A BOLD AMBITIOUS PLAN Strategic Plan 2021-2023 In July, Cork Chamber launched its Strategic Plan 2021-2023 with a clear vision to be a world-leading Chamber of Commerce delivering on a progressive economic, social and sustainability agenda at the heart of our business community.
Strategic plan
After 202 years working for a business community with an international reputation for innovation and an excellent track record for both indigenous and international business growth, nothing short of a bold and ambitious plan will suffice.
2021 — 2023
As a Chamber we must stand shoulder to shoulder with the best Chambers in the world, doing everything in our power to champion Cork as a globally recognised place for business, innovation and quality of life. By working together, we can empower a successful, inclusive and thriving Cork.
Some of the key deliverables outlined in the plan include: • Engage with Government and key stakeholders and advocate for our members • Be leaders in the delivery and interpretation of the UN SDGs • Deliver dynamic events with thought-provoking content and speakers while providing opportunities to develop meaningful business connections • Provide critical updates for businesses and the Cork region • Provide business with high quality training • Develop international relationships, help businesses grow into new markets and connect with our global diaspora and diplomatic community networks • Position internationally Cork’s unique qualities and attributes for investment and talent
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If Cork is to succeed, Government and business will need to work harder and in a more collegiate manner to deliver on commitments. We need to push a strong inclusive and sustainable agenda for the City region. Apartment living in the City must be enabled by Government or a generational opportunity to redefine our urban areas will slip through our hands. The Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy must continue to march ahead, and we must raise our ambition for renewable energy. These are pillars of activity that will move the business environment into a fresh and highly competitive space, as we seek to differentiate Cork’s approach to the pandemic years. As we move beyond the pandemic the UN Sustainable Development Goals will remain a guiding compass offering a positive and competitive future direction for Cork. Cork Chamber will integrate the Strategic Plan into daily operations to fully support members and the region with a focus on ESG (Environmental, Social Governance), innovation and digital transformation.
09/08/2021 09:56
On behalf of the board and team at Cork Chamber, thank you to our members for their continued dedication to making Cork the best place for business. You can browse the full Strategic Plan 2021-2023