COVER STORY F ield O p S Why This Ve T e R an Joined a F R anchise Bui LT e xc Lusi V e Ly Fo R Ve T e R ans laTEST n EWS in FveteranranchiS ing f pranchisingrOvidesexce LL ent Opp O rtunitie S FO r veteran S SEptEmbEr 2022

54 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa ExecutingLeadership.Teamwork.SOPs. Connecting veterans with education, resources and opportunities at

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 55 VE t E rans s UPPLEME nt contents Cover Story 60 Field ops: Why this Veteran Joined a Franchise Built Exclusively For Veterans What’s New 56 Franchising News latest News from Veterans in Franchising Franchisee in Action 62 Nick Lambie Ziebart:: From Military Leader to rock star Franchisee Franchise In Depth 64 dogtopia: shows commitment to Veterans Have Your Say 66 Buzz Franchise Brands:: We are Buzzing with a new Brand and a new VP 70 True rest Float spa: the Power of holistic healing with Flotation therapy Expert Advice 68 Catherine Monson: Franchising Provides Excellent 60 62 66 70 64

s alad station – the gourmet-your-way salad concept, is bringing a little lagniappe to Ascension Parish with the opening of their second Gonzales location and 28th overall location for the brand. t he newest s alad station location in t he Lagniappe center will conveniently serve the g onzales, Prairieville, d utchtown and st. amant areas. t his will be the third s alad station location for Megan and daniel Womack, who also own and operate the original g onzales location on c abela Parkway, as well as the Mobile, aL location. t he Womacks are passionate about their community and bringing healthier meal options and jobs to another area of a scension Parish. after the successful launch of their first s alad station location in 2019, the Womack family has continued to expand healthier eating through the s alad station’s unique pay-by-the-pound concept, where you only pay for what you create. With over 100 options for creating and customizing the salad of your choice, the s alad station allows you to dine gourmet, your way.
“We’re immensely proud of the Womack family and are confident that more local residents in g onzales will fall in love with what s alad station has to offer through the opening of their new Lagniappe location,” said s cott h enderson, cEo and co-Founder of s alad station. “ it’s not every day that you encounter franchise partners that perfectly match the values we embody as a company and the Womack family will always have the full support of the s alad station brand behind their businesses.”
For more information on s alad station franchising opportunities, please visit
For more information about Beans and Brews franchise opportunity,
Continues Expanding Salad
Beans & Brews Coffeehouse, the brand that has mastered their delicious HighAltitude r oasting® coffee, knew they wanted to create a coffeehouse that was truly made for everyone. They have lived up to their goal by cultivating a mouthwatering menu that truly has something for everyone; even the non-coffee drinkers. Utilizing plant-based energy, derived from organic cascara coffee fruit, they offer everything from their thirst-quenching refreshers in flavors like strawberry, Mango and Pom-Berry to their signature d esert twilight drink(pictured) which combines a shot of their plant-based energy (that naturally has 80mg of caffeine) with a blueberry pomegranate smoothie and hints of lavender and vanilla. But that’s just the start with so many more options including their teas, sodas, frozen drinks and lemonades, all that can be pumped up with an energy shot for that morning or mid-day boost. t he Utah-based coffee franchise didn’t stop at creating an outstanding drink menu, they have put together a food menu filled with savory options that are a big upgrade from a typical coffee shop. With offerings from their B MeatFree plant-based breakfast sandwich and turkey, swiss and Pesto panini, the brand is committed to offering delicious options made with the best ingredients to help keep us fueled throughout the day.
Founded in 1993 and franchising since 2004, Beans & Brews currently has 67 locations open across 4 states and has 20 locations in development. t he brand is actively seeking single and multi-unit franchise partners who have a passion for a quality cup of coffee, guest satisfaction and engagement with their community. Franchise partners must have a positive, upbeat attitude and a strong ability to create a team-focused atmosphere. t he brand is looking for franchise partners across the U. s . with a goal of awarding 30 licenses by the end of 2022.
a co FFeehouse m ade For m ore t han Just co FFee d rinkers
Local Family Franchise Within Ascension Parish
56 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
salad s tation Opens New Gonzales
Location in Lagniappe Center

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 57 w h Y n ashville h ot c hicken i s h ere to s taY
Elevating the brand’s hands-on st E a M experience for children, the new 2,500-square feet, retail-style concept features expanded curriculum and brand offerings. t here are two separate classrooms and 17 creative play stations engaging children through st E a M activities involving LEgo ® bricks, Minecraft, Virtual r eality, and more.
When looking to open a restaurant of my own, I noticed food trends in my home community of Los Angeles were shifting. equipped with experience in growing major national brands such as starbucks, Wolfgang Puck, and Chili’s, I saw potential in the increasingly popular Nashville Hot Chicken craze. Wanting to bring only the very best to the West coast, i took a trip to nashville in order to fully immerse myself in the hot chicken culture. it was then that we developed an authentic yet unique recipe for our perfectly seasoned and crispy nashville h ot chicken to be served at our first location in d owntown Los angeles. a s the nashville h ot chicken concept appeals to more communities, more restaurants are introducing their own take on the classic dish. t his is an indicator that the trend has now grown into a timeless concept and its own segment in the restaurant tindustry.hanksto our team’s creativity, t he r ed chickz is securing a position as an innovator in the industry. o ur unique menu offers a West coast spin on the concept, serving up creations such as the o riginal chickz s andwich, chickz n’ Waffle, and chickz tacos. We have also introduced new menu items like nashville h ot c auliflower so that every hungry guest can taste t he r ed chickz’s delicious creations. in addition, halal chicken is now our standard. With our spin on nashville h ot chicken and continuous innovation, our dream of major national growth is becoming a reality. snapology, the No. 1 children’s s T e AM (s cience, Technology, engineering, Art, and Math) franchise and part of the world’s first Youth enrichment franchise platform company Unleashed Brands, celebrated the grand opening of its first d iscovery Center 2.0 in Amarillo, TX on August 20. The new center is owned by Bobby and Kenna Payne, firsttime franchise owners.
“ t he d iscovery center 2.0 marks the beginning of an exciting new era for the snapology brand,” said Laura coe, Brand President & cEo for snapology. “We want to keep pushing the envelope in st E a M education to help kids learn, play and grow. t he upgraded features and programming of our new centers being opened by franchise partners are a reminder of why snapology is a leading franchise in the youth enrichment tspace.”henew d iscovery center also offers a “Passport” membership program that will gamify the snapology classes, creating incentives for children to learn fundamental st E a M skills, develop critical social skills and create recurring revenue for franchisees. Kids take classes to earn stamps on their Passport, which can be filled up to win swag and other prizes.
s na P olo GY Debuts New Discovery Center 2.0 Model in Amarillo, TX

“Jason has a proven record of successfully building brands, and i ’m excited to see where he and the rest of his team will take o ffice Evolution next,” said r ay t itus, Founder and cEo of United Franchise g roup after serving in the Us air Force for five years, anderson became very familiar with the benefts of flexible workspaces as an entrepreneur, when he began operating a real estate brokerage from a coworking space in 2007. h e joined UFg over 10 years ago and since then, his experience has expanded to include executive leadership roles in franchise development, brand operations, technology and sales.
For information about franchise opportunities
• Rising Star: clayton authement, texas
• Community Advocacy: natalie Knight, Utah • Top Overall Sales: Lynn n elson, i daho. in addition to the awards ceremony, there were several networking events held throughout the conference, including technology expos on aug. 4-5.
For more information, www/
58 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
• Franny: Lou Malooley, g eorgia
• Community Impact: Ken and Barbara adams, texas
“alpha g raphics wouldn’t be the brand that it is today without a combined effort from both our franchise owners and leadership team,” said Bill McPherson, vice president of franchise development. “o ur annual conference gives us an opportunity to celebrate the hard work of our franchisees while also discussing ways we can continue to thrive.” s everal awards were given out at this year’s conference, including:
“We love recognizing our franchisees for the tremendous job they’ve done all year, but the annual conference also gives them a space to network and learn from other franchise owners under the alpha g raphics flag,” McPherson said. “ t hey have the chance to discuss different strategies and develop new goals that could help them build their business once they returned home. it’s a tremendous event all around, and we love hosting it every year.”
Jason a nderson Appointed President of oFFice e volution alPhaGraPhics celebrates franchisees at 52nd annual conference
Coworking veteran will launch major expansion to make the brand one of the largest shared-workspace companies in the world
AlphaGraphics, founded in 1970, a leading franchisor of printing and marketing solutions, recognized top franchisees and discussed plans for the future recently during its 52nd annual conference at the Hyatt r egency in d enver.
• Project of the Year: g regg Mcd onough, Utah
• Most Improved: todd Bone, texas
United Franchise Group™ (UFG) announced that Jason Anderson has been named President of o ffice evolution. The flexible workspace franchise joined UFG’s Coworks™ division in May of this year. anderson also serves as President of coworks and chief strategy o fficer of United Franchise g roup. Under his leadership, o ffice Evolution will launch a major brand expansion targeting new regions, as well as a refresh of its marketing and branding materials.
“ i ’d like to see the brand take center stage as the go-to provider of flexible office space, focusing on providing amazing spaces where people can work near where they live,” anderson said. “Joining the UFg family with its vast resources puts o ffice Evolution within reach of being one of the largest coworking brands in the world.”

o ptimized as a smaller footprint and designed to fit into markets where larger real estate and/or population demographics wouldn’t support a more traditional World gym, this model provides a serious training floor with free weights, racks and platforms, plate loaded machines, cables and selectorized
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 59
“machinethisnew model also allows for greater operational efficiency and drives profitability faster, allowing new franchisees to enter the fitness industry at a lower level of financial commitment, and giving existing franchisees an additional opportunity to expand into different markets,” s aracco added.
w orld G Y m l e G ac Y – s tren G th-
Focused, w ith a
t he company has also installed a new recreation building with a craft room and an arcade. r ental accommodations have been expanded to include four furnished glamping tents, four yurts and four conestoga wagons.
World Gym International introduced “World Gym Legacy,” an innovative, new strength-only gym designed to meet the needs of today’s consumer, while also providing new and existing franchisees with an attractive, smaller sized footprint and strong unit economics.
“ t he world is changing, and so are the needs and demands of our consumers,” says Jarrod s aracco, coo of World gym international. “Many have shifted to some sort of hybrid workout routine and invested in home fitness products, or have taken up running, pickleball and other outdoor activities, leading to a shift in what they are looking for in a gym membership. t his new strength-focused gym model is a game changer with a lasting competitive advantage.”
For more information www.binghamtonjellystonepark.comvisit:
Yo JellYstonePark Adds Two More New York Franchises Locations Open in Binghamton and Chautauqua County n ew parks are the eighth and ninth to join brand nationwide this year
k ick
Families in the Northeast may now enjoy two more Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp- r esorts with the recent opening of locations near Binghamton and in Chautauqua County, New York. They are the eighth and ninth properties in the United states to begin operating under the Jellystone Park brand this year.
Jellystone Park locations are famous for providing families with great attractions and activities such as pools, water slides, splashgrounds, jumping pillows, wagon rides, foam parties and interactions with Yogi Bear costumed characters. g uests can choose from a variety of camping and glamping accommodations, including cabins and r V sites.
Located near Binghamton, the new Jellystone Park franchise, which consists of 140 sites, is owned and operated by Burke c ampgrounds of n ew York, LLc Previously known as the Binghamton Bear campground, a significant number of upgrades were made in advance of the Jellystone Park opening. r ecent improvements include the addition of a floating obstacle course on the park’s six-acre lake, a new snowless tubing course, two jumping pillows, a pedal cart track, two gaga ball pits and sports fields.
G i Bear’s

“I realized that I wanted to work for myself,” she said. “But when I thought about owning my own business, it was
60 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa cover story: FIEld OPS
Susan started her Air Force career as one of the few enlisted women in C-17 aircraft maintenance, working long shifts on the flight line, no matter the weather. From there, she joined ROTC, entered into cyberspace operations, and later became a foreign area officer. And, while she enjoyed those positions, it was tough for her to see the immediate results and impact of her “Aswork.a cyberspace operator, we always got called when systems were down; never when things were working properly.”
isT o F pe R ks Fo R you R J o B . sveteransUPPLeMent w hy t hi S v eteran jO ined a Franchi S e Built e xclu S ively FO r v eteran S
For susan Wong, Air Force retiree and the first franchise owner of FIeLd oPs Athletic Field Markings, getting out of the office and having the flexibility to spend time with her three daughters were her top priorities for a post-military career.
Given her military background, it would have been relatively easy for Susan to step into the defense industry, or work with international allies or partners. But the idea of going back to an office environment or into a sensitive compartment information facility (SCIF) cut-off from her daughters, was far from ideal.
Susan also felt that she was pulled in a lot of different directions by multiple additional duties that were outside her scope of responsibility. Not only did these extra activities distract her from her primary job, they were required to compete for promotions. She looked forward to the day when she could simply focus all her energy on just one thing.
The R e’s noT hing B TT R T han T he sme LL o F FR esh Ly T R ass. e LLy, L a blank slate, and I would have to create everything from scratch. That’s why I chose FIELD OPS instead.”
As Jack Child, a 10-year veteran himself, and founder of Veteran Service Brands (VSB), knows full well, it’s not easy to start your own business, particularly for many veterans. And that’s precisely why he formed VSB. VSB sprang from his experience as franchisor of G-FORCE Parking Lot Striping. Awarding franchises since 2018, G-FORCE now has almost 40 locations and is already the largest brand in the Pavement Marking space. Importantly,
i F T haT sme LL is inc Luded in T he
When Susan retired from the Air Force, she experienced a lot of anxiety during her transition from military to civilian life. She moved from Hawaii to Texas, out-processed from the military, and closed on a house. All of this on top of trying to figure out what to do next and how to support her family as a single mom.

“We take them from zero to 100 miles per hour,” Jack explained. “We’re all about building their confidence, helping them make connections, and gaining customers.”
“Most think ‘Well, I’ll file my LLC, get a business card and, boom, I’m in business!’ Having launched a number of my own businesses and having previously franchised, I knew many of my fellow veterans could benefit from my experience starting and running successful service to enter the business world is by owning a franchise, which was the main point of the G.I. Jobs webinar Susan attended in early 2022. She heard a presentation from VSB and inquired about their newest brand: FIELD OPS.
“My daughters get to help me,” she said. “I can teach them the trade and we can learn together. I am paying them for their work, while they get practical skills. It also gets them Susan’soutside!”daughters aren’t the only ones who lend a hand. Susan’s parents wish to help when they come to visit.
G-FORCE was the very first brand to award franchises exclusively to veterans.
And then there’s Wall-e, the name her daughter gave Susan’s brand-new robot that automates the markings on the fields with incredible precision. Wall-e dramatically reduces installation time while simultaneously improving results. Wall-e is a game changer for Susan’s business.
“It was really courageous of Susan to be our first franchise partner,” said Jack. “Until you have a number of happy franchise owners, it’s really an unproven concept. I happen to know it works because of the many leads we receive for fields through our G-FORCE brand, with several of our G-FORCE partners already performing these services. But, still, there are many who would say, ‘No way am I taking that risk.’”
“I want to influence students to have a good work ethic,” she said. “I’ll pay them a decent wage, get them outside, and help students who are just starting out in the Jackworkforce.”isexcited for the future of FIELD OPS, too, as well as the entire VSB “Asnetwork.webuild out FIELD OPS, we easily envision 50 to 100 locations. For VSB, we see upwards of 500-700 locations across all of our brands, as the only franchise network of its kind, focused exclusively on Now,veterans.”when Susan is outside working, that smell of freshly cut grass also smells like freedom. For more information on the Veteran Service Brands, visit their website at or about the author: samantha Gassman is an Air Force veteran, military spouse, mom, and the author of the children’s picture book Dear Rainbow Baby
For the moment, Susan is taking it one day at a time and learning the intricacies of the business. In the future, she wants to expand her franchise and employ high school and college students.
FIELD OPS is a low cost, emerging franchise (starting at just $19K) within the VSB network (along with G-FORCE, MACH ONE Epoxy Floors and PAINT CORPS) and specializes in athletic field markings for schools, municipalities, recreation centers, and athletic facilities.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 61
Beyond her immediate family (and Wall-e), Susan feels a bond with the other VSB franchise owners too, because every business in the VSB network is veteranowned, there’s an immediate sense of camaraderie among the franchise partners, just as Susan experienced in the Air Force.
“The biggest thing for me is I get to work with other veterans,” she said. “I feel comfortable being around them and we talk the same language. When I came into this franchise, it felt like a family. Like a PCS (Permanent Change of Station), when you move to a new base, I don’t feel like a stranger here.”
“ The biggest thing for me is I get to work with other veterans, I feel comfortable being around them and we talk the same language. When I came into this franchise, it felt like a family.” And she’s certainly not alone when it comes to figuring out how to run her franchise. The whole goal of VSB is to help veterans contribute in a meaningful way after their military service through business ownership.
“There’s so much more to starting a business than people realize,” he said.
On the contrary, Susan was excited to take on a new challenge. Not only would she be able to focus on the business, but she could also share in the venture with her daughters. And, she genuinely liked being first.

Lambie approached this new endeavor with passion and determination, and enlisted his military skills to help develop his leadership style. Lambie knows that the health of his business can be directly related to the health of his employees, and the atmosphere he creates for success. This was proven earlier this year when Lambie was named among an exclusive list of 12 Franchise Rock Stars of 2022 by leading industry research firm Franchise Business Review for his outstanding achievements as a Ziebart franchise owner. Having only opened his doors three years ago, his determination and open leadership style are key components to his success.
Keeping vehicles looking new, extending their life and ensuring the highest resale value are three of the many reasons Ziebart products and services continue to be in high demand around the world.
h o W o ne m an’s m i L i Ta Ry T R aining h e L ps h im Run a success Fu L Business
62 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa franchisee in action: Nick l ambie | Ziebart Fr O m m ilitary leader tO rO c K Star Franchi S ee:
Recognizing this need, military veteran Nick Lambie decided to bring the premium automotive appearance and protection franchise to his hometown of Morgantown, West Virginia. Before becoming a business owner, Lambie spent nine years as a U.S. Airforce Weapons Director. In this position he was responsible for the tanker and fighter aircraft during missions, which required him to direct the aircraft on where to go and what to do, and pay close attention to detail. During these missions it was crucial that they worked together as a team, and trusted each other to get the job done.
Lambie’s decision to open Ziebart first started after he had been to one of the locations in New York. Impressed by the quality of service and friendly demeanor of the employees, he knew this was something he wanted to be a part of. While he is still active in the military and serves in the Air National Guard, he also wanted to be able to provide opportunities for the people in his hometown, thus his decision to open Ziebart.

Over 273 nominations from franchisors were considered for the Franchise Rock Star Award, and only 12 were picked. The nominees were judged on what it really means to be a Rock Star, including leadership, business acumen, financial and professional success, and contributing to their community. Lambie’s leadership style, attention to detail, passion for his business, and determination to create a beneficial atmosphere for his employees earned him a spot on the list. This is just the beginning of his success, as Lambie recently signed an agreement for his second franchise location in Bridgeport, West Virginia.
“ more important than being honest with yourself and your employees,” said Lambie. “I know that I am not the best at everything, but I try to focus on being the best that I can be for my employees, and my community.”
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 63 comradery Plays a huge role in company atmosphere and achievement Seeing how his team operated together in the military, it was important to Lambie to create a similar comradery within his business. He learned that strong communication is what truly fosters growth and productive teamwork. It is important to Lambie to take care of his employees, and to award them the respect that they show him. He believes that one of the best things you can do for your business is to listen to everyone’s input, and create an open atmosphere that fosters ideas. His staff feels like family, and together they are able to collaborate and create a business that not only operates efficiently, but provides the best experience for both employees and
His ability to empathize with customers and employees is one of the biggest factors that makes Lambie a valued leader. It’s this quality that has trickled down and helped foster his other strong leadership traits, such as open communication, understanding what people need, finding a beneficial solution, and having a passion for what you do.
Eager to bring his leadership style and determination to this new location, Lambie is excited to be able to contribute to his community on a larger scale.
One of the aspects that sets Lambie apart as a leader is how he considers everyone on the team, including himself, as equals. He works side by side with his team to help out and coach them in the field, and doesn’t see a hierarchy within his business. Lambie dedicated himself to being well versed on all of Ziebart’s services, including auto detailing, paint correction, Ceramic Z-Gloss® Paint Coating, window tint, Z-Shield® Paint Protection Film, and the service Ziebart is best known for – rust
“Thecustomers.bestway to move forward is to listen to each other and be open to new ideas,” said Lambie. “I am always looking for ways to improve, and I try to encourage my team to take initiative and find ways we can progress together.”
“ Nothing is more important than being honest with yourself and your employees, I know that I am not the best at everything, but I try to focus on being the best that I can be for my employees, and my community.” recognizing Greatness and looking ahead
Founded in 1959, Ziebart International Corporation is the worldwide leader in premium automotive appearance and protection services that extend the life of vehicles. Ziebart operates over 400 locations, with 1,200 service centers, in 35 countries. Ziebart continues to grow and offers domestic and international franchising opportunities, a best-in-class investment for qualified prospects.

Last month, the Foundation celebrated one of its most notable achievements yet – the publication of a study by the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, which it supported by sponsoring dozens of service dogs with K9s For Warriors. The newly published study provides further evidence of the benefits of service dogs for veterans with PTSD and helps identify more specifically which dogs and humaninteractions lead to the best outcomes. The research was led by Dr. Maggie O’Haire, associate professor of Human-Animal Interaction in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and conducted from 2017 to 2020.
64 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa franchisor in DePth: dogtopia
Dogtopia is not only a leading dog, daycare, and spa franchise; the company is raising the bar when it comes to charitable giving through the Dogtopia Foundation, which enables dogs to positively change our world via three major causes. Since its inception, the Dogtopia Foundation has helped fund efforts around service dogs for veterans, youth literacy programs, and employment initiatives for adults with autism.
t hr
sveteransUPPLeMent O ugh dO gtO pia FO undati O n Supp O rt OF p urdue u niver S ity Study
dO gtO pia Sh tcOOwSmmitmentOveteranS

“The ultimate goal of our research is to amplify the voices of veterans and their families through science,” said O’Haire,
• Veterans with worse depression were more likely to ask their dogs to initiate a social connection or help make a friend.
“We’ve seen first-hand the benefits of service dogs for veterans with PTSD and are proud to support Dr. O’Haire’s ground-breaking research,” she said. “Until financial support improves for the men and women who bravely served our country, we remain committed to raising funds to train service dogs for veterans with PTSD and increasing awareness of the need through the efforts of our franchisees who are incredibly dedicated to this worthy cause.” Meyers and the Foundation have kept their word when it comes to that commitment to veterans. Since 2017 when the Dogtopia Foundation was established, the 501(c)3 non-profit has sponsored nearly 200 service dogs in partnership with Dogtopia’s franchise network of nearly 200 dog daycares. More than 60 of those dogs were sponsored in partnership with K9s For Warriors over the last year. In total, Dogtopia franchisees have raised more than $1.2 million dollars for the Foundation, which also supports employment for adults on the autism spectrum across Dogtopia locations nationwide. This program began because there are very few career options for the nearly 100,000 teenagers with autism who enter adulthood each year. For daycare owners, the Foundation offers an Autism Employment Guide and hosts webinars to provide them with the tools and resources needed to create a work environment where individuals with autism can thrive. In addition to supporting adults on the autism spectrum, the Foundation backs youth literacy programs such as SitStayRead, a Chicago-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that prepares volunteers and their dogs to serve as a non-judgmental and supportive audience for at-risk elementary school students and help them grow more confident and fluent in their reading.
• The strongest bonds were seen with service dogs who were less excitable and humans who found caring for their service dog to be easy and convenient.
“ The ultimate goal of our research is to amplify the voices of veterans and their families through science.” who has been conducting research on service dogs and veterans for seven years across three studies with a fourth ongoing study. “We are providing quantifiable data that shows how service dogs can improve symptoms and quality of life for certain veterans with PTSD.” This sentiment is echoed by Liz Meyers, the executive director of the Dogtopia Foundation.
Over the three years of research, 82 veterans with PTSD and their service dogs from K9’s For Warriors were studied through video-recorded behavior tests with the dogs, questionnaires to ask the veterans about their mental health, and smartphone technology to measure daily emotions and how much time veterans spent with their service a release from Dogtopia and the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, the full study can be found at PLOS ONE, and the key findings were as follows:
• Veterans and service dogs spend about 20 hours together per day on average, comprising about 82% of their time.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 65
• The most common and important task veterans ask their service dogs to do is to calm and comfort anxiety.
• Veterans with more anxiety and fewer PTSD symptoms were more likely to ask their service dog to signal when someone was approaching from behind.
• Lower PTSD symptoms and better mental health were seen among veterans with less excitable service dogs and those with a stronger human-animal bond. These results are important because the amount evidence for the therapeutic role of service dogs for PTSD is currently limited.
We’ve seen first-hand the benefits of service dogs for veterans with PTSD and are proud to support Dr. O’Haire’s ground-breaking research.”
Even with lengthy veteran waitlists for service dogs, Veteran Affairs (VA) still hesitates to fund service dogs for PTSD because of this lack of evidence.

Davenport will oversee franchise development efforts for Pool Scouts, the 110-plus-unit pool maintenance brand that launched in 2016; Home Clean Heroes, the 30-unit residential cleaning business that began franchising in 2018; and British Swim School, the 215-plus-unit swimming lesson brand that Buzz acquired in 2019.
If the impressive growth of the multibrand franchise company isn’t enough to convince prospective franchisee candidates to invest, the amazing performance and future prospects for the home services industry should seal the deal.
Buzz Franchise Brands currently has four home service franchise opportunities in high-demand segments, and has been steadily growing each brand over the years, now serving 34 states plus the District of Columbia.
In addition to its existing brands, Buzz Franchise Brands recently announced the launch of Grand Illuminations, a holiday lighting installation concept which is expected to kick off this winter with 10 franchise units already operating - a huge accomplishment for a new brand’s first season.
“Buzz has done a fantastic job of launching and scaling proven franchise brands in the home services industry over the last ten years,” said Garrison. “The emergence of Grand Illuminations will be a key part of continuing that trajectory of success in this space. I’m excited to be an integral part of that growth and positioning the brand for success with Buzz.”
The global home services industry is currently generating over $500 billion in revenue annually, and is forecasted to increase to over 35% by 2026.
Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary with Launch of New Brand and Addition of New Vice President of DevelopmentFranchise and each brand for that kind of success.”
Buzz Franchise Brands COO Brian Garrison will serve as Grand Illumination’s president to start, supported heavily by Davenport as the brand prepares to fully launch its franchise development efforts.
Buzz Franchise Brands
we are B uzz ing W ith
In the 10 years since Buzz Franchise Brands was founded, the home services franchisor has scaled from a five-employee operation to a powerhouse in the service industry with four brands and more than 270 franchise units combined. To support and champion the company’s continued growth, Buzz Franchise Brands recently welcomed Chris Davenport as the new vice president of franchise Davenport’sdevelopment.position will be invaluable, guiding the Buzz development team to further accelerate the growth of its portfolio.
66 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa have yoUr say: Buzz Franchise Brands
Franchise Brands and its subsidiaries are in a prime position to reap the advantages and benefits of the highly needed service segments of pool maintenance, swimming lessons, residential cleaning and holiday lights and decor installation. And Davenport is ready to guide each of the brands’ franchise development efforts to success.
“Buzz has done a fantastic job developing healthy and strong, recognized franchise concepts, and my role is to continue the growth of all brands, while helping those with a smaller footprint scale in a successful and streamlined manner,” explained Davenport, who joined Buzz in June. “This company has very lofty goals, and I’m excited to be an integral part of that growth and positioning the Company a ne W B rand and a ne W vp

“It’ssupport.been an incredible decade full of growth for our brands and franchisees. To see the team and culture we’ve built over the past decade, knowing that we started in 2012 with only five people, is truly inspiring. I have no doubt the next 10 years will be even better, especially with Chris Davenport guiding our franchise development efforts,” said CEO Kevin Wilson. home clean heroes Home Clean Heroes has begun to really make a name for itself in the franchise community, appearing on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top New and Emerging Franchises in 2022 list. The company has grown its customer base by 71% year-todate, and revenue is up 88% year-to-date.
The brand recently closed out its “Charter League” of initial owners, with the signing of the tenth franchisee. Davenport is working with new franchise candidates to continue building the brand, which is offering a summer signing incentive with savings of $30,000 for those who commit between now and September 5, 2022.
Pool scouts Pool Scouts is also enjoying great success in 2022, with high double digit percentage growth in revenue compared to 2021, which was already the company’s best year ever.
Home Clean Heroes also recently launched its Heroes First Initiative, partnering with philanthropic organization First Responders Children’s Foundation to donate scholarships, grants and cleanings to families and children of first responders in need. The program has generated over $10,000 to cover bereavement costs and financial assistance grants for over a dozen families.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 67 and the rest of the team at Buzz Franchise Brands are incredibly excited about.
The demand for these services has remained strong and sales have been steadfast despite economic challenges in the last few years. Emerging from the pandemic, the brand tripled its revenue in 2021, and British Swim School’s revenue is up more than 75% so far in 2022.
As Buzz Franchise Brands celebrates its ten-year anniversary, the team spirit within the company is high, as evidenced by the Company’s selection as the 2022 Top Workplace by Inside Business Hampton Roads. They are dedicated to continuing to grow each of its brands into strong franchise systems with a network of
The brand has already recruited 10 new franchisees and opened 21 new locations so far this year. This impressive growth is bringing Pool Scouts to eight new markets in six new states, something Davenport
The brand was also recognized on Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500 list and had big success in partnering with the Hope Floats Foundation to promote water safety. During the month of May, the franchise was able to raise more than $16,000 to provide 800-plus swim lessons for children in need in the United States. British swim school British Swim School has been around for over 40 years, providing swimming lessons and teaching water safety to those who could benefit from it. Buzz’s largest brand, franchisees with British Swim School serve over 215 territories in the United States and Canada.

S ing pr Ovide S e xcellent Opp O rtunitie S FO r v eteran S
68 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert aDvice: Catherine Monson, C FE | Ceo | Propelled Brands
Moreover, veterans often turn out to be exemplary franchisees as they are disciplined, driven, self-motivated and natural leaders with a mission-focused work ethic and great ability to follow detailed instructions, making them well-
We have tremendous respect for veterans and are honored that currently over 100 veterans, men and women, have chosen to become FASTSIGNS franchisees. In addition, we currently have three veteranowned NerdsToGo franchises.
Nationwide, according to the International Franchise Association’s VetFran program (Veterans Transition Franchise Initiative), about 12% of all franchisees are veterans and many companies discover that veteran franchisees end up being their strongest performers. 14% of our over 760 FASTSIGNS franchises are veteran-owned.
catherine Monson, cfe, Propelled Brands, ceo immediate Past chair of the international franchising association, ifa Catherine Monson brings 30 years of franchising and management experience to her role as CEO of FASTSIGNS International, Inc., and Propelled Brands, the multi-unit franchisor that includes FASTSIGNS®; SIGNWAVE® in Australia where FASTSIGNS centers operate under the SIGNWAVE brand; NerdsToGo® and Suite Management Franchising, llC, the parent company of MY SAlON Suite® and Salon Plaza®.
While franchising provides an excellent opportunity to own a small business, it’s an especially good opportunity for veterans. That’s because veterans, through their military experience, have developed qualities including analytical and leadership skills, discipline, and a missionfocused work ethic that help make them successful franchisees. Veterans also have developed determination and resilience. As franchisors, we value these traits, which are shaped by resilience. Resilience involves traits including grit, endurance, perseverance, courage, calmness, fortitude and commitment, all of which are common to our military veterans.
Franchi suited for franchising and for FASTSIGNS in Theyparticular.understand the plan or mission and have learned through their military experience when to adapt to changing circumstances. Veterans show strong dedication to their work; they’ll put their all into the business. They are also highly capable of handling the daily stresses of business operations and don’t give up easily. They are resilient regarding the daily ups and downs of a business. They also know how to manage personnel and equipment and get results.
Veterans are also highly capable of following systems, an ability that is a foundation of any franchisee’s success. Following a proven and tested system ensures that customers receive consistent quality and service at every location. Veterans also learn leadership skills that teach them to adapt to changing circumstances and face challenges, skills that are very important in franchising and business ownership. Leadership is learned by leading people, and veterans have learned those leadership skills through on-the-job training. They’re also good at teaching others the job. While it’s common for most franchisees to have little or no experience in the franchisor’s industry when they first start, military veterans respond especially well and are very successful in implementing the training they receive from the

Stan Gray, FASTSIGNS Southern California
Owning a franchise can benefit veterans in many ways as they join a well-established brand with a supportive team backing them.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 69
Lawrence was also impressed with our proven track record of success in helping veterans get into business for themselves and create a fulfilling life and career. At FASTSIGNS, we encourage all our franchisees to network with other franchisees. Moreover, before a military veteran signs a contract with us, as we do with every franchise prospect, we encourage them to reach out to a large number of our FASTSIGNS franchisees, including military veterans who are FASTSIGNS franchisees, to gain insight into the business and learn more about what it’s like to own one of our franchises. Our top priorities are to ensure franchisee success and satisfaction. At FASTSIGNS, our franchisees also serve military veterans by creating banners and signs honoring them in their local communities.
worked hard to get the FASTSIGNS centers designated essential businesses and allowed Lawrence in particular to open seamlessly in July 2020.
Darrin Lawrence, FASTSIGNS Richardson, TX
Veterans can often tap into a wider customer base and network, in part because they have contact with fellow service members and veterans. Other veterans tend to more readily support veteranowned businesses. Civilian customers, also welcome and patronize veteran-owned businesses.
We find our veteran franchisees to be a powerful asset as they encourage more veterans to use the skills they learned
“ While it’s common for most franchisees to have little or no experience in the franchisor’s industry when they first start, military veterans respond especially well and are very successful in implementing the training they receive from the franchisor’s team.” in their military service to become franchisees. FASTSIGNS International has a special Veteran Franchise Program with many benefits, including a period of reduced royalties and a discounted initial franchise fee of 50%, along with flexible location options, tax benefits, and financing options. These options are also available for NerdsToGo franchisees who are veterans. These services are also available for first responders such as police, firefighters and emergency services personnel. There is great potential in owning a FASTSIGNS franchise. The signage and visual graphics industry, in general, is a growing industry generating revenues over $29 billion annually. FASTSIGNS franchisees average upwards of $906,213 in annual revenue with the top quartile earning 30.2% in discretionary profit. We regularly receive recognition for supporting veterans. Last year in October 2021, FASTSIGNS was ranked fifth on Entrepreneur Magazine’s list of Top Franchises for Veterans. Moreover, we have received the U.S. Secretary of Defense’s Employer Support Freedom Award, which recognizes businesses with pro-military personnel policies for reservist employees. FASTSIGNS is also involved with VetFran, which helps veterans find franchise opportunities through training, financial assistance, and industry support. Veterans, such as franchisee Darrin Lawrence of FASTSIGNS of Richardson, TX, find that support invaluable. In 2020, during the pandemic, such support allowed Lawrence and other franchisees to stay open when other businesses were closing. During that time, the corporate leadership team
franchisor’s team. Veterans are used to extensive training throughout their military Ascareer.anexample, Navy veteran Stan Gray, who owns two FASTSIGNS centers in Southern California, credits his time in the service for developing his leadership skills and giving him opportunities to grow. His Navy experience, in particular, taught him the value of teamwork. For successful missions, everyone had to work together to achieve the mission’s goals. This translates well when it comes to franchising, as the whole team at a FASTSIGNS center has to work together for projects to be successful. This is true for any type of franchise: the whole team has to work together for Stansuccess.Gray adds that the support he receives from the FASTSIGNS team is invaluable and he feels that both the franchisor and franchisee are always on the same mission with the same goals, including growing his business, serving his clients, building a passionate team, and serving the Ascommunity.afranchisee, community involvement is important to Gray. As just one example, his center prints and installs banners for his hometown Armed Forces Day Parade in Torrance, CA, the longest-running of such parades in the country. The banners feature images of local veterans.

Rowe suddenly had a moment of clarity. If a non-invasive and holistic therapy could positively improve a veteran’s life, then he knew he had an obligation to share this news with individuals nationwide. The next day, Rowe flew to Arizona to meet True REST’s founders and discuss the possibility of franchising opportunities. Today, True REST has 42 locations in 27 states and into Canada.
Float therapy has become known as an effective treatment for PTSD, chronic pain, providing individuals relief from anxiety and depression, and mental and physical pain by allowing individuals to relax and de-stress in a zero-gravity and sensorydeprived environment. The private space is calm, dim and void of sound and light, conditions that help block distractions and promote healing by reducing sensory inputs to the brain. As military members frequently suffer from chronic pain and PTSD, True REST is proud to offer an alternative therapy that is proven to help rebalance their mental and physical health.
70 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa have yoUr say: True REST Float Spa
True REST Float Spa is focused year-round on providing veterans with the following military-based opportunities: veterans day: dedicating a Full day of serving military members Free Float therapy sessions To honor U.S. active duty and retired service members, True REST closes its symptoms of military service, studies and anecdotes demonstrate how flotation therapy offers individuals a holistic approach to healing, relaxation and pain Asrelief.aseasoned franchisor, CEO Jim Rowe discovered float therapy by accident from a friend who had just retired as a Navy Seal and suffered from addiction and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Over lunch, Rowe’s friend had told him how float therapy was changing his life. Float therapy is the practice of floating in an egg-like pod filled with Epsom salt and water in a zero-gravity and sensory-free environment.
the power of holistic healing with flotation therapy Before becoming a successful brand focused on helping military veterans and entrepreneurs find alternative sources of healing and income, True resT Float spa opened its first flotation therapy location in 2009 in scottsdale, Arizona. The rest, as they say, is history and it wasn’t long before they expanded the business to a national franchise operation. From the outset, True REST Float Spa leadership decided to dedicate its philanthropic efforts to the military community primarily for the health benefits floating offers veterans. Since beginning franchising operations in 2015, True REST Float Spa (“True REST”) has made it a mission to give back to military and veteran communities who sacrifice so much at the cost of chronic mental and physical pain. While traditional medical methods help address the adverse t rue re S t FlOat Spa:

True REST offers a franchising starter program specifically designed for veterans. It is backed by a model of profitability that allows military members to be entrepreneurs by becoming franchisee owners. Not only does the brand offer a 10% military discount off initial franchising fees, but the brand provides access to a network of franchisees, many of whom are also veterans, who bring decades of franchising and business experience.
True REST Float Spa’s franchising program is recognized as a top franchise and one of the fastest growing franchises in
U.S. Military Appreciation Day is a special day for True REST to honor the sacrifices made by service members on the 11th day of each month throughout the year. On this day, True REST provides military guests a complimentary one-hour float therapy session. To date, True REST has given away over 17,000 complimentary floats to current and former military members.
Float therapy research with Yellow ribbon Fund for veterans with Ptsd Because float therapy remains relatively new to the mainstream wellness industry, ongoing research is being done to demonstrate its efficacy. To date, research has proven float therapy’s benefits by decreasing cortisol and stress levels, ultimately impacting multiple internal processes such as the fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system), PTSD, blood pressure, inflammation and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
The skills veterans develop in the military across leadership, self-discipline and mission-focused work ethics are strengths that give them a competitive advantage in the world of entrepreneurship.
To continue this important research, to offer more scientific proof and to highlight the health benefits for individuals suffering from PTSD, True REST has partnered with Yellow Ribbon Fund, a national veteran service organization for wounded, ill and injured post-9/11 service members, caregivers and families to support float research. Additionally, True REST President, Mandy Rowe, holds a seat on the board of directors for Yellow Ribbon Fund. supporting military entrepreneurs
spas to the general public every year on Veterans Day, November 11, to provide complimentary flotation therapy sessions. Active duty military members, veterans and reservists can participate by reserving a one-hour appointment at u. s. military appreciation day – complimentary sessions on the 11th day of each month
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 71
the nation. It is built on a proven business model ensuring franchising success and a reliable financial return. Many veterans have served in positions of leadership during their time in the military. This experience makes them natural leaders when it comes to owning a franchise. Additionally, veterans are known for their discipline and ability to stay calm under pressure, making them ideally suited to own a growing franchise business and Withsucceed.integrity, honesty and responsibility, True REST Float Spa continues to not only be one of the original pioneers but also the largest industry leader in flotation therapy. True REST is proud of its early success and the health benefits they offer their customers. They are committed to expanding its locations throughout the nation to bring communities total body wellness through the power of holistic Ifhealing.youare a veteran who understands the importance of a well-run business, then you should consider becoming a franchise owner at True REST Float Spa. To discover franchising opportunities with True REST Float Spa, please visit us at For more information on True REST Float Spa and their locations, visit TrueREST. com/About-Us.

• Downsizing & Decluttering one final thing – we are not a medical service company. a s a franchisee, you will not be dealing with the hassles or laws that involve elderly medical care, though you might want to invest in knowing the companies that do supply such services in your area. Many times our services are needed in order to fulfill the lifestyle changes recommended by healthcare professionals, so putting your leads into contact with upstanding medical professionals can create a favorable impression that causes them to return to you for help with non-medical side of their changing
laY ton k endall clayton Kendall provides a simple, easy to use e-store platform that connects your franchisees to our integrated front-to-back inventory management system. our system controls the creation, production, fulfillment, distribution and shipping of all your marketing and sales materials including uniforms, signage, branded merchandise and print collateral.
contact: Kim Falk Email:
Email: Website:Phone:dan@claytonkendall.com412-798-7120(1-888-799-4757)
Business Finance d e P ot Business Finance depot specializes in packaging equipment leases and sBa Express Working capital loans for start-up and existing businesses. our main clients are franchisors seeking financing for their new franchisees and manufacturers seeking financing for their equipment purchases.
carin G transitions caring transitions is a solution-oriented company, and we accomplish this by bringing three services under one roof that are normally all accomplished by separate companies. t he three services we combine to provide unique solutions for our customers are:
clayton Kendal is the single source marketing solution for dozens of national cfranchises.ontact:dan Broudy, cEo
72 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Beans & Brews co FFeehouse
t he Laramie family still owns and operates our headquarters, and many baristas from our earlier days have grown into senior roles as managers, directors, and VPs. t hey carry on our best traditions and work to create new ones too. Meanwhile, around the region, locally owned franchises brew up our beloved recipes for their own neighbors. o ur guests are our reason for getting up in the morning. We love greeting regulars with their favorite drinks, made just the way they like ‘em. and we dig getting to know newcomers and welcoming them to the Beans community. come in for a cup, alone or with a friend, and make yourself at home. and let us know how we can make your day a little brighter—whether it’s adding extra whipped cream or it’s donating a gift basket to your little-league fundraiser. cheers, and stop by soon.
Executive home care places screened, qualified caregivers with people who need a helping hand with common tasks that many of us take for granted. t he goal is to maintain a comfortable, safe, and happy living environment while providing for as much independence as
our company also works with sBa 7(a) lenders, alternate financing sources, crowd funding financing sources and companies that specialize in using retirement funds to capitalize a new business. Please visit our website for more information.
Beans & Brews coffeehouse has been around since 1993, when the Laramie family opened shop next to s alt Lake city’s beloved hangout, Liberty Park. t he family refined the process of high-altitude roasting™, which required special tweaks just like high-altitude baking. t hey soon got the process just right, and they built a reputation for uniquely smooth coffee in a friendly neighborhood setting. Beans & Brews—or “Beans,” as friends call us for short—is now a staple around Utah and its friends, idaho and nevada.
e xecutive h ome c are in-home care is, simply put, everyday assistance for your loved one provided by a kind, compassionate, and well-trained tperson.hisassistance can come in the form of help getting dressed, preparing meals, doing some light housework, or just relaxing and enjoying a friendly conversation.
• Senior Relocation • Estate Sales

mind C hamp S uSa here’s your unique opportunity to own a brand that is transforming education globally and kick start your dream business! hailed as the education movement of the 21st century by new York t imes & Wall street Journal Bestselling author, dr Joseph Michelli, Mindchamps started as an education research centre in sydney. Based on over two decades of research, our unique 3-Mind approach forms the foundation of our educational programs in over 80 Mindchamps Early Learning and Preschool centers across australia, singapore, the Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia, indonesia and now the Us! a s the only early learning organization to develop its own unique, research-based curriculum, Mindchamps’ programs are backed by the work of world-renowned experts in Education, neuroscience, Psychology and t heatre. We are also the only organization worldwide to have Emeritus Professor allan snyder, Fellow of the royal society and founder of the centre for the Mind at the University of sydney and the australian national University as our chair of research. a s a multi-award-winning international Early Learning franchisor, Mindchamps is committed to your success. t his commitment is backed by years of experience, research and development, and a powerful, global brand that is hailed as a 21st century Early Learning Movement. We are keen to find the right business partners who want to contribute to their community while creating prosperity for their own family in the Us to discover more about why Mindchamps international Preschool is your dream business, visit i maG e o ne usa image o ne Usa is a commercial cleaning services business. t he image o ne franchising model was formed on the principles of transparency, training, and top-notch financial and customer service support. it is regularly recognized as a top franchise by third-party franchise and business publications, including, Entrepreneur. com and Franchise Business review. image o ne franchisees work for themselves in a unique relationship with the franchise company. image o ne provides them with customer support for their business, ongoing training, along with assistance with billing, equipment and sales training. image o ne provides necessary training, tools and support to help franchise affiliates build their business, including teaching franchisees the latest cleaning techniques and empowering them with insights on best-in-class equipment and technology. o ngoing training is delivered both at image o ne’s corporate headquarters and onsite at existing client locations to ensure that franchisees continue to grow their own businesses. image o ne has commercial cleaning franchise locations covering chicago, cincinnati, dallas, d enver, d etroit, Fort Myers, nashville and o rlando. Franchise territories are available nationwide. For information on the franchise, visit http:// image o neUsa .com k umon n orth a merica i nc. high school math teacher toru Kumon developed the Kumon Method of learning more than 60 years ago in Japan, when his son was struggling with second-grade arithmetic. realizing that a strong foundation in the basics-addition, subtraction, multiplication and division-was essential for higher-level math, Kumon created a series of math worksheets for his son to work on after school.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 73 Fastsi G ns® now more than ever, businesses look to Fastsigns for innovative ways to connect with customers in a highly competitive marketplace. o ur high standards for quality and customer service have made Fastsigns the most recognized brand in the industry, driving significantly more traffic to the web than any other sign company. We also lead in these important areas: • #1 Ranked Sign Franchise in Entrepreneur Magazine Franchise 500 three years in a row Franchise Business Review FBR50 Franchisee Satisfaction award 2006-2015 • Franchise Research Institute World Class Franchise 20112015 • Franchise Research Institute #1 Rated Sign & Graphics Franchise 2014-2015 • CFA Franchisees’ Choice Designation 2004-2015 FASTSIGNS is one of only a handful of franchises approved for $21 million in sBa financing for approved franchise candidates Fastsigns has over 400 markets approved for development in the Us and canada and is also seeking Master or area developer expansion in markets worldwide. For more information: Phone: 1-214-346-5679 Email: o r visit our Website: G irlkin lashes t he girLK in Lashes experience provides an eyelash extension franchise opportunity like no other. You will offer lash extension and lash lift services, with expansion possibilities for even more beauty services. Empower yourself and your future with girLK in Lashes! We pride ourselves on comprehensive lash artistry training. We don’t “sell” lash extensions, we provide the highest quality of lash extension services within the eyelash artistry industry.thegirLK in Lashes franchise was built on a premium experience paired with the highest quality lash services – and a little sparkle! Plus, girLK in Lashes Franchise offers an exciting way to empower other women and entrepreneurs in your community. girLK in Lashes provides an initial training program for franchisees and one manager. We then provide an onsite representative before you open to help train your stylists, as well as ongoing support and training. in addition, we present you with a copy of our confidential operations manual to help you start a lash extensions business and run it properly on a day-to-day basis. We seek like-minded franchise owners who share our vision of empowering women through business ownership and community Website:outreach irectory&franchiseservicesD
With daily practice, Kumon’s son gradually expanded his mastery of mathematical skills and by sixth grade was able to solve differential equations and integral calculus problems. today, at locations throughout north america, Kumon franchisees apply this method of daily practice and self-paced advancement to children’s math and reading skills.

We know the restaurant business and have done our homework. From the homestyle kitchens of nashville to t he red chickz restaurants that will be popping up everywhere, we’ve created something really special in an untapped, sizzling market. We make it simple. o ur team has worked our tails off to create a superior business model that is streamlined and simple to operate. We designed this with systems and growth in mind, so you can become the next proud owner of a t he red chickz restaurant franchise with ease. an investment in a restaurant franchise like t he red chickz is an excellent way to break into the foodservice business or expand your already existing restaurant portfolio. We seek qualified business owners who understand or appreciate the restaurant industry and are fired up about our www.theredchickz.combrand.
t he red c hickz
Franchisees will obtain access to the brand, tested and proven processes and support, purchasing power and distribution chains, cooperative marketing, new product research, development and roll-out, experienced training staff, and continuing training and education.
T h E C amp TR an S fOR maT i O n CE n TER Founded by alejandra Font, Luis Font and sam Bakhtiar in 2010, t he camp transformation center ( t he camp) was born out of the realization that despite universal knowledge of how to lose weight — eat healthier and work out regularly — millions of people still struggle to get results. during an era of skyrocketing obesity, t he camp created a proven system to help this massively underserved audience achieve their goals. home of the free “20-Pound Weight Loss challenge,” t he camp transformation center’s flagship program consists of group training with dynamic interval workouts, nutrition and supplement plans, highly qualified trainers, and a ton of positive emotional support. t he camp is a community of people who treat fellow members like family. t he camp transformation center is an industry leader in the weight loss and wellness niche. t he franchise currently has nearly 150 locations in more than a dozen states. t he fitness brand’s goal is to provide its outstanding services to people who wish to lose weight and improve their health in 500 communities by 2030. Each camp employs the company’s signature challenge, a six-week initial entry point for members, that aims to be a transformative moment in the lives of those who join and a launching pad for long-term membership. t he camp transformation center is known for its enthusiastic staff members, a clean environment, an open, spacious, and colorful design, supplement plans, and fitness training that is motivating and affordable. to learn more about the camp transformation center, visit
Franchising opportunities are available to entrepreneurs and investors in all industries but will be particularly appealing to health and beauty enthusiasts. remedy spa & s alon suites already has an established market presence and substantial market penetration in atlanta. From this successful platform, the company is looking to expand the brand in select key areas
We’ve d one the heavy Lifting for You
m uSE um O f i lluS i O n S rP illusions corp. is a U. s.-based corporation that develops and franchises Museums of illusions across the world. t he company’s primary goal is to provide memorable and exciting educational opportunities while evolving its approach to creativity, art, and entertainment. Founded in 2015. in Zagreb, croatia, the Museum of illusions quickly became a global leader in the “edutainment” sector and the largest chain of private museums worldwide. t he original concept offers an interactive, immersive, and fun experience for all age groups while teaching about science, vision, and perception through mind-bending illusions and tricks. t he Museum of illusions is thus globally recognized for its inventive way of combining entertaining and educational activities, as well as countless amazing photo opportunities for visitors to create unforgettable memories.
r emedY sPa & salon s uites remedy spa & s alon suites first opened its doors in atlanta, g eorgia in 2018. a s an attempt to enter the highly profitable health and beauty industries, remedy spa & s alon suites came equipped with 22 fully leased salon suites. to date, they have opened three locations through Metro-atlanta. amenities and perks to leasing include: 24/7 access, private upscale studios, spacious single/double suites, private parking, valet parking and premium fixtures, finishes and appliances.
Each state-of-the-art museum is designed to create a mentally stimulating journey through the human mind for all generations with fascinating exhibits including 3d holograms, astonishing art pieces, and brain-puzzling optical illusions. at this time the Museum of illusions has locations in 37 cities, 25 countries, and 4 continents, including franchises in tourist capitals such as new York, Paris, Madrid, shanghai, and dubai, where they are continually ranked among the top city attractions. t he Museum of illusions team plans to continue expanding globally by providing unique educational, visual, and entertaining experiences for visitors, as well as ongoing support and guidance to franchising partners at every step of the way.
For more information about the Museum of illusions or franchising opportunities please visit or email at toGo Build a future with the computer service industry pioneers and accomplish your business dreams with NerdsToGo! computers, handheld devices, tablets, and mobile phones are all things that only continue to grow and change the landscape of the technology industry in the 21st century. t hat is why nerdsto g o is such a lucrative concept. With businesses, homeowners, and individuals continuing to rely on technology, handling the repairs, computer service and support, and other computer services that can accompany a technologically based society seems like second nature. t his means franchise owners can tend to the high demands of a reliable customer base and reap the financial benefits by taking advantage of a constantly innovative, inventive, and lucrative industry. contact us today to learn why nerdsto g o is one of the fastest growing computer service and technology franchises in the United states!
74 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa n erds

t he brand prides itself on its cooked-to-order fresh food and strong devoted fanbase, also known as “ slimthusiasts.” Fans also resonate with the southern contemporary look and feel and open and inviting layout of slim chickens restaurants, which speak to the hospitality mindset that anchors the brand.
V ETER an S ERV i CE bR and S Veteran service Brands (VsB) is the umbrella organization for four distinct, but affiliated service brands - all of which are exclusive to military veterans. capitalizing on our success with g -ForcE (the first franchise brand exclusive to veterans), we are adding Mach onE Epoxy Floors, FiELd oPs athletic Field Markings, and Paint corPs (like Marine “corps”) franchise systems to the VsB family of veteran-only franchises.
FiELd oPs, already a low $10,000 Fee, offers a 50% discount for the first five Veteranstakers.joining the Veteran service Brands family enjoy instant camaraderie, proven systems in high demand businesses, group discounts, and more.
For more information on the slim chickens franchise opportunity, visit
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 75 zip S ZiPs is the leading low-cost player in a $10.5 billion laundry and drycleaning industry, caring for items our customers use every day, and others they reserve for special occasions. We offer five concepts in one, in a compact footprint, including: pressed laundry, dry cleaning, Wash n Fold laundry, alterations and caring for household items. o ur business was founded when eight of the Baltimore -Washington, d c area’s premier dry cleaners banded together to pool their expertise and resources to create a powerhouse brand. t hey established an “in by 9, out by 5,” one-low-price-to-dry-clean-anygarment approach that is affordable and convenient for customers to use and easy for operators to sell. We have nearly 70 locations open across the United states, commitments to open more than 100 more, and many territories available immediately for multi-unit development. We’re ready to help you get set up with full-service processing locations, satellite “drop” stores, sophisticated locker systems and processing of items for commercial organizations and even other garment care businesses. and we’ll support you every step of the way, from getting up and running to keeping things going strong for years to come. at ZiPs we’re committed to being an environmentally responsible organization: Every location accepts hangers for recycling, is illuminated by energy-efficient LEd lights, uses 100% biodegradable plastic bags and an odor-free hydrocarbon solvent, and captures by-product in clay filters that are disposed of through a third-party government compliance specialist. We also avoid individually wrapping using each garment or adding tissue paper in the sleeves, which cuts down not only on waste but on cost as well. independent garment care operators and growth-minded, entrepreneurial investors alike can capitalize on our systems, buying power, investment in innovation and improvement, and our brand. contact our director of Business d evelopment, abhi Parikh, at or (717) 495-7995 today to learn how you can look your best with a ZiPs franchise opportunity.
slim chickens, a leading fast casual franchise which features dine-in and drive-through in the better-chicken segment, opened in 2003 in Fayetteville, arkansas. o ffering high-quality food with a focus on fresh, delicious ingredients, the brand prides itself on its southern flair and commitment to hospitality, all in a fast-casual setting. Food is cooked to order, and the differentiated menu features chicken tenders, fresh salads, sandwiches, chicken and waffles, chicken wings and unique side items, alongside 17 house-made dipping sauces. today, there are more than 145 slim chickens locations open and 700 restaurants in development. t he brand, which recently launched a strategic multi-unit franchise growth initiative to reach 700 units in 10 years, is targeting qualified and experienced multi-unit groups to develop in dynamic markets across the country.
fR an C hi S ing uSa a-Z Listings are a great way to promote your business, giving you a presence within our publication and also the Franchising Usa Eachwebsite.detailed, full colour a-Z listing comes with a 150 word write up and your logo. e xcellent for branding and recognition. choose a 12 or 6 month package or simply add the a-Z directory onto your Focus, Profile or ad! to learn about the a-Z directory or any other products please contact Vikki 778-426-2446advertising@cgbpublishing.comBradbury:or
t he slim chickens franchise opportunity differentiates itself with prime markets available for multi-unit development, a passionate leadership team and world-class franchisee support system. a s slim chickens expands, it is awarding franchise opportunities to qualified, experienced and passionate multi-unit groups looking to add a dynamic segment to their portfolio.
s lim c hickens
initial investment starts as low as $20,000 for FiELd oPs (assuming possession of a suitable pickup truck) and runs as high as $150,000 depending upon which brand, size of territory, truck choice, and equipment package. Franchise Fees are deeply discounted for the first five franchise partners of our new brands (some are already spoken for). Mach onE and Paint corPs normally have a $25,000 Franchise Fee (some of the lowest in their industries), but offer the first five a steep $15,000 discount.
VsB is actively recruiting qualified veterans across the country to join our team. VsB is already the largest veteran-only franchise system and expects to triple its size in the next 12-18 months. For more information, visit s heenco t ravel sheenco travel began trading in 2012 under the name shamrock Vacations. nowadays sheenco is the leading name in luxury travel to ireland and the UK and has just launched a brand new travel Franchise in the Usa o ur focus on luxury helps us to stand out as we only use 4* and 5* properties and have a special focus on the wonderful castle accommodations available throughout ireland and the UK. But more than anything it’s the level of service we offer, from the first point of contact until after your reluctant arrival home. o ur friendly and close knit team go beyond your expectations with ease. d espite the difficulties of the g lobal Pandemic, g enevieve continued with the companies plans (albeit on a delayed timescale) to expand their operation in the Us and the sheenco travel Franchise was launched in June 2021. When asked about the timing of the expansion g enevieve laughingly asks “having started a business in a recession when else would you expand but in a Pandemic?!” t hanks to a solid team and great communication with guests and team members alike, sheenco travel have come out the other side of the Pandemic relatively unscathed and the future looks bright for this progressive and innovative company.

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