Questionnaire analysis

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Questionnaire Analysis

1) What is your favourite trailer and why? If we were to ask our target audience this question it would give us a clear idea of the type of trailers that our target audience likes and therefore it would give us an opportunity to understand our target audience more by watching these trailers and taking inspiration from them to make them more appealing to our target audience. 2) What makes a good trailer? The answers we get back from this trailer would be very useful in helping us develop our trailer so that the audience will enjoy it and will be encouraged to see the film we are selling. In addition we might get some suggestions from this that we had not thought of before and because the suggestions will be coming from our target audience, if we follow these suggestions it is likely that the trailer will be more appealing to our target audience. 3) What makes an effective climax in a trailer? In our trailer we want to include a dramatic moment that is the climax. So asking this question will help us make our climax appealing to the audience. Secondly, asking this question to the audience will give us a much more clear ideas to the type of trailers that our target audience watches and find appealing and so it will help us develop and create an effective trailer for our target audience once we have found out what trailers they find most appealing and would encourage them most to see the film that the trailer is advertising. 4) What’s your most memorable trailer and why? Similarly to the first question we asked about the audience’s favourite trailer, asking them about their most memorable trailer is a good question to ask because we will get names of trailers that stayed in the audience’s mind and so we can watch these trailers and try and find out why they are memorable and then we can use similar techniques to make our trailers similarly memorable. Do you prefer trailers which hint at the story line through dramatic clips or with a narrative, and why? The feedback we get from this question will be very useful as it will help us make our trailer as appealing as we can to the target audience and so asking this question would give us a very clear answer as to what our target audience would prefer and as a result it would make our movie trailer more appealing to our target audience which will encourage them more to see the film which is the aim of the trailer.

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