahadi Hasan Akash Producer Mahadi Hasan Akash Khalid Bin Oli Bhuiyan Al Naseeb Jelani Leading Casts KHELAGHAR Short Film has no specific cast. It’s story evolve with total human race



forest into village and then into city In Turn, is told in this short-length film.

SYNOPSIS In order to appeasing the requirement of food, clothing and habitation for the uncountable inhabitants of Earth, the natural environment has been demolished in an unplanned way on a regular basis. In the past 180 years, the Sundarbans is reduced to half of its former size. Every year woodland has been alarmingly decreased. This practice of industrialization and urbanization by destroying the natural ambiance leads our world to inevitable destruction. We are gradually spoiling Mother Nature without any insight. If we stick to this injudicious and foolish act of denying and destroying the nature in the name of development, one day this world will be uninhabitable. To keep the pace of Development and improvement of this beautiful world, there is no way except reservation of Bio-diversity. The brutal metamorphosis of a

we‡k¦i wecyj msL¨K Rb‡Mvôxi Abœ, e¯¿, evm¯’v‡bi cÖ‡qvRb †gUv‡Z cÖwZwbqZ AcwiKwíZfv‡e aŸsm Kiv n‡”Q cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek| DRvi Kiv n‡”Q eb| MZ 180 eQ‡i my›`ie‡bi AvqZb K‡g n‡q‡Q A‡a©K| cÖwZeQi mviv wek¦ Ry‡o ebvÂj nªvm cv‡”Q AvksKvRbKnv‡i| cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek aŸsm K‡i wkívqb, bMivq‡bi G aviv Avgv‡`i c„w_ex‡K †V‡j w`‡”Q wbwðZ aŸs‡mi w`‡K| AcwiKwíZfv‡e cÖvK…wZK cwi‡e‡ki wbqZ ÿwZ mvab K‡i P‡jwQ Avgiv| Avgv‡`i cÖK…wZ Pig wech©‡qi †kl mxgvq †cŠuQvi Av‡MB Avgv‡`i‡K m‡PZb n‡Z n‡e| cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek †K D‡cÿv K‡i †h Dbœq‡bi ¯^cœ Avgiv †`LwQ Zv Avm‡j †avuKv| G AcwiYvg`wk©Zvi gvïj Avgv‡`i‡KB w`‡Z n‡e| Gfv‡e Pj‡Z _vK‡j GKmgq G c„w_ex emev‡mi A‡hvM¨ n‡q DV‡e| ïaygvÎ Rxe ˆewP‡Îi msiÿbB cv‡i c„w_exi Dbœq‡bi aviv Ae¨vnZ ivL‡Z| GKwU ebvÂj wKfv‡e cvjvμ‡g eb †_‡K MÖvg, MÖvg †_‡K kn‡i iƒcvšÍwiZ nq, †m MíB ejv n‡q‡Q GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU‡Z|


Mahadi Hasan Akash passed SSC & HSC from Dhaka Residential Model College in accordingly 2009 & 2011. Currently he is doing his graduation in Journalism & Media Studies at Jahangirnagar University. He loves Documentaries, Biographies & War films. His dream is to make an international feature film on our Liberation War. He worked in several TVC as an assistant art director.

RHYTHMS OF RHYMES Bangladesh | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | Bangla | No Premiere | 9 min Target audience


Director Shariful Anik Story Shariful Anik Script/Screenplay Shariful Anik Cinematographer Shariful Anik

SYNOPSIS The film begins with a state of our far future, where we discovered Immense power source and lead our life luxuriously with the help of electrical equipment. But what we miss, our emotions, our love, our excitements which are lost in materialism. Here we find a lazy guy go through his life without having any interest of living. And somehow, he found a tree at a state of their extinction. The tree not only symbolizes a tree, it represents what internal facts we miss due to mechanical lifestyle.

Pjw”PÎwU wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q AvR †_‡K A‡bK eQi c‡ii evsjv‡`k‡K wb‡q, hLb gvbyl cÖhyw³i wkL‡i †cŠu‡Q wM‡q‡Q| ax‡i ax‡iB ZLb wejyß n‡q †h‡Z _v‡K Dw™¢`| Dw™¢` ïaygvÎ Avgv‡`i iÿvKvixB bq, GwU Avgv‡`i cÖv‡Yi mRxeZvi DrmI e‡U| fwel¨r mg‡q Avgiv wb‡R‡`i‡K Avwe®‹vi Kwi AmvaviY me cÖhyw³‡Z wbgw¾Z| kw³i †Kvb Afve †bB Avgv‡`i, †mB kw³ e¨envi K‡i cÖwZwbqZ Pvwj‡q hvB hš¿| wKš‘ Avgiv B‡Zvg‡a¨B nvwi‡q †d‡jwQ Avgv‡`i Av‡eM, fv‡jvevmv, D‡ËRbv¸‡jv‡K| hvwš¿K G `ywbqvq GmeB nvwi‡q †M‡Q Kv‡ji cwiμgvq| GKRb gvbyl‡K †`Lv hvq, me KvR hš¿‡K w`‡q Avj‡m n‡q D‡V‡Q ax‡i ax‡i| †eu‡P _vKvUvI GLb Zvi Kv‡Q Ag~jK jv‡M| Pjw”PÎwU‡Z kZ hš¿ e¨env‡ii g‡a¨I Rxe‡bi Aven ˆZwi K‡i †`q GKwU MvQ, RxešÍ GK MvQ, hv‡K ZL‡bv hš¿ ¯ck© Ki‡Z cv‡iwb|

Editor Shariful Anik Producer Shariful Anik

Shariful Anik Alam is studying architecture in Bangladesh University of Science and Technology. Prevously he passed SSC and HSC from Khulna BN College with extraordinary result. Recently he has been awarded the Jahir Raihan Best Short Film Award for his animated short film “Bossidea” in International Inter University Short Film Festival. The film is also officially selected for screening in MuktoPran Cholochitro Utsab.


THE SILENT AIR Bangladesh | 2015 | HD | 1.78:1 (16:9) | Color | Sci-Fi | No language | International Premiere | 4 min Target audience


Director Kanak Mahmud Story Kanak Mahmud Nipu Script/Screenplay Kanak Mahmud

SYNOPSIS This short film represents our very own society. Todays’ world is becoming machine based day by day. We have created this machine type society. In the name of social website and apps we have created an entire virtual universe also. There, we made thousand & thousand friends. Yet we do not know their name properly. We talk to each other, but do not know them in reality. We do not like to do anything in these days in our real world. we are talking so much in social medias but we are doing nothing in real world. We all are shouting in virtual thing, where the reality is so silent.

GB ¯^í‰`N¨© Pjw”PÎwU Avgv‡`i eZ©gv‡bi mgv‡Ri Mí e‡j| eZ©gvb mgvR w`b w`b hvwš¿K n‡q DV‡Q| †MvUv mgvRUvB Avgv‡`i, AvgivB ˆZwi KiwQ GK hvwš¿K mgvR| mvgvwRK I‡qemvB Avi A¨vcm Gi bv‡g ˆZwi K‡iwQ wekvj GK fvP©zqvi RMZ| †hLv‡b Avgiv nvRv‡iv gvbyl‡K eÜy evwb‡q e‡m Av‡Q, A_P wVKgZ Kv‡iv bvg Rvbv †bB| Avgiv K_v ewj fvP©zqvi RM‡Zi ga¨ w`‡q, wKš‘ ev¯Í‡e Zvi †Kvb cwiPq †bB| ev¯Íe RM‡Z Avgiv wKQzB Ki‡Z PvB bv Avi, ev¯Í‡e eis wg_¨v evwb‡q †djvi KvR KiwQ| fvP©zqvj RM‡Z mK‡ji wPrKvi †PuPv‡gwP Pj‡Q, D‡ëv w`‡K ev¯ÍeZv †mLv‡b wbie †Pv‡L e‡m Av‡Q|

Cinematographer Kanak Mahmud Editor Kanak Producer Kanak Mahmud Leading Casts -


Kanak Mahmud is a film loving person. He loves almost all kind of film genres. He is a student of Architecture. He is trying to learn filmmaking so that he can say his words to every people in this country. He wants to live in his films after many centuries of his death. It is his first short film.

BOARD OF JURY International Film Competition Youth Bangladeshi Filmmakers’ Section Social Film Section

Amitabh Reza Chowudhury Amitabh Reza Chowudhury is a prominent advertisement- and film-maker in Bangladesh. In his career he has directed nearly five hundred television commercials. Amitabh has also directed few television films to critical acclaim. Amitabh’s directorial debut in theatrical feature film is Aynabaji was a big hit last year.

Sabrina Sultana Chowdhury Sabrina Sultana Chowdhury, Associate Professor of Department of Mass Communication & Journalism, the University of Dhaka. Film, Gender Communication and Advertising are her area of interest. She has a keen interest in women in film. She has her researches on gender sensitivity of the women film makers and main stream Bangladeshi films. She is a post graduate of the Department of Mass Communication & Journalism and teaching there since 2002. She also work on gender portrayal of other media of Bangladesh.

Sekhar Mukherjee An alumni of NID,Prof. Sekhar Mukherjee-is a senior faculty of communication design. After graduating in commerce, he started his career as a newspaper cartoonist, illustrator & info-graphics artist at Economic Times, Kolkata, before he joined NID to study Animation Film Design in 1992. In 2000, he trained the first 2D animation studio in Dhaka, Bangladesh, one of his cherished projects. In 2002, he joined his alma mater as a design educator. For the next 12 years, he headed the Animation Department. Under his mentorship, his students won many national & international recognitions. He is also the NID Film Club Chairman and the Artistic Founder Director of iconic Chitrakatha-A biennial International Student Animation Festival since 2007.


BOARD OF JURY Child Filmmakers’ Section

Achuyat Saha Joy is a film fanatic who hardly misses any film. He is studying CSE in

North South University and involved with Children’s Film Society since 2012. He has learned photography from Pathshala and working as a photographer with L’fotto and IEEE North South Student Branch now. He has achieved President’s Scout Award in 2011 and witnessed 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden. He loves to critic films and dreams to make of his own ones.

Autoshi Imdad is a student of class XI at Viqarunnisa Noon College. She was born and raised in Dhaka. She loves movies. She believes that it is an amazing way of expressing one’s thoughts. She says films give us an opportunity to share our ideas and philosophy with others in the form of visual media and also to learn about other people’s dreams. Dead Poets Society is her favorite cinema. Autoshi also likes watching Netflix. Her favorite show is Stranger Things. Taking photographs is her hobby. She has won The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition Award in senior category gold last year. Farha Jabin Oyshee is a cultural enthusiast. She always loves to create to something

new & experimental. She is very passionate about art & creative stuffs. ’Bondhuta’ was her first film. She has been working with International children’s film festival from 2013. She won 2nd best film & special award simultaneously in 8th & 9th children film festival. She has received UNICEF Meena media award for her film creative media. Her film works also officially screened in Seoul, Japan, International human rights festival & received best 3rd from Asia for ‘Long Way To Go’ in an animation film festival of brazil. She has attended some workshops based on film making & visual arts.

Fariha Jannat Mim is a travel, photography and film enthusiast who is about to cross her teenage. Back in her school and college days she won several prizes in sports, reciting, debate and drawing. She has completed H.S.C and going to study B.S.C in Architecture. She has been working as a volunteer of CFS since 2014. Other than that, she also works with two other social development related organizations named “Positive Youth” and “Poriborton”.

Nirzhar Ahsan born in 2003 at home district Sirajganj. His father is a Cinematographer and mother is a Video Editor. So he has grown up in a creative environment. He is a volunteer of CFS from his very childhood. Nirzhar loves to watch movies as well as performing. He has an creative mind and always looking up for something new and he likes to involve himself in various creative projects as a result he has performed in several audio visual projects Ekty Gaas Ma, TV Drama serial Mohor Ali, Ghraan (The Smell) a short film, and TV Show Akkel Gurum with Jafar Ikbal. He also worked as a co-artist with Shakib Al Hasan. He loves to play cricket, football and Cycling. Now He is studying in Standard Eight in STS DPS School.



from the 9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016 INTERNATIONAL FILM COMPETITION


9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016

SHANA-THE WOLF´S MUSIC Director: Nino Jacusso





9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016

9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016



Director: Ekrem Ergün

Director: Yuri Solodov





9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016

9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016




Director: Touqir Islam

Director: Mahmudul Hoque Suzan


from the 9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016 CHILD FILMMAKERS’ SECTION

BEST FILM 9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016

BACKBONE Director: Shakti Banik




9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016

9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016



Director: Rahatud Zaman Ranggon

Director: Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha



9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016

9th International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh 2016




Director: Farha Jabin Oyshee

Director: Shariful Islam Shamim

FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman Vice-Chairman Members

Program Advisor


Mustafa Monwar Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Professor Anisuzzaman Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed Rasheda K. Chowdhury Advocate Sultana Kamal Mahbub Jamil Hashem Khan Nawajish Ali Khan Mosih Uddin Saker Aly Zaker Khushi Kabir Farah Kabir M. Hamid Asaduzzaman Noor Liakat Ali Lucky Yasmeen Huq Ali Imam Fuad Chowdhury Faridur Reza Sagar Nargis Jahan Banu Morshedul Islam Catherine Masud Munira Morshed Munni Shahneoyaj Cacoly Pran Roy Sadek Hossain Sony Rayeed Morshed Renate Zylla

FESTIVAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Festival Director Abir Ferdous Mukhar Deputy Festival Director Sukanto Saha Festival Coordinators Muneruzzaman Shajib Sadia Tabassum S M Aminul Islam Festival Supervisors Ashraful Islam Tushar Masudul Haq Muid Hasan Torit Members Achuyat Saha Joy Amir Hamza Ariful Islam Siam Ashik Ibrahim Chowdhury Jawata Afnan Mahjabin Chowdhury Esha Mithila Guha Mumu Mallika Roy Nafiz Niaz Khan Nabeen Sadia Fatema Kabir Sidratul Safayet Daniel Touqir Islam

FESTIVAL TEAMS Auditorium Team Rifat Jahan Barnika Xamim Hossain Chowdhury Tasnim Nigar Sazia Esha Syed Nafis Ishrak Rameesa Islam Ishrat Zahan Sathi Rubaiya Zaman Khandakar Lukta Anjum Prottasha shahid Syeda Protiti Purna Nirjhar Ahsan Abesh khan Manha Haque Writi Nefartiti Bulletin Team Ashik Ibrahim Syeda Abrar Toaha Draha Sadia Islam Mahmood Shouvav Raidah Morshed Ferdous Ahsan Hussam Al Billah Nayeema Nusrat Arora Jasiya Bintay Shamim Jannat Rahman Taskin Amzad Decoration Team Eleas Nobi Faisal Sabbosachi Mohanta Sabuj Fabiha Bushra Documentation Team Riad Sikder Rad Saqeeb Sadman Achuyat Saha Joy Rosama Tasnim Dhuduk Dewan Tahsin J Roudra Md. Shifatul Ahsan Apurba Safa Jarin Sukonna Fariha Jahin Wasif Hossain Samia Hasan


Ashfaqul Alam Nikita Ahamed Food Team Md. Mohive Minal Mukramin Ferdous Rudro Noyon

Reafayat Zinnat Md. Harun Or rashid Syedul Abrar Ariful Islam Siam Towshiba Alam Afra Nawar Chaity Barnini Howlader

Graphic Team Khan Mohammad Sashoto Seeam Subinoy Mustofi Eron Sadia Tasnim Raisa Tabassum Islam Tamannna Mehnaz Mumtahina Ehsanul Hoque Abir S. M. Mainul Kabir Jubair Islam Jubo Fariha Jannat Mim Purba Biswas Laila Noor Chaity Pritom Mitchell Rodrigues

Sales Team Muzahidul Islam Zahin Shajib Uz Zaman Shanto Fairooz Ahmed Ekra Lamia Saiyara Rashid Irollica Sultana Rasnatul Islam Meghla Nishat Mariam Tanha Tarannum Emita Saima Mozumder Umme Abiha Saima Sazia akter eshita Tanzila Ashraf

Press and Media Team Mollika Roy Rifat Ahmed Lingkon Sabrina Yshi Jannatul Ferdous Shamprity Tahmid Tajoar Shuvro Amanee Mohammad Abdul Ela

Logistic Team Fardin Ahnaf Hasan Md. Rafiur rahman Shahin Hossain Navid hasnat

Delegate Team Chowdhury Jawata Afnan Nafiz Niaz Khan shanan As Saffat Muheymin Praggo Reafayat Zinnat Md. Harun Or rashid Syedul Abrar Ariful Islam Siam Towshiba Alam Afra Nawar Chaity Barnini Howlader Barnini Howlader Farhana Tasnuva Shadab Tajwar Srijon Ummay Marium

Projection Team Amir Hamza Syeda Tasnim Rahman Tahsin Alvee Sadman Sakib Oriyan School Team Sidratul Safayet Daniel Shekh Md Al Imran Tamjid Bin Ibrahim Islam Anik Hossain Al Ekram Ananto Ahmed Abdul Jabber Kasfim


RAJSHAHI Festival Convenor Ahasan Kabir Liton Festival Join Convenor Shahariar Choyon Festival Director Dr. F M A Zahid Festival Secretary Syeed Afredi Festival Coordinator Zihad Khan Festival Programmer Shonju Sheikh Venue Manager Shaharia Hasan Shuvo Photography Irish Raj Media Coordinator Samiul Alim Shaon Volunteer Rajib Raj Alvee Khan Barik Jhilik Nahida Akhtar Shuchi Gloria Mondol Shakil Piu Afrin Puja Sarkar




Convener - Nafiz Niaz Khan Festival Director - Shahnewaz Khan Siju Member Secretary - Monirul Islam Monir Coordinator - Mubashir Rhythm

Advisory Committee Dr. Rezaul haque Dr. Syed mamunur Rahman Mizanul Islam Khan Professor Mozahar Ali Dr. Tuhin Wadud Dr. Sharifa Saloa Dina Professor Atahar Ali Khan Manik Sarkar Manik Bakhtiar Hossain Shishir Sums Shajib Raihanul Islam Ovi Shihab Chowdhury Decoration Team Tanbin Mortuza Kaniz Fatema Mim Shariat Murad Setu Md Samsuddoha Bashar Athin Sarkar Krititwa De Sarker Pizush Roy Sourav Sadman Sakib Shuvro Roy Akash Foridul Islam Farhad Musharrat Haque Labiba Lam Bosunia Sajid Faysal Tarikur Rahman Sakib Md Noyon Mia

Documentary Team Shoyeb Ahnaf Rafiur Bappy Utshop Kumar Kundu Abdullah Al Mubeen Akib Ahmed Sayem School Team Sayma Afroz Prova Tajrimin Arshi Tajmim Anwar Alfi Abu Sayef Shuvo Protik Vaskor Dhruba Barman Saimum Nayan Barshon Aadhirath Aimmon Joy Mehedi Ashfi Nahid Jubaida Gulshan Hridi Tanha Rashid Aangan Borhanul Kabir Jannatul Ferdaus Mishty Samriddhi Khandakar Media Team Shuvayu Sarker Kabbo Iftekhar Ahmed Bhuiya Hridita Murad Bondhon Sporsho Roy Rezaul Islam Sajib


CHITTAGONG Chairman Prof. Dr. AQM Serajul Islam Director Lokapriya Barua Secretary Mohammad Kamal Treasurer Mizanur Rahman Members Anish Nandy Faruk Islam Gias Ahmed Rupal Barua Salahuddin Sohel Sohel Ahmed Bablu Sohom Chowdhury Joy Shaibal Chowdhury Prabal Chowdhury

SCREENING SCHEDULE Shawkat Osman Hall, Central Public Library, Shahbagh, Dhaka DATE

11:00 AM

02:00 PM

04:00 PM

06:00 PM


A Space In Time, France, 14min Under Construction, France, 13min At Eye Level, Germany, 96min Thumbs Up, India, 3min Refugee Camp, Iran, 2min I've Just Had A Dream, Spain, 7min Snack Time, Brazil, 14min Star Taxi, Slovakia, 15min

Marbles, India, 14min Copper Wire, Iran, 10min Spring In Autumn, Belarus, 10min Midnight, China, 7min Follow Me, United States, 1min Scraps, New Zealand, 3min The Unconventional Gourmet, United States,13min Today , Tomorrow, Algeria, 3min A Solution, Iran, 1min The Son, Bulgaria, 29min Home Swim Home, China, 28min

Angelus Novus, Netherlands, 24min Bow Bow, India, 90min

The Kid, Argentina, 87min Two Worlds, Poland, 51min


The Flying Letter, India, 13min Agrinoui, Cyprus, 19min; Track, Iran, 4min Outlangish, South Africa, 9min, Walk, Russia, 3min; The Birdie, Russia, 3min The Hunter Of Giants Trees, Brazil, 10min A Digital Childhood, Canada, 6min The Auto Risk Show, India, 8min Leonor's Lullaby, China, 6min Imaginarium, Colombia, 12min The School Bag, India, 15min The Cinema Is An Invention For The Future, Italy, 15min

An Elephant On The Moon, France, 9min All About People, Germany, 72min Ashen, Spain, 9min Boycoptero, Brazil, 11min Taking Care Of Jonas, France, 7min Missing, Bangladesh, 10min

Sort The Spot, India, 15min Just This Once, Iran, 9min Pegasus Without Wings, Bangladesh, 7min Nelly´s Adventure, Germany, 94min

Emily, Germany, 26min Old Friend, Iraq, 5min Racing Extinction, United States, 95min


Red Line, Iran, 9min Heidi At The Foley Artist, Switzerland, 14min Me As A Monkey, Portugal, 5min Paths, Portugal, 5min; Autumn Leaves, Iran, 4min; Pipo, Philippines, 20min The Silence, Italy, 14min; The Boss, Iraq, 22min; Amorphous, Iran, 20min One Day In July, Italy, 3min Saving The Saviour, India, 28min Path, Bangladesh, 8min Shadows In Town, Iran, 24min Two Friends, France, 5min; The Little Boy, Iran, 8min; Klaazor, United States, 5min The Kite, Turkey, 12min Little Mountain Boy, Switzerland, 104min OA, Spain, 9min Booba. Mousetrap, Russia, 4min I've Just Had A Dream, Spain, 7min Contiguous, Iran, 5min Nose Hair, United States, 10min

Offline-Are You Ready For The Next Level?, Germany, 87min My Little House, Portugal, 7min Poverty, Philippines, 20min Genesis- Monsoon Feathers, Pakistan, 14min Fish, Iran, 4min

Fiddlesticks, Germany, 80min, Hasti, Iran, 10min Ninnoc, Netherlands, 19min

Emigrate, Turkey, 5min A Boy's Life, United Kingdom, 10min Once Upon A Thread, Portugal, 6min My Heart, Iran, 16min Under The Ground, Italy, 15min Hidden Tear, Iran, 4min Odd Squad: The Movie, Canada, 66min

My Parrot Mom, Argentina, 80min Egg, Turkey, 17min The Smell, Bangladesh, 27min


Necessity Has No Low, Egypt, 6min The Cage, Finland, 17min Playground, France, 8min Piccolo Concerto, Germany, 6min Christos And Dimitra, Greece, 13min The Suitcase, Russia, 11min The Golden Frog, India, 4min Homecoming Of The Goddess Of Wealth, India, 6min; Anime, Canada, 12min; Leshy, Czech Republic, 23min Surprise, Jordan, 6min; Farida, Italy, 15min Circus, India, 24min; My Toy World, India, 5min; Light Sight, Iran, 8mins Timeline, Italy, 1min

Breathe, France, 24min Ships Passing In The Night, Germany, 13min Darjeeling Mail, India, 35 A Share of Share, Iran,1min Values of School, Spain, 16min The Guest, India, 5min The Horse In The City, India, 5min The Moment You Run, India, 3min The Whole Story, India, 4min The Topper, India, 4min Horn Ok Scream, India, 6min Switch Off, India, 6min

My Grandmother, India, 20min Remain Rain, Iran, 4 Celestial Camel, Russia, 90min Mr Lune, France. 4min The Can, Russia, 3min


Alike, India, 1min The Wind Suddenly, Iran, 8min Rainbow Fields, India, 89min A Taste Of Reign, Serbia, 5min Why Banana Snarls, Russia, 10min The Last Wrangler, Ireland, 3min Aunt Marulan And The Magic Soap, Australia, 3min; Mattia Can Fly, Italy, 16min Dado, India, 4min; Eyes On You, India, 3min Buy One Get One Free, India, 4min Daddu, India, 3min Manu Ranjan Daily, India, 4min

What A Wonderful World, India, 8min Different, Indonesia, 7min The Great Adventure Of Manel And The Magic Toothpicks, Spain, 14min You Can't Hide From The Truth, United Kingdom, 28min Magic Toothpicks, Spain, 14min I Am Sorry, Slovakia, 17min The Birdie, Russia, 3min The Cinema Is An Invention For The Future, Italy, 15min; Blackboard, India, 6min Aagiyo, India, 5min; Like A Parrot, India, 3min The Wind, India, 3min; Sweet Candy, India, 4min; Seasons, India, 4min



Dipu Number 2, Bangladesh, 158min

Faded Finery, France, 10min White Daisy, Greece,16min Rauf, Turkey, 94min

Red Dream, Iran, 24min Ekattorer Nishan, Bangladesh, 96min

Sufia Kamal Auditorium, National Museum, Shahbagh, Dhaka DATE



01:30 PM – 03:30 PM

04:00 PM – 06:00 PM

Alan Kurdi From Heaven, 5min Bari Fera, 15min; Patience, 4min Lost In The Lights, 3min Ma, 9min; Bakshobondi, 8min I Am The Detective, 24min Khorkuto, 4min; An Undying Story, 12min Enmeshed Boredom, 5min The Race, 4min Inner Parallelism, 8min; Friend, 3min The Last Decision, 9min; Shotta, 6min Red Sari, 5min; Karigor Karagar, 7min The Puppet Show, 13min; Earphone, 6min Drop Out, 8min; Doubt, 4min

3:30 PM – 07:00 PM

Chess, 4min; The Silent Air, 4min; You To Live, 12min The Audience, 5min; E Ek Mama Barir Golpo, 3min The Illusion, 5min; Master Of Puppets, 11min Help, 7min; The Window, 2min Srosta, 19min; A Writer, 2min; Smrity Rokkhok, 6min The Mirage, 13min; Ekta Kintu.., 12min When Waters Rise, USA 18min Neerob, 8min; Digital Question, 5min Say No To Corruption, 3min In Search Of The Missing Words, 4min The Picture, 8min; Khunnas, 9min History Of Present Illness, 14min A Nonsense Dream, 13min Putul Nach, 18min; Flop- The Cylinder, 4min A Letter To God, 17min; Mrittu, 13min History Of Present Illness

(Social Film) Indefinite Time, 4min; Happy World, 4min Avishap, 19min; Rhythms Of Rhymes, 9min Khelaghar, 4min; Karigor Karagar

Viral, Spain, 9min; The Last Battle, Spain, 4min In Memory, Australia, 7min The Epic Breakfast, Brazil, 4min In The Depth, Germany, 4min; Point, End Of Line, Iran, 10min Ballons, Iran, 4min; Subject, Iran, 7min Atony, Lithuania, 10min; Free, Philippines, 20min High Seas, Philippines, 19min The Little Lumière Brothers, Spain, 8min When Waters Rise, USA 18min


Alliance Française de Dhaka, Road 3, Dhanmondi DATE

10:00 AM

02:00 PM

04:00 PM

06:00 PM


The Suitcase, Russia, 11min Hasti, Iran, 10min The Bicycle, India, 84 Min

Teddy, United States, 2min The Forest Paper,Thailand, 5min A Girl Like You, Italy, 15min Different, Uzbekistan, 6min Upír, France, 13min The Funambulist, France, 22min Phata : Bypass, India, 14min Christos And Dimitra, Greece, 13min Alpacas, Finland, 20min

I Am Not A Mouse, United Kingdom, 2min Shortly Before Disappearing, Italy, 11min Geronimo, France, 18min Honey And Old Cheese, Morocco, 25min Azurite, France, 25min A Taste Of Reign, Serbia, 5min Why Banana Snarls, Russia, 10min Honey And Old Cheese


Cicle, United States, 6min Two Worlds, Poland, 51min An Elephant On The Moon, France, 9min A Space In Time, France, 14min Under Construction, France, 13min Walk, Russia, 3min The Birdie, Russia, 3min The Hunter Of Giants Trees, Brazil, 10min Brother For A Day, Macedonia, 12min Polka Dott, United States, 7min

Bhuukh (Hunger), India, 17min Bow Bow, India, 90min

At Eye Level, Germany, 96min Leshy, Czech Republic, 23min

The World In My Dreams, India, 5min Rauf, Turkey, 94min OA, Spain, 9min



All About People, Germany, 72min Emily, Germany, 26min Amorphous, Iran, 20min

Mattia Can Fly, Italy, 16min My Parrot Mom, Argentina, 80min Aunt Marulan And The Magic Soap, Australia, 3min Necessity Has No Low, Egypt, 6min Hidden Tear, Iran, 4min

Inventing A Laugh, United States, 14min Faded Finery, France, 10min Taking Care Of Jonas, France, 7min Two Friends, France, 5min What The Eye Doesn't See, Switzerland, 14min; Autumn Leaves, Iran, 4min Pipo, Philippines, 20min The Silence, Italy, 14min Ki, Netherlands, 22min Snack Time, Brazil, 14min White Daisy, Greece,16min Emily, Germany, 26min You Can't Hide From The Truth, United Kingdom, 28min With Grace, India, 15min Earth Is The Loneliest Planet, Latvia,13m; Inventing A Laugh

Rainbow Fields, India, 89min Hard To Be A Sparrow, Russia, 8min Journey, Australia, 8min

British Council, Fuller Road DATE

11:00 AM


The Son, Bulgaria, 29min; My Last Summer, Canada, 15min Supermom, United States, 14min; Anime, Canada, 12min The Happiest Hours Of Our Lives, Germany, 15min OA, Spain, 9min; Booba. Mousetrap, Russia, 4min White Daisy, Greece,16min; Emily, Germany, 26min Snack Time, Brazil, 14min


Home Swim Home, China, 28min Klaazor, United States, 5min The Kite, Turkey, 12min At Eye Level, Germany, 96min


The Kid, Argentina, 87min Aa Vai Jaa Saa, India, 74min


02:00 PM The Cage, Finland, 17min; Playground, France, 8min Piccolo Concerto, Germany, 6min Me As A Monkey, Portugal, 5min Paths, Portugal, 5min Autumn Leaves, Iran, 4min Pipo, Philippines, 20min The Boss, Iraq, 22min Amorphous, Iran, 20min One Day In July, Italy, 3min Odd Squad: The Movie, Canada, 66min Nose Hair, United States, 10min A Boy's Life, United Kingdom, 10min Inventing A Laugh, United States, 14min Faded Finery, France, 10min Agrinoui, Cyprus, 19min Track, Iran, 4min Ki, Netherlands, 22min An Elephant On The Moon, France, 9min Ashen, Spain, 9min Boycoptero, Brazil, 11 Taking Care Of Jonas, France, 7min Angelus Novus, Netherlands, 24min Star Taxi, Slovakia, 15min I've Just Had A Dream, Spain, 7min

04:00 PM

Celestial Camel, Russia, 90min Outlangish, South Africa, 9min, The Silence, Italy, 14min

Rauf, Turkey, 94min Under The Ground, Italy, 15min

The Cinema Is An Invention For The Future, Italy, 15min Why Banana Snarls, Russia, 10min Leshy, Czech Republic, 23min All About People, Germany, 72min

Goethe-Institut Bangladesh, Dhanmondi DATE



11:00 AM

02:00 PM

04:00 PM

The Happiest Hours Of Our Lives, Germany, 15min A Flower Is Missing, Mexico, 20min Amorphous, Iran, 20min Earth Is The Loneliest Planet, Latvia, 13min Ships Passing In The Night, Germany, 13min Copper Wire, Iran, 10min; Spring In Autumn, Belarus, 10min Snack Time, Brazil, 14min; Leshy, Czech Republic, 23min Thumbs Up, India, 3min; Refugee Camp, Iran, 2min Today , Tomorrow, Algeria, 3min Little Mountain Boy, Switzerland, 104 Angelus Novus, Netherlands, 24min Leonor's Lullaby, China, 6min The School Bag, India, 15min Fiddlesticks, Germany, 80min Shadows In Town, Iran, 24min The Cage, Finland, 17min Breathe, France, 24min

Waterbackpack Paul, Germany, 7min Sky, Netherlands, 15min The Lighthouse, Turkey, 10min About A Mother, Russia, 7min Egg, Turkey, 17min Imaginarium, Colombia, 12min You Can't Hide From The Truth, United Kingdom, 28min Red Line, Iran, 9min

Under The Clock, Greece, 25min Santa's Warehouse, United States, 5min All About People, Germany, 72min

Heidi At The Foley Artist, Switzerland, 14min The Cat And Its Artist, Germany, 6min Offline-Are You Ready For The Next Level?, Germany, 87min

At Eye Level, Germany, 96min My Little House, Portugal, 7min

Hasti, Iran, 10min Nelly´s Adventure, Germany, 94min

Racing Extinction, United States, 95min OA, Spain, 9min

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Shegunbagicha, Dhaka DATE





11:00 AM

Yin & Yana: “Forbidden Food”, Russia, 11min Battledream Chronicle, Martinique, 108min The Morning Boy, India, 14min The Big Clawed Monster, Brazil, 6min

Great Tea Boy, India, 71min The Milky Way, Colombia, 8min Basaer Journey, Jordan, 60min

Dream Factory, India, 97min The Edge, Russia, 12min An Elephant On The Moon, France, 9min The Happiest Hours Of Our Lives, Germany, 15min White Daisy, Greece,16min Under The Ground, Italy, 15min Ships Passing In The Night, Germany, 13min Scraps, New Zealand, 3min The Unconventional Gourmet, United States,13min Today , Tomorrow, Algeria, 3min A Solution, Iran, 1min The Son, Bulgaria, 29min Home Swim Home, China, 28min The Kid, Argentina, 87min You Can't Hide From The Truth, United Kingdom, 28min

02:00 PM

04:00 PM

Aadi Son, Sri Lanka, 5min Mufta (Free), Pakistan, 7min Cinecitta On Wheels, Italy, 6min Children Of Conflict, India, 14min White Rose, Korea, 17min Don't Make Me Laugh, Brazil, 14min My Toy World, India, 5min Necessity Has No Low, Egypt, 6min The Cage, Finland, 17min Playground, France, 8min Piccolo Concerto, Germany, 6min Nethram, India, 10min The Flying Letter, India, 13min Agrinoui, Cyprus, 19min Track, Iran, 4min Walk, Russia, 3min The Birdie, Russia, 3min The Hunter Of Giants Trees, Brazil, 10min Spring In Autumn, Belarus, 10min Snack Time, Brazil, 14min Leshy, Czech Republic, 23min Hasti, Iran, 10min Klaazor, United States, 5min

Heart With The Sun, China, 98min Unsighted, India, 3min Outlangish, South Africa, 9min,

To Be Winged, India, 10min Odd Squad: The Movie, Canada, 66min Emily, Germany, 26min Ashen, Spain, 9min

Ekattorer Nishan, Bangladesh, 96min Piracy Full Stop, India, 4min OA, Spain, 9min Boycoptero, Brazil, 11

The Kite, Turkey, 12min Petals,Piety, India, 16min Celestial Camel, Russia, 90min

Star Taxi, Slovakia, 15min Rainbow Fields, India, 89min Upír, France, 13min

At Eye Level, Germany, 96min Amorphous, Iran, 20min

Daffodil International University, Prince Plaza, Sobhanbag, Dhaka DATE

10:00 AM – 01:00 PM


The Liar, India, 26min The System Which We Accepted, India, 12 The Cave Singer, Nepal, 93min Moneybox, Egypt, 6min Pipo, Philippines, 20min The Silence, Italy, 14min


0 (Zero) - Made In India, India, 130min Hard To Be A Sparrow, Russia, 8min Breathe, France, 24min My Little House, Portugal, 7min

02:00 PM – 05:00PM The Auto Risk Show, India, 8min Dreams, Egypt, 15min No, Egypt, 2min Pen, India, 6min Light Sight, Iran, 8min Celestial Camel, Russia, 90min Outlangish, South Africa, 9min, The Silence, Italy, 14min Hasti, Iran, 10min Life Goal, Sri Lanka, 6min, The Evil Girlfriend, India, 6min Racing Extinction, United States, 95min White Daisy, Greece,16min Emily, Germany, 26min Snack Time, Brazil, 14min

*The festival authority has the right to change or cancel any screening time of any film without any prior notice.


Children's Film Society Bangladesh Flat 3D, House 45, Road 4/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209 Email: festival@cfsbangladesh.org, oďŹƒce@cfsbangladesh.org

www. cfsbangladesh .org

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