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Genre: Romance


Teaser: Dear John

Generic Conventions

Mise en scene  Bedrooms/ high street  Normal clothes and girls wear dresses

Mise en scene  House and outside (sea-side) setting  Normal clothes  Letters

Mise en scene: (Costumes, props, iconography) Characters Narrative

Technical Rules/Codes Camera techniques, angles, shots Editing Sound Lighting

Characters  Woman and man in love  Parents Narrative  Woman and man meet and fall in love  Parents/people get in the way  Breaks up the couple, which creates drama  They get back together

Camera  Medium shots introduce chain main characters  Close ups- intensity  Medium shots create drama between the couple Editing  Fast when meeting characters and when drama occurs sound  Piano playing Lighting  Bright  Intimacy so shady and dark with a little light

Characters  Woman and man in fall in love  Father Narrative  fall in love goes to war  write letters to each other  father sick  everything going wrong  ending is happy Amara  Medium shots and close ups top keep intimacy Editing Slow intimacy Fast- when drama occurs Sound  Vocals, ballad song Lighting  Bright when couple meet  Gets slightly darker on intimate scenes  Bright throughout teaser

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