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MYLES CARTER UPDATE: 5:14 SURVIVORS & SURVIVORS FUND Page 13 ChargesFirefighterRochesterRacism:SuesFor$4Million Page 2 Conference of Big 5 School Districts Appoint Cottman, Elliott to Leadership Positions Page 3 Thousands Attend Pine Grill Reunion in MLK Park Page 12 6th Annual Celebration of Music, Arts And Culture Returns! Page 10 WHERE DO I GO TO VOTE ? CITY OF BUFFALO POLLING PLACES Page 15

Rochester City Council Member Willie Lightfoot, a career Rochester Fire Department fire fighter, told the local media that he was not surprised at the allegations, adding that the issue of racism in both the fire and police department, was systemic and prevalent.

Alleges his captain took him to a racist event that left him emotionally distressed and fearful.

Rochester Firefighter Charges Racism: Sues for $4 Million

DID YOU KNOW: IN 1926 , the Klan -in full dress - had perhaps its larg est ever rally in Monroe County, a "konklave" in downtown East Rochester on Sept. 25 and 26, 1926. The estimated attendance was 19,000 despite the pouring rain. Decades later the estimated number was reduced to 8,000.

Firefihter Jones at a recent press conference.

ABlack Rochester firefighter has filed a notice of claim charging that he was taken by a superior to a gathering at an East Avenue mansion for a faux-Juneteenth event that contained racist imagery. In a legal document 14-year veteran Jerrod Jones said the party occurred last month at a private home in a wealthy section of Rochester. He and two other firefighters attended af ter their captain, Jeffrey Krywy, allegedly told them they should all go to the party. Jones became uneasy when he arrived at the house and saw a cardboard cutout figure of former President Donald Trump, since firefighters aren’t supposed to at tend partisan political events while on duty, his attorney, Nate McMurray said. Jones then saw a display mocking the Juneteenth holiday, which celebrates the end of slavery in the 19th century, with Juneteenth flags displayed over buckets of fried chicken. In addition, a woman al legedly impersonated a local Democratic official and performed a sexually sugges tive dance, and pictures of Democratic politicians were attached to stakes in the yard. At another point , according to Jones’ legal document, another woman came up to him and said that he shouldn’t take the party seriously and that they were just “having fun.” She also told him they were all Trump supporters, and that "Joe Biden was destroying the country.”

Jones said he also noticed a high ranking Rochester Police Officer at the party, but could not name him.


According to the Notice of Claim, Jones is currently on leave, “suffering emotional distress and fear of retaliation from Krywy and others. He has been pressured by several firefighters including elected officials to remain silent.” “Still, many of the rank-and-file firefighters Jones has spoken to support Jones – encourag ing him to act and call out the intolerable behavior…Since the incident Krywy has reportedly earned the nickname “Ku Klux Krywy” among some of his RFD colleagues. Further, upon information and belief, numerous other incidents by Krywy have been ignored or covered up by the RFD.” The notice of claim, which is a notice of intent to file a lawsuit, names the City of Rochester and the fire department. Jones will seek at least $3 million for emotional distress and at least $1 million in compensatory damages. Jones is currently on leave as a firefighter and fears retaliation, McMurray said. In a statement, Fire Chief Felipe Hernandez Jr. called the incident “unacceptable and an affront to everyone who works with the RFD and in City Hall,” and said Krywy has been suspended, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported. The filing listed the address of the party, which is the home of Nicholas Nicosia, a dentist and member of the board of directors at Highland Hos pital, an affiliate of the Uni versity of Rochester Medical Center. Highland Hospital and the University of Roch ester Medical Center said it was "appalled" at the allega tions and have asked for the resignation of board member Dr. Nicholas Nicosia, and he has agreed, an action effec tive immediately.

The incident “cut me very deeply,” Jones said at a news conference. “I decided to speak up today because I have two children who maybe one day will aspire to become firefighters, and I don’t want them to experience what I experienced,” he said. He said it reminded him of the movie "Get Out," in which rich White people staged nice, harmless parties/events to harvest Black people's bodies. Jones said he told superiors about the incident and requested to not be assigned to work under Krywy, but was denied.

2 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022INSIDE ROCHESTER GOSPELROCHESTERFEST! Rochester Gospel Fest will take place on Sunday, August 21 at 8 p.m., 94 Central Park for “An Evening of Quartet Gospel Music.” Tickets are $25 (no tickets day of the program) $30 at the door. Children 6-10 $10 @ door only. Ticket locations: Cher rie “Ms. HI U” Jones 685683-8150; Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 141 Adam St. 585232-6742; Faith Deliverance, Christian Fellowship Church, 94 Central Park. TICKETS ALSO IN BUFFALO – Car rie Carmichael @716-5972165. BUSINESSES!SUPPORTBlack

Sharon Belton-Cottman of Buffalo Named Big 5 School District Chairperson, Cynthia Elliott of Rochester Named Vice-Chair

Vice-Chairperson Elliott was first elected to the Rochester Board of Education in 2006. She has over 45 years of experience serving as a community activist and is dedicated to repre senting the economically and socially disadvantaged children and families of Rochester and across the State. The Conference of Big 5 School Districts is a membership organization representing New York State’s urban school systems including the Buffalo, New York City, Rochester, Syra cuse, Yonkers, Albany, Mount Vernon and Utica City School Districts. Collectively, 46% of the State’s public school children are educated in these districts. The Big 5 organization has been advocating and promoting urban education issues before federal, State and local entities since 1958. In 2014, the Organization expanded its scope to include other urban school districts with comparable student demographics and fiscal capacity issues as Affiliate Members. The eight-member school districts work together through the Organization to speak with one voice on the needs and strengths of urban edu cation in New York State.

Western New York Demo crats recently unanimously nominated Judge Craig D. Hannah for a full 14-year term on the 8th Judicial Dis trict’s Supreme Court bench. Hannah served as a Buf falo City Court judge, most recently as chief judge, from 2006 until earlier this year, when Gov. Kathy Hochul appointed him to fill a Su preme Court vacancy. He is a graduate of Canisius College and the University at Buffalo School of Law, and was pre viously a prosecutor with the Erie County District Attorney’s office. He is also a past president of the Minority Bar As sociation of Western New York and a former corporation counsel for the City of Buffalo.

WNY Democrats Nominate Judge Hannah for State Supreme Court

Zellner noted that it is "more critical than ever" that our judiciary and judicial process look like the community it serves.


The University District Block Club Coalition continues to protest plans to open a Hopewell Center Substance Abuse Clinic in the Cleve-Hill Plaza for outpatient treatment for opioid use disorder. A “Not In Our Neighborhood” rally will be held on Saturday August 20 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Plaza. Shekinah Powers, a member of the coalition, pointed out that there are already five such locations under two miles within the area. “We don’t need another one,” she said at a rally held earlier this month where University Council Member Rasheed Wyatt and Legislator April Baskin were on hand to show their support for the residents. Wyatt said the decision to locate the clinic there should never have been approved without input from the community – which was left in the dark until the announcement of plans to open the facility were made public. For more information contact: VOTING LOCATIONS ARE STILL OPEN

SUPREME COURT NOMINEE: From left, Erie County Democrat ic Chair Jeremy Zellner, Supreme Court nominee Judge Craig D. Hannah and Arthur O. Eve, Jr. Gabriel Prosser August 30, 1800 Gabriel Prosser, a literate, enslaved blacksmith who planned a slave revolt to end slavery in Virginia, was betrayed by two slaves who told their owner, Gabriel escaped down river to Nor folk, but he was spotted and betrayed there by another slave named Will "Billy" King, Virginia and other state legislatures passed re strictions on free blacks, as well as prohibiting the edu cation, assembly, and hir ing out of slaves, to restrict their ability and chances to plan similar rebellions. Ga briel was hanged Oct. 10, 1800. His two brothers, and 23 other slaves were also hanged. On August 30, 2007, Governor Kaine in formally pardoned Gabriel and his co-conspirators.

Memorial Service in Celebration of the Life of Ronald Peoples Announced A memorial service in celebration of the life of retired Buffalo Public Schools educator Ronald Peoples will be held on Wednesday August, 24 at 5:30 PM at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church locat ed at 1525 Michigan Avenue. Ron made his transition at the age of 86 on April 2, 2020 after falling ill with COVID-19 . The beloved educator had the distinction of being the first Black male Elementary Supervisor for the City of Buffalo. A member of the Omega Psi Phi Frater nity, he has a long history of service to the community, es pecially young people. The memorial will be live streamed at: Once there, click "Watch Live.'' The phone number to the church is 716-886-1650.


Early voting locations are still open August 15th – 19th, Noon to 9:00PM Saturday, August 20th & Sunday, August 21st, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. PRIMARY ELECTION/VOTING DAY IS TUESDAY, AUGUST 23rd 6:00AM to 9:00PM .

August 28, 1963 March on Washington & Martin Luther King Jr. makes "I Have A Dream" speech at Lincoln Memorial, 1963


Street Legacy Photo by Darvin Adams

August 21, 1831 •Nat Turner began revolt in Southampton, VA, August 22 1867 Fisk University established, August 25, 1927 Althea Gibson, born in South Carolina 1927. She was the first African American to win a Grand Slam at Wimbledon July 6, 1957. August 27, 1963 W. E. B. DuBois, editor au thor and Pan-Africanist civil rights leader dies in Ghana. He e shared in the creation of the NAACP.

3Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 VISIT MANNA FOR DINING IN & TAKE OUT! Tuesday through Thursday 9AM-6PM • Friday 9AM-8PM • Saturday “Breakfast @ Manna” 9AM – 2PM • Sunday 11AM-4PM • CLOSED MONDAYS TO PLACE YOUR ORDER CALL (716) 253-2100 or ORDER ONLINE at DoorDash Location 633 Northland (Between Fillmore Ave. & Grider St.) AREA BRIEFS

“There is no one more qualified, either by temperament or experience, than Judge Craig Hannah,” said Erie County Democratic Chair Jeremy J. Zellner. He noted that Hannah is only the second Black male to serve as a state Supreme Court Judge in the 8th JD. The recent convention was convened by Arthur O. Eve, Jr., the son of former Assemblyman Deputy Speaker Arthur O. Eve. Hannah’s name was placed in nomination by Erie County Legislator Howard Johnson, D-District 1. Four other Supreme Court candidates were also nominated by the convention.

From left: Ms. Belton-Cottman, Ms. Elliott

The Conference of Big 5 School Dis tricts announces the appointment of Sharon Belton-Cottman, member of the Buffalo Board of Education as the Chair person of the Organization. Cynthia Elliott, President of the Rochester Board of Educa tion, will serve as Vice-Chairperson. Chairperson Belton-Cottman was first elected to the Buffalo Board of Education in 2011 and is the immediate past President of the Board. She has served on numerous task forces and educational and community ad visory boards. Chairperson Belton-Cottman is committed to the Conference’s Mission of promoting a more equitable funding system and the delivery of a high-quality education to all children. "It is my honor to serve,” said Belton-Cottman. “I look forward to working with our members in improving the quality of the education for our students in our conference and throughout our state."

CHCB, Celebrates National Health Center Week Honors Tops Employees


Association WNY at (716)626-0600. Erie County Department of Senior Services Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) is here to help you! Call us at 858 7883 to get information: about how Medicare works; how to pick a plan; how to solve your issue: costs of Medicare and programs to help you pay for it. Did you know the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) can pay the Medicare Part B premium and save you $170.10/mo? The net $1,549 for an individual and incomes at or below $1,153/mo. for a married a nd living together paid. The Low Income Subsidy prescription copays from $3.95 brand name drugs Talk to us to become eligible to apply. more information. Medicare has preventative services that are paid in full (no-co-payment) • Annual wellness exam • "Welcome to Medicare" preventative visit • Alcohol misuse screening and counseling • Abdominal aortic aneurysm • screening • Bone mass measurement • Cardiovascular disease behavioral therapy • Cardiovascular disease screening • Cervical cancer screening (pap smear and pelvic exam) colorectal cancer scr eening • Covid 19 vaccination • Depression screening • Diabetes screening • Diabetes prevention program • Flu shot • Hepatitis B shot and screening • Hepatitis C screening • HIV screening • Lung cancer screening • Mammogram screening • Medical nutrition • Obesity screening • Pneumococcal • Prostate cancer • Smoking and • Sexually transmitted (STI) screening • Medicare pays self management • Glaucoma(20%copayment) For more information call Erie County Department of Senior Services or visit our website: THIS PROJECT IS SUPPORTED, IN PART BY THE U.S. ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. Erie County Department of Senior Services Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) is here to help you! Call us at 858 7883 to get information: about how Medicare works; how to pick a plan; how to solve your issue: costs of Medicare and programs to help you pay for it. Did you know the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) can pay the Medicare Part B premium and save you $170.10/mo? The net income amounts for 2022 are: $1,549 for an individual and $2,080 for a couple. Those with net incomes at or below $1,153/mo. for an individual, or $1,546/mo. for a married a nd living together couple, will have their copays paid. The Low Income Subsidy (LIS) can also reduce your Part D prescription copays from $3.95 for generic Rx and $9.85 for brand name drugs Talk to us about how to use a plan premium to become eligible to apply. Please call us at 716 858 7883 for more information. Medicare has preventative services that are paid in full (no-co-payment) for the following: • Annual wellness exam • "Welcome to Medicare" preventative visit • Alcohol misuse screening and counseling • Abdominal aortic aneurysm • screening • Bone mass measurement • Cardiovascular disease behavioral therapy • Cardiovascular disease screening • Cervical cancer screening (pap smear and pelvic exam) colorectal cancer scr eening • Covid 19 vaccination • Depression screening • Diabetes screening • Diabetes prevention program • Flu shot • Hepatitis B shot and screening • Hepatitis C screening • HIV screening • Lung cancer screening • Mammogram screening • Medical nutrition therapy • Obesity screening and counseling • Pneumococcal shot • Prostate cancer screening • Smoking and tobacco cessation • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening and counseling • Medicare pays 80% for diabetes self management training • Glaucoma screening (20% co payment) For more information call Erie County Department of Senior Services at 716-858-7883 or visit our website: THIS PROJECT IS SUPPORTED, IN PART BY THE U.S.

and Assistance

4 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022HEALTH MATTERS

Forum will

On Aug. 11, the Commu nity Health Center of Buf falo, Inc. held its 2022 Na tional Health Center Week celebration. The event opened with a plaque pre sentation to the employees of Tops Store #250 with a plaque commemorating the bond formed between the two organizations following the May 14th tragedy at the Jefferson avenue store. Patrick Patterson, As sistant Frozen Dairy Man ager, and Curt Baker, Night Operations Manager accepted the plaque on behalf of the store staff. Also present were Tops Regional Manager Mike Patti, David Christopher, Store #250 Manager. Congressman Brian Higgins, Councilmember Ulysees O. Wingo, Sr. and Zeneta Everhart, mother of Zaire Goodman and Diversity Officer for Senator Tim Kennedy, shared comments amplifying this year’s theme: “The Chemistry of Community”. The 2022 Na tional Health Center Week runs from August 7th to August 14th. Federally qualified health centers all over the country host celebrations heightening awareness of our intrinsic value to low-income and distressed communities whose access to quality care continues to be compounded by social determinants of health. THOUGHTS nity be held Church, er's ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Erie County Department of Senior Services Counseling Program (HIICAP) is here to help you! Call us at 858-7883 to get information: about how Medicare works; how to pick a plan; how to solve your issue: costs of Medicare and programs to help you pay for it. Did you know the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) can pay the Medicare Part B premium and save you $170.10/mo? The net income amounts for 2022 are: $1,549 for an individual and $2,080 for a couple. Those with net incomes at or below $1,153/mo. for an individual, or $1,546/mo. for· a married and living together couple, will have their copays paid. The Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) can also reduce your Part D prescription copays from $3.95 for generic Rx and $9.85 for brand name drugs. Talk to us about how to use a plan premium to become eligible to apply. Please call us at 716-858-7883 for more information. Erie County Department of Senior at 716-858-7883

I haven't been feeling my best the past few days. The best way I can describe it is BLAH. I've been feeling BLAH! I began my self-assessment to see what is going on and the first thing I asked myself is, "Have you been drinking enough water?"

on Saturday, August 20 at New Life Assembly


Health Insurance Information

Love y'all




“All water has a perfect memory, and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” -Toni Morrison Water represents all things in our body that are liquid – the blood in our veins, the sweat on our foreheads, the tears in our eyes. Soothing and nourishing, the water element theo retically works as the conduit to our feelings, and an im balance of water is associated with addiction and emotional issues. Centered just before the navel, the water element can be tapped to combat an excess of internal fire. By focusing on water, you may find yourself able to communicate more clearly, deal with complex situations, and release trapped emotions. The water element helps you go with the flow. Water is Life! Are You Hydrated?

And sure enough, when I started counting how many bottles of water I've had, I realized I was dehydrated. And that explains my feeling BLAH! Believe it or not, not having enough water impacts us more than we realize. Not only does it impact us physically, but also mentally, emo tionally and energetically. Water is LIFE! Over the next couple of days, I've committed to making sure I drink more than enough water to bring my body, mind and spirit back to a state of harmony and ease. How much water should you drink everyday at a minimum? Take your body weight, divide it in half, and that is how many ounces you should drink. For example, someone who is 200lbs should drink 100 ounces of water daily, which is about 6 bottles of water a day (16.9oz bottles) As I checked on myself, I wanted to check on you as well. Please make sure you are drink ing enough water. If anything is feeling off in your life; that is the first place to begin. I promise you. As we used to say when we were kids, "if I'm lying, I'm flying" lol. Drink more water and see how much your mood and energy improves!

or visit our THIS PROJECT IS SUPPORTED, IN PART BY THE U.S. ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING – DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. Medicare has preventative services that are paid in full (no-co-payment) for the following: Is Medicare all a Jumble to you? • Annual wellness exam • “Welcome to Medicare” preventative visit • Alcohol misuse screening and counseling • Abdominal aortic aneurysm • screening • Bone mass measurement • Cardiovascular disease behavioral therapy • Cardiovascular disease screening • Cervical cancer screening (pap smear and pelvic exam) colorectal cancer screening • Covid-19 vaccination • Depression screening • Diabetes screening • Diabetes prevention program • Flu shot • Hepatitis B shot and screening • Hepatitis C screening • HIV screening • Lung cancer screening • Mammogram screening • Medical nutrition therapy • Obesity screening and counseling • Pneumococcal shot • Prostate cancer screening • Smoking and tobacco cessation • Sexually andinfectiontransmitted(STI)screeningcounseling • Medicare pays 80% for diabetes self-management training • Glaucoma screening (20% co-payment)

For more information call

55 Grape Street. The event is free and open to all! Registration is strongly Torecommended.registercall the Alzheim

The Stand Down is a one day event designed to provide services and information to all veterans in the Western New York area. In 2022 there will be two local dates and locations to serve male and female Vets: *Buffalo: Tuesday, August 30, Sahlen Field, Downtown Buffalo *Niagara Falls: Friday, October 28, Heart, Love & Soul, Niagara Falls, 939 Ontario Avenue. The Stand Down was a principle first introduced during the Vietnam War. It was designed to give those military personnel on the front lines of battle an opportunity to experience a place of safe haven and rest. We in vite you, our veterans, to join us for a day where your needs can be met…where you can experience rest and camaraderie with fellow servicemen and women. We want our veterans to know that they are valued impor tant and the reason for our Stand Down. The Buffalo Stand Down is open to ALL Veterans of the US Military and all veterans are invited! SOME what awaits you at the Buffalo Stand Down


style skates will not be permitted. The

open now through

of •PUBLIC2022

SKATE HOURS NOW THRU - September 5 Monday: 12PM - 7PM Tuesday: 12PM - 7PM Wednesday: 12PM - 7PM Thursday: 12PM - 7PM Friday: 12PM - 10PM Saturday: 12PM - 10PM Sunday: 12PM - 8PM September 7- October 30, Monday: Closed Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: 4PM - 7PM Thursday: 4PM - 7PM Friday: 4PM - 10PM Saturday: 12PM - 10PM Sunday: 12PM - 8PM Special Hours: Monday, October 10, 2022: 12PMPUBLIC8PMSKATE Rollin' In The 716 Adult Admission: $6 Children Admission (ages 13 and younger): $2 Skate $4 Please inline AtSkatingRollerRinkCanalsideIs Open!! 20th Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade

On Saturday, August 20 at 12 noon the 20th annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade take place down Avenida San Juan "Niagara Street" to Niaga ra Square celebration concerts and en tertainment kids both Sat urday August 20 and Sun day August 21.

2022: • ON-SITE MEDICAL CARE • VA HEALTH CARE SCREENING • EMPLOYMENT SERVICES • HAIRCUTS • BENEFITS RESOURCES • HOUSING ASSISTANCE • LEGAL SERVICES • DENTAL CARE • EDUCATIONAL SERVICES • A NUTRITIOUS MEAL • GIVEAWAYS AND MORE! If you plan on joining us, please BRING your DD-214 or Military ID to be admitted. Veterans need to preregister for the Stand Down they want to attend. Go to to register If you have any further questions, please email us buffalo . CALLING ALL VETS!



for a

Here’s just

The Roller Skating Rink At Canalside in Buffalo is October

5Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 2022 VETERANS STAND DOWN!



, great food and rides for the


•Jackson Brown-Farrow, a graduate of Buffalo Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts with a GPA of 8.3. Jackson will be attending Buffalo State College.

The Curie Jackson Scholarship also presented Stipend Awards to Se'Von Jemison, Mykiel Lee, Chenier Mazikou, Phillip Murcello, Nahiem Paris, and Francis Micael Sagnia as they

•Saturday, August 20, Noon to 4p.m. We're Back! Join us at our Annual Commu nity Day for food, games and •Sundayprizes. August 21 Cel ebrate Women's Day with us, as we honor "Resilient Black Women" at our 10a.m. Wor ship Service. Guest Speaker: Judge Jeannette Ogden. Ice Cream Social to follow. Both events will be held at New Covenant UCC, 459 ConferenceProphetic A Prophetic Conference, hosted by Elder/Prophetess Nee Nee Harvey, will be held Friday, August 19 at 6 p.m. and Saturday, August 20, at 10 a.m. at Harvest House Church, 1782 Sen eca Street. Guest speak ers include Prophetess Dr. Seweh Duncan, of Yahweh Global Ministries in Dallas, Texas and Minister Gloria Bryant, God’s Anointed Body Ministry. Vendors are wanted. For more informa tion contact Elder Nee Nee at (716)994-7059. Event August 20 and 21, 11am -7pm MLK Park. For more info contact Anita Williams at 716 8914760 or 716 507-1931

Taking It To The Streets Annual

Calvary Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is proud to announce that we were able to present five scholarships to its 2022 recipients on Saturday, July 30 at the Frank E. Merri weather Library. The Curie Jackson Scholarship is awarded yearly since 2012 in the memory of this faithful member by his family and the members of the church. The scholarship is awarded to graduating African American males who are pursuing higher education. The scholarship was awarded to the following:

•Xavier Lamar, commonly known as "The Mayor", is a graduate of Tapestry Charter School with a GPA of 88.8. Xavier will be attending the University of Albany.

•Johannis Brown, a graduate of Middle Early College High School with a GPA of 90.2. He will be attending Buffalo State College.

•David Douglass is a graduate of Cheektowaga Central High School with a GPA of 96.09.

•Dakari David Elijah Sawyers, a graduate of Canisius High School with a GPA of 4.0. He will be attending Canisius College.

6 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022FAITH & FAMILY New Covenant UCC News: Community Day Set Judge Ogden is Women’s Day Speaker

David will be attending the Robert Wesleyan College.

Calvary Announces 2022 Scholarship Recipients

7Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022

POWER COUPLES: Baba Eng (far right) recently hosted a book signing, reading and discussion at 11 E. Utica upon the release of his new book of poetry and essays, "Black Man/Black Woman Seeds of the PO/ET/TREE. The book is currently available at Zawa dii Books. Pictured from left, Zawadi owners Kenneth and Sharon Holley and Karima Amin and her husband Baba Eng. The event also featured live jazz with renowned bass player Sabu Adeyola. Challenger Photo

8 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 P E R S O N A L B E S T = S T U D E N T S U C C E S S te you to visit us ee all that our l has to offer" JC, CG, JM Universal PK-Grade 8 A p p l y @ s j s b u f f a l o . o r g • 7 1 6 - 8 3 5 - 7 3 9 5 A c c e p t i n g B i s o n S c h o l a r s h i p s Educating Students for over 170 years Developing Future Leaders MYSTERY SCIENCE PROGRAM ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY STREAM ACADEMYS THE LEADER IN ME In tribute to the Honorable Marcus Garvey, who was born on August 17, 1887 at St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica: "We are going to emancipate our selves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but our selves can free the mind," Speech given at Menelik Hall in Sydney, Nova Scotia in 1937. Black Man/Black Woman Seeds of the PO/ET/TREE by Baba Eng The Catch Me If You Can: One Woman's Journey to Ev ery Country in the World by Jessica Nabongo Friendship Matters: A Nov el by Rona D. A Tribute to Garvey Goodnight Racism (children) by Ibram X. Kendi Gullah Geechee Home Cooking: Recipes from the Matriarch of Edisto Island by Emily Meggett Our Gen: A Novel by Diane McKinney Whetstone Sacred Nile by Chester Hig gins The Scent of Brunt Flowers: A Novel by Blitz Bazawule She Memes Well by Quinta Brunson Under the Skin: The Hid den Toll of Racism on American Lives and on the Health of Our Nation by Linda Villarosa Zawadi is located at 1382 Jefferson. Open Wed. Fri. Sat. 12-4 pm (716) 903-6740.

9Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022


•Jennifer Parker, CEO, Jackson Parker Communications LLC •Donna Jones, Chief Quality Officer & Ambulatory Adminis trator, Erie County Medical center Corp. •Rose Sconiers Retired NYS Supreme court, chair, Greater Buf falo Racial Equity Roundtable •Jamie Smith,, Chief Academic Officer, Senior VP of Educa tion, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center •Catherine Collins, Member 8th Judicial District NYS Board of Regents •Rene Petties-Jones, President National Federation for Just Communities of WNY •Rahwa Ghirmatzion, Executive Director, Push Buffalo, •Jillian Hanesworth, Poet Laureate, City of Buffalo In addition to the “Power 200 “ List, community leaders named to the list of five “Power Women Politicians” include these two leaders:•Crystal Peoples-Stokes, Majority Leader, 141st Assembly District New York State Assembly •April Baskin, Chairperson, Erie County Legislature Outstanding Community Women Named to Buffalo Business First "Power 200" List Renata Toney

Visit Buffalo Niagara is pleased to announce the appointment of Renata Toney as the new Vice President of Destination Experience. She will over see the organization’s work managing destination and visitor experience and customer service. Renata will also serve as a project manager, developing community relationships and engage ment.




•Trina Burruss, Chief Operating Officer, United Way of Buf falo o& Erie County

•Lavonne Ansari, CEO, Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc.

•Tonja Williams, Superintendent, Buffalo City School


A City Honors School graduate, Renata holds a bachelor’s degree in public communication from SUNY Buffalo State College. She owns On Message Communication, a statecertified communications consultancy. When not at her desk writing, editing, spearheading new projects and connecting with people, she volunteers, serv ing on boards of organizations throughout the community -from the Pappy Martin Legacy Society Jazz Collective and Assembly House 150 to Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Cen ter the Bennett-Wells American Legion Post and the ArdenNewburgh Block Club. Congratulations Renata!

Buffalo Business First has released its “Power 200 Women” list for 2022, and included in the prestigious listing are 31 amazing women representing the community. Congratulations to these beautiful, powerful women!

•Karla Gadley, Senior VP, Community Development Officer, Five Star Bank


•Brandye Merriweather, President, Buffalo Urban Develop ment Corp.


Visit Buffalo Niagara Appoints Renata Toney VP of Destination Experience

•Nina Heard, Global Supply Chain Material Flow & Launch Planner, General Motors Co. Tonawanda Engine

•Crystal Rodriguez-Dabney, Deputy Mayor & Chief of Staff, City of Buffalo


•Katherine Conway-Turner, President, SUNY Buffalo State


Renata joins Visit Buffalo-Niagara from the Burchfield Penney Art Cen ter, where she was, most recently, communications manager. She was part of the 2008 team that guided the museum’s re-opening of the new freestand ing facility on Elmwood Avenue. Throughout her career, Renata has focused on communica tion leadership, writing and supervising targeted marketing campaigns for a range of industries.

•Sheila Brown, CEO, Owner, Vision Multi-Media, WUFO 1080 AM /Power 96.5 FM Radio Blue,, Community Outreach Specialist, NYS AFLCIO Roberson, Staff Policy Advisor, Tesla Middleton, Director of Planning and Zoning, City of Buffalo Burgin, Co-Founder, MMB Realty Group LLC Buffalo Niagara Association of Realtors Mends-Aidoo, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, Evergreen Health Redfern, CEO Buffalo Federation of Neighbor Centers, Inc. Banks, Owner, Editor & Publisher, Challenger Com munity News

•Brenda McDuffie, Chairman, Erie County Industrial Devel opment Agency

•Catherine Roberts, CEO, Resource Council of WMY •Marie Canon, Commissioner, Erie County Department of Social Services

•Carmen Snell, VP & Deputy General Counsel, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of WNY

•Trini Ross, U.S. Attorney Western District of New York

Entertainment BEAU FLEUVE Returns for their 6th Annual Celebration with a Full Weekend of Music, Arts and Culture!

Sunday August 28 – 6th Annual Beau Fleuve Music & Arts Celebration at Buffalo Central Ter minal 495 Paderewski Drive 2pm-9pm. Tickets available at or Ticket Tailor All Ages | Family Friendly Event. Be sure to Follow the celebration highlights and Beau Flueve on social media @beaufleuvemusicarts and media sponsors @thefranklincrokershow @sneakvibing @adrivthegogetta @nystatemusic

and @thechallengernews . Art After Hours with Edreys Wajed On August 24 from 5-7pm at Burchfield Penney Art Center rooftop with art ist Edreys Wajed live paints a barrier-breaking art piece to curated hip-hop beats.Tick ets $25- includes 2 drinks & hors d’oeuvres. Go to burch for info. COMEDY: At the Helium Comedy Club Aug.1921with Luenell! Buffalo Funk Fest Weekend (a Rick James tribute event) August 26, 27 and 28. On Friday Aug. 26 Jefferson Avenue Block Party 5pm -10pm on Jef ferson @utica . On Satur day Aug. 27 Art of Funk, Noon – 6pm Jefferson @ Utica then on Sunday Aug. 28 Buffalo Funk Fest Music Event 4pm-10pm in MLK Park Info email malcolm@gmail.commarnetta Northwest Jazz Festival WNY largest outdoor jazz festival runs August 26 and 27 located along Center Street in Historic Lewiston, New York (20 minutes from city of Buffalo) Learn more on First Fashion & Talent Week Thursday, August 18 Industry Mixer and Happy Hour 6-9 p.m. Dnipro Ukrai nian Cultural Center, 562 Gen esee St.; Friday, August 19 event returns to the Dnipro Center. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. • Saturday, August 20 Soho, 64 W. Chippewa St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. •Sun day, August 21 wraps up at The Black Butterfly, 769 Main Street. Tickets for Friday, Sat urday and Sunday events / $25 in advance and $35 at the door each night. For more in formation call 716-808-5660.

One of the largest and creatively diverse events presented in the City of Buffalothe 6th Annual Beau Fleuve Music and Arts celebration - is geared up to present the ul timate music arts and culture experience on the grounds of the historic Buffalo Central Terminal, 495 Paderewski Drive on August 28 from 2-9pm.

Friday August 26th – “Happy Hour with Friends” at The Rose Bar 5pm-7pm . Co-Hosted by Creative Mornings Buffalo. Free Saturday August 27– “Field Day” featuring Annual Charity Softball Game at LaSalle Park Dia mond #4 1pm. Free . Favorite media personalities, athletes, artist , musicians and community stakeholders.

Founder and lead organizer Lindsey Taylor has dedicated his vision to his hometown, curating a solid fun filled experience for audiences of all ages. Taylor continues to expand his vision and this year he has planned the Beau Fleuve Music and Arts Celebration Weekend, that spans over three days starting on Thursday August 25 until the grand event on Sunday August 28 !

The Three day weekend includes: Thursday August 25th – “ Laugh Alil” Comedy Show at Potts Hall (Buffalo,NY) Show starts at 7pm feat. Terre King, Yolanda Smilez, Reema Reem, Gary Wallace. Tickets are $15 in adv. Pair & Tables(Seat 8) are available.

Saturday August 27 “VIP Reception” at Seneca One Tower 1 Seneca Street @ Main st. 6pm-8pm. RSVP/Tix Info on Ticket Tailor. Honoring Cultural Impact Award- Eat off Art (Alexa & Edreys Wajed) , Community Awards Da karai Singletary (Candles in the Sun), Danielle Roberts (YMCA Buffalo-Niagara), and Kelly At kinson (Creative Mornings Buffalo).

10 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022

The stages are set this year for over 25 acts with performances by, Dntwatchtv (Closing Out The Show), Stove God Cooks (National Touring & Recording Artist) Lindsay Niccs, Quinton Brock, Billie Essco, Nelle' Mignon, Kenyada Nikile, Imyoungworld, Brother Tomos among other great performers taking the Beau Fleuve Stage. Since his very first event, Taylor has provided this unique platform showcasing a variety of generes in music and the arts. From the emerging to the well known and even some who have landed recording deals and world wide tours, Beau Fleuve has been home to many on their musical and artistic journey. Paired with the performance lineup that keep the stages lit for the duration of the event, those who attend will have plenty more to induldge . There will be more than 15 visual artists participating in exhibiting their work like Emeka Wajed, Neese Rich, Deja Marie, Xojoita, Peter Ponce, Cargo Santan , Cashis Green and more. Burchfield-Penney Arts will be sponsoring some live painting, there will be street-art, wearable art and other interactive experiences like the cozy Igloo, Sit and Think Chairs. family friendly events, food trucks and more. Throughout the day there will be curated talks including Mind+Body+Soul Space Exclusive BIPOC Yoga Experience, Toneboi & Friends and Buffalo’s hottest hip hop music blog Sneakvibing. See you at Buffalo Central Terminal for this day long celebration!

The celebration includes performances on multi ple stages from regional, national & international musical acts, art installations & exhibitions, the fan favorite (and our favorite) silent disco, poetry spoken word, speaker panels, street-art, fash ion, sports culture, film, back yard games, food trucks, beer & wine garden, family-fun area, mind + body + soul health & wellness, vendors village and more. So no matter if you plan to roll solo, with a few friends or have your whole family with you, Beau Fleuve Music Arts Celebration has something for everyone. "I'm just grateful and honored to continue to host Beau Fleuve and each year we are able to grow and expand this year with setting the foundation for a full weekend of events for WNY to look forward to!" Taylor told the Challenger News.


Conway The Machine/Photo by Eula On Going Events Kuleta Pamoja (Come To gether) outdoor market place every Saturday through September 25 at Johnnie B. Wiley Stadium, 1100 Jeffer son Ave. Free. For info and opportunities call Latesha Wiley 716 390-0005 .

Conway The Machine, the hometown hero and major headliner of the show, literally put on for the city, performing hits from his plethora of albums with his authentic sound and dapper style. Buffalo’s own, gave recognition to the artists who came before him and performed at the festival, noting that these people are genuinely his friends, that embraced him in the beginning of his career, gave him game and props on being the undeniably dope lyricist he is. He also briefly touched on how city officials would prefer “us” the underrepresented community, not have anything, especially not anything of this magnitude, but as he boldly stated “It’s only going to get bigger and better….We Got The Drumwork Fest FromNow!”beginning to end the en tire festival was highly energized in peace, love, and grace, as the per formers gave their all and showed love to “The Town” and the crowd reciprocated that love showing grace to one another, gather ing with little to no drama. I’M

PROUD OF US BUFFALO! Hats off and major gratitude to OJ Barker and Drumwork Music, for making history for “The Town” and for the cul ture! S.C.

11Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 SUMMEREVENTS HELP US MAKE A FESTIVAL. BE A VOLUNTEER! BETWEEN ST. JAMES & WEST FERRY | SAT. 10 AM -6 PM | SUN. 10 AM -5 PM ARTIST MARKET  170 world-class artisans–many from around the corner! PERFORMERS SHOWCASE  Four stages plus roaming artists–featuring over 70 regional performances. KIDSFEST  Hands-on activities for children of all ages with six cool tents run by local artists and art educators. FESTIVAL CAFÉ  An eclectic array of foods for all palates. CULTURAL/ENVIRONMENTAL ROW  Showcasing over 50 art, cultural and environmental groups. Program information, schedules and hands-on activities will be featured. MERCHANTS SHOWCASE  Special sidewalk sales by Elmwood’s stores andrestaurants. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY  Solar -powered stage, recycling and composting. SATURDAY EVENING CONCERT W/ ORGAN FAIRCHILD ST. JAMES STAGE/OPENER 6:15PM JOIN US IN THE FULL CIRCLE PARADE SUNDAY/4:00 PM Saturday August 27 & Sunday, August 28, 2022 ELMWOODARTFEST.ORG | THANK YOU TO OUR 2022 FESTIVAL SPONSORS website powered by PRODUCED BY THE ELMWOOD AVENUE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS, INC. A CULTURAL NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION

Going down in history as a legendary night in the Queen City, “Drumwork Fest” presented by Conway The Ma chine, and hosted by “Think OJ” Barker, was nothing short of epic. A sold out show, fans packed the outer har bor for this first-time event. The festival not only included music from local and major artist but also local food trucks and stands, alcohol, and cannabis tents. The show opened with sets from local DJ’s and emcee’s, includ ing but not limited to Adri V “Go Getter” and Drum work’s DJ T, doing what they do best getting the crowd hyped. There was also per formances and appearances from the Drumwork, BSF and Griselda Music team including Benny the Butcher, WestSide Gunn, Armani Caesar, Jae Skeese, Lucky Seven, just to name a few. The headliners included rap pers Wale, Fabolous and Jeezy, there was also a guest appearance from R&B artist Llyod. All the artists took stage and performed hits from their debut albums, mix tapes and even current music. Each artist ac knowledged how much they loved the Queen City energy. There was also an appearance from Buffalo’s own DJ T-Jizzle (TJ Banks), who lit the stage up with his DJ set, playing hit after hit that kept the energy high and crowd rocking.

Review: Queen City Drumwork Fest Going Down in History!

Healing by the Water Event: Broderick Park Sum mer Freedom Celebrations Every Thursday and Sunday 5-8pm through September 20 at Foot of Ferry near Ni agara Street. More info at brodericksummersupport. org . Free

EFA_16009_Challenger_Half_v3_Color.indd 1 8/8/22 1:41 PM

Jeezy and Conway The Machine photo by Eula

The first Sunday already saw powerhouse performances from Marsha McWilson, and Ter rence Tee Nyce Warren setting the bar high for the next Sunday’s artists. Following a stirring tribute to the Jefferson Ten, Jukebox, Next Level, D’Mott, Intuition and The All-Star Band all delivered stand-out sets that honored the vibrancy and regenerative power inherent in the African American musical tradition--which seemed even more palpable given recent local and world events. A heritage that manifested itself in the physical form of a plaque bestowed to the daughter of Dr. Lonnie Smith (who joined the ancestors last September).

Razor sharp in a red suit jacket, Danny Clayton delivered a cognac smooth tribute to Luther Vandross before the day ended on a high note (actually two--those effervescent trumpet notes that open “Funkin’ for Jamaica”) as Tom Browne closed the show. “It was an organic era,” explained Browne when prompted about the longevity of his career and his impressive early 1980’s output. “There were no samples, no loops. I’ve always considered myself a jazz musician. I’ve never looked to make R&B hits and R&B music. I think the main thing with that era, with George Benson and Grover Washington, there was more realness to it.”

Review: This Year’s Pine Grill Reunion Was a Triumph! by Matt THOUSANDSBauerATTEND

12 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022

PINE GRILL JAZZ REUNION & MUSIC FEST: On Sunday, August 7 and Sunday August 14 it’s estimated that a combined total of 8,000 to 10,000 beautiful people converged on MLK Park for the 33rd Annual Pine Grill Jazz Reunion and Music Fest- one of the largest in recent memory. Hats off to the hard working Cultural Center Staff and extraordinary promoter Eric Martin for making this year’s reunion one to remember. The weather was perfect. The people were beautiful. Peace & Love best describes the atmosphere and the talent - both local and national – was simply outstanding! Street Legacy Photos by Darvin Adams & Challenger Photos

With the help of a six piece band, Brown rocked classics like ‘Thighs High (Grip Your Hips and Move),” and the aforementioned tribute to his hometown, while throwing back with his cover of “What’s Going On” which definitely kept things authentic. This year’s Pine Grill Jazz Reunion was a triumph.

Having brought such esteemed acts as Atlantic Starr, Unlimited Touch and Loose Ends to the Queen City, promoter Eric Martin has organized more than a few memorable shows. Yet as he told the crowd at the second weekend of the 33rd annual Pine Grill Jazz Reunion at Martin Luther King Park this Sunday, it was the most special show he’d produced. And from the looks of the 5,000 plus who basked in the summer sun, the vibe definitely felt mutual.

13Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022

VOICES Elections Are Coming Again

By Myles Carter IG @myles4sheriff

Race first, People. All elections are important because our ancestors marched and died and struggled so that we could have the right to vote. Right now early voting is still underway and Tuesday, August 23 is Primary Election day for state senate and con gressional races. In this November’s general election, included on the ballot will be the race for governor, Supreme court, state assembly, county and city judgeships and the very im portant Board of Education seats! But next year (2023) is going to be a par ticularly important election season for this community because all of the City Council seats will be up for grabs. It is going to be very interesting and critical that you, the people, know what’s going on. Election time is fast approaching, and politicks are being played out early, so fasten your seat belt! Rumors are already circulating about several up coming council district seats. In order to make our votes count, we have to first go to the polls!Then we have to be knowledgeable about the candidates running for office and stop voting for people who do not have our best interest at heart. Look at the track record of the candi dates. Look at your neighborhoods, the cracked sidewalks, the streets littered with pot-holes. Look at all the vacant lots and dilapidated buildings. Unaffordable housing under construc tion. Then look at all the new construction sites that are taking place all around us. Look at Canal Side. Look at the north and south sides of the city then ask yourself why you keep re-elect ing the same people!? I understand it’s everyone’s right to run for office but all too many of us – myself included. – have witnessed too much buffoonery in previous elections. In the last common council race, five candidates ran in the Primary for the same seat. The “spoiler” syndrome was in full effect and the incumbent – who should have and could have been defeated, was victorious. Of the four unsuccessful candidates three ran as write in candi dates. To quote an elder sister, “it’s a shame that Black people WON’T work together!” We have time to change all that and we can start by setting our demands and the kind of qualities to look for in a candidate. I will continue to say demand MORE! Demand from any candidate running for any seat, that he or she demonstrate ac countability and transparency. Demand the candidate look into the anti-poverty funds in the city’s treasury and where is that money being spent and why isn’t being spent where it’s sup posed to be Demandspent.police accountability and an end to police harass ment.Demand another supermarket or two on the EAST SIDE. There’s plenty of room on the East side for that to happen! People stop short changing yourselves by electing and con tinuing to re-elect clowns that vote every year or so for per sonal pay raises while the streets that you live on has pot holes everywhere and cracked, broken up side walks. With your vote, we can stop the cronyism that has plagued the Black community for too long ! SUPPORT CANDIDATES THAT MATTER! The powers that be will be working very hard to confuse the people. Running "spoilers" to split the vote is one of their main tactics. We can counter that by "block voting." I'll talk a bit more about that in an upcoming commentary. Meanwhile stay alert and pay attention. Political "flu sea son" is coming and it ain't no joke! I’m just saying.....!

Evolution of Awareness

Brooklyn Hough, a Tops employee at the time of the racist massacre, had no choice but to return to work. A mother of two, her responsibilities extend past herself. When she applied for the as sistance that was out there, she qualified for $150 a week from worker’s compensation. With no response from victim services and no guarantee that she would be able to make ends meet, she has made the decision to seek new employment. The reality that Brooklyn, and the others, is that she is forgotten. They have applied for what’s available, they have obtained legal counsel where nec essary and they have gotten the mental health services, but there’s been no real or consistent help to make sure they aren’t falling into financial turmoil while working to heal from this tragic event. If you or someone you know is a survivor of the Tops Racist Massacre you can reach out to to get additional information on available resources or to share your


Three Months and the Tops Survivors Still Struggle

Myles Carter, second from left, stands with survivors during a July press conference.

Applications are now open for the Buffalo 5/14 Survivor’s Fund, managed by the Compas sion Fund. The steering committee that was appointed by Tops Market includes 28 members who serve a variety of roles. The members of the steering com mittee consist of corporate employees of Tops, the area director of the Tops employee union, the president of the Buffalo chapter of the NAACP, a few pastors and leaders of non-profit organization, and a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. Although other mass shooting funds managed by the compassion fund have given equal shares to all that were involved, the steering committee for the Buffalo 5/14 Survivors Fund made the decision to categorize people based on their loss or physical and psychological injuries. Category A is the heirs of the deceased, Category B is those physically injured by gunshot or shrapnel, Category C is those in the store during the attack who were treated as outpatients, Category D, those present at the site experiencing psychological trauma and Category E is those employees of Tops on Jef ferson who were not present at the time of the shooting. More than three months have passed and many of the survivors of the Tops Racist Massacre have not received the assistance that is available for them. Worker’s compensation is available for those who work at Tops, NY. Short term disability may be an option for others who were present and suffer trauma or injury. Victim services is an option for anyone who falls within the impact zone, which are those households and people that were present on one of the streets adjacent to Tops and outlined by the district attorney’s office. There’s been over millions raised by the Na tional Compassion Fund. Although private, other than what was paid out as an advance to the families of the deceased and those injured by gun shot, the rest of the survivors have been unsuc cessful in accessing those resources while they continue to struggle. While so many are focused on Buffalo’s next page, there is an entire class of people whose lives were paused that day. One of the many side effects of PTSD is the inability to escape the trauma that leaves many in a state of suspense while the world continues around them. Taisiah Stewart and Kishia Douglas both tried going back to work following the racist terror attack, neither was able to complete an entire workday. Robia Gary hasn’t returned to work since May 14th, she was in the store with her daughter that day. She witnessed numerous accounts of Gendron’s atrocious acts and was subject to his brutality when he put the burning barrel of the gun to her head, leaving a scar that she must comb over every day. Robia is not only a victim from that day, but also unable to qualify for Category B of the Buffalo 5/14 Survivor’s Fund, the wording of the category does not cover her injury as one by gunfire or shrapnel. Some community leaders say discrimination is the force that keeps Robia from qualifying for Category B, which would increase the amount she is to be gifted from the fund and would also qualify her for an advance payment. According to Ranneitha Cottom, a Tops neighbor and community activist, “Category B for Buffalo 5/14 Survivors Fund was worded in a such a way to include Jennifer Warrington, I mean no disrespect, but she’s white. How is it that she qualifies for advance payments and larger sums than those Black victims who were in the store that day, especially when Robia Gary has an injury from the barrel of the gunman.”

By Kia Marlene people see the wild hair and say oh, she has let herself go but i see it as i’ve let myself be i’ve escaped from the prison of caring what others think i’ve set myself free free from the beauty standards of this world free from the ideas of society, decided to be more like myself because being and looking like others was no longer exciting me decided to use less energy in caring about the styling of my hair don’t really care who stares because me and my hair part nervous system part antenna is busy using our energy to send and receive signals and information through the peopleair see the wild hair and say oh, she has let herself go yes, i’ve let myself go to another level of anotherinner-standinglevelof awareness a level of unidentifiable aidentitynewlevel of rareness my purpose and who i am is becoming more visible so ifnotsorrysorrythegrooming of my hair is becoming less visible the thicker the hair the deeper the roots allowing my hair to be unique and express itself on its own while allowing parts of my heritage to shine through so if my hair looks wild it’s because the extension of my nervous system is andun-manipulateduntamed to be great and divine isvitalspecialcreativeintelligentmagicalandwildexactlyhow my hair can be defined. POETRY

14 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022

Marcus Garvey Back To School Readiness Project CommUniversity By Sista Cypher

For the last several years Juneteenth Fes tival of Buffalo has hosted CommUniversity at the Headquarters on Gen esee Street. At its inception, CommUniversity was born out of the Marcus Garvey Arts & Sciences Tent This year CommUniversity will be in the community at these times and locations August 15-26 • 5:30-7:30: •Monday, August 15: Mer riweather Library, 1324 Jef ferson •Tuesday,Ave.August 16 : Open Buffalo, 1325 Buffalo •Wednesday, August 17: Juneteenth Headquarters, 1517 Genesee St.

•Thursday, August 18: June teenth Headquarters


Hey guys! I haven’t written anything in a while, partly because it’s summer-time and I’ve had a lot of fun to catch up on. Thankfully I don’t have anything bad to write about this week. So, I’m going to go ahead and get started. I’m pretty sure most of you have heard of the Doja Cat and Noah Schnapp drama. So, if you haven’t heard, Doja Cat was reaching out to Noah Schnapp asking if he could tell Joseph Quinn to hit her up. Doja Cat is a 26-year-old women and Noah Schnapp is a 17-year-old boy, fans think that it was kind of weird for her to do that knowing Noah Schnapp is a minor. It has also been rumored Doja Cat has a boyfriend so if she does that would basically be cheating. Noah Schnapp “exposed her,” and for that she called him a snake. Well, that’s enough of this let’s move on. The next thing I want to talk about it the Lil’ Huddy and Charli Damelio situation. Charli Damelio is a TikTok star and Lil’ Huddy is her ex-boy friend. They were seen hanging out until they became an official couple a few months later, shortly after that they broke up. Ever since then they have been on and off, she was even in one of his music videos. Ever since Charli Damelio got a new boyfriend (Landon Barker), Lil’ Huddy and Charli Damelio have not been getting along. Lil’ Huddy even made a dis-track song about her! Can you believe it. Well, that’s it for today thanks for reading. By: Ava Carter age 13 Doja Cat

•Friday, August 19: Garden Lot , 1535 Jefferson •Monday, August 22: BFNC, 76 Orange St.

•Tuesday, August 23: Long shed Canalside, 44 Prime St. •Wednesday, August 24:, Thursday August 25 & Friday August 26 @ June teenth Headquarters, 1517 Genesee St. For more details go to. www.buffalojuneteenth. com .

15Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022


LLC Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company

LLC Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company

JOHN CAMPFIELD & ASSOCIATES L.L.C. filed with SSNY on 4/18/2022. 946 Main St. Buffalo. NY 14202. County of Erie. LEGALINC Corpo rate Services Inc. designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of process to LLC at 1967 WEHRLE DRIVE SUITE 1 #086 BUFFALO NY 14221. Purpose: Life Insurance, Mediation, Business Mentorship. Life JulyCoaching.21,28 August 4,11,18,25 LLC JenesaisquoiBuffalo LLC filed with SSNY of Erie County on June 9, 2022 as designated agent for process and shall be mailed to 1633 Hertel Ave Buffalo NY 14216. Purpose: any law ful Julypurpose.28,August 4,11,18,25 Sept.1 Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company LLC Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company

Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company

16 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022


Bills Win an Exciting Preseason Game Over Colts 27 – 24 Buffalo

Rise Up Right Highlights in Sports

Bills rookie undrafted free agent run ning back Raheem Blackshear had an excellent game and his quick feet al lows him to make quick moves and his explosive first step gives him game breaker options every time he touches the ball. A very exciting player, the Bills must find room for him as veteran Tavon Austin continues to have a foot injury. Blackshear hits the hole quickly and can run in between the tackles effectively which could bold well for him making the team. I need to see more of second round pick James Cook play ing and running with the football before I can make a better judgement on him. I do like Khalil Shakir as the all-purpose slot receiver, wide out, and special teams player getting a roster spot. I also see Jamison Crowder and Isaiah McKenzie both making the team as slot receivers with McKenzie being able to work on special teams. McKenzie is already in Bills offensive plans for the upcoming season and don’t be sur prised to see him have a break out season. The Bills defense has plenty of play makers including Safe ty Jaquan Johnson whose interception against the Colts is another example of all the hard work paying off for him. Jaquan, talking about his interception said, “I was able to disguise well and broke on the ball as the QB was eyeing me down. Coach Frazier always says if the starters go down there should not be a drop off in our play.Being a fourth-year player allows me to feel comfortable in our system . I did not want the two rookie cornerbacks to think they were alone on field. I told them to look back at me for the calls, and we have your back..I was happy for Terrel Bernard's fumble return for a TD.We celebrate each other’s success on this team.”


I spoke about the punting competition in last week’s arti cle and rookie draft pick Matt Araiza, known as the “Punt GOD” in College, has not slowed down with an 82-yard punt against The Colts. It was unbelievable and might have given him a leg up on Matt Haack. If Araiza can hold the ball for Kicker Tyler Bass on field goals and extra points the job will go to Araiza and might already be over.

The Buffalo Bills football season is finally arrived as week one of the preseason has commenced. The Bills versus Colts Week 1 Preseason game was nothing short of a roller coaster ride. There was many highs and lows that can be mentioned. High Notes from Week 1: The Buffalo Bills debuted wide receiver Khalil Shakir who put up a very good performance with five catches for 92 yards. Shakir displayed very good route running and great athleticism as he was able to make a variety of catches. Isaiah Hodgins also had a really good output as he had a game high 9 catches for 77 yards on 11 targets. Boogie Basham had a strip sack that led to a scooping 69 yd fumble recovery score by Terrel Bernard that got the Bills on the scoreboard. Baylon Spector, the 7th round draft choice out of Clemson looked very promising as he had 10 tackles and a pass deflection. WUFO Sports reporter Muki Hawkins was quoted saying "he was all over the field" during the game. *WATCH OUT* He may be a roster spot keeper. The "Punt God" Matt Areiza once again showed why he has brought "Pat McAfee like" attention to the punting position as he boomed an 82 yard punt in the second quarter Low Points from Week 1: Dear Case Keenum, I pray that the performance that you displayed was just preseason jitters or just nerves kicking in from you being on an actual potential championship team. I have throws at home that have made more positive impact than you ones you made against the Colts. This team gave up a draft choice for you. If this was a cold day they would have threw throws on you while you sat the bench. Get your game together please. P.S. Matt Barkley looks like he might be QB2 if you keep this up. Sincerely, Someone who wants to see you do better. Dear Jake Kumerow, Sir I need you to get it in gear. Your performance was fashionably unacceptable. Maybe an En Vogue session can teach you how to hold on. Hold on to the damn ball. By the way, Do I need to remind you that you are in a wide receiver competition to hold a roster spot. The Buffalo Bills will most likely hold on to seven wide receivers. Do you want to be Jake, the Buffalo Bills wide receiver or Jake from State Farm? Sincerely, The FireStarter

PeteTheGod LLC filed Articles of Or ganization with the NY Dept. of State: March 18, 2022. Office of the LLC: Western New York Law Center, 37 FRANKLIN STREET SUITE 210 Buf falo, NY, 14202, Erie County. NYSS may mail a copy of process to the LLC: 222 Lisbon ave Buffalo NY,14215. Purpose: any lawful act or Julyactivity.21,28, August 4,11,18,25

The Buffalo Bills play Denver Broncos at Highmark Stadi um on Saturday afternoon at 1 pm. It’s Kids Day so bring the young people out for a good time with reduced ticket prices for the kids. I will be watching the Bills offensive line to see some type of continuity and hopefully Rodger Saffold might play at guard along with Spencer Brown, and Ryan Bates as we get closer to the start of the season. Follow me on FACEBOOK, Real Deal Sports Show FACEBOOK PAGE, Like the Page, TWITTER: George Radney@georgeradman, YouTube Real Deal Sports Show (Please Subscribe via YouTube), RADIO: WLGZ HD2 The Beat 105.5 FM Every Saturday morning 8 AM – 9 AM, Live Call - in radio show. WHTK 1280 AM FOXS PORTS What’s Going on The Experience, Every Sunday morning 8 AM – 9 AM

Overall, The Buffalo Bills would score 17 points in the fourth quarter to rally to a 2724 victory over the Indianapo lis Colts. Tyler Bass would seal the victory on a 46 yard FG as time expired. Buffalo Bisons Now this is the type of noise I like to hear the Herd make. The Buffalo Bisons took con trol of the Syracuse Mets win ning five out of six games. The Bisons scored 32 runs in this series while only giving up 14. The bullpen was great all around. Nick Allgeyer's pitch ing was good to start the series and even better to end it. The Bisons are still in fourth place in the AAA East division but they're climbing up the moun tain as their current record is now 59-51. The mountain climb continues this week as they play Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs at Sahlen Field. Will the Bisons continue to push into better pastures? For more sports talk follow @ Andre Robinson on facebook. Tune into the WUFO sports re port every Sunday at 6pm, and every Mon. and Wed. night at 10pm on Power 96.5FM radio and the Rise Up Unlimited Ra dio Station on WDAP Radio on Saturdays at 8pm.

Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company

The Franklin Crocker Show LLC Arts of Organization were filed by the NY Department of State on May 5th 2022. Its office location is Erie County. NY’s Sec’y of State is desig nated as agent upon whom process may be served. The Sec’y shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC at 100 S Elmwood Ave, Buffalo NY, 14202. Suite 404 Purpose:any lawful Julypurpose.28, August 4,11,18,25, Sept. 1 Live Safe NY LLC filed Articles of Or ganization with the NY Dept. of State July 15, 2022 Office of the LLC: 54 fairfield st., Buffalo, NY 14214 Erie County. The NY Secretaryof State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of process 54 Fairfield St. Buffalo NY 14214. Pur pose Retail and online sales of sport ing goods and personal devices. July 28, August 4,11,18,25 Sept.1

Jess Nailin it Nailtique LLC filed Ar ticles of Organization with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/16/22. Office location: Erie County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 583 Kenmore Ave, Buffalo, NY 14223. Purpose: any lawful act or Julyactivity.21, 28, August 4,11,18,25


Welcome to Rise Up Right, Thank You for our continued support.. Let's Rise Up Buffalo Bills News

Bills rookies and free agents showed signs of being quality players on a roster of 90 football play ers. The players that stood out in Training Camp at St. John Fish er University continued to excel in exhibition game against the Indianapolis Colts. Bills rookie cornerbacks Kaiir Elam and Christian Benford are already looking like possible key contributors to a secondary in need of an influx of younger Thetalent.Bills scouting department is doing an outstanding job of finding quality players with the right attitude and abil ity to join the team.

—Shanese Mills, Family Clinical Specialist Change Lives, Starting With Your Own Health is hiring for clinical positions in Downtown Bu alo Counseling Center (1280 Main and South Bu alo Counseling Center (2412 Seneca St.) team and help city heal. today at

SUMMONS AND NOTICE Supreme Court of New York, Erie County. WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SO CIETY, FSB, AS OWNER TRUSTEE OF THE RESIDENTIAL CREDIT OP PORTUNITIES TRUST VII-A, Plain tiff- against- JACQUELINE KAIN AKA JACQUELINE E. KAIN, AS HEIR-ATLAW AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR J. SHONGO, DECEASED; RACHEL SHONGO AKA RACHEL M. SHONGO, AS HEIR-AT-LAW AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR J. SHONGO, DECEASED; UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR J. SHONGO, DECEASED; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OBO INTERNAL REVENUE SER VICE; COUNTY OF ERIE, A MU NICIPAL CORPORATION; "JOHN DOE" AND "JANE DOE" said names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants, tenants, persons or cor porations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the prem ises being foreclosed herein, Defen dants. Index No. 810849/2021. Mort gaged Premises: 46 Benson Avenue Buffalo, New York 14224 aka 46 Benson Avenue West Seneca, New York 14224 Section: 133.52 Block: 3 Lot: 57. To The Above Named Defendant(s): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Com plaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the Plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Sum mons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where ser vice is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a Defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service. If you fail to appear or to answer within the afore mentioned time frame, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Com plaint.



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NOTICE YOU ARE IN DAN GER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further informa tion on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERV ING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAIN TIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. FRIEDMAN VARTOLO, LLP 85 Broad Street, Suite 501, New York, New York 10004, (212) 4715100, Attorneys for Plaintiff. August 11,18, 25, September 1 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T proposes to modify an ex isting facility (new tip heights 90.9’) on the building at 251 Elm Street, Buffalo, NY (20220776). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856809-1202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments re garding potential effects on historic properties.


17Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022

The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority will receive sealed bids for Kitchen & Bath Renovations at Vari ous Developments: BMHA Job No. 21-22-CF Frederick Douglas Tow ers, BMHA Job No. 21-23-CF LBJ Apartments, and BMHA Job No. 2124-CF Msgr. Geary Apartments. The Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday August 18, 2022 at 10:00 AM, with all potential bidders assem bled in the Community Room at LBJ Apartments, 167 Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo, New York 14214. Project walk-through’s to be held following the meeting as follows: LBJ Apart ments at 10:30 AM; Msgr. Geary Apartments at 11:30 AM, and Fred erick Douglas Towers at 1:00 PM. Sealed proposals must be received by 10:00 AM, Friday, September 2, 2022 at the Capital Improvements Office, 320 Perry Street, Buffalo, New York 14204. Bids received after the stated time will not be accepted. Proposals will be opened and pub licly read aloud immediately after the specified closing time. Contract Doc uments are available at Construction Exchange, or via email, tfields@bm The BMHA reserves the right to reject any bid which fails to conform to the essential items re quired by the contract documents, and to reject any and/or all bids sub mitted. NOTICE Bid We’re hiring! Director, Administrative Operations Director, Arts and Culture Director, Client Relations Director, Gift Planning Administrative Assistant to the Senior Director, Racial Equity Initiatives LEARN MORE WWW.CFGB.ORG/ABOUT/CAREERS/AT Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo is a 501(C)(3) holding WNY. when to -Tao Te Ching BETC here


more than 900 different charitable funds, established by individuals, families, nonprofit organizations and businesses to benefit

NOTICE OF NATURE OF AC TION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECTIVE of the above captioned action is to foreclose on a Mortgage to secure $84,829.00 and interest, recorded in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on August 27, 2004 in Book 13183, Page 5574, Control Number 200408271255, covering the prem ises known as 46 Benson Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14224 aka 46 Benson Avenue, West Seneca, New York. The relief sought herein is a final judgment directing sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the mortgage described above. Plaintiff designates Erie County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is lo cated.



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18 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 thechallengernews.comadvertising@ AUTO BEN’S Downtown Tire 50 Sycamore (cor. Elm) (716) 856-1066 or PRATCHERATTORNEYS894-1483&ASSOCIATES Franklin 1133(Pratcher)MuhammadAttorneyKensingtonAvenue (716) EMPIREELECTRICAL838-4612ELECTRIC(716)634-0330FLORISTSMAUREEN’S Flower Market 441 Ellicott St. * 852-4600 Call (716) 249-4800 Taste of Supreme 100% Gluten Free Vegan Goodies Contact the Supreme Bakers (585) 285 - 5496 Rochester Public Market 280 N. Union St. BLDG. B #44RetailLocalDavisBAKERYHoneyRawHoney/Wholesale Rochester Public Market 280 N. Union St. BLDG. B 1870 FILLMORE (near Kensington) Thursday & Friday 12-5 pm Saturday 9-5 PM Sunday 12-5 PM JEFF MOORE (716) 361-4900 Zakiyyah’s Rundown (ZR) Daily VibrationsAquarius-496-235-165-579 Pisces - 056-362-237-694 Cancer - 482-372-895-718 Aries - 289-946-034-594 Taurus -258-231-026-695 Gemini-495-257-694-508 Leo-345-213-157-201 Virgo 385-291-431-170 Libra -247-723-179-501 Scorpio - 453-253-571-597 Sagittarius - 389-701-234924 Capricorn:893-275-342-506 MA RUTH SPEAKS THE TRUTH! SURE HITS! 865-732-855-648-514-996-202-698-679-943-001-202-147-001-168-985-678-198-256-890-054THE NUMBER BOOK 075-356-579-498920-536-580-697678-456-708-286680-434-680-073579-944-357-909805-075-467-890781-980-194-580708-469-801-066230-110-781-009 4-WAY2015 Midday 361-890-219-345-234-256-789-310-856-792-876-429-798-107=457-091-791-225-883-801-089-435-195-534-567-786-846-675-677-147-790-052-453-132--534-361-651-908-756-090-108-652-882-681-192-345-678-978-286-110-781-009-769-234-145-136-044-074-347-092-580-075-467-890-944-357-909-434-680-073-456-708-802201-473-354-160-212-512-469-801-066-980-194-065-720-626-435-468-075-716-214-250-128-813-576-781-852-612-754-156-801=645-580-234-537-121-0-4-9 AUGUST 754754-860-293-147-VIBES246-803&860BestNumberstoPlay quick money 584124-550-098927-313-466127-909-418394-833-924800-592-390322-522-355886-980-422189-809-444511-005-201-049-012360-211-842237-120-910 GAMMA’S AUGUST PICS 242-013-890-134-246-397 BEST TRIPLE 333 Challenger Hits 743-133-202- 335 -2015134-431--143-4444-1871-0978 648*123*104 980-422-809352-126-581-752-319-408-378-515-996-390-196-102-989-970-990-080-800-981189-444-8865147890-0743-121421-423-154-039-524332-522-112-432-CASH$$$$ 483-656-491-248-017-430-034-501-853-9961 Madam Ozlla's 249-752-239-501-381-953-382-935-472-843-795-841-Predictions863-008-444-9967-5037-2156-3034-1342-1027GRANDMA'SAUGUST-DOUBLES 772-544-001-488 luckie duckie HOT TIPS 4018 022 064 648 996 515 140 TAKEWIN3-WAY4LOTTO5 MID-0-7-1-3 MID-1-9-8-6 MID-5-5-2-2 MID-4-8-6-1 MID-0-4-9-0 MID-7-0-8-1 MID-6-6-4-8 EVE-3-9-7-4 EVE-6-7-8-9 EVE-2-5-6-8 EVE-0-7-7-5 EVE-4-0-7-9 EVE-1-1-2-2 EVE-9-3-2-6 MID-14-18-19-30-37 MID-01-14-21-22-23 MID-13-17-29-30-32 MID-04-07-23-30-33 MID-04-13-22-25-36 MID-01-17-19-20-24 MID- 03-06-16-24-38 EVE-07-10-20-26-38 EVE-16-17-21-25-28 EVE-06-24-27-33-36 EVE-02-15-20-27-30 EVE-02-06-07-13-32 EVE-06-10-16-31-32 EVE-02-23-25-36-39 03-13-16-25-32-42 +46 06-10-22-38-55-58 +36

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20th annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade down Ave nida San Juan "Niagara Street" to Niagara Square for a celebra tion featuring concerts and entertainment SUN. AUG. 21 Taking It To The Streets Annual Event PART 2 11am -7pm MLK Park. 716 891-4760 or 716 507-1931

20th annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Celebration con tinues Niagara Square featuring concerts and entertainment.

MON. AUG. 22 Hustle For Health Urban Line Dance Fitness Gloria Parks C enter, 3242 Main St. 12 noon - 1p.m FREE TUES. AUG. 23 Drums @ Dewy For The Youth: ” 5-7 PM Every Tues daythru August Dewey & Castle – off Kensington near Burgard High. Contact Broth er Taharka at nityDorothyTuesdayFreeodingaat@aol.com716-715-3727LineDanceClassevery11AM-12PM@atJ.CollierCommuCenter,118E.Utica.All are welcome! CALL 882-060. WED. AUG. 24 Memorial service in celebra tion of the life of Ronald Peo ples 5:30 PM Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1525 Michigan Ave.(See Pg. 3) Hustle For Health Urban Line Dance Fitness at Glo ria Parks C enter, 3242 Main St. 11a.m.-12 noon FREE ages55+ (716)832-1010 or

19Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ConsciousnessAfricanWorkshop y Monday 4-6 p.m., Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson Ave. “Where we learn About Our Glorious Past & Present African Fam ily.” (716)400-8644 Bro. Shango or kmtflix@ moreHomeownershipaffordable. Equal Housing Lender. Certain restrictions apply. Subject to credit and property approval. ©2022 M&T Bank. Member FDIC. NMLS# 381076. AMP-2091-A 220513 VF M&T has options to help you achieve homeownership. You may be eligible for solutions to help: • Reduce the cash needed at closing • Lower monthly payments • Save thousands by paying less interest • Qualify with a less-than-perfect credit history Get started with one of our mortgage specialists by calling 1-888-253-0993 or visit us at First Sargent Daniel L. Davis Jr. U.S. Army - Retired May 1985 - May 2011 Gulf War Veteran Served in Desert Shield/ Desesrt Storm24Th Infantry Division Gort M.O.S. 19K and 79R SAT. AUG. 20 Taking It To The Streets Annual Event 11am -7pm MLK Park. 716 891-4760 or 716 507-1931 Alzheimer's Community Forum at New Life Assembly Church, 55 Grape Street Free and open to all! Registration recommend ed. Call (716)626-0600. “Not In Our Neighborhood” rally Cleve-Hill Plaza noon to 1 p.m. (See pg. 3) Utopian Euphoria will present “Love at First Sight: Dance With My Father & Mother Soiree 5 p.m. at Classics V Banquets, 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd Tickets No tickets sales at the door. For More info (716)507-8696.

20 Challenger Community News • •August 18, 2022 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM MEDICARE With Medicare Savings Programs run by your state, you can save on your premium, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. And, your Medicare coverage will not change. ProgramsSavingsMedicare can lower your Part B Premium from $170 to $0. Even if you don’t think you qualify, it could pay to find out. You may be eligible to save even if you:  still work  own your home  have an individual income up to $20,000  have a combined income up to $25,000 Contact your state Medicaid o ce, and ask about Medicare Savings Programs: 800-541-2831 Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 1-800-MEDICARE

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