2017/2018 Activity report of the Centro de Formación Somorrostro

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2017-18 Report

The 2017/2018 school-year has been marked by changes, fundamentally methodological changes that, although they have affected all the levels of the centre, have had a greater impact on Vocational Training. This year we moved into the "High Performance Cycles" training cycles where little by little we have implemented the "Ethazi" methodology. In fact, to achieve that, we have made a great effort, both in terms of investments to improve our infrastructures and also at the methodological level and in the work we do with the students. In ESO and Baccalaureate, we have also made the first changes towards a new way of learning that promotes the development of projects and collaborative work.

C/ San Juan, 10 • 48550 Muskiz (Bizkaia) • Tel.: 94 670 60 45 • Fax: 94 670 60 52 cfs@somorrostro.com • www.somorrostro.com



2017-18 Report

Management team:

Other departments:

Managements: Javier Laiseca

Management Systems: Txaro Fernández

Relations with companies and institution: Sergio San Martín

Communication: Andoni González

Administration: Piedad Alcazar

Employment Access Centre (CAE): Cristina Bueso

Pastoral: Miren Ruiz

Training in workplaces (FCT): Javier Ordóñez

Pedagogic responsible: Txema Sáenz

Dual VT: Alex Garai

Academic organization:

International projects: Jon Lago

VT Pedagogic responsible: Txema Llano


Baccalaureate Pedagogic responsible: Eva Ramírez

Transport: Joseba Pascual, Jon Ander Picaza

Infrastructures and maintenance: Jesús Pedro Prado

Pedagogic responsible ESO: Juli Moreno Pedagogic responsible VT for employment: María Marín Responsible for Orientation: Marisa Sancho Secretary: Ainhoa Ruiz

Mission The Somorrostro Training Centre is an Educational Centre that belongs to the Diocese of Bilbao. Our educational activity is aimed at students over 12, both in the field of regulated education and in the training for employment. In our centre we pay special attention to the most vulnerable people Our educational offer’s objective is to respond to the expectations of the students, their families and both the social and the business environment of our area; therefore, we offer a comprehensive training. Our work is to help them find a job with the highest degree; apart from that, we can also offer them later studies with a personalized teaching which is appropriate for their personal features .


2017-18 Report

Regulated offer ESO Models A, B and D in all years. Service of academic orientation for students and their families. Service of psychopedagogical attention for students. Specialized team in intervention on issues related to the coexistence. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY: Project of Specific Educational Reinforcement (PREE) in 2nd of ESO for students with difficulties of school adaptation 3 classrooms of Special Educational Needs. Classrooms of Curricular Diversification in 3rd and 4th of ESO for students with greater academic difficulties.

Bachillerato Models A, B and D. B.C .: Sciences (Technological Option and Biosanitary Option). B.H.C.S .: Humanities and Social Sciences (Humanities Option and Social Sciences Option). Academic Advice Programme (University and VT). Exchange program with centres in the European Union.

BASIC VT: Degree in: • Manufacture of mechanical elements (Welding and boiler making) • Hairdressing and aesthetics • Electricity • Property maintenance (Plumbing and heating)


2017-18 Report

Intermediate Grade Educational Cycles Mechanical manufacturing.. • SC2 Welding and Boilermaking • ME2 Machining Computing. • SMR2 Microcomputer Systems and Networks Maintenance of self-propelled vehicles. • EM2 Electromechanics of Motor Vehicles Administration. • GA2 Administrative Management Sociocultural services to the community. • AS2 Care for People in Situation of Dependence Electricity and electronic. • IEA2 Electrical and Automatic Installations • IT2 Telecommunications Installations Installation and maintenance. • IM2 Electromechanical Maintenance

Upper Grade Educational Cycles Electricity and electronic. • AR3 Automation and Industrial Robotics • ST3 Telecommunication and Information Systems (Model B) • SEA3 Electrotechnical and Automated Systems Administration. • AF3 Administration and Finance Commerce and Marketing. • MP3 Marketing and Advertising (Model B) Computing. • ASI3 Administration of Computer Systems in Network • DA3 Development of Multiplatform Applications (Model B) Maintenance of self-propelled vehicles. • AU3 Automotive Installation and maintenance. • MI3 Industrial Mechatronics Security and environment. • EA3 Environmental Education and Control (Model B) • PR3 Prevention of Occupational Risks Mechanical manufacturing. • DFM3 Mechanical Manufacturing Design • PP3 Production Programming in Mechanical Manufacturing • CM3 Metallic Constructions (Model B)


2017-18 Report

Data about the regulated training Number of students By sections

Number of students during the 2017-18 year

University entrance examination % of students that passed the examination

Students that did the examination

Training in workplaces Students that did the training in workplaces

By sections

Dual VT Students that start Dual VT


Modalities of Dual VT

2017-18 Report

Data about the training for employment Training activities (number)


Number of students

Investments of the school year


2017-18 Report

Innovation projects Energy node In the 2017-18 academic year, Somorrostro has become member of the Energy Node which is a specialized work network coordinated by TKNIKA. The aim of the network is to guide the applied innovation available to companies with the necessary differential capacities, directly related to the Intelligent Specialization Strategy of Euskadi in the field of ENERGY. Furthermore, we are now part of the Energy Cluster and we participate in their work teams. Innovation applied to SMEs Aligned with the strategy to promote innovation in SMEs started by the presidency of the Basque Government, Somorrostro has visited 115 companies and has identified 17 pre-projects with the aim of having more than 20 projects by the end of 2018. The objective of this initiative is to help small companies to develop innovation projects in products, processes, organization, marketing, etc. New Technical Specializations During this 2017-18 year, Somorrostro has designed a new specialization in dual format based on the inspection of welded connections by performing non-destructive testing for different kind of companies: manufacturing, repairing and assembly of boiler products, metallic structure, pipeline, aeronautics and naval. At the same time, the process of the two specializations in Industrial Maintenance has finished and the 18 participants have been hired.

signed for electricity and computing students (mixed groups) and with the aim of finding different and innovative solutions. The members of each team had to explain and defend their solutions to a jury made up of members both from Tecuni and Somorrostro. Dual Chemical Plant Operator Course (Petronor) During this school year, Petronor and Somorrostro have launched a new edition of the Chemical Plant Operator Course to train 20 people with the aim of subsequently hiring those who successfully complete the entire training process. The format of this training is Dual in Alternation and lasts for 12 months; this edition ended in September.

Call for VT Innovation Projects

New Centre-Company Learning Facility (Petronor)

As member of the Permanent Board of the State Association of Vocational Training Centres, FPempresa, Somorrostro has participated very actively in the achievement of a collaboration agreement between FPempresa and Bankia Fundation for the promotion of Vocational Training. Among other issues, we must highlight the call for the financing of innovation projects presented by VT Centres throughout Spain. Finally, 270 applications were submitted and 38 projects were approved.

Within the strategic alliance between Petronor and Somorrostro Centre, we must underline the joint work that is being carried out to identify new methodological approaches, as well as new scenarios for learning, in order to contribute to the professional and personal development of all the people working for the company. Accordingly, a singular building in the Centre has been completely renovated to dedicate it to this strategy and as a support of it.

Business Challenges in Classroom (Tecuni)

Automotive Engineering CAD-CAE-CAM Skills Award/Certificate (Gestamp)

During the 2017-18 academic year, together with the company Tecuni, S.A. we designed a new challenge for the students of the centre to work on it. It was specially de-


In the alliance generated between the Technological Institute of Gestamp (GTI), the Institute of Machine and Tool (IMH) and Somorrostro Training Centre, we have carried out a new edition of an international training entirely con-

2017-18 Report

veyed in English for students from different countries and during 5 months, apart from the 3 months of internship in companies of the Gestamp Group. The objective of this programme is to offer training for the acquisition / certification of skills in CAD, CAM, CAE for Automotive Engineering specifically.

The training was carried out with the collaboration of health staff of the Integrated Health Organization of EzkerraldeaEnkarterri-Cruces (OSAKIDETZA), the Local Council of Muskiz and the students and teachers of the Higher Level Training Course on Prevention of Occupational Risks. APARKALEKU ADIMENDUNA

Dual Post-Cycle in Dies’ design Somorrostro Centre together with another three VT centres (Txorierri, Salesianos and Maristak), and with the management and coordination of the Hetel Association, has had a new edition of the Post-cycle "Design and Manufacture of Dies". All the training was carried out in the modern facilities that GTI has in Boroa and makes available for this course. The objective of this training is the design of dies and the manufacture of components for the manufacture of metal pieces for the automotive sector. Tknogazte TEKNOGAZTE 4.0 is an initiative of the municipalities of the region of Meatzaldea (Trapagaran, Ortuella, Abanto Zierbena, Muskiz and Zierbena) and the local development agency Meatzaldeko Behargintza, which also has the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. The project’s general purpose is to promote technical and technological vocations in the students of the different schools in the region, bringing them closer to the world of industry and technology and also putting special emphasis on the young women of the region. DESA Project Through this project, more than 100 ESO, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training groups have received training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), semi-automatic external defibrillator (DESA) and response to choking (Heimlich manoeuvre).

This Tknika’s project consists on the design and management of an intelligent outdoor parking using a new system of "video tracking" and a wireless communications system which is intended to manage the parking spaces of a surface car park. EUSKELEC - Euskelec is a technological championship where students from 11 vocational training centres of the Basque Country have designed and built an electric vehicle to compete in different tests that evaluate the features, performances and design of the vehicles. - Euskelec is organized by Tknika (Basque Government), MUISU (Technological Foundation for the promotion of sustainable mobility) and the Basque Automobile Federation. GREENPOWER This is a project led by the Kid's Kit Car-Greenpower Iberia Association, which pursues the development of STEAM competencies (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts and Mathematics) and the promotion of interest in children and young people for a future higher education in technical fields. Following this model, children from 6 years old learn and put into practice technical, leadership and teamwork skills with the challenge of designing and building an electric vehicle to compete in a race. Each "team" has its own team of communication, financing, mechanics, design, and electronics, among others. Apart from that, a special importance is given to the enhancement of collaborative work, problem solving, personal autonomy and values. 4.0 VALUES This project of Tknika aims to train better professionals and better people who will contribute to make the world better. The aim is to train people who become agents and promoters of change, who as professionals can develop their work with honesty and with values-oriented purpose.


2017-18 Report

Alliances and strategic networks Petronor: Collaboration for the execution of activities such as Plant Operator Training, two specializations in dual format for Maintenance and Support in the development of professionals to respond to the new strategic challenges that Petronor is facing. Petronor Innovation: Agreement for the development of advanced energy services, based on the installation and operation of renewable energy generation assets, energy storage, demand management and the control of this process remotely through an intelligent platform. FESTO: Agreement with this German multinational for: Installation of an Excellence Festo Centre in the field of pneumatics and hydraulics; Delivery of official Festo training and Collaboration in the field of Industry 4.0 training. VT Company: Somorrostro Centre is a founding partner and it is currently part of the Permanent Board of the Fpempresa Association which is a non-profit association at the national level and houses both public and private VT centres (145 nowadays). Fpempresa promotes and encourages VT, apart from facilitating the exchange of experiences and good practices between VT centres and companies. HETEL: Somorrostro Centre is a partner and a member of the Management Board of this Basque Association of Vocational Training Centres of Social Initiative, which has 24 associated centres. Hetel's objective is the promotion and improvement of VT, so as to contribute to the social and economic welfare of the Basque Country.

ARM Robotics: Alliance with this company specialized in Industrial Robotics for the development of high level training in robotics and also to foster the promotion and raise the awareness about this area both in primary and secondary education, basically through a new brand: T4R center (training for robotics center). Haizea wind: Collaboration with this business group of high added value in the sector of renewable energy. This group is mainly focused on services and the supply of pieces for the global industry of wind, earth and marine energy in different countries. During the spring of 2018, Haizea Wind launched a plant for the manufacture of wind towers for offshore installations at the Port of Bilbao. Somorrostro and the Town Council of Zierbena have been a strategic ally from the beginning for the spread, identification and selection of people to be part of this business project with the recruitment of more than 2,000 people who met the profiles requested. In August 2018, the plant already had more than 85 people and the forecast is for an important growth during this coming 2018-19 academic year. PTA: Collaboration agreement to install some specific workshops for Non-destructive Essays in the centre and also to delivery and give official certificates on essays about radiology, ultrasounds, particles, penetrating liquids and visual inspection.

Enkarterri Group: Enkarterri Group is a non-profit business association that brings together different companies from the region of Encartaciones in Bizkaia. Within the group, Somorrostro is a founding member and also part of its Management Board. This association made of 78 associated entities aims to promote the companies among the society of the region, and also to become a consultative reference both at a regional level and for those institutions that are interested in it. Provincial council: The Provincial Council of Bizkaia has launched the programme OREKAN with a double aim: 1. The creation of stable communication channels between the Provincial Council and other regional agents. 2. The training of existing agents to consolidate the governance patterns and the regional competitiveness strategies in the medium-long term. Somorrostro is part of the work team from the Western Area (Ezkerraldea, Meatzaldea and Enkarterri).


Global Clasroom: “Global Clasroom�. It is a project in which students from 7 centres in different countries (Australia, United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, Germany, Czech Republic and Sweden) meet annually to discuss different current issues. This year we have participated as guests and in the next edition, which will be held in South Africa, we will be full members. The topic of the conference will be "resolving conflicts� and the students that take part in this meeting of more than 100 young people will have to work on it during the whole school year.

2017-18 Report

European Projects Mobility of the VT students: 6 students from Intermediate and Upper Grade Educational Training will do their training at workplaces in Italy, Ireland and Czech Republic. DIVINA: This is a project coordinated by Somorrostro together with other partners from Italy, Greece and Portugal. Its objective is to raise awareness and give information about issues related to diversity in adult education.

MEMORY MEDIA This project seeks to improve the abilities of caregivers of people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer; to do that, it offers them resources, techniques and different tools for the best care and stimulation of their patients or relatives.

3MVET: The objective of this project is to create resources and guidebooks for teachers working in Dual Vocational Training and at the same time its aim is to offer resources to those in charge of tutoring students while they are in their alternating period in a company. DESCI The objective of the project is to encourage innovation and creativity among VT students during their experiences at the companies (Dual and Training in workplaces) and also to create innovation hubs in the centres with the collaboration of companies, technology centres and teachers through the "Living Lab" methodology.Through this methodology, the student will develop both transversal skills such as problem solving, or scientific thinking, and techniques. 3D PRINTING The objective of this project is to encourage the use of 3-dimensional printing technologies in the classroom, offering resources to teachers and creating an on-line course that allows new users to enter the 3D world.

UPenAUTO It aims to analyze and work on the competences that the European automotive sector is demanding from its employees, focusing above all on the profiles of Product, Process and Development Engineers.

RESTART 4.0 This project aims to develop different intellectual results that allow students and future workers of 4.0 Industry to develop and work on the skills and abilities they will need in their future work.


2017-18 Report

Commitment to employment - During the 2017-18 academic year, we have mediated more than 1.500 jobs and we have provided services to more than 1.000 companies in the area that have relied on the centre and its profile to meet their needs. Furthermore, the centre has been homologated as a manager in the transition to the labour market and to be able to operate within Lanbide’s Lehen Aukera programme. - In order to adapt to the General Data Protection Regulation, Somorrostro has updated the database of those people who have requested employment in the last few years, based on the new General Data Protection Regulation. Currently, there are around 3.000 users with different profiles, although most of them are VT graduates and, then, university graduates. - Transition scholarships: True to its commitment to employment, Somorrostro has managed 22 scholarships for the transition from the educational field to the labour market. These scholarships provide a first practical experience (3 months) for undergraduates and university graduates under 30. This commitment has been materialized through the agreements reached between the Basque Government, Hetel, Ikaslan and the universities.

Public organizations the centre collaborates with


2017-18 Report

Commitment to the environment: Greentxokoa

Tree planting

Azterkosta Project

Throughout the year, the centre, under the leadership of School 21 Agenda team, carries out many activities to raise the awareness of the entire educational community about social problems related to the environment. Some of these activities are carried out together with the Environment Department of the Local Council of Muskiz. Many of the activities of this course have been focused on this topic: Sugar in our diets. We have organized different talks, games and workshops in which they have learned more about the risks of this additive.

Environmental Committee

Information workshops about sugar in our food

Sugar-free jellies workshop


2017-18 Report

Grupo Prosertek S.L. won the XXIIth Edition of the Marcelo Gangoiti Award

Marcelo Gangoiti Award’s name honours the founder of the Somorrostro Training Centre. This is an award that is granted annually to a company that stands out for its business work, developed on the left bank (Margen Izquierda) of the Nervion River and the Mining Zone of Bizkaia. The award is coordinated by the Somorrostro Training Centre and supported by the SPRI, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and CEBEK. Furthermore, it is considered one of the most important business awards that are granted annually in Euskadi. The name of the award shows its singularity: "Although only one company is awarded, the organizers want all the people that generate wealth in our territory to feel recognised, either they generate the wealth through investments, by creating employment, fostering innovation or taking care of the environment�.


2017-18 Report

Awarded companies 1996 Mebunik. BurtzeĂąa-Barakaldo 1997 Imprenta Samper. Trapagaran 1998 Gosan S.A. Ortuella 1999 Onduline. Gallarta 2000 Lehoiko Biotz. Gallarta 2001 ICT-ICM. Gallarta 2002 Precicast Bilbao. Barakaldo 2003 Troquevi. Gallarta 2004 Dic Coatings. Gallarta 2005 AutonerviĂłn. Sestao 2006 Inkoa. Erandio 2007 Astilleros Zamakona. Santurtzi 2008 Grupo Miesa. Abanto y Zierbena 2009 Industrias Imar, S.A. Ortuella 2010 Jota+ge. Erandio 2011 Petronor. Muskiz 2012 Tecuni. Gallarta 2013 Tamoin. Erandio 2014 Navacel. Erandio 2015 Bombardier. Trapagaran 2016 Bolueta. Erandio 2017 Grupo Prosertek S.L. Santurtzi


2017-18 Report

People and values Treva Programme We have been working for many years on spaces and dynamics that place our TO BE before our TO DO, so that the first orientates and gives sense to the second one. Throughout this path we started, we found a good ally: Lagungo and its TREVA Techniques (Experiential Relaxation Techniques applied to the Classroom). We must underline, this year another 18 teachers have been trained in the application of these techniques in the classroom. The aim we want to achieve with this training is to increase the attention and to look after the emotional issues. In ESO, in the tutorial sessions, we have been working on the attention, breathing, relaxation, visualization, voice and speech, sensory awareness, movement, body energy and posture. And our students of ASI3 (Administration of Computer Systems in Network) have developed an APP: WE ARE MINDFULL. They want to promote the use of these techniques with the telephone. So, this is an application made by the students for the students. The application uses audios recorded by our ESO kids, in which they help us with simple exercises to connect with our essence and live the moment. Disdirak We like calling them DISDIRAK because they are "Flashes of solidarity". Perhaps, they will not change the world, but they connect us with the people and organizations that build it. These are meetings with social organizations; after sharing the reality they work in and what they do, they give us the chance to be in touch with a part of the world that is unknown for us. Once we have approached that reality, we reflect together on what we experienced. This way, in Vocational Training we have had the opportunity to approach realities such as the prison, the gypsy community or social dining rooms; in other words, we have got closer to unknown environments over which there are many myths to dismantle.

Gazte Taldeak Gazte Taldeak are the CHRISTIAN FREE TIME GROUPS of the Centre. There are 120 students from 1st year of ESO to 2nd year of Bachillerato that, with 14 volunteer teachers, showed one more year that another use of our spare time is possible. We can enjoy different weekend trips, the nature, meetings and reflections, and, all together, we can try to build a fairer world.

Bidezko Merkataritza With the help of the Fair Trade shop, Somorrostro wants to bring the values of a different market closer to all the educational community. (With the training received from Kidenda and by selling Fair Trade products, our students have the chance to value and to be aware of the importance of fighting for a more decent world for everyone).


2017-18 Report

Learning and service ESAN EZ The students of BASIC VT and 4th of ESO were lucky enough to live this novel program in Euskadi. It is a process of 4 sessions that aims to prevent drug use associated to the criminal behaviour in which these consumptions may end. The program was invigorated by Bidesari, a prison pastoral entity that has a long history of work in prison, in the area of the reintegration of people whose consumption has led to a crime. It turned out to be a process that made us think, and, above all, with a deep humanizing component of encounter between people from very different realities that made us analyze many stereotypes and also grow in empathy and openness.

We joined many other people throughout Europe who come together through the Circles of Silence once a month. Gathered around elements that make the victims of this situation present, we walked in the memory and support of the people whose life is "moving". More than 600 students went out to the streets to reflect on this topic. Furthermore, they listened to the generous and courageous shelter experience of a member of the centre and they walked for all those people in silence. JAZOTAKOA JASO The group of 1st BHCSB presented a project to this Clips Contest organized by the Board of Cultural Entities of the Diocese, within the framework of the European Year of Heritage, and they won it!!! There were 26 clips and the jury decided to give two awards to our students: one for the best clip and the other one for the most interdisciplinary clip: "IRAGANAK EZKUTATZEN DIGUNA". These awards made us feel especially excited because the group showed a great love, enthusiasm, sensitivity and respect towards the Hermitage of Our Lady of Txabarri in Galdames and towards everything that, as the title of the video reflects, this hermitage hides inside.

CIRCLES OF SILENCE For this year’s World Day of Peace, our heart was in the sea, with all the people risking their lives (and many times losing it) fleeing from the terrible realities they suffer. To show our complaint and our support to these people, we did it from the silence that connects from the deepest.

COEDUCATION This course we have launched the coeducation team at school. It is a group made of 5 teachers who have worn purple glasses so as to review our educational work and the dynamics we carry out from a gender perspective. Together with Alboan NGO and other 6 educational centres, they have done a diagnosis and an internal work plan. Consequently, they have offered two training sessions for the teachers and they have created a Students’ Feminist Group. In addition to this, we have celebrated the international 8th of March in the centre and there have been many spontaneous actions to protest about topics related to gender-based violence.


2017-18 Report

Gestures of Solidarity

Somox Mexico: Awareness activities, organized by the students of ESO after which Carlos Bargos, director of Cáritas Bizkaia, collected the € 764 cheque intended to help the people affected by the earthquake in Mexico.

ESAN EZ: This Bidesari project aims to raise awareness about drug use among young people through the testimonies of people deprived of freedom.

Somorrostro Isilik: More than 600 students of the Centre joined the "Circles of silence" that are being carried out throughout Europe to show solidarity with migrants.

International Women's Day: 400 people from the educational community of Somorrostro joined the mobilizations of the 8th of March to defend gender equality.

Ongi etorri errefuxiatuak: Delivery of the € 4,027 cheque to this NGO. This amount of money was collected in a raffle made by ESO students and thanks to the contribution of the Bultzapen members.

Blood Donors: Once again, this year more than 100 donations of blood were made and we got 40 new donors.


2017-18 Report

Monographic Weeks

Cultural week. Somo talent.

Cultural week. Somox Party

Cultural week. Robotics Workshop

Christmas week. Txokolatada.

Christmas week. Somo canta.

Week of Peace. Circles of silence.


2017-18 Report

Recognitions to our students

Euskelec: absolute winners of the project led by Tknika in which eleven VT centres from the Basque Country participated designing and building their own electric cars.

Schneider Award: Second year students of SEA3 won the award of the 5th Schneider Electric Energy Efficiency Competition.

“Enpresari” Contest: The project SKN additive carried out Iskander Díez (2nd year of DFM3 in dual format) won the third award in this contest organized by DEMA.

Starinnova: The project “RaspKnowledge” carried out by students of second year of DFM3 was the second one in the contest organized by El Correo to promote the entrepreneurial spirit among the young people.

TECUNI Challenge: The team made of students from the groups of second year of the DA3 and SEA3 cycles was the winner of the challenge presented by this electric company.

Behargintza Contest Awards: Three of our projects were finalists in de X Contest of Enterprise Ideas from the Regions Margen Izquierda and Zona Minera. One of the projects was done by students of DFM3 (RaspKnowledge and SKN Aditive) and the other one was made by AU3 students (Chairs Fantasy).


2017-18 Report

Recognitions to our students

Greenpower Project: winners of the races in Bilbao and Gijon organized by the Kid's Kit Car-Greenpower Iberia Association that aims to develop the STEAM skills among the young people.

Science fair: The project “Somox Landaburu” carried out by the group of 4C of ESO has been recognized for the scientific methodology they used and its uniqueness in the Science Fair organized by Elhuyar.

Iraganak ezkutatzen diguna: This is a project of the students of 1st BC-D group that has won the “First Clip Contest” organized by the Board of Cultural Entities of the Diocese.

Beldur Barik: winners of the local edition of this contest that promotes the equality and fights against the violence towards women.

Classrooms without smoke: Nora Costela (2D) has been the winner of the local contest “classrooms without smoke” organized by the Basque Government. Apart from her, Mireia Álvarez (2A) and Iria Bueno (2B) have been finalists in the contest.

“Jóvenes talentos” short stories contest: Irati Calvo (ESO2B) has been the winner of this contest organized by Coca Cola in Bizkaia.


2017-18 Report

Complementary activities

Cultural trip to London (2nd year of Bachillerato).

Cultural exchange with a Danish school (1st year of Bachillerato).

VT students that have practical experiences in countries from the European Union thanks to the programme Eramus+.

2nd of Bachillerato students with a special mention.

Students from ESO participating at First LEGO League.

University Fair: Orientation day for students at 2nd year of Bachillerato and 2nd year of upper vocational training


2017-18 Report

Complementary activities

Alto Campoo: students from ESO enjoyed a day skiing at this ski resort in Cantabria.

Murillo de Gรกllego (3rd of ESO).

BTEK Technological Museum (2nd year of Bachillerato).

2nd year students of PR3 at Arcelor.

Urdaibai Reserve (Upper Vocational Training on Environmental Education and Control).

Mining Museum (1st of Baccalaureate).


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