NEWSLETTER • April 2018
The Vital Shift From the Bike to the Classroom
PG. 13
CHA Historic Preservation Land Use Committee Minutes
PG. 17
Thank you from the Richmond Tree Steward
PG. 23
Riverfront Canal Cruises Opens For The 19th Season
PG. 27
CHA Membership Form
[2] MARCH 2018
MEETINGS & NOTICES Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee Meeting
Generally held on the Tuesday before the board meeting at the Patrick Henry Pub, 2300 E. Broad St. at 6:00pm Upcoming Meeting: April 3 Upcoming Meeting: May 1
CHA of RVA Board Meeting
Generally held on the first Thursday of every month at Patrick Henry Pub, 2300 East Broad St. at 6:00pm Upcoming Meeting: April 5 Upcoming Meeting: May 3
Membership Meeting
Generally held on the third Tuesday of every month in St.John’s Parish Hall, 2401 East Broad St. at 7:00pm Upcoming Meeting: April 17 Upcoming Meeting: May 15 If any member wishes to attend any zoning or board meeting they are most welcome, but please check with Genni Sasnett at president@churchhill.org for updated meeting times and dates. What does Church Hill Look like to you? Send images to: Newsletter@churchhill.org
CHA Mission
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a sense of unity and common endeavor among all the residents of the St.John’s CHurch, Church Hill North, and Chimborazo Old and Historic Districs, other residents of the East District, and other interested persons, in order to develop a stable, desirable urban neighborhood.
[3] Church Hill Association
CHA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Genni Sasnett President@churchhill.org
Vice President: Debra Melisi vp@churchhill.org
Secretary: Pam Masters secretary@churchhill.org
Assistant Secretary: Audrey Auyeung asstsecretary@churchhill.org
Treasurer: Pam Lipscomb treasurer@churchhill.org
Assistant Treasurer: Steven Keener assistanttreasurer@churchhill.org
Reshma Gola
Christina Masteroianni
Brian Loos
Past President: John Sieg
Historic Preservation and Land Use Chair: Barbra Cotter (804) 677-7647
VOLUNTEERS Layout & Graphics: Arthur Olivarez arthurolivarezjr@gmail.com Church Hill Planters: Marion Macdonald Phone: (804)644-1347 Membership Coordinator: Amy Beem membership@churchhill.org Phone: (804)344-7157
Content Editor/ Ad Sales Coordinator: Celeste Deal newsletter@churchhill.org Phone: (804)644-2862 Lead Newsletter Dristribution: South: Tom & Eileen Sanders Phone: (804)343-7157 North: Sandra Horton Phone: (804)780-1641
For more information on joining the CHA, please see our website at: churchhill.org or fill our the application included in this publication
[4] MARCH 2018
LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Happy Spring Church Hillians: Our neighborhood is beautiful any time of the year, but especially in spring. We are fortunate to have assets like Libby Hill, Chimborazo, Patrick Henry and Jefferson Parks to enjoy in Greater Church Hill. It is a pleasure to see families with children, pet owners with their dogs, exercisers, neighbors and visitors from all over Virginia and beyond enjoying their beauty and historic nature. Though we certainly expect the city to maintain our parks, we all have an obligation to pitch in to keep them attractive. If you see trash in the park, please take a few seconds to pick it up and place it in the available bins. Speaking of parks, the membership voted in February to support a Cinco de Mayo event in partnership with Style Weekly in Libby Hill Park. A very healthy and civil debate was held before the vote. The desire to conduct the event in a culturally respectful manner was something everyone agreed upon. CHA of RVA in consultation with Style’s management, has decided to delay the event until next year. The time frame was too short to put together a well thought out event. We also would like greater opportunity to partner with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, promoter of the Que Pasa Festival, which will be held this year on Cinco de Mayo. Be sure to attend the Que Pasa Festival. For more information go to www.vahcc.com The Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee deserves kudos for the hard work they do for the neighborhood. They deserve special thanks for catching Stone Brewing’s plan for demolition of the Intermediate Terminal at the last minute before it went before the Finance Committee of City Council. Barbara Cotter, Chair, and John Sieg, Past President, acted quickly, sending urgent emails to our Councilwoman, Cynthia Newbille, and the issue was delayed until a future session. We simply do not have sufficient information about these plans to either support or oppose Stone’s proposal. We are concerned that no information has been provided to the community about this change of plans. The membership will be updated as additional information is obtained. There is breaking news about our local Farm Fresh grocery store. Much to our surprise an article in RTD on 3/16/18 announced that employees have been given 60-day notices and the store is up for sale. The article states it may not be easy to find a buyer. Though a new grocery store is set to open at 25th St. and Nine Mile Road in the fall, it will not be a large store and likely cannot fulfill the needs of the entire Church Hill community. It is not clear at this writing what action our community can take to help attract a new grocery store to assume the space that Farm Fresh will vacate. We will reach out to our neighboring associations to discuss what we may do jointly. The Outreach Committee hosted its first Greater Church Hill Happy Hour at Liberty Public House on March 22nd. Chair, Christina Mastroianni, and the committee members did a great job organizing the event. We thank Liberty Public House for stepping up and providing appetizers. The objective of the happy hour and other events the committee will be organizing this year, is to bring all the diverse groups of people in Greater Church Hill together to get to know each other. The committee also hopes to attract new members to the Church Hill Association while developing relationships with folks from other local associations. Stay tuned for future events.
Best regards
Genni Sasnett, President 2018
[5] Church Hill Association
CHURCH HILL CONTACTS Delegate Jeffery Bourne Virginia House of Delegates (804)698-1071 Mayor Levar Stoney City of Richmond 900 E.Broad St.,2nd Floor (804)646-7970 7th District Richmond City Council Member Cynthia Newbille (804)929-6894 cburke2@rvaschool.net 7th District Richmond City School Board Member Cheryl Burke (804)929-6894 Richmond City School Board: (804)780-7716
Emergencies: 911 Non-Emergency Police: (804)646-5100 1st Precinct Station Front Desk, staffed most hours: (804)646-3602 Fire Station #1: (804)646-4229 Church Hill Crime Watch: (804)343-3628 Commonwealth’s Attorney/Sector Prosecutor: Colette McEachin: (804)646-4845 Lt. Minton: (804)646-0574, cell (804)240-9158 Daniel.Minton@richmondgov.com Lt. Jeremy Sayles: Cell (804)283-0856 Sector Lieutenant Lt. McRoy: (804)646-0574, cell (804)283-0856
Citizen’s Assistance: (804)646-7000 Citizen’s Request Service Online: http://eservices.ci.richmond.va.us/applications/ citizensrequest/frmNewEntryType.asp# City of Richmond Public Utilities: (804)646-3000 Code Violations Related to Historic Preservation: (804)646-7550 marianne.pitts@richmondgov.com Commission of Architectural Review: (804)343-7550 Zoning Administration: (804)646-6340 Housing Code Enforcement: (804)646-6419 Environmental Control: (804)646-7448 Graffiti Hotline: (804)646-1406 Truancy Hotline: (804)646-ABCD Northeast District Parks Maintenance: (804)646-6419
Governor Ralph Northam Virginia State Capitol, 3rd Floor (804)786-2211 Senator Rosalyn R. Dance Virginia Senate District 16, Capitol Office (804)698-7516 district16@senate.virginia.gov Delegate Delores L. McQuinn Virginia House of Delegates 70th District General Assembly Building (804)698-1070 Senator Jennifer L. McClellan Virginia Senate (804)698-7509 delkmcclellan@house.state.va.us
East District Families First: (804)646-4508 EDI-W.I.C: (804)646-0775 Health Center: (804)780-0840 Social Services: (804)646-7212 VA. Cooperative Extension: (804)786-4150
Animal Control: (804)646-5573 (804)646-0546 Better Housing Coalition: (804)644-0546 Black History Museum: (804)780-9093 Richmond CenterStage: (804)225-9000 Children’s Museum of Richmond: (804)474-7000 Edgar Allan Poe Museum: (804)648-5523 Historic Richmond Foundation: (804)643-7407 James RIver Association: (804)788-8811 Library of Virginia: (804)692-3500 Museum of the Confederacy: (804)6491886 Richmond Ballet: (804)344-0906 Richmond Coliseum: (804)262-8100 Richmond National Battlefield Park: (804)771-2148 Richmond Symphony: (804)788-1212 Science Museum of Virginia: (804)367-6552 St. John’s Church Visitor Center: (804)648-5015 Valentine Richmond History Center: (804)649-0711 Venture Richmond: (804)788-6466 Virginia Historical Society: (804)358-4901 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: (804)340-1400 Virginia Opera: (804)643-6000 Virginia War Memorial: (804)786-2060
[6] MARCH 2018
Casual & family-friendly dining located at the heart of Church Hill in the Historic East End Theatre Building
BURGER NIGHT jjjjjjjjjjjj
9am - 2pm
Mondays 5–10pm House Burger $7 Specialty burgers & drink specials
TACO TUESDAY Taco specials all day
WIND DOWN WEDNESDAY Seafood and drink specials
Mon-Wed: 11am-10pm Thurs-Fri: 11am-11pm Sat: 9am-11pm Sun: 9am-10pm
804.225.8275 • www.thelibertyrva.com • 418a N. 25th Street [7] Church Hill Association
[8] MARCH 2018
Saturday, April 15 Thomas Jefferson Birthday Reenactment Doors open at 1:00 pm, music at 1:30 pm, Show at 1:45 pm Thursday, April 19 Naturalization Ceremony 11:00 am check our website for info and tickets St. John's Church 2401 E. Broad Street 804-648-5015 HistoricStJohnsChurch.org
Tours daily: Monday through Saturday 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Sunday 1:00 - 3:30 pm Visitor Center open until 4:00 pm [9] Church Hill Association
Legacy Academy at Richmond Cycling Corps— The Vital Shift From the Bike to the Classroom By Amy McCracken
Since 2010, Richmond Cycling Corps (RCC) has partnered with youth from the city’s public housing communities to form a formidable cycling program and in became the nation s first and only inner-city competitive mountain bike team. You’ve likely seen the kids out training as they leave their brightly painted head uarters ust outside of airfield Court. ow that building also houses a school. It may seem like a big shift from cycling to the classroom, but it’s actually very simple,” said Craig Dodson, CC s founder and Headmaster We opened a school out of necessity. In arch of CC moved its head uarters from ichmond icycle tudios in cott s ddition to a renovated building on airmount venue. closed at the end of anuary to allow odson and the small staff of CC to focus solely on youth programming. oving into the neighborhood not only improved the youth’s access to RCC, but has put the organization closer to the achievements and challenges of our city s ast nd. Outfitted with a loc er room whiteboards a stoc ed pantry computers, and room for bikes, the space was designed for the cycling team and for after-school mentoring. Since the program’s inception, so much has happened on and off the bike. Through it all there has always been a consistent effort to listen to, and learn from, the youth. RRC’s youth’s successes and defeats have always informed what happens ne t. s the cycling team members continued to grow it became increasingly clear that many of the kids were struggling in a traditional school setting. There is a section on the RCC website that tries to succinctly describe what the cycling program is all about. [ 10 ] MARCH 2018
We re-engineer the behavioral and developmental gaps that are prevalent among youth in public housing. We use bicycles, hard training, and tough love to accomplish this monumental task. From top to bottom, we operate in a different way, with a different approach, in a unique style. It’s hard to articulate this ‘style,’ but it’s made from holding our youth accountable, expanding their world, and constant evolution of our programming…Our battle cry is “Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop.” The commitment to constant evolution of programming is what led RCC, after eight years of using the bike as a tool to empower youth in public housing, to shift the focus to better address a key indicator of leaving poverty education. Legacy cademy at ichmond Cycling Corps opened in the fall of with five students. Wor ing closely with rmstrong High chool nna ulia Cooper piscopal chool and the community at large, Legacy has become another option for students struggling with traditional high school structure. Cycling will always be at the core of RCC. Each student of Legacy is expected to participate in cycling. The Legacy Team competes at a state level, during two seasons annually, spring and fall. Practices are held at a minimum three days a wee after school. ll e uipment coaching and race entry fees are covered by the organization. Legacy provides lunches, transportation, and a school uniform. One of the students at Legacy wrote an essay about why he wanted to attend the school. In it he wrote I want this challenge to be successful. I now it s going to be hard at Legacy and I am willing to try and give it my best. I want to be in this school because I want to focus on my future. o I can be somebody. Legacy cademy is committed to doing its part in helping this student and every student in our care be successful. On and off the bike. oining CC as ecutive irector is my cCrac en. s a former CC board member my has been with the organi ation through its metamorphosis. efore she wor ed in nonprofit my taught high school in Gilpin Court with Community ducation Partners. I learned about CC through The Community oundation in . Though the members of the cycling team were uni ue individuals I saw so much of the students who filled my classroom in the same challenges the same roadbloc s the same issues of generational poverty. othing had changed. I immediately wanted to be a part of CC. Than fully I was invited to oin the board after reaching out and as ing how I could help. ringing more than years of nonprofit e perience my is e cited about leading ichmond Cycling Corps through this e citing shift. It s the best of both worlds an established nonprofit but also a brand new initiative. I am delighted and honored to be oining CC at this crucial uncture. The ids are easier to tal to when they aren t ying by on bi es it has been so wonderful to get to now them and to be able to spend my days in their school.” Craig Dodson, RCC’s founder, is continuing his dedication to the youth as Director of Programming and Legacy cademy Headmaster and still spends a considerable amount of time on the bi e with the students. att uhn continues to coach the cycling team and is now also a vital part of Legacy cademy as educational assistant. ebedee ennett r. is irector of ducation at Legacy and spends his days in the classroom sharing big ideas with growing minds. or information about CC contact my at amy@richmondcyclingcorps.org We d love for you to come visit us. [ 11 ] Church Hill Association
February Membership Meeting Submitted by Alli Allgood The Church Hill Association’s Second Annual Mardi Gras Party and Pot Luck Supper happened on Friday night, February 23rd at the Robinson Theater. We had several new and longertenured neighbors join us from all over the Hill and lots of good food and drink. The music was especially fun and brought to us by two wonderfully talented freshmen from VCU’s music program in Jazz Studies — Chris and George were wonderful and added so much to the feel of the event. And the Robinson Theater is such a good venue! Not only are the staff wonderful to work with, but they do such good things for our community. To help them in their important work, we solicited donations — as we did last year — and have made a good start, but will continue to collect money on their behalf throughout this month to try and sweeten the pot just a little. If you’re interested in helping that effort, please visit the association’s website — churchill.org. nd finally my favorite part of the night and other events li e it is really having time to hang out with neighbors I may already know a little, and getting to know some new folks — that said turnout was lower than we had hoped this year. ut we re firmly committed to reaching out broadly in our neighborhood, and will continue to host events that encourage community communication and interaction, so please let us know if you have thoughts about what would tempt you out for a neighborhood gathering like this next time — the circle gets better when it gets bigger!
GREAT DOCTORS — RIGHT DOWN THE HILL Close, convenient care is nearby at Bon Secours Canal Crossing Internal Medicine.
Vicki Latham, MD
Bon Secours Canal Crossing Internal Medicine offers adult primary care, senior care, annual physicals, women’s services, immunizations, checkups and more. Compassionate care for all adults, at all stages of life, is right next door to Church Hill. Offering same-day appointments and accepting new patients—call (804) 298-3460.
Katie Skiff, NP
Canal Crossing Internal Medicine 115 South 15th Street Suite 501 Richmond, VA 23219
[ 12 ] MARCH 2018
Sarah Meyers, PA
CHA HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND LAND USE COMMITTEE (HPLUC) Church Hill Association (CHA) CHA Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee (HPLUC) Minutes of February 27, 2018 (March Meeting)
Attendees: Members: David Herring, Barbara Cotter, Karen Jones, Waite Rawls, John Sieg Other CHA members: Kathy Hayden
Child Day Care Center in 22nd Block of E Broad Street: Signage and other issues – Based on City staff’s feedback (Marianne Pitts with CAR in Planning) -- the City has requested that the temporary sign be removed. More needs to be done to look at signage requirements so we are consistent in our comments. Barbara Cotter also committed to check with State Licensing at the Virginia Department of Social Services to determine what processes exist for ensuring minimal quality standards in a church-sponsored child care program which is not licensed. Kathy Hayden showed results of the Viewshed Project which was showing the impact of 5- and story buildings on the famous view from Libby Hill. The images are at so athy is going to check how they look in a virtual reality world. Meanwhile, John Sieg and Waite Rawls will prepare a letter from CHA to the Mayor that will highlight the need for protecting the viewshed and soliciting his help on this, given that the Planning Department has not included our recommendations in their key planning documents. Barbara will check on the possibility of an ordinance or whatever that could recognize and protect the Viewshed from development. Martha Broughton attended the Commission for Architectural Review (CAR) meeting on 2/27/18. By phone she reported to this Committee that they approved the plans for 2108.5 E road treet including a roof terrace. n infill pro ect on st treet ugar ottom was also discussed, but we do not yet know the results of such; this is critical as it will become a new gateway for historic Church Hill. The Committee reviewed a letter for the City’s Planning Department and the Planning Commission regarding the SUP for 101 N. 29th Street (SUP-024779-2017) that expresses CHA’s opposition to this SUP. Committee members supported the draft and offered a few suggestions which will be incorporated. arbara informed the group that ach ennedy will present the design for treet at CH s arch meeting. He will be presenting his final design to C
ast ran lin in pril.
avid Herring tal ed brie y about the need for a plan for hoc oe alley and the City s challenges in undertaking this. He also pointed out the need for timely action for Louis Salomonsky to now how to proceed as soon as possible with his hotel and how this fits into the plan. Submitted by, Barbara Cotter [ 13 ] Church Hill Association
Historic Petersburg Where you’ll find twice the house for half the price.
GRAND 606 Harding street This lovingly restored six-bedroom antebellum mansion, 30 minutes South of Richmond, has been featured in Southern Living, This Old House Magazine, and on HGTV's Restore America. Surrounded by lush gardens on a full acre, the Sutherland House includes a brick guest house and gated off-street parking.
Offered for $349,000 MLS#1806052
Your Old House Authority
Jennie Dotts REALTOR®
(804) 370-6565 • JennieDotts.LNF.com Virginia ProPerties, A Long & Foster Company 412 Libbie Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226 [ 14 ] MARCH 2018
[ 15 ] Church Hill Association
Dance Classes Salsa
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[ 16 ] MARCH 2018
March 2018, You Help us to Help You! Thank You. Since a Year Ago: We, the Richmond Tree Stewards with your help, planted these trees in March of 2017 in Libby Park. I took these pictures 6 months later at the end of the summer. The trees were happy. Thank you for all the care and watering you provided, which was critical, and you did a good job! They all survived. We Need Your Help again: They have grown and we can enjoy them. Now they are dormant and ready for the new season. Season 2 is around the corner and they will need your help again. Yes we will need to water them again . Unfortunately, two Treegator® bags are missing. We will replace them, but please don’t take them away! Enjoy the New Season: The trees no longer move like “joysticks”, they have developed the roots and so are better grounded in the soil! So that’s why we removed the tree staking straps, but we will keep the stakes to protect them from the speedy mowers, going around them like mosquitoes. With spring coming, look at them and enjoy their evolution and transformation. If you need to contact me, please use my email address: joel.cabot@yahoo.com Joel Cabot – Richmond Tree Stewards
[ 17 ] Church Hill Association
[ 18 ] MARCH 2018
322 N. 25th St.
www.ChurchHillAnimalHospital.com Our Treatment Specialties Include: · General medicine · Routine dental cleaning · Surgical extractions using advanced dental equipment · Soft tissue surgery
On-Site Specialized Equipment Includes: · Digital · Dental equipment radiography · ECG · In-house lab · Pulse oximetry
We treat Dogs & Cats
Thank you for letting us care for your pets! [ 19 ] Church Hill Association
[ 20 ] MARCH 2018
Church Hill Real Estate Market Report Interest Rates - Where are we? Rates are rising and inventory is still at an all time low as buyers try to squeeze into the market to take advantage of the still-historically-low rates while they last. Currently the 30 year rate for a conventional loan is back to 2011 rates. So, as a homeowner have you missed your opportunity to refinance? Have buyers missed their opportunity to buy at good rates? Consider this: Today’s market conditions suggest that the days of interest rates dipping into the low threes are behind us. The Federal Reserve meets on March 20th & 21st, and will likely bring an end to interest rates in the low fours. However, Chris Parks of McLean Mortgage says, “There is still opportunity. Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change. Consider a 15 year mortgage.” If you have been in your home for 5 years, and plan to live there for a while longer, that could be a solid option for you. Parks provided this anecdote to further explain: Recently, I helped Debbie refinance, and cut 7 years off of a payment and years of interest by switching her loan to a 15 year. Interest rates for a 15 year are still low, and very attractive. In Debbie’s case, she was able to maintain the same loan payment, but lower the amount of interest paid and reduce the years left from 22 to 15. She saved thousands. There is still opportunity for Buyers and not-quite-ready-to-sell… ers… to put themselves in a good financial position - now and down the road - if they know from what perspective to look.
The Facts* ⌂ ⌂ ⌂ ⌂ ⌂ ⌂ ⌂
2017 Q1 Average Sale Price: $234,539 2018 Q1-to-date Average Sale Price: $242,438 2017 Q1 Average Days on Market: 39 2018 Q1-to-date Average Days on Market: 29 2017 Q1 List Price to Sale Price: 98.48% 2017 Q1-to-date List Price to Sale Price: 98.12% Current Active Average Price: $256,974
⌂ Highest Sold Price in 2018 to date: - 2607 E Grace St - Sold for $815,000 - Days on Market: 3
*Criteria: 23223 in school zones Bellevue, Chimborazo, and George Mason. Data obtained from CVR MLS
Prepared by Licensed Real Estate Broker and Church Hill resident, Amy Tesauro Amy Tesauro & Catherine Gilmer linchpin@linchpinrealestate.com linchpinrealestate.com 804.292.0852
[ 21 ] Church Hill Association
2401 E. Broad St. Richmond, Va. 23223 804.649.7938 www.saintjohnsrichmond.org The Rev. Amelie Wilmer, Priest in Charge
Come, Li� Your Spirit!
Sundays at St. John‘s Church
We are a caring, spiritual community joyfully embracing and nurturing all, serving God, each other, and the community.
8:15 a.m.
Holy Eucharist (no music)
9:30 a.m.
Adult Forum, Parish Hall
10:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Children’s Chapel, Keeper’s Cottage
11:30 a.m.
Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
Nursery available 8:00 a.m.– 11:45 a.m.
St. John’s Church Welcomes You If you are seeking a place to explore your faith, we invite you to make St. John’s Church your spiritual home. We are eager to tell you about the life and ministries of St. John’s Church.
Prayer for St. John’s Church O God, creator of life and giver of gladness, let us be your Beacon on the Hill, shining your light so brightly that others may come to know you, to love, and to be loved. Help us to reach out to those around us, bearing fruit through acts of kindness, welcome, and fellowship. Amen. For more information, visit our website, www.saintjohnsrichmond.org.
[ 22 ] MARCH 2018
Media Contact:
Alexander Dahm Program Manager Riverfront Canal Cruises Venture Richmond Tel: 804.788.6459 ADahm@venturerichmond.com www.venturerichmond.com
Riverfront Canal Cruises Opens for the 19th Season RICHMOND, VA – Riverfront Canal Cruises kicks off the 2018 season on Sunday, April 1 and runs through Sunday, November 11. This popular attraction features 40-minute, historically narrated tours of the James River and Kanawha Canal designed by George Washington, in authentic, covered, flatbottomed boats. Hear about centuries of Richmond’s history, from Chief Powhatan’s Chiefdom to the first commercially successful electric streetcar in the world. See the railroad Triple Crossing, Tobacco Warehouses converted into trendy lofts, the Virginia Capital Trail, the Low Line gardens and James River wildlife. The boat tours travel along downtown Richmond's Canal Walk every hour on the hour and accommodate up to 30 passengers. The schedule has been recently expanded to operate seven days a week from May through September, with varying hours in April, October and November. Please check the website for specific schedule details. Tours depart from the Turning Basin at 139 Virginia Street, and all boats are handicapped accessible. A favorite for schools, churches, clubs, and business groups, private charters are available and offer extended historic narration, dining table and music options. Private parties on the boats are available for celebrating birthdays, weddings, engagements and other milestones. Historic Tours: Adults: $8.00 Children (5 - 12 years old): $6.00 Children 4 and under: Free Seniors (65 years and up): $6.00 Private Charters: $150/hour with a discount available for non-profit educational and senior citizen groups On-board dining is an option for private charters. All reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance by calling 804-788-6466. More detailed information, including the monthly schedule, can be found on our website at http://www.venturerichmond.com/experience/canal/rides.html Riverfront Canal Cruises, LLC is a subsidiary of Venture Richmond, Inc. [ 23 ] Church Hill Association
CHURCH HILL FLAGS (2 SIZES) ORDER FORM Proudly display your flag for "community pride" and Church Hill Festivals & Events (Hogtober, Richmond Day, 2015 Road Race Championships)
Quantity 2’x3’ Custom Printed Vertical Outdoor Nylon Single Reverse Flags $30.00 each
$20.00 each
with Header and Grommets (purchase your pole & bracket at most hardware stores)
12”18” Custom Printed Vertical Garden Flags (3-piece bracket needed)
Total Amount Enclosed: From the artist: The look is consistent with some of the graphics we already use on the ChurchHIll.com website. A few landmarks really set us apart from other neighborhoods, and our history is reflected in them, including St. John’s Church, the gas street lamps, the wrought iron fences, and the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. We are also a neighborhood and that is seen in the trees, curving paths of the parks, hillsides, and homes with porches. The background behind the silhouettes is where the color comes in (not seen here in black and white). The color changes from a blue sky at the top, yellow through the middle, and down to red at the bottom. They are our neighborhood brand approved colors, and are representative of our changing seasons and sunny hilltop location. –Karen A. Chase
Order your flag at each Church Hill Association Membership Meeting or Send your check (with contact information & quantity above) Made payable to: Church Hill Association (Flag) P.O. Box 8031 Richmond, VA 23223
Email or Phone: [ 24 ] MARCH 2018
A Realtor in your Neighborhood When Amy Tesauro isn’t helping Richmonders buy and sell their homes, you might find her sitting on her porch on the Hill, or at Chimborazo park with her kids, or at Dutch & Co enjoying the Perfect Egg. We know Church Hill because we live Church Hill. Let us put our unique experience to work for you.
Amy Tesauro Associate Broker 804.467.1881
Catherine Gilmer REALTORÂŽ 804.338.5397
Erin King
Director of Operations
linchpinrealestate.com linchpin@linchpinrealestate.com 804.292.0852 [ 25 ] Church Hill Association
Church Hill, It’s never easy to start a revolution.
Presenting Patrick Henry Square 313 North 24th Street Richmond VA 23223
17 Apartments 6500 square feet of Commercial Space 2 Bedroom\2bathroom Live work Now leasing for August 2016 Occupancy Contact Joshua Bilder for more information 804.306.3089 Mobile 804-359-5018 Office (Website under construction) www.patrickhenrysquare.com Another quality Sterling Bilder LLC Development [ 26 ] MARCH 2018
Join and enjoy discounts at many restaurants and local businesses by showing your card!!! CHA of RVA Members receive one-time discounts at local businesses plus 5% all year at Alexander’s Cleaners: RESTAURANTS & OTHER EATERIES 23rd & Main Taproom - 15% 2302 E Main St - 804.788.7077 Alamo Barbecue – 10% 2202 Jefferson Ave - 804.592.3138 Dutch & Company – 15% (excluding alcohol and prix fixe menu) 400 N 27th St - 804.643.8824 Liberty Public House – 15% 418A N 25th St - 804.225.8275 Metzger Bar & Butchery – 15% 801 N 23rd St – 804.325.3147 Millie’s Diner - 15% 2603 E Main St - 804.643.5512 Nile (Ethiopian Bistro & Café) – 10% 306 N 29th St – 804.648.0791 Nota Bene restaurant and lounge – 15% 2110 E Main St - (804) 477-3355 Patrick Henry’s Pub & Grille – 15% 2300 E Broad St – 804.644.4242 Poe’s Pub - 15% 2706 E Main St - 804.648.2120 Proper Pie – 10% 2505 E Broad St – 804.343.7437 Sub Rosa Bakery – 10% 620 N 25th St - 804.788.7672 The Hill Café - 15% 2800 E Broad St - 804.648.0360 Union Market – 15% (prepared food/meals, excludes groceries) 2306 Jefferson Ave - 804.716.7233 WPA Bakery – 10% 2707 E Marshall St - 804.716.9797 OTHER BUSINESSES C. Alexander’s Cleaners – 5% off ALL cleaning orders Eric Schindler Gallery – 10% off up to 3 art works Luminary Hair Company – 20% off service/treatment Mowhawks - 15% off landscaping (garden, tree service, grass) Pets at Play - 5% off service Richmond Balance – free 1-hour personal training session Seven Hills Studio – 20% discount to new clients
2007 Venable St -- 804.658.4466 2305 E Broad St - 804.644.5005 402 N 25th Street – 804.344.7072 7020 W Grace St -1-855-mowhawks /1-855.669.4295 319 N 25th St - 804.343.7387 1806 E Main St- 804.225.7130 501 N 25th St – 804.344.0620
Sign up through the website, email, or in person at CHA meetings: 1. For the website, go to: http://www.churchhill.org/membership/ 2. Mail the form below to PO Box 8031 Richmond, VA 23223 or 3. Bring the form to the next membership meeting or CHA event. Membership is Individual (not by household) and is valid one year from date of joining. Note: Email is used only for communicating information to members. New Member ( )
Renewing Member ( )
MEMBER NAME #1 ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ MEMBER NAME # 2 ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ ADDRESS, street, city, zip: ___________________________________________________________________________ Member # 1 Phone: ______________________________ Member # 2 phone: _________________________
Cash: _______Check: ______ (Make check payable to the CHA) $30 per person x ____ For office use: Membership card ( )
Bag ( )
Directory ( )
[ 27 ] Church Hill Association
members = $ ______
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No one knows your home better than you do. And no one knows what it takes to sell your Church Hill home better than Chris Small. Contact Chris today to find out how he can get your home sold. c. 804.350.0879 | chris@smallre.net | chris.thervalife.com
Richmond, VA [ 28 ] MARCH 2018