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2022 Black Achievers Awardees 50 YEARS OF CELEBRATING BLACK EXCELLENCE! Page 5

Avenue Blackbox Theatre Secures $190,000

The Avenue Blackbox Theatre held a press event on Monday inside the theatre lo cated at 780 Joseph Avenue to celebrate receiving $190,000 in funding.

The small, Black-led theater has been awarded the funds from a combination of grants and donations. Founder & Executive Artistic Director Reenah Golden also highlighted key developments such as upcoming improvements to the building, the hiring of new staff, and the theatre’s plan to develop new job opportunities that will include key leadership positions to drive the vision forward in development, marketing/communications, and operations.

The press event featured a performance by Avenue Children’s Theatre Project Teen Fel low, Genesis Arrindell accompanied by Ave nue Artist-in-Residence, Ariana Highsmith. Both Arrindell (age 13) and Highsmith (age 26) have been furthering their creative de velopment and gaining meaningful career experience in their artistic pursuits at The Avenue since its opening in 2018.

The Avenue also announced its first hire, Alecia Scott, Avenue Fellow turned on site college Americorp member and now recep tionist/administrative assistant. Scott and Kristian Graham, former college intern, joined the lineup of speakers to talk about the value of the community investing in arts and youth programming.

The scheduled lineup of prominent com munity leaders at the press event included New York State Senator Samra Brouk. The largest commitment comes from a capital grant awarded by the office of Senator Brouk in the amount of $100,000.

The grant will modernize the facility's audio engineer ing, lighting, and duct sys tems to empower the theatre to continue bringing the arts to families and neigh borhoods. Also addressing the event: ESL VP/Direc tor, Community Impact, Ajamu Kitwana and for mer President and CEO of United Way, Fran Weisberg who leads The Avenue’s de velopment committee, the team that worked directly with Golden to raise fund ing needed to purchase the building in 2021. Golden’s contributions to the initia tive awarded The Avenue with $15,000 in unrestrict ed funds.

The Avenue Blackbox is a safe, bold, creative, Black-led multidisciplinary performance space located in the Historic Joseph Ave nue neighborhood of Roch ester, NY. Learn more on

Author of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome to Keynote Ujima Educational Conference

Ujima Rochester will host its 2022 educational confer ence A Time for Healing, Educating, And Rebuilding VII Conference: “Exploring the Trauma of Community Violence, Strategies for Heal ing” Friday September 30th and Saturday October 1 at the Rochester Convention Center, 123 E. Main Street.

This conference is the 7th annual conference of a series that began in 2008 in Roches ter, NY with keynote luncheon speaker Dr. Joy DeGruy. Dr. Joy is the acclaimed author of Post Traumatic Slave Syn drome—America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing, and the newly released, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: The Study Guide. For info visit

Bills Lose to Heat, Situational Football, and Dolphins 21 – 19

A depleted Bills defensive secondary took on a red-hot Mi ami Dolphins team in a very steamy humid Hard Rock Stadium. The Bills offense continues to click and Josh Allen is now tak ing what the defense gives him; this shows a maturity and growth in Allen which start ed last season.

However The South Florida heat and humidity was just as much The Bills op ponent as were the Miami Dolphins. This game came down to missed opportunities for the Bills who ran 90 plays compared to Miami’s 39. The Bills also had 497 total yards to their opponent’s 212. The statis tics show a blow out by the Bills but not being able to finish long drives proved to be their downfall.

Once again Bills Head Coach Sean McDermott can’t find a way to win a close game. The Bills not being able to kick a field goal before halftime was a critical mistake by the Bills offense and Josh clearly missed Center Mitch Morse who is out with an elbow injury and the back-up Greg Van Roten had a few is sues with snaps. McDermott’s biggest mistake was not running the football at the one-yard line on third and fourth downs. The Bills ran 90 plays and those two plays should have been with an extra tight end and power the football into the end zone.

The Dolphin defensive linemen could hardly get into their stance before the ball was snapped and the Bills let them off the hook turning to finesse football. McDermott is 0-8 in games un der six points or less. McDermott‘s situational coaching skills are terrible and does not seem to be getting any better. I would have thought after the embarrassing home lost to New England and then the 13 second debacle in Kansas City, he would have spent the off season working on his situational football game skills. Situational football is when you plan ahead of time for all possible scenarios that may come up in a football game. Once again, the obvious choice would have been to run the football at the goal line.

Bills running back Zack Moss said, “We were taking what they gave us and I was able to bounce it to the outside for that long run. I grew up here (in Florida) and there’s nothing I have

Avenue Children’s Theatre Project Teen Fellow, Gen esis Arrindell performed at the press event. She was accompanied by Avenue Artist-in-Residence, Ariana Highsmith. Dr. Joy DeGruy
2 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022INSIDE ROCHESTER Continued Page 10


Dr. Henry Louis Taylor Jr. To Moderate Town Hall Meeting on Racism in Our Communities

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Xi Ep silon Omega Chapter is hosting a Town Hall Meeting to discuss Racism In Our Communities on Saturday October 8 from 2p.m. - 4:30p.m. at Buffalo and Erie County Library 1 Lafayette Square.

. The Moderator for this important event is Dr. Henry Louis Taylor Jr., Director of the Center for Urban Studies University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning. If you plan to attend via zoom the ID is 806 759 6822 . Pass code 586087. For more info you can contact Alicia Givens at .

May 14 Community Collection Initiative

The Buffalo History Museum and the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library are seeking community input on a plan to collect and preserve mementos and oral histories re lated to the May 14th mass shooting.

A public information session will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 6 p.m. at the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Branch Library, 1324 Jefferson Avenue, Buffalo to share details about the May 14 Community Collecting Initiative. At that meeting, the Museum and Library will describe the purpose and process for gathering stories and mementos based on the events of the May 14 mass shooting in Buffalo. The hope is to engage the community in a conversation about preserving and documenting memorials left at the front of the Jefferson Avenue Tops Market, including, cards, photos, statues, and candles, etc. for future generations to understand the histori cal impact on the community of that tragic day. A subsequent Zoom informational session will also be held on Wednesday, October 12, at 6 p.m., at the link found here: https://tinyurl. com/ZoomBfloMtg .

Buffalo In the (White) House…

Dr. LaVonne E. Ansari, Chief Executive Officer and Ex ecutive Director, Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. participated as a panelist in the United We Stand Summit Sept. 15 in the White House East Room.

President Biden hosted the Summit “to counter the de structive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety, mobilize diverse sectors of society and communities across the country to these dangers, and put forward a shared, inclusive, bipartisan vision for a more united America.”

Dr. Ansari, “kept it real” during her participation in a pan el discussion entitled “Healing and Rebuilding After Hate.” She addressed the unique challenges faced by the Buffalo community related to the 5/14 tragedy, in addition to ongo ing efforts to address systemic discrimination and inequity to build a more equitable, more united community.

Mayor Byron W. Brown participated in the summit but was not a speaker.

Zeneta Everhart also attended the summit, which she re ferred to as a day filled with hope. Her son, Zaire Goodman, was injured and survived the May 14 Jefferson Avenue su permarket massacre at Tops market.

Morehouse College President to Co-Chair Summit National Conference On Food Inequity To Convene Here

In the wake of the Tops Massacre, food justice scholars, business and education leaders will gather in Buffalo along with America’s leading supermarket executives and led by local Black and Brown voices, in an effort to resolve America’s chronic food inequity in Buffalo and beyond.

An ambitious and unprec edented effort to help re solve America’s chronic food inequity challenges will begin right here in Buffalo with a National Conference October 12 at the Seneca One Tower.

A news conference was held a few weeks ago, to describe the summit. Gaughan was joined by Allison DeHon ney, Founder, Urban Fruits & Veggies, LLC / Buffalo Go Green, Inc.; Alexander Wright, Founder, African Her itage Food Co-Op; and Rev erend Mark Blue, President, NAACP, Buffalo Branch.

It was held at 324 Glenwood Avenue, the site of Ms. DeHonney’s "urban farm."

Although the Food Inequity Conference is the brainchild of civic leader Gaughan, who con ceived the idea in the days following the murder of ten Black Buffalo residents at a Tops Supermarket this past May, the event , he assures, will be led by East Side Black and Brown voices “who understand the situation and events and have made great strides in finding solutions.”

The day long gathering is being co-chaired by Morehouse President Dr. David A. Thomas of Atlanta and Rita -Hubbard Robinson Associate Director, SUNY Buffalo Community Health Equity Research Institute;

“ We’re not going to solve the problem in that one day,” remarked Gaughan . However he said it is the hope that by placing east side Black leaders in a room with those who have the resources and are committed make things happen, “some good will come from that.”

It is also his vision that the conference results in a comprehensive follow up which will in clude what may be called “A Report to the Nation from Buffalo” – one that would serve as a potential model for other cities “to at long last address and redress this chronic injustice.”

“The beauty of this conferences is that … if we can get in front of more folks with resources (to help) with the work we’re doing here in Buffalo, we can create the systemic change neces sary to make all Buffalonians – especially those on the East Side have a sustainable method for being well and being healthy.”

Allison DeHonney cited a Buffalo News report released in May that said Western New York was the unhealthiest region in New York State.

“ Why is that and why do we continue to expect those statistics and not put substantial and systemic plans into place to address those issues? If we’re not healthy we can't contribute to society in any meaningful way and a lot of that starts with food and that’s why we're here and do what we do every day,” she said in reference to both her and Alex’s projects.

“We’re thankful and excited about this conference,” Alex said. “But the conference alone doesn’t make the difference,,…what makes the difference is what happens after that confer ence…and our understanding is the folks who are going to be a part of this summit are the people who actually want to do work…folks who want to get in the trenches….. “ Then citing the African Heritage Food Co-ops motto he concluded: “Anything less than own ership is unacceptable.”

•Sudan has more pyramids than any other country on earth – even more than Egypt. There are at least 223 pyramids in the Sudanese cities of Al Kurru, Nuri, Gebel Barkal and Meroë.

•In around 300 BC, the Su danese invented a writing script that had twenty-three letters of which four were vowels and there was also a word divider. Hundreds of ancient texts have survived that were in this script. Some are on display in the British Museum.

•In central Nigeria, West Africa’s oldest civilization flourished between 1000 BC and 300 BC. Discovered in 1928, the ancient culture was called the Nok Civiliza tion, named after the village in which the early artefacts were discovered. Two mod ern scholars, declare that “after calibration, the period of Nok art spans from 1000 BC until 300 BC.” The site itself is much older going back as early as 4580 or 4290 BC.

•West Africans built in stone by 1100 BC. In the TichittWalata region of Mauritania, archaeologists have found “large stone masonry vil lages” that date back to 1100 BC. The villages consisted of roughly circular com pounds connected by “welldefined streets

•Kumbi Saleh, the capital of Ancient Ghana, flour ished from 300 to 1240 AD. Located in modern day Mauritania, archaeological excavations have revealed houses, almost habitable to day, for want of renovation and several storeys high.

DR. TAYLOR MAKING A POINT: Allison DeHonney makes a point during press conferece as (from left) Alex Wright, Kevin Gaughan and Rev. Mark Blue look on. Challenger Photo
3Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022 VISIT MANNA FOR DINING IN & TAKE OUT! Tuesday through Thursday 9AM-6PM • Friday 9AM-8PM • Saturday “Breakfast @ Manna” 9AM – 2PM • Sunday 11AM-4PM • CLOSED MONDAYS TO PLACE YOUR ORDER CALL (716) 253-2100 or ORDER ONLINE at DoorDash Location 633 Northland (Between Fillmore Ave. & Grider St.)

The Tea on Detox

What is a Detox? Detox is a buzz word used often in health and wellness circles and con versa tions. “I need to detox” is of ten said when we feel bloated, tired, or just plain blah! We intuitively know we need to do something about our health and that something by default becomes a detox. You may also hear the word “cleanse” thrown around and used interchangeably with detox. But most of us don’t really know what it truly means.

When steps are taken to eliminate toxins via the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and skin, that is a detox. When steps are taken to eliminate toxins from the di gestive system via the colon, that is a cleanse.

Why We Need to Detox

At its root, disease is caused

by toxins that have accumu lated in the body. When we are exposed to toxins and chemi cals day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year and they are never eliminated, our cells, tissues, organs, and systems become overburdened. This accumulation of toxins leads to disease and illness. The aging process is accelerated, the immune system is weak ened, and an overall decline in emotional and spiritual health occurs. We are exposed to tox ins from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. There are toxins in the products we put on our skin, hair, and the medications we take.

Symptoms of Toxin Overload

When the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, colon, and skin are overburdened with toxins, we may experience the following symptoms:

•Chronic fatigue


•Lack of mental clarity and brain fog

•Hyperpigmentation of the skin

•Swollen feet, ankles, fingers,

or face





•Swollen lymph nodes

•Cold hands and feet

Detoxing is a Lifestyle

It could take anywhere from 3 days to 3 years to fully elimi nate accumulated toxins in the body. And that is why detox ing is not something you do for a few days or a few weeks. You do it for life! We should strive to live in a way where we are eliminating toxins from the body on a daily basis and working hard to prevent toxins from being reintro duced into the body as much as possible.

Best Detox Strategies

These detox strategies are proven to result in toxin elim ination, weight loss, a youth ful, healthful glow, more en ergy, and improved cognitive function. They are:

•Intermittent fasting

•Dry Brushing

•Drinking Clean Water

•Deep, Restorative Sleep


•Herbal Tea

•Clean Eating

When you begin to implement these detox strategies in your everyday life, you will expe rience healing and health in a way you never have before.

Visit MelaninRichWellness. com to take a FREE detox as sessment which will tell you if your body is experiencing toxin overload and learn more about the proven strategies to experience health, healing and wholeness.

Kathleen is a Certified Ho listic Nutritionist, Wellness Consultant and author focus ing on self-healing and selfrealization through radical self-love, intermittent fasting and plant-based nutrition.

VOICE Buffalo to Host Black Mental Health Panel

VOICE Buffalo will host a Black Mental Health Pan el on Sunday Oct. 1 from 2:30--4:30 p.m. at the Mer riweather Library Jefferson @ E.Utica St. Panelists will include Back mental health professionals, formerly in carcerated folks, youth, and various different community members. Lunch will be included. contact Alia at or via phone 716-713-5445.

Moon Watch

October 9 Hunter’s Moon: Golden Spiritual Energy

The October 9 Hunter’s Full Moon in Aries rises from the horizon around sunset. It may appear bigger and moregolden orange than your typical full Moon—but don’t befooled by this Moon Illusion, which makes the Moon appearlarger than it really is! This is just part of the golden blessingthat is coming through on this full Moon. She is a beacon forthe golden spiritual energy.

On this day during the hours before sunset everything willfeel crisp, pure, and uplifting. These are all things we need toput us in the mood of connecting to something positive andgreater than ourselves.

Just as the leaves are letting go – let go of everything you nolonger need in your life. Because it's easy to think beautifullyat this time, it's a great time to unite with Spirit.

This is the time to give thanks to the animals, fruits, and vegetables during this moon for giving their lives so we can live.The full moon is always a good time to be reminded of the continuation of life. Let go and enjoy the blessings of the GoldenRay and all of the beauty of the season. Enjoy my friends.

Full Moon blessings.

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We’re here for you. Here in your neighborhood.
“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live”-unknown
4 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022HEALTH MATTERS

50 Black Achievers to be Honored. Special Awardees Named 2022 Gala Will Mark 50 Years of Celebrating Black Excellence!

The annual Black Achievers Awards will mark fifty years of cel ebrating Black excellence when it honors 50 outstand ing citizens and six special awardees at the 2022 Gala on Friday, October 7 inside the Buffalo Niagara Conven tion Center located at 153 Franklin Street in downtown Buffalo. The first in-person gathering since the pandem ic, it will be an evening of fine dining, networking and entertainment, beginning with a Red Carpet Reception at 5:00 p.m., followed by din ner and awards presentations at 7:00 p.m.

Founded by Herbert Bel lamy Sr., this event has transformed from its humble beginnings five decades ago as a banquet at 1490 Jeffer son, to Western New York’s premiere honors event for African Americans under the visionary leadership of Black Achiever CEO Herbert Bel lamy Jr. and his commitment to preserve and enhance his father’s legacy.

-Special AwardsThis week Mr. Bellamy released the names of six

special awardees who will also be honored at the gala affair.

Trini E. Ross, the U.S. Attorney for the W.D.N.Y., will receive the Judge Samuel L. Green Award.

James Tooles, who was in the first group of Black Achievers in 1973, will re ceive the Legends Award.

Oscar Alston, a nationally known bass player will be the recipient of the Irene Bellamy Musician Award.

The Community Service Award will be presented to businessman Jamil Crews.

Buffalo Public Schools Su perintendent Dr. Tonja M. Williams will be the recipi ent of the Mayor’s Youth Award and Tops Friendly Markets will be honored with the Corporate Sponsor Award.

For more information on the gala or to purchase tick ets, call 884-1490, or visit the Black Achievers, Inc. web site at www.buffalo Tick ets may also be purchased at Doris Records, 286 East Ferry St.

The 2022 Black Achiever

Awardees and their sponsors include:

•Derek Baker, Jr. Tony Martin Awards Inc.

•Sharon Banks, Buffalo Challenger

•Denzel Belisle, Wegmans

•Theodore E. Brinson, Elim Christian Fellowship Church

•Juanita Boyland, Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church

•Wiley J. Caver, Thomas T. Edwards Funeral Home

•Tommy Champion, Housing Preservation Inc.

•Breauna O. Crumpler, Bank of America - Private Bank

•Juweria Dahir, Bank on Buffalo

•Latricia Davis, West Herr Auto Group

•Allison Dehonney, Uniland Development Corporation

•Kelly Dumas, LCSW, Bestself Behavioral Health

•Taylor Epps, WKBW

•Sinclair M. Fabor, Sr., Audacy

•Paul Ferette, Willie Hutch

Jones Education & Sports

•Bertina Ferguson, Roswell Park

•Michelle Frazier, Design, Development & Compliance

•Reverend Corey B. Gibson, Thomas T. Edwards Funeral Home

•Latrice M. Gray, Key Bank

•Arthur Hall, Jr. Drescher & Malecki

•James L. Harris, Jr., Geth semane Missionary Baptist Church

•Romunda Harris-Fonville, M & T Bank

•Se'Vaughn Herrera, Executive Women

International Institute

•David R. Jones, Plum Impressions LLC

•Dawna E. Jones, WECGO DII Inc.

•Annette L. Kemp-House, St. John Baptist Church

•Thomas A. Klenke, Kaleida Health

•Mykia LaNae Gibson, Willie Hutch Jones

Education & Sports

•Barbara Lark, Creative Structures Service Inc.

•Madeline Little, Colston Enterprises

•Robert J. Lowe, ThD., GHD

•Noelle Markle, Koester Associates

•Stephanie McLean-Beath ley, Senator Tim Kennedy

•Harold McNeil, The Buffalo News

•Nelly Ngabo, LaNova Pizzeria

•William Morris, WEC GODll Inc.

•Prentise Moss, Niagara Frontier Transportation Au thority

ALLEY is Buffalo's Newest Magazine

Alley Magazine is Buffalo’s new est publication.

Recently launched, it is the brain child of visionary writer/poet/art ist/activist Shirley Sarmiento who serves as its editor.

“Alley Magazine celebrates extraordinary diverse women of Western New York who do ordi nary things. We celebrate our doers and makers of our communities. We celebrate their works and ac complishments and we’ve documented their contributions,” writes Sarmiento in her Editor’s Note.

The first edition includes poetry, uplifting and informa tive features and introduces us to some amazing unsung heroines. Alley Magazine, which is published quarterly, is available at Fitz Book Store, 433 Ellicott Street. Also, to re quest an issue or for advertising information email

•Arlene Neely, St. John Baptist Church

•Crystal Rodriquez-Dabney, Rich Products

•Kerry L. Saunders, Power 96.5 WUFO

•Dr. Michelle Seay, Erie County Medical Center

•Donella Singleton, Sinatra & Co.

•Dr. Stephanie A. Slaughter, Fitness Institute & Pilates Studio

•Dr. Thomasina R. Sten house, Sopark/Murak & Assoc.

•Chantele Thompson, Pierce Arrow Museum

•Robert Ware, St. John Baptist Church

•Sarah Marie Washington, Phillips Lytle LLP

•Gena Wilson, Highmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of WNY

•Gerldine Wilson, Barbara Murek

•Royce Woods, Evans Bank

Special Awardees to be honored at the Black Achievers Gala from top left: Trini E. Ross, James Tooles, Jamil Crews, Oscar Alston, Dr. Tonja M. Williams and Tops Friendly Markets.
5Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022

Susan’s 63rd Birthday Musical!

Susan’s 63rd Birthday Musical Celebration will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday October 2, at Tabernacle of Praise, 319 Northland Avenue, Pastor Charles McCarley. The event will feature spe cial guest Bishop Green and the Visionaries. Also, Delivered, Daughters of Destiny, Steadfast, Mt. Olive Specials, Gospel Diamonds, and the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Choir. Evangelist Candy Mingo will MC the event.

Bible Study Every Thursday

THE DOROTHY COLLIER CENTER features Bible Study every Thursday from12 noon – 1 p.m., 118 E. Utica St., virtually on zoom or in person. For more info call (716) 882-0602.

Memorial AME Zion of Rochester to Host Volunteers” Luncheon

Memorial AME Zion Church in Rochester will host “A Love Letter to Our Volunteers” luncheon on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 2:30 p. at the Harro East Ballroom, 155 N. Chestnut St. Tickets are $55. For more information call (585)-512-8911 or email be .


6 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022


Working together to drive progress

At Bank of America, we continue to support diverse local communities to help fuel economic opportunity and growth. We’re inspired by the determination and passion of Hispanic-Latinos and are committed to doing more as a trusted partner. Here are some of the ways we’re helping:


Our Hispanic-Latino Business Councils across the country are focused on understanding the needs of our clients so we can better serve them.


We’re furthering our partnership with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Inc., helping emerging leaders succeed in today’s economy.


Our Better Money Habits® platform is available in Spanish, Mejores Hábitos Financieros,® to help people build financial know-how and make informed, confident decisions.

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Bank of America, Better Money Habits, Mejores Hábitos Financieros and the Bank of America logo are registered trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Credit Opportunity Lender © 2022 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.

7Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022

SOUL OF THE CITY ! Pictured above are images of Buffalo's Larry Salter Soul Orchestra who brought their healing, soulful sounds to the corner of Jefferson and E. Ferry once again this past July during Mandella Market's annual birthday commemoration of South African Freedom Fighter Nelson Mandela. Among those pictured is Soul Orchestra member Charles "Charlie" Reedy (pictured above, middle and top middle, on the sax), long time figure on the local jazz scene who became a central figure over many decades performing in various groups and participating as a member of the historic Colored Musician Club where he played for 75 years. Respected and admired by many, he was born in 1931 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He made his transition on August 9, 2022. The performance at Mandella's was one of his last.

Challenger Photos


DAMON WAYANS 8p.m. Oct. 28-29 at the Seneca Niagara Falls. Tickets start at $75 and go on sale at noon Friday seneca (18-and-over event).

Pharaoh Sanders Transitions

Legendary Jazz saxophon ist, Grammy-Award winner Pharaoh Sanders, one of the most renowned saxophon ists in the history of jazz music, has passed away, re ports CNN. He was 81. He transitioned peacefully the morning of September 24 surrounded by loving family and friends in Los Angeles. His saxophone was a Force of Nature. No cause of death was given.


We’re doing Jazz Night again at the Dorothy Collier Center 118 E. Utica on Fri day, September 30th from 6-8PM. Enjoy live music, delicious food and great fel lowship! This is a free event. However, donations are al ways welcome and appreci ated! See you soon.


Bell Biv DeVoe, Fri. Sept. 30, Seneca Niagara Event Center. Tickets at


CONCERT: A B. Boys Reunion Concert with spe cial guest Will Holton will be held on Saturday, Oct. 8 at The Groove, 1210 Broad way & Lathrop St. The event opens at 7 p.m. The concert starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at Doris Records on Ferry and Mandella's Mart at Jefferson & Broad way and Jefferson & Fer ry. For ticket delivery call (716)570-4997.

GLADYS KNIGHT, the Empress of Soul! Sat. Oct.8, 7:30 Kleinhans .Visit BPO.ORG

ONCE ON THIS ISLAND,THE MUSICAL Shea's 710 Theatre now thru Oct. 2, Directed by Naila Ansari go to for tickets and more info.

Ujima Company presents "Church State" a play directed by Ross Hewitt, now thru Oct. 2 Friday & Saturday 7:30, Sunday 4 p.m. inside the Lorna C. Hill Theatre, 429 Plymouth Ave. Tickets: Gen. $35, Se niors $25, Students & Vets $15.For tickets

Photo exhibit at WWTS Photography and Gallery at 93 Allen Street showing a collection of photographs by local photographers Ai tina Freed-Cooke, Alexander Harold, Painkiller, Teo Da vid and some original works by Rook all who captured the true essence of Jimmy "Rook" Hawkins Jr. The show has been extended until October 7th . For gallery Info call 716 203-1648.


8 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022Entertainment


Naila Ansari (3rd from left), the celebrated director of "Once on This Island," poses with Bar bara Glover of Miss Barbara's School of Dance (2nd from left), cast member Zhanna and Dana after the show. The mu sical, on stage at Shea's 710 Theatre now thru Oct. 2,opened to rave reviews. Naila, awardwinning choreographer, teach er and producer, began her dance career at Miss Barbara's School of Dance, where she has also taught! Miss Barbara’s is the longest running African American owned and operated dance school in the City of Buf falo. There's still time to register your little ones for Tot-Combo classes. Jazz, tap, gymnastics, hip hop and African is also of fered. Call (716)834-1644. Visit us on facebook and you tube. You can also register online at

West Side Rowing Club Names Boat After Willie Hutch Jones Program

A special inauguration ceremony was held at the West Side Rowing Club (WSRC), honoring multiple non-profit organiza tions, including the 10-year collaboration with the Willie Hutch Jones Educational and Sports Program (WHJESP). Under a clear and sunny sky, representatives from the WHJESP chris tened a boat with their logo and namesake with water.

"The WSRC, for the past ten years, has offered scholarships to qualifying youth in our program to experience this unique and often exclusive sport, especially for underserved kids,” re marked Willie Hutch Jones, Ph.D., President and CEO of the WHJESP. “We truly ap preciate the generous schol arships each year, but nam ing a boat after our program is an incredible honor that we are so grateful for,” ex claimed Jones.

"The boat is a brand new Swift Coastal Quad (4x) that is used for our learn-to-row programs in the summer,” says Ian Suchan, Director of Community Outreach and Administration at West Side Rowing Club. “The coastal quad provides a more stable platform to learn how to row and can also handle tougher weather conditions when out on the water,” added Suchan

To qualify for the crew row ing clinic, students must be at least 12-18 years old and able to pass a swim test be fore acceptance into the pro gram.

In addition to the many sports clinics held by the WHJESP each summer, a swim program is also in cluded. visit or call 716-715-4980 to learn more about their programs and their upcoming annual Science Fair.

The Galactic Tribe Private Screening of The Woman King a Sold Out Success!

On September 15 The Galactic Tribe Wakanda Alliance Program held a private screening at Elmwood Regal Cinema, selling out two theaters for the highly anticipated film The Woman King. It is a film inspired by the remarkable story of the Agojie , the all-female unit of war riors who protected the African Kingdom of Dahomey in the 1800s.

The film is an emotional epic journey of General Nanisca (Oscar®-winner Viola Davis) as she trains the next generation of recruits and readies them for battle against an enemy deter mined to destroy their way of life.

The attendance at the screening was all ages, and a massive representation of what communi ty looks like! For the special screening the Galactic Tribe in partnership with Confident Girls Mentoring Program and Young Women’s Empowerment Academy, sponsored 150 young women to attend the private screening.

There was a lot of excited crowd energy and pride for this film as The Galactic Tribe Wakan da Alliance holds true to their mission to educate inspire and hold space for their community.

“The film was a monumental display of filmmaking for an action film based on African culture and history that defied typical industry stereotypes. We hold private screening to help people who align with our educational mission grow together and help them feel safe around like-minded people who see them as neighbors and friends,” said Galactic Tribe & Wakanda Alliance co-founder Anthony Pierce.

General tickets sold for the screening included viewing the movie and virtual educational lessons on Dahomey and the VIP packages included that plus 6 months of free subscriptions to all Wakanda Alliance programing.

Keep up with the innovative programming this organization offers every 2nd and 4th Satur day at the Delavan Grider Community Center, 877 E. Delavan. Its free and family friendly! Learn more and find scheduled updates on and follow them on social media @wakandaalliance.

Nicholas Helen Stephen Nick Joyce Wakanda Forever! pictured with Galactic tribe members are some of the movie goers who attended The Woman King private screening at the Regal Cinema ( photo provided by The Galactic Tribe ) Pictured at the West Side Rowing Club in front of the WIllie Hutch Jones boat l/r : Willie Hutch Jones, Leroi Johnson, Mykia LaNae and Lisa Napier of WHJESP.
9Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022 Saturday, October 8 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Explore three new fall exhibits and engage with local conservation organizations and researchers, including informal talks with:
Rajkovich, University at Buffalo
Toledo, BWELL
Vermette, Buffalo State College Myles Stubblefield BFLO Wormworks
Henshue University at Buffalo
Hwang University at Buffalo 1020 Humboldt Parkway | Buffalo, NY 14211 (716) 896-5200 | Speaking schedule and more information at Included with admission and free for members.

The Dolphins Are a Fish That Got Away

The storyline on the Bills upset loss at the hands of the Miami Dolphins is an obvious one. It is a simple tale of coulda, woulda and shoulda. The Bills basically gave this football game away. They were and still are a better team than Miami. Buffalo had so many opportunities to win this game early on but just failed to do so. But even in an agonizing defeat, I must say this about the Bills: they came to play.

With an injury riddled secondary and another missing starter, the Bills’ defense certainly played well enough to win. And under most circum stances, the offense also played well enough to win. But, in the end, this game came down to two critical factors: (1) Buffalo’s overall clock mismanagement; and (2) an errant Josh Allen throw at the goal line. In both circumstances, the Bills failed to put points on the board, which would have made the critical difference.

But I will also tell you this - and I might sound like a cheer leader - the Bills lost this game honorably. The defense cov ered up admirably for the banged up secondary and battled tenaciously against both the Dolphins and the oppressive heat and humidity of South Florida. But it also seems likely that the Bills may be coming back to the pack a little. They are not invincible. That is to say, the injuries which will still decimate the secondary, have visibly weakened this team and are now a critical element that the Bills must deal with moving forward. And so, it also represents an early dose of adversity. But I like what I see from this team. And it’s not just the great roster per sonnel which the Bills possess. They also impress me with the fight that’s in the dog. The Bills play hard, they play with heart, and they play with determination. For this one game, I’m giving them a pass.

Next up are the Baltimore Ravens featuring their dynamic QB, Lamar Jackson. This game presents another opportunity to

conduct a side-by-side comparison between Allen and Jackson, the two shining quarterback stars of the 2017 NFL draft class. Remember the five QBs taken in the first round? Baker Mayfied was No. 1; Sam Darnold was taken at No.2; Josh Allen was No. 7; Josh Rosen, the other Josh, was taken at No. 13; and last, but not least, Lamar Jackson, was taken 32nd overall with the very last pick of the first round. So far, there hasn’t been much de bate about which team got the better QB. Cleveland moved on from Baker; the Jets kicked Darnold to the curb; and Rosen is hanging on in the league by a thread. For my money, our Josh is clearly the best of the lot. However, the electrifying Jackson will again get a chance to make his case. But, of course, I’m taking the Bills over the Ravens in another physical contest, in which I expect both QBs to shine.

Epilogue: What is up with OC Ken Dorsey? I didn’t get the juvenile temper tantrum he threw in the coach’s box tear ing stuff up after their heartbreaking loss. More than anything, the Bills just ran out of time. Granted, there were a lot of time management issues on both the Bills’ sideline and in the huddle. But why all of the emotionally overwrought, totally unneces sary drama when your team has played valiantly in the face of adversity? The concern is that such a display of histrionics can send the wrong message to your players, who might feel like you’re ‘showing them up,’ just to get a “15 second moment of fame” clip on ESPN. Not a good idea if you want to avoid alien ating your best players. Come on, Dorsey, get a grip and save the tough talk for the privacy of the locker room.

GEORGE RADNEY continued from page 2 not seen with weather conditions.” I think Zack Moss should have been given more opportunities to carry the ball on those goal line plays and not Josh Allen. The Bills have way TOO MUCH Josh Allen running the football and must give the ball to the running backs. Bills travel to Baltimore next Sunday and I see another tough game. The Bills defense must slow down Ravens QB Lamar Jackson and force him to throw to wide re ceivers not his tight ends. This should be another close game and hopefully Bills Head Coach McDermott can finally win a close game. McDermott is officially on the hot seat. He must start winning at situational football or the Bills are going no where. I predict the Bills win 34-31 in overtime against Bal timore!

10 Challenger Community News

Our Military Contributions Are Finally Honored!

It only took four hun dred years for African American Veteransmen and women all over this country - to finally be me morialized and recognized for their contributions and sacrifices serving in the armed forces of this nation.

Last Saturday the nation's first African American mon ument to Black Veterans in America was unveiled right here in Buffalo, New York; ironically a city that ranks in the top twenty as the most racist in the nation. Add to that alarming statistic, the fact that in 2019 to date, Buffalo ranks third as the poorest city in the U.S. Yet it’s governed by Black misleaders in city (criminal ) hall.

Despite the ironies - and they are considerable - as a veteran of the United States Navy, I am extremely proud of the leadership taken by a small group of women from a prestigious organization, the Erie County Links, of which Fern Beavers was a member. Fern, who also worked at the Buffalo V.A. had a vision and a dream that came true when the me morial was unveiled on 24 September 2022. Unfortu nately Elder Sister Fern was unable to be with us on that glorious day, but her spirit was truly felt. Fern Beavers loved us veterans more than the V.A.

I felt honored to have had a small part in the planning of this historic achievement. As the monument was un veiled, it marked a long awaited expression of ap preciation to African Ameri can Veterans throughout this nation. African Americans have fought in every war that America was involved in. They fought with valor, they fought bravely for a na tion that would not fight for them.

Sadly , the reality is we still serve a nation that does not adequately serve us as Black veterans.

The Idea of Race and Humanity Part 1

idea of race and humanity has been investigated by scholars and social scientist for generations. For me one of the most compelling narra tives that I have read is from the quoted sayings of The Prophet Muhammad, S.A.W.S., of fourteen hundred years ago, and the developing stance of Islam on issues of race and racism. Also, the po sition espoused by the Honorable Malik El Hajj Shabazz, also known as Malcolm X, who stated that in Islam there is an explicit anti-racist tradition that is unique. Malik El Hajj Shabazz stated that although he did experience racism in Islam in some of the countries he visited, the structure and philosophy of Islam is one that gives no quarter to rac ist attitudes or behavior. To Malik El Hajj Shabazz, the Hajj was one glimpse into the Islamic approach to abolishing rac ism and the development of the recommended means of ad dressing the underlying customs, policies and/or structures that would support or promote any kind of racist thinking or behavior.


It is said, by many scholars, of many different persuasions, that The Prophet Muhamad, S.A.W.S., paid very close at tention to how Muslims of different ethnicities were treated during his time. I believe that was because the ideas offered by Islam were seen as solutions to the many challenges that people faced as human beings of different hues and cultures, with civilizations rising and falling according to its ability to meet the needs of all of the people. This certainly took into account that during the lifetime of The Prophet Muham mad, May The Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon him, that most of the Arabs, according to Dr. Abdullah Hamid Ali, were of a dark complexion, but often times instead of defining themselves by skin color, they would define them selves by their tribe and boast about that as well as their customs and even their proficiency in languages, such as Arabic. Another example was Abu Dharr, a Black man, yet he called himself insulting Bilal by calling Bilal a son of a Black Woman, because Bilal was a non-Arab Black man,

The AAVM is situated at Naval and Service Men’s Park, It’s beautifully placed not far from the Vietnam War Monument.

As we celebrate this mo mentous occasion lets rec ognize that we still need to come together like we did to get this monument, to help our homeless veterans, and our fellow veteran broth ers and sisters who may be suicidal ( statistics report 22 suicides a day - and that's a huge number!)

I want to publicly thank the Erie County Links, El der sister Madeline, War ren Galloway President and Board Chairman of the African American Veterans Monument; NYS Assem bly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes who was on board from day one provid

ing critical moral, financial and legislative support from day one; and all the other government, business, com munity and civic organiza tions that contributed to this monument.

But my greatest appre ciation goes out to the one who dreamed a dream and worked to make it happen.

Thank you Elder Sister Fern Beavers, your dream has been fulfilled. We as African American Veterans are very proud to finally be recog nized for our valor and cour age to serve. We gave some and some gave ALL.

Yet What would Fern Bea vers Say about how many of the Black veterans live on the east side of Buffalo?

I’m Just Saying...

and the connotation there being that Blackness was inferior. There were many instances where The Prophet Muhammad, S.A.W.S. had to step up and say or do something to show the Islamic denunciation of racism because there were so many Muslims who were Black with direct African descendance, as well as many who were Black but had the lineage of Arabs or Dravidian or Hashemite, such as himself. All the while as Muslims were getting more and more powerful throughout the world and coming into contact with people who did not identify with or had even been taught to look down upon Black people from Africa, it was important to nullify and correct each instance where racism was implied or directly exhibited.

Remember this was a time that still had the influences of the crusades and the spread of white racism through reli gion, particularly after the Nicene conference, where Euro pean Nations came together in order to push back against the Civilizations of Carthage, and The Moors which at that time controlled the world economy, as well as academic ex cellence in all the sciences. Right after that time came the influences and propaganda of the Berlin Conference, where all the European nations came together to push back against the Black Moorish control of Commerce and trade through out the world. As a part of those decisions made during that conference was the decision to conquer and pillage Africa, create borders and carve up Africa in a way that allowed for each European nation to steal the wealth of every country in Africa and spread that combined wealth among European Nations, all of which had been starving and on the brink of internal war and the devastating social and moral effects of famines and disease. From the historical documentation of Chancellor Williams in The book “The Destruction of Black Civilization” and others, the thinking of those in control of those decisions was that they had to develop a narrative de faming Black people so that the world would all see the rape of Africa and the destruction of Black Civilization as justi fied, because it was falsely promoted that Africa and Black people had no value to the rest of the world. Thus for White Nations to take it over was seen as “The Whiteman’s burden” to Civilize Africa and Africans by exploiting the land and destroying the lives that the people had developed for them selves. That painted Black Africans as inferior and Black Af rica as lacking in anything but jungles and savagery.


New Charter School for Black Students Gets Approved in Denver

A new charter school in Denver centering Black students and culture finally got the green light after initially being re jected. This past Thursday, the school board approved plans for the 5280 Freedom School to open it’s doors to students next fall.

According to the Denver Post, the plan is to open 52 seats for both Kindergarten and first grade, and then increase the number of seats for each grade up to fifth.

According to the school’s mission statement: The 5280 Freedom School teaches students from ECE-8th grade to become racially literate and civically-minded by centering Black knowledge, people, and principles. The 5280 Freedom School exists in order to dismantle oppres sive systems, to liberate ourselves, and to empower our stu dents to transform the world.”

Life is a never-ending journey

Filled with ups and downs Prophets and clowns It has its rules and regulations

A form of education

To ignore them always leads To some form of complications

Life has guidelines you must obey

But is it okay to obey Without knowing the reason why

On this journey it is sometimes hard

To keep your head to the sky

In this world of thought filled duality

Sometimes it is hard to separate Fantasy from reality

We are faced with The omnipresent thought To be or not to be Searching for what it means To be truly free

The key to a successful life Is to live it in humility and simplicity

Life is a gift from the Creator What you do with it, is your gift to the Creator

Life is a learning experience That is meant to be enjoyed

The total experience Is perceived from within It begins with a thought Of consciousness, that says I am and I will always be Remember no matter how you take it

Life is what you make it.

Tao Te Ching


The gentlest thing in the world

Overcomes the hardest thing in the world. That which has no substance

Enters where there is no space.

This shows the value of nonaction Teaching without words, Performing without actions: That is the Master’s way.

“Our history did not begin in chains. It will not end in chains.”
11Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022

SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS–SU PREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ERIE – MORTGAGE ASSET MANAGE MENT, LLC, Plaintiff, -against- ANY AND ALL KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDI TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTH ER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTER EST BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE ESTATE OF MARY ROSE BARRETT, DECEASED; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; ERIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SO CIAL SERVICES; MARGARET LIN DENAU AKA MARGARET LINDEAU, AS HEIR, DEVISEE, DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF MARY ROSE BARRETT, DECEASED; WILLIAM P. BARRETT, JR., AS HEIR, DEVI SEE, DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ES TATE OF MARY ROSE BARRETT, DECEASED; DANIEL BARRETT, AS HEIR, DEVISEE, DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF MARY ROSE BARRETT, DECEASED; ROBERT BARRETT, AS HEIR, DEVISEE, DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF MARY ROSE BARRETT, DE CEASED, if he be living and if he be dead, the respective heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, distributes, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, credi tors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claim ing under, by or through said defen dant who may be deceased,; BER NICE MALEK, Defendants - Index No 813601/2021 Plaintiff Designates Erie County as the Place of Trial. The Basis of Venue is that the subject ac tion is situated in Erie County. To the above named Defendants–YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the com plaint is not served with this Sum mons, to serve a notice of appear ance, on the Plaintiff’s Attorney(s) within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Sum mons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. That this Supplemental Summons is being filed pursuant to an order of the court dated August 16, 2022. NOTICEYOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME – If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to an swer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RE SPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honor able Dennis E. Ward, J.S.C. Dated: August 16, 2022 Filed: August 31, 2022. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage and covering the premises known as 88 Marbeth Street, Buffalo, NY 14220. Dated: June 13, 2022 Filed: September 3, 2022 Greenspoon Marder, LLP., At torney for Plaintiff, By: Meir Weiss, Esq., 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022 P: (212) 524-5000 F: (212) 524-5050 (No Service by fax) E: Ser vice purposes only: 100 W. Cypress Creek Rd, Suite 700 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 P: (754) 200-7005 F: (954) 331-2005 (No Service by fax) September 15, 22, 29 October 6



___________________ MIDFIRST

BANK, Plaintiff, vs. Any unknown heirs to the Estate of ALLEN A. BAILEY A/K/A ALLEN BAILEY, next of kin, devisees, legatees, distribu tees, grantees, assignees, creditors, lienors, trustees, executors, admin istrators or successors in interest, as well as the respective heirs at law, next of kin, devisees, legatees, distributees, grantees, assignees, lienors, trustees, executors, admin istrators or successors in interest of the aforesaid classes of persons, if they or any of them be dead, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA O/B/O INTERNAL REVE NUE SERVICE; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; and “JOHN DOE” and “MARY DOE,” (Said names being fic titious, it being the intention of plaintiff to designate any and all occupants, tenants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises being fore closed herein.) Defendants. _______

_______________ Filed: 02/16/2022 Index No.: 801836/2022 SUM

MONS AND NOTICE Mortgaged Premises: 56 Lyndale Avenue Tonawanda, (Town of Tonawanda), NY 14223 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Com plaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on Plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this Sum mons, exclusive of the day of ser vice, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal delivery within the State.

The United States of America, if des ignated as a Defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is for the foreclosure of: Mort gage bearing the date of March 10, 2000, executed by Allen A. Bailey and Mary Lou T. Bailey to First Prior ity Mortgage, Inc. to secure the sum of $65,211.00, and interest, and re corded in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County on March 10, 2000 in Book: 12874 Page: 4085. That First Priority Mortgage, Inc. duly assigned said Note and Mortgage to Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc. by Assign ment dated March 10, 2000 and recorded on March 10, 2000 in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County in Book: 12874 Page: 4106. That Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc., an Iowa corporation duly assigned said Note and Mortgage to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Nationwide Mortgage Corp., its successors and assigns by Assignment dated April 17, 2001 and recorded on April 26, 2001 in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County in Book: 12921 Page: 6245.

That Mortgage Electronic Registra tion Systems, Inc. duly assigned said Note and Mortgage to CitiMortgage, Inc. by Assignment dated January 13, 2004 and recorded on March 24, 2004 in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County in Book: 13151 Page: 7228.

Mortgage bearing the date of March 19, 2004, executed by Allen A. Bai ley to CitiMortgage, Inc. to secure the sum of $3,163.54, with interest, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County on March 24, 2004 in Book: 13151 Page: 7247. Said Mortgages were consolidated and modified so as to constitute a single lien in the amount of $66,170.00 by agreement dated March 19, 2004 and recorded on March 24, 2004 in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County in Book: 11071 Page: 2770. That CitiMortgage, Inc., a New York Cor poration duly assigned said Note and Mortgage to MidFirst

Bank, a Federally Chartered Savings Association by Assignment dated December 9, 2011 and recorded on February 16, 2012 in the Office of the Clerk of Erie County in Book: 13568 Page: 6896. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment di recting the sale of the Mortgaged Premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. Plaintiff designates Erie County as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the County in which the Mortgaged Premises is situated. Section: 79.30 Block: 4 Lot: 6 DATED: February 14, 2022 Rochester, New York NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOS ING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and com plaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the Mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your Mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAIN TIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. WE ARE ATTEMPT ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIP TION ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR CEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Tonawanda, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of Lot 22, Township 12, Range 8 of the Holland Land Company's Survey and further distinguished as Subdivision Lot 571 upon a certain amended subdivision map of part of said Lot 22, made for John G. Sattler by Straley Bros., Sur veyors and filed in the Erie County Clerk's Office under Cover No. 945. September 15, 22, 29 October 6


NFTA Procurement Invitation to Bid


Download documents at https:// curement


NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ERIE U.S. Bank National Association, as Trust ee, as successor to U.S. Bank Trust National Association, as Trustee, which was successor to First Trust National Association, as Trustee, for Home Improvement Loan Trust 1996-D, Plaintiff AGAINST Michael Ramsey; et al., Defendant(s) Pursu ant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 7, 2022 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at pub lic auction at the Closing Room of the Erie County Clerk's Office, First floor, 92 Franklin St, Buffalo, NY 14202 on October 21, 2022 at 11:00AM, prem ises known as 36 Warwick, a/k/a 36 Warwick Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improve ments erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie, State of New York, Section 90.54 Block 1 Lot 20. Approximate amount of judgment $37,559.62 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 813243/2020. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Prop erty established by the Eighth Judi cial District. Ouida Binnie Francis, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792 Dated: September 8, 2022 73248 September 22, 29 October 6, 13





By the Grace of God Free and Independent

To: Rashad Law, Ricky Law, Faith Rivers, and Any and all persons who are, or who claim to be heirs at law, next of kin, distributees of the decedent named below, if any such there be, all of whom and all of whose names, ages, places of residence and post office addresses are unknown to be the Petitioner(s) and cannot after due diligence used be ascertained and HON. LETITIA JAMES- Attorney General of the State of New York and JENNIFER G. FLANNERY- Erie County Public Administrator.

A petition and account having been duly filed by Nigel Law, whose address is 76 Zenner Street, Buffalo, New York 14211

YOU ARE HERBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Sur rogate’s Court, Erie County, at 92 Franklin Street, 2nd Floor, Buffalo, New York, on October 13, 2022, at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, why the account of Nigel Law, a summary of which has been served herewith, as Administrator of the estate of Armod Law should not be judicially settled.

(State any further relief requested)

Why a Decree should not be made in the Estate determining the distributees of the decedent entitled to inherit from this estate as more fully set forth in the petition, fixing and determining the amount of the attorney’s fees for legal service rendered to said Estate, fixing and determining the commissions due the fiduciary, and directing such other and further relief as the Court deems just and equitable.

Dated, Attested and Sealed August 25, 2022

Hon. ACEA M. MOSEY- Surroagte LINDA C. NOVOTNY, ESQ. – Chief Clerk

Etido Udousoro- Attorney for Petitioner- 716-261-7301 1133 Kensington Avenue, Buffalo New York 14215 September 15, 22, 29 October 6


NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ERIE STATE OF NEW YORK MORTGAGE AGENCY, Plaintiff AGAINST JAMES M. MUCCI; et al., Defendant(s) Pur suant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered September 6, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Clos ing Room of the Erie County Clerks Office, 1st Floor, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo NY on October 21, 2022 at 10:30AM, premises known as 1126 CLEVELAND DRIVE, CHEEKTOW AGA, NY 14225. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Cheektowaga, County of Erie and State of New York, SBL: 80.20-1747. Approximate amount of judg ment $43,113.69 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #805613/2021. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accor dance with the Court Systems CO VID-19 safety and health emergency protocols, as well as in accordance with 8th Judicial District Foreclosure Sale Protocols. Please take notice that all persons attending the auction must comply with and observe social distancing, wearing masks or face coverings and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclo sure sale. Hayley Greenberg, Esq, Referee Schiller, Knapp, Lefkow itz & Hertzel, LLP 15 Cornell Road Latham, NY 12110 21-00303 73464 September 22, 29 October 6,13

copy of which is attached, as the Will of Willard Singletary deceased, relat ing to real and personal property, and directing that

Letters Testamentary to Charlene P Penson

Letters of Trusteeship to Letters of Administration c.t.a. to Dated, Attested and Sealed September 6, 2022

Hon. Acea M. Mosey- Surrogate Linda C. Novotny, Esq.- Chief Clerk

Etido Udousoro- Attorney for Petitioner 1133 Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14215 716-261-7301 Sept 22,29 Oct. 6,13


NFTA Procurement

Invitation to Bid


Download documents at https:// curement





PROBATE CITATION File No. 2017-636/B



Erie County Department of Public Work, Division of Highways will con duct a Public Information Meeting to describe the existing conditions and objectives for Kenmore Avenue Reconstruction Project between Sheridan Drive and Grand Island Boulevard, as well as the proposed alternatives and upgrades for this roadway.




Culvert Replacement Group 1 PROJ# CAP-CUL-2022

Department of Public Works, Di vision of Highways seeking sealed bids for Culvert Replacement in cluding new concrete box, steel, or S.I.C.P.P. culvert, including jack and bore of steel casing, concrete work, backfilling, pavement replacement, and guide rail replacements. Sealed proposals will be received at Rath County Office Building, DPW, 95 Franklin St, Room 1419A, Buffalo, NY 14202 by, and opened at, 10:00 am local time, Thursday, October 20, 2022. Certified check in the amount of $70,000.00 bid deposit is required with the bid submittal. Pre-let meet ing scheduled Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 10:00 am local time at Rath County Office Building, DPW, 95 Franklin St, Room 1419A, Buffalo, NY. NYSDOL Wage Rates, NYS Ven dor Responsibility CCA-2 A/B/C, Lo cal Minority, & Disadvantaged Work force goals, NYS Apprenticeship, and MWBE goals may be required. Plans and additional bid submittal informa tion on the Erie County website at: http: // see On Line Bid Retrieval.

By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO: Slyvia McGill, Warren Single tary Jr., Carl Hill, Darlene Singletary, Jerome Singletary, Patricia Moss, Cynthia Maxwell, Betsy M. Strother, Geraldine Dubois, Wilbur Maxwell, Renee Singletary, James Singletary Jr., Richard Singletary, Doince Major, Deon Hemsley, Angela Coles, Kelvin Hemsley and Melvin Toran Jr., Ethen Toran, Athena Fuller, Chanelle Black, Faith Toran, Breena Toran, Perry Toran, Michael T. Toran Jr., Shelby Toran, Ryan Toran, Michelle Toran, Eden Toran, Tyler Toran, Amarra George, Brittany McClintock, De vatha Dortch, Cleotus Singletary, Os car Gamble Jr., if they be living, and if they be dead to their heirs-at-law, next of kin, distributes, if any such there be, all of whom and all whose names, ages, places of residence and post office addresses are unknown to the Pettitioner(s) and cannot after due diligence used be ascertained, and to Any and all persons who are, or who claim to be heirs at law, next of kin, distributes of the decedent named below, if any such there be, all of whom and all of whose names, ages, places of residence and post office addresses are unknown to the Pettitioner(s) and cannot after due diligence be ascertained, and HON.

LETITIA JAMES- Attorney General of the State of New York, and to JEN NIFER G. FLANNERY- Erie County Public Administrator.

A petition having been duly filed by Charlene P Penson, who is domiciled at 16 Rickert Street, Buffalo, New York 14211

YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Sur rogate’s Court, Erie County, at 92 Franklin Street, 2nd Floor, Buffalo, New York, on October 20, 2022, at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, why a decree should not be made in the estate of Willard Single tary lately domiciled at 16 Rickert Street, Buffalo, New York 14211 ad mitting to probate a Will dated Octo ber 29, 2013 (a Codicil dated n/a) a

The meeting will be held at the Sheridan Park Fire Company, 738 Sheridan Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150 on October 11, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time.

Participants are welcome to view displays, including drawings and project facts. Staff from Erie County and its engineering consultant will be on hand to answer questions and re ceive public input.

Comments, from interested per sons, may be submitted in writing at the meeting, by mailed letter, or email to the Project Engineer below. Comments will be accepted through 10/25/22.

Further information on the project may be obtained from:

Mr. Dory Marsh, Project Manager CHA Consulting, Inc. 2200 Main Place Tower Buffalo, NY 14202


Phone: (716) 847-6310


NFTA Procurement Invitation to Bid


Download documents at https:// curement

12 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022
Bid JOBS Buffalo Employment and Training Center BETC 716-856-5627

ERIE - INDEX NO.: 812701/2020

SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS. Plaintiff designates ERIE COUNTY as the place of trial based upon the location of the premises herein described having tax map Section 104.07, Block 4, Lot 33, Depew, NY, County of Erie LOANDEPOT.COM, LLC, -against- CHARLES EDWARD WOODS, if living, or if dead, the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs-at law, next of kin, descendants, ex ecutors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, com mittees, lienors, and assignees of CHARLES EDWARD WOODS, and any and all persons deriving inter est in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs-at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff, CITY OF BUFFALO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS AGENCY, NEW YORK STATE DE PARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, MARIANN WOODS, JOHN DOE #2 through JOHN DOE #12, the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties in tended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, hav ing or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, DEFENDANTS. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an swer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of ap pearance on the Plaintiff's Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this sum mons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this Summons and Complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceed ing against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered against you and you can lose your home. Speak to an at torney or go to the court where your case is pending for further informa tion on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action.

YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERV ING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAIN TIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: Syosset, New York, September 8, 2022. Roach & Lin, P.C., attorney for Plaintiff, 6851 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 185, Syosset, NY 11791. Tel: 516-938-3100. To the above named defendants: The fore going summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Mark A. Montour, a Jus tice of the Supreme Court, State of New York, dated January 25, 2022 and filed with the Erie County Clerk together with the supporting papers thereon. This is an action to foreclose a mortgage held by Plaintiff on the premises known as Section 104.07, Block 4, Lot 33, Depew, NY, County of Erie as described in the complaint on file and commonly known as 16 HARLAN STREET, DEPEW, NY 14043. 73497 September 22, 29 October 6, 13


Buffalo Employment and Training Center



The BETC is here to help with your job searching needs. We have free servic es to all jobseekers looking to find better paying work, an exciting new career, or wanting to upgrade skills to become more marketable.


Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company

Mindreader Media LLC Articles of Organization filed on 08/11/2022 in Erie County. The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NY SOS shall mail copy of process to 4 Southwedge Drive Getz ville, NY 14068. No dissolution date. Mindreader Media LLC will serve as a media and marketing consulting company. Sept 15,22,29 Oct.6, 3,20


Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company

Vivs Village (Laundry Service) L.L.C.

Filed Articles of Organization with the NY Dept. of State: 5/13/2022. Office of the LLC: 51 Harriet Ave Buffalo, NY 14215, Erie County. The NY Sec retary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of process to the LLC at 51 Harriet Ave Buffalo, NY 14215-3507.

Purpose of LLC: Laundry service. No specific duration attached to LLC. Sept 15,22,29 Oct. 6, 13,20



School Custodian with experience FT/ PT 716-867-3846

NY Connects Independent Living Outreach Specialist

Help connect aging or disabled individuals and their Families to support groups and streamline access to Public benefits and application assistance.Asso. degree and human services exp. req. Resume and cover letter to WNYIL, Inc 3108 Main St Buf falo, NY, 14214 EEOC

MCO Quality Assurance Specialist

Monitor & corrective action for MCO Insurance billings within AR ledger. HS diploma req. Exp w/MC billing preferred. Cover letter & resume to WNYIL, Inc. 3108 Main St Buffalo NY 14214 EEOC

ECMCC Outpatient Clinics Peer Support Specialist

Provide recovery & advo cacy support w/Substance Abuse Disorders being treated at ECMC outpatient Clinics. CRPA req. Asso. & 3 yrs exp req. Cover letter & resume to WNYIL, Inc. 3108 Main St Buffalo NY 14214 EEOC


Peer Support Specialist:

Renewal Center

Service guests of the living space in overcoming Immedi ate and emotional crisis. HS di ploma & 4 yrs exp req. PT hours only. Cover letter & resume to WNYIL, Inc. 3108 Main St Buffalo NY 14214 EEOC



University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and, in keeping with our commitment, welcomes all to apply including veterans and individuals with disabilities.
If you believe in the mission of higher education—the transformative impact it has on individuals, communities, the country and the world—and want to commit your talents to work that yields a better tomorrow, consider joining the University at Buffalo.
Digital Communications Product Manager
13Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022







(585) 285 - 5496

280 N. Union St. BLDG.



(716) 634-0330




441 Ellicott St. * 852-4600


280 N. Union St. BLDG. (315 )730-5780


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JEFF MOORE (716) 361-4900


MID-6-3-1 MID-6-5-1 MID-4-6-4 MID-5-4-0 MID-1-7-9 MID-1-2-8 EVE-5-1-9 EVE-9-2-6 EVE-9-5-8 EVE-9-7-8 EVE-6-4-8 EVE-1-4-9 EVE-8-8-0


MID-4-7-7-8 MID-2-7-1-6 MID-7-9-9-9 MID-9-0-8-3 MID-2-6-1-5 MID-1-9-6-5 EVE-3-7-6-7 EVE-2-4-2-9 EVE-8-5-2-9 EVE-1-7-6-8 EVE-7-7-8-2 EVE-1-3-7-1 EVE-0-9-5-5


MID-04-09-14-18-23 MID-12-23-29-36-38 MID-07-11-13-23-30 MID-001-09-12-33-35 MID-14-16-23-25-26 MID-04-13-24-26-31 EVE-09-14-16-33-34 EVE-11-15-23-33-35 EVE-03-15-22-25-31 EVE-03-09-18-25-33 EVE-09-13-15-21-32 EVE-05-07-25-38-29 EVE-02-06-11-17-23 08-33-38-40-42-53 +24 07-12-27-31-35-50 +48

Challenger Hits





Aquarius -496-235-165-579 Pisces - 056-362-237-694

Cancer - 482-372-895-718 Aries - 289-946-034-594 Taurus -258-231-026-695 Gemini-495-257-694-508 Leo-345-213-157-201

Virgo 385-291-431-170 Libra -247-723-179-501

Scorpio - 453-253-571-597 Sagittarius - 389-701-234924




781-980-194-580 805-075-467-890



678-456-708-286 230-110-781-009


075-356-579-498 4-WAY2015

Midday 0-4-9

9-7-5 ZR (Straight), Scorpio (Box), Aquarius (Box), #Book (Box), Madam Ozlla (Box)

6-3-1 ZR (Box)

6-5-1 ZR (Straight), Aquarius (Box)

5-4-0 Ma Ruth (Box), ZR (Box)

1-7-9 ZR (Box), Libra (Straight)


5-1-9 ZR (Box) 9-5-8 Ma Ruth (Box) 9-7-8 ZR (Straight & Box), 6-4-8 ZR (Box), Ma Ruth (Straight), Sep tember Vibes (Straight), Luckie Duckie (Staright)

1-4-9 Cash $ (Box), # Book (Box)

CASH$$$$ 7890-0743-121 017-430-034-501483-656-491-248853-9961

luckie duckie

743-133-202- 335 -20154444-1871-0978 134-431--143648*123*104

980-422-809-981989-970-990-080-800515-996-390-196-102581-752-319-408-378352-126-189-444-886514- 332-522-112-432421-423-154-039-524

14 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022 Madam Ozlla's Predictions 249-752-239-501-381-953-382-935-472-843-795-841863-008-444-9967-5037-2156-3034-1342-1027 RENEW LOCAL Erie County Auto Bureau MOBILE MONDAYS at the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Branch Library Michael P. Kearns Erie County Clerk Serving East Buffalo Every MONDAY 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. in the Dr. Eva M. Doyle Auditorium Appointments Are Not Required 716 - 858 - 8864 Customers can renew or replace their current New York State driver’s license or non driver ID, apply for a standard non Driver ID, renew any vehicle registration, surrender or replace peeling license plates, pay violation penalties, order a title or have any DMV questions answered. In an effort to provide quick, efficient service, not all transaction types can be conducted. advertising@
BEN’S Downtown Tire 50 Sycamore (cor. Elm) (716) 856-1066 or 894-1483
PRATCHER & ASSOCIATES Franklin Muhammad (Pratcher) Attorney 1133 Kensington Avenue
Taste of Supreme 100% Gluten Free Vegan Goodies
the Supreme Bakers
Rochester Public Market
B #44 BAKERY Davis Honey Local Raw Honey Retail / Wholesale Rochester Public Market
Zakiyyah’s Rundown (ZR) Daily Vibrations
OCTOBER VIBES 874-164-094-592Fa$t #'s for October 559-599 quick money 189-809-444 886-980-422 322-522-355 800-592-390 394-833-924 127-909-418 927-313-466 124-550-098 511-005-201 584 - 049-012 360-211-842 237-120-910 GAMMA’S OCTOBER PICS 882-789-513-435-065-342 BEST TRIPLE 333 Your Halloween #'s 375 & 409
HOT TIPS 4018 022 064 648 996 515 140 3-WAY
4 TAKE 5
SUN 9/18 MON 9/19 TUES 9/20 WED 9/21 THURS 9/22 FRI 9/23 SAT 9/24




Free Bread, Dessert & Pas try, 19 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Collier Community center, 118 E.Utica. Stop In!


Jazz Night @ the Collier Community Center, 118 E. Utica, @ 6-8PM. Live mu sic, delicious food and great fellowship. A free event.

Free Bread, Dessert & Pas try, 19 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Collier Community center, 118 E.Utica. Stop In!


Adel McTier

U.S. Army Dec 1964-Dec 1966 Vietnam War Veteran (1965)25Th Div

Purple Heart Recipient

eat to live


VOICE Buffalo will host a Black Mental Health Panel from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Merriweather Library Jef ferson @ E.Utica St. Lunch will be included. For more ino or via phone 716-713-5445

Line Dance Fitness, 12 Noon Gloria Parks Center, 3242 Main St .; Seniors 55+Free( 716)832-1010 or


Free Line Dance Class, Dorothy Collier Community Center, 118 E. Utica, noon –1 p.m., (716)882-0602.


Line Dance Fitness, 11 a.m. Gloria Parks Center, 3242 Main St.; Seniors 55+ Free

MON. OCT. 10



Free Line Dance Class, Dorothy Collier Community Center, 118 E. Utica, noon –1 p.m., (716)882-0602.

WED. OCT. 12

Line Dance Fitness, 11 a.m. Gloria Parks Center, 3242 Main St.; Seniors 55+ Free (716)832-1010 or Huste

African Consciousness Workshop

Every Monday 4-6 p.m., Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson Ave. “Where we learn About Our Glorious Past & Present African Fam ily.” (716)400-8644 Bro. Shango or



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The Buffalo Adventure Hunt

The Buffalo Adventure Hunt is happening on October 1, from 9 AM to 4 PM. This team-based competition is in celebration of Urban National Wildlife Refuge Day. Teams of 2 will compete for points at different, fun activities to provide a day outside in the Buffalo area! Register FREE at Eventbrite for the 2022 Buffalo Adventure Hunt. Come and joins us, have some fun and learn a little about your Buffalo Area!

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15Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022
©2022 New York Lottery
Recyc ab e Tickets
16 Challenger Community News • •September 29, 2022 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM MEDICARE With Medicare Savings Programs run by your state, you can save on your premium, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. And, your Medicare coverage will not change. Medicare Savings Programs can lower your Part B Premium from $170 to $0. Even if you don’t think you qualify, it could pay to find out. You may be eligible to save even if you:  still work  own your home  have an individual income up to $20,000  have a combined income up to $25,000 Contact your state Medicaid o ce, and ask about Medicare Savings Programs: 800-541-2831 Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 1-800-MEDICARE

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